Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1889, p. 4

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' - H , r t . n " •• "fi " *<s m; * ' wmi1™ * W i, ' <; er. 'fete \£EI)NE5DAY, NOV. IS, 18S9. ,T. 8LYKE, Editor. iitwii.L ft oa-a J «Mi (in sprnn* Street' «tncti inaj ba *'1* FT»T It IB PAPER OKO? E Newspaper Advertising rMt), where vorllsing YOKE- ' I^^On the Elgin Board of Trade Moti­ lity 32,400 ponnds of butter we» sdld *tthin a range of 25@25% cents. fgr What a fuss has been made about * lUe ailly American girls buying titled for- i^iere. That kind of people always v.'ere a blot on social decency, and sensi- i »4t people should never expend a thought «<0 the silly parvenus who toady to for- d ̂ 'kso titled profligates. It is a, w*tfe «f V' 1ST A Democratic paper remarks: "If «ifcio and Iowa be kept in the Democratic tt^amn." That if is a small word, but it •neatis a great deal in that connection. /A Bijigle frost sometimes spoils an entire harvest, or an earthquake shakes up vtHfj staid communities; but the good l«pple go on planting next year, and the •«rthquake only comes once in a life- 340"'Comtmsoner of pension Raum has ftened an order defining and regulating t he duties of the Deputy Commissioners. It is generally believed that new men, friends of Gen. Raum, are to fill these positions in a few days. One of thein, Mir. Smith, who was acting Com mission- during the period between Commis­ sioners Tanner and Raum, will, it is sup- ftoped. be provided for elsewhere. The tidier, Gen. Bartlett, who is a hold-over fcmotrat, will be allowed to resign. 'lis?" Aurora Beacon: The effort of the democratic press to represent that there is. a breach between the president and the Illinois senators over the appointment of Gen. Raum as pension commissioner is a j*)ariug piece of mendacious effrontery. ^Congressmen Hopkins had a talk with i^enator Farwell on Monday in which the frjenator expressed himself as highly pleased with the appointment of General tlaum and declared that it was one of the best strokes of the administration. Con­ gressman Hopkins also regards the ap­ pointments as an exceptionally fine one. ll®"Elgin Courier: When a Prohibition ujiolitician deliberately states from the platform that the press and pulpit of this country are dominated by the Iftfruor / traffic he utters words which he knows to |»e false. That the saloon-keeper can in 0uence the clergyman is absurb, and . tjhere is no branch of business so utterly unproductive to the newspaper as his. A few paltry subscriptions he contributes • f|ut the life-blood of the newspaper, its f - • iibvertising, he does not effect. The ' ^trouble with our prohibition friends is ;; " ^hat when they indeavored to carry the ^ , temperance movement into politics as an ||Hy of the Democratic party they divorc- {.. ed themselves from the Republican press. SI (ST* A few weeks ago Charles Lemmers, (Young Bayonet Points,) local editor the MeHenry County Itcmocr.-it, jtublinh ed several short articles from what he termed Republican papers, mildly ensur­ ing Corporal Tanner on account of his management of the Pension office while Commissioner of Pensions, and as the , readers of our Soldiers Department will j recollect, challenged Wm. II. Cowlin, the j editor of said Department, to copy the j same, which he was not slow to do, and in such a manner that brought Young } Bayonet Points almost to the verge of insanity, which can readily be seen by reading what he offered In reply in the Democrat of two weeks ago, which can be found in our Soldiers Department, this week. Our advice to Lemmers is to go and soak his head in ice water. By let­ ting a continual stream pour upon it for several weeks perhaps it will help bring him to a realization of what un ass he has been making of himself for some time past, in his efforts to pose as a friend of the old soldier,, after all that he has said to the contrary in nearly every issue of the Democrat, and which the old vete­ rans iu all^ parts of the county have not been slow to catch on to. As for Mr. Cowlin he is perfectly able to paddle his own canoe, as our readers well know, and there is not an ex-soldier in MeHenry county who has more or stauncher friends than he, and he deserves t<6 be thus recognized. I®"It sounds a trifle strange to read the following sensible editorial in the Chi­ cago Tribune: "No matter how the free trader Democrats may twist and squirm there is no getting away from the pro­ position that the price of a commodity is made up of the cost of the raw material, the wages of labor, profit on capital in­ vested, and the expense of carrying the product to the consumers. Labor is the great item, and if the product is sold in a high rate market from which cheap com­ petitors are excluded high wages can be paid. Throw such a market open and its trade will be seized by the producers who have the cheapest labor and capital. In the ensuing competition wages would have to be cut, raw material cheapened as much as possible, the charges of mid­ dlemen and carriers reduced, and the manufacturers who could shave the cost of production the closest would com­ mand the trade. England is at least as well situated as the United States is res­ pect to possessing raw materials, abund­ ant capital, cheap transportation, and the ability to use machinery and steam power. In a free contest the victory would go to the country which could get the labor cost of production lower than the other. The plain truth is that the triumph of Democratic free trade means the substitution of the English rate of wages for the American, and those Demo­ crats who deny it are trying to deceive the wage-workers. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. For sale, two very desirable village lots in West MeHenry. Centrally located. For further particulars inquire at this' office. MT Gen. Nelson A. Miles, commanding Ihe Division of the Pacific, has submitted llis annual report to the War Depart- "ftient. On the subject of desertion of ' *hich there were 405 cases out of 6,040 ' Jjften, Gen. Miles urges, among other rfhings, that their enlistment be made for three instead of five years; that worthy Alien be allowed to re-enlist for one year; that sergeants be paid $50 a month; that the artillery branch be increased, <$nd that men, so far as possible, be al­ lowed to' choose in what division they jfcall serve. Gen. Miles has much to say jfUso upon coast defenses. He says that *o property defend the Pacific coast it Would require 573 modern guns and mortars at a cost of over thirty million dollars. • iQf Congress will be called upon early the session to discover and putin force methods of relieving the Supreme €tourt docket of its enormous burden of ©aees. When the court opened its pres­ ent term it found over 1,300 cases await­ ing final action. Without the filing of mi additional case the regular terms for three years would be occupied in clear­ ing the docket. But every year increases tJie average number of cases filed. Wid­ ening business transactions start legal Jgaestions that as yet have not been an­ swered by the courts. The Supreme ..Courtis inadequate to consider half of ^jem. As it is, suitors wait for years to lie heard, for, warned by the example of others, they rather suffer injustice than •sk the court for a decision that may not rendered in years. ' (9" Kentucky has added one more to its list of tragedies by which otherwise •; good men, in whose minds hatred of an enemy was the paramount thought, have lost their lives. At Lexington, Friday, Colonel H. M. Swope,. ex-Collector of In­ ternal Revenue, and Colonel William Cas- itius Goodloe, present holder of that office, met in the post office. Some hot words were exchanged, whereupon Hwope drew a revolver and shot (ioodloe in the abdomen. The wound­ ed man drew a knife, grappled with Uis enemy, and in the struggle that fol­ lowed Swope was stabbed thirteen times, As he fell he shot Goodloe a second time jni<l then expired. Goodloe walked to a jihysician's office to get his wounds at­ tended to, but it is not deemed possible that he can survive his injuries. The two men who thus did battle to death were lioth Republicans, who have been rivals PS in past years for the leadership of the x party in their State. The fued between , them gradually increased in bitterness, They have frequently met under circum •tauees that seemed to promise a fatal encounter, but friends kept them apart. Doth were splendid specimens of physical %i^,manhood and were in the prime of health DR. B. MINCER, The old reliable Dr. B. Mincer, the Eye Specialist will visit this place occasion­ ally, the time of which will be duly noticed. Defective vision from congen­ ital or acquired cause, successfully reme­ died, when in the skill of the ont.ician to remedy. Dr. M. has devoted his life to his work and invites those who may have had trouble in having the.ej es fittr d, or all in need of glasses, to investigate his method of adaptingglasses to the human eye. Call on him. Consultation and ex­ amination free. Orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. 60 AND HEAR~ HAMILTON'S L E C T U R E . Ask your dealer for Kd. L. Huntley <fcOo.'s HONEST ClotbinK- If our goods are not in "THE TIUi:r.K8K TOILER FOB TKAI>r I" Tours, anxious to pleaeo, ED. L. iii) .vixKr. some 8TORE- KEBPERto your section, von can PRO­ CURE THEM from the best KNOWN and largest MAIL­ ORDER Whole Bale CLOTHING HOUSE in the world, at pri cca that will MAKE YOU It oven pnap and KEEP YOU fruessinjj how vo can afford TO DO IT. If yom-DKALEK does not keep our gooda send to U3 and wo WILL furnish you a Suit or Overcoat, oxprese or mRit paid, on receipt of price. Wo will win ami hold your putromifcV) if you vry ue with an orderl We havo built up this injmenao business hy our painstaking methods, and by doing by others aa wo would be done by. Ei>. L. HUNTLEY & Co., Style Originators. p»In ordering Suits or Overcoats observe W strictly following' rules for measure­ ment: Breast measure, over vest, close up underarms. Waist measure, over pants* In­ side leg measure, from crotch to heel. PRICE-LIST. TTK AXV-WRROTTT CLOTH I NO- Men's Hrown All-Wool Double and Twist Cassimero Sack or Frock Suit $9 OO Men's Fancy Black or BluoEnplish Worst­ ed All-Woo! Sack or Frock 8uits |4 CO Men's Brown or Gray Velvet Finifih, All- Wool, Tricot Weave, Fino Cassimero Sack or Frook Suit 17 OO Men's Black or Blue Engrlioh, All-Wool Corkscrew, fine worsted. Sack or Frock Suits 89 OO Men's Block, Blue, Plum, Lavender or piate-color English Wide Wale Diagonal Worsted Sack or Frock Suits 24 OO References--First National Bank, of Chicago, capital $3,000,000; Continentaf Na­ tional Bank, of Chicago, capital $2,000,000. ED. L. HUNTLEY & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Clothing for Men, Boys and Children, 1~3 and 121 Market St~, Chicago, 111. Post Office Box, 667. REASONS Why Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is preferable to any other for the cure of Blood Diseases. Because no poisonous or deleterions Ingredients enter into the composition of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains only the purest and most effective remedial properties. -- Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prepared with extreme care, skill, and cleanliness. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prescribed by , leading physicians. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is * for sale everywhere, and recommended by all s first-class druggists. -- Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine, and not a beverage in disguise. -- Ayer's Sarsaparilla never fails to effect a cure; when persistently used, according to directions. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly con­ centrated extract, and therefore the most economical BlObd Medicine in the market. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had a suc­ cessful career of nearly half a century., and was never so popular as at present. --Thousands of testimonials are on file from those benefited by ihe use of * Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ^ l-REPAIlEO BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, PrlM $1; aU bottles, $5, Worth $0 a bottle. AGENTS DEFLECTING SAFETY LAMP. double their momtr gelling our BRASS Finished Corrugated Can b» Bold in every family. Givca more light than threo ordinary lamps. Full nizi'd Ijiiinp sent by Express for iirtv cents. Vt"o aluo have the best Rolling Coffee i'ot in the V. S. Send for illustrated circulars to F0RSHEE& McMAKIN,Clnclnntfi,0 AGENTS! make VO.OO per r profit selling our UMS. We beat the World for low price*. A BED FLUSH PHOTOtiRAPH ALBUM. Tie Castles and Cathedrals of tie RHINE, la Ligt&d, Seng and Story, AT Riverside Hall, MCHENRY, ILL. Saturday Evening, Nov. 16. This Lecture will be illustrated by large Views, and will be one of the most inter­ esting and instructive character. Professor Hamilton will be*-assisted by tiie Mchenry GERMAN MAENNAECH0R, Who will entertain the audience with some of their finest selections. Adinis&ion, - 25 Cents Cfcildlre^ under 12,15 Cent* To solicit fur our we:M nown Nur*«»rv Ooo.J pnt.1 »lfn iy t All Btock jjuaranteeil true io name. <»ur specialty is li-inly sU)'k for iho North an<1 Northweot. Write tor term* iwfurc tenilory taken, statin? »g«. OHASK UHOTOBBS' COMPANY, Chicago, HI. glon clasp, holding: S3 page* of Cabinet and Card pictures, sent for §1.09, retails for $2.25; bound also In Japaneese Morocco. Illustrated circulars FREE of the above and 1*1 XEB M • •% • ••• A •• •• Fwshce «fc XieSIafain, ClMlMtli Obto. DR. B. MINCEli, -THE- [T OPTICIAN, OF DETROIT, OTalniB that instruments for trxnting the Eye. however good in the hands of one expert in their use, in the ha nils of the ignoritnt are worse ihan useless & man must be skilled In the treatment of thd Eye and the pplira- tion of instruments in or<ler to receive any benefit, If he is properly eklileil he can fit the most rtifUcult eye without instruments. Glasses lltietl with accuracy so as to preserve the eyesight--the delicate construction of the eye makes it necessary to use great care .n selecting spectacles. B. Mincer has made the e^e his special study, and in his later year* has paid his en- tire attention to the adaption of Spectacles to the same. Having a thorough experience in making and adapting Spectacles to the eices, he is ei alilod to fit accurately in every case of abnormal vieion known as PRESAYOPIA, HYPERMATROPIA MYOPIA, As wett a* weak sight, requiring various tinted glass, His improved spectacles are of a perfect construction, which assist and pre­ serve the Night, rendering frequent charges quite unnecessary. They conter a iirilliaut- ness and distinctness ol ease and comfor** not geneially enjoyed by persons unlng cles Ills lenses are ground on the most scientific principles, rendering the eye as clear as when in the full strength of youth. B, Mincer has some highly flattering testi­ monials of Home of the leading oculists of the state as to bis ability in tilting Spectacles. BEMEMBEUi f Ho uses no instruments ;• *_ He tit* the eye the llrst time; made the eye a study for over twenty years; He uses pure crystal lenses. He guarantees satisfaction; He tretts weak eyes successfully; He saves eyes injured by using inferior glasses. Ue il<s all kinds of glasses required by de­ fective glasses lie .uake* every variety of glasses. *$fi£h Priori* Mt tfie tfbove party early this Fall. From the effects of the backstop his imme­ diate recovery is doubtful. 'LIOW profits come quick, while big profits are terribly backward in coming forward. The under­ signed are again in the,field with both feet and a tremendous ftock of seasonable, stylish and reliable COMFORTABLE Secured for riash from the best competition markets of the coun­ try coupled with years of entire­ ly successful business experience. Our goods are honorable, our expenses small. Ladies', Missen', And Children's C L O A K S ! WEAPS A 3D JACKETS Just received from the large factory direct, in all sizes, all the very best styles, and at priees to !?uit all the reasonable and some of the unreasonable. Elegant sillt plush Newmarkets Sacques, Half Cloaks on Paletots. Wraps and Jackets, all sizes ;32 to 44, in price from $12 50 to $46. Seal loops, hooks or bars. Cloth garments in satinets, twills woig eda, beavers, glaces. etc., elegaut'y trimmed, aU sizes and in pr:ce from $1.60 to $35. X'all on us for a choice and large se* lection, No blow but more than claimed. Children's, Boys', Youthb' and Vlens* stylitfb, new. well wearing md cheap 4 AND OVERCOATS, stiW'. fa- *9"Ordersean be left at postoAce and w! I receive prompt attention No charges for ;saminatiom or viaiting pattenu t&cir 10UW»8 Notice. Uot. }?tb, SSfSSS'SIKLEGG; It beats them all. No book like it. Everybody wants it, 200 illustration*. Humorous, Pathetic. Fas­ cinating, Hundreds of dollars to hustlers. Old and young buy; also thousands of G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans. One agent has ordered over 700 books. Anothre made #83 in 4 days, an­ other took 15 orders in 30 min. in 1 G A. R. Post. Choose territory at once. 24attractive illustrations Iffclf .TWw *' free withcircnlarg and terms. Write We are also agents mous Happy Homo CLOTHING, Satinet, liaritan, 'Worsted, Beaver, Chinchilla Mel to u and Kersey Overcoats, from $1.60 1o $30, sizes from age 4 to f it mtiib size, 46 to 46 Fur and fur tri m­ med Overcoats a specialty. Oar Underwear Again stands «t the front not only for class margins but for immense Assortment and finest good4 in the county. Positively all sizes. CTATE OF ILLINOIS, MeHenry County, C SS In ProlMk'e Court of said county. K»- tate of Ruth A. Thurlwell. * To the neirs of said estate and all persons Interested therein: Please take notice that I shall file a linal report in said estate and ask said court to approve the same and <1<-o!aro said estate settled, on the first Monday of Ue- ceinber, 1S89, :i t which time you can appear before nmd c< u*t and object to said report if • i- V' jrou *** life, . J iMfc ft. I . l r t R f - » « ; A l b h o i l S r p a , ^ Blankets, Good reversible beaver shawls $3 to $16 50. Good goat robes1 $3 70 to $12. Bargains in Blankets. Examine our drive* in the fa­ mous 5 A Horse Blankets from 80c to $5 each. Cloth, fur and plush Caps, of the latest styles just received. We are headquar­ ters tor the celebrated iiockford Gloves & Mittens And oflei our large stock at low figures. (J. H - Fargo & Co.'s custom made Boots and Shoes. Li. < andee and (Vldches- tor rublwr fo«»t weai of all kinds, v'onashrt Flannels and Yarns al­ ways carried in lanre assortment iit lowest living i*i i es onsider- iujr qu ilitj. EVER YOURS, Overcoats, Off WITH THE CASH. We are still aiming at that high and dependable mark that says i ^ '• - HV ; juaig. *, %• ' mdnk "* f ' * ' Oasn Dealers We Mil for Cnsh tint! what argument can you bring that will offset it and convince us that by so doing we cannot au do not AND -All Kinds of / * % * . T - i* VirM"z ^ j IR^L I • J • 1 €' |£u$t iJIave/ It at Once. On smaller margins than thes merchant who sells on long time. Ye slaves ot long credit and heap­ ed up profits in interests, take this to your bosoms and look it squarely in the face. Compare cash prices with credit prices; look well to.quality; it will save you dollars. We Name Cash Prices v • * REMEMBER. Are in order now. Com­ plete assortment aftd correct prices are the early inducements we have to offer at present, OVERCOATS, Boys' Suits, ,,iVrf. ETS BOOTS, liTC, m:, Are coming in and enough to insure y >ur corn fort, t nrough the cold winter montlt^ & Are vo J ready tor them ? " Special Sale •CMC Dressm Flannels, Altb TRICOTS, Also Plushesy Velvets and Buttons to Matchf on AND The finest line of Boots and Shoes for Gent'H wear to be found in town. Also, 4 'H'-" West MeHenry Monday, Nov. 18. And be sure and come out these days even if yon have to stay home the balance of th#» week We moan to interesl you in our Dress <£oods an«f Trimmings^. JOHN EVAN SON & In order to make contempla_„. improvements the first of the year i„ is necessary that we raise a large sum of money immediately. There! is more than enough due the paper to naeet the demands, but we cannot use it so long as it is outstanding. As ait inducement for subscrib rs to pay iri advance we make the following offers * To all who will pay all arrearages! and one year in advance during th# months of November and December we will give ' U;;'4 UIDl^J FREE for one year, t ITo all whQ have paid a year in advanc for the "Plairidealer" from November 1st we will sernjU 4 Tie Breeder's any pgt* wn ber who will pay both the ?UI£IBAL£B AN 50 we will SB'S QtJISS For one year. To any person will send us at one time five new cash-in-advance subscribers we will? send the Plaindealer and the Breedl er's Guide for one year. ISThat is the Breeder's Guide! The Breeder's Guide, published at -Huntington, Indf, Is *n eight psg# monthly j >urn»l, devoted J'o the interests of the farmers and stock raisers* 4 Its contributors are writers of ability. The paper is up with the times ii^> ^ every particular. It is no advertising sheet, but a paper containing muel| - V; Information of interest to stock ralelnjE and agriculture and should be in th^' household of every subscriber of the "Plaindealer," - ' fffirNow Is the time to renew! Sow Isjhe tiuifl to subscrioel Now t the time to get up clubs! This oflar is good only during the months of vein ber Pecember, Do not wall! Come In and renew now! < ^ J. VAN SLYKE, Pub. P|ain4»|t^. {CONSUMPTION OF THE BRAIN) PARESIS ^ can certainlv Ije curyd by only oue tlxiug, namely: PHOF. PHE1P8' freatdlgrovcry, PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. Saved From the Insane Asylum. Dear Sirs:--I feel it my duty to till youi _ _ . . . WH IT PALNE's (ieicry'COMI.omul DID for me. Ican't praise it enough. About A year ago "liead trqubled M« SO that it seemed as though I should be crazy. It WAS caused by over- * " PTIUJV. I asked the advice of two doctors, who gave me medicine to no eftect, and I did not V "kiiow what I wont I <1 >. I did not want to see anyone, everything seemed so strange. I GS had A tired, LANGUID FADING, INY kidneys ITT}UT4S'4 P»e, and I felt badly. I read your adver-; tisement in a PAJWR nn-.L thought I would try FHE compound. Before I hnil jaken HALF of o»JI3F • H-tttlc 1 f»-lt like A »E-v pcraou. Four BOTTLES fiu»4 ME aud I would RECOMMEND it to AL^. ~ " R that feel the way I di.i. Yours truly. MM. J. J£. Wiixox, Hural P. O., Wis. ' L' T <'4 Physicians Pre«cr'b© It. strti--I am much pleased WITH the action of Pain VS I'elery COMIXMND iu those cases where the nervous systera was BROKEN down frpjn. over work of mind or body. I have seen particularly good results where the patient HFI4 lost all ambition, » > appetite, con- tipated, could not sleep nights, etc. Three or four eases *' I of weak, emacLitud, hysterical females have been cured with the Compound. I have ob= nerved that i t quiets excitable nerves, gives patients better rest, increases appetite, regulates ; I bowels, and is a good T viuedy to build up biokcu-down cases generally. Yours truly, R. C. EDGERTON, M. D., Altona, 111. It la sold by all reliable druggists. WELLS, KICHARDSON, & CO., Props., Burlinp ton, Vt, * 0 ' - ' 1 ^ Beware of worthless imttations of 0IAM0ND DYE% sr;.? . . n'-s-n I X

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