^WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1890. IS Railroad Time Table. TaUmar effoct .Scot. 22d, train* will p*ss McHenry station daily, ekc.ept Manila?, as ;ifeilOW8:. GOING SOUTH4hV'- ':' Luke Usneva Passenger »;&'»»:»*:3° A watic Geneva Rxpress... ft"'" M8:2S tl;80r. M foike Geneva Freight ftHke Geneva Passenger .-,...8:98 h voBrn.'• ' f*ake Geneva Freight... ^y. t>ake Geneva Passenger ....•±...W:2J> " Lake ieneva Express AW r. U y^nfc» Gen -vn Pii«sme»r ... ... v:5t Dally except «und*T- "!T ' B. BUB*, Afr«nt. v McHenrv, III "'}»• " ' = " MA^OVIC. • MCHRKKV (.(IIHSK, NO. 158 \. F. anfl A. M -- ¥' ' Hegulfir CommunicHti »n« the eecoml ,an«J fourth Mondays in eacb month. • U.C OOLBV. W.M. .. &'•' - . . . • •. II# MODKRST WOODMEN OK AMEltlCA. ;j.V^ Meet at the now City HftHy every Second #in'l Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor »ialty invited. ANNOUWCEMElffTS 'fffiZt": ' COUNTY JX'DliK. u \ I hereby respectfully ask of the Repub lican voters of McHenry county, the -nomination for COUNTV .IITDOE, at the coming Republican CountyConvention. . > C. P. BARNES. ^ 1 hereby announce myself as a caudi- 4 date for the office of COUNTY JUDGE, sui>- ^ to the approval of the McHeniry County Republican Convention. CHARLES H. DONNEMA'. • • PERSOKAL. ' CHAS. S. OWEN, of Chicago,"'::*&& calling on friends here last week.- ^ JOHN D. NISH, of Lake Geneva, was a caller on Saturday. Miss KATE HOWE has been visiting friends in Woodstock the past week. HKNRY COLBY, of I^ake Geneva, was in town on Tuesday. Miss MACDE VAN SLYKE spent Satur day and Sunday at Elgin, the guest of Miss Edith Carpenter. ...,-. ED. KIMBALL, of Tacoma, Wash ington, is visiting with his parents in this village. JACOB WENTWORTH and Chas, Ander son, of McQueeus, came up fishing one day last week and met with fine success at McCollum's Lake. 'v MESSRS. R. R. PAKKIK, Curtw,Sinith, Ham Webster and Jucfe King took over .200 pounds of pickerel, pike and perch from Piiitaqua lake one day last week. They had the best of sport., having struck the lake just at the right time.--Elgin Every Saturday. ~ J. A. SHELDON, Principal of tlieHuntley Public School, was calling on friends ¥i<?re on Saturday, and looking up his chances for Couuty Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Sheldon is an able educator and has hosts of friends in different parts ot the county who would be glad fo see him succeed. FOR CODNTY TREASURER. ' X hereby announce myself as a f^'iiifi- date for the office of COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the approval of the McHenry County Republican Convention. 9-; 'V JAMES B. PERRY. $ * sH I am a candidate for the office ofi COUNTY TREASURER, and make no claim as to "haviug been brought out at the ftarnest solicitation of numerous friends," ? He., etc. I desire the office for the remun- i ©ration there is in it. arid respectfully ask • the nomination at the hands of the next iff, Republican Countv Convention. ^ - ., "Respectfully, *$ '/ " JOHN 1/. HTBBA#»; ||=«-«43re^n wood^ lib, March 10, 1S90-. - COUNTY 8UPE8INTENUENTOF SGS0OLS. if.. I hereby announce myself as a candi- ,v ' date for re-election to t he office of COUNTY F SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, for Mc Henrv County, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. LESTER BARBER. I THE Ladies' Willing*Workers Society connected with the Universalist Churchy will meet with Mrs. Jas. B. Perry, ol£ Friday afternoon of this week". HUH. JAS li. I'KKKV, President, M-KS. (>. N. OWf-s • - OUR Tax Collector, Wm. Schreiner, notwithstanding the close times in the money market, beat the record in collect ing the taxes of this town. He was obliged to return only $203 as uncollect ed, and but $ 1.57 of that was personal property. This is a good showit^. Mr. Schreiner has proved himself one of the best collectots the town hasever had, and he should, as he no doubt will, be unani mously re-elected. m - I hereby announce myself a candidate!! '!*«• the office of SUPERINTENDENT OFL,RY» ftcHOoL4*, subject to the decision of the] Bepublican County Convention. J. A. SHELBON. t herby announce mrsolf as acandidatei for the office of SUPERINTENDENT OF | ScHf>or,s, subject, to the approval of the Republican County Convention. W. E. WIRE. QUARTERLY MEETING will be held in SFC- Henry M. E. Church Saturday day uext, being the 22 and2;bl of Marcli. Services as follows: Saturday quarterly conference at two o'clock. ltev.s;W. H. Haight,, the Presiding Elder will preach and hold quarterly conference. Sunday morning love feast at 10 o'clock sharp. Public service at 10:30 to which all are kindly invited to be present. - A. J. BRILL, Pastor. JUTU «»I^ * * Quintette Orchestr AfcffEXHY. ILL. Are prepiri;i1| to fiirortnh! f ir.->t Cln^s to the Dancing Public at lUeasonable To witness such performances as those offered by Edwin Booth and Madame Helena ilodjeska at the Chicago. Opera House is the event of a lifetime; in fact the annals of the stage fail to disclose any instance where the most celebrated actor of his tame has played a series of dramas in conjunction with the most popular actress of her day. It is safe to say that in the present performances at the Chicago Opera House there have been scenes of legitimate drama which have never been so powerfully enacted. Never has the stage seen such an Ophelia with such a Hamlet, or such a Portia with silch a Shy lock. The repertoire of the second week has been fully equal to that of the first in attractiveness, and that of.the third week promises tg be the finest of all. It is well to remembe^ that Mr. Booth is nejger to appear in the West again. He objects to traveling and next year he will onjy play in New York, Phil adelphia and Boston. The majority of Western people must einbracethis oppor tunity^? seeing the greatest tragedian of his time or they will miss a recollection to treasure for a lifetime. Certain it is that Mr. Booth will not play in company with Madame Modjeska next season. Next week's repertoire will comprise two performances of "Hamlet," one of "Rich elieu," one of "Donna I)ianaM and "The Fool's Reveng»y' and one of "The Mer chant of Venice," as well as one or two plays not seen yet. These dranias have boeu selected because they display Mr. Booth and Madame Modjeska in their most; famous characters. The manner io which each of these plays has been pro duced at the Chi.-ago Opera House is worthy of the high reputation of that theater in that respect. Magnificent cos tumes, beautiful scenery and an excep tionally fine 'company render the perform ances as a whole worthy of the two great stars who are the central figures. " "And every shepherd tells his tale, un der the hawthorn in the dale" and on such occasions every shefrtierdess takes cold, aud suffers tortures with neuralgia until some sensible, well-informed citizen advises her to use Salvation Oil. "Oh, Willie, we have missed yon! Since you have been away, darling. I've not had one soul to seftl to the druggist's for my Dr. Bull's Cough S.vrup; and when my cough syrup is goue fled like I had lost my best friend. , ' AUCTION SALE. The undersigned wiH sell TOWN MEETING onej week fcotn next /:flil«wdayj'Apri}elii(i. '-^r •*" • . MR. SLADE'S subject next Sunday morn ing will be, "Tendencies and Needful ^ Changes in Theology." ATTENTION is called to the advertise ment of the Police Gazette, which «an be ionud on the first page. ~ : REMEMBER the last eutertainment of^l * "'s vil'aSe almost all her life, was hon- the McHenry Lecture Association, on *><2red and respected by all who knew her. Thursday, (to-morrow) evening, March 20th. V ;• " ' ! READ the program for the entertain ment by the McHeury Lecture Associa- tion, to take place at the City Hall, on Thursday, tomorrow, evening. Public Auction, on the old Jackson farm, one mile South of Spring Grove, on Saturday, March 22. 18t)(J. Commencing at i() o'clock A. M. the following property: 0 good cows, lour with, calves by side, balance* Springers, 1 bull, 2 heifers 2 years old, 1 well bred Clydesdale mare coining 3 years old, 1 Clydesdale mare 2 years old, 2 work horses, (i brood sows, 1 boar, 2 stock hogs, 50 chiekeus, Plymouth Rocks and Black Java, 3 ducks, 1 I). S. Morgan mower, 1 I). S. Morgan rea[>er No. 2, 1 Tiger horse rake, J, SmUh, 1st Violin. Robt. Ma-Men. Olarlo;\ i 'loinpsuii sulky Cultivator, 1 harrow-, C. Curtis, Cornet. L, Oven, Trombone,^ plows, 1 planker, 2 lumber wagons, 1 ni nnff Tnr» 1)11 ̂ -V' 1 Kl<*ighs, 1 set imp ^)0fUl|8i j |iay rack, 1 wood r^k, 1 v;.ien house, 50H^t'6f hay ropeT and pul- Vleysr"2 pitchforks, 2 manure forks, 1 log chain, 1 well rope and wheel, 1 crowbar, 300 bu. oats, 4 bu. seed corn, quantity corn in ear, 1 stack straw, 5 tons tame hay in barrack, 12 bu. potatoes, 1 bbls. cider, 1 cook stove, 1 heating stove, 1 ex tension table nearly new, a quantity of household furniture, and other articles uotmentioned. Ftee lunch, at noon. TERMS.-- Sums of #10 and under cash. Over $i0n credit of one yearwill.be giveu on good Approved uotes at 7 per cent in terest.. Two per cent off for cash. No property removed until settled for. MARTIN COLE. . ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR;--A party from Chicago are tearing away the old build ing on the corner of Main and Chicago streets preparatory to building a fine store as soon as the weather wiU permit. Mrs. Wm. Morton had an attack of La Grippe last week. J. A. Sheldon, of Huntley, was in town on Saturday last calling on his many friends in i-egard t*> his candidacy for. county superintendent of schools. There WHS a caucus held at the Morton Hall on Saturday evening last to put in nomination a president and six trustees for olir village organization, and the fol lowing nominations were made: For President, John Peter; Trustees, James Seyk. A. Doig, Cha*. ^Kuhlank, I). W. Thomas, W. A. Nasou, John Johnston. Miss Laura Frary, ot Car.v Station, is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. H. J. Philp. ; Mrs. W. L. Kee is qui fee sick with a bilious attack. • - ^ Anna (ioister. ivho has confined to the house for several days with a malari al fever is now about again. Little Mamie Heuch, who has had a malarial fever, is now convalescent. Stewart Johnston and Clmrlie Nason have lately had tonsilitis. Esquire Philp, with his wife and daugh ter Annie,.spent* a lew d#» with friends in Chicago last week. ;• Sherm Chapeli sjtent S turday and Sunday with friends in Chlteago. Dr. Noson had a sister from Alpena, Mich., visit with him last Week. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the Con gregational church wili meet at Mrs. W. P. Bensou's on'Wednesday of next week. Chas. Berkley moved into the house at the old Mud Mill on Monday of this week. -He has hired out to C; E. Chapeli to work on the farm for the ensuing year, Mrs. Panba has just recovered from an attack of La (irip|>e. The last two weeks of changeable weather have increased the sick list con siderably. Mrs. Palchie and daughter Spphie, are now convalescent from their latesickness. Died, March 15th, 1890, J. S. Klinck. The deceased was born in 1800, at Cale donia. (Jenessee county, N. Y. His folks were driven away from there by the In dians in the War of 1812. They then moved to Shelby, Ind. Mr. K. came to Illinois in 1830, where he has since re sided. He was married in 1823 to Elvira Huntington, by whom two children were bom. Both of them" have since died. March 21st, 1824, he was married to Abigail Faris, by whom four children were born. Two of them are still living, Isaac, of Algonquin, and Judsonof Iowa. In 1849, lie was married to Mar.vCurtif?s. "February 1.1th, 1875, Mr. K. was mar ried to Miss Martha Mogee, by whom four children were born. Two of them are left to mourn a Fathers loss. One by one our old pioneers are passing away to their eternal home. The funeral services were held on Tuesday, the 18th, at the Congregational church. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Clifford,'of Dundee, and the remain* were interred -in the cemetery at .layties' District. The bereaved family have the sympathy of tfoatr many friends. ji Of Death of Mrs. John M. Smitb. /Our citizens were shocked and grieved 'on Tlnirsdav last to learn that Mrs. John M. Smith had died at her home in Osborne, Kansas, after a short illness, with disease of the heart. Mrs. Smith, I who, up to a few years ago, had lived in In short we do not believe she had an enemy anywhere, and the announcement of her death has cast a gloom over the entire community. Her bereaved friends have the heartfelt sympathy of all. An obituary notice will appear hereafter. RONKIFTT & STOFFFL have a new ad-J HIED -- At the home of he$ daughter, IJONSLETT A. OTOHJEL nave a new "fl Mrs. M.'Go'odwin, in Richmond. HI., on vertisement this week which no purchase™ Monday, March 10th, 1890, Mrs. Sally of goods should fail to read.- THeir stockl Watts, widow of the late Wm. Watts, "to complete in every department and their |«getl 72 years. prices at living rates. TT"mK- fe • A WOMAN who knows it to be a fact Bays some men will get out of bed at Aight in the coldest of winter weather to ,' go to a fire, who cannot be induced to jg-st up at 7 o'clock in the morning to ii; start one in the kitchen stove. >;.. WE have a new Veterinary Surgeon. If you don't believe it ask John. Stifles out 5* and paralyzed legs may sound well for common horsemen, but John says a spike in the foot has got to come out or ; the horse won't get well. That horse he •V< oaght to.be ashamed mit himself! *' F". THE members of Valley Camp, Modern ? Woodmen of America, are hereby notified v that there will be a special meeting at the PLAINDEALER Counting Room on; Tuesday evening next, March 25th at 7%: * o'clock. Every member is earnestly re-1 piested to be present. ^ 5 THE evening mail from Chicago ^uot reach this station now until half pastf seven, and by the time it gets over from the Depot .and is distributed it is eight" o'clock. Consequently the swearing niong those who want to get their mail iu l go home, is both lotid and deep. IN Siam you can get good board for lorty-five cents a week, and this includes iiasbing, and the use of two servants to nin errands, tickets to shows, three shaves, and all thecigars you can smoke. The New York Tribune says: "This #6unds delightful until you learn <llat it fai almost impossible to earu forty-five nta a week in Siam." TAJ-K about the benefits of advertising! Down in Florida not long ago a family lost a child, which strayed away from home and got lost. After searching for three days the family placed an adver tisement in the nearest ii^ivspa|>er. Im agine the surprise of the parents u)>on going to the door the uext morning, to aee a monster alligator upon the door step, where he had disgorged the child alive, and then died himself. The "ad" cost them but 25 cents, and it gave them back their darling child; they sold the alligator's hide for $5, aud the parents are showing the child in all the dime mu- iaums of the land at $50 per week!, Does IHlver Using pay ? Ladies' muslia underwear from 50c ftp QwJ vihie at Eratwoi'̂ ; Sally Hemlwry was born in Wedmore, Somersetshire, England, if| 1818, and was married to her late litisband Wm. Watts, in 1840.' They came to this country, settling at Burlington, Wis., where they remained for two years: then removed to Spring Grove, being a rm- dent of this State for 37 years. She was a member of the Episcopal Church of England, and it is the universal verdict of her acquaintances that she Was an ex emplary woman and a kind and indul gent parent. She had nine children, six of whom are now living. ^ McHenry Lecture Association^, f Last entertainment for the season*, at the City Hall, on Thursday evening, March 20th, at 8 o'clock sharp. ' FBOGBALL. V ChorM. Duet ... .... Mr. an.i Mrs T. J. Walsh Selection B{i88 Katie Becker Male Quartette Messrs. -W alsh. Owen, ->tevena, Oriaty. Selection Miss waMron hoiot' .l|Us Maude Van Slvke W. A.Cnsty Selection M iss \Valrt ron Solo, with violin and organ acooinpiuim^nt. Male Quartette Mettsrs. Walsh, Owen, Stevens and Cristv. , Teachers' Examinations , Will be held at the following times and places: At Huntley, on Friday, March 21st. Marengo, Saturday, March 22d. Nunda, Monday. March 2-tth. Mclb-nry, Tuesday, March 25th. Richmond, Wednesday, March 26th. Hebron, Thursday, March 27th. Harvard, Friday, March 28th. Woodstock, Saturday, March 29th. Teachers will use. LEGAL CAP paper when convenient, and come prepared to begin work promptly at nine o'clock. LBSTER BARBER, ^ Co. Supt. Schools. NEW MILLINERY. FOR EASTE|. Mrs. E. W. Howe is in the city this week buying her Spring stock of Millinery Goods, and would inform her customers and the public generally that she will have in a full stock of the latest styles all ready for the Easter trade. My stock will be complete in every particular, new, stylish and fresh, and I respectfully in vite the ladies to.call,examine goods and learn pricw. MRS. E. W. HOWR. F. K.<3ftAKaEu. Auctioneer, •AUCTION SALE. • The undersigned, desiring to quit dairying will sell at public auction, on his farm, three miles southwest of Volo, and two miles east of Griswold Lake factory, on Wednesday. March 2(i, 1890, commencing at ten o'clock, a. tn., the following prof»erty: 23 choice cows, new milch ami springers, 4 heifers coming 3 years old, 4 heifers coming 2 years old, I full blood Jersey bull 2 years old, 1 bay colt, coming 2 years old, 10 shoats. Free lunch at noon. TERMS.--All sums of $1.0 and under cash. Over that sujn a credit of one year will bo given on good approved notes at 7 per cent interest. Two ]>er cent off for cash. No property to be re moved uutil settled for. AMELIOS AMISS.' F. K. GBANQER, Auctioneer. AUCTION. Administrator's sale of Persona! Prop erty. The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Anthony Snyder, deceased, will sell at Public Auction, by order of the Probate Court of McHeury County, at the late residence of the said Snyder, 31-2 miles south eHst of McHenry, on Thurs day, March 20,1890. The Personal Prop erty belonging to said Estate, except such as may bo reserved by the widow, as follows: 10 good cows, new milch and springers, 1 span brood mares, 1 black gelding 5 years old, 1 span black mares 3 years old, I Morgan rnare colt 2 years old, 4 colts 2 years old, 1 yearling colt, 4 head fat cattle, 2 bulls, 9 heifers 2 years old, 5 yearlings heifers, 8 Poland China brood sows, 1 Poland China boar, 1 large cider mill and press, 1 light wagon, llumberwagon, lset bobsleighs, 5 bbls. cider, 400 lbs. salt Rork, 125 hens, very fine Black Javas and Plymouth Rocks, 1 milk vat, 5 milk cans 500 bu. oats, 300 bu. corn, 15 tons hay, farming tools, Household goods, and numerous other articles. Free lunch at noon. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. TERMS.--Sums of $10 and under Cach. Over that sum a credit of 1 year on ap proved notes at 7 per cent interest. No property removed until settled for, , .JAMES B. PERRY, Administrator. . ' F. ft. GRANGER, Auctioneer. "Ayer's medicines have been satisfac tory to me throughout my practice, es pecially Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has been used by many of my patients, one ol whom says he knows it- saved his life."-*-F. L. Morris, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. ' Each season has its own peculiar mal ady; but with the blood maintained in a state ot uniform vigor and purity by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla little danger need be feared from meteorological influ ences. No other" blood medicine is so safe and effective. , --; FOR RENT. snitable for a small family • A hoam CRYSTAL LAKE. EDITOR PLAINDEALER VVe are glad to have prospects of warmer weather, and are anxious to hear the song of the birds heralding the approach of spring. Our school closed last Friday to all&W our teachers to visit the schools in the city. Miss Eastman and Miss Pomeroy remnitted cm«r unlit SatnrdVty "&YliT*Tiad "the pleasure of listening to Patti. Miss Fannie Crow is home frd'tn Minne apolis on a visit. She is leading soprano in one of the large churches in that place. Last Saturday we had the pleasure of attending County ljodge held at Nunda. There WJIH a large'" delegation present from different lodges in the county. The following places were represented: Ring- wood, McHenry, Greenwood, Cary, Woodstock, Harvard, Alden, Hebron, Solon, Crystal Lake and Nunda, The meeting was a very profitable one, and many of the Good Templar order felt that it was indeed good to be there, Owing to the condition of the roads -the Weight sociable for Crystal Lake lodge lias been postponed for some future date. George Grussing. of ChieagO, wan out to attend the county lodge and visited with friends at the Lake over Sundaj*. L. E. Pellet and T. G. Tiffany,of Green wood, were in attendance at the County Lodge, and staved until Sunday at the home of Mra. S. 1). Baldwin, making their farewell visit as they both start this week for Salem, Oregon. Our friend H. Lucas, is soou to move to Nebraska. May success go with him. Mr. and Mrs. Pealer are both under the Doctor's care at present writing. The Crystal Lake Lodge I. O. G. T., are soon to hold a contest for the Dem- orist silver medal. This will make the fourth contest held here and at Nunda. The committee on arrangements are Mrs. Kate Jones, Mrs. M. ('. Morris, and Mrs. Will Geer. Mrs. S. 1). Baldwin, by re quest of the committee will take charge of the singing, Mrs. Anna Williams is under the Doo> tor's wire. Her friends hope soon to see her out again, Large quantities of ice are being bar- vested at the Lake during the last few weeks. . Meetings have discontinued atttttafree Methodist Church. FOR SALE. A good house and two lots situated in this village. House contains five good sized rooms, with necessary closets, pan try, etc. Good well and cistern, wood shed, .barn and other outbuildings. House nearly new and all surroundings in good'repair. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. For further particulars inquire of .JAMES B, PKKUY. GENTLEMEN, If you want the latest stylos of clothes your pick out of 200 samples, a merchant tailor of Chicago has appointed E. Lawlue, tailor, to take measures. First class tailors in every respect. Prices of suits, $18 to $34. He has measured for seveu suits in two weeks. He will sh(^7 you names of references. E. LAWLUS, Tailor, opposite Riverside Hotel. Leading shades velvets and plashes Only 50 cents at Evanson's. Look over our new spring stock of Fos ter's Beloit Shoes, C. M. Henderson & Co.'s Red School House Shoe, Men's Rockford Shoes aud other first-class makes. They are ready now. JOHN EVANHON & Co, Spring styles neckwear, spring styles men's $nits are ready at Evanson's.^ MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, purest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples at Geo. W. Besley's. Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. M*80KTO.--A. F. and A. M, meet at Masonic HaU on every 1st and 34 Wednesday even. of each month. " ' " 'f' MODERN WOODMHW OP AMKF'CA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Thursday even, logs of each month. Neighbors cordially in. vlted. "Have you seen the 5-A five mile horse blanket? If not, why not,? % Iwcie T?M need ft,*1 - Hebron Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, meets at Masonic Hall on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. Miss Annie Sime expects to teach her first term of school in the Glass district this summer. 4. , Frahk Mauley closed his school ia the BurgettXdistrict on Friday. The friemds of Elias Glass gave him a pleasant surprise, at his home, on Mon day of lastVveeek, the occasion being his sixty-ninth kirthday. Roswell D. syi will operate a creamery at Lawrence the year to come. He is in Elgin the present week procuring the needed supplies for the factory. Harvey Walling returned his tax books on Thursday with all taxes collected, the best record for many years trom this township. The birthdays of Mrs. Lovain Martin, of Richmond, and Mrs. Ellen Pierce, oc curring on the same day of the month, they are to be celebrated in a pleasant manner at the home of the latter on Wednesday of this week. Mr. Ed. Senger, of Harvard, and Miss Mina Stearns were married at the home of the bride on Wednesday of lost week at three o'clock p. m., in the presence of a .number of invited guests from Harvard, Greenwood and Hebrou. The young couple left on the evening train Wednes day for Harvard, where they will reside. Their many frieuds here offer heartiest congratulations. The Hebron Driving Park Association had a meeting Saturday evening, March 15, and voted to have a race sometime in June, about the 20th, to consist of a Farmer's Stake for two-years-olds, the Association to add $25, race to be mile heats, best two in three. A Merchant's Stake for three-years-olds, the Associa tion to add $25, race to be mile heats, best three in five. Also a 2:35 race for a purse of $100, mile heats, best three ia five, to be divided in four monies: First, $50; second, $25; third, $15; fourth, $10. Entrance, 10 per cent of purse. This will be the first race of the Associa tion. No ex pense will be spared to make this a grand success. Those having horses eligible to these races will do well to corresi>oiid with the president., C, F. Prouty. W. E. Wire, caudidate for County Su perintendent of Schools from Hebron, as per announcement in this paper, is a gen tleman worthy of the support of the Re publican voters of McHeury couuty. He was born iu McHenry county aud has beeu identified with the school work for the past sixteen years. F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer? Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reas onable terms. Orders by mail will reccrve prompt at- «entia&.Addrefv. V. fc. «tRAN«Blfe : I,: MeuMtiv H. C. MEAD, General Auctioneer. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attendeded to on the most reasonable terms. A share of pat ronage solicited. P. 0. Address, West McHenry, 111. H. B. THROOP, X AUCTION E ER, Algonquin, BL Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Fanning Tools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. All orders promptly filled I make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele graph me at Algonquin, 111. DIGUES for 1890, Store, West Side. at Besley's Drug Wlm Baby waa sick, we gave her Castoria, When ahewaa a Child, ahe cried (orCaatoria, When ahe became Kim, ahe clung to Castoria, Wh--t ahe had Children, aho gave them Caatoria ATTENTION. As 1 have sold out my Blacksmith shop and intend to go away soon, I want every oue who owes me, to call before the 25th of March, aud settle, either by cash or note. All accounts not settled by that date will be left for collection. To save costs, everybody should call in time and settle. PETER SCHBID. SEED CORN. I have a quantity of "StoweU's Mam moth Evergreen" corn, which I took pains to dry and cure for seed; have triM it and know it will grow. Shall commence the sale of it at ouce at Stev ens & Miner's store, West McHenry 111. C. V. STEVENS. FINK assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. SETTLEMENT NOTICE. All persons knowiug themselves indebtr ed to the firm of Smith & Son are hereby notified to call and settle the same at once and save costs. A word to the wise is sufficient. SMITH & SON. . * West McHenry, Feb. 25,1890. Good Mounted Window Shades, 35c, 42c, 476. Carpets in beautiful designs, 25c, 42%c, 47%c, 52%c, 57to 90c. Wall paper al ways trimmed free; per double roll, 8c, 10c, 12c, to $1. Borders to match them all. New spring domestics, new prints, new ginghams, latest styles dress goods and trimmings to match. A great as sortment of Fargo's famous custom made boots and shoes to suit all. Men's fine shoes 2'00, 2.50, 3.00 to 6.50. Ladies' shoes, 1.25 to 5. Fivedoz. boys' knee-pant suits in elegant patterns for only 1.75 per suit; odd pants, 45c to 1.50. Over 1800 new, latest style and very beet quality clothing just opened for sale. Good broken rice 4c lb. Good prunes 5c It)., good codfish, 4c lb., whole some tea dust 10c lb., good fine cut or plug tobacco, 25c lb. 500 sacks of Chick's Honest Abe flour, just received, fully warrauted and delivered free for only 1.00 per sack. Always at BONSLETT & STOFFEL'S. FOR SALE. A Bellfounder Stallion, 4 years-old, Color Brown, weight 1100 pounds. Broke; single and double and a sure foal getter. Will sell him for half he is worth, or trade for other stock. Inquire of J. W. LAWBON. Spring Grove, 111. FOR SALE OR RENT.' The house known as the Mrs. Ll A. Clark house, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on teasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic ulars inquire of H- . Dated January 1st, 1890 FOR SALE. At two-thirds importers' prices, an Im ported Clyde Stallion Colt, (3795) three years old. Is very stylish, with good action.' Color, Bay, white on feet, with small star. For particulars address, C. E. CHAPELL, Algonquin, 111, A FORTUNATE WOMAN. Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid,* Mich., has reason to be very thankful. Shef was a great sufferer from heart disease for years. Was short of breath, had hungry epells, pftin in side, fluttering, faintness, etc. After taking two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, she says,* "I am better than for twenty years. My mind and eyesight have improved wonderfully. 1 advise all persons thus afflicted to-use this great remedy." G. W. Besley, drug gist, recommends aud guarantees it. Dr, Miles' work on heart disease, captaining marvelous testimonials, free, ™ BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt' rheum, fevei* sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains* corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, If you1 or money refunded. Price 25 cents per *w lor HaJWoyik W. r Edward Silvey, Chicago, gives testi mony : "My wife had catarrh twenty-five years; suffered severely for six years be fore she began to use your remedy. Un able to breathe except through the mouth. In a most critical condition. Tried everything without relief when Dr. Streeter advised her to buy Clarke's Ex tract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure. Relief followed immediately. She contin ued to use it until she is now entirely cured. Her health has not been so good ih many years." Price, $1. Wash the baby with Clarke s Flax Soap. 25 cents. Geo. W. Besley, druggist, now has the Flax remedies on hand. BiuiiiessNotteei, Read oar new advertisement. * 1 '- STEVENS & MILLER, West McHeury. < Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cora is sold by us on a guarantee, It cures Consumption. Sold by J. A. Story. The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drug Store. If you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices call at Althoff Bros. ' If you need a need a new overcoat call and see our new and stylish garments^ STEVENS & MILLER, West McHenry, >• Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shilok's Cure. Sold by J. A. Story. We have the best makes of Barb Wire and our prices are on the spot cash basis, very low. J . W . CKISTY & Son, Ring wood,. The finest line of Boots and Shoes for Gent's wear to be found in town. Also, in ladies foot-wear, a fine assortment, at Althoff Bros. A.REMARKABLE LETTER. The following letter from Mr. W. A. Thomson, of Columbus, Wis., is pecul iarly interesting: "My wife,"sa.vshe, "has been treated for her head, stomach and nervous prostration by three doctors in New York, two in Chicago, one in Phila delphia, one in Cincinnati, and at the large institute in Buffalo for sixteen months. They all failed. But one bot tle of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine helped her wonderfully." This should be used in all headaches, backaches, changes of life, nervous disturbances, fits, rheu matism, etc. Ask at Besley's drug Rtore for a free trial bottle and Dr. Miles' new book on the Nerves and Heart. GENTS. If you want your Cloths altered to fit you, and your Cloths Cleaued as good as new, E. Lawlus can do you a neat job. FOR SAUB. Short Horn Bulls, Poland China Boars and Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale, at the lowest living prices. # FRANK COLE. Spring Grove, Jan. 6,1890. 26-3in. Look over Evanson's shoe stock. Glass dishes free with iug powder at Evanson's.' und The economical housewife will order a sack of the $1 flour at Evanson's. BOOMS TO RENT. The Rooms over Bonslett's Hardware Store and also over 0. W. Owen's Jewelry Store, are for Rent. Well aranged for two families. Also for Rent the Rooms over the Post Office. Inquire of E. M. OWEN & SON.. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantied it. Sold by J. A. Story. E. W. BLATCHFORD & CO., of Chi cago, have appointed Bonslett & Stoffel of West McHenry, agents for their famous Oil Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmers should accord a fair trial. Very close prices are offered on small or large lots. Catarrh Cured, made miserable by that i terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by J. A. Stbry. T P It will benefit you in purse and peace of ^ t mind to buy your boots and shoes of 3. .i , 5 W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. To tiy is . ̂ to prove the above. , .11 1"v ' Remember I can save you money on' J Coal, Corn and Millstuffs. Can. deliver in . -fl any quantity at rock bottom prices. • ' W. A. CrnsTy, West McHenry- , 4 To catch close buyers I have deter- ̂ mined on selling Coal and Feed on a less ' '7,. margin than ever before and selling kit . " Cash only. (j W. A. CRISTY, West McHenry t y If any are owing us on the old score we ' _• ̂ would be very much pleased, and wt , \ ^ know you would be just as much so, to- ; ; , •• • have the account squared up at once. , :• J. W. CRIST v A Sow, liingwood. ̂ Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. -; A. Story. .. „ ^ Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and . ' **fi Liver Complaint? Shiloh Vitalizer is X guaranteed to cure ybu. Sold by J. A. * -l; Story. '>v$ A choice line of Box Paper, cheap, at j ̂ Besley's West Side. 4 ^ Calf Meall Oil Meal! X'j • Always in stock, at Bonslett & Stotfer*, ? ^ in small or large lots, at close prices. . t i l '"jj The quality, styles and prices of on* r new line of dress goods pleases all who ̂ " ̂ see them. /-|| STEVENS & MILLER, West McHenry. A SCRAP OF PAPER SAVESHER LIFE It was just an ordinary scrap of wroo- < 1 ping paper, bnt it saved her life. She - was iu the last stages of consumption told by physicians that she was incurable .1 aud could live only a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New discovery and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars sent! stamp to W. H. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery free at G. W. Besley's Drug Store. . * ^( EUPEPSY^/'f -if This is what you ought to have, in fact, '*! you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily,, and „ ^ mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars ; - are spent aunually by our people™n the hope that they may attain this boon. 7 ' And yet it may be had by all. We guar antee that Electric Bitters, if used ac cording to directions aud the use persist ed in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Elec tric Bitters for dispepsia aud all diseases of Liver, Stomach aud Kidneys. Sold at 5*0c. and $1.00 pep bottle by G. W. Beslay Druggist. m You should examine the corsets at 50 and 75 cents, sold over at Evanson's. > JUKI* ,"•*1 fv» 'Wm. * . * vf' . "Vf? • fJ^We Offer to Send You THFIADIES'HOAE JOURNAL From Now to July ist, 1890, ON RECEIPT I'of only 25c- silver or stamps. I) s i a s 4? J . vV This special^pffer is made as an experiment and to induce you to send for the handsomest family period ical ever issued for a few months trial at a reduced price. It has a larger circulation than any other periodical in the world; nearly half a million subscribers. Special features for the nejjt few months are "Mrs. Harrison's Life in the White Ho By A. J. HALFORD, with special illustrations furnished by Mrs. Harrison. MRS. A. D. T. WHITNEY'S story "Ascutney Street" people. Maud Howe's Society Novel, ^ "How to Marry Well." "Life in a Church Choir." DR. T. DEWITT TALMAGE'S Special Departing* "Under My Study Lamp."* "Summer Widowers." '% "How Women Have Made Money." J Illustrated STORIES by JOSIAH AIXEN'S WIFE, KATE UPSON CLARK, KATE TANNATT WOODS, MARION HARLAND, JULIAN HAWTHORNE.--Illustrated Poems by WILL GARLETON, MARGARET E. SANGSTER, EBEN E. REXFORD, and others. *;Ott the News Stands, io cents a copy. V~ ' * ' f i - -§iii St ' fi*- • -- fjf~ CURTIS PUBLISHING CO., Philadeip&ia.