Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1889, p. 8

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If. C. T. II. OKPAItTMEIVT» „„ and Notices tinder the a We head ifttflhwl by thr Ijulies of the W 0 T. U. •H tMlS<litor Claim* no part or credit for •,;* THE Ladies of the W. C. T. IT. will meet ^ #ith Mrs. T. B. Tamer Thursday af- ^ V V t«ruo<A, at 2:80 o'clock. 4t.'v ,, , MM X, E. BRKNRtT, President. PF : • MF F WE inadvertently omitted to NOTICE jgfcet week that the Ixjyal Legion, which lifts been held at the City Hall on Fri­ day afternoons, has been discontinued, ttid in its stead has been organized the juvenile Templars, who will meet at the City Hall every Saturday aftmioafc ifliich promises to be even more interdw tog than the former organization. Re- member tiie time of meeting of this new Itorgahuation is Saturday aitaraoon »t 1»ro o'clock. ' Self-Made Poverty. f t- W'I" if;> -1 FM-- IS; y *fI iwmld not say hard words against poverty; wherever it comes it is bitter to ? all: but yon will mark, as yon notice carefully, that, while a few are poor be- ; muse of unavoidable circumstances, a .! Very large mass of the poverty of our country is the sheer and clear result of profuseness, want of forethought, idle- , aess, and.. worst of all drunkenness. Ah, that drunkenness, that is the master evil. If drink could be got rid 61 we •;'f- fttight be sure of conquering the devil himself. The drunkenness created by the infernal liquor-dens which plague- % spot the whole of this great nation is 1 appalling. No, I did not speak in haste «^letslipa hasty word; many of the - drink-houses are nothing less than in- y " fcrnal; in some respects they are worse, lor hell has its uses as a divine protest f against sin, but as for the gin palace, i v there is nothing to be said in its favor, ifhe vices of the age cause three-fourths p: the poverty. If we could look at the Homes to-night, the wretched homes Where women will tremble at the sound tif their husband's foot as hecomeshome, . .Where little children will crouch down • irith fear upon their little heap of straw, "becausethe human brute who calls him- " |elf 'a man' will come reeling home from the place where he has been indulging his appetites--if you could look at such a - aaght and remember it will be seen ten . ; • •thousand times over to-night, you will say, 'God help us by all means to save Home.' Seize the great axe to lay at the > 1 *pot of this deadly upas tree, and to ntork constantly with it till the huge . «. . tlmnk of the poison tree begins to rock to - , ' «nd fro, and we get it down, and our ; «ountry is saved from the wretchedness «nd misery which now drips from every kongh." High-Pressure living characterizes these modern days. The result is a fearful increase of Brain and Heart Diseases -- General De­ bility, Insomnia, Paralysis, and In­ sanity. Chloral and Morphia augment the evil. The medicine best adapted to do permanent good is Ayer's Sar­ saparilla. It purifies, enriches, and vitalizes the blood, and thus strengthens every function and faculty of the body. " I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for yean. I have lotupl It invaluable as A Cure for Nervous Debility caused by an in­ active liver and a low state of the 'blood." -- Henry Bacon, Xenia, Ohio. "For some time I have been troubled with heart disease. I never found any-" thing to help me until I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I have only used thi9 medicine six months, but it has re­ lieved me from my trouble, and enabled me to resume work."--J. P. Carzanett, Perry, 111, " I have been a practicing physician for over half a century, and during that time I have never found so powerful and reliable an alterative and blood- purifier as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." --Dr. M. Maxstart,\Louisville, Ky, * Hi>h Prices hit tlie above party early this Fall. From the effects of the backstop his imme­ diate recovery is doubtful. Low profits come quick, while big profits are terribly backward in coming forward. The under­ signed are ajraiu in the field with both feet and a tremendous stock qi seasonable, stylish and reliable • «p«>sraai; buwopu} • m>»^ MISSUS iX H. "V s' \ We have received a large In voice of Fail Goods and are pre! pared to show W prices lowers than ever, -P&AL2CR MM. Hnrchased f »r Osl«. all of which will besold as low as the mar et Will admit nnd famish first class good*. A FUIJU -lillfE STOVES. GARLAND A]NI> OTHER KINDS. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ; COMFORTABLE mMUt> ST Dr. J. C. Aywr & Co., Lowotl, Mast. IMs«tl;slxt»tUss,»». Woittttsatottlm r.J.Barba*. J. I. Barbaa BAf?BlA*N BROS. Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN FINE CIGARS, MCHENRY ILLINOIS. Having leased the brick building one door South of the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at nil times can be found fine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the best brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large asport'.nent and some very handsome patterns. CALL AND SELFC US. * BAKBlAM.BBb*. McHenry, November 13th, 1888. ODRBS4- PILBS, •fHRNS WANTED. PR0" Wen to take orders for Nursery Stock, on Sal-. -my or Commission. 1 can make a successful SAL3SUAX v^&raay one who will work and follow my lf- tftrhctlon*. Will furnish handsome ontflt iree, anclpay your siiary or commission every week. Write"for terms at once. £. O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Rochester, TS, T. *1ARK To canvass for the sale of Narserr Stock. Steady employment guaranteed. SALARY nd EXPENSES paid 1 Apply at faper. Sbi* paid to stating CHASE successful men. ;e. Mention this ios. oo, Rochester, 2f- Y. Agents Wanted 1 LlBBKAl,Ull,T«KM8 Will be given to introduce our new book, Bible Brilliants: IPOFHER'S BIBL£ MM> f-" For sale by -Ceo. W« Besley Secured for Cash from the best competition markets at the coun­ try coupled with years of entire­ ly successful business experience. Our ^oods ar# honovuble, our expenses small. Ladies', Misses' And Children's t WRAPS ASS JACKETS Just received from the large factory direct, in all sizes, all the very best styles, and at prices to suit all the reasonable and some of the unreasonable. m Elegant silk plush Newmarkets Sacques, Half Uloaks or Paletots. Wraps and Jackets, all sizes 32 to 44, in price trom $12 50 to $46. Seal loops, hooks or bars. Cloth garments in satinets, twills wo* B eds, beavers, glaces. etc., elegaut'y trimmed, all sizes and in pr:ce from $1.60 to $35. ('all on us for a choice and large se­ lection, JS'o blow but more than claimed. Children's, Boys', Youths' and Mens' stylish, new. well wearing and cheap ri;- 'Jhf ^ ^ v '/ T „ IThe greatest sucoess of the year, and some- 'H, ' thing entirely new In the book line. Royal | " yj " Qnarto; size,9\xll\; finest of paper; large if., "-Sf type; 820 illustrations, 68 fall page, two of KV ' ̂ them printed in nine colsrs; retail price only t'J,* ' rit #2.50 Thousands will be sold for Holiday fS." ' r *"•, 1 Presents. Those first in the field will reap a I '1 / * harvest. Act quick or you will miss It. , FPU WEE * Cincinnati, O. . SOMETHING NEW. The Patent Clipper Fly Net lias meshed bottoms which can­ not tangle and lashes at the top which won't catch In the harness. 5/A Lap iUStm XNiŵ Uh»ni: 5/A Ironsides Sheet nStfroa Hams ia IUUi. 5A Clipper Fly Nets ' ; Squl to Leather 6 100 otlier styles of s/& Horse Sheets and Fir Nets, at prices to suit everybody. For •aw by all dealers. wziie as. THIS ADVERTISED SAYT thai anything in the Une of COAL Ac FEED Can be bought CHEAPER FOR CASH A T w. A. CRISTY'8, Than any other place in town. Car Lota a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory, in West MC Henry. REMEMBER THE PLACE. rortaMriiil Teamitars at Half tb* Cost. If yoa can't get them, 5/A VORSt BLANKETS ME THE STRONGEST. O NU INC WITHOUT THE BM LABEl " Wm. Aykes & Some, I'hllada., who Horse Brand Baker Blankets, BEGG8' CHEIiliY COUCiH BYRUP. Is giving splendid satisfaction to the trade and the sales are positively mar­ velous, which can be accounted for in no otlier way except that it is without doubt the best on the market. Ask for and be sure you get the genuine. W« W. Besley," keepiU G* ey, Druggist. HARMLESS SPUR WIRE! Itf It not a y onder that people will insnrr their buildings against fire, their stock against being killed by lightning, and still persint in using kicked barb wire 10 turn their stock when it hasalready damaged their stock and themselves more than (lr« and lightniog c dined. We now offer fur sale for the next threr months in order to get it introduced, the Harmless Spur Wire, double painted, at the extreme low price of AND OVERCOATS, We are also agents for-th# jk- moua JHappy Home CLOTHING, Satinet, Ravi tan, Worsted, Beaver, Chinchilla. Melton and Kersey Overcoats, from $1.60 to $30, sizes from age 4 to fat mtns size, 46 to 48. * ur and fur trim­ med Overcoats a specialty. Our Underwear Again stands at the front not only for class margins but for immense assortment and fipost SToods in the county. Positively all sizes. Blankets, Good reversible beaver shawls $3 to $16 50. Good goat robes $3 70 to $12. Bargains in Blankets. Examine our dnra* in the fit mous 5 A Horse Blankets from 80c to $5 each. Cloth, iur'flnd plush Caps, of the latest styles just received. We are hcarlquar- teas for the celebrated Kockford see pur . GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. XJatEi SSJESSX' WJLicUE Ja tlie Market, at Bottom Prioos. JOBBING B.HFAIRXETQ Will be d< »ne on ntiort' notice an<f*^tisfiiction Guaranteed A ihare of public patronage respectfully solicited, < JACOB BONSLETT. WAUCDNDA, ILLINOIS. Are now better than evfr prep-tred to offer you GREAT BARGAINS i»*n inds of Goods, e wesn er prices thau eyer before offered *n Lae County. OUR ©TOOK OF General Merchandise ^ as never more complete than now. Call and got our Prices betore purchasing elsewhere. Special inducements for (,)ash Buy­ ers in sums from $1 up. v COLDINC BROTHERS. ft&r Hi^lic^it Market Price ptrid for Farm Produce. JUILiIA A:.. STOBY, (One Door West of Riverside House,) MoHEK ii-Y. 1JL DRUGS I C I N E S / • • i VN e are bargains in ' offering the best w e h » s w . o f f e r e d since we commenced trade here. A i early call will pay you while the assortment is complete* VV e have just opened one of Ever brought to this county New styles and fine goods. 100 thoice . OVERCOATS J. in we •'-Put on our sheifss yMh \ e ast wee and we knew haVe got to sell you right or be osers ourselves. Come in land loo us over. We have studied the wants of this public %nd can truthfully say to you that we can give you the worth of y..ur money in the articles enumerated below: Boots and Shoes Hats ud Caps, HOSIERY -VW, Sverallsi Shawls, Gashmerel fSli® LANNEL8, Jaaestovsa, - Qiaghaa*, \ - ..*L. :•"> And in fact everything per­ taining to a complete Dry Goods Department STRAW At a sacrifice | and finest line of GOODi^ The In this town, such as John Foster, Forhnsh & Browns, Red- path Brothers. Goods without an equal. An all solid oil grain Child's Shoe, size 8 to 12, $1. a better one at $1.25; size 11 to 2, $1.25, 1.50, 1,76. Ladies' satin oil or grain, *2, goat or kid, $2. 2.50, 3.00, 3.25, to 4).00, (hut no 3.50 shoe for 2.50, that is some­ thing we are unable to find.) Also a full IThe ot Badger slate J U I U 1 U U U ) PANTS, VESTS, ETC. Always on hand. Look at onr one twenty-five and one seventy- five knit shirts. Our two twenty- five Milton shirt will defy Ken­ tucky lightning. A fine line of fall Gloves in stock. The be it that money can possi­ bly buy. * ? < Yours for trade, O. J. SRI!*!* -A FULL LINE OF- Brags, CbftSAfc&ls, Djt Stiig, Pat&U, Oils a&d Colore. Constantly on hand ^Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS 'SUNDRIES PhT»iciftns Prescriptions • . Carefully and accurately compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, JULIA A. STORY. P EAR THE DEPOT. West McHenry, Illinois. Gloves & Mitten; 3 Cents per Pound. It will turn stork as well afl any hard twisted wicked bart> wire, and will reach seven rods farther per hundred pounds. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refund eit. For sale at B. Gilbert's, West McHenry IlllKPis. SAMUEL SHERMAJ*. MPLLE-RY 15, L9QK And offer our large stock at low figures. C. H. Fargo & Co.'s custom made Boots and Shoes. L. (Jandee and (^oldches- ter rybbor foot wear ot all kinds. VIenasha Flannels and Yarns al­ ways carried in large assortment at lowest living pri es^ -.onsider- ing Quality. m . . . . . . mm Reliable Lumber of til kinds, always on hand, and for Sale at prices as low or lower than good Lumber can be bought anywhere See us before buying as we are sure we can save you money. EVER YOURS, West McHenry. Cuius, Boor M YiMraies-Mj Mafle-Alwajs wlaM. Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire* UNDERWEAR, GOLVIS AHD irars, Towels, Blankets, NN CLOTS •^rvivEUS, MIOHMOND, 1LIIN01& Hoot Oil Cloths & Pfcttitas, CHOICE GROCEKll^. We again ask you to call on us. AV e have filled our store full of new goods and veu m*y se«^something that will just please you in style and m something different from yon have ssen elsewhere. what You$S *s EVEB, STB VE NS pains We shall keep our stock complete at all timer and spare no to Accommodate all who may favor us with their patronage. WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY. '-Tirf ^ i ••• _ ' 1 iiriilC'.Si *>'*• 5' ^ MCLLER. A foil line of cloths, of the let MS atyl«B ind patterns always on hand. SINGLE GARMENTS OR FULL SUITS, Made on short notice anil a fit guaranteed. From our experience and practical knowl­ edge of '.he bnsiuess we are confident we can please the most fastidious, and respectfully invite all in want of Clothing of say kind to give me a oalL Prices as low as the same qaalltjT of foods can be purchased any whefe. c. J . BULL. : BlebaMd, Oetobw lttlh. 1888. H. SIMES, Btautf Bheksaith aad WA60N-MAKER. / SHOP, NEAR THE DEPOT. West McHenry. ^ navlng bul It a new shop, I am now prepared with drst-olass workmen,and good material, •o do all kinds of AND WI , Wagon - Making. On short notice and at teisonable^ prices, t; will do your work in the best of manner atd - with the least possible delay. Horse Shoeing A Specially, attended to Bepairln^of all kinds prfeptttr Call and see for yourself. " ' TaENEY SIMBS. West McHenry, III., Mot. ilb, I8M. * AOBHTS WAHTHJ. LOOAL OB TK4VKL.f*B. UBBRilLPA Permanent work. Qiici Selling SpecidltKi; STOCK WARRANTED. | Blegant Outfit FRKB. Experience not nfet quired. Complete instructions to lUOll success. WWTJWYTÎ RJVMN ̂̂ . RM 2s:

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