Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1890, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY 8, 1890. Eklilor. VAN SLYKE, m£m IS8SSS • • THIS PAPER nt'u os«d?; A OO/a Newspaper Advertising l<«r«-*u <W Spruoe Street), where advertising s;ri.VTIt NEW YORK. |@r Butter ruled brisk on Monday, on the Elgin Board of Trade, quotations be­ ing 2G%@27% cents. The aak» aggre­ gated f3s888. ••"Abo* of plug hats has been sent liy Eastern philanthropists to Dakota sufferers. Now if said philanthropists will send on an equal number of swallow­ tail coats the sufferers will begin their f spring plowing.--Chicago Journal. iSfOne result of the deposing of Dom Pedro as Emperor of Brazil is that he re­ sumes his former and real name. He aow registers at hotels in Portugal as Joan Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier da Paula Lescadio Miguel Grbriel Bafael Gonzago. There is more to a name sometimes. ' / (©-The subjects which are most attention just now in Congress are the tobacco tax, silver and trusts. Sev­ eral bills have been introduced removing or reducing the tax on tobacco, decreeing free coinage of silver, and dealing with trusts more or less practically. Favora­ ble action is morally certain on alji except diver. Too KuyBiNdXM. Hon. A. J. Hopkins represents the Au­ rora district in the lower house. He dined at the Grand Pacific last evening and looked over the letters to see if his friend Silcott had sent him a check. Congress­ man Hopkins is on the postofBoe com* mittee and to that body the bill regard­ ing the postal-telegraph proposition will go. While Mr. Hopkins Baid he did not by any means speak for the committee he personally thought the bill would meet a natural death. He strenuously objects to an increase of government em ployes and declares that Uncle Sam has more hired men now than he can handle That the government Will make some sort of an arrangement or contract with the several telegraph companies Mr. Hop­ kins believes. A rate for so much a word will be made, but the government won't Msume control of the wires. Another important committee on which Mr. Hopkins is serving is the mer- chantamarine committee. The represen­ tative from jMirora will also help solve the problem of subsidizing South Ameri­ can steamers. He states that the com­ mittee will decide upon soqie plan to pay American vessels plying between here and other foreign ports a certain amount per ton per thousand miles. On that baais no one line can monopolize the business. The committee is not in favor of subsidizing any one line, but wants to make a broad proposition to all mer­ chant marine vessels. Mr. Hopkins thinks the subsidy should be so large that big steamships would be built. These could be converted into war in case of strife.--Times. IfiT'The next census is to giveitrts t»atne and residence of surviving veterans of the late war. These will be collected and classified into regiments or organizations and the boys will then And out where each other are. They are scattered from Maine to California and from Florida to Alaska. Such a compilation will be very convenient to claimants for pensions. I^TIt seemes strange that a Crow Creek Indian would kill himself because he had became jealous of the attentions his squaw received of the young men of his tribe. Years ago, instead of acting like a white dude, he would have started out on the warpath and have scalped a score or two of his enemies. We are almost afraid the noble red man is about to adopt the fash­ ions of the white race. t?•> w < W.'- MT There is 110 longer anydonbtabout the arrival of Russian influenzaor "grip, in this country. In fact it appears to be raging as violently in some cities as in portions of Europe. In Boston it is esti­ mated that one-tenth of the population has the "grip." In New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Philadelphia, Chicago, and most of the large cities erf northern and western states the influenza has scores of victims and the death rate is increas­ ing rapidly. Congressman Hopkins, of this dis- , jias introduced a bill appropriating * 000 for a government building in ity. Mr. Cannon, who is chairman of the committee on appropriation, is an especial friend of Mr. Hopkins, who was one of his strongest backers for the speak­ ership, and it is thought that the chances lor securing the building are very bright. If this bill should pass, Mr. Hopkins con can feel sure of an ovation when he re­ turns.--Avrorti Beacon. The New Tear. Where does the new year begig? j|he meridian just opposite Greenwich lias been chosen by common consent for that honor. The only land that it touches is Chatham Island, just off the west coast of New Zeland in the South Pacific. The fortunate inhabitants of this island have the pleasure of drawing up their New Year's resolution^--and breaking them-- several hours before anyone else in the world. Besides inaugurating a new year, and causing many "new leaves" to be turned over, this day performs another good office. It calls a definite halt to the merry-making, stuffing and frolicking of the holidays, which otherwise might drag themselves to a long drawn out death. It notifies the children that it is school time again, and that Christmas and its attendant joys do not last forever, and that they must wait another whole year for the advent of the good old chimney saint. It marks the time for settling the numerous bills of the butcher, the baker and the candle-stick maker, and let us hope the printer, and for openings new accounts with the world. It lets us down from the high holiday atmosphere to a business footing. CASH TRADE. It is a well known fiu-t with credit dealers, (and they make no| pretense of denying' it) that you| have to pay additional per centJ age ou every dollar vou buy on: credit. To be sure they are en­ titled to it to cover the coat of book work jw it Is termed, log* ou V", ;; " i /5\.*f eats And what other extra profit* you pay in addition you are aware of. ' " CLAUS The three wise men of Gotham ^ Would not havis been so wise, Had they not sought for knowledge, 1 And used their ears and eyes In getting infor­ mation . ^ Of every sort and kind, Instead of going through the world e men both deaf aad blind* " And you can be as wise as they, If you but choose to buy Soap that's called the Santa Claus^KI" Its good effects to try. Because 'twill help you through your At such a rapid rate, That you'll have time to master all you care to undertake. , , ; All Grocers sell SANTA CLAUS SOAP. v Made by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICAGO. T Then calls for no extra mar gins lor inteiest or book work# but places everything belore you with Granting to you the privilege of pocketing the extra 3 or 13 per cent as the case may be. What you want to know about Tnuuutlonf 1^" Secretary of the Navy Tracy has de­ cided alter a careful examination to abandon the plans of the f ,500 ton ar­ mored cruiser for which the money was appropriated by the last Congress, and to ask Congress to pass a supplementary bill changing her displacement to 8,500 tons, in order that she may be built after an English plan which is sa'd to represent ail entirely new idea in armored ships. As we are after the best to be had it is probable that Congress will acquiesce. 1®°" A monster petition containing nearly 10,000 names of brakemen, has lately been sent to the Inter-State Com­ merce Commission, asking them to urge upon Congress the necessity for legisla­ tion requiring the use of automatic brakes and couples for freight cars. The Importance of the subject is manifest when it is remembered that about 450 men are kilted and 4,000 injured every year in the way of duty connected with operating freight cars. 1ST All good Americans have hoped that the administration would adopt a decided, not to say vigorous foreign policy. Not withstanding this, news comes from British Columbia that the seal robbers art preparing to send out a bigger fleet than ever to hnnt for seal in American waters. There is a growing feeling in^this country that this thing should be stopped. It is about time Mr. Blaine gave England to understand that our sealing grounds in Behring sea would be protected from Canadian seal robbers. We will toll you. This beinp our first communication on the new year, we are frank to inform you that we are and will bo dur­ ing the coming year STOftY McOMBER, yf a y ! •»'«""5 ,**,n„ W, IV' Lji; J • SOMETHING *POl NOTHING ! * » (i $uccessoris to J? : est McHenry, Having purchased the Hardware stock of W* P. Stevens, w« have replenished the stock au<l are now prepared toshow our friends ind he public generally as complete a stock of . . ^ SHELF AND HARDWARE Stoves Tin Copper ard Sheet-lrpfi Ware. As can be found in McHenry County, r > --AT BOTTOM PRICES.- ahd in order to prevent carrying them over ' • '•M JOBBING AND HMFAXEXNIk Satisfaction Guaranteed. A A,;r ahftftfl • fif- UHlhlfl HfttrfMlftfff Illinois Dairymen's AaBociation. At the 16th Annual Meeting of this As­ sociation, at Belvidere, Jan. 22, 23, and 24,1890, much practical work is to be done, the subjects for each day treating important questions in a thorough man ner. The dairy show will present all the lat- est improvements in the line of Dairy ap­ paratus; Butter Extractor, turning out granular butter from fresh milk; Testing Machines, analyzing milk and cream New Separators, Improved Butter and Cheese Devices, Standard Apparatus and all Novelties, handled with steam power, and kept in operation during several hours of each day. # Nearly $2,000 offered in premiums on butter and cheese, and a class for every county in the State, should certainly se­ cure a fair and full representation of but­ ter and cheese in the dairy show. There are good dairyiqen and butter makers in this country, and each should vie with the other to have samples of their products at Belvidere. Reduced rates will be granted on all railroads in Illinois. Send to the Secre­ tary, R. Lespinasse, 26 W. Lake St. Chicago, for program and premium list, r , . . PWii KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP J^*Rarabler, in Every Saturday says: «* '" ^ synonymous, not alone with THE A\lt njgQ WJ^ disappoint- fail to reach the goal !Pr.; v- deaths b' ̂ ail<^ those who reach it V j * 8 j y s p e a k i n g , a l m o s t a s m u c h . the die " r _ , # -• gprinf^mma Beckwith ran for mayor " ilyn, Kan., she did so on the |L i. «to revolutionize the city govern- j by substituting women for men in Mfc - pablic service. But Emma tasted of jth the corrupt and the disappointing iii ieatures of politics. She spent $75 dur- .1' ing tie campaign and only "received fifty votes. Emma's promise should have called to her aid more support. It only goes to prove that the political persim­ mon is a puckery one and it generally ^^iwsshigh. . • %:<• A GOOD COUGH SYRUP. « There is nothing parents should be se • careful about as selecting a cough syrup. Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup costs no more than the cheap and inferior nos­ trums thrown on the market. The best »is none too good. B&sure and get Beg Cherry Cough Syrup. We keep it on •t. ail times. G. W. Besley, Druggist. UK -- life in Southern California. ~SEM) 20 CENTS FOR THE TWO. Los Angeles Times Amnwit, 1S90. 48 pages; Weekly Mirror, 12 pages -- MADdurri publication. Or senU #2 tor the Mirror ii weeks (621 large pages), Full am! valuable information about the must tar/ious section of tta« Union TIME8-MIRROH CO., Los Angeles, 0«l. D. MKKDHAM* SONS lie-ll* nearboraStreet, OHIOAOO lit Oner Bltssoos. Drspapata. Blek HouUehc. C*iu&patl«n>U«s. saSfig"-- Looktogi FOR THE From far and near. To tb s class iv e promise a saving on all ptuebaseBi no matter if Bxrer So Small. i cantx Will be done on short Notice and pecialty of Butter Factory respectfully solicited.' STOHY & M'OMBEH, II e away a pair 1 > VT; • '• "fit* crienry, §S". % WILL SHX.X. o*» 3LOOO ' ̂ ClKHIette ITlourM«t Each. "With every Ladies' Cloak sold for Cash, irom tipf for the next 30 (days. have (your choice & V I L t BKE AnyCnt Price made on any vlaws oC Cloods which we haufllc# • OUR STOCK Cmnprlses a full line df Seasonable !Gooda and'to* ICether with our prices deserve yovur Inspect! ̂ BBMSB FLMNiLB Overcoats. F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail willjreceive prompt at- ttutfep. 4ddre«*v f - ,w i.ttuaui. West S«M>n At reduced prices. They are cheap enough even to buy lor next year, but we can't afford to keep them. 2i,v John Evaxtsbtf & Co. V- .J West McHenry, V X J. RINGWOOD. * ILL. JACOB' BONSLETT. OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MIL, McHEimY, t - itiii.ij DEALER XINOIS. Purchased for Cash, all of which will be sold aa low as the maret; will admit and furnish first class goods. * A FU&I* I^INE OF BT-OTMS* i-il out ot 300 pairs of the best makes of Fine ^hoes, fangv ing in price from $2 to $3.50, every, pair warrant­ ed. We will include in abovi • * ' * » offer Mens, Boys and Mis^ es1 Shoes. ^,Xf. yoii want Shoes for a pair OR you BOOT ,• _ ;*4 .V For the boy or a pair of Shoes for the girl. Our Cloaks are new, ot :4 # - v the best makes and fits and at bottom prices, pee them 1 iyery • X *>.:*! ov We will give a pair of Gloves or GARLAND AND OTHER HINDS. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves.! Mittens. Your choice of Goods nr.Agg OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BARB' WIRE In the Market, at Bottom Prices. AX7D HBFAIR1XTQ Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed hare of puMiiywtronage respectfully solicited, , ,i ranging from 50 cents to $2 per pair. Do not miss the opportunity of get­ ting a big bargain. PERRY * i'i

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