Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1890, p. 8

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.. "* mm, - „ ,v \ •• W L f„ , , ./ft" ?"»- •,<•; ipgfilSIII? "' , \,ffA hi;.'1 « ..*... „*• *t LiWt/*94^ik & ssl# « * '* * - „ Ai#iel«eand Notices under the above head ilil fftftlsfeed by the Ladies of the WOT 17. t«t nliil!tor eltimi no part or orertlt for ifi|«aia«.1 • ' ________ A LIBISL.--It is a shame to call a drunken man a drunken (fog. Dogs never get drmik! It is also improper to libel the hog by saying that an intemperate matt makes a hog o! himself. Now, the hog is not a very polite animal, for he sometimes puts bis foot, in his dish, but he ih not given to intenipe'tence. Mr. Rergb ought to complain of the men who say that a bummer is a drunken brute The brutes never use intoxicating liquors as a beverage. They ai-e water drinkers, and they prefer cold water at all seasons of the year. No matter how hard their work nor hot the weather, they require nothing to drink except water. " ' She Never Had a Fair. Among many interesting incidents con­ nected with th? closing of the saloons in Kittaning, Pa.,, a leading merchant .tells the following: * A woman came into his store timidly. She was evidently unaccustomed to trad- tog. * "What can I do to you?'* incpiirfd tt»e merchant. "I want a pair of shoesfor, a little gar!/' she answtrwLi • ^What number?" . > r, 'She is twelve years old." • "But what number does she wear?" "I do not know." ^ut what number did you bay when ^bought the last pair for her?" "'She never had a pair in her life. Tou Me, sir, her father used to drink when we had saloons but now that they are closed be doesn't drink any more, and this morning he said to me, 'Mother, I want you to go to town to-day, and get Sissy a pair of shoes, for she never had a pair ill her life.' I thotight, sir, if I told you bow old she was you would know just what size to give me." 0, it is pitiful that the children of this republic must be thus robbed of shoes and bread. The man'who gives influence in favor of the saloons gives his sanction fa> this oswft robbery.--Methodist Re­ corder. ipft • Sfr " k& it., I WM, STOFFEL. r •* ^-Agtnt for-- FIRE, - LIGHTNING, ill iwidntil Iuuraao*. a' fa** Iowa. Minnesota, Nebraska, Alab.ima, •Ikl California Laiida. Call on or address WM. STOFFEL, McHenry, >11. S T E V E N S 2 r ^ *«,, v* ' V * ' • t r V . * y • »> t u*. •' > V, t,; ' ' ft-*"- ym We have sealed up a quart l'i uit can which we tirst tilled with beans and we make this offer: fo the pers »u who guesses the exact number toe can contain*, we will ffifre Br"- h\ TEIS ADVERTISEMENT '%Say* that anything in the Une}of GOAL & FKED ' Qm be bought •Ik' lb CRIST Y^S, : Than any other place in town. Oar IAts a specialty. : Warehome at the Pickle Factory^ in Went McHenry. i REMEMBER THE PL A CM, H the exact number jfl uo guessed, we will give the person who guesses nearest to the exact number, $50 in Gold! i#jtwo or morj ptrsous guess the exact number the premium will be divided pro rata, and this will hold good on the premium in the second case also The benns were poured into the can without being counted, and will not be counted until they are opened by thi^ di* interested persons on p.' #•:> * A. Doo, crossing a bridg? ov*r a stream with a piece of flesh in ki» mouth, saw his own shadow In the water, and took it for that of anothief Dog, with a piece of meat double his own in size. He therefore let go his own, and fiercely attacked the other Sob to get his larger piece from him. Ha , thus lost bpth. --AZsop's Fabltt. IT ALWAYS PAYS to liold on to a good thing. People -who have tried Santa Claus Soap hold on to it because it is good. Some may think that because there are other Soaps that give more in bulk for the money, that they are cheaper; but such bulk is made up with rosin. When quality is sacri­ ficed for quantity, such soap is not cheap at any price. Santa * Claus Soap is the best, and is sold by all grocers. It is made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Chicago, IU. v afXv/ lie 6 MB ER fS«cce»«sor#i to W I? Stevens, McHenry, P Stevens We have replenished the stock an I are now prepared to$lo v our he pub ic,,gen«rally as complete a ntockof [ HEAVY 8tove« Tln Copper «nd Sh^ft-lron WlfafU^ ^ks ean be found in McHenry County, -AT BOTTOM PRICES.-- - Will he dona on short Notice uud Satisfaction Guaranteed. A pecialtA' ot Butter Factory work. A dtuire ot public patronage espectfiilly solicited, v 'I; ' STOltY & M'OMBER, West WcHenry, Dec. 10.1889. . LQWE8X /PR.ICES ! LARGEST STOCK 1 . *- '"Si •'*, ± '•HO i t*: vfj/^.vjOT • •'i.f.njil il Vj^r • IfiT© Bon't Waipit Your Ear:,! Bot '•» Want to c~om« ami hbo <mr biK ' ' '.stock;' OP .. SEASONABLE GOOES " . C-» " . Th£jf aII HBW «n^ propoam ; Oa.ll ia and look them ove?* earnestly solicit arv ^ P(»R MEDICAL USE. Atlb Bottled Ale HII 1 i'orter for (Meuicfil use. The best brands ot Cigars an ! Smosing and Ch^witi^ Tobacco ^Iwayson hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carelully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenrv. Derember 2^th. 1887. C. W- BE8LEV. inspection df January 1,- 1891.|QUI, new stock The last week of December, L^TXTq 11 PflnfiT 1890, will be the reek you are to \Q1 W aAA ^your gu«B. which is [complete and wortl^ of your • I inspection PRICES m '•it." WHAT "Work hcxsei m the city are worth three Cmes as much as coimtry banes because we lem io the sulde." FM£--Get finm your dealer free, ths Book. It has handsome pictuiea and Valuable inforioation about horses. • Two or ihzee dollars for a 5/& Horn (Banket will make your horse wocth xoace 1|ad cat leas to keep warm. ' 5/A Five Mile 5/A Boss Stable. ^ m Electrii ^ Extra Test. ottier styles at prices to suit WtSJ* If you can't get them ftm yoat wziteus. Sntitlu You to a Burnt If you buy a pair of Soots or Shoes from us irom Jan 1, 1890 to Jan I, 1891, you will be entitled to a guess; if two pairs t:»ro guesses, etc. The more pairs you buy the more ' guesses you have. lu the meantime we shillmake it our business to sell you good Boots and 3h<»e8 tor as little money as you <tin buy them in the *>tate. Uui«tore is how being filled wifcb > ew Prints, New Ginghams, New Dress Goods Bight in style and price* and we shall try to keep a line of GROCERIES THE LOWEST J. W. IMC ftCNUINC WITHOUTTHt (M> LABEl D*A TOY WM. AYKE« it Sons. Fbllada., who ktbemmoae Howe Bmnd Baker Blaaketa. GENTS. If you want your Qoths altered to fit you, and your Clothe Cleaned as good as RINGWQCJD, ILL. OPFOStT® BISUOI^ M1W II That will always please yon. 'fours as ever. •I>$ALER IN-- K'Wr' ? S T E V E N S Purehiise l f r Cas' . all ol which will'b® sold as l»W as the ioarel will afluiit and i'lirni^h first class gopito... - . ST-OTE8 GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY OH HAND. i' ' •&S& "ft I'm? the Market, ait Bottom Price*. ri 0t&r: FILLER Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction hareji y ijtij j i .age reapecttuUy spljt iteU, I&L 5 4»9?» aonsuiT^ 4>K,\LER IN PAINTS, OILS, PUKE :mmv RlCHXOXO, JLLtitOr*. • " lifmm -5a- UHUC^ A fnti li'ne of ClothH, of the A»a patternsAlwavR on hanit. . "•^n| WNGtE GAHM10 OR FUtl. SUITS, - M»«1« on short notue at»<l a tit rnnrantord. Kroin out exii^nt'iice anil pr;n*tiral ki.owl. e<icRof iio iintino^s we are «'ont|(ient we run {•Icaee th« most tasjnlious, xn<t respecttullv invito all .in want or UlotQlusot any jtisd to give DI« a call. ' Prices aa low as the same qaftlitr Of Kooda CAD bo purotiitseU ANY wbere. C. J. BHILL. Richmond, October 15 th, 'iSCif. I D . B. M NCER, , -THE- EMINENT OPTICIAN, A OF DETROIT, Olalms that in»trument» for treating the lSye, however K< ;<K1 in ihe hanae of one export in thoir use, in the hundn of the ignorant are f'l worse ihiiii useless A man must, be fckilietl ' in the treatment of the Eye ami the pplira- ^ tlon of ineti timentu in oriler to i'«oeive any benefit, If lie is properly skllli-t he can lit the most uiflicult eye without nistriimenta. * i Wiasses ntte<i with.arpnrncy so as lo preserve * '•""""M the eyesight--i he delicate coustrnction of the „* n eye mi-kes it neces-ary to use great care ,n - sJ 8eie<-ling epee.tacies. . j B. Mincer has maile the "ere his special - 3 stud v, mill in his later yen r« has paid his en. . VS tire attention to the adaption ot Spectacles to ; ^ the SHnm. ilavmt.'a thorough experienee in ' '.i mnsingand adapting Spectacles to the e^es, ho is enabled to lit accurately In every case of ",CT abnormal vision known as • PRE SAY OPIA. HYPERMATROPIA MYOPIA, '1 As well an weak sight, reqntriitft variola tinted glass. His improved' spfVtae't ^re ol? a potfeot construction, which assist ami pre-. ^ servo tho sight, rendering l'reqnent changea ;*i qnite unneci'ssarv The* router a brilliant- ' -S ness and distinctness ol ease and eomfor "not SUBw goneiallv enjovci i»v p< isnns using .pecia- cles, His lenses are gronrd on the most : ft, s1 tentitic principles, rendering the eye as clear as when in tho full strength of vorttu^^si" B. Mincer has sonie btghlv flaticring" t.estt- raontals of >ome ef ihe leading oculists of the ' stale as to his ability in fitting Spectacles. "M KEMEMBElKi > & il V'-J WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Arenow better than ever jp-qpicttJ to offur ymk , ' ' • " "' $•*'-* '• • ,'y* GREAT BARGAINS, In all inds of Goods. ^ e mean business and will give you Low­ er rrices than ever before offered in Lae County. ' \ OIJR STOC^ QF General Merchandise * as never more complete than now. Cull and get our Price.- b e t o r e p u r c h a s i n g e l s e w h e r e S p e c i a l i n d u c e m e n t s f o r C a s h B u y era in sutns from $ I up. • COLDINC BROTHERS.. flTHighe#^ Sf irltoc Pvioo p ild for Fitnu Prodnce. McHEN ILLINOIS. --^DKALKlt Med IC FULL LINE OF' Bns*> Chimicals, Sy» Stofts, F&ists, Oils oaiColm. ^ , • Constantly on hand Also a large line « f t Patent Medicines, Toilet ArtlceS, -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- STATIONARY & WUGGISTS SUNDIilES Carefully and aoouratey compounded Hv a fte^inteied Phariua Clfc* V * mm \rjR-={ JVUA STcar , fte uses no'instrunients; •; i,\ 'He Bts the eye the lirst tiuie; J He made the eye a study loiiotr«r twetoljr ic years; «... •»-, •: •• THe iise>» pure crystal lenses. ' . ' ^ .He guarantees su • isfnciion; ' *"' He tro its weak eyes successfully; . ' '"S He skives eyes injured by using inferior - glasses. . j He U1 b all kinds of glasses required bv do-'. <* fecti^e glssses . He i.nkes every "aricty of glasses. , j «S~Orders can oe left at postofflcennd wll / receive prompt Attention No charges tor *s ;xan>. tnatums or mtinit* «t their a J lomes I ..I. I T. IT. ' " ' "J#- ROSCOE CONKLING: H8S LIFE AND LETTERS. By his nephew, Alfred 11. ConWing. This work will. f;§ shortly be issued by us, and sold tiricUy by tubscrip- ' • r,, turn. . Octavo. COO pages, steel portraU, and fac-similes of» " ^ letters of eminent contemporaries in both parties. _ • ' * WE ESPECIALLY INViTE / LAWYERS AND PEN OUT OF I . BUSINESS, POLITICIANS^ * A^O CANVASSERS, ' I •• to make early api>lications for the exclusive controljl, • '"!• of territory. One ol'the greatest opportunities to' make money ever olfered. * ' (When writing, mention this paper.) " V CHARLES L. WEBSTER & CO., | 3 Cast 14th Stteet, New YOrk« 1 = ---- ZiPPlNCOTr AiliiiA/JiVE, with m :i- M varied and exie'irfit coutetUs, is a library in itself. It was indeed a h.ipf>v thought to print a* entire novel in each tmmbe>. Not a short novelette, but a long story suck as you are used to g,t. in book form and pay- front one dolhr to one dollar and a half for. Not only that, but w th each number you get asi abundance of other contributions, which gives you a good m xgazine besidt-s the novel. The ringing blows which have been struck 6* the gateway of popular favor, have resounded throughout the entire land, and to-day Lipping cott's Magazine stands tn the front rank ~ monthly publications, and is the most vridtt read-and-talked-of publication of its kindin t world. For full descriptive circulars, address LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, Philadelphia $3.00 per year. 25 cts. single nutnt*rt - The publisher of this paper will receiveytmr Description. To solicit tor our weH-fenown Nursery Good wuKespaid weekly, steady employment All sleek guaranteed true-to name. Our speeiHltv is hsmty stock for ihe North and North went. Write lor terms bef»i°e territory taken, statinsf«g«. CHASE MOTHERS' COMPANY, CHICAGO, 111.. J. Barb an- J- J Barb ta BARS!AN BROS. •WF, <J 1 • ' Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN FINE CIGARS, McHENRY ILLINOIS Having leased the iirlek building one door •muthor'the post office we have opened a retail store, whore, at ti TI times can Ise found flno dg'trs of o»r own niHiwifacture, together with smoking and chewing tobuoco of the i*»st bran.'.s. Pipes a Specialty.*'- We have a very large assortment, a id MM*# very handsome pattern*. • CALL AND SEE U| f ^ .v_>: McHenry, Novemf>er 18th, ^ 3$ "U gtfORt YOU BUy STEAM ENCINE OR BOILER SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE A N D PRICKS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS* v > iNOIANATOLtt, IND« > * % f\' V; i£ "

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