j£4(«iry fkufader. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22, 1890. Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Sept. 5M, trains will paw MeHenry tHmion daily, except Sunday, as follows: 001X0 BOOTIUi Lake Geneva PassengerA. * Lake Geneva Express ;.>.«•'• *' Lake Geneva Freight . .ltfftr. M Lake Geneva Passenger........ .5:86 " fJOTMa NORTH* Lake Geneva Freight 9*114. It Lake Sonera Passenger 9:M ** Laka 4enera Kxpnw «-50 p. M Uk« G«n*.Ta Pttunter 6:61 IfOOEStS WOODMEN OF AMEKICA Meet at the new City Hall, every Second •nd Last Tuesdav evening of each month. Height/ors cor linlly invited- DIABIES for,. Id*©, at Bonloy^s Dm Store, West Side. . NSCE line of Pipes, just received, at Barbian Brothers. PEBSOVAX. SUPEMNTEKDENT BABBBK wan a caller on Saturday. MRS. H. S. GREGORY, of Chicago, was calling on friends here this week. C STEGKMANX is reported as on the sick list this week. La Grippe is probably the cause. FRED E. HOLMES, one of the editors of the Richmond Gazette, made oar sanc tum a pleasant call on Saturday last. Miss LIRBIE ADAMS, of Marengo, was shaking hands with her many triends here on Saturday. She was over attend ing the Teachers' meeting., PROF. J. A. SHELDON, of Huntley, ak tended the Teachers' meeting here on Saturday. The Professor has many warm friends here who are always glad to meet him. B. Br as. Agent. _ MeHenry, LIIJ! THIS morning was the coldest of the | season in thispection. The thermom- . * „eter marked eiarht decrees below zero *,ond JF DON'T fail to attend the spelling school at City Hall Friday evening. Refresh moots 15c, THE grip is seldom fatal unless the pa tient takes all the remedies that are rec ommended for its cure. "Have you seen the 5--A five mile horse . blanket? If not, why not,? -H you •" have a horse you need it." fyjv^ , * i * . FE\'->% MOKEY TO LOAN on farm land, on time ^ -•* 4 fluid in amounts to suit borrowers. In- ri- <' quire at this office for further particulars. LY, MR. SLADE'S subject next Sunday mom- llll Ing will be,"Knowing in Part and KnowJ |ing as we are Known. Seeing through a glass darklv and seeing face to face. i ' M ^HE Wends of Howard Perry will be ; V / glad to learn that he is standing well in !.?• J his class at West Point Military Academy/ I The semi- annual examinations. recentljf •Vjjeld places him as No. 14 in a class of 8$ WE'RE all in the power of La Grippe. ' We can't seem to give it the slippe. Is there no way to shake it? Kerchew! 0, i- ' • Guide one year for $1.50. Call at this office and get a sample copy of the Guide, one of the beet agricultural papers published in the West. MRS. SARAH OSTRANDER, of this village, and W. C. Howard, of Llake County, were?1 married at Genoa Junction on Monday' last. Although somewhat of a surprise to their many friends, nevertheless--Z>oa xoyx#e. ,ch • • - T ' ' * •---- 'v RICHARD KENAELLY; a former resident? •Jr of this town, died at his home in Elgin, on Monday of last week. His age was 66 yea^s. He was burried from th< Chatholic Church, in this village, o: Wednesday last. oldest daughter of John Neisen*, aged about six years, died «tt noon on* i Tuesday. We learn that she was only •f t taken.*ick on-Sunday. Inflammation of * thebowels webelievewas the cause oJher tit \death. THE devil would persist in bothering f': ~ Martin Luther until the bald head monk dispatched him with a bottle of ink; so we learn that a bottle of ink might rid you of any devil, but a hot tie of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will rid you of any cold. THE prospects now beiDg favorable for a crop of Ice the Washington Ice Com* pany will immediately commence the erection of a new Ice House at the head of the Pond, in this village. They pro pose $0 just double their present capac i t y - ' • : _ ^ _ • " As we came down town early on Mon day morning wenoticed two citizens meet, when one remarked: "Hello, Smith, how are you getting along?" "Smoothly," • '% said Smith, as he sat down on the icy 9 sidewalk with a jar that made his jaws ; ^ snap together like a steel trap. /*?I?HE SCOTT FAMILY are advertised to / give one of their celebrated Concerts at I the City Hall on Tuesday evening of next I week, the 26th. They age too well known I here to need anything more than the simple announcement to fill the house •• i • nilV wi. • . ^ .. vy , / WE understand the contract Jias been let to put a new roof on the Riverside House, and also to change over the large room ovpr the store and make six more Una large sleeping rooms tor the Hotel. The present owners will leave nothing un-i' done to make this one of the finest Hotel this section of the country. SIMON STOFFEL, has bought the resident property of Mrs. E. R. Austin, first door east of Parker House. Consideration 11,400. THE Scott family will sing some of their choicest selections at the Spelling School at the City Hall, on Friday evening. No one should fail to hear them. A REGULAR Communication of MeHenry Lodge No 158* A. F. and A. M. will be held On Monday evening next. Instal lation of officers. All members are ear nestly requested to attend. Per Order. plague take it! Won't the doctors pleasW West MeHenry, are Steamship Agents for give us a tippe? " I ocean passage to Europe, representing " I all leading lings. Read the notice. THE PLAISMCALFCR «vnd the EteMei'ir ., . , , MARRIED, at the residence of Lester Colton, in Woodstock, Jan. SOth, 1890, AMONG the pithy sayings of a ^ell- known German philosopher and writer occurs the following: "Sign no paper without reading it." In these days of education, enlightenment and progress such a caution would hardly seen neces sary to any person in the full possession of his faculties, yet it is astonishing how many people there are, including good business men, who attach their signatures to papers or documents whose contents might have a serious bearing upon them selves or their affairs, with scarcely a glance at tlieir contents. Carelessness in failing to acquaint themselves with the contents of a paper before signing it has worked incalculable harm tothousandsof well intentioned people. It is a good thing, therefore, to bear in mind continu ously the above quotation, particularly with respect to such papers as express or imply any thing in the nature of acontract or a legal obligation. jr. y- JTHE MftHetwgr County Teachers' ciation met & this village on Saturday last and drew out the largest attendance of any meeting of the kind that has been held for many a day, over one hundred teachers being present at the afternoon session. The address of Prof. Quacken- bush, of Kane County, in the afternoon was very interesting and was listened to |by all with marked attention. Our citi- Wns turned out in goodly numbers to Iboth morning and afternoon sesions, and Expressed themselves as highly pleased tv'ith the exercises and interest manifested ay the teachers of the county. We be- . ieve no county in the State can show a THOS. KNOX evidently believes that jfiner corps of teachers than MeHenry pounty. The next meeting will beheld at Nunda sometime next month, of which llue notice will be given. ^fuE celebrated Scott Family will, by JOHN R. BRENTS has bought a lot and will build him a residence on the West Side in the spring. We also hear of quite a number of other residences that will be built in the spring. OUR Ice men are looking more pleasant this Wednesday morning. Ice is reported as seven inches thick on the Pond and the thermometer ranging from one to ten degrees below zero. As will be seen by a notice in another place in this paper, John Evanson & Co., by Asa W. Smith, Esq., Wm. Lyman, of Chicago, and- Miss Alice May Woodard, of Woodstock. pedestrianisTH is a sure cure for La Grippe as he had one of the victims making good time "go-as-you-please," around the block on Saturday last. Forty laps at five cents a lap, cured the victim--at least of the pedestrian fever. ^ -- -- Everybody Spall. The Willing Workers will holA^Hibld Fashioned Spelling School, at City Hall, on Friday evening, of next week Jan. 24th. Let everybody come. A prize will be given to the best speller. Admission Free. Re freshment will be served. CHAS. S. GREEN died at the home of Mrs. Ransom, in the village of Richmond, Tueeday morning, Jan. 21st., 1SD0, at half past two. Mr. Green was a well known and successful veterinary surgeon, a prominent mason, and an estimable young man. His death causes wide spread sorrow among his large circle of acquaintances. The funeral will be held at Richmond, to-morrow (Thursday) at 10 A. M. and the remains will be interred at Hebron. 8TIC£ to your home paper, no matter if you are poor. Remember none are so poor as the ignorant, except the depraved and they often go together. Keep up your home pa(>er. though it ma^ not be as large and imposing as some metropolian daily; remember it is the advertiser of your neighbor and tells yoti what is going on around you, instead of a thousand miles away. Pay your subscription promptly, advertise liberally and all the time, rely upon it, the natural pride of publisher will prompt him to, improve it as fast as possible. /•» • --* THE FOX River Fish and Game Associa tion, composed of Chicago sportsmen who have summer residences or Club houses on Fox Lake, have elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year; President, George E. Cole; Vice-President 'C. F. Hills; Secretary John Wilkinson. It was decided to continue the work of protecting the fish and game. It was proposed to employ an officer to act as game warden and see that the game laws are properly enforced. This isthe society that made it rather warm for some hun- y ters last summer when they went hunting rheiore the law expired. 5""t Mchenry is now a much needed factor in the economy of its increasing prosperity and future progress. x*The wheel is mov* ing onward and should be caught onto. There ig a tide in the affairs of men--and cities--which, taken at the flood, leads ott to fortune. The mill will never grind with the water thdt is past. Let's, be rdoi°g- i ! BACKWARD, turn backward, O time ia your flight; give me the nose that breathed through last night. Bringback the smeller that two days ago knew not the torment of continual blow. Rub my red nose as you oft have before, with tallow, dear mother, far it is so sore; backward, flow baokward, O, tide of my nose, for I am so weary from my head to my toes. Stick my head in a big pillow dip, and do me up, mother, for I have La Grippe. * A NEWSPAPER may boom a town through its editorial and news ooliimns, but the critical investor looks to the ad vertising columns for substantial evi dence of push and lite. To him they are a barometer; they measure the intensity of the public warmth; they are the pulse which indicate the healthy or unhealthy eondition of the collective body of people; they tell him what he wishes to know-- whether or not the community Is up to ifet times in business matters. * A BUSINESS men's association for the -gty furtherance of the businiw interests off . Monday a solitary individual was seen making regular trips around the Public Square in this village, a. la O'Leary. Some said he had the La Grippe and had gone cra*y, others that he was looking after l$e Indian relics that Hank McLean insists are buried in and around that historic ground, while still others claimed that tie belonged to the "Go-it-alone Club" and WM looking for boodle. Be that as it may, he kept up that continual pace until six p. m., when he retired to his resting place--'"in the green forests." We have since learned that he was "the last erf the Mohegans," searching for the resting place Of his fore fathers, and that he found--(only two ^dollars and a half). ... j p THE most interesting book we have ex amined for a long time is entitled "Heroes of the Dark Continent," by Buell, written from Stanley's own letters and despatch es. As Stanley has just returned from Africa the work will give the history of that country up to the present date and is full of interesting facts and interesting information^., It also gives a history of ancient Africa, and a summary of the principal expeditions and individual ex plorers that have entered the continent during the past two hundred years. It is a work that should be la ^very house hold. R. Holly is agent for this county The Lubricator of Trad*. Advertising is like religion--good at all seasons of the year. The judicious ad vertiser is like the competent f&rmer, who does not wait until harvesttime to sow his seed. After the rush of holiday trade there is always a comparatively dull season. But the good business man does not sit down and say, "Now I must wait nil til next Christmas." He knows that there is always a certain volume of trade, and he also knows that the trade is at tracted to the store of him who seeks it. So he keeps his name, his location and his goods before the public eye--and he gets the trade. Moreover, it is the ex perience of all large advertisers that ad vertising not only attracts trade;It also created it. The advertisement suggests wants, and by also suggesting the case of supply makes of the haU fat want an in sistent demand. The diligait man grows rich while sluggards sleeft. because hs knows that all seasons belolg to him. request of many friends, give one of their concerts at thd City Hall, on Tuesday evening next, January 28th. at which time will be presented a choice selection of new music and songs, as well as some of the good old songs sung by them iu days gone by, and which made them so popular with the music loving people. The Scott family are so well jtnown in Northern Illinois that not one word we can say will add to the success of their corning Concert. The mere announce ment that they will appear is enough to ensure a full house. Remember the date, Tuesday evening next, January 28th. AN exchange gives the following useful hints: "If the chimney catches flre run to the salt-box, and empty it out upon the flames; they will be reduced as if by magic, and further steps can be taken to subdue the out break. If soot falls upon the carpet or rug, do not attempt to sweep until it has been covered thickly with dry salt; it then can be swept up properly and not a stain or smear will be left. If any thing happens to catch fire, either whilst cooking or otherwise, throw salt upon it at once to prevent any disa greeable smell." TAXES! TAXES! The undersigned, Collector of Taxes for the Town of MeHenry, hereby gives notice that he will be at the following places, on the dates named for the purpose of re ceiving Taxes, commencing January 6th, 1890. Mondays at the store of Lay & Adams, Johnsbargh. Tuesdays at the store of J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. Wednesdays at the store of Perry & Owen, MeHenry. Saturdays at the store of Stevens & Miller, West MeHenry. WM. SCHREINBR, Collector* NUNDA TAXES, undersigned, Collector of Taxes for the Town of Nunda, here by gives no tice that he will be at the following places, on the' days named, until March 1st, for the purpose of receiving the Taxes of said town: Tuesdays, at the store of Fitxsimmons & Henderson, West MeHenry. Thursdays, at Barreville, Saturdays, at the store of^Huffman & Barney, in the village of Nunda. F, BRYANT, Collector. Steamship Agency at West XoHenry. We sell Ocean Passage, single or round trip tickets, to any part of Europe at LowESTfatos and represent all leading lines. JOHN EVANSON ft Co.. FOR RENT. My farm of 480 acres, situated one mite north-east of Ringwood. The land is as good as can be found in thecouutry. Will rent for a term of years. Will rent the farm already etoekfed, or will furnish half of the stock, or will rent without stock as preferred by the tenant. Will give possession March 1st. Also have two houses, and a building suitable for office or shop, all situated in the village of Ringwood, which I will sell or rent on reasonable terms., WESLEY LADD. Ringwood, Jan. 21,1890. Yoo can never know till you try, how quickly a dose of Ayer's Pills will core your sick headache. Your stomach and bowels need cleansing, and these pills will accomplish it more effectually and com- *' &.SV* /•*; 'MfM Mm .. • S'V and when heoalls do not fail to examine j fortably than any. other medicine you Hebron Department LODGE OLRKOTQRT. MASONTO.--A. V. and A. If. Met at Hasonla Hall on every 1st and 8d Wednesday evfcbt ua of each month. MODERN WOODXBW OF AMKF'CA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every M and *th Thursday even in£a of each month. Neighbor* cordially in vttaU. "The mountain and the squirrel Had a quarrel, And the former called tha lattar • Little Prig.' Bunrapliei. » You aro donbtiess very big. »•:. 'i */• But all sorts ot things and weipMi®'* ::i- dust be taken in togettwr, \ / To mako up a year, And a sphere. V-""l •" And I think it no disgraipS .1 To occupy my place, If I'm not so larjrc as yc|i» You are not so small as V j t> And not half so spry. . ^';•! Talents differ; all is well an! wisely ' If I cannot carry forests on my, '•.. Neither can y»u crack a nut." .• " ' , Attend the dance Friday flight. Sociable Wednesday afternoon evening. Mr. Stearns' family have all been ipiite sick. Howard Conn will occupy the Gov. Seaman farm next year. Mungerftaid a dividend of f 1.04 per hundred for November milk. Jackson Conn will return to his own farm at Greenwood in the spring. Miss Annie Tesh went to Elgin on Sat urday where she has employment. Wray B. Rowe has gone to Mammoth Springs, Arkansas. t Sanford Rotnour will remain on H. W. Mead's farm another year. Every mail brings a grist of annual seed catalogues these days, reminders of "seed time and harvest." John Niver, from Harvard, will work John Judson's farm the year to come. The third dancing school will be held on Friday evening of next week. Mrs. Ellen Pierce has for some time been visiting with friends near Sterling, III. Will Rowe will move onto G. W. Conn's large farm which is rented by Hewes ft Jones. Mrs. Giddings intends to return to Fergus Falls, Minn., in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ferras, from Lau rence, spent a few days with relatives in town and vicinity. John Brown returned from his eastern trip the last of the week. The members of E. B. Stratton'sfamily have all been troubled with the prevail ing disease. Mrs. Ella Earle furnished a part of the music for the dancing school Friday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Sears from Sturgess, Mich., spent a part of last week with friends here and at Linn. Murl Merrick now has charge of the de pot at Alden. Frank Welton is I. W. Webster's successor at Genoa. ^ A few new names were added tQ Prof. Cameron's list tor instructions iutanoing Friday night. ^ Roy Wickham will to;,Indiana where he has purchased an interest in a ereamery with Jack Mason. It is said that E. Q- Leech has been drawing the plan of we large store to be erected by W. C. Hyde on the corner lot he has recently purchased. The young people had a merry time at a skating party Saturday night on what is known as "Tyler's Pond," east of town. W. E. Wire was ill a greater part of last week, and unable to attend to his duties in the school room. Miss Ida Groesbeck, Jennie Shoudy and Menzo Stoue attended to the class recitations. It is almost impossible to keep an ac count of all the victims of La Grippe. Nearly every family in this section has been afflicted. Johnnie White returned the last of the week from Dakota. While in the west he shot two jack rabbits which he sent home to Hebron friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Baraltine returned the first of last week from Watertown, Wis., where they were summoned to at tend the funeral of Mr. B's. father who was accidentally killed by a tree falling upon him, while chopping in the woods. On account of so much sickness our Good Templars did not go to Harvard on Friday evening as was expected, but without a doubt they will furnish a pro gram for Harvard lodge in the near fu ture. Prof. R. J. Schermerhorn was in town on Tuesday of last week and gave a les son in horse training to about seven of our citizens, and subdued and brought under control the vicious pony belonging to Will Archibald. It is hoped the Pro- fessdr will make our town another visit and give further instructions as oar horsemen are greatly interested. Miss Ada Begun who has been ill with consumption many months, passed qui etly away on Wednesday morning last. The funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church on Friday. Ada is the third daughter Mr. and Mrs. Begun have laid to rest within the past few years, all victims of the dread destroyed consumption. The funeral services of Miss Nellie Sum ner were held at her late home On Sunday afternoon where had assembled a large concourse of people. The family have the sympathy of many- friends in their sad bereavement. Death has entered the home circle and taken for his reward this fair young girl. 4 It is simply wonderful how .a good thing gets known and appreciated. In the public school examinations now they ask the small boys: "Who was the first man ? " "Adam." "The first woman ? " "Eve." "Who was the 22d President of the United States?" "GroverCleveland." "What is the specific cure for pain?" "Salvation Oil." Leading physicians recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Old and- young take it with perfect safety, Itcleanses the blood, strengthens the nerves, and vitalises the system. Popular experience has long placed this medicine at the head cf tonic ttltoratiwa SOME people have a penchant for going to Chicago to make their purchases, thinking to get better bargains. It is not a good policy towards our own merchants, who keep large stocks of good goods and sell at small profits. Com pare the rents and expenses of Chicago merchants with those of our own town, and no.further argument is needed to show that Chicago merchants must make large profits to live. Help your home business men, and they in turn will help you. You may be able to buy inferior goods cheap, but good, sterling goods have values alike, or nearly so, every where. READ the new advertisements J. W. Cristy ft Son, Ringwood and John Evan son & Co., West MeHenry, which can be found in anot her place in this paper. Calf Meal! Oil Meal I Always in stock, at Bonalett & Stoffel's, ttt'amall or large lots, at close prices. The quality, styles and prices of our new line of dress goods pleases all who see them. STEVENS ft MILLKR, West MeHenry. E. W. BLATCHFORD ft CO., of Chi cago, have appointed Bonelett & Stoffel of West MeHenry, agentsfortheirfamous Oil Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmers should accord a fair trial. Very close prices are offered on small or large lots. PIANO TUNING. R. H. Owen is now prepared to tune Pianos and Organs on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. All orders left at the store of 0. W. Owen will receive prompt attention. Charges reasonable. Catarrh Cured, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by J. A. Story. Have you seen the grand Piano Lamp, at Besley's on the west side. The finest and handiest Lamp ever sold in this market. Don't fail to call and see it whether you wiant to buy or not. Overcoat® for Boys 8 to 12 years old. Fancy Scotch Plaid with Capes, $5^85. Cheaper ooats 91,85 and f3,50. The Plaid is cheap at •8. John Evanson ft Co. CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS Have received from E. Lawlus, tailor, orders for 14 suits up to Nov. 29, 1889. Good fits, low prices and the best of goods is what jcou all want. Call in and see the large book of samples. . - , WHAT DO YOU WANT? Are you in doubt what tb tray tot Christmas presents? If so, call at J. A. Story's and examine her stock just re ceived, consisting of books, albums, toilet sets, bronze goods, plush sets, and many other things for the older people, and dolls, games, toys, sleds, efc?,, for the children.^ Call and select early* STATIONERY. J. A. Story is constantly adding new and unique designs to her fine assort ment of Stationery, among which may be found wedding invitations, regret, vis iting and condolence cards; latest de signs in letter paper, tablets, papeteries, and a complete assortment ot teachers reward cards, bithday souvenirs, etc. Call r 4 ' F O R S A L E . A good ̂ ouse and two lota situated in this villagp. House contains five good sized rooms, with necessary closets, pan- ~Tfy, etc. Good well and cistern, wood shed, barn and other outbuildings. House nearly new and all surroundings in good repair. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. / jrbr further particulars inquire of - i' JAMES B. PERRY. Businesso tices* Fresh Oranges, Lemons, Dates, ete., at J. A. Story's 'drug stoHfe;'f! Read our new advertisement. ~t « STEVENS ft MILLER, West MeHenry. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee, It cores Consumption. Sold by J. A. Story, The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drug Store. If you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices call at Althoff Bros. If you need a need a new overcoat call and see our new and stylish garments. STEVENS & MILLER, West MeHenry. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh'" Cure. Sold by J. A. Story. We have the best makes erf Barb Wire and our prices are on the spot cash basis, very low. J. W. CXISTT * SON, Ringwood. Tho finest line of Boots and Sho&3 for Gent's wear to be found in town. Also, in ladies foot-wear, a fine iv^rtniflnt at Althoff Bros. It will benefit y<ni in purse and pease of mind to buy your boots and shoes of J. | W. Cristy <fc Son, Ringwood. To try is to prove the above. FOR SALE OR RENT. The hoqse known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village of McHenry,,is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic ulars inquire of i H. MXAD. Dated Jafiaiy 1st, 1889. FOB SALB. Short Horn Bulls, Poland China Boars and Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale, at the lowestiiving prices. FRANK COLE. Spring Grove, Jan. 6,1889. 26-8in. r>„ * - • 5yA '.gf; BVANSON'S CUT PRICES. Dress Flannels must be clossd out. Our 25 osnt Flannels now 16 cents. " 85 " " 26 " « 50 » « " 87 " " 50 " Waterproof" 85 " Supply yourself while the assortment is complete. JOHN EVANSON ft Co. FOR SALE. The tmdera'gned offers for sale his house and 54 aores of land, situated on the Woodstock road, five minutes walk from the MeHenry Depot, just outside the corporation. Good house. Two thirds of the laud under cultivation and balance meadow and pasture. Is a very desira ble little farm and will be sold reasona ble. Title perfect. For further particu lars call on the premisss. BOBT WBOR. Weal veBenry. Jane 26th, 1389. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auc tion on the Grimolby farm, one mile southwest <j>§ Ringwood, on Monday, Jan. 27,1890, c6mtnencing at ten o'clock the following property: 18 cows, new milch and springers, 1 span work mares, 2 geld ings coming three years old, 2 sucking colts, 4 sows, 15 pigs, 1 lumber wagon, nearly new, 1 sulky riding plow, 1 Tiger cultivator, 1 mower, 1 horse rake, 2 har rows, 1 diamond tooth cultivator, 500 bushels barley, 400 bushels corn, about 80 tons hay in barn, potatoes and other articles not mentioned. TERMS:--All sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one yeai; on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash. Free lunch at noon. JOHN WALSH. D! G. NELUB, Auctioneer. Bonslett ft Stoffel. West MeHenry, 111., are offering very interesting reductions on all classes of winter goods and now will not be carried over if low prices will sell sell them, viz.: Cloaks, overcoats, clothing, flannels, blankets, gloves, mit tens, caps, robes, horse blankets etc. Just received 200 sacks each of the famous Ciscoette and Honest Abe flour, at II, delivered to any part of town; a No. 1 article of plug and fine cut tobacco only 25c per pound. Good wool leather faced mittens only 38c. Wholesome tea dust 10c pound, 11 pounds for^f 1. Men's good long ulster overcoats f3.50. Boys' suits, 1.70 to 4.50. Good cotton flannel 5c; good all wool red flannel 15c, 25c, to 60c. Great drives are offered in all kinds of underwear. 50 sacks choicest buck wheat flour, 65c. Elegant red all wool blankets 2.75 pair. Lowest prices possi ble on standard goods at all tunes, and no beans to count. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cored by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee ' *. "• , . •• • ^' r^f, vA Remember I can save you money on Coal, Corn and Millstuffs. Can deliver in any quantity at rock bottom prices. . W. A. CrasTy, West McHenryf To catch close buyers I have deter mined on selling Coal and Feed on a less margin than ever before and selling for Cash only.. W. A. CRISTY, West MeHenry H any are Owing us on the old score we would be very much pleased, and wt know you would be just as much so, to account squared up at once. ' W. OHI8TY A So*. Biagwood. . "Tfe'J. -111 ' " GENTS. If you want your Cloths altered to fit you, and your Cloths Cleaned as good as new, E. Lawlus can do you a neat job. Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? * Shiloh Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by J. A. Story. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and ail symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. A. Story. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALS. For sale, two very desirable village lots in West MeHenry. Centrally located. For further particulars inquire at this Office. , «• v WHAT A FORTUNE ' < Is n good healthy, pearly skiC * "ftw are aware of the short time it takes for a disordered liver to cause blotches on the face, and a dark, greasy skin. One bot tle of Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will restore this organ to its nat ural and healthy state, and cleanse the blood of all impurities. It is meeting with wonderful success. We guarantee every bottle. G. W. Besley, Druggist. Worth makes the bargain, and want of it the cheat, Cristy's prices and his goods are never to * bebeat. The blood will follow where the knife iB driven; The flesh will quiver where the pincers tear; And trade will follow where the merchant's striven, As Cristy & Son to make their prices fair. To trade at Cristy's, means wealth and health:-- Wealth from our cheapness, from our goodness, health. 7-- DR. B. MINCER, 1 HftFoMI reliable Dr. B. Mincer, ^t lBye Specialist will visit this place occasion ally, the time of which will be duly noticed. Defective vision from congen- tal or acquired cause, successfully reme died, when in the skill of the optician to remedy. Dr. M. has devoted his life to his work and invites those who may have had trouble in having the eyes fitted, or all in need of glasses, to investigate his method of adapting glasses to the human eye. Call on him. Consultation and ex amination free. Orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. I H. B. THROOP, AUCTIONEER, Algonquin; tai. Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Farming Tools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. All orders promptly filled I make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele graph me at Algonquin, 111. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bit ters sing the same song of praise.--A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that it claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver Kidneys, will removo Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.--Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malaria fevers.--For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indiges tion try Electric Bitters--Entire satisfac tion guaranteed, or money refunded.-- Price 50 cts. and $ 1.00 per bottle at G. W. Besley's Drugstore. J: A. STORY is just receiving a large as sortment of lamps, china ana glassware, among which may be found many new designs in hand-painted plates, cups and saucers, tea sets, water sets, also a com plete line in plain and colored dinner sals. Call and examine. A letter from S. P. Wardwell, Boston, says: -'Iused Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure in June last for Hay Fever with great satisfaction, and find it the only thing I have seen which would allay, without irritation, the in flammation of the nostrils and throat. Its soothing and healing properties were marked and immediate." Large bottle $ 1. Clarke's Flax Soap is the latest and best. Try it. 25 cents. Ask for them at Geo. W. Besley's drug store, West MeHenry, 111. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts," bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give j>erfeet satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 (mts ,per box. JPor sale by G. W. Besley. 5^ v ' ROOMS TO RENT. ^ -- The Rooms over Bonslett's Hardware Store and also over O. W. O wen's Jewelry Store, are for Rent. Well a ranged for two families. Also for Rent t he Rooms over the Post Office. Inquire of E. M. 0\v£x ft SON. A choice line of Box Paper, cheap, «t '8 West Side. We seoledupaqimrtfral^ _ can which we first filled with ^ beans and we make this oflerr'V^-l To the person who guesses thef-H^ exact number the oaa contains. I we wilt give 1 rM m fm If the exact number is net guessed, we will give the person who guesses nearest to the exact number, If two or more persons guess the ex*ct number the premium will be divided pro rata, and thif will hold good on the premium in the second case also. ~ beans were poured into the without beiiig counted, and not be counted until they opened by 4*fiuteresMQ persons on , January 1, 1891. The last week of December, 1890, will be the week you are to- make your guess. WHAT , f : v. • latitin You to a Bun ? V;;f If you buy a pair of Boots o|li Shoes from us from Jan 1,. 1890 to Jan 1, 1891, you will b# entitled to a guess; if two pair®- , two guesses, etc. The mor# ? pairs you buy the more guessed you have. In the meantime w% shall make it our business to sell * you good Boots and Shoes for a# little money as you can buy th«n|. in the State. Our store is noi|B being filled with ^ New New Ginghamŝ New Dress Goods; Bight in style and price, and we ?hall try to keep a line of GROCERIES That will always 'please you. Y<MIES ssever. . -31 'iv*J m S T E V E N S r- i ' \ MCLL 5 - .ll'