Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1890, p. 8

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• </• ' \ •. Notices nnder the above head by the Ladies of the W O T. U. Editor claim* no part or credit for «.] JtciCAffojili |b pqetf |Kc THK Ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. W. A. Cristy, Thursday af- §, tpraoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Mm L. E. BtNNittT, President. •m. t. J. WALSH, Secretary. 0\? HtTLMA/Vlft ^S^your groeer for SANTA CIAUS CHICAGO. ^ \ i' m*' DrUtkioc and Smokiaf. "Smoking and drinking," yoa said, Inldug and smoking." Why 1s It that these two things always go together, ex- cejlb that they belong together? Minis tern used to indulge in drinking till the people waked up, or perhaps they them­ selves, and to drink Became disreputable, Then they lett of! that, but held to smok­ ing, perhaps the ha&ctac for the restraint in other things. Of course there is BO special rule for ministers that the people should not fol low, for they are "examples to theflock;" yet, by common consent, the people do things which they may not. Let us see liow it looks. Imagine the Apostle John with a cigar in his mouth, or Paul with a pipe or quid. Do you start? It is re­ volting; but why should that be unbe­ coming in them which is all right and proper iu the successors in their work? What the apostle said to Timothy, "Keep thyself pure," has need to be the injunction to many a minister, young and old. And it is sot a question of purity alone, this tobacco business. *The habit is mak­ ing fearful havoc with the well-being of our race. The revenue of the country is affected by it; and next $o spirits, to­ bacco stands the second in value as yielding revenue. Then we learn that in France the increase of insanity and idiocy, and kindred diseases has just kept pace with the increased revenue from the tax on tobacco. . All that saves us is that women ab­ stain. Those parts of the country where women also use tobacco are said to be "not worth saving." However let us comeback to oar text, "Smoking and Drinking." How naturally they go together! Let them go, but not earfry with them either Christians or ministers of God. Slavery has been abolished. Let emancipation be here declared, and the man of God be a free man; for no slavery is, equal to that of a habit.--New York Observer. % | WM. 8TOFFEU --Agent for-- FIRE, - LIGHTNING, And Accidental Insurance. f Ala«Iowa. Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabama, JUkuGAAtiorma Lauds. Call on or address : WM- 8TOFFEL, McHenry, ill. We have sealed up a quart fruit can which we first filled with beans and we make this offer: To the pers m who guesses the exact number the can contain*, we will give STORY & MeOMBER , Successors to W 1? Stevens, West McHenry, Having purchased the Hardware stock of W. P. Stevens wo have replenished the stock an i are now prepared to |hg-v our friends md he public generally as complete a stock of i|p ^ SHELF HEAVY HARDWARE Stoves Tin Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware. As can be found in McHenry County» ^ -AT BOTTOM P£UC£».- j Say* that anything in the Unejof Ic FEED Can bought CHEAPER FOR CASH *T A. CRISTY'S, Than any other place in town. Car hot* a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory, In West McHenry. REMEMBER THE, PLACE. U the exact number is not guessed, we will give the person who guesses nearest to the exact number, $50 in Gold! If two ot mor j persons guess the exact number the premium will be divided pro rata, and this will hold good on the premium in the second case also The beans were poured into the can without being counted, and will not be counted until they are opened by, three dirinterwted persons on January 1, 1891. last week of December, 1890, will be the week you are to make your guess. -WHAT latitfa Yra to a BMMT •' If you buy a pair of Boots or Shoes from us trom Jan 1, 1890 to Jan 1, 1891, you will be entitled to a guess; if two pairs t;ro guesses, etc. The more pairs you buy the more guesses you have. in the meantime we sh%U make it our business to sell you good Boots and Shoes for as little mooey as you can buy them in the State. Our store is now being filled witlt JOBBING AND <R WARING \Vill he done on short Notice an J Satisfaction (J-uaran teed. A pecialty of Kutter Factory work. A aWr%^«.pubiic patronage espectfully solicited. %; ^ . „.STO TTY & M'OMBER, West. McHenry, Dec. 10.1889, JACOB BONSLETT. OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MIL McHENRY, INOIS. DKALER STABLES) New Prints, New Ginghams, | Mm LlMS! New Dress Goods Purchase! fir Cas'i. all ol which will be eoUi a$ low as the maret will admit and furnish first class goods. A FUIriL LIN1 OF STOVMS. GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. and see our Gasolene Stoves. SLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. THI BEST BAmB v In the Market, at Bottom! Prinea. JOBBING AETD HBPAXHXHQ vVill be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 hare of public patronage respectfully solicited, JACOB BONSLETT HADE ON TIME terms to suit borrower*; no com­ mission or charges for examination of abstracts. Money furniched at once, without red tape or delay. J.W RAN8TEAD, Booms land 3 Borden Block, Elgin, 111. Bight in style and price, and we ^hali try to keep a line of GROCERIES «^siklegg:» AND •Wo* in the city are wortL three 'Utaes as as oouotoy horses because we ilmket than In the ibfcie." Get ficom jam dealer free-tbe Book. It has handsome pictures and Information about hows. Tiro or three dollars for a Horse will make jour iiyi ®8 wwlll BWI and eat lew to keep warn 5IA Five Mile 5/A Boss Stable 5A Electric 51k Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit e»«J* If you can't gel them from yow write oi. That will always Yours as ever. you. FOB COHPORAL It beat* them all. No book like it. Everybody ; wants it, 200 illustrations. Humorous, Pathetic,Fas­ cinating, Hundreds of dollars to hustlers. Old and young buy; also thousands of G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans. One agent has ordered over 700 books. Anothre made 183 in 4 days, an­ other took 15 orders In min. in 1 G A. R. Post. Choose territory at once. 24 attractive illustrations See with circulars and terms. PARO Ask your dealer for Ed. L. Huntley & ©o.'s HONEST Clothing-. If our goods are not In "TH» TIBELES8 TOILKB FOB TRAD1S 1" a KUl.TTjcie" Write II. C, Hamilton A Co., Publishers, IB? Soji€rior Street, Cleveland. 07 5/A tORSt- BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST CWITMOUTTMCMU9E AYUI M BOMB. Philada.. WTO S T E V E N S & A Tours, anxious to please, Bo. h. HUNTLEY. }\V. • - 1 CONSUMPT'01" It has permanently cured THOUSANDS of cases pronounced by doctors bope- iir,. Ac., don't uetav, PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION €|«£2Mi£iia^lir ' . . . RICES XiABGEST ^TOOK t " I . _* p̂ E1CIIMOND. ILLINOIS* % We Ho»'t Want YoiirEa-r! • ' jftst wi wnnt ynti «» eotte <N» Mr Ml ^, • STOCSK OB" N ABLE GOODS * A t T*ioy ara ail NS W and wa propose to Call M and looH thein over. MoHcury, Deoember lO, 1880, GEO, W. BESLEY'S. PURE WINES AND MQUOBS) FOR MEDICAL USE. Also BottJerl Ale and Porter for Modioal use. The best brands of Cigars ani SraoRing and Chewiug Tobacco alwavson h«nd PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. Mr.Henrv, Heeemher 28th. 1JS87 . - „ . c. w. BESLEV. anda or some STORB- KEBPBlt in your section, you can PRO­ CURE THEM from the best KNOWN and largest MAII«- ORDER Whole­ sale CLOTHING HOUSE in the world, at pri­ ces that will MAKE YOUR eyes snap and KEEP YOU guessing how we can afford TO DO IT. If your DE A LBR does not keep our goods send to us and we _ WILU furnish you a Butt or Overcoat, ©sprees or mail paid, on reoeipt of price. Wo will win and hold your patronage If you try ua with an order! We have built up this Immense bueisiees Dy our painstaking methods, und by doing by others as we would be done by. ED. L. HUNTLEY & Co., Style Originators, ordering Suits or Overcoats observe strictly following rules for measure­ ment: Breast measure, over vest, close up underarms. Waist measure, over pants. In> side leg measure, from crotch to heel. PRICE-K.I8T. HHAVY-WEIOHT CLOTHING--SOWS. Hen's Brown All-Wool Double and Twist Casfiimere Sack or Frock Suit $9 OO Men's Fancy Black or U!uo Eiitflish Worst­ ed All-Wool Sack or Frocic Suits 14 OO Men's Brown or Gray Vol *ot Finish, All- Wool, Tricot Weave, Fiao Cassimcre Sack or Frook Buit J 7 OO Men's Black or Blue English, .All-Wool Corkscrew, flue worsted. Sack or Frock Suits IS OO Men's Black, Blue, Plum. Lavender or Blate-eolor English Wide Wale Diagonal Worsted Saok or Frock Suits ;. 24 OO References--Firrt national Bank, Of Chicago, capital &!,01\>,OOG; Continental Na­ tional Bank, oi Chicag-o, capital 43,000,000. Er». L. HUNTLEY & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Cloihiup for Men, Boys and Children, 7^ m<U24Market St., CSiicaffO, 111. PostCi'iicc'Box, 0U7. ang> -DEALER IN- Erugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles. A fnli line of Cloths, of tb« latest S1*IM mU patterns alwavs on hand- OR PULL 8UITS, Made on short notice and a At guaranteed. Prom our experience and prai-.ticaI knowl­ edge of he bnsinesB we are confident we can pleatie the moat fastidious, and respectfully invite all In want of Clothing of any kind to give me a call, * Prices as low as the same quality of oau lie purchased my where. •- T.:. C. J. BBttL. Richmond, October Utb, lm. i DR. B. MINCER, --T.HC-- EMINENT OPTICIAN, OF DETROIT, Claims that instruments for treating the Kys,' however good in the hanru of one expert In ' their use, in the hands of the ignorant are worse than useless A man must he rkillsd iu the treatment »f the Eye and the pplica. tion of instruments in order to receive any benefit. If lie is properly skilled he can lit the most difficult eye without instruments, (ilnufes fitted with accuracy s# as lo preserve the eyesight--the delicate construction of the eye maktis it necessary to use great care >n selec ting spectacles. B. Mincer has made the ere his spselal study, and in his later years has paid his en- tire attention to the adaption of Spectacles to the same. Having a thorough experience In making and adapting Spectacles to the eves, he Is enabled to lit accurately in every eats of abnormal vision known as PRE9AYOPIA, HYPERMATROPIA MYOPIA, As well ns weak sight, requiring various tinted glass. His improved spectac e»are of a perfect construction, which assist and pre­ serve the sight, rendering frequent changes unite unnecessary. They confer a brilliant- ness and distinctness of ease and eomfor** not genoially eujoyeu oy persons using »pecia- cles His lenses ar« ground on the most 6 'lentiHc principles, rendering the eye as clear as when in the full strength of yoctb. H. Mincer has some highly flattering testi­ monials of come of the leading oculists Of ths state as to hiB al^lity in fitting Spectacles. REMEMBERz He uses no instruments; He fits the eye the first time; He made the eye a study for pre* twmty years; He uses pure crystal lenses. He guarantees satisfaction; He treits weak eyes successfully; He saves eyes injured by using inferior glasses. He il'.s all kinds of glasses required by de­ fective glasses . < . Ue nakes every variety of glasses. S9"Ordera ean be left at postoflloe and ft! receive prompt attention. No charges Iter *xam (nations or visiting patients at tbeir iome» . WAUCDNDA, ILLINOIS. Are now bettor than ever prepared to offer you GREAT BARGAINS In all inili^of Grooda. ^Vemean business and will «?iveyoa Low­ er 1 rices thau ever before offered in Lae County. --- OUR STOCK OF" General Merchandise «v as nevsr more complete than now. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere Speeial i.iducemontd foe Cash Bu y ers in sums from $1 up. COLD1NC BROTHERS. tf irkw Prioe' lor Furai Produce. JCJiLIA. A. STORY f (One Door West of Riverside House,) . ( Y, ILLINOIS. •DBAT.BR in- DR U G S . ME D I C I N E S , A FULL LINE OF Drags, Qumis&ls, Dys Stufta, Pilots, Oils ud Colon, Constantly on hand Also a large line t-f Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, •--*AND COMPLETE STOCK OF - STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNPJ|IES FltVMicians Prescription® Caretully and accuratey coippr»imded by a Registered Pharma cist. Yttur patron*e i» r«^»e«tfully so'icit^d. •>. R0SC0E CONKLING: HE8 LIFE AND LETTERS. By his nephew, Alfred R. Conkling. This work will shortly be issued by us, and sold t'rietly by tubtcrip- tiim. . Octavo, COO pases, steel portrsU, and fsc-similes of letters of eminent oontemporsries in bpth parties. WE ESPECIALLY INVITE LAWYERS AND OUT OF BUSINESS, POLITICIANS, AMD CANVASSERS, to make early applications for tffe exclnsiye control of territory. One of the greatest opportunities to make money ever offered. (When writing, mention this paper.) CHARLES L. WEBSTER & CO, 3 East 14th Street, Hsw York, ' Z IPP1NCQTT H MAGAZINE, WM'W varied and exctlUnt contents, it a Mrmy in itself . . It was indeed a hafp v thought to print tm tntire novel in each number. Not a short novelette, but a long storyStttk as you are used to get in tout form and fqf from one dollar to one dollar and a half for. Not only that, but with each number you jot eat abundance of other contributions, which giutt you a good magazine besidts the novel. The ringing Hows which have been struct te the gateway of popular favor, have resoundoi throughout the entire land, and to-day LippUt» eott's Magazine stands tn the front rani of " . . . . -monthly publications, and is the most widely* read-and-talked-of publication of its kind in tkt world. For full descriptive circulars, addrut UPPINCO TTS MA GAZINB, Philadelphia #3.00 per year. a$ cts. single number. The publisher of this fafor will roeitoijMf mbscrtption. To soltrit for our well-known Nursery Good waitespaiil weekly, steady employment All stork guaranteed name. Our specialty is nardy stock for the North and Northwest. Write tor terms before territory taken, statin? age. OH ASK BUOTHEW OOMFAHY, ObiesKO, III. J. Birb an. J. J.Barbtn BARSIAN BROS. Wholesale and Retail DF.ALKBB TN FINE CIGARS, McHENRT ILLINOIS. Having leased the hrlck building one door south ot the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at nil times can be found tine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking sod ehewlng tobaeco of the best brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment and liCH very haudsome patterns. CALL AJTD 8KB US. V A HB1 McHenry, November 13th, 1888. 1 1 fciiainfc nun JUVIA P, fTOI^f INQfANAPQUt, IND BEFORE YOU Buy STEAM ENGINE B O I L E R •CNO FOR OUW CmtOOUlMi PRICKS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, fi •:

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