-T • I * \ r „ ^r,»»' V " -* ? -; < Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Lawi No Favors Win us and no Fear 8hall Awe." VOL. 15. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1890. NO 30 eiF| POBL18HKD BVKBTBW'tDHEHDAT BT V AIM. SLY K£tr '•' *OITOR AMD PROPKIKTOft. A ) > '."5r *• -4"- fr;.- Office la Biahop'a Block, -»l>rrosrr» Pittr A „3ftA v TfCItM» OP StfmaaiFTIOH. Tear (In ATvaa*e>) ». »Jfot PaM within Three Months ' Subscriptions received for three e •tenths lathe same proportion. 00 Six Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising H th« Plmwobalbs, and en.Ioavor to state (Mm so plainly that thev will be readily un. •retoo-1. They at# a* v 1'Inf.h one year « - . * - f inches one. year inches one ye>& • If (Oohtmn one veiir - 3< v:\' 800 1000 IB 00 SO 00 6000 100 00 f Column one year. Column one yea* - ••lie inch moans the meatarement of one ittfeh flown the colnmn, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having (tending cards) will be entitled to insertion oflocal notices at the rote of ftcentB per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents por :ine the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged At the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set In) the Ar»t issue, and 5 oents per line for subsequent issues. Tlris, an Inch advertisement will cost J 1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three w6(.ks, ahd so on. The Plaindralbk will be liberal In giving ed.toria! notices, but, as a business rule, it •rill require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for peouniary gain. * BUSINESS CARDS. ; .. O J. HOWARD, M. D. f>l!Y<ICI\N AND SimGEOt*. McHenry, I 111. OflJ'ce at resilience, one block east of JR-nbHc 'School Building O. a. FBOEU3, M. O- IIHTSlOiAN AND SCJHUBOH. MoHenry, 1 Ilia. Office at Residence. Wlf. OSBOltNTE, M. D. PHTHIOIAN AND aiTRGKOI. Ol Residence, Westr McHenry, III. pmmp.ly attended to day an i night. Ice at Calls BUSINESS CARDS, Paul WtOWN, ATTOHNRr AT I. \ W. U.*S. Express Oo.'s Building, 87 ana 89 Washington At. CHICAGO, I I.C. |M. F. ELLSWORTH, ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor m Chancery, Nunda, III. ASA W SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor la Chancery.--Woodstock, m. JOHLYN ft CASEY. * TTOKNEYS AT LAW, Woodstock 111 A Alt business will receive prompt atten tion O. P. BARNES, • ATTORNEY, Solicitor, and .Counselor, Collections a specialty. i l WOODSTOCK, nxmotS, V. S LUMLEY. . # ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor i» Chaneerv, WOODS TOOK, ILL. Office in Park House, llrst floor. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker Jewelorf" NO. One HundredTwenty-Five State St Chi cago, 111. Special attention given to re- pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. CT4 Fall Assortment of Goods la his line Unite! States ffar Claim Agency -OF- WM. H- Woodstock COWLIN, • - Illinois. Prosecutes all class as and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Pobtage Stamps are enoiosed for reply. WM> M, COWJUAJS Office at Resldeao*. Madlym' St.", Woods toe*, Illinois. Attention HorsemenI MoHnintr, III, April 1st, 1898, I woald resnectfully invite the Publin to call and examine m j stock of Horses before maklegarrangements elsewhere. No busi. ness dene on Sunday. N. 8. COLBY K'HBMKT ILL rfriKfe ^ r„: : % BARBIAN BROS. /"UG Aft Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Or- V ders solicited. Shop, lo Old McHenry, ln Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. Livery Stable. K. WWHTMAN, Proprietor, class rigs, with or wit4£ furnl&hed-at reasonable rates, all kinds done on short notice. !.jn»t , nt Teaming of THE DEPOT. fFE8T MoHENBY, ILL Keep* open for the accommodation of the* Public a Flrst-Olaes . Saloon and Restaurant, iep luors and Cigars are ho will brands of Wlties, Li at all ! lines keep the best ties, Liquors and 01 to he found in the market. Also Agent For • 4 FRANZ FALK'S IILWMEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- (rays on hand, cheaper than any other, (Mil- |y considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to> ^ GOPD tiTABLimj tva troRasa, "^|arpall and see as. Robert Schiessle. * West McHenry, ift. if A. Englen's km AND RESTAUR iHT. IWoHENRY, ILLINOIS. * « i&e Kentucky French Bitters, iUcHeuy Lager Bear, --AND- J. Schlitz Milwaukee Bottle Beer, la ^an^^Luautity fronei' p Saitz Q-lass to'iCO barrels. ^ ^ ; . AT^aOLHi ALE ok RETAIL Beer in bottles, ke^s or case a8 /aheap as the cheapest.^" 'We buy none but the best and • §Al at Reasonable Prices. ^CaU aad see me and I mil , ANTONY EXOELN. H^Henry.Ili., 188a, , ~ Quintette Orchestra^ Mc HENRY, ILL. Are preparedi to fnrulshl First Class Mufio to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. Robt. Madden. Clarionet, C. Curtis, Comet. L, Owen, Trombone, K. Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry Smith, MoHenry. SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to BICHABS K FOX, Fkanklik sqvarb. New York Sllfolt STOfFEL, Phmnjx nf Brooklys. Rockford Insur ceCo Fire. Lig'ttnin^ and T irnvlo Insurance placed s-ifeiv and with despatch in either of above companies. Policies conected, changes anditransfers made. Gallon or address Simon StoffeV, West McHenry, Illinois, WAVERLY HOUSE, WM. H. KOTXOUR, Prop., WOODSTOCK, - - ILL Sample Room on NEW YORK HOUSE. 239 tc 243 E. Randolph St. Between Franklin and Market Streets* CHICAGO. Beat Accommodation to lYaveler* and Boarders E.G. K0EPPE, Prop. fl.6 P EB DAY", GOOD SAMPLE &OOM. A Hr*-elau Houm. Ihe Boyt AU Oop Thtr*. THE Culver H6use. RICHMOND, ILL. Good Livery. Good Sample Boom. FEME BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAJN»FOR PA TROI/S OF THE HOUSE. I rnn a line of carriages to Twin Lakes from i ichmond, three-fourths of a mile nearer than any other road, and more level and Icasant br far. If you in tend going to Twin ,akes, stop at Bichmond and inquire for CULVER'S Bl'S It i» always there, rain or shine, ttound trip prices as usuau C. N. CULVER, Prop. HJTED! SALESMEN to sell Nursery stock \ll Goods Warranted FIRST-CLASS, Permanent pleasant, profitable positions tor tne right m?n. Good salaries and expense* paid week ly Liberal inducements to beginners, No revious experience necessary. Outfit free, Prite for terms, giviag age. CHARLES H. CHASE. Nurseryman. Rochester, N. Y Mention this paper. U>tm* SOLOUBS' CEPABTM1HT. Edltod by WM. H. COWLIK, WOCMMIT'KJK, ILU-- "7b <wr« fnr him who ha* borne the battle,* for hie tci low and orph/me " -- I.INCOLK. "Friendship, Charity. Ijof/aliy-- Worthy rnmt at Psttriot MHhere." O A. II. Directory* 1 • ' H f r f t f W T H O . 6 4 S ' ' i: Meeu tla Flret Thursday evenlnf of each aonth. . j K. Bkhvstt, Ooa. wooo«To<m HO m Meets llrst and third Monday evenings of aaeh month. W. Mohhob, CM> *tri«DA W»t> no 226. Moots the second and fourth Tnoaday evenings of each »otlk. I C F. DIES, Com. HARVARD fOWT. HO 9M. Meets tho senono ao< tourtn Monday oven ings of each month. JOHN IliUBAU, Coa. M*RSK«q f^BT, Na 189, Meets eve^f 8mm4 snd Fourth Friday evenings of each son ta. H Jfomtia, Oom. ATTENTION ! Fanners and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at premises before purchasing. such by the oar load or single PORTER H. WOLFRUM, Chbmuhq. Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. I can furnish e cow. JOHN P. SMITH, Watohmaker Ac Jeweler, MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry always on hand. Special I attention given to repairing fine » call.' watohjs. Give mo JOHN P. SMITH. Pimp Eep&fring, CEMEMTfNQ, ETC. The undersigned ie prepared to do al! jobs la the line oi 0igging Wells, Keiriuriag Pumps, Cementing wells, or ill put un STew Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction< In short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. MTOrders bn mail promptly attended lot Post Office, Johnsbnrgn, 111. L. BANTES. Johnsnurgh, 111., May 26th, 1885. • -BREEDERS VfORGAN HORSES, Short Horn, ltd P»l*d Angu, MCHENRY HOCISE, ^nd Jerse7 CatUe. McHeary, Illinois. _ JOHN THELEN Proprietor. This House is situated ndtr the Iron Bridge and opposite the Steamboat Landing, has been newly renovated and painted, inside and out, and is now prepared to accommodate the traveling public, or boarders, by da? or week, on ilie most reasonable terms, and guarantee, to give satisfaction. Thei.public is in- Vited to gtve.me a'caiL FOB HORSES C A L E S M E l f l 0 WANTED. 11 To canvass for the sale of JJursery Stock. Steady employment guarantee]. SALARY and EXPENSE1} ptid to successful men Apply at once slating age. Mention this paper. CHASE BROS. CO , 2*b* . Kaehetler, 3f' ¥. i|H* FI8U, Pflictiosal Pa.intejr AND DECOKATER. HEBRON, \LU Decorating, Paper-Hangfno, CA L CI MINING, GRAINING* &e Done on short notice and satisfaction guaran. hM4wfMlM^«r address, * H. •FISH. Our Morgan Stock la all pure bred, and sriginated from the best Morgan stoik in tho Omted States. Old Oifford Morgan, who stands at the head )f our Stock, is one of the best bred Morgan horses in the country, and can show more and •letter all purpose oolts than any other horse in the West. We Invite tho inspection of our stock by horsemen and all lovers of line animals, A few full blood Morgan Oolts and yonng aorses for sale, Also one matched team, full '•loodB. in Cattle we have the full blood Short Horn ^•iichweare crossing with the Bed Polled Angus and therefore Instead of sawing off the torns »e are breeding them.off and with ;ood success. A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred Jhort Horns and the cross above mentioned for sale. "J. R. Saylor A Sons* Want WnH«nrv. ill.. F*b. 27th. HWL GERMAN Paia-Killer aid Empire Salve, Is the vety best medicine ever introduced Into the country. The following Are the names of a few of the many who nave been cured by this great medi ;ine: M. P. Mader, Genoa, Wis., cured of asthma 7f ten years' standing. c. C. Deigan, of the same place, cured of a chronic sore lint). Mrs, J. J. Huff, Richmond, III, eared of lung trouble of six mouths' standing. Mrs. Hulburt, Souda III., cured of asthma ind catarrh of long standing. Mrs. Wetistein, Harvard, cured of internal trouole St ten years' standing. Mr, Handoshall. of Harvard, enred of ca tarrh, scrofula, and varicose veins of Ave years' standing. Theodore Borrhold, of Harvard, eured of poralysis of two veais' standing. This new medicine has cured bronchitis, scrofula, abscesees, boils, burns, catarrh, et-5., tnd relieved asthmi and consumption for all who have used it. It is a sure and sate medl- line for all troubles and never fails to give wUsiaction. Try it under a full warrantee. Price ot Empire Salve half ounce box,25 cents; two ounce box, 75 cents, or three ooxes for tl.50. Painkiller, one-ounce bottle, 25 rents; i.wo ounce bottle, 60 cents. Call en your Iruggist for it, or send to N. LEIIWARDS, Harvard. III. For sali by Goo. W. Bealey, West Alclleary* WAPCOHDA1 Poet meets everv i 4ty evening In G .'A. IT, HO. 388 Id and fourth lall, Main St. Satur- A»The rOOOK»» Oom, ••Brave Osrfleld. owr honored martyr, wore the badge of th<vtf>y*> in bine. And Hancock, the mighty soldier, wash com rade tried and tr^s ; And l.ogan, our own lefed Logan, undaunted in peace or In wai. Was proud to be called* member In th« ranks nf the O. A. R. I And Orant. that intrepfl cMeftala, who was honored in every land. Stood up in the ranks ol Vt tcrans, a comrade noble and grand. And Sherman, our Billy, Qod bless his old grizzle bead t ? Rejoices in being a conilWt'le of the boys he so valiantly led. Along the Skirmish Line. Indiana has 203 Campn ot 8. Y. Ohio "sons" favor a military field en campment for this year. The W. R. G. at Owoeso, Mich., disburs ed f240 last year. The total membership o{ (he Grand Army is nearly 450,000. The Governor of Wyoming Is a member of the Grand Army. The Woman's Relief Corps hi Iowa has a membership of 5,000. The Iowa department encampment Will be held at Des Moines in April. - Thewjtfftoyar afrflfej.. y-->tyfs of ib* Grand Army residing in the State of Iowa. The Woman's Relief Corps has a mem' bership of about 70,000 in the, United States. The department eneampment of Kan sas was held at Salina, Kan., Jan. 28, 29 and 30. An old wooden canteen of the Salem, Mass., Artillery Regiment of the revolu tion is in the possession of P. W. Phillips, It is marked "S. A't., 1766." The United States pension agency at Topeka, Kan., paid out to pensioners in the States of Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, New Mexico and Indian Territory the sum of #8,308 267.52; the payments for the previous year amounted to f 7,107- 102.09. The tramp desease la grippe has inter fered greatly with the installingof officers everywhere. Many posts in the Western departments have had to postpone in stallation ceremonies until the officers elect would be able to attend regular meetings. Emulating the enterprise of Chicago in securing Libby Prison as a relic, Pitts burgh is talking about buying John Brown's "fort" at Harper's Ferry, and removing it to that city. The "fort" is .bout to be torn down to make room for improvements that the paper mill com pany which bought the United States property at Harper's Ferry propose to make. The State encampment of the Illinois G. A. R. will be held in 'Springfield early in March, and great preparation are being made to give the boys a good time. The woods as yet are not full of candidates for Department Commander, but there are some and more to be heard from. A great department like Illinois ought to be well represented by delegates in the National Councils of the G. A. R., and by a commander of ability. At the next National encampment a| Boston Illinois ought to be second to any department west of the Alleghanies in point of num bers, discipline, and appearance, and it wants a commander who can represent the organization with dignity. Work of the Pension Oftee « During the week ending Jan. 18,1890, 5,949 claims were received, of which 1,909 were original invalid; 537 widows; 6 war of 1812; 12 bounty land; 36 navy; 3 old war; 41 on account of Mexican service, and 3,410 applications for in crease. The names and postoffice ad dresses of 5,711 officers and comrades were furnished for the use of claimants. The number of cases detailed to special examiners was 836; 769 reports atid ases from special examiners; cases on hand for special examination, 11,334. Report of certificates issued during week ending Jan. 18, 1890; Original, 1,261 ;• increase, 106; reissue, 134; res toration, 35; duplicate, 0; accrued, 6t>; arrears, 0; act of March 3, 1883, 0; order April 3, 1884, 0; act of Aug. 4, 1886, 0; supplemental, 0; arrears, Jane 7. 1888, 0; Mexican war, 40; total, " The Senate Bill. The Senate Committee on Pensions has decided upon a bill, and instructed the Chairman--Senator C. K. Davis, of Min nesota--to report it, which he has done. The first clause is as follows: That in considering the pension claims of dependent parents, under the provi sions of this act, the fact of the death of the soldier or sailor, and the fact that he left no widow or minor child or children, having been nhown as required by law, it shall be necessary only to show by com- |w?tent and sufficient evidence that such parent or parents are without other means of support than their own labor or the contributions of others not iegally bound for their support: Provided, That all pensions allowed to dependent parents under this act shall comnu nee from tho date of the filing of the applica tion hereuuder and shall continue no than the existence" of their de pendence. •'M:, . 'iSJ.'"- The changes In this from the same clause in the bill passed by the Senate of the 50 th Congress are mainly verbal The most important is the striking out of "manual" before "labor." The second clause reads: ( SEC. 2. That all persons who served three months or more in the military or naval service of the United States during the late war of the rebellion, and who have been honorably discharged there from, and who are now or who may here after be suffering from mental or physical disability not thesresult of their own vicious habits, which incapacitates them from the performance of labor in such a degree as to render them unable to earn a support, and who are dependent upon their daily labor for support, shall upon making due proof of the fact, according to such rules and regulations as the Sec retary of the Interior may provide, be placed upon the list of invalid pensioners of the United States, and be entitle^ to receive f 12 per month; and such pension shall commence from the date of the filing of the application in the pension office, after the passage of this act. upon proof that the disability then existed, and shall continue during the existence of the same. Provided, That persons who are now receiving pensions under existing laws, or whose claims are pending in the pension office, may, by application to the Commissioner of Pensions, in such form as he may presenile, showing themselves entitled thereto, receive the benefits of this act; and nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent any Eensioner thereunder from prosecuting is claim and receiving his pension under any other general or special act. Pro vided, however, That no person shall re ceive more than one pnsion for the same period. And Provided further, That rank in the service shall not be consid ered in applications filed under this act The main changes in this from the bill "passed by the Senate of the 50th Con-^ gressare: Striking out "totally," before "incapacitated," "manual," before "la bor," and adding after "labor"--"insuch a degree as to render them unable to earn a support, and who are dependent upon their daily labor." The third section reads: SEC. 3. That if any officer or enlisted man who served three months or more in the army or navy of the United States during the late war of the rebellion, and who has died or shall hereafter die, leav ing a widow, minor child or children un der 18 years of age, or in case there be no widow or minor child or children, a dependent mother or father, as such de pendency is defined under section one of this act, such widow, minor child or chil dren, or mother, or father, shall be placed upon the pension roll at the rates estab lished for them by law without regard to the cause of death of such offfcer or en listed man. Provided, That the cause of death of such officer or enlisted man was not or is not due to a violation of the civil or military laws, or the result of vicious habits, and that said widow was married to the deceased pensioner prior to the passage of this act. All pensions granted to widows under this act shall take effect from the date of the death of the husbands of such widows, but not dating back of the passage of this act. The changes in this are the prescribing that the pensioner shall have served at least three months; have been honorably discharged, and that his death was not due to violation of law or vicious habits. Sec. 4 reads: SEC. 4. That from the date of the pas sage of this act the increase of pensions for minor children shall be at the rate of $4 per month, instead of $2 per month, as now provided by law, and in case a minor child is insane, idiotic or otherwise helpless, the pension shall continue dur ing the life of said child, or during the period of such disability. This is the same as in the former bill, except that the rate of increase is made f4 instead of $5. Section 5 of the former bill, which mod ified Section 4,716 Revised Statutes-- which prohibits the granting of pensions to anyone who voluntarily served in the rebel army--so as to prevent its applying to this act, has been stricken out, and consequently all who voluntarily served in the rebellion are excluded from its benefits. The bill will now hav« to undergo dis cussion in the Senate, and possibly con siderable modification.--National Trib. sion committee of the next Congress will be relieved of a great deal of rubbish that has been carried along for a number of years. To facilitate matters, Chairman De Lano has appointed as clerk J. Wal ter Blandford, of Washington, a young lawyer, formerly the clerk of the com mittee, and who is familiar with the his tory of the old bills. . S Claims Fending in the Pension , i A count justcompleted shows that there are now 460,556 unadjudicated and pend ing claims on file in the Pension Office, classified as follows: Invalid claims, 182- 955 widow's claims, 75,380; invalid in crease and accrued claims, 2,415. 01 these cases 85,340 have boen placed upon the list of "completed files" for imraedi ate consideration; the entire adjudicat ing force of the Bureau will devote five days in each week to the consideration of these completed cases until the list is dis posed of. Justice now requires that the difference heretofore recongized in our lftws, between "the investmentof life" and capital neces sary to save the Union, should as far as possible "be obliterated" from our "Na tional statutes," by the passage of a just and equitable Service Pension Disability Bill, such as we believe is herewith sub mitted. Up to June the 30,1888, the al most inconceivable sum $2,652,000,000, had been paid to holders of our National bonds on account of tlie war of the re bellion--f2,153,080,964. of this amount for interest alone. For the same period, 1865--1888, there has been paid for the pension list, including pensioners of all wars, |646,387,860, but a trifle over one- fourth the amount paid the money-lend ers. T •%! >ew Plan of the Pension Committee. The Chairman of the House Committee on Pensions, Mr. De Lano, intends to in augurate a new policy in regard to the business which comes before his commit tee. In past Congresses there has gen erally been a flood of bills turned into his committee and only those were ever Considered which promised favorable ac tion of the House. The result has been that year after year the bills which were not regularly reported upon have been reintroduced into Congress, and will con tinue to be so in a majority of cases as long as the policy heretofore adopted prevails. It is Mr. De Lano's purpose to have every bill referred to his committee considered and a report passed upon its merits. It will make a great deal of work * rW ^ t • «. AU.«% <:- Commissioner of Tensions Raum has promulgated an order which will prohibit employes of the pension office from smok ing while on duty. Speaking of the en forcement of rules generally which are inclined to lesson the pleasures of em ployee, General Raum said this after noon : "I find that the clerks are willing to cheerfully accede to any demand that I may make upon them if it does not affect their retention in office. They are glad, to buckle down to business and do any thing that is required if not permitted to remain. Very many of them have been expecting to be forcibly retired, and they seem to be more anxious to stay than. I ,m? «»peoted ̂ could be. protest in the name of the Grand Army of the Republic. Thfy may eulogise the lost cause, worship their heroes anil de cide their matters of censure, but It is blasphemy and sacrilege to say God only knows which was right. If our soldiers were not right, then the decalogue should be repealed, then the Bible is untrue anil the soldiers were not martyrs, but as pu gilists in the ring trying to master faj brute force. If they are not right then conscience should be eliminated and the distinction between right and wrong should be obliterated. Then loyalty is but a name, and patriotism but a fatal malady of the Government* This insidi ous effort to reverse the verdict should be resisted. The Union soldier was right and had the conviction that he fought for freedom and did not fall in vain." B*ard ot Pension Appeals. Assistant Secretary Bussey has request ed the Secretary of the Interior to recom mend to Congress that the Board of Pen sion Appeals in his office be increased from three to nine members. In his an nual report Assistant Secretary Bussey recommended that the membership be in creased to six. Since making that re port Gen. Bussey says the accumulation of appeals and of motions filed by claim ants for reconsideration of Departmental decisions has proceeded at even a greater rate than was then anticipated. There are now pending before the Department about 4,500 appeals and motions, in connection with which, the Assistant Sec retary says, there is ah - urgent pressure for adjudication of the questions in volved. He asks that this provision be incorporated in the pending deficiency bill, and that it be made immediately available. It is understood that Secre tary Noble will approve this request. P£NSI01Va. Baling* and Decisions by the Assistant Bee* rstary ef the Interior and the Commissioner of Pensions Assistant Secretary Bussey rendered a decision in the invalid pension claim of Louis Dormer, late Sergeant in Co. F, 1st Mo. L. A., overruling the former adverse decision by the Commissioner of Pensions. The weight of evidence in the case shows that about May 29,1862, while the com mand to which the claimant belonged, and the 26th Ind. Regiments, were en camped near Sedalia, Mo., a, serious dis turbance took place among the men of the two commands. The claimant was ordered by his superior officer to assist in maintaining order. While so engaged he was several times stabbed in the back by the rioters, receiving disabling injuries. The claim was originally rejected by the Commissioner of Pensions on the ground that the evidence did not show the soldier was in the line of duty when the wounds were received. The Assistant Secretary finds that the evidence is conclusive that the enjuries were received while in the performance of duty, and, therefore, he directs the pension to be issued. S'lght or Wrong. Of late oar Southern friends seem to be vieing with the North in erecting monu ments to their generals and leaders in the war of the rebellion, thus perpetuating not only the memories of the individuals, but actually endorsing and perpetuating the "cause" for which they fought; for if they had not been engaged in a war to distroy our Union, break up our Republic and make us the laughing stock of the world, these men would never have tad these monuments erected. The men and the cause are both honored in the monu ment. They cannot be separated. In a speech to some of the G.A.R.boys not long since, Senator Ingalls used these words: The dbldkm of the South ar» our brothers--all Americans--but when tlwy place Davis, Lee and Jackson in the same I .i|iiy)ln^ fjipnt Toj|^«L J " t ' ' Watisnal Encampment 9. A. X. Governor Bracket, of Massachusetts, in his annual message to the legislature this month, said: The National Eneampment of the Grand Army of the Republic is to be held in Boston in August next. Important and interesting as the gatherings always are, this one will be especially go, as it takes place in the same year with the quarter-centenary of the crowning vic tory at Appomattox. It is expected that in the streets of Boston will march haw of thousands of veterans, coming from nearly every State and Territory in the Union, many of them bearing the flags they bore at Gettysburg and on the on er great battle-fields of the war. This demonstration, probably never to be repeated on so magnificent a scale within this Commonwealth, will be aa object lesson for our children, the value of which cannot easily be estimated. Massachusetts lias been honored by the selection of her capital as the place for this assemblage, and should manifest her appreciation of the honor by co-operat ing with the mem liens of the Massa chusetts Department of the Grand Army, and with all other patriotic citizens in. making the occasion one that ahull be worthy of the State and of the organi tion which will be here convened. T1 liberal spirit in which the Commi wealth has always endeavored to di charge her obligations to her soli will doubtless be shown with reference to this event, which will be not only one ol wide-spread interest, but instructive and useful as well in strengthening in the hearts of the people the sentiments of patriotism which are nurtured by what ever recalls the memories of the war which closed a quarter of a century ago. Pensions for Veterans. Daring the war there was no ttndt to the patriotism of the able-bodied men. The Government in itB weakness was in great danger of destruction, and the able to bear arms freely called for, and when the call was not promptly answered, draft quickly followed the call. The number of drafted men in the Union army was much smaller in proportion than in any army of equal magnitude in the history of warfare. The great mass of those who fought the nation's battles, preserved its existence, throttled secession forever, firmly estab lished the government and vindicated the principles of the Constitution were volunteers. They left home and friends, placing their lives on the issue of aa ind** visible Union, and went forth to strike down those who were determined to rain because they could not be permitted to rule. It was an army of patriots figfcfr ing entirely tor undying principles. No other army of equal excellenco in every patriotic and soldierly feature ever marched forth to battle for the right. While that grand army was fighting tfie nation's enemies in front, it was con stantly abased and maligned in every manner by copperheads in the mar. People half a century old well remember the malignance of copperheads. Younger people can scarcely comprehend how or why Union soldiers could have been pur sued with such undying hatred. Among the most despicable copperhead papers during the war was the present St. Louis Republic, and its hatred of the Union soldier is just as bitter to-day- All through the war and the reconstruction period the Republic hounded the Unkm army and government at every point, and it is still pursuing the Union soldisis with all the devilish malignance which copperheadism can inspire. A recent issue of that paper calls for a decrease in the amount appropriated for pensions and attempts to establish a limit beyond which no Democratic vote will go. Here is the limit in its own words: No Democrat in Congress should vote for any appropriation bill granting more than $80,000,000. That amount is aa average expense of f 100 each for 800,000 men. There'are 500,000 on the rolls, which at an average of $ 100 ayear would leave a margin of $30,000,000 on the $80,000,000. The pension steal must stop somewhere. There is the old Copperhead hiss in "the pension steal," as the Republic terms it Of late there seems to be a gradually- increasing effort among the Democratic papers to check the unavoidable iucreaas in the pension appropriation. It is w«B for the friends of the Union soldier* to be on their guard. The puiwf appropriation must continue to grow until every honorably-discharged, disabled and dependent soldier receives the pittance the law provides. There was no limit to patriotism during the war, and there must be no limit to- the necessities of the soldiers now beyond the limits placed by law. Copperhead* may howl and those who think "tltt soldier has played out" may maneuver but the honor of the Nation is and the pledge will be saeredty The Union soldier will be honorad, pected and pensioned as the law provides until the entire number have tered into "the plan torn