Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1889, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 1889. ,r. VAN 8LYKB, Editor. rHIS PAPER *eyaT G°KOd pn i!OW BI-T. ft CO.'S Newspaper Aiiverus ng « (W^prncc where nrlvcrtlBing "&"!?ftNEW YORK. I®" Butter sold on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday as follows: 3,860 pounds »old for 28 cents; 16,860 pounds, at 28Ji X iy. cents, and 7,829 pounds at 29 cents. I®-The Senate has, by lot, determined the length bf the terms of the six new Senators as follows; Washington-Sen­ ator Squires March 3, 1891, and Senator Alleu March 8, 1893; South Dakota-Senator Moody March 8, 1891, and Senator Pettigrew March 8 1893; North Dakota-Senator Pierce, March 3, 1891, and Senator Casey March 3, 1893. The terms of the Montana Senators will not be fixed until they occupy their seats. fifir Next in importance to the Presi­ dent's message is Secretary Windom's annual report to Congress. Mr. Windom covers the entire financial field, and fur­ nishes one of the most interesting as well as important reports of the kind ever made. It presents a plan for the satis­ factory solution of the silver problem, ' which Mr. Windom believes will be accept­ ed by both silver and gold men. Space prevents further notice, but the report can be found elsewhere in this paper. Vehamently D«nottno«d. A special dispatch from Springfteid, un­ der date of Dec. 6th, says: Commenting on the meeting Of Missta- sippians in Washington to-day, at which Justice Lamar and the Mississippi Con­ gressmen and Senators were present, the State Journal will say to-morrow: "No mtire shameful spectacle has ever been witnessed in this country than that pre­ sented by this meeting. It seems almost beyond the bounds of relief thata Justice of the United States .Supreme Court and the Senators and Representa­ tives iu Congress from any State could so far forget the solemn oaths they have taken to support the Constitution of the United States as to join in lauding the only man who, by his own choice aijd preference, has been an acknowledged outlaw for the past twenty-five years, and whose constant boast has been that he was a traitor. There is no parallel to such a proceeding except in the meetings held by the Anarchists in memory of Spies and Parsons, and none of these were participated in by men holding high offices under the Government. Con­ gress will be recreant to its sworn duty to support the Constitution of the United States and to enforce respect thereto if it fails to at onee impeach Justice Lamar, and unseat the other traitors from Mis­ sissippi who hold, seats in the Senate and House, for their efforts to make treason appear worthy of commendation. It is high time to call a halt. Treason must be made odious, and traitors must not be permitted to hold high offices under the Government." To all of which we say amen. I®*" The report comes from the pineries p? ; < * that all Indian "signs" as to the coming winter, are for an open one like test win- V ter. Their muskrats, goose bone and bark signs all agree to that end, and & " especially the exceedingly great drought, " and this is greater than known for many ;;years. Several lakes are seven feet below " ; • the usual stage. The lumbermen are 'P., anxious that it shall not freeze up with­ out a rain, as it would portend great j trouble in the spring. iSf- f'.tV III I®"There is just now a lull in the latest and most revolting scandal of modern times in London. It is not strange that the government officials should desire to screen the offlenders, when such distin­ guished persons as the Earl of Eustis and the Hon. A. C. Somerset are implicated in the nameless crimes. If any one is to ascertain what the offenses are which have been half disclosed, they can find them in the terrible indictment drawn by St. Paul against the social offenders of old Rome, in the first chapter of his epistie to the Romans. Rome, in St. Paul'Bday, was, as in London, at the zenith of art, literature, civilization, power and prestige. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Evan's Patent Anti.Rusting Tinware, manufactured only by the Clifton Springs ManufacturiiigCompany, Clifton Springs, N. Y. Tin is the only material that meets the requirments for Water Pails, Toilet Ware, or articles for similar uses. This ware is made of the best Melyn Tin, hav­ ing a strong rim to stand upon and a patent galvanized bottom which protects the ware from rusting. (See Am. Ency­ clopedia, Vol. 4. page 365. article, iron. The circulation of electricity through the water tends to purify it, to destroy microscopical, animal and vegetable life and keep the water sweet and wholesome. For sale in Mclienry by Jacob Bonslett. Of (@r*Mrs. John Johnson Blaine is in sad trouble. Her husband, John Johnson Blaine, living happily with her at Rock- September 24,1888, when, be- ^fork, he sent her and theip children to SycamoiV tfl 'StSay parents until he could secure She next heard from him while he was in an Indiana town, still looking for work, but the letter telling her to join him never came and she is now very anxious to find him. He sometimes goes by the name of John Johnson, but always writes his name with the Blaine appendix. Mrs. Blaine says he was always a kind father and good husband and she is sure that some mishap has befallen him or else she would here from him. She is a poor wo­ man, and believes that if our exchanges would make a note of her wish to ascer­ tain his whereabouts, there might be a chance of her finding him.--Sycamore Republican. 'The President's Message, which can rand in full on the inside pages of this r, was read to Congress on Tuesday p^of last week. The message has been well received by everybody except a handful of Southerners who profess to see in its plain statement of political affairs in the South cause for alarm. The message is strictly conservative, both in tone and in Its recommendations, being thereby in striking contrast to the lfcat dictatorial documents sent from the White House to Congress. Mr. Harrison evidently in­ tended this message to be confined to its strict constitutional limits--that of in­ forming Congress of the state of the country. Its recommendations we in every instance what has been approved by the Republican party. Upon those tilings on which there are different opin ions in the party, he has presented the without recommendation. It is a sument that has greatly disappointed Democrats because it furnishes them no ammunition. 19" Judge David J. Brewer, of Kansas, lias been nominated by the President to lie associate Justice of the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Justice Stanley Matthews, of Ohio. Judge Brewer is a nephew of justice Stephen J. Field, of the Supreme Court. He has been, since 1884, United States Judge for the eighth circuit of Kansas. He has filled a number of im­ portant positions in Kansas, judicial and Otherwise, and has always been a popu­ lar official. The nomination is highly pleasing to Senators lngalls and Plumb and in fact to everybody, with the possi exception of several disappointed ,tes and their immediate friends Miller, over whose circuit Judge 2ms presided for the past five he considers him one of the now on tlie bench. When takes liis seat on the Un<%f "justice Field, it will In the history of the ot the contemporary jne so nearly related. CHERRY COUGH SYRUP, splendid satisfaction to the infra are positively mar- " accounted for in no that it is without market. Ask for the genuine. We y Druggist. 't >,* ' *• r *" - & RIVERSIDE BLOCK, Are now prepared to offer you the finest assorted line ot pres­ ents for the Holidays in this sec­ tion, consisting of Albums, - Purses, HANDKERCHIEFS, Library Lamps, t Tea Sets, TABLE COVERS, 'able Scarfo Dolls, Etc. ALSO Caps, RIOTM and Mittska, Boots, We have Ladies, Mens, Boys, •VI isses and Childrens OTEBBHOES, And Rubbers, lew double W e have a AU > wool, )uck lined to elose cheap. Ooats and Vests Pants and Vests. Remember the Oil Painting we give away. We respectfully solicit the in­ spection of close buyers. EVER YOURS, BANT A OLAUSI -HEADQUARTERS AT-- J,?. Smith's Jtwdiy Store. IP YOU ARE LOOKING POM w iWMm P E R R Y O W E N , r " 'M, 80 w co EJ Pig ^ CD CD Qj U2 ids. P - < ' ^ 1 * '5W , - S mn1-- Has hi* best and most varied stock ot appropriate Holiday, Goods. on wile, at low prices us usual, at the West Side in car# of the undersigned who have been his agents for years, and who have plenty of goods tor all to be luippy. flush ut3 Xiiathw Albums* 40 Cents to 9@.GO. Plush Albums, with oxidized; *n<f ivorv trimhiiugs; Plush Toi­ let. Shaving. Odor and Manicure Sets; Fsincy ji love and kerchief and Jewelry (Juae&. FANCY WAU POCKETS. In plush, With finHhrt* ard metal lecorations, D aster Holders, Broom Holders,. Cuff and t-nlbn Muxes, Elegant Smoking Sets, Fancy Pipes. Elegant Towel Rings, Gents' leathfr pocket toilet cases 75c to $4, Fancy M:rrors, ' igar Cases. Hat andi' Cap Holders, Paper Racks Plush and Raw Silk Stand*, Dressing Casos, Table Covers and Scarfs, beauti­ fully embroidered in silk, tinsel and cho- mille. ELEGANT Perfumed Pillows Satchets, Splashers, silk Ban-* ners, Head Ke&ts, tanjgyCbaif Backs, 40 shades of nev^Plushes and Velvets, for tancy work or dies* trimmings, 75c to $1.55 Great bargains iu 2C0 eiegaut new Silk Handkerchiefs, ail diff­ erent styles, at 17c, 20c, 25c to 3 each The above goods are decided drives. Wool and Silk Mufflers. Of any kind, yon cannot foil to find It by calling ou us. ' Watches, Clocks* Jawelry, Silver and Plated Wars Toys of all kinds. Music Boxes, Whips natters, In fact there is nothing either useful or ornamental but what can he foiln<l at my store, ana at prices that DEFY COMPETI­ TION. CALL AND 8EE ' Have a tiifcftock or gorxtsand I want to exchange them# tor cash, between now and New Years, and I will give you the big end of the bargain. Call early. •Tolin P. Smith, McHeary, Dee. 4, WW. >-r . * ' A«* in Knic Knae >V© aro *hoi . %% , •V 01 ~ " x " i 1 # .'"/i i Mi . PsSj to ® at 0 0.09 PC jo . •Wing a more complete variety thai) lt» former ve*w* amiprK es ot comse are attention to<i«r ftuck of g *• * *l*° Wlsl1 W Dress Flantiels, ^ B 0 S 8-P g £t» op o o o* KCOo g- 1 d p p p ow {p cs a M Ct) sa o S o I Jr O (D s C o w ^05 r1 Sp o O S I T o a g . ® 1 t3-0 M CD CD O hj- ZL ' S o s » © 5° ® CD © © ffelt Sdots, Rubber ^ ^ pri^iud you >b» ^ ill find extra ffood'TJaro-uius at our s*ore, n<»t mentioned nbove, l»ut. uuy article you may uee<l -- H-me aiHl iook us over. onl Hence on we good * say Evan son & CM, West McHenry, Illinois, vVi-;s In the very newest styles and of the best qualities, ranging in price from 20c to $4. Fine dis­ play of JEWBLRT, Which we fully warrant as t< we:ir, and to be the very latest designs aud low in price. Scarf Pins, C-uff and ('oilar Buttons, etc. Gold Pens and Pencils, Watch ( hains. Charms, etc. New silver Patent ware, knives *orkE, spoous, shells, jeoblets, etc 4 dozen elegant, imported tow< Is in various styles and prices, from 35c to $1, for chairs, sotas, 'bu­ reaus, dressing eases, etc. Pitfumsry Toilet ̂ Articles Han'lfome Smym Rags, In vsrions sizes tied ~ LARGEST STOCK! We Don't Want Your Ear ! * s " But 'We want you tp come awl see our big and stvlee. with IMOtotfcM. fringes, 75c f| 75, *2.40, sure. Chiaa AND QLASSWABJ, Fine Hanging, 3tan<1 anl Nleht Lmiipt, from lie, to (8 00. Plain, iiolri Band, and Dfcoratert Tea, Din- nerand Chamber»eiH fronr. tl 75 to 913 Fancy Cuspi. dores. Cups and Snucevs, Fruit Plates, Xoy Tea nets, St 10 *1.75, Water Sets Trays, Fancy Castors, C-iue<ls. 6las<t Sets. etc. Toy Wafhing Set*, Dreasinir Oases. Ohsirs Dolls, Hank*, Tops. Pradies, Tool Chests, etc. at prw'.es within reach of all silk Mlttenp, Fancy Woo> Mitiens, Scarfs Hoo'ls, Nfckwenr Last i>ut noi least one of < iir line antl cheap cloth or plush CIo*kp, or a line, cheap mil warm Ove>coHt. A suit of Olt»th«!8 woul<t not make an objectionable OhiUtmai or New Years Present, aa way tjowu prices will lie made on nil Oloiks. Over, coats, Clothing, Blanbets, Flannels, tinder wear. Dress Flannela, Mitt -ns, Yarns, etc,, to reduce stock before Jan. 1, I81K A largo i resi| and fir«t>eia«s stock of Can# •lies, Nam, Fruits and Uroeeatea of all kinds, will arrive this week. They are all MEW and wa propose to SELI^ THEM CHEAP! Call In and look them over. 'tsni.1. SEiL Y"OXT Of Cisecette Flour at 81 Eaeh. W w Any Out Price made on txny class of* Goods whleli We hU.KME|i|»» OUR STOCK J ... - . Comprises a full line of Seasonable Go >ds and getlier with our prices deserve your ir jspeetion. .0 McHenry, December 10, lS8t), SANTA CLAUS 11ABQUABT1BB ! GEO. W. BESLEY'S, Illinois. WestMeHenry, We make our annuil bow toi inform them that we are better^ ihap ever meet their wants in ' inar Public and would prepared tbi- seagon fo West McHenrv « . J . - - . . _ From a. Penny Whistle up. Finest Line 'Mb lb Tresg; 8nla tit fti Old, Blocks, Ho. • ' s.. ,»w, I t*' f > In short if you want a present for your wife, daughter, son or your be-.t ^irl, you cannot fail of finding what jon want by calling at our store. Come now and take the first pick. All got to be sold Mor. Juutt? ^ ̂ , t, ^ J. W. Cristy & EINGWOOD, STORY <55 McOMBER, Suecq^sors to W I* Stevens, West McHenry, * \ • Having purehAsed the Hardware *loek of W. P. Stevena; we replenished the stoek'an I Hre now prepared to show our friends the public generally as complete a stock of BESLEY. HEAVY' HARDWARE Stoves TinCdJiper ard Sheet-Iron *fare. As can Ix^tound in,McHenry County, und t- , « ' ' - A.T BOTTOM PniCES^-r ̂ JOBBING AND BlPABlIffi Will be done on short Notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A pecialty of Kutter Factory work; A share ot public patronage re6p^g|^|^lMtedv ; -v , Weet M i*-n f*: f t - IV - * * *•' ^ -Y / r~ *'r ' ? %.% t Jrj ' * V/ ! . ' . .-ttT"", ' . -k * i .. . . . S -ff ^.9. . ' - , JfS ' i.«lt 1 ' . • • * , vt :jt, 1- 10,18*9. M'OMBEK. \ J •imk

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