Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1890, p. 5

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- >. ; -r * ,'*/t > •««••*> *"• * v< ,-*tr . • ••' *4 . . . \',V:..//:•" i?:-v - jsv- '.A> . "; '̂4 f, -- J ;.»• ->vl, - -j/t- f ]^[wy ^ltiiietleF. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5, 1890. #7_ THK "Drunkard's Warning" SATURDAY « ! " night, Feb. 8. GVV- DIARIES for 1890, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. I - IF you wish a rare treat, attend the r ,,f* |>lay Saturday evening. NICE line of Pipes, just received, at Barbian Brothers. , Si Ip you wish fun you should see TJptoj • & Smasher Saturday night. REMEMBER Prof. Meeke, at the City Hall, , On Monday "evening next. GEO. SEYMOUR in his great talks at the i - f>lay Saturday night. V' . , ' MR. SLADE'S subject next -Sunday morn- f '|ng will be, "The Creation," as given in the first chapters of Genesis. ADMISSION to tfie play Saturday night is only 25 cents for adults, 15 cents for , ehildreu. ' "Have you seen the 5--A five mile horse A blanket? If not, why not,? If you 4 jfcave a horse you need it." 5 MONEY TO LOAN on farm land, on time *nd in amounts to suit Jjorrowew. In- • quire at this office for further particular^, CARIJ PRETZEL is one of the most truthful writers in the profession. "He gay8 that "man born of woman is of. few days and full of influenza." '>* THE late Jeff Davis is quoted as having -iaid a couple of years ago, that Minever law Abraham Lincoln;" and, according to Bible teachings, he never will. $ J* JOHN EVANSON & Co has something of p »1(hterest to say to our readers this week. flead their column.. advertisement in another PERSONAL. THE Scott Family started for Denver, Colorado, on Monday afternoon. A. S. WRIGHT and wife, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with friends in this village. COL. J. S. WILCOX, of Elgin, was a caller on Saturday morning last. HON. R. BISHOP and wife, were in Chi­ cago on Tuesday. • • » ' L. H. OWEN, who has been quite sick with La Grippe the past two week», is te­ as improving. ; , THE firm of Barnes & Smiley, Attorneys at Law, Woodstock, have dissolved partnership, and C. P. Barnes will remain at the office of the late firm. Piniil liiir r»n t.hA >!•;,. jiapi,. THE Detroit Commercial Advertiser says: "Prof. Meekecan keephis audience convulsed with laughter for hours at a time, or mingle the pathetic with the humorous and anon bring tears to their eyes." Hear him at the City Hall, on Monday evening next. * . i MRS. GEORGE ABBOTT died at her .home,] in the town of Greenwood, on Sunday morning last, and was buried in the ceme­ tery, at Greenwood, on' Tuesday. La Grippe, complicated with pneumonia, we believe was the cause of death. Her hus­ band died December 26th. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalist Church, will meet with Mrs. Dr. Brown on Thursday afternoon of this week. MRS. J AO, B. I'KRRT, Preafctettt, Mas. O N. OWKN, Sec'y; LIST of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at McHenry, III., February 1, 1890: Richard Aylward, • John Arbrenfch, | Robert Bourke, J.Harvey, Mrs. Sophie Leum, Mrs. Henry Street, Dr. Wise. JAY VAN SLYKE, P. M. •' NUNDA'S young people will give an en- f tertainment in the Riverside Hall, Satur- day evening, Feb. 8. This play was giv- & - on in their town lately to a large house . and all were well pleased. V AT a crossing near Elgin, Thursday Inst, trains on the Northwest and the Mil- waukee roads were in collision, the Mil- • %-aukee engine and several Northwestern 1 ! Ooaj cars being wrecked. _ I ; THE courts have decided that it Is nn- ^lawful for raidroad conductors to collect fpen cents, or any other amount, in excess < of the regular fare from passengers who ' ^failed to procure tickets. tDo those boys who hunt squirrels now that it is against the law to Bhoot . rfpiese animals between the 15tfi day of 4 l)ecember and the 1st day of Juneof each! MCHENRY, Feb. 3d,1890. Thanks to the many kind friends of McHenry and vicinity for the unexpected­ ly liberal patronage and appreciation re­ ceived at their hands at the Tuesday night concert. SCOTT FAMILY CONCERT Co. THE PLAINDEALER *\nd the Breeder'f fruide one year for $ 1.50. Call at thit office and get a sample copy of th« .<j JfSuide, one of the best agricultural fiapen ^%ublished in the West. «•;' '^^^Okifai^WARDEWr BtroK says tb*stefce fist ^"lv^Joramissioners will, in the. spring, plao :"1l,000 two-year-old bass, five inches longV .^bad remedy ^ i, between each of the dams from Aurora to -- Algonquiu, . MEEKE, dramatic and humorous impersonator, will give one of his popu­ lar entertainments at the City Hall, on Monday evening next, Feb. 10th, uuder the auspices of our public school. Prof. Meeke comes highly recommended by both the public and the press, and is pro­ nounced one of the most versatile imi­ tators on the stage. No one should fail to hear him. Remember the date, Mon­ day evening pext, Feb. 10th, at the City^ Hall. ^"I^ETTY thieving is going on in our til­ lage to a considerable extent this winter, and our citizens are perfecting a plan to catch the marauders, whoever they may be, and mete out to them the punishment they deserve. Wood piles have siiffered in different parts of the village, and in two cases whole dressed hogs have been carried away. It is fully time that a stop was put to Such acts, and if caught" in the act a pill of cold lead would not be THE sick in this vicinity are all improv-j Ing and no new cases have been repo: 111 the past few days. It is to be hopei that old La Grippe has let up for thii time, at least. THE Dramatiq dob aw prggretwlng finely in their rehearsals of the tframdTor "Dot the Miner's Daughter," and now ex­ pect to bring it out about the 27th and 28th of this month. Full particulars *nd programme next week. ' • DR. BULL'S Cough Syrup-- the working ; jjaan's friend. You, who have to be out | Id all sorts of weather and can't afford to v- J lay by, can not afford to be without Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Consumption fol- lows in the wake of a neglected cold. 1 A REGULAR meeting of Valley Camp Modern Woodmen of America, will be f Jeld at the PLAINDEALER Counting room, }"•' |>n Tuesday evening next, February 11th. se . It is for the personal interest of every fV Inember that he be present at this meet- ii / |ng. Per Order. W- A PHILOSPHER says that "happiness is W -. found in chasing after something, not in - fatching it." When a man's hat blows <>ff, he may enjoy more happiness while '. lie ischasing itdown the street than when -" he catches it, but he doesn't look that ««y. ( ; "He jc^ts at scars, who never felt a Wound" and he can afford to laugh at ||r : the horrors of rheumatism, who never p,1 . had a touch of its quality. But it seems ' , the time htis come for a universal laugh-- since it is known that Salvation Oil cures • pains of all possible kinds. AN exohange very cleverly remarks: ) j burglars are hereby notified not to pay u8 any nocturnal visits with the ex- J" " ' of getting ffr W. OWEN and Albert Oolby hate applied for a Patent for an attachment to a Horse Rake which we think, is the most perfect thing, for the purpose for which |t is intended, we ever saw, and one whi<Sh no farmer will do withorit after hip hna our" ^ Weshallnotattempt to describe it at this time, but would ad­ vise every farmer to call at Owen & Son's Warehouse and see it attached to a Rake. Mr. Colby is the Inventor and Mr. Owen will get it Patented and secure a one-half interest thereby. WE have received from James Vick, Rochester, N. Y., his Floral Guide, which in beauty of appearance and convenience of arrangement surpasses anything in this line which we have ever had the privilege of seeing before, It is a pam­ phlet eight by ten inches in size, and with the covers, which by no means are the least important part of it, contains an even one hundred pages. Although called a "floral guide" it is devoted to vegetables as well, and includes as full a list and description of both flowers, vege­ tables and also small fruits as could l»e brought withiathe compass of a book of its size. pectation of getting money. If they & - JWant our money they must call on our >'1 delinquent subscribers, a list of whom i/ Will be furnished on application at this 1> office. _______________ ; ; L I V E S of the printer oft remind us, hon- f «st toil don't stand a chance; the more r:i?we work we have behind us bigger patches . on our pants. On the pants once new I and handsome now are patches of all Viiue, all because subscribers linger and wou't pay up what is due. Then let all be up and doing, send in your cash how- ever small, or when the snows of winter strike us we shall have no pants at all I: • A RECENT decision of the Illinois supreme court says that no town or city has a , right t® give a man a license or permit <ihim to sell any wares or merchandise on 'the sidewalk or streets in front of the ^ property of another person. The street -vT'^jn front of a man's place of business is ^C^held to be an appurtance to the lot on which his store is erected and situated, «and is for his business against all other, -^except only the right to travel thereon. s Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and •- Liver Complaint? Shiloh Yitalizer ia jgujir&iteed to care yoa. Sold by J, A. .wBtory, ProoMdlnca of the Board of,Trustees. MCHBNRY, III, Jan. 6, 1890. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Pres. J. Van Slyke, and Trus­ tees Bishop, Hauperihs, Smith, and Miller. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following bills were presented, au­ dited and the clerk ordered to draw or­ ders on the Treasurer for the same: Geo W Owen, Board ot Health |50 00 U w Bealey, «• • ... 1" W! UrO J Hownril,*' •• I0 0(t K Limphere, 8t com 14 15 H L) Holmes, »t work I S.» w. ij. iioimes, vii cons able anon John Oimoo, lamp lighter 20 00 Wilbur number (Jo , lumber .. 46 35 Bill of J. Bonslett laid over for further information. Moved by Trustee Hauperihs that bill of W. P. Stevens be allowed when 0. K.'d by the committee on miscellaneous busi­ ness. Seconded and earned. Moved by Trustee Hauperihs that the President appoint a committee of two to confer with the order ot Forresters rela­ tive to renting the old village council room to them. Seconded and carried. President appointed as such commit­ tee, Trustees Bishop and Smith. Moted by Trustee Miller that the Good Templars l»e charged $35 to this date for the use of Village Hall Irom April 15,- 1889. Duly seconded and carried. ^ Moved by TrusteeSmith, duly seconded, that the rent of council room to the Good Templars for four months from Jan. 6 be at the rate of one dollar per evening in­ cluding fuel and lights. Carried. On motion adjourned to meet ftfst Monday evening in February. J. Vaf Slykb, Presides!• A Cap#**. Clerk. , . OOUMCIL ROOM, jPeta.», UMV "Board met pureuaat to adjournment. Present, President J. Tan Slyke a Trustees Walsh, Bishop, HauiJerisch, Smith, Miller ajtt Granger. - Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were presented, au­ dited and the clerk ordered to' draw or­ ders on the Treasurer for the same: Ph Hmiperltio, storing Ur« oaglnen.... ...t 7 00 N L Hotiues. vil con... 30 00 John Simon, lamplighter 30 00 Wilbur Lumbar IM, lumber.... .... 346 l'erry A. Owi^n. oil, eto.i.............. S 76 Sioffel & Blake, " .... ..1. . *80 HGiUxjit, " .....460 Allhoff Rro»., " 175 Stevens A Miller, •' 4 90 Committee on renting old council room reported that with consent of the Board they had agreed to lent same to the or­ der of Forresters to May 1st for the con­ sideration that the Forresters make nec­ essary repairs on same and get park seats to the village hall. Moved by Trustee Granger that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded and carried. ' Moved by Trustee Hauperihs that the street committee investigate the prob­ able cost of graveling the main street from the depot to the iron bridge and that they be empowered to go oil with the work, if in their judgment theexpense i would not be too much. Duly seconded Vnd carried. Moved by Trustee Hauperihs that the clerk be instructed to collect all rents due for use of village hall to date Seconded and carried. On motion adjourned t<3 tfteet first Monday evening in March. J VAN SLYKE President. If. A, 2RISTT, Clerk. ; School Report. The following is the report of the Me- H<yiry Public School for, month ending January 31,1890: HIGH SCHOOL. Total number enrolled ...87 Average daily attendance ....88 Monthly averages as follows: A (1RADE. GraceStevens 97 Joanna Doherty. .95 Amy Owen 97 Thos. Walsh 96 Nina Wdls 97 Howard Stevens.95 Edwin Granger...97 James Perry 94 Wayne Woodb'n.96 Maggie Bonslett.94 Nellie Knox 96 Joseph Buss 94 Joel Wheeler 96 Geo. Gilbert 93 Berniee Kimball..96 Ralph Cliilds 93 Chas. Nordquest..96 Ony Turner 93 Amos Smith 95 John Fay 93 Jay Gilbert..'.. 93 u GRADE. Allie Smith 95 WalterBesley 91 Harry Eldredge..!)5 Maggie 0onway.'.91 Fannie Osborne..94 Lonnie Howard..89 Agnes Perry 94 HerbertBennett..87 M'g'retM'Donald93 Lizzie Buss 87 Carrie Colby 93 Otis Parker 87 l<yle Howe 93 Asahel Stevens....86 Lutie Lincoln 85 F. 'M. OVEIIAKER, Prin. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. A GRADE. Frank Colter^ 92 Ray Lamphere....87 Bessie McKiiilay..91 Milo Howe ..76 B GRADE. John Schreifier....93 Peter Weber 86 .92 Ray Wilson 85 .91 Fred Kamholtz...85 .91 John Buss 83 .90 Mathias Wet»er...80 .89 Ollie Blackman...80 Peter Rothermel.88 Alice Frisby 78 Ivettie Stevens 87 Louis Bishop 78 Tim. Kimball 87 George Gilles,......78 Amos Turner 86 Edgar Bishop 77 Ida Wilson ....80 John Wirfs. 78 George Hanly 70 c GRADE. Lura Oweu 94 Maria Quinn 81 Berniee Perry 93 Maud McKinlay..77 Willie Loughlin...91 Delo Knox .....77 Edith Curtis 89 Martin Conway.^78 Katie Schaefer 62 Those neither absent nor tardy are Lura Owen, Bessie McKinlay, Berniee Perry, Katie Schaefer, Edgar Bishop, Frank Bennett, Frank-Qolfag, Ray Lam' phere and Harry Hanly. MARV L. WENT WORTH, Teacher, PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Whole number enrolled .... Lizzie Engeln. Frank Bennett. Peter Engeln.... Harry Hanly... Josie Gilles 87 29 Average daily attendance... A GRADE. Lizzie Simon 92 Clayton Wilson...91 Ethel Smith 92 Mary Engeln 87 Willie Bishop 90 Mary McKiulay..88 Mannie Auringer.89 B GRADE. George Howe 93 Harry Fay 88 CarlOveraker 93 Julia Laughlin....89 Harold Colby 92 Hattie Howard...89 Albert Hally.......91 Wallie Woodburn85 c GRADE. John Knox 91 Agnes Quinn 88 Charli(? Block 91 Harry Kennedy..87 Eddie Simon.......89 Willie Howe 87 Mary Frisby........89 Willie Auringer...86 Neither absent nor tardy: Carl Over- aker, John Kpox, Harry Kennedy, Har­ old Colby, Grace Taylor, Julia Laughlin, Agnes Quinn, Mary Engeln. MRS. MARY COBB, Teacher. --.I, * .. •J'.t* Vv• *• . , *«-c Vi' Busiiioss Notices. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MABOWTC.--A. P. anil A, II, meet at MMOBW Hallon.evory 1st and 8d wedneMsy even u>'8 of each hionth. MODKKN WOODS** OK1 AHBP'CA.--Meet *t Masonic Hall eVtry Id Mb Thursday even­ ings of each month. Neighbor! cordially in­ vited. WEST HIDE DIVISION. No. pupils enrolled... "That, that is, is and when it is, that is the reason that it is." Masquerade Friday night. Carrie Sherburne haa been quite sick- Horace Prouty was' la the city last week. - y• ' V: Mrs. Wilcox is very leeble "this winter. . Pete Robertson is workiug for J. F.- Brown. . Mrs. Baraltine is suffering with La Grippe. McGinty w4ll be at Howe's Hall Friday night. Grandpa Street passed his ninety-scc- ond birthday last week. F. E. (iratton was sfck with his old complaint for a few days. , - J^F. and L. Brown were in- the city with stock the ffrst of last week. Mrs. William Rowe has been very sick with influenza. -• • Buchanaii's dividend, for Dieoember milk was f 1.10 per hundred. The same as November. ' : The fourth dancing school was held on Monday evening. Chet Stewart has an auction of per­ sonal property on Wednesday of this week. Bert Ferdanaugh returned a few days ago from a visit to his home at White­ water. Miss Rett Van IIoOBen, from Green­ wood, is staying a week with her sister, Mrs. F. Rowe. - George Boughton's Hebron friends are sorry tp leanp of the accident he met with while skating, Grant Phillips is stffl ait Dr. Hertffcks, at this writiug though improving. He sat up for the first time in a week on Saturday. A large eagle was seen floating over this "neck of the woods" . one day last week. Mrs. Drake, from Harvard, visited her brother, W. E, Wire and family, theHast of the week. Miss Carrie Hodge was home frojia Elgin for several days. She returned on Mon­ day, Superintedent Barber was in town on Thursday and called a few minutes at the public school building. Prof. Schermerhorn hapt over forty scholars in his Hebron school, and allure well pleased with his method of instruc­ tions on horse training. Mr. and Mrs. Sherburne entertained a number of their neighbors and friends at their home on Saturday afternoon-and evening. Frank Manley was obliged to give up his school in the Burgett district for a few days, on account of an attack of La Grippe. • - ^ -•« - The grbund hog was certaiuly unable to see his shadow on Sunday last and this fact according to the old sign, pre­ dicts an early spring. Rumor says two pew choose factorys are to be built this spring, on# near the southern part of the township and the other in the southern edge of Wisconsin, near the Charlie High place. The Magpie sociable, held at the resi­ dence of Jofin fatewart last week, warf a novel and enjoyable affair. The Collec­ tion taken amounted to$3.07. Thenext Presbyterian Sociable will be held at W. C. Hyde's on Tuesday evening, Feb. 11. Mrs. Horace Prouty stayed in town one night recently, at the home of her broth­ er, Jackson Conn. There is nothing re­ markable about this, only in connection with the wounderful fact that it was the first time Mrs. Prouty had ever remained away from home over night since her marriage, 30 years ago. The I.O.G. T. elected the following of­ ficers on Thursday evening last, for the ensuing quarter, to be installed a,t their regular meeting this week: Menzo Stone, C. T.; Miss Minnie Hodge, V. T.; Miss Bertha Benson, Sec.; Allie Hyde, F. Sec.; Mrs. C. F. Prouty, Treas,; Earl Hillman, Mar.; Charles Bailey, Guard; Warren Gates, Sen. < Wedding- Bells. Married, at the Catholic Church, 5J McHenry,Jan. 30th. 1890, by Rev. Fath- Average daily attendance 47 er O'Neill, Jay Doherty and Miss Anna. Per. cent of attendance 8| Knox, both of this place. ;d by Pupils averaging 80 or over on writte\^ examinations: Newell Colby 96 Pearl Lincoln 90 Eddie Cobb 96 TillieFeltz 88 Nettie Schiessle...96 Etta Simes 87 Fred Feltz 97 TilliePomeraning87 Willie Block 94 Henry Bloek 87 Charlie Buss 95 OrvalHutson 8t Myrtle Slimpins..93 Amos Wolff 8ft H'y Pomeraniug.91 Emrna Feltz 86 Frank Gilbert 91 Henry Kainbolz.,85 Wort-hen Kimball91 WillieThurlwell...84 Frank Thurlwell..90 Lizzie Feltz 83 George Slimpins..90 Mamie Besley .82 Orton Gilbert 90 Frank Cobb.......j81 Donna Lincoln....90 Alvina Block ^80 Emma 0hlrich....80 / J. H. BURGER, Teacher. TAXES 1 TAXES! The undersigned, Collector of Taxes for the Town of McHenry, hereby gives notice that he will be at the following places, on the dates named for the purpose of re­ ceiving Taxes, commencing January 6th, 1890. Mondays at the store of Lay & ^.dams, Johnsburgh. Tuesdays at the store of J, W. Cristy & Son, Kingwood. 7 Wednesdays at the, store of Perry ft Oweu, McHenry. Saturdays at the store of Stevens & Miller, West McHenry. WM. SCHREINEE, Collector. T FARM TO RENT. The undersigned offers for Rent her farm, consisting of 101 acres, all in a good state of cultivation, good buildiDgs, etc. Situated about one and a half oniles Southeast of McHenry village. Terms reasonable. Possession given March 1st. Apply on the premises of MfiS. PETBaSkCfni McIIeuiy, Feb. 4th, 1890. • • • ilfK" v The Nuptial mass w:as attended by quite a large number of the relatives and friendB, who came to witness the ceremo­ nies and to offer their prayers for the happiness and prosperity of the young couple who were being united by the ties of matrimony which death alone can sever. From the church the guests went to the home of the bride's mother where all spent a most enjoyable afternoon. ^ The bride is one of our most popular young ladies and is much beloved by her many friends for her rare and beautiful qualities of heart and mind. The groom is one of the best of our very good young men. He, too, has many friends, who'admire him for his honesty, integrity and many other excel­ lent traits of character. Ere the shades of evening gathered up­ on the scene, the merry party dispersed, Mr. and Mrs. Doherty taking a train for Iowa, where they will spend some time in visiting relatives, and the guests return­ ing to their homes, feeling that they had been royally entertained and wishing the happy couple many year* of health, peace and contentment: COM. '" --I =g= t||ARM FOR REN The undersigned offers for rent his farm, consisting of 125 acres, all in a high state of cultivation, situated one- half mile south of the village of McHenry. Terms reasonable. Apply to the under­ signed, on the premises. MICHAEL CUEAKT. McHenry, Ftab*4th, 1890.., -rr- ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PIJAINDEALER There were 31 numbers sold at the dance at the Morton House on Friday night last. The music was pronounced first class and all spent a very fine time. Mr. Morton is talking of giving another dance on the evening of Feb. 21st. If h% does we hope the roads will be better so that he can get a little bigger turnout. John Peter presented a petition to the County Judge, at Woodstock, on Satur­ day last in regard to having our town incorporated, and the Judge ordered a special election to be held on Feb. 25th, to decide whether we incorporate or not. C. E. Chapell came in with a carload of milch cows, on Saturday of last week, and he is billed for an auction sale for Wednesday, Feb. 5th. Well, the ground hog did not see his shadow in this neck of the woods on Sun­ day last, so we suppose we can look for mud as usual. Chas. Rowley and family, of Crystal Lake, visited here with the family of H. Keyes on Sunday last. Miss Ella Kee, of Elgin, ' spent Sunday last here with friends. D. W. Thomas shipped a carload of stock to Chicago on Monday of this week. Artie Chapell left on Sunday last for Chicago, where he has secured a situation with Edson Keith & Co., wholesale milli­ nery and fancy dry goods house. We wish him success. I. V. Montanye and bride, of Elgin, spent Sunday here, the guests of J. Helm. Andy Doig and Billy Jaynes spent a couple of days sight seeing in Chicago last week. Mrs. 3. A. Sherwood returned home on Saturday last from her visit with friends in Michigan. Miss Florence Miller returned to Elgin on Monday of this week. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Con­ gregational Church, will meet on Wednes­ day of next week with Mrs. W. P. Benson. Miss Josephine Adamek, of Elgin, spent a few days of last week here with rela­ tives and friends. Ernest Benson is home from the Beloit College. He is on the sick )ist. Our sick are all doing well. The moBt seven# cases that we had was Abe Lade, who had a, very severe attack of pleuro­ pneumonia, and Mr% Wm. Rattray and her daughter Belle. But they are all on the gain now. • ff NUNDA TAXES. The undersigned, Collector of Taxes for the Town of Nunda, here by gives no­ tice that he will be at the folio wing places, on the days named, until March 1st, for the purpose of receiving the Taxes of said town: Tuesdays, at the store of Fitxsimmons & Henderson, West McHenry. Thursdays, at Barreville, Saturdays, at the store of Huffman & Barney, in the village of Nunda. F, BRYANT, Collector. AUCTION. I will sell at public auction, on the Allen farm, two and one-half miles east of Richmond, on Friday, Feb. 14, 1890, commf ncing at ten o'clock a. m. sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 10 good cows, new milch aud springers; 4 two-year-old heifers with calf; 1 yearl­ ing heifer, J work horse, weight 1300; 1 lumber wagon, complete; 1 Thompson hay rake, 1 Thompson Cultivator, 1 walking cultivator, 1 set of bob sleighs, 1 hay rack, 1 hog rack, 2 stubble plows, 1 sod plow, 1 set of double harness, 1 set drags, 1 Champion mowing machine, 10 tons of tame hay, 2 stacks of corn stalks, 150 bushels of oats, 150 bushels of corn, 150 bushels of barley, 50 shocks of fodder corn, 100 fenee posts, forks, shovels, hoes milk cans grain bags and other articles too numerous to ineution. Free lunch at noon. TERMS OF SALE :--All sums of f 15 and under, cash. Over that amount a credit of one year will be given on good ap­ proved notes at 7 per cent interest; 3 per cent off for cash. ' FRED E. HOLMES. COL. J. G. WILSON, Auctioneer. A choice line of Box Paper, cheap, at Besley's West Side, Calf Mean Oil Meat! Always in stock, at Bonslett & Stoffel's, in small or large lots, at close prices. The quality, styles and prices of our new line of dress goods pleases all who see them. STEVENS & MILLER, West McHenry. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Came to the residence of the undersign­ ed, Dec. 25th, 1889, a White and Lemon colored Hunting Dog. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay •charges and take him away. ** JOHN R. BRENTS. McHenry, 111., Jan. 24th, 1890. ' ' FOR SALE OR RENT. The house known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark hoUse, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of H. C. MEAD. Dated January 1st, 1889. FOB BAIiB. Short Horn Bulls, Poland China Boars and Plymouth Rock Fowls -for sale, at thejowest living prices. FRANK COLE. Spring Grove, Jan. 6,1890. 26-3in. Whan Baby was rick, we gave fear Oaatorla, When ate was & Child, she cried far Caatoria, When she became Mix*, she dung to Caatorie, When aha had Children, aae gave them Caatoria I: - • m " PREPARING FOR SPRING I We are now placing (after careful com­ parison) very liberal orders for the spring trade in wall-paper, carpets, boots and shoes, clothing, hats, hosiery, dress goods, domestics, etc., and can truthfully assure the buying public a choice of a more extensive and varied stock of any Shown in town when the spring trade opens in earnest. We also have some very desirable winter goods in stock which we offer, (not for nothing) but without any profit to us, to make room for spring goods. Sat- Iisfaction to you is success to us. A sound, permanent business is preferable to impossible promises. Yours truly, ~ BONSLETT & STQFFKJ*. Read our new advertisement. STEVENS & MILLER, West McHenry. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee, It cures Consumption. Sold by J. A. Story. The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drug Store. If you want to see the finest stqck ol Fine Shoes at the lowest prices call at Althoff Bros. •- If you need a need a new overcoat call and see our new and stylish garments. STEVENS & MILLER, West McHenry. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh'sf Cure. Sold by J. A. Story. We have the best makes of Barb Wire and our prices are on the spot cash basis, very low. J. w. cmisTY & sow, Kinfwood. The finest line of Boots and Shoes for Gent's wear to be found in town. Also, in ladies footrwear, a fine assortment, at Althoff Bros. Catarrh Cured, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by J. A. Story. It will benefit you in purse and peace of mind to buy your boots and shoes of J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. To try is to prove the above. Remember I can save you money on Coal, Corn and Millstuffs. Can deliver in any quantity at rock bottom prices. . W. A. CRisyy, West McHenry. To catch close buyers I have deter­ mined on selling Coal and Feed on a less margin than ever before and selling for Cash only. W. A. CRISTY, West McHenry If any are owing us on the old score we would be very much pleased, and wt know you would be just as much so, to have the account squared up at once. J. W. OKIPTT FT SON, Ringwood. GENTS. If you want your Cloths altered to fit you, and your Cloths Cleaned as good as new, E. Lawlus can do you a neat job. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. A. Story. - VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. For sale, two very desirable village lots in West McHenry. Centrally located. For further particulars inquire at this office. .. CATHARTIC PILLS ARE WHIPS. -To the liver and bowels, but give no strength. The more you take, the more you need. Miles' Pills, (M.P.) positively strengthen. The longer taken the less required. Samples free at Besley's Drug Store. < ROOMS TO RENT. - The Rooms over Bonslett's Hardware Store and also over 0. W. Owen's Jewelry Store, are for Rent. Well aranged for two families. Also for Rent the Rooms over the Post Office. Inquire of E. M. OWEN & SON. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by J. A. Story. E. W. BLATCHFORD & CO., of Chi­ cago, have appointed Bonslett <k Stoffel of West McHenry, agents for their famous Oil Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmers should accord a fair trial. Very close prices are offered on small or large lots. P. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at­ tention. Address. ' H liUReik West Mcifsat* .^,:;rSSL .. it,* I*.? C. MEAD, General Auctioneer. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attendeded to on the most reasonable terms. A share of pat­ ronage solicited. P. 0. Address, West McHenry, 111. H. B. THROOP, AUCTIONEER, Algonquin, III. Particular attention'paid to the sale of Stock, Farming Tools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. All orders promptly filled I make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele­ graph me at Algonquin, 111. FOR RENT. My farm of 480 acres, situated one mile north-east of Ringwood. The land is as good as can be found in thecountry. Will rent for a term of years. Will rent the farm already stocked, or will furnish half of the stock, or will rent without stock as preferred by the tenant. Will give possession March 1st. Also have two houses, and a building suitable for office or shop, all situated in the village of Ringwood, which I will sell or rent on reasonable terms. WESLEY LADD. Ringwood, Jan. 21,1890. EFFECTS OF MODERN LIFE. Eminent authorities unanimously agree that the high pressure methods of human life are rapidly making us a nation of nervous invalids--subject to all manner of nervous affectations, headache, insai- ty, dizziness, neuralgia, backache, hys­ teria, nervous trouble of the heart, stom- ache, kidneys, brain, ets. Ladies and gentlemen who are troubled thus, or who are compelled to keep late hours, do much mental or physical work, or worry or fret about business or domestic troub­ les, should remember that no other remedy in the world will so speedily cure these diseases, remove worry or the blues, induce tranquil sleep, relieve pain, and build the brain and nerveous system as Dr. Miles'great discovery the Restorative Nervine. It contains no opium or mor- Bhine. Trial bottles free at Besley's 'rug Store. A letter from S. P. Wardwell, Boston, says: •'I used Clarke's Extract of flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure in June last for Hay Fever with great satisfaction, and find it the only thing I have seen which would allay, without irritation, the in­ flammation of the nostrils and throat. Its soothing and healing properties were marked and immediate." Large bottle II. Clarke's Flax Soap is the latest and best. Try it. 25 cents. Ask for them at Geo. W. Besley's drug store, West McHenry, 111. • BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SAL VS. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,; corns aud all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money r̂efunded. Price 25 cental par box. For sale by G. W. Besfcy. .. ,j:. iJak •if , * J LA * S-J -'. • gjjStfjV • % V!:; " * 7 ^ i « "vt;! 1 yf4 -»4 ^ • ' i . .. 1, .... 1 i ..sS8..t! Vcw'-W:'V m ^ I ] \> &.i We have sealed up a quart frilit can which we first filled with beans and we make this offer: To the person who guesses the e*act number "WH we will rive •' {I&JI vf i j|fP» j - eioo-^ If the exact number is net guessed, we will give the person who guossea nearest to the exact number, * $50 in Gold! If two or more persons guess the exact number the premium will be divided pro rata, and this will hold good on the premium in the second case also The beans were poured into the can without being counted, and will not *be counted until they are opened by three disinterested ^ 4---, January 1, 1891. The last week of December, 1890, will be the week you ar? t* ; make vour frame. ^ make your gusss. • JCW VI l A. ' ' YN to I If you buy a pair of Boots or '1:^3 Shoes from us from Jan 1, ,< 1890 to jan 1, 1891, you will be ., - ^ entitled to a guess j if two pairs two guesses, etc. The more ^1, pairs you buy the more guesses X you have. In the meantime we shall make it our business to sell * It - you good Boots and Shoes for as "r $£*, little mooey as you can buy them i In the State. Our store is now being filled with s^ New Prints,'- . New Ginghams, New Dress Goods Bigbt in style and price, end We snail try to keep a line of GROCERIES 1 That will always please jo*» Yours as ever. ^ * STEVENS VMa* I'. '• ' * «. V * eVr i^. MILLER. ... «

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