Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1889, p. 4

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LV.*. >M \ •.I':' mm Ifell ^ V • • s . . . U%*v o. •41 ? «?a ummm '•* y»s ̂s* ̂T"! S ' ^->4f WEDNESDAY, 20, 1889. SC® 3il VAN 8LYKE, ft rif •" May be found on B CD > d 0 H»- ^ [y tHIS PAPER £1^ at OKO. P. atOwSElT 4k 00.* H«w«p»per Advertising MlWV (1» Sprac* Str-- t>. where advertistn* i*#:. fi *- r* , Stfi l tSTft-ft'SNEW YORK. r /fa.1",1 ""I. SSST Sales of butter on the Elgin Board i4>f Trade Monday, amounted to 1,920 )un<ta at 25 cents, and 10,820 pounds 26Ji cents. • iSP'The warships Chicago, BostOft. At- lanta and Yorktown, in command of Ad­ miral John G. Walker, left ^ew York 'Monday, amid the booming of cannon, for a cruise in European Waters. K±'% I®" Fred Engftl, an employe of the El- gin Watch Factory at Elgin, 111., shot £?.•> and instantly killed Sophia Hath, also an employe at the works, Monday. Engtl then blew out his brainf^lShe ctjmes were caused by jealousy. $ *•' S ; lOTWe notice with pleasure a move- ̂ meat in tlw country that is educational :|n its character and patriotic in its im- •! Raises, and that is the hoisting of the ; /"American flag over every public school, ^ tend the flying of the same while the - -schools are in session. The idea is a {"jgood one, and is being received with en- V thusiasm all over the country, and being >"• uccepted and acted upon. Let the public schools of our village be marked and |rl' jfcunnounted by our national colors. I^Tln a recent oration of Robert G. ' - Ingersoll, over the dead boby of a friend %I'otaee Seaver, the great orator «ave ' vent to the following superb example of ,:i!' r ; poetic thought and exquisite imagery: V When the day is done, when the work j. of a life is finished, when the gold of even- \'f *• Ing meets the dusk of night, beneath the L silent stars the tired laborer should fall Asleep; to out live usefulness is a double fieath. "Let me not live after my flame spir-lacks oil, to be the snuff of youni lis• Its." When the old oak is visited in vain •t / by spring, when light and rain no longer , thrill, it is not well to stand leafless, des- ' olate and alone; it is better far to fall where nature softly covers all with woven H moss and creeping vine. i#S . N. .1®*Snowstorms of unusual severity have recently prevailed in Mexico, Colo­ rado, Western Kansas and Nebraska, and on Monday in Northwestern Iowa. In the southwest great suffering is re­ ported among ranchmen, and heavy ^"i1 losses of cattle and sheep. Railway |̂ v , trains have been blockaded for two or ̂ three days at a time, and passengers |4 **' reached the starvation point. .A number ̂ of men are reported to have perished pf.gT while looking after their herds of horses ifV and "cattle. The blizzard was very un- usual, and especially so at this season of jf*.-;' •» the year. The weather in Northern, 111- % ' inois has been very fine--some rain and f. frost, bnt no snow. IflT A Washington correspondent says: t ̂ The western members of Congress look at the accession of the four new states, py-.' outside of party grounds, with satisfac- £ tion. One effect of the admission will be " , „£ . to secure more liberal appropriations for ' i ;that part known as the "Far West." i Their representation in Congress will ma­ terially lessen the power of Wall street |L' V ' • as against the producers of the West, in- eluding the miners of silver and lead and -the baser metals. So also the influence " » of New England manufacturers in so far i'. as it may clash with the desires of the West, will b» neutralized. The states west of the Mississippi will demand equal privileges with their Eastern neighbors, : and will be in position to enforce their de­ mands. If they begin by dictating who eliall be speaker, their success will be as thorough as it will be sudden. Wi© Gets the First Sewing | Machine ? , ] As this is the season of the year when ; work is dull throughout the country ̂ towns, we have concluded to make the following liberaliser to canvassers for the PL.AINDEAL.Eli : | For every One Hundred subscribers^ paid in advance, we will give a New $40. Household Sewing Machine. I These Machines are new, the latest inKf* proved, and are pronounced the best on the market. 4 of these machine* r can be seen at the Jewelry Store of O. W\; Owen, who will also explain its workings to any who may call. In every town in the county there is some man or woman who can get one of there Machines with a very little effort.-- They have the advantage of offering the PLAINDEALER and Breeder's Guide' for only $1.50, and the PL,AIN*DEALER is so well known that little talking will be necessary. Those wishing to make a trial for a Machine can receive sample copies of the PLAINDEALEU and Breeder's Guide by calling at this office or writing to the undersigned. Persons making a trial and failing to get the one hundred names will be liberally paid for what they do get. • : _, v ' ; Remember these machines are all new and warranted equal to any on, lie market. For fnfther particulars call on or address J. VAN SLYKE, Publisher " Plaiudealer," McHenry, 111. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALK. For sale, two very desirable village lots in West McHenry. Centrally located. For further particulars inquire at this office. DR. B. MINCER, The old reliable Dr. B. Mincer, the Eye Specialist will visit this place occasion­ ally, the time of which will be duly noticed. Defective vision from congen­ ital or acquired cause, successfully reme­ died, when in the skill of the optician to remedy. I)r. M. has devoted his life to his work and invites those who may have had trouble in having the eyes fitted, of all in need of ghisses, to investigate his method of ada pting glasses to the human eye. Call on him. Consultation and ex­ amination free. Orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention., I THEKSTV.'hiTE IM-AMEWCftr Jas-S-|CRK3 (tar&'CQ' S i i WHiYE_, g O-OUDp •ftOP-TiNt • SOAP- Wrappers (IAROE 5IZE) > and receive & § ©HANDSOMER sin Cor\fiiintng m • A PHOTOGRAPHS 2 12-Ciilebr^. W AciDRS-and-ACTRESSES Aakyoar dealer for Eo HONEST Clothing "ml TTBETiKSS TOlLEBfOB TRAUK I" PS , 1 "V • , I®" A serious dispute has arisen in ^Montana between the Republican and . Democratic parties over the returns of ,the recent election. The returns in dis- •pute relate to the gubernatorial and leg­ islative tickets. The Republican candi­ date for Congress was elected by a major- & ' Jty--1,200 or more-- there is no dispute over that; but each party ischarging the •other with fraud in the return for Gover­ nor, members of the legislative, and the judiciary. The Democrats says the Ite- ;• publicaus are trying to steal the State; |fe:4^'the Republicans emphatically deny it, ' and charge that gross frauds are being attempted by the Democrats. It is a $[•; matter for the courts to settle. At this ||i4 distance it is impossible to say which is ̂ the offender and which is the victim The || • Republican Party certainly does not want Montana, if it can only be got by fraud; nor does it want to lose Montana Jjy fraud. MM That Iowa Election. Iowa has a democratic governor for the first time in her statehood history, and the bourbons have almost succeeded in wiping out the republican legislative ma­ jority . The good old party of freedom in the liawkeye Btate has been grounded on the shoals of fanaticism. We believe in total abstinence--and practice it>--but we do not believe in im praticable prohibitory laws. They as­ sociate prohibition with oppression, in the minds of the common people, and be­ get disregard for all criminal law. The republican majority in Iowa was eighty thousand at the Garfield-Hancock Section, in 1880. And now it hae been completely wiped out. It has been sacrificed to satisfy the clamoring of one-idea people. It has been ground to peaces between the upper and nether stones of crankism and bum merism. The fool-killer should be turned loose upon the republican managers of Iowa, --Aworsb Daily Newts. Remember I can save yon Money cm Coal, Corn and Millstuffs. Can deliver in any quantity at rock bottom prices. ^ W, A, CwBTy, West McHenry, Yours, anxious to please, ED. L. HUNTLEY. 1, Huntley & Co.'s If our good*are aotin tho hands of some STOBE- K E E P E R I n your section, you can PRO­ CURE THEM from the best KNOWN and largest BIAIL.- ORDER Whole­ sale CLOTHING Wf OTTCtV •»n worid. at pri­ ces that \v ill MAKE YOUtt e y e s s n a p a n d KEEP YOU gruesslng how we can efford TODO IT. If yourDEALEK does not keep our goods eend to us and we WILL furnish you a Bult or Overcoat, express or mail paid, on reoelpt of price. Wo will win and hold rour patronage if you try us with an order 1 Ve have built up this immense business by our painstaking1 methods, and by doing by Others aa we would be done by. BD. lb HUNTLEY & Co., Style Originators. |^In ordering Suite or Overcoats observe w strictly following rules for measure­ ment: Breast measure, over vest, close up underarms. Waist measure, overpanta. 2o» iklekv measure, from crotch to heel. PRICE-LIST. .IBAVT-WBIGHT CLOTHINO--StTTTS. Men s Brown All-Wool Double and Twist _ Caasimere Sack or Frock Suit SO OO Hen • Fancy Black or Blue Eqglish Worst* ed All-Wool Sack or Frock Suits 14 oO Men's Brown or Gray Velvet Finish, All- Wool, Tricot Weave, Fine Cassimere Back or Frook Suit . . . . . . . . . 1 7 OO Hen'a Black or Blue English. All-Wool Corkscrew, fine worsted. Sack or Frock Suits................. ............. »o OO Hen's Black, Blue, Plum, Lavender or Blate-color English Wide Wale Diagonal Worsted Back or Frock Suits 24 OO of 'eferenoes--First National Bank, capital $3,000,000; Continental Na-Chisgj. tionaJBank," of Chicago, capital ^,000,000. JBD. L. Hcraw & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In Clothing for Men. Boys and Children, 122 and 124 Market St, Chicago, 111. Poet Office Box, 60T. [fill. Tr> gnlirit for our we'l-known Nursery, Good wiiacd pairl weekly, uteady employment All etock. guaranteed true-to name. Our specialty is hardy Block for the North and Northwest. Write tor terms before territory taken, statins: age. CHASE UKO-TIIERR' COMPART, Chicasro, III Notice. STATE OF II, L INOIS, Mc.Henry County, 88 In Prolate Court of said county, Ea. tate of Ruth A. Thurlwcll. To tlie bctrs of said e*tnt« and all persons interested therein: Please take Dottce that I •hall file a linal report in said estate and ask said court to auprove the same and declare •aid estate settled, on the first Monday of f>e cember, 1S89, at which time you can appear before said court and objecL to.gftUl i-euort i# you see fit. JAMKH B. 1' McHenry, Oct. 17th, 1h89. ;»€ i •k's- F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales ol Real Estate, Stock, Fal-ming Tools, Household Furniture, a»d Goods o! all kinds attended to on the roost reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will^receiwe prompt at­tention. Addrew. * K.tiJUROBR West lloiieorf _ Po* EraoBon'a m gpeoieU |al§ p ,,$0$. t j, i f ' : iv: / We are now. r« pivingr n% g-oods every week and h'tvo now as fine an assortment a1? can be FOULLD I« . •' v .̂ I>; In the latest shan8&'tfuft1 faorics, but to us and t,ii in miners to liijilfijb. iiue woi i In prey, white and scarlet; children's in white and scarlet; infants Kuit bhirts Ladles' and Chlldrens' 5 liifife like ttie present to "acquainT yonrseff wltti our And t tir m<!tho<ls ot doinsr business, and you will not need an clecpf ; trie light to Jdo it e-ther. \ft'e shail go ahead advertisinp ou^ methods tiil we get everybody acquainted with us and tied to oun »re till it i^n't bip enough to hold our customers <»nd show oat *#< CR .; AVe are not put out or vexed at being crowded with piir§l 4haMMdy We like it and will pacfc four j&roods in the faster, an$ howvir fUt you come we'll take t me to serve yow. give yon ben** * i*t goods and prices worth ptwsiug a dozen stores to get. B w S B r? qq o m ;® O g rW * A'so finest grades of Cashmere Hose. Now is the time to pre­ pare far the cold winter months; now is the time to buy while our stock is fresh and complete. Overcoats. Gents' Clothing in nil grades, Underwear, in cotton and woolen heavy and light. We aim to suit everyone both in price andp quality. The Celebrated Rockford Gloves and Mitts, Felt Boots, Rubber Boots, BOOTS AND SHOES, And Overshoes ot all kinds; children's heavy school shoes «»;d children's fine kid shoe.; ladies' fine, patent tip kid shoes and ladies' shoes for every day wear H Ladies' and Childrens' Overshoes, We have a full line of these goods and will give you special bargains. £0 pD 63 fW .05 J < fO PjOP g ^ r>p & og o m ̂ cr o'Scao g- a p P p ra S.- 6 ^ e S S g g P-o m P B. & o w o xn P-P3 §0 O ̂ © o e5 ̂OP '0QP P c*h ^ 2 m o o m v.* 2 far1 © • ; b « g M CQ t-j. P CD uQ eh d & 2 eh DRESS . Vnismm and Coltoa Vkaaela. • rJ A ' » ¥ \ ' ^ " " ^ ^ iting tlie Iwlanee of this month fataalte room KOMBAT GOOD SHEETINQ, Not a yard wide* isfos*. tea pieces lclt. ' ^ • FOR THE Wew Advertisement -OF-- iiEXT WEEK. In the meantime call at their store for new and seasonable goods of all kinds, . w. ail BESLEY. WIST TOBOCCANS, JACKETS Shawbr Hasksis, Sf,7l Give us a call and we0 will guarantee to give good satisfac­ tion, Fitssimmwff&Hendersoii IWest HcHeBry, H, • , . v -DEALER IN- Drugs and Medicines PAINTS, OILS* Toilet Article, w in mm Am » x*m no as, FOR MEDICAL USE. A1 so Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco abi|p9n hand. ^ ' PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Caretalty Compounded, Give me a call. MoHenrv, ' ' . , Wr- i i Iji* *•' ,v OOOD Mens' and Boys' Qyercoats, prices iood and staple, stylish and silk lined if vott wish, at corredjt «. ComevitwiU payy0»^ - t . ). John Evanson & Co, WILL SELL YOU Of Ciscoette Flour at #1 Each. W E W I L L Out Price made on any clatts of Goods whi J TOOK Comprises a full line of Seasonable Goods and to#< ^ether with otiic pfioos desorvs your iuspeetion. Son, RINGWOOD. id'. West McHenry, -OKALER IN- HEAVY -HAKDWARE^ StovesiTin Copper ard Sheet-Iron ^Vare. And In addition has put in a full stock ^ j AGRICULTURAL HtPLEM EN1V Including the Mitline Plows, Gesley Suky Plows, Orvis PIOWB, Stoddard -jeeders, Disk^"•ftarrdws, Drigs, ana in short everythingin the Farming Tool line, whioh will be sold at Bottom FiguroiflSf^!^ Haisli's Barb Wire AT BOTTOM PRICES. JOTmiNG AND Will bo done on short Notice and pecialty of Hiitter Factory work, respectfully solicited. }• •!'* • ft ztfc* J *. ~ J"*' Satisfaction Guaranteed. A A share oi public patronage < S ̂ i\ ' % I*1 i. •* - ,4 , -K'-V 4- 'T»- -~"1 -Ji'- *Y"" ' (M-'i 'r- .j: '•

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