WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2fi, 1890. VAN 8LYKK, Kklttor. '¥&T We learn that Hon. Ira R. Ctirtin, of Marengo, has come out as a candidate for the office of Comity Judge. This mulcts three Aspirants for this important otfloe. • par Butter closed firm, with a lower teudency, on the Elgin (111.) Board of Trade Monday. The sales were 2,400 " pounds at 23% cents, 1,380 pounds at -2Vi% cents, and 23,500 pounds a£ 24 eeute. ' IST"The Chicago Her&Msays: "A ver dict idfr $+3,870 awarded Thomas Moran ; " by a jury in Judge McConnell's court was ft new departure in the condemnation ^ eases brought by the alley "L" road for ^ * its right of way from Van Buren street to Tbirty-ninth street." Tbis case has at- >• traeted a good deal of attention, and is tfee largest verdict ever obtaiued against that concern. Knight & Brown ^ r Attorneys for Thos. Moran. Vy. ; \ iWThe trial of Birchel! is expected to y- unfold a systematic plot for decoying young Englishmen to America to murder them For the <jontent8 of their pockets. The industry was poorly planned. One American agent of a London Syndicate • i would have yielded more booty than a f*.wore of young Englishmen. The affair » recalls the story of J»«*k and the Beun- and pictures Hiwhell pucing hie cell -Jt .T&to the tune of "fee foo fum, etc." '• isrr nder the proper head can Tie found ' theHjiiiouneement of John C. Donnelly, of $ ,• . Woodstock, as a candidate for Hepresen- |f tative in the lower house of the General Assembly of the state of Illinois, subject ^ to the decision of the Democratic Senato- { rial Convention. Johnny, as ' he is familiarly called, is a hustler and knows *" the ins and outs of politics as well as any 'man in the State, and we know of no Dem- ^ ocrat who aspires to that position who / • 'would represent the minority of this Dis- • , triet lietter. As he says, "may the best man win." NT" A colored orator sounded the key note of the "race question" in a speech at the Republican league convention at .Vashville. He declared that the only so lution of the race problem was to let the negro alone and to make no attempt to influence his vote. Let him vote as he pleases and when he commits a crime punish him the same as though lie were a white man. He further declared that no intelligent negro cam! to push himself in places where he was not wanted. He is not yearning to lie recognised socially by the whites. No party has a mortgage on the negro's vote. Give hiin his political rights and let him vote as he pleases. | For Sheriff. Henry Keyee, of Algonquin, announces himself this week as a candidate for the offtae of Sheriff of McHenry County, sub ject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. Mr. Keyes is an old resident of the County, done gallant service at the front during the rebellion, and is a man every way qualified to fill the position for which he asked with honor to himself and the county. His claims will no doubt receive due consider- .ation at the hands of the Convention. For the cure of colds, coughs, and all derangements of the respiratory organs, no other medicine is so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It relieves the asthniat- and consumptive, even in advanced stages of disease, aud has saved innumer able lives. • m ̂ 1&FA Washington letter says: "The tariff bill is about completed, though mber of minor changes may be made before it is reported to the House, uces the revenues about $60,000.- per annum, about half of which will be taken from sugar. Higher duties have been placed upon all agricultural pro ducts that come into competition with those raised by our own farmers. The internal revenue features abolish the li- cense tax, the tax on snuff, and allows the farmer to dispose of leaf tobacco free of any tax or restriction. The tax on manufactured tobacco is reduced from eight to four cents a pound, and the tax on cigars, cheroots, and cigarettes re mains as at present. It is estimated that the t reduction in internal rev enue will be about $18,000,000 per an num. Like every tariff bill that has ever been made up this one is meeting with lots of opposition--it would be impossi ble to get up one that wouldn't--but it will all simmer down long before the time comes to take a vote on the bill, and it .sail be passed." ' I^PNew York's attitude toward "the Chicago World's Fair is at once con temptible and knavish. It is contempti ble in that it is a malicious attempt to prevent another city enjoying a distinc tion New York could not secure to her self. It is knavish in that it is a conspir acy to sacrifice the general interests of the country to the selfish necessities of coterie of reckless State politicians. New York's interference is not only dishonest ly urged as a matter of principle, but her aggressive representatives are not wholly free from suspicion. The country at large cannot see just why a plan of such magnitude and of such consequence to the nation as the holding of a world's fair should be put in by the selfish pro jects and personal differences of New York politicians. Not being able to appreciate tbis dog-in-the-manger, office-hunting policy, the country at large will indig nantly resent the acquiescence of New York in the scurvy tricks and questiona t»le practices of her representatives.--Chi- $•0,|go later-Ocean. It is not the extremes of heat and cold so much as the sudden changes in tem perature that cause certain climates to be unhealthful. When, however, the sys tem is invigorated with Ayer's Sareapa- rilla, these changes are jrarely attended with injurious results. ATTENTION. v have sold out my Blacksmith shop and intend to go away soon, I want every one who owes me, to call before the 25th of March, and settle, either by cash or note. All accounts not settled by that date will be left for collection. To save costs, everybody should call in time and settle. Peter Scheid. iSv' • jW°It may ggem little less than sacri lege to Illinois Democrats to hear their candidate for United States Senate spok of disrespectfully by the Democrats of other States, but that appears to be the way in which Senator Pugh has been •peaking of Gen. Palmer. When asked if he had read Gen. Palmer's recent letter, the Alabama Senator is reported to have •aid: No; I have not seen it, and wouldn' have read it it I had. It is the flourish erf an old demagogue. Of course Gen Palmer is a good Democrat, and I should like to see him in the United States' Sen ate, but his plan of nominating Senators In State conventions is a lot of clap-trap. It is the Legislature that elects Senators Mid State conventions have nothing to do with it. General Palmer's flourish about bringing the election of Senators nearer to the people is nothing but a flourish. In our State the counties may, and frequently do, instruct their legisla te rs how to vote on Senatorial matters, a# d the legislators are then directly re- Sonsible to the people fortheir failure to > as instructed. It doesn't make a bit of difference to me but 1 think Gen. l^i^iiloNbnl. ftg-Yhe following, which we clip from the Harvard Independent, will be of in terest to our readers, and gives praise to an able and painstaking official: It is a noticeable fact that State taxes throughout this Fifth Congressional dis trict are considerably lower this year than they were last. This is largely due to the good work done by Hon. H. S. Williams, of this village, on the State Board of Equalization. 'He is a gentle man who cannot be bamboozled by even the shrewdest lobbyist. Ever watchful for the best interests of his constituents. Mr. Williams is constantly on the alert to figure for sueh an equitable distribu tion of State taxes that all the districts of Illinois are compelled to bear their full share of "the burden. In this regard he has made a record that cannot fail to meet the approval of every property hold* erof the Fifth District. 1ST By the nature of their calling edi tors make enemies. In the performance of public and party duty they accumu late personal and political antagonisms. They are the men market! by the foe. Tiny are the men forgotten by the friends in whose service they incurred these en mities. Rival candidates shake hands and call it square, but the pen-pricked politician nurses his spleen. The editor becomes the representative of all that is hateful to the opposition. For this rea son editors are not popular as candidates before the people. They attain few elect ive offices. They lead the assault, cross the ditch, rear ̂ he ladders, but others climb. If editors are to obtain public station, it must be through appoint ments. If they are not to be debarred from office, and the State is not to be deprived of the services of an able, bold, and conscientious class ot men, appoint ive offices must be conferred upon them. Whyfore, O editor, this clainor at Ben Harrison! -- SEED CORN. ' I have a quantity of "Stowell's Mam moth Evergreen" corn, which I took pains to dry and cure for seed; have tried it and know it will grow. Shall commencf the sale of it at once at Stev ens & Miller's store, West McHenry III. C. V. Stevens. Too should examine the corsets at nd 75 cents, sold over at Evanson's. 50 A REMARKABLE LETTER. The following letter from Mr. W. A. Thomson,' of Columbus, Wis., is pecul iarly interesting: 4,My wife," says he, "has been treated for her head, stomach and nervous prostration by three doctors in New York, two in Chicago, one in Phila delphia, one in Cincinnati, and at the large institute in Buffalo for sixteen months. They all failed. But one bot tle of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine helped her wonderfully." , This should be used in all headaches, backaches, changes of life, nervous disturbances, fits, rheu matism, etc. Ask at Besley's drug store for a free trial bottle and Dr. Miles' new book on the Nerves and Heart. Fine Assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. FOR SALE OR RENT. * The house known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic ulars inquire of H. C. Mead. Dated January 1st, 1890 FOR SALE. At two-thirds importers' prices, an Im ported Clyde Stallion Colt, (3795) three years old. Is very stylish, with good action. Color, Bay, white on feet, with small star. For particulars address, C. E. Chapell, Algonquin, 111. FOR SALE. ^ good house and two lots situated in this village. House contains five good sized rooms, with necessary closets, pan- try»etc. Good well and cistern, wood shed, barn and other outbuildings. House nearly new and all surroundings in good repair. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. For further particulars inquire °f James B. Perky. THE TREE IMPro,,e8tbe Homestead. : »mi Improve voiira hv planting the Black * Spruce, a tree UrJt discovered near Bear KtiUe and the Iron Hill region of outh Dtkoia Itrought to North Iowa ten ears 8 re® by Golu nUIlt hV"K A Great Success! With fine foliage, compact form, color ease of transplanting perfect hardiness It is pronounced bv practical men the VICKY BirnT EVKKGBKKX for Prairie section* transplanted trees, ft to 12 inches, stocky with good, $2 0i! per 6, |4 00 per 12, by mall. Fresh trees from the Hill*. 6 to 12 inches $3.00 for 50, 16 00 for 100. Well packed and prepaid. l.ow rates by the !000 order now Catalogue fre^. Also grower of all kinds ®f fruit a»d ornamental trees. Evergreens and Small Fruits a specially. Address , M. E. HINKLER, General Nurseryman Wluit U it beat to do f "That Boy of Mine*' and what to do with him and "My Cowboy Brother" and what he led us into, are the names of two interesting stories in pamphlet form, re lating to Education and the Choice of Pursuits which will be sent free by F. Wells & Co., 775 Broadway, New York. Leading shade* velvets and plushes only 50 cents at Evanson's. Supervisor's Financial State ment. A FULL STATEMENT of the financial afifclrs of the Town of MeHenry. County of McHenry and State ot Illinot*. as existing •n the twenty-fifth day of March. A. U.. 1890: ro bal ree'd from pred'osr In office. .. .9 607 97 To amt reed from Co Ool'r, lieing bal of tax for 18«Vleas hiscom'n.... 186 0 To amt of tax of 1889 ree'd from town coll l, town tax 373M To am't of tax of 1889 roa'd from town cvil'r dog Ox 250 50 Total ami ne'i from all sources 91287 79 OONTBA. Total amount paid out, and the account on wbioh the same waa paid are as fallows: Qj Am't b'd as town expenses-- '•* • "* Vwn Slvke, pub an rep't..t BNHolmes, Mod t'n m'l'g •* M Bo»rd Auditors »ept '• ** Van Slyke pubnot'e audi-' tors meeting...? •, «• ji' q Maves, town clerk... «0n 3 00 450 1 M 13 06 187 M 92 00 4 SI) 4'B0 10 On , 8 00 ISO " John Huemnnn. assessor . V-." HC Mead, C n This Com. ;4.. . Aeaessmt Review.. " M audit Mch 189v> ni't'g 2. '•'** Treas lor use vil b'd'g * * V F a n S l y k e p u b n o t t ' n m t g •* " VanSlyko •• " b'U aud Total town expense 23105 " " for sheep killed and la. Jared bv dogs, and copta-- IF K Granger, (ft, costs $1 4 on Frank Mutsen 924. costs 92 96 09 Wll'rd ©olby #2 25, coats 91 3 35 To Poor Bill- By Amt pd on aeo't of H W McLean... Sfl SO • Mrs MzzieWinkle 3*90 *' " " "MraGibbs .... 950 " •• Perry A Owen, goods tor Mrs. tiibbs 23 89 " «• O V Stevens 3 cords wood, 12 00 " " on account tramps and transients 9 60 " •' Poor Farm bill to Ang 28, 1889 6194 " " Poor Farm bill te March 19,1890 0760 *• 41 Stevens A Miller, gooda... 3 40 " " Poor master for services.. 35 00 Total amt paid ent for all purposes. .9 069 33 Being a balance in the bands of the Supervisorof 71*46 9UA11* The amt of tax levied tbe preceding year for the payment of Town in. debtedness and charges is | 300 00 Total amt due--nothing due or nndne. No indebtedness of any kind exists against the town, Dated at MeHenry this 25th day of March, 1890. F. K. GRANGES, Supervisor. M of McHenry, PERRY A OWEN, Bankers, McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. ' This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex change* and does a General Banking Business, Annual Town Meeting. ' Notice is hnreby given to the citizens, legal * voters of the town of McHenry, in tbe coun ty of McHent y and stnte of Illinois, that tne Annual Town Meet*tie lor said Town, will be held ,'U tbe Ouy iiail, MeHenry village, in said town, on Tuesday, the 1st Day of April* next, betug the first Tuesday In said Month*," tor the purposes foliowinc. viz : First--To cho.<sett Moderaior to preside at said inetn.nar. Second--To elect one supervisor, who shall be JCx-officio Overseev of »lm p »>r, one Town Olerk, one At sensor, one Collector, one Com missioner of Hieh wavs, and as ninny Pound Masters as the Ktectorn may determine. And to act upon nnv ao'dltl.mal subject*, which may, in pursuance of law, come before said meeting, when convened.' Which meeting will Iks called to order b«» tween the hours of eight and nine o'clock in the forenoon, and kept open until ieven o'clock in the afternoon. Given under my hand, at McIIenry, this lltji day of March, iif. P., ih.40. K, O MATR8, Town Clerk. ;• * Corporation Election. The Annual Village Klection for the village of McHenry, will be helil at the City Hal), in said village, on Tuesday, the 15th Day of April, 1890, At which time the following affieers will'be elected: ^ OWE PRESIDENT, who office for the tern of one year. 1 _, . THUEE TRUSTER", who shall^ iioid omee for the term of two years., v . ONp VILLAGE CI.EKK. ONE POLICE The polls of said election will he tween 8 and 9 o'clock in-the- morning and re main open until 7 o'clock in the evening ol that day. W. A. CRISTY. Village C|srk. McHenry, HI.. March li, 1890. MEN WANTED. To represrnt our well-Unown nursery in this county, for town and country trade. Goo i pay weekly. Antendy position with a nur- sery of over thirty years"standing, and a kriown resporaibiHi.y. We want good, lively worhers, and will nnv well. Good references required. Applv quick, aiatinK<t£e CHA8K BROT'IKIW COMPANY, 37-m2 Chicago, 111: We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our cctre in a manner and upon terms entirety satisfactory to our^- customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. pBt fe On Heal Estate and other first class F1- C. P. B4RWE8, Attorney. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. In Circuit Court or McHenry county, to the May term, A D , 1S90 Bell 8 Allen vs John C Allen; In Chan cery, Kill for Divorce. Affidavit of the non residence of said John C. <ille », the defend ant above named, having i>e»n filed in the office of the Clerk ot Hiid Circuit CouTt ol McHenry County, notice is hereby jriven to the said non-resident defendant, that the complunnnt Hied tier bi'l of coin pltiint in eaid Court on the Jhancerv siile thereof on Hie 3i day of March. A P , IS!)u, and that a mmnionf thereupon inrtued our. of said Court against said de'fendanr, returnable on the '2*'«tli day o Mftv. 18!)0, as Is bv 1. w required . Now, tliere». foie. nnle <s\oi the said John c. Allen, said de fen da lit abo've named, si'ali personally be and appear before the saul Cir uit Court of Mo. Henry County on the tirst day of ttie next term thereof, to be holden at the Court Hon - <• In the city of W- odatock, in siid county on tbe 26th day of May, A. O , 18^0, and plead, kh- swer or demur to the said compl-tinant's In I of complaint, the aa'ne, and the matters and things therein chirged »n<l Ftnted, will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto eei my hand and affixed the Feal of sxid Cotir'., ut_ my office in Weodstooli, this 2oth day of Match' A. B,, 1890. W. P. Mowbe. Clerk. O. P. Barnes, Complainant'* Solicitor,-----= _ March 20th, A. D. ,1800. Ban iug-- MONEY TO LOAN; security, lections* Special attention given toeol- INbURANCE Companies at the In Ftrst Class Lowest Bates, Yours Respectfully, PERRY A OWEN. THE CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY Affords anriraled facilities for transit be tween the most Important cities and towns in Illinois, Iowa, Wise >nsin. Northern Mich-»an, Minnesota, North and South Dakoto, ebrask& and Wyoming. Tbe train service la earefnlly adjusted to meet the requirements of through and local travel, and includes FAST VESTIBULED TRAINS Diaiig Can. Sleeping Cut ft Day Coaehss Running Solid between Chicago and ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS* COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA. DENVER AND PORTLAND, ORE PULLMAN A WACKER SLEEPER8 Chloago to San Frarclaoo WITHOUT CHANGE. The undersigned' Assignee of the firm of STOFFBL & BLAKE, who were doing business in the Riverside Block is now offering their entire stock, consisting of r ' \ ^ ^ HATS AHD CAPS, BQOIS, SHQIS, Of a large and most carefully selectep stonk of high grade Merchandise whi-h «ioes lU ' IlA'. blowing through close prices, and most satis ' . and Domestic Vp : Dress Goods • W ' .V'. F OK This stock is large and comprises everything usually kept in a General Store, and must be sold in the least possible time; "v IF YOU ARE IN SEARCH This is an opportunity that you should not pass. Remember these Goods must be sold and at once and if you wish to get any of the benefits arising from this sale, you should not delay, but call at once, and save money by so doing. founded, built, and presented to tlio c the Hahnemann nospital. Ho built t Dearborn street observatory, and foi long time paid the salary of the supc intendent. In 1S57 Mr. Seammon retired from tlve business, having acquired lar property poaKissions outside of his re ular comttictiBfil interests. Hp then v ited Europe afud remained there tlir years, and while abroad his wife di He returned1 to Chicago in 1860 afl«- fouud hte insurance company threajt ened with financial disaster and its af- JOHN I. STORY, Riverside BloqKj RflcHenry, yti, Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of Anthony Snyder, deceasej. The i.nder^igned having t>een apuninted Administrator of the eatate of Authony nyder deceased, late' of tho coun- ty of McHenry and State of • I'.linom, hereby gives no* ice that he will appear bpfore the county court of McHenry county, &t the Court House in Woodstock, at the April teim on the first Monday in April next, at which time all persona having claims agains. said Estate, are notiti«d and requested to attend for the purpose of having tho same adj luted. All perHons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned Dated fifteenth day of February, 1P9."). Jamks B. Pkkry, Administrator. COLONISTS SLEEPEBS, Chicago to Poirtla.n<l, Ore. AND BAH FR A A CISCO. Free Reclining Chair Cars CHICAGO TO DENVER AND PORTLAND, ORE. •U Cennoil Bluffs and Omaha. For the time of trains, tickets and all infor mation, apply to Station Agents of Chicago & North- western Hallway, or to the General J*assenger Agent, at Chicago. W. H NEWMAN, J. M. WHITMAN 3d I iee Preat. Gen'I Manager x. p. WiLmif, n. BUSS, (Jen'I Pau. AgU Agent, MeHenry, 111 Fan Lois MADE ON TIME and terms to suit borrowers; no com mission or charges for examination of abstracts. Money furniehed at once, without red tape or delay. J . W H A N S T E A D , Booms 1 and 2 Borden Block, Elgin, 111. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING .p 17oth Edition Now lteady. A book of over '200 pages, ingmore infor mation <>f value advert isers than any publication ever issued. It Kivee the name of every newspaper published, hav ing a circulation rating In tne American News paper Directory of more than 25.000 copies each issue, with the cost per line for adver tising in tnem. A list of the best papers ol local circulation In every eit.y and town ol more than 5,tn>0 population with prices by the inch for one month. Special lists of daily, eountry, v'liuge. country and class papers. Bargain oiTera of value tp small adyertieera or Uiose wishing to experiment judiciously with a small amount of money. Shows conclusive- ly "how to get the mo>«t service for the money," etc., etc. Sent postpaid to any ad dress for 3(t cents. Address, UKORGK P. BOWELfj A CO. Publishers and General Advertising Agents, 10 spruce Street, New York City. Nice line of Pipes, just received, Barbian Brothers. at GEO. W. BESLEY'S. ni HENBY* DEALER IN Drags and Medicines, PAINTS, OIL8. Toilet Articles, '*• ' v; 5.S . -FUBE cue, Iowa. FOR MEDICAL USE. ^ Abo Bottled Ale &nd Sorter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars and Smofciag and Chewing Tobacco Itlwayson hand. • , PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, - Carefully Compounded. Give me a call. r McHenrx^, December 28 _ - SIIMI Hill • See to Your Dollars ! See to it that your dollars briugr you one hundred cents worth in value wheu you part with them, but don't expect it if you aie buying on credit. » There is where the leakage comes in. It costs money to care for and look alter accounts and that cost mu9t come out of you. Thev are the great levers that profitably. We are using the move merchandise rapidly anc Every day. Which is your choice, CASB OR CREDIT The Shoe Stock was never so complete as now. The €7XH OTHZSSrO For Spring and Summer wear is here. And Trimmings, Are nnw or oar she)res an' ojKfered 1* ttgft most fashionable shades and fabrics, in prices from 25c, to $1.25 per yard, and especially ap. proprlate tor Ka«;er or Wedding Outfits. W» offer a great hard time bargain in 10 pieces 86 <nc,h Dress Quods at 25c, in the newest sbades P0 yards standard Prints only 5c i>er yard. Inspxct onr stock of Velvets, fosnes, Snrrahs, mik», Satleens, to match Dress <4w»ds J. st i^asonahle price*. BumM or- 8*lk • •' i ten or section Trimmings. • • • , • ffsv Ptinta, Viw Binghuu New Satteens, New Domestics, Rockford Warps. Last week alon« we placed f 800 worth of tashionaiile, new. well mA^ and most satisfactory wearing. } i Spring CLOTHING, On rfyr tables^ineludlng all sice* from age t to size 48-*nd ranging in price from f 1.65 to fSJ per suit, in 1 piece suits, tqutre cut, sacks uhesterlields, Prince Albert, tor 4 button Cut away suits, in a great variety of taking styles and at prices only offered by those having ong and successful experience in.'bnying and selling reltOle Clothing Wedding Suits a Specialty. Uonflrmrftion Suits onr success, Roys "nits *l.A5, 1!>0, 2 50. 3 oo. H 50 to 12 U0 Mens Suits H4.4U, 5.00, 6.25, 8.00, 10.00 to 25 00. Spring Overcoats, fancy odd i*ants. Spring styles m l^oadware. We have just received an intmense outlay of strictly styilsh Hats, Caps %nd Furnishing Oeois which we bought verv close and sell he <ame way. See the Bull Dog, Razzle Dazzle, 'Nolirask and Jim Dandy Hats which represent the latest ideas. Over 150Q Yards Choice, Elegant, New AND RIIC8, Which we carry in good varietyand match t-* rooms accurately at very low prices. Mew Trunks, new Valises In good assort* mental fiiead'y figures. MATCHED B0BDIB8, Decorations. Ceiling Papers, Flocks, Flit ters. etc. Over20Cdesigns, always trimmed tree while you go to see a man. Borders from IX to 19 inches. Price from 8o to fi per double roll; elegant sty lea. Great drives in all color, 13 ring Curtain Poles, complete for only 25c. Also extra long poles for bay wimlow# and double dtiora. ^ LACE CU^TAiNS<: : Scrim Cloth, lOil Shades, elegantly deoo- rated oil shades, mounted oa good flxtures for ^ ' 350,420,470,570 10 850. each complete. See them. Continue to Buy The famoas Beloit Overalls. Jacket* Shirts. Vesta. Pants, et>.., always as repre sented, always cheap, always good and war-, ranted. Our stock is complete. JM I •fl!- > \ fvj *. 4'4',* c. W BE8LEY. Nobby an<J stylish, stilf or soft as you prelor. prices are fs correct. Come in, RESPECTFULLY, John Evanson <fc Oo. Kubbers, ete. Onr Spring stock of the well known O. H. .Fargo' AOo. custom made footwear is larger than ever, with later styles more assortment, and a reduction in price all along the line. Wear the Candee Kubber Goods. C^ean, Standard &ROCERIES. Are always in our house at closest living prices, quality considere I. Stand*rd Evap- orated Blackberries, 7c; beat dried Apples 7c; choice Ondura ttaisine. R; good Kice, «c; good Codfish, 4c; good roasted Coffee, 24c; good whole leaf tea, 25c; goo4 fine cut or piuir To* % bar.p.pj ?«•; fully Warranted Itonest Abe or ^ Oiscoette Flour, $1 per sack delivered fsee t in town. We solicit and Jwiil till ail special , deapateh and expertanca, mvmtf Thursday, rain or shine. - ' •W'\. **V ' V *1* 3^1