- R WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1800. i -- • , T- iv vj„" Railroad Tlnrie Table. mmm. PS*r Tftknia; effect Sept. 2M, trains wilt pies UlsHenry ^tmion daily, «xe«yt 8uuil.iv, kb foUowa:' OOING SOUTH.*, L*k« UeneTikPassenger-- iiiike Geaevb Express....... .. Lake Geneva Freight............. ..k5J» F. * Uke (ientvit PuaAnger • " OOIMQ NOFTTFT. Lake Qenov* rrei«lu : ••HA.* Uk« Geneva pKBaenger. l^kke leheta Expre»»........i... ...•*»?. M Lake Gen .vu Pasaenaer...., 6:61 »i B. Bess, Agent. .f McHetvrv, 111 MA^OVJC. IICHKNHY LODOK, So. 158 V F. *N«L A. M -- Regular Oommunicati >IIH the Mooml AND tour I It Mondays in «acb month. U. C Coi.nr, W. W. MODBItV WOOOMEM «1T AMERICA. Sleet at the new Oity Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each inonth. Helifhlwrs cor Hally invited. AKITOUNC ' _ COUNTY JUDOR. ' """ ' t hereby respectfully ask of the Repub lican voters of McHenry county, the nohiination for COUNTY JUIKJE, at the coming Republican County Convention. C. P. BARNES. ] hereby announce myself ns a candi- <fe$te'for the office of COUNTY JUDGE, sub ject to the approval of the Mcjilenry County Republican Convention. CHARLES H. DONNELLY. \ •\ ̂ won COUNTY TLTEASU fttef«fl»y announce myself as a Is&iWfc date for the office of COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the approval of the McHenry -County JJepublioan Convention. , *'• "* JAMBS B. PEBBY. " Mii fcOUNTY B1TP ERINTEN'DENT OP SCrtOOLfc. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, for Mc Henry County, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention, . • LESTER BARBER. MR. SLADE'S subject next Sunday morn ing will be, "Bruisingthe Serpent's Head." THE first sleighing of the season, in this section on Sunday and Monday last, about four inches of snow having fatten on Saturday. FltfcSONAL. MRS. Jctius Mrxso.v lias bwt TMjf sick the past week, but is now reported better, AL. HILL, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village. MRS. F. A. HEBARD returned from her trip to Virginia last weak. MRS. T. J. WALSH has BEEN'quite sick the past few days. MRS. J. VAN SLYKE, who has been sick for the past two months, is now slowly improving. WM. STORRKFI» whom We reported as sick a few weeks ago, has -a relapse and is again confined to the house. PETER FREUND, who has been very sick the past two weeks, is now reported as improving. LEONARD BONRLKTT is able to be around again after a long seige under the doctor's care. : ^ MRS. D. A. PBTIW®, 61 Austin, 111., is here taking care of her mother, Mrs. Julius Munson, who is very low with pneumonia. E. M. OWEN, who has been kept in doors most of the Winter, was out riding on Monday, and is looking and feeling better than for some months. St" IT, a Black Shepard Dog, with white on breast. Answers to the name of Rover. Any person retailing said Dog to H<inley & Sous, West McHenry, or giviug infor mation where he may be found, will be writable rewarded. THE white of an egg is stated to be the best application for soothing burns iind scalds. It may be poured over the wound and forms at once a varnish, which ex- chides the air. It is also far more cool ing than an application of sweet oil and cotton. . AN exchange relates that a Kansas ijirmersold a beef animal to a botcher, for two cents a pound, agreeing to take a. quarter of it for his own use. The butcher charged him regular rates for the meat, and when they settled, the farmer owed the butcher two dollars. J. D. WRITTEN, Man igerof the Chicago Department of the Security Building and Loan Association, will be in this village ; on Thursday evening next, and will be pleased to meet all stockholders and others interested, afr the PLAIKDEAL.BR Counting Room, at 7:30 p. m. Remem- " ber, ou Thursday, to-morrow, evening. THE FAMILY EDUCATOR.--Webster's Un abridged Dictionary is a great family educator, and no family of children ought to be brought up without having ready aeoess to this volume. It will answer hundreds of questions of each wideawake child. It is an ever-present and reliable schoolmaster to the whole family. •JrDa. BROWN of McHenry was in the city I yesterday in the interest of the Illinois " lish commission, endeavoring to prevail upon datn owners to put in fish ways. The doctor bad previously visited every town on Fox river from the Wisconsin line to the Illinois river aud claims to have been entirely successful at every point.--Aurora News. F. A. PARKER is building a Cold Storage in connection with the Parker House, that will, when completed, be one of the beet in the village aud a greaV thing for ' that Hotel. It will beloxl 7 fees) w ith throe storage rooms below, while the uppei part will be 13 feet high aud hold 60 Tom of ice. As we said beforejt will be a fin< Cold Stoiage aud a great convenience to tie Hotel. - .• ICE has been King here the past lew days. Everybody v^ith an Ice House has taken advantage of the cold snap, and every ̂ available team and man in town has been engaged in filling the different Ice Houses, and at this writing, Tuesday evening, there is no more danger of an ice famine here the coiping summer. The ice procured has been trom five to eight inches thick and of good quality. Now ; her warm up.. IF your boy has a taste for natural his tory buy him the New York Ledger from March 1, aud have him read the first of a snies of articles by Professar John Henry Comstock. of Cornell University, ou the Study of insects. The articles treat of in- eects which are useful, as well a8 of those which are distructive to life and vegeta tfon. They deal, however, particularly •with the pests which ravage grain, rice «ad cotton lands. IT IS just as easy to* be sociable and fpfendly and agreeable In your intercourse With your fellow-beings, as it is to be sur ly, crabbed and cross. Don't you know jcQU meet a person and he takes you by the hand and gives you a hearty shake, *ttd says he is glad to see you, that yon Uke hits a great deal better than you do tiie fellow who, when you speak to him, if fee returns the solution at all^like the hog he merely gntnta? THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalist Church, will meet with Mrs. E. M. Owen, on Thursday afternoon of this week. UKB. JAH, B. PKKKV, President, Mas. O. N. OWKN, aec'y • LIST of letters remaining uncalled for ui the post office at- JicHenry, III., March 1,1890: Mr. M. llustin, Miss Lina Martin, James McLaughlin, Joe Miller, John Rintz, Mr. Verto Rogers, ,F. B. Threadgold, Mr. Nick Weber. JAY VAN SLYKE, P. M. FOR the benefit of those who' abhor printer's iuk as a prime factor to the ad vancement of their interest, we should state that Samson--the strong party-- was the first man to advertise. He took two solid columns to demonstrate his strength, and several thousand people "tumbled" to the ̂ scheme. lie brought down the house.--Ex. A COMFORTING assurance, says an ex change, comes to those who live through an attack of the grip. It is announced from medical headquarters that this country is to suffer a scourge of the cholera next summer, and those who have had the grip will not be liable to an attack of the dread disease. Medical scientists claim that the grip serves the same purpose in preventing the cholera that vaccination cloes in preventing the small-pox. s COL. Wm. AVERY, County Clerk, was over from Woodstock last Saturday, to attend to some repairs on his house. Col. A very always has a cordial greeting from his old neighbors and friends. He is both efficient aud popular ,as County Clerk, and hopes that his friends throughout the County will again place him iu nomi nation, which means an election. Colonel did valiant service for his country iu the late war, ahd still suffers from the effects of rebel lead in one of his limbs.--Maren go Republican. A STORY is going the rounds of the press about a church deacon who recent ly answered an advertisement in a. paper which said: "Send me a dollar and learn how to make money quickly, easily." Anxious to acquire a competency without too much mental or physical exertion he folded up a dollar bill and anxiously awaited the answer. It came in a few days, explicit as he could desire: Follow our plan, look up all the fool suckers you can and get a dollar out of theiu. The amount iu each is small but the sucker's harvest is one that never gives out. THE new postage stamps are out. In stead of the number denoting the denom ination being iu the center of the stamp it is at the bottom. Qne figure is iu each of the bottom corners. The one-cent stamp is blue, with the head of Benjamin Franklin. The two-cent stamp has the head ol Washington. It is a fine cut. The three-opnt, like the two-cents, has Washington's heady.The four-cent stamp has Jacksc^j while a change has been made iu the' tive-ceut stamp by placing the potrait of Grant on instead of Gar field. Garfield has been promoted, and his head ornaments the six-cent stamps. I THE Drama of "Dot, the Miner's Daugh ter," at Riverside Hall, on Thursday and 'Friday evenings last, hy the McHenry Dramatic Association, drew out good houses, and was v«ry highly spoken of by all who attended, and in fact was pro- nouueed the best entertainment of the kind ever brought out in this village. As we were unable to attend either evening* we cannot paKiculariae, but from the high encomiums heard on every side, the Association have no cause to feel ashamed of their effort. They have been 1^ei^1KM,r^^6atit7 but whether they will do so or uot we have not learned. 34 *. SohoolRaport. The following is the report of the Mc- Heory Public School for ibonth ending February 28,1890: • HIGH scnoou v Total numberenrolled .J Average daily attendance Monthly averages on written examina tion as follows: A GRADE. W'ne Woodbnrn.96 Thomas Walsh...92 Amy Owen 95 Edwin Granger...91 .Grace Stevens 95 Joseph Bus8........89 B GRADE. Nina Wells..... 98 Jay Gilbert... 91 Chas. Xordquist..92 John Fay... 90 Joel Wheeler.......93 Ralph Childs ..89 Geo. Gilbert........94 Ony Turnef\.*.....„90 Joanna Doherty.91 James Pert^.......88 Nellie Knox 87 iV c GRADE. Allie Smith 95 Herbert Bennett.86 Agnes Perry 93 M'g'ret McDon'd.86 Harry Eldredge..9l LonnieHoward...84 Walter Iiesley 90 Asahel Stevens....83 Carry Colby... 90 Otis Parker 83 Lyle Howe .....86 Maggie Conway..81 Lizzie Buss 81 Neither absent nor tardy: Nina Wells, Nellie Knox, James Perry, Herbert Ben nett, Harry Eldrodge, Walter Besley, Ralph Childs, Agnes Perry, Joanna Doherty, Otis Parker, Geo. Gilbert. Asahel Stevens, Ed. Granger.- ROLL OF HONOR. Kioa Wells, Nellie Knox, Agnes Pterry, Joanna Doharty, Geo. Gilbert, Carrie Colby. . P. M. OvKRAKER, Prin. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. No. of pupils enrolled.......... ..T...37 Average daily attendance. .29 A GRADE. Frank Colby 91 Milo How%«M*„„87 Ray Lamphere....90 John Buss......;....84 B GRADE. Peter Engeln .95 Tim Kimball 85 Frank Bennett....93 George Gilles 85 John Schreiner....93 Peter Weber 85 Harry Hanly 91 Ollie Blnckman...82 Amos Turner 91 Edgar Bishop 80 Hay Wilson .88 John Wirfs ,78 Ida Wilson 88 Mathias \Veber...77 Peter Rotbermel.87 George Hanly 73 C GRADE. Lura Owen 93 Willie Loughlin...88 Bernice Perry 89 Maria Quinu ..76 Edith Curtis 89 Delo Knox 77 Katie Schaefer....75 Those neither absent nor tardy are: Lura Owen, Edgar Bishop, Frank Colby, Frank Bennett and Amos Turner. MARY L. WKNTWORTU, Teacher. THE following clipped from the Grant, Nebraska, Iaterprise, will be of interest to the many friends of A. F. Parson, who formerly resided here; On Tuesday afternoon, the 25th iust, a small, but well selected company, assem bled, by invitation, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Parsons, on Society Ridge. The invited guests included only Dr. 1). W Porter and Mrs. M. B. Hull, all of this village. The object and occasion of this assem bling was to give a fitting and appropri ate reception to Miss Lois Deiuill Par son, the eldest daughter of the host and hostess, who made her debut, or at lea»t her very first appearance in Grant socie ty, on that date. Although tapping the Scales at but 7J£ pounds, she is reported to have danced with elegance and grace--upon her proud father's knee. The boys are all smoking with the Judge, who says that he has uot added another prospective voter to the Republican ranks, he still has the satis faction of helping out the census of Per kins county for 1890. I HAVE used Salvation Oil in my stables and hartily recommend it. It does wouudfci-ful work with horses with cuts, bruises, sprains, stains, soresj &c. B. CRAIG, Manager Bradley's Keystone Stihte*, Wilson St., Baltimore, Md» PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, Whole number enrol led 3 7 Average daily attodaiw^^'^MilO A GRADE. Ethel Smith 91 Lizziel^mr^Si. 90 Clayton Wilson...91 Mary Engeln.. 89 Willie Bishop 90 Mamie Auringer..88 B GRADE. Harold Colby 93 Hattie Howard...89 GBOI^B Howe. 93 Harry Fay.... 89 Carl Overaker 92 Julia Laughlin....88 Albert Holly.......91 Wallie Woodb'n..86 c ORADE. Mary Frisby 92 Eddie Simon 90 John Knox 91 Ha/ry Kennedy..89 Charlie Block 91 Willie A uringer...88 Agnes Quinn? 90 Willie Howe........87 Neither absent nor t»\rdy during the month: John Knox, Carl Overaker, Charlie Block. , - * MRS. MARY COBB, Teacher. Itoaohers' Examinations Will be held at the following times and places: At Huntley, on Friday, March 21st. Marengo, Saturday, March 22d. Nunda, Monday, March 24th. McHenry, Tuesday, March 25th. ) Richmond, Wednesday, March 26th. Hebron, Thursday, March 27th. Harvard, Friday, March 28th. Woodstock, Saturday, Mar6h 39th. Teachers will use LEGAL CAP paper when convenient, and come prepared to begin work promptly at nin* o'clock." LESTER BARBER, Co. Snpt. Schools. M. C. T. A. Will convene at Nunda High School building, Saturday, March 8th, 1890, at ten o'clock, a. m. PROOSAW. 10:00 t« 10.10-Wu» o. 10:10 to 10:40--Respiration anrl Ventilation,. (V. K. Joslyn 10:40 to 11:10--Class Exercise--Reading. Annie M. Andrns 11:10 to 12:0u-Qu«rie« and General iMwus. e ion. 12:00 to 1:45-- Intermission. I:«6i» 1:65--Music. 1:65 to 8-00--Of tasiflr.atlon anl Management of I Country and Village Schools W, H. Gauta S-OOto S:SC-- PnoaicB and Reading. r...H» B. Ooe Get receipts for railroad fare at . the place of starting. Efforts will be maije to obtain reduced rates. C. W. HART, Fnsideat. ADVERTISING is like religion--good at all times of the year. The judicious ad vertiser is like the Competent farmer who does not wait until harvest time to sow his seed. After the rush of holiday trade there is always a comparatively dull season. But good business man does not sit down and say, "Now I sit down and wait until next Christmas.^ He knows that there is always a certain volume of trade, and he also knows that the trade is attracted by those who seek it. So he keeps his name, his location and his goods before the public eye--and he gets the trade. Moreover it is the experience of all good advertisers that advertising not only attracts trade; but it also creates it. The advertisement suggests wants, a«d by also suggesting the case of supply makes of thehalf felt want an insistant demand. The diligent man grows rich while sluggards sleep, because he knows that all seasons belong to him. --Ex. FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigars and /Tobacco, at Barbian Bros.- i / ATTENTION. } As ( have sold out my Blacksmith shop and intend to go away soon, I want every one who owes me, to call before the 25th of March, and settle, either by cash or note. All accounts not settled by that date will be left for collection. To save costs, everybody should call in time and settle. PETER SCHKID. SEED CORN. I have a quantity of "Stowell's Mam moth Evergreen" corn, which I took pa*ns to dry and cure for seed; have tried it and know it will grow. Shall commence the sale of it at once at Stev- m * m * i X • ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINUKALEH The corpora tion election passed off very quietly on Tuesday of last week, with the following result: There were 72 votes cast, 47 for incorporation and 25 against. There will lie another election on March 24th, to elect a town boards The dime sociable, at Chas. Wandrack's on Friday evening of last week, was well attended and a'good time was reported by all present. Our new barber picked up and moved to Elgin on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell visited with friends in Chicago on Saturday and Sun day last. E. Sinnett, who is going to be Mr. Chapell's foreman on the Pyott farm, moved iu and took possession on Satur day last. Miss Edith Kern, of Chicago, visited friends here on Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson, of Elgin, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chunn. W. H. Harback and family, of Ridge- field, visited here with friends Oik" Satur day last. There was % sleigMoad of our .young folks attended church at Cary Station on Sunday evening last. B. A. Ford has been on the sick list for the past few weeks, but he is now better. John Stehlick is reported quite sick. k ^ Mrs. Get). Dodd, who has been quite Sick for some time, is now on the gain. 1>. W. Thomas shipped a carload of stock to Chicago on Monday of this week. Mr. Hench's little daughter, Mamie, was taken quite sick on Sunday last. The Sewing Society of the Congrega tional church will meet with Mrs. W. P. Benson on Wednesday of next CRYSTAL LAKE. EDITOR PLAINOEAUER :--All are enjoy ing the fine sleighing which we have had for the past few days. Mr. Young, a former pastor of Crystal Lake, preached at the Baptist church, Sunday, March 2d, raorniugand evening. Nearly every one is moving now. Theron Smith moved into the Best house last week. Smith Campbell moved back to his farm near Ridgefield last week. Misses Lizzie and Abbie Dike, of Green wood, are visiting at Alec Dike's, of this place. Quite a number of the young people of Cary lodge visited Crystal Lake lodge last Friday evening. Miss Florence Baldwin has been having a serious time with a felon. Miss Irma Jones viBite.l at Elgin last week. Chere will be a Deniorest oratorical contest, for the silver jTiedit!, at the Bap tist chureh, at Crystal Lake, Thursday night, March 6th, at 7:30, under the aus pices of the Crystal Lake and Nunda prohibition club. Admission, ten ceuts. There are ten contestants, namely: How ard Davis, Floyd Davis, Willie Davis, Wesley Church, Charley Sharj>e, Mary Woloil^ Mrirv Piiilp Jessie Baldwin and Lois l$aid\rtn. The following is the f % PROOBAV. Music. m Prayer. Music. Oration *o. 1--Reasons for a Prohibition Party. No. A Barrel ot Whisky. Music. No 8. -- What should the ChristlM Vfetbt do with the saloon f No. Two Fires. > Music. L, ' *»o. 6.--The Republican, Party and Pf»hi'olti6a No. « --The Cry of »*o-day. Mule •>o. 7.--The Abolition and Probibllipn MoVe- .ments. a No. B.--Not Dead nor Dying. - Music. • ' £•& No. 9--Who is 10 Blame ? No 10.--Reinforcement*. * - Music. Decision of the Judge* A whriimg of Medal by Mips Ellen KastWMk Music. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY". MASOMTC.--A. F. arid A. M. moot at Mnaontb Halt on every 1st aud id Wednesday even* otjk'S ot each month. MODERN WOODME* or AMRVCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Thursday even- in as of each month. Neigh bore cordially in- vlted. THE President's coat pocket protruded #0 much at the recent Florida fishing that some, one asked the reasou why. "It is only a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup," the handsome gentleman ex plained ; "I never travel a mile without it," IT is quite probable thai you may need the services of a physician some day; but you can postpone the time idefinitely by keepingyour blood pure and your system invigorated through the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Preventiod is better than cure. REMEMBER that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has no equal as a specific for colds, coughs, and all affections of the throat and lungs. For nearly half a century it has been in greater demand than auy other remedv for pulmonary complaints. All druggists have it for sale. FOR RENT. A house suitable for Inquire at this office. a small family. AUCTION- Administrator's sale of Personal Prop erty. The undersigned, Administratorof the Estate of Anthony Snyder, deceased, will sell at Public Auction, by order of the Probate Court of McHenry County, at the late residence of the «aid Snyder, 31-2 miles south enst of McHenry, on Thurs day, March 20,1890. The Personal Prop erty belonging to said Estate, except such as may be reserved by the widow, as follows: 16 good cows, new inilch and springers, 1 span brood mares, 1 black gelding 5 years old, 1 span black mares 3 years old, 1 Morgan mare colt 2 years old, 4 colts 2 years old, 1 yearling colt, 4 head fat cattle, 2 bulls, 9 heifers 2 years old, 5 yearlings heifers, 8 Poland China brood sows. 1 Poland China boar, 1 large cider mill and press, 1 light wagon, 1 lumber wagon, lset bobsleighs, 5 bbls. cider, 400 lbs. salt pork, 125 hens, very fine Black Javas and Plymouth Rocks, 1 milk vat, 5 milk cans* 500 bu. oats, 300 bu. corn, 15 tons hay, farming tools, Household goods, and numerous other articles. Free lunch at noon. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. TERMS.--Sums of $10 and under Cach. Over that sum a credit of 1 year on ap proved notes at 7 i»eJr cent interest. No property removed uiltil settled for, JAMES B. PERRY, Administrator. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. FOR SALE. A good house and two lots situated ih this village. House contains five good sized rooms, with necessary closets, pan try, etc. Good well and cistern, wood shed, barn and other outbuildings. House nearly new and all surroundings in good repair. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. For further particulars inquire of " JAMES B. PERRY. Mrs. Ellen Pierce returned home from Elgin Saturday night. Olin Rowe started Monday for his home at Traer, Iowa. " Johnnie Pierce came home the first of last week. <„ . • E. Buchanan's dividend for January milk was $1.05 per hundred. < E. E. Taylor visited his brother, at Delevau, the first of last week. Men to hire for farm work are not very numerous this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Peter T- Rowe are plfeas* antly settled in the rooms over Showdy's. Peter Robinson will paint with Dunpan McKenzie through the summer. Saturday was a busy day in town, owing to J. F. Brown's aurtion. . Walter Stewart has. moved onto his father's farm. People are making up forlost time, im proving the sleighing. * There will be dancing sclionl nn Friday evening of this week. M. W. Merry is seen on the streets, near ly every day with his t#o trotters, driv ing tandem. Johnnie Haythorn was. up from Rich mond with Prof. Cameron, Friday night-. Mr. Wallis, the buggy mau, from Clin ton, was in town the last of the week. Miss Minnie Stone entertained a lady friend last weeek who was her roommate while she attended school at Evanston. Brown and Prouty shipped four- car loads of hogs and cattle last week and four carloads ou Monday night of this week. Walter Andrews is still confined to the house, having been uuder the doctors car# for about seven weeks. P. H. Woolfrom is in Boston, Mass. with a carload of horses, shipped from this country. 4 Earnest Mead has changed his expected boarding place for the summer and will work for h. B. Strattou. Several men and teams have been en gaged the past week drawing ice Jrom Button's Bay, for Mutiger's ice house, John Niver, who lias been dangerously ill with pneumonia for some time, is gain ing in strength aud will move doWu from Harvard onto the Johnnie Judson place, soon. Mr. Dnnkinson, of Delevan, who visited here last summeiv is laid up with a brok en ankle, caused by steppiug through a hole in the sidewalk. His many friends at this phtce will be sorry to learn of his accident. The masquerade, given by the I. O. G. T., was quite a success in every particu lar. A large number were masked and a good crowd of spectators present. The leceipts of the eveniiuj vvnw jtlinut. fvvontv dollars. Fred Helm took possession of the Cole place on Saturday, and while delivering milk at the factory for the first time, Sun day mortpng, his team became frighten ed, overturning the sleigh <+ind breaking loose from it rau toward home, near where they were caught. No serious damage was done. SETTLEMENT NOTICE. All (verso ns knowing themselves iredebt* ed to the firm of Saiith & Son are hereby notified to call and settle the same at once and $ave costs. A word to the wise is sufficient. SMITH & SON. West McHenry, Feb. 25, 1890. Steamship Agency at West HcHenry. We sell Ocean Passage, single or round trip tickets, to any part of Europe at LOWEST rates and represent all leading lines. ' JOHN EVANSON & Co. To the question, Which is your favo rite poein? there may be a great variety of answers; but when asked, Which is your favorite bloodfiurifier? there can be only one reply--Ayer's Sarsaparilla, be cause it is the purest, safest aud most economical. FOR RENT. For one year one of the finest farms in McHenry, consisting of 180 acres of land 1% miles"north-east of Riugwood former ly owned by L. A. Waterman. For terms inquire of * - / f J. W. CRISTY. 31 tf Ring wood, Ifl, FOR SALE. A Bcllfounder Stallion, 4 years-old, Color Brown, weight 1100 pounds. Broke single and double and a sure foal getter. Will sell him for half he is worth, or trade for other stock. Inquire of J. W. LAWSON. Spring Grove, 111. MONEY TO LOAN on farm land, on time bnd iu amounts to suit borrowers. In quire at this office for further particulars. FOR. SALE OINRENT. The house known a$ the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent ou reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con- venicn es. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic ulars inquire of H. C. MEAD. Dated January 1st, 1889. FOR SALE. At two-thirds importers' prices, an Im ported Clyde Stallion Colt, (3795) three years old. Is very stylish, with good action. Color, Bay, white on feet, with small star. For particulars address, C. E. CHAPELL, Algonquin, III. Carpets. 1,500 ynrds of .new style carpets re ceived last Monday in elegant patterns and of the very best makes, Lowell's, Hartfords, etc., which we match with the least possible waste to fit rooms from 20c, 30c, 40c, to 80c. New stair carpets and oil cloths, contain poles iu all colors Complete for 25c. . Wait for our big spring stock of fiue clothing for all ages to arrive in ten days. BONSLETT & STQFFEL. F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer.* Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, ̂ Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reas onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at- tentio«.Addre^. W, K. ttBANesk. West McHentv H. C. MEAD, : : General Auction eBr- Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attendeded to on the most reasonable terms. A share of pat ronage solicited. P. O. Address. West McHenry, ^11. H. B. THROOP, AUCTIONEER, AlgoucprfB» 111, Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Farming Tools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. All orders promptly filled 1 make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele graph me at Algonquin, 111. DIARIES for 1890, at Besley's Drug Store, West Side. . When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad Children, ane gave them Caatoria P' GENTLEMEN, If yon want the latest styles of clothes yonr pick out of 200 samples, a merchant tailor of Chicago has appointed E. Lawlus, tailor, to take measures. First class tailors in every respect. Prices of suits, f 18 to $34. He has measured for seven suits in two weeks. He will show you names of r »ferenees. E. Lxwma, Tall' >r, opposite Riverside Hotel. Edward Silvey, Chicago, gives testi mony: "My wife had catarrh twenty-five years; suffered severely for six years be fore she began to use your remedy. Un able to breathe except through the mouth. In a most critical condition. Tried everything without relief when Dr. Streeter advised her to buy Clarke's Ex tract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure. Relief followed immediately. She contin ued to use it until she is now entirely (Hired. Her health has not been so good in many years." Price, $1. Wash the baby with Clarke's Flax Soap. 25 cents. Geo. W. Besley, druggist, now has the Flax remedies on hand. EFFECTS OF MODERN LIFE. Eminent authorities unanimously agree that the high pressure methods of human life are rapidly making us a nation of nervous invalids--subject to all manner of nervous affectations, headache, insai- ty, dizziness, neuralgia, backache, hys teria, nervous trouble of the heart, stom- aehe, kidneys, brain, ets. Ladies and gentlemen who are troubled thus, or who are compelled to keep late hours, do much mental or physical work, or worry or fret about business or domestic troub les, should remember that no other remedy in the world will so speedily cure t hese diseases, remove worry or the blues, induce tranquil sleep, relieve pain, and build the brain and nerveous system as Dr. Miles'great discovery the Restorative Nervine. It contains no opium or mor jf!riu<-. Trial boliies free at iiesiey's Drugstore. CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS Have received from E. Lawlus, tailor, orders for 14 suits up to Nov. 29, 1889. Good fits, low price# and the best of goods is what you all want. Call in and see the large book of samples. CATHARTIC PILLS ARE WHIPS. To the liver and bowels, but give no strength. The more you take, the more you need. Miles' Pills, (M.P.) positively strengthen. The longer taken the less required. Samples free at Besley's Drug • Store. ^ ROOMS TO RENT. The Rooms over Bonslett's Ilardware Store and also over O. W. 0 tveu's Jewelry Store, are for Rent. Well aranged for two families. Also for Rent the Rooms over the Post Office. Inquire of E. M. OWEN & SON. 'BnslnegsNotities, . Read oar new advertisement. " STEVENS & MILLER, Weet McHenry. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cut* "-/'ii is sold by us on a guarantee, It cure® Consumption. Sold by J. A. Story. ; The finest line of Whitewash and Paint f Brushes in town at Besley's West Sid* fM Drugstore. V ; If you want to see the finest stock of f "Fine Shoes at the lowest^prices call at , Althoff Bros. • £ If you need a need a new, overcoat call , v and see our new and stylish garments. , STEVENS & MILLER, West McHenry. Croup, Whooping Cough and Broa- chitis immediately relieved by Shfloh # Cure. Sold by J. A. Story. • ri; We have the best makes of Barb Wit® and our prices are on the spot cash basis, ' „ very low. * \,4 J. W. OMHTY A Sow, Kingwood. * The finest line of Boots and Shoes far d Gent's wear to be found in town. Als^-f in ladies foot-wear, a fine assortment. at Althoff Bros. Catarrh Cured, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the . " Remedy for you. Sold by J. A. Story. „ r "« It will benefit you in purse and peace ol" " > mind to buy yonr boots and shoes of J. ;:ji| W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. To lay* , ^ to prove the above. . ^ Remember I can save you money all Coal, Corn and Millstuffs. Can deliver & *\j, any quantity at rock bottom prices. \ > W. A. CtusTy, West McHenry. , % To Catch close buyers I have detefw ^ mined on selling Coal and Feed on a lej|i^JJp margin than ever before and selling for Cash only. W. A. CRISTY, West McHenry If any are owing us on the old score would be very much pleased, and j know you would be just as much so, tp> ' f have the account squared up at once. {' v J. w. OKISTT & so*, Ktngwood.1 < Shiloh's Vitabier is what you need foe Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price ' • ; , 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J, / A. Story. Will You SuBer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by J. A. , jC; Story. ; A choice line of Box Papa*, cheap, ttt Besley's West Side. m n That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by J. A. Story. E. W. BLATCHF0UI) & CO., Of Chi cago, have appointed Bonelett & Stoffel of West McHenry, agents for their famous Oil.;Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmers should accord a fair trial. Very , close prices are offered on small or 'large lots. Call Meal I Oil Meal! - Always in stock, at Bonslett &StotfePSy. ^ in small or large lots, at close prices. " \ The quality, styles and prices of oof - new line of dress goods pleases all who see them. STEVENS & MILLER, West McHenry. ~'y <„ THE PULPIT AND THE STAGE. Rev F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I *.~u iv ICT7A II, IU(> UUt/4l IV UVIi UUUill tivuuno King's New Discovery has done for me. My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishionei's thought I could live only a few weeks. 1 took five bottles of Dr. King's New discovery and am sound and well, gaining 26 lbs. in weight. < Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial aud convincing evidence I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything else faUtw.The greatest kindness I can do 'm.\ thousand friends is to urge them t o it." Free trial bottles at G. Writes Drug Stole. Regular sizes |fl.00. HAPPY 1I00SIERS. Wm. Timmons, postmaster of Idaville, Ind., writes: "Electric Bittere has done more for me than all other medicnes com bined, for that bad feeling arising from kidney trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, Qf same place, says; "Find Electric Bittere to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware mer chant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is just the tiling for a man who is .all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appe tite, and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c a bottle at G. W. Bw* ley's drug store. : i - ^ J Special Offer tp the Young Women ^ of America to secure a g gjFgggCOLLEGE EDUCATION r ̂A COMPLETE EDUCATION AT ¥AS$AR COLLEGEt To any young girl of 16 years or over, who will--from this date nntfl January ^ *"rt ist, 1891--send us the largest number of yearly subscribers to 1 •BEfADIB5'H0AB | lHEUjoURHAI- Si fluis Fivst fat ^I 0° 1** year> we wi!1 give as a ^ Mr x vw Ot I reward a complete education at Vassctr j D "Pfpir I College, including all expenses of tui- ̂ C" • . Mion, board, &c., for an entire course; \y • "i -BUCKLEN S AKNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns aud all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. ^ FOB SALE. Short Horn Bulls, Poland China Boars and Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale, at the lowest living prices. FRANK COLE. Spring Grove, Jan. 6,1890. 26-3ui, "Have you seen the 5-A five mile horse* blank-et?. If not, why not,? If you 1 have a horse you or if she prefers, she may choose Wellcsley, Smith, or any 1 other American College. This offer means a complete cdu-1 cation in every branch of study, THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL paying all expenses. «" A CHANCE FOB/AN EDUCATION FOR ALL BHUS. ( We wi" also'iis a seco,ld offer' \-S4/pf ^&L>U rtflA' ^ giVe to any girl of 16 years or over. • . 14 j who will--between now and Jan. ] Offer. » ^ ist, 1891,send us i,oco subscrib ers to THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, at £1.00 per year, a full single term of one year at Vassar College, or any other Ameri can College she may select. A term means a full years study, we guaranteeing to meet the entire expenses thereof during the year. ^ . • Seai at once for circular of information, Samph capiat, Ac. MARCH number HOW READY. On tbo *ews stands--Ut cents a cop/. Wq offer THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL OT from now to July ist, on trial for J' ^ ^ * Ifr. as ail experiment, and to introduce into thousands of famihtsFg^ not already familiar with the handsomest illustrated period-pp ical in the woild for Ladies and the family. CURTIS PUBLISHING CO^ PHILADELPHIA. PA. -rf M ; m k* i5*