Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1890, p. 4

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;/.y er. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22, 1890. %. VAN 8LYKE, Editor. CHIS PA PER iT.? SiFV. tlOW8l,L A CO.'S Newsjmper Advertising HONM (W Spruce Street), w here advertising •»T« iS NEW YORK- - W Walker Blaine la,te Examiner of Claims in the State department, died suddenly of pneumonia Wednesday night, Hie lather, Secretary Blaine^ i» complete­ ly prostrated by the loss. " )Sr The market for butter on the Elgin , Board of Trade showed som® signs of ac- j; tivity and closed firm, with the following sales; 3,000 pounds at 26c; 6,180pounds at'26^c; 12,240 pounds at 17c; 2,700 pounds at 27%c; 5,100 pounds at 27\c. Total salee amounted to $7,700. |^A special despatch from San Fran- fsiflco says that a violent snow storm is raging on the line of the Central Pacific Bailroad in the vicinity of Truckee and Emigrant Gap and that no trains have been able to pass over the road since Tuesday, the 13th. Snow is said to range from eight feet to drifts of twenty feet, and the storm is still raging. ISTOnt of ten leading women who hare written on "The Ideal Man" for a New York paper no two agree as to his ooints and the matter is left jast where it was before. What pleases one woman will displease another, whether applied to men, landscapes, or cats, and those who have the strongest ideas generally wed some old hump-backed antiquarian who sees mora beauty in a squash than in any sunset. , ISP" Connty politics are about ready to break out. There are lots of candidates and the prospects lor a livdy time are good; This is a free country. Any man who chooses to take the risk of having bis record laid bare to the naked eye of the public has a right to become a candi­ date. Sometimes a man is foolish in be­ coming a candidate, bat then again there is no law against it. Let no patriot remain in the background on the pre- somptioa that, be has no right to mn for office. «"An exchange eiv«s the foltowfn^ pertinent truth: "In political literature, the most unmitigated bosh and nonsense Is the measuring of a man's fitness for his office by his ignorance respecting caucuses and conventions. The man who has not interest enough in his party to attend a caacus or a convention, to do good hon­ est work for it, deserves no recongnition from it. To commend such a man for office is as silly and absurd as to select a nan for deacon simply because he never went to church and speaks disrespectful­ ly of prayer meetings." pars " »r * vW,-v * -wis *¥*7 Z*\.. -P. - iHwpjjycpiW Gripps. A prominent physician ssys; "La grippe is an old disease under a new name. If the pupils at the public schools will look into their French dictionaries they will find that grippe is synonymous with influenza, an Italian word adopted by the English. The Germans call it epidernischer sehnnpfcnfleber, but it would not be well for us to abandon the easy French word for the German term lest an attack might be brought on by the effort to use it. If is somewhat more than a common cold, more than an ordi­ nary epidemic catarrh so often prevalent in our climate, but must, be considered as a specific disorder due to some special cause that is manifesting special spmptoms. At irregular intervals of some years usually, it appears over wide tracks of country, and in countries wide apart at about the same time. It is marked as a rule by febrile symptoms, and generally assumes one of three forms, in which are affected (1) the respiratory organ, (2) stomach and bowels and (3) the muscular and nervous system, in which latter form there is experienced much pain in the head, back and extrem­ ities, or there may be delirium or mus­ cular tremors. In all its forms prostra­ tion is often a marked symptom. The cause is unknown. Atmospheric condi­ tions have been supposed to be operative, but when it is recollected that past epi - demies have appeared in all weathers, all climates, all seasons, this theory is seen to be untenable. It is therefore at least doubtful if a cold period would modify the present epidemie. Previous epidem­ ics of this sort have appeared from time to time for several centuries, 10 being recorded in the eighteenth century and in the present century in the following years: 1800, 1803, 1831, 1833, 1837, 1843, 1847, 1889. The disorder is gen­ erally very mild, the mortality extremely small, and therefore there is little cause for alarm. There being no special remedy for it, it must be treated on general prin­ ciples." " he descendants of the Hollanders revelled in the Equitable Build- ew York the other night. The admission were little slabs of lorized Limberger cheese ; and the spread consisted of saner kraut, pretzels and beer. The only requisite to a seat among these proud Dutchman is a prefix of "Van" to the name, as attested by t^eir closing and opening hymn: "I'm a Van of a Van of a Van of s Taa Of a Van <>f a way back line ; On every rnyged feator* ;.v Ancestral glories shine; - .And ail our band in kinalilp ai - With all thai'3 old and fine; fm a Van of a Van of a Van of a Yaa . Of a Van of a wav back line," P--.' fe i- ISP" "There is no fool like^ so old fool," •ays an ancient proverb, and it finds its best fulfillment in the experience of a man in Alabama, who, at the age of 83, is seeking a divorce from the wife he mar­ ried more than half a century ago. Their married life must have been a de­ lusion and a snare if they are willing thus to unclasp hands at the edge of the grave. One would think that the remem­ brance of the cradles they have rocked in their home, of the little ones they had loved together, of all the hopes and joys they had once had in common, would draw their hearts together again. Di­ vorce at four-score is the utmost stretch of domestic madness ol which the human heart is capable. The local newspaper should be found in every home. No children should grow up ignorant who can be taught to appre­ ciate the home paper. It is the stepping stone of intelligence in all those matters not to be learned in books. Give your children a foreign paper which contains not one word about any person, place or tiling which they ever saw or perhaps tver heard of, and how can yon expect them to be interested ? But let them have the home paper and read of persons whom they meet, and soon an interest is Awakened which increases with every arrival of the local paper. Thus a habit of reading is formed and those children Will read the papers all their lives and be­ come intelligent men and women, a credit to their ancestors, strong in their knowledge of the world as it is to-day. tST" This is the best Christmas gift of Much we have read or heard. Dr. I>. H. Greer, of the aristocrtic St. BartboLomew'a -flhureb in New York, awoke to thedelight- fal surprise of plucking a paid-up, twenty- years, endowment, life insurance policy from his silk stocking. His Santa Claus was the vestry of his church,--Vander- bflts principally. The learned doctor is in receipt annually of an assured salary that to the average laborers in the vine­ yard would seem the fabled wealth of a Golconda. But with Catholic spirit they will not sigh in envy with thought of the scores of pastors salaried at the magni­ ficent sum of f 2 50 and a #25 donation but will mentally congratulate the learn sd doctor his lucky find and silently peti Hon that it be sanctified to him and to hie family. To the worldly it will appear bat another and forcible illustration of the verity of that classicial adage, attrik fcMfcdUift «wlv tirwlrn: ' 'Thorn Fram tfee Chicago Investigator. The Phenix. The Phenix Insurance Company of Brooklyn shows by its annual statement that 1889 was one of the most prosper­ ous years in the whole forty of its history, a fact which mnst eertainly be very grat­ ifying to its many friends and patrons. Here is the statement, as published in the daily papers : »5 Broadway, New York, Jan. II, ttsa PHEJiiX ISSCRAXCE COMPANY, Itrooklrn, N. Y. •TITIHU'T J4NUABT 1, 199a Capital #l,n00,r«o 00 Reserve for unearned premiums... 8,176.^51 Unpaid losses 176,int H5 Reserve for all other claims. 2k,*84 »•» • ST 8URK.US .. 461,9:107 Total AsMta.. |4.781,'.£55 65 Inc'sed assets. Inc'sed res*re. fnc'sed surp's A semi-annual dividend of five per cent (5 per cent) was this day declared by the board of directors, payable on demand at the New York office. Iiosaes paid since organization 937.72C.S21 60 Comparing these figures with those of a year ago and we find the assets in­ creased $256,659.03; the unearned pre­ mium fund $58,844.05, and the net sur­ plus $207,993.46. This is certainly a splendid showing and one which com­ pares more than favorably with any other statement we have seen this year This statement verifies the wisdom and gbod business sense of the managers of the Phenix in the reforms inaugurated a year ago. We refer to the closing out of the marine branch of the business and confining itself exclusively to fire. • The results of the business in the West­ ern department, under the management of Mr. T. R. Burch, of this city, contrib­ uted largely to the year's profits above stated. The Phenix is again on the highway of success to which the next twelve months will give greater momentum. Simon S toff el, West McHenry, is the Agent in this vicinity. Every Household Should have "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It saves thousands of lives annually, and is peculiarly efficacious in Croup, Whooping Cough, and Sore Throat. " After an extensive practice of nearly one-third of a century, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is my cure for recent colds and coughs. I prescribe it, and believe it to be the very best expectorant now offered to the people." -- Dr^ John O. Lie vis, Druggist, West Bridgewater, Pa. " Some years ago Ayer's Cherry Pec­ toral cured me of asthma after the heal medical skill had failed to give me re­ lief. A few weeks siuce, being again a little troubled with the disease>1 was promptly Relieved By the same remedy. I gladly offer this testimony for the benefit of all similarly '~F- Haasler, Editor Argut, Table Rock, Nebr. "For children afflicted with colds, coughs, sore throat, or croup, I do not know of any remedy which will give more speedy relief than Ayer's Cherry KiCt°ral. I have found it, also, invalu­ able in cases of whooping cough." -- Boston°Masy' 12516 Washington street, "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has proved Temarkably effective in croup and is t, ^ a family medicine."-- x». M. Bryant, Chicopee Falls, Mass. • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, nUETAKlD BT Or. J. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all I>rngg]sts. Priccfl; «lr tmttlni.fl KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY JOHN I , * * • , % S-*! ..Sfeffi • r j Store i The waiters after bargains will "•el the best ones by coming as quick as they can. Thoee who have seen the things advertised, and go quick, can best tell. The always waiting for a-day-or-two- lon^or folks are disappointed un­ less more than common luck strife* *tbemagain. New and Staple Arrivals of DRESS P R I N T S , Ginghams, Housekeepers Goods, VnM & Reasonable is Price Tou may and may not care a tor a line of bhoea we are closing out at € O i f Ladies' Fine Shoes. It is the Phelps, Dodge & Palmer Shoes that we sold for $2.50 to $3X0. Price is $2.15 now. Good prop­ erty. TtiS^ DRESS FLANNELS WEAR, Felt Boots, And such articles are out at much reduced Come! It will pay you. going pries. Kespectfallf '-'vi AND HO OFFERS OF * i Something for Nothing I Will be made by us to make sales of any clas9 of sroodp in or out of Season, as we will not in- «ult the intelligence of the buying public by foffering impossibilities to create a temporary resureetion of trade and in the long run sow.tlie seed ot oitter disappointment. OUR PLATFORM Is formed entirely of actual business expej ence |or in buying and selling only !> StariHafd • M (3n RtBttft profits which in time bring frequent wiles, coupled with low expenses for conducting the business, enables us to cope, compete, hold our own, stand up to tfio rack, or successfully brace up to atijr of our competitors on any * " III- tUPIbwn or cotMy, and being permatt^tty located with very determined intention to, in future, court the patronuge ot the buying £ub|ic, we assure one «nd all ' • • To Protect Our Customers In every way shape and manner, in quality, price, credjt, war­ rantee*, etc.. despite all the little worn out rackets offered as a 5 cent lunch from time to time. All those in need of warm goods of any kind are cordially in vited to give us an ear and a change to do hs prnmiaofL aa m> hnv» lots of goods which must be unloaded at some price ^ ^ MaJ»iCo. West McHenry, mm .iV*'*-7. , i * m I I Dress Goods, Flannels, cy. Blankets, Robes, Yarns, All of the above goods are of the best and first cost wijl satisfy u* if payment isnot too far off. Bonslett & StofFel West AffcHenry, lllinoi$; ' * jiY i ; F - - / C A L L - : - O N U S ! We will do our utmost to make tlie meeting mut­ ually agreeable. J. W. Cristy & Son, BINGWOOD, ILL, WM, STOlFFEL. --Agtnt for-- FIRE, - LIGHTNING, And Accidental Inraranoe. r Also Iowa. Minnesota, Nebraska, Alab%m, and California Lauds. Call on or address WM. STOrrEL, McHenry, ill. McHENRY HOUSE, MeHonry, Illinois. JOHN THELEN (Proprietor. This Honse is sltnated near the Iron Bridge , and opposite ihe Steamboat Lan tlntr, has been newly renovated and paintcl. inside and onl, and is now prepared to accommodate the trnvetinK public, or boarders, by day or week, on ilie moat reasonable tonus, and guarantM to satisfaction. The .public lit In­ vited to give me ajcail. GOOD STABL1KS FOR HORSES D. NKIDHAM'S SONS 116-111 DnrbornStnti CHICASO lltl Clner Blossau, ^ W. Curci --D(»r.Caurr&7t »tRheum. Rbeumltlim, DTHieulft.8ick .WhoopipK ftvuuuti MMr, _ . PILE*! m TRADE Cv 2Tcii For sale by Ceo. Vtf. Besley. 3L.A.NIJ . Life in Southern California, SEND 20 CENTS FOR THE TWO. Los Angele* Times Annual, 1^90. 48 paj^cs; Weekly Mirror, 14 pngee --standard pub'ie.ntion.' Or send #2 tor the Mirror 12 weeks (624 larfe pages). Full and vHiuable inlormiHtion absut the most famous flection of the Union. TIMES-MIRROR CO., Los Angeles, CI. "V v >r *: '-y • f JL "W A. Y I "ci r-^ ^-#1' ,'*3 . f. . " y-'i * • '4 * t vV <• 4, J; J * . * " J ' ••'W- iji. ;r * £ V' . p*"p ^ ^ ^ : * •• .j ' m F. K. CRANCER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the mostreas- onable terms. Orders by moil will receive pfompt at- E.lilUHCIM f[ it ii -H'H " i & SOMETHING FOR NOTHING! ; ' r. SS'; i •• • A ^ ,r% "A* of our best! ,.V Medium priced - ! CJ3U On hand; tod iitt order tot prevent carrying them over we ^ill give away a pair of F I H B S H O E S , With ev§ry |4adies'0]|^ sold fbr Cash, from $6 up, for the next 30 days. : You may have your out ol 300 pairs makes 61 Fins Shoes; rang- ; - r'l •UM: 1 ' Jj1 ty ' • " " V j $3.50, every pair warrant̂ ^91 We will include in above offer Mens, Boys and es Shoes. If you want Shoes for you can get a pair of BOOTS OR SHOES For the boy or a Shoes for the girl. Our Cloaks ate new* ot the best makes and fits and •• . ^1. \ ; at bottom prices. See themN With every o#3ix»cr We will give a pair of Gloves or Mittens. Your choice of Goods ranging from 60 cents to $2 per pair. Do not miss the opportunity of get­ ting a big bargain. ' -1^5 ^ 1 W s Vf <

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