*U ;,C v^^r *, i, *1 ^s \ * f ^-? • ^bbinler. •flee WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19, 1800. •f. VAN 8LYKE, Editor. THIS PAE'ERJMJK"? itOWKM, ft OO.'S Newspaper Advertising Itureau (iO Spruce Street), where advertising 5?r«i"S}" NEW YORK- 0SP Butter ruled active Monday on the Elgin Board of Trade at 2$%@27% cents, the total galea aggregating $6,222. IfiT'The House of Representatives on Monday decided to make the world's fair bills the special order for Thursday and Friday, the two days to be given up to debate. The House also fixed Monday next as the day for balloting for the se lection of a site. . I®" The Congressional Farmer' Insti tute Meeting, under the auspices of Illi nois State Board of Agricultural for the Fifth Congressional District, Hon. Geo. Reed, Vice President, Belvidere, Illinois, will be held in the Court House at Wauke- gran, 111., Monday and Tuesday February 24th and '25th, 1890. A good pro gramme has been prepared and an inter*- t^ffctfng time may be expected. I®" For Democrats in the honse tohnî invective and insolent epithets at Speak- er Reed was like pouring water on a duck's back. He was not at all disconcerted or disturbed by the vehement onslaught, bat stood as firm as a rock, self reliant and unawed. He was determined that the obstructionists should not bring leg islation to a complete standstill by the tactics they resorted to and he triumph- ad. Reed in the Rifirht. One of the best parliamentarians in the state, and of opposite politics from Speaker Reed, said to the writer that Speaker Reed was clearly right in enter ing on the journal the names of members present, and not voting, to show that a quorum was presemt. He is the official head of the house ; it is his business to de termine whether or not aquoruift is pre sent to do business; he must decide it as a visible fact present to his sensesof sight and hearing. It is not to be supposed that he is blind or must see only vacan cies in the chairs where men are sitting. It was, continued this gentlemen, a viola tion of precedent in the houseof represen tatives, but it would be interesting to know how such a precedent came to be established. In the English house of commons it is the duty of the speaker to decide,whether there isor is not aquorum present. It, was, in the opinion of the gentleman, fully time, outside of partisan reasons, that the precedent should b°> ^overturned, as there never appeared any gobd reason for it. c • 19* The Republican clubs of Illinois are called upon by the Republican State League to send each three delegates to a convention in Representatives' Hall at Springfield, Tuesday, February 25th. The business will include the reports of Officers and members of the executive committee for the ensuing year, and election of delegates to the National League convention to be held at Nash- jgiUe, Tennessee, March 4th. ^•fiP*The indications are that the issue c(4 1892 mil be centered in the tariff more «$rongly than ever. It is probable that the tariff question will cut more of a figure in the Southern States than it ever w before. If the Republicans of the present Congress modify the t&rirf sched ules intelligently and fairly, the party lias a fine prospect of winning a great victory in some of the Southern States as well as ii| the North in 1892.--Aurora Beacon. I®"Speaker Reed has triumphed. The long agony is over. The new code of ^.Rnles has been adopted by the House and principle of majority rule vindicated r the new rules the House will be able ^transact business more expeditiously n for many years past. The country is indebted to Mr. Reed and the republicans of the House, for having the courage to topple over the numbo-jumbo of preced ent and give the people their rights. The people do not elect a majority of the 'Houhe of Representatives to have it con trolled by the minority. Our esteemed Illinois cotemporary, the McHenry PI.AIN DEALER, shows what may be pronounced an unparalleled con federation for the feelings of its subscrib ers. A "valuable subscriber" has re quested it to republish the Ten Com mandments, and it declines, not on the ground that they cannot be regarded as fresh newSj but because "if we were to publish them some person would be sure to think they were aimed at him, and come in and stop his paper." Is it possi ble that any of the dwellers by the Kick- apoo and Sugar Creek are as sensitive as this about the Ten Commandments? --New York Sun, Feb. 4th. WE wish to say to oilr "esteemed New York cotemporary." the Sun, if the.v will come out and attend the World's Fair, which is to be held in Chicago in 1892, we will take pleasure in showing them the beauties of Kickapoo and Sugar Creek, on whose banks they see fit to locate us. But be sure, before you come that you get well impressed upon your mind the com mandment, "Thou shall not steal." Another railroad through Northern Illinois is proposed. A dispatch from Dubuque to the Inter Ocean gives the fol- fowing particulars: To-day a party of Bixteen engineers, in charge of Mr. Alcott, arrived at East Dubuque. From one of them it was learned that they had sur veyed a line from Joliet, 111., on the San ta Fe, to Dubuque. He says the Santa Fe has determined on the construction of a Chicago, St. Paul and Duluth line via Dubuque. It will also run a line to Fort Dodge, and will have a air line between St Paul and Kansas City,, the purpose of the Santa Fe being to retaliate on the Milwaukee and Northwestern for cutting rates to the Missouri river by building in to their territory. CKOTJP. How to Gtu&rd Aff&inat the Disease. Croup is the terror of young mothers' especially during t he early winter months, ax it is then most prevalent. To post them concerning the cause, first symp toms, treatment, and how to. pi went it, is the object of this article, The origin of croup is a common cold. Children are subject to it take cold very easily and croup is almost sure to follow. The first symptoms of croup is hoarseness; it is a peculiar hoarseness, easily recognized, ami once heard always remembered. Usually a day or two be fore the attack, the child becomes hoarse and gradually shows symptoms of hav ing taken cold, and this is where the mis take is usually made, the mother think ing her child ha-s just taken cold, gives it no especial attention until awakened in the night, by the violent coughing of the child, finds it has the croup, and remem bers it has had a cold or been hoarse for a day or two. Such circumstances often occur, and in many eases the mother has nothing in the house that will relieve it, and may be several miles from a physiT cian or drug store. You can well imag ine the situation and her distress. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse, or shows symptoms of having taken cold; if Chamberlain's Cough Rem I edy is freely given from that time on, all tendency to croup will disappear and al- danger be avoided. The remedy prevents fully ten thousand cases of croup every year. It is the main reliance with many mothers throughout the Western States and territories; they have learned its val ue and how to use it; and in those fami lies croup is seldom known because it is always prevented. Can any mother who has small children afford to.be without such a remedy? It costs but fifty cents, can she afford to take the '-hancesforso trivialanamount? For sale by G» W. Besley. A letter from S. 1'. Wafdwell, Boston, says: •'I used Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillou) Catarrh Cure in June last for Ha.v Fever with great satisfaction, and find it the only thing I have seen which would allay, without irritation, the in- fiamnmtion of the nostrils and throat. Its soothing and healing properties were marked and immediate." Lurgn bott'e $1. I'iarRe's Flax Soap is the la test and best. Try it. 25 cents. Ask for them at Geo-. W. Besley's drug store, West ilclienry, 111. PIANO TUNING. R. H. Owen is now prepared to tune Pianos and Organs on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. All orders left at the store of 0. W. Owen will receive prompt attention. Charges reasonable 16?* Calvin $. Brice's own testimony as ? to his place of residence is against him, and now he is compelled to pay for the luxury of suddenly claiming that he has been an Ohioan all the time. For several years past he has evaded paying bis taxes at Lima, Ohio, on the ground he was a citizen of New York, but his election OS Senator having forced him to claim residence in Lima, the tax-collector there has presented a claim for nearly f70,000 back taxes and penalty. The case is to be heard by the County Auditor hi a km days. VST Bushyhead, the wily chief of the Cherokees, is still in Washington, and has a great scheme on hand. He says that as soon as Senator Morgan's bill provid ing for the exportation of thecolored race to Africa has become a law, he intends to introduce one providing for the exporta tion of the whites to some other conti nent, thus restoring the territory of the United States to its rightful owners--the Indians. Chief Bushyhead may be a little visionary, but he is not so very far off, after all. Everything considered, bis " scheme is quite as likely to go through as Senator Morgan's. An exchange says that rank weeds are to be a nuisance no more in the country roods of Carroll county during the summer. This is the agreement the farmers of that country have arrived at. They have ageeed to cut down the weeds once in June and once in August for the next three years. This will make an im provement in the appearance of the roads and prevent much of the spreading of weeds on their farms. If grass seeds were sown on newly plowed roads, it would prevent much of the weed growth. This is a matter that should receive attention in this county. JfiTThe following dispatch from Lake Geneva, Wis., was published in the Chicago Herald last week: "An enthui- OAtic meeting was held here last night to listen to the proposition of the Chicago £ Lake Geneva and Pacific Railway Company, which intends to build a road from Lake Villa, 1111, through this place to Jefferson, Wis., if towns along the line will contribute for that purpose. Twenty thousand dollars in 4 per cent bonds are asked from the city. A committee of «even citizens was appointed to investi gate and report at a future meeting, The prevailing opinion seems to be that the proposition should be accepted." Washington correspondent writes Inter Ocean: The Illinois Senators and Representatives have held a con ference on the subject of State politics. They have come to an understanding that it will be expedient for the party not to call an early state convention The giBt of the opinion appeared to be that the convention need not be called any earlier than July . The opinion was not entirely united upon it, but that was the drift. The leaders did not seem to think that it was a matter of any partic ular consequence whether the Democrats call their convention or not. It was ad mitted that the action of the Democratic convention is already known. General Palmer has written here that his nomina tion for Senator is sure, and that the Democrats have a fighting chance in Br I®* What is an American, asks an ex change, as it points out the fact that there is no American save the Indian. Let us try to answer the conundrum. An American is one who believes in American institutions; in liberty without license; in law without oppression; in the right of every man to worship God as his own conscience dictates, or not to worship at all, but regards.the rights of his neigh bors to the peaceful rest of his Lord's day; in the public schobls as a basis of intelligent citizenship, and in obedience to law reserving the right to change the law if it be oppressive by the methods pro vided. Wherever such a man has been born he is an American citizen.--Ex. for Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly March, 1890. Frank Vincent, the well-known traveler, author of the recently published book, Around and About South America," and of a forthcoming work on (Vntral America, furnishes an elaborate leading article on "The Republics of Central America," in the March number of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica are graphically described, with numerous and beautiful illustra tions, making a contribution of the high est intrinsic interest, as well as of peuliar timeliness in connection with the work of the Pan-American Cougiess. Other il lustrated articles offer attractions in a variety of directions--notably Frederick Daniel's charming description of Rich mond, Virginia's historic capital; "The Music of all Nations," as exemplified at the Paris Exposition; "Where Garfield was Canal-boy." an accountof a leisurelv voyage on the Ohio Canal; "Ostrich Feathers," from the bird to t he bonnet ; "The Pictographic Autobiography of a Sioux Chief," etc. Alfred H. Guernsey be gins a series of historical papers on Fred- eriek the Great. The serial and short stories are always a special feature of the Popular MontLly, while its pictures are more numerous and popular than ever. EVANSON'S Closing out sale. JACKETS. Lined Jackets, C'orditran Jackets, Ladies Jackets. Jackets enough left to Jacket several dozen Ladies Gents. The price tfe'll tell when you coine. JOHN EVANSON Sl Co. EVANSON'S Closing out sale. STATIONERY. J.A.Story is constantly adding new and unique designs to her fine assort ment of stationery, among which may be found wedding invitations, regret, vis iting and condolence cards; latest de signs in letter paper, tablets, papeteries, and a complete assortment of teachers' reward cards, bithday gouvenirs, etc. Call and examine. ' h X - OVERCOATS. We could spin you a yarn from here to the Printing Office how we are "stuck onfcuch stuff. No matter, if you wish to buy we'll tell you the price when you come. * JOHN EVANSON &Co. EVYJHOS is c'osing out. SRICAN "Try Ayer's Pills" For Rheumatism. Neuralgia, and Gout. Stephen Lansing, of Yonkers, N. Y., f«ay#i "Recommended as a cure for chronic Costiveness, Ayer's Pills have, relieved me from that trouble and also . from Goat. If every victim of this dis ease would heed only three words of mine, I could banish Gout from the land. These words would be--'Try Ayer's Pills.*" . " By the use of Ayer's Pills alone, I cured myself permanently of rheuma tism which had troubled me several - months. These Pills are at once harmless1; and effectual, and, I believe, would ^ prove a specific in all cases of incipient Rheumatism. ' No •ardieino could have served me fa better stead." --C. O. Bock, Corner, - Avoyelles Parish, La. C. F. Hopkins, Nevada City, writes : " I have used Ayer's Pills for sixteen' years, and I think they are the beat Pills in the world. We keep a box of them in the house all the time. They have cured me of sick headache and neuralgia ' Since taking Ayer's Pills, I hare been '; free from these complaints." "I have derived great benefit from Ayer's Pills. Five years ago I was taken so ill with rheumatism that I was unable to do any work. I took three;, boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely- cured. Since that time I am never *; without a box of these pills."--Peter "ChristenBen, Sherwood, Wis. ' • • Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rCBFARBD BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. W* • £>v , * '. r. . \V Sealers mVERSlOE BLOCK, McHenry : Illinois. We offer for the n^xt thirty da vs 10 por ret t off on Cash Sales of fuUoMriii£ li ties: DULY SOJLX! Administrator's Notfrt. ESTATE of Anthony Snydrr, decnRefl. Ttie ..niU'rsigiifit having noon apixiintert <»'*miuietrator ot the estate o l Anthony •jnyder 'let-eased, lute of ihe coun ty of McHenry autl St* e of Iilino.M, herein sive» no i<>e ttiat be will »p|>c >r before the county court <jf Mi'Hcnrv eniilHV, Sit th«* Court l-loune in W KM Is tuck, at th« April iPim ')n ihe IIrot Monday in April next, m which t'meal: portions liming ciaimi aicxin*., said KstHte, are "I mm ie^ncolp.1 to attend tor Hi- pin p >se i.f having the feame adj.isteil. Ail persons irnioiite<l to n^iii e<iinie «r« ro. >'iu«»ic<l tu make immediate ptyuH iit to ti.e un<ler»i;rt>e<l Dated fifteenth day of February. 1893. JAMKS B. PKKRT, -sdnimtstrMor. Boots and Shoes, \ ' ' : - W -- --- Caps, Glows and HitUas, Flannel?, B ankets, Feltl Boots, OVERS* UNDERWEAR, ti, • ; • • . Comforters, Etc. Fan Loans MADE ON TIME and terras to aoit borrowers; no commission or charges for exnminatiQn of abstracts. Money furniched at once, without red tape or delay. J. W HAN8TEAD, Rooms land 2 Borden Block, Elgin, 111. dealer for Ed. L. Huntley & CO.'B IIOJ»E81 Clothing. If our goods are not in the bands of "THE TXHEI.ESS TOILER FOB TRADE !" Youre, anxious to please, ED. L. HUNTI,EY. some STORE KEEPER In your section, you can PRO CURE THEM from the best KNOWN and largest MAIL- ORDER Whole sale CLOTHING HOUSE in the world, at pri ces that will MAKE YOUR eyea snap and KEEP YOU guessing' bow we eau afford TO DO IT. If your DEALER does not keep our goods send to us and we -- _ WILL furnish you a Suit or Overcoat, express or mail paid, on receipt of price. Wo wiil win and hold your patronage if you try us with an orderl We havo built up this immense business l)y our painstaking methods, and by doing by others D3 we would bo done by. Ki>. L. HUNTLEY & Co., Style Originators. In ordering Suits or Overcoats observe strictly following: rules for measure- ment: Breast mcr.euro, over vest, elose up under arms. Waist measure, over pants. In side leg measure, from crotch to heel, PRICE-LIST. ,, HRAVY-WKT«HT CLOTH INQ--SUITS. Men's Brown All-Woot Double and Twist Cassimere Back or Frock Suit jo (V) Men's Fancy Black or Blue En&lish Worst- e<l A±!-\\ ool Sack or i<Yoc!t Suits 14 OO Mon 3 Brown or Gray Velvet Finish, All- Wool, I'ricot WGavo, Fino Cassimero FacK or 1 rook Suit 17 qa Mon's r.lack or Bluo English. Ail-Wool Corkscre w, line worsted. Sack or Frock Suits AA Mert'a Black, Blue, Plum, Lavender or Blate-color English Wide Wale Diagonal Worsted Sack or Frock Suits 24 , References--First national Bank, of Chicago, capital $1,000,000; Continental Na tional Bank, of Chicago, capital 82,000,000. ED. L. HUNTLEY & Co., MANUFACTURERS and Wholesale Deakss-s in Clothing lor Men Boys find Children, 1:;;: and 124Market St., Chicago. III. Post Oilice Box, C67. WoMIKLEGG It beats them all. No book like it. Everybody wants it, y 0 illu Oration*. Humorous, Pathetic. Fas cinating. Hundreds of dollars to hustlers. Old and young buy; also thousands of O. Av R. and Sons of Veterans. One agent hns ordered over 700 books. Anothre made S83 in 4 days, an other took 15 orders in 30 min inl G A. R. Post. Choose territory at once. ^ 24 attrar'ivc i!lustrations free with circulars and terms. Our Stock ol Ladies' Soloes Ts too Inrjro »nd we will HiHke extra con<M>ssioti8 on all the aele- i)r»it«Ml Foster Footwear, lw>»h Men*' nn<| Lndit'*.'. We wi'l make it to your int* lest to giv- IH a call. »< " *t' , * v >• > v ̂ A"! • ~ ."V '-V. \ y% /"-v,' - > i '1/. • » - ^ .-v. ^ *• J/ 5X • * „,C NEW vnntn^ wlMh.Up)."."non";il*noi." Rea«on, expnrieure, and mane Rrentest gift- m'elliirpnre are dailv insulted l>y imnoMUUa s ttff«rs in jtlhrinsr <-hHracter», whlrh nrc total ft ranker 8 to truth or honor. We p»r 100 cente on th« rtoliar tor our reu» hie (moils *n<i fiuc.'-f>8»fnllv rnmpet«; with M> •« )<»« will ^ • m ' ' ' - * *'1 1500 YARDS 1 'iM. « % +\t • • ; -• po-8il)le waste to fit rooms Also a lull line ot various wuitbs Oil Cloth*. Patterns, Hugs, stair rarpets. Curtain I'ole#, Window Shades C 5 b O T H X M m a i : P E R R Y & O W E N ' S , M c H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S , f V . •*; * I Is ^ t ' -J'* . " ' - &*$£&#$ J&fV < • "" **? £ V Ageut for tHe Red School llornie and other leading and rellublc inaken, MARK! HARK' HEAR THE D063 BARK Be66MS RRf ComiNQ ir< CRfcWS, SOME IN RAQ&.flNOSOfVie IN BUT IVON6 \NC\H LITTLE RED SCHOOL dOU* snots ' " " " I • x ^ ^ Our new Pprinjr stock embraces over 900 beiiuittil styles with matched Bordersof v»' % rious widths at very low prices. All Wnll P*i>er triinnifl fre«> and a lull assortment of Ci-llinfc l'«ip«*f8 and De< orations conxtantljr In slock. % IIHII am) Church Paper of latest de- '« » jtn. St!( thPm. Elegnnl 62x1 J8 in. Lace ' tM'. 1 '• * For all pnrnoaes, from Re to fi.2S per j»nt. " M A large stock or Velvet*?* Plosbea, etllka and bv tnr the brat assortment ot good, latefet styles Kiubons la the county. " :r The Time to Buy; •v -..-i'if!*'*'in •enr Overcoats, Cloaks, Clothing. Undef. wear wobes, riannels, Blankets. «te., v^ry i hti>p. Is when we want io and mnstsell to re<tHOC stock, and that la no*. Coat la ill we ask. ' ' > , . J «• • j&dftrw Tvti «ofui>\; M i. i • 1 K . MATTE MATH1CS-A TEACHER WAS ' m SO CEH^ROUS GOOD AND KIND • ICQ MSI HOUSE SHOES SHI'SAVE TO EACH. 10 MrfKETHE SCHOLARS MIND. EVER YOUIIS, BADE ONLY BY CiM,HENDERSON Sc CO. iNHENTHrtOMMrTTEE MA>/MAK£SH*S SPEECH 1 IRESCHOURS FEAR AND TREMBLE EACH, WHILE BILET HANGS UPON HiS COAT IHE fi&EMXST TBSilH HEDGES. SPIJKCi is p0F̂ c0NSUMP^' ANO HI8 PARD It has permanently cured THOUSANDS r cases pronounced by doctors hope- If you have premonitory symp toms, such as Cough, Difficulty o< Breathing, <fecM don't delay, but us PISO'S CURE fob CONSUMPTIO immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents. D. NEEDHAM'S SO lit 116-11' DeartoraOtwH CH10A60 Bed Omr And ft# CJI.HEKR180V&T!0 .Mil fMViHCrvwi. Every Department Coirpltte and Prises Correct John Evanson & Co. >J«i»eer, KheumMtsm, Oynpepcli •tliwUoo Write Headache, Con WhouDln x .nki, M Have always been onr aneeeaafnl spec ialty for yeaia, when yon marry next llras •; aive ns a rhan e to* prove ihis. We hava f just received a largn Spring Invoice of tniljr : standard. A2J0 ' » 'y V ' 'til. ^ Fancy Glasnwaxe la iMeorated. Lustre B»wl aM Wbm oKt of we sell yftti whatever yon need,' anU can make very CIOMJ |>rlo«s on Tea and Uinher sals aud fully warrant all onr fcomis. riiose uufortuiiates who are about to commit •nati HMgy mine O u r S p r i n g Mr CLOTHIN G, «'fli he s Joker card with u« Ibla afirlBC nd our sssortnient and »tv ea will surpass II previous eff-ns. while th« prices will do lixht all. Remember ̂ ur clothinjf wilt he in long lirforo the Sprlug crop of Weddings come round '> "• v t Form a great »hare of our hnaineaa and onr Dpr.ni! crop will he large «f the very best Hurt latest styles, ohoip,ami nf sufficient va- rtetv t« pie iso a'i, and wo will try to make Sitme monev on shoes by sel ing them while the other aiorea are giving them away. * * vV GltOCEKlKS, Are always found in onr store at c'ose prions Tea. 20o, SSc. 40c to 75c; good roasUd Coffee. Sic, 27c and 60c; Hon.iat Aba and tseoette Flour, only fl ,»er sack, deliv ered free; II pounds granulated Sugar and 15 poumis ox n tor $1; heing moved Ov a sudden aiiar-k f charily we have reduced prices on life's most neccssaiy unifies as much as p<»s sil le: first lass Fine Uut Tobacco. 25c per j>oiin(l; good Ping Tobacco, ;J6c; goo»l smoking Tobacco, 15c and 28c; ft Olav Pipes for5 c«"ts: S goo.| Euchre lOeekii for ⪼ the only real Whiskey Killer. 3<) cents per ponn <. Also two big «rivcs 'n Wire Hu .ties. A jab lot of 183i Huop "kirts; nine dozen Fino Comb4 and a receipt to kill B«<| Kuga tb<M «sv« if directionaare followed. Toura far Spring Trade, 36*:, a! SL. . - . Jfe 9tS ... - >-*«»-*All