Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1890, p. 6

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Wednesday, april 28, isshj. ft'* IS 6. • a. VAM8L.Yli^. toklitoir. via.< •- •' . "f •' • Chapter on Insects. Ill man, as iu all of tbe higher orders of auiiualH, the heart is wuiated uu the front aud the nervous system ut the back , of the body, but in insects it is just the opposite. The breathing apparatus iu also different in insects than iu man, there being situated generally about nineteen poi-es or little holes on the side through which the air passes, but uot to the lungs, as there are no lungs in insect** and mixes directly with the olood, thus purifying it. These breathing pores are acientiflcally called Stomal*, or Stig­ mata. Insects are classed higher than worms. Worms upon leaving the egg are little sack-like bodies which gradually widen and expand, and to the unskilled ob­ server there seems to be no difference be­ tween the head and the tail, but the young of insects have legs and the head W easily determined. 1 he skin ot insects is typically called insect crust. Tliereare a great many separate pieces. From one ring or segment there are eight pieces. There is the back, or Tergum, the two side pieces or Epimerumand Kpisternum, and tbe Sternum, or breast plate: but the Tergum is divided into four smaller: pieces. ' . The insect is divided into three parts-- the bead, thorax, and abdouWn. The head contains the mouth and its parts, the brain, such as it is, aud upon it are the antenna;, containing the organs of bearing, and the eyes. The Thorax com­ prises the first three segments behind tbe bead. To it are attached the six legs and wings and it contains parte of the brain, nervoiis system and heart. The abdo­ men is comprised of all the rest of the body not comprised in the head and thorax. In it are parts of the heart and nervous system, the organs ot nutrition and of generation. The muscular system lies just beneath the crust, and is com­ posed of numerous bundles of fibres which are united at both ends, thus form­ ing a muscle. Man has about five hun­ dred muscles to perform the various mo­ tions that he makes, but in a caterpillar, that is about an inch in length, have beeu counted the enormous number of three thousand, nine hundred, ninety-three. Think of it, nearly eight times as many as we have! Their muscles have to do the work ot bones as they have no bones of any kind. Their rtiuscles are not red like ours, but are white aud watery. In jJj&pe tbcy are either straight, band-like, pyramidal, barred or feathery. The mus­ cular power of insects ;s enormous. A flea can jump two hundred times its own length. Some beetles can support a weight eight thousand times as large as they are. Others gnaw holes through lead pipes or iron canisters. The nervous system is composed princi­ pal! y of a nervous cord which has gan­ glions, tor swellings, at every segment from which branch tiny nerves to all parts of the body, the ganglion iu the bead corresponding to the brain of the higher animals. The food of insects is taken in tbe month and then passes through the pMOphagus into the gizzard, thence into •be crop, and finally into the true stom­ ach and intestiues. Insects have no liver, there are two organs which corres­ pond to the kidneys of the higher ani­ mal*. The heart is a curious organ' ex- tfloding nearly the whole length of the emptying its contents at the whence it courses back through the and enters the heart again near the the insect. There are no veins or ries, the blood simply flows through the body. Tbe bipod is a thin, whitish, or sometimes yellowish fluid and con­ tains but few cells. During hibernation the blood nearly ceases to flow, also the breath nearly stops. i. Guv Hall. Ringwood, 111. ' fo catch close buyers I have deter­ mined on selling Coal and Feed on a less margin than ever before and selling for Cash only. W. A. Crist*y, West McHenry If any are owing us on the old score we wonld be very much pleased, and wt know you would be just as much so, to have .the account squared up at once. J. w. URiri v &6UN, King wood. Shiloh's Yitalizer is what you need lor Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold. by J. A. Story. Will Yon Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh Vitalizer is ateed to cure you. Sold by J. A. guarant Story. Gait Meal 1 Oil Meal! our who i"?4 * 5 *-i.: U fr V 4 J3® V ' THE V\ \ \ <TT SANTA HE ec-T i:|V=C7:.:ZNT Bor the Family, School, cr Professional library. 4 /v D/CTiONAQyf ffSELF OF THE GREAT EMANCIPATOR I HERNDON'S LINCOLN. The Tr»t Story #f a Grtii Life*. 9HK HISTORY til PI MORAL BICOLLtCTlOU OP B R A H A M L I N C O L N , •rWM. H. HERNDON, For Twenty Years his Friend aSd Law Partnec, and JESSE WILLIAM WEIK, A. M. WILT ILLUSTRATED WITH PORTRAITS or LIKCOUI ctaftMi frfm thirt*cn*ki)t *•><! ofWIR RKI.VrlTrs, ASSOCIATES ud lUIIM, ARB PICTCRHS OF TAKI0C8 8CISU II IUUK Pet wt of 3 rols. Boirnd in best English Cloth, gilt top, 3 vols., • $4.50 Bound in Library Sheep, . 6.00 Bound in Half Morocco, Marbled Edges, 3 vols.', - 7.50 Bound in Half Calf, - • 9.00 TUX LKAOIXO KBITSI'ArFRS PR«miNtKT HBK or (hp tmmtrj. trmyrrttn ,t r*rtT, atmUla H Dm hoat l.lf* orTHK JURTYK PKUtiDK.VT }»t WrIUn. A FEW EXTRACTS SELECTED FROM AMONG THOUSANDS: lias been for years Standard Authority iu tlie Government Printing Office and U. S. Su~ promo Court. It is highly reconimemlc«l T»y 38 State Sup'ts of Schools ami the leading1 College Presidents. Nearly all the School Books published in this country are hascd upon Webster, as attest­ ed l>y the leading- School Book Publishers. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. The New York World "ays: AVebstcr is al­ most uiiivcn-ully conceded to bo the. hest. The Boston Globe fays: Webster is the ae- kuowit-<.]g«-d i-tandard iu lexicograpliy. The Atlanta Constitution e«ys: Webster has long been the t>tau«iard authority in our officfe. The Chicago Inter Ocean gays; Webster^ Unafiridpi'iJ has always hei-n the riandard. The New Orleans Times Democrat say Websu-r is staii'Uii'l authority in oiiroffice. The New York Tribune says: It is recognized as the most useful existing "word-lwok" of the English language all over the world. Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. C. A C. MERRIAM A CO., Pub're,Springfield, Mac:# Horses, Cattle, Sheep ft Hogs. • Exctls any remedy for the rapid can of Hard any remedy for the rapii Colds, Coughs, Hido Bound, YsllowWatar, Fever, DWhih'i Sore and Weak Eyes, Lung Favor, Cosihranoss, Blotchos, and all dMkultlas arla> ln§ frrai Impurities of the Blood. Will ralleva Himt at once. Manufactured by tk* M J0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y." Sura Can for Hog Cholora. FULLER A FULLER, General Western Agents, Chicago, III. FM YCS WMnvuMftir the sale *•!« • Oof' »Mir Hnme.tiroffn __ Nllffrv 'torL-. WANTED MnsTUBfittA iknSS fJ»EQUALKI> KAClLITlKS. One it III' Urge*!, olnreii-caiHUheheti, ami iiest known Nurseriet in the mtintrv W. & T. SMITH, Geneva Nnrserr, Established in 184(i. Geneva- N. Y. * Always in stock, at Bonelett&Stoffel'B, III small or large lots, at close prices. The quality, styles and prices oi new line of dress goods pleases all. " tee them. p Stetovs A MILLER, West McHemy. PIANO TUNING. K. H. Owen is now prepared to tune Pianos and Organs on short notice and Sarantee satisfaction. A11 orders left at i store of O. W. Owen will receive prompt attention. Charges reasonable GENTS. ^ D yon want your Cloths altered to fit jqu, and your Cloths Cleaned as good as sew, E. Lawlus can do you a neat job Catarrh Cared, made miserable by that ible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the * ' for you. Sold by J. A. Story. h.bTthroop, AUCTIONEER, Algonquin, 111. Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Farming Tools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. All orders promptly filled I make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or trie- graph me at Algonquin, 111. Edward Silvey, Chicago, gives testi­ mony : "My wiie had catarrh twenty-five years; suffered severely for six years be­ fore she began to use your remedy. Un­ able to breathe except through the mouth. In a most critical condition. Tried everything without relief when Dr. Streeter advised her to buy Clarke's Ex­ tract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure. Belief followed immediately. She contin­ ued to use it until she is npw entirely cured. Her health has not been so good in many years." Price, $l. Wash the baby with Clarke's Flax Soap. . 25 cents. Geo. W. Besley, druggist, now has the Flax remedies on hand. NEW SPRINTS CLOTHING. Over |I800 worth of choice, stylish clothing just received at very lowest pri- • oes ever heard of in town. Boys' suits, 1.70, 2.00, 3.00 to 12.00; men's suits, 4.40, 5.00, 6.25, to 25.00. Prince Al­ bert, Chesterfield, four-button cutaways, sacks, square-cuts, etc.; also fine spring overcoats. Over two wagon loads of choice wall paper just received ironi 8c to f 1 per double roll. Carpets in great variety at close prices. Buy our reliable Honest Abe flour, only f 1 per sack, fully , warranted and delivered free to amy Dart Of town. Always at Bonslett & Stoffel's. MEN tfANTEQ. To rfpresmt our well-known nnr««ry in this county, for town itii'l country trmle. tiootl pay weekly. A »l«-a<Iy poMijnn With a nur- »eiy ot over thirty' HtxixOnir. ami h fc'.uw.i re*|>or6itiili'.y. We want k«kkI, lively wort• re, an<l will .,kf well G «mI references required. Apply quick, elating ate. aOHA-*lS BKOTHMts COMPANY, 87 n>8 Chicago, III. THE TREI* IMP'"ves the Homestead. I nt I net IBIr Improve j„Hra by plnntirig'the Black ill* Spruce, a tree first oiw'oven-u ucsr Hear Butte and the Iron Hill region of oiith D.koia Brought to North Iowa ten • e»r« « • ce by G -la Hunt- SSi airSHA Great Success! With tine foliage. comuHct lorm, go«;ii color. eftHe ol i r.tnip'nniinp perfect Iniroiness, it ia ?-r,"L'.<.'u"re!1 b>' piacticai men the V Ktt* BEST fcv KKGKKKN tor I'rtiirie sec no in a,Ue" ,reeB- Ktol* in. lies, siocity, with (too.i, #2 Wi per 6,>»4 00 per i2, by mall. the h,"r- 6 l'» inches, fioot^r 50, K (io tor KK). Well pn. ked ami pri'paH. l ow frttes l,y the 1000 order now. Vr..i, . i re" A,9'» (fower of all kinds of irets. Kvergrt-ens ana Mnall truitsa specially. A'hireus M, E. HINKLKR, General Nurseryman Marcus, Iowa. THIS ADVERTISEMENT Snyn that anything in the line of /*" Coil, Ac FKED Can - bt bought CHEAPER FOR CASH « r •• • A T---~ w. A. CRIST Y'sT Than any other place in town. Car Lots a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory* in West McHenry. REMEMBER THE PLACE. LADIES Interested m THE WORLD'S FAIR, ATTENTION I THE STATUE TO Q U E E N I S A B E L L A , To be placed at the World's Fair, in >892, will be modeled from this portrait Every wotnnn ir. the country is inteiesied in this statue to be erected by the women of our country, and everyliody will want a copy of (t-abeMa's portrait. Thene Art Etchings. 8\9 tnchep. on heavy paper, can only be obtained from us (Copyright oecuieri.) By sending 25 cents we will send one portrait ami the Ladies' Kabliion Journal lor three nii nihs Address I A DIES' FASH. ON JOURNAL COMPANY ~ AUDITORIUM BUII DINQ, OHIGAOO AGENT* WANTED. Fain Loans HADE ON TIME and terms to snie borrowers; no com-> mission or ohwges* for examination of abstracts. Money farniehed at once, without red tape or delay. J.W BAN8TEAD, Booms 1 and S Borden Block, Elgin, I1L NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING mth Edition Now Ready. A book of over 200 pages, giving more inti­ mation of value to advertisers than any publication ever issued. It gives the name of every newspaper published, hav. ing a circulation rating in the American News, paper Directory of more than 25.000 copies each issue, with the cost per line for adver. tisiug in tuem. A list of the best prtp«rs of local circulation in every city aud town of mnro than 5,«i0 population with prices by the inch for one month. Special lists of daily, country, v'llage. country and class papers. Bargain offers of value to small advertisers or those wishing to experiment judiciously with A small amount ot money. Snows conclusive* ly "how to get the mont service for the money," etc., etc. Sent postpaid to any ad. dress for 8» cent*. • Address, (JEOBGK P. 9l CO. Publishers and General Advertising Agents, 10 Spruce Strett, New 1 ork City. J* Barbian. J J.Btrbia n BAR3IAN BROS. Wh lesale and Retail DEALERS 111 FINE cigars, McHENRY ILLINOIS. Having leased the brick building one door Month or the post office, we have opened I retail store, where, at nil times can be found fine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the best brands. c Pipes & Specialty. We have* very large assortment and some very handsome patteme. C A L L A N D 8 E E U r t . BABBIAH BROS. Mcflenry, Kovember'ISth, 1838, It will benefit you in purse and peace o! mind to buy your boots and shoes of J. W. Cristy & Son, Itingwood. To try is to prove the above. Keystone tiro-lever pulverizers and others at E. M. Owen & Son's. DR. B. MINCER, --THE-- EMINENT OPTICIAN, OF DETROIT, Claims that instruments for treating the Eyr„ however good in the hands of one expert li> their use, in the hands of the ignorant are worse thsn useless A man must be skilled in the treatment ef the Eye and the pplica- tlon of instrumejts in order to receive any benefit, If he is properly skilled he can lit the most difficult eye without instruments. Ulasnes litied with accuracy so as to preserve the eyesight--the delicate construction of the eye makes it necessary to use great care <n selecting spectacles. B. Mincer has made the eve hie special study, and in his later years has paid his «d. tire attention to the adaption of Spectacles to the same. Having a t horough experience in making and adapting Spectacles to the eves, he is enabled to nt accurately in every case of abnormal vision known as PRE1AYOPIA. HYPERMATROPIA MYOPIA, As well as weak 3lght. requiring various tinted glass. His improved spectac tare of a perfect construction, which assist and pre­ serve the sight, rendering frequent changes quite unnecessary. They confer a brilliant- nessand distinctnes oi ease and comfor«*not generally enjoyed by persons using aiiocia- cles His lenses are ground on the most s ientiilc principles, rendering the eye as clear as when in the full stiength of youth. B. Mincer has some Inghlv flattering testi­ monials of Rome of Hie leading oculists of the state as to his ability in fitting Spectacles. REMEMBER : He tifccs no instruments; He !Hw the eye the first time; years"ia<Je tbe e'6 * d'ver twenty He uses pire crystal lenses. He guarantees satisfaction; He treats weak eyes euccessfnlly; He saves eyes injured by using Inferior flft8660. He !!' « all kinds of glasses required br de. fective glasses He nakes every variety of glasses. WOrders can be left at postoffiee and wil receive prompt attention No charges for examinations or visiting patient* at their lomes Read our new advertisement. STEVENS & MILLER, West McIIeuiy. Ut. Hstndon has don<- more to picture Mr. Lin cVfM aS"! l:riew him than «nv of the many others who have undertaken lo give histories of his life so f»r as I have seen ilicm.- Ex-Stnator Lyman Trumbull The Krea*e=t T.lfe of Lincoln vet written.--From the Late Judge J. C. Knickerbocker. The best American biography that has ever been written--Horace White, Ed. N. 1". Et>ening Post.. • * * The very best American biography I have ever read.--Gen. Jamet H. Wilson. This true story of Abraham Lincoln ought to be in every library in the land, and it will be whenever its merits, and faithfulness become known.--Hon. C. T. Hubbtt-d, late member of Congress from N. 1". • * * All these loving adherents will hail Hern- don's Lincoln with unmixed, unbounded joy.-- Qkicago Tribune. By Jong odds Mr. Herndon's Li'e is tbe best yst written.-- Chicago Times. The work opens up a hitherto unknown stock of knowledge regarding Lincoln -- Standard, N. Y. In the South, and with Southern public men, it ought to be more popular than any other biography of Abraham Lincoln.--Appeal, Memphis. It will do more to Shape the judgment of posterity on Mr. Lincoln's character than all that has been written or will be hereafter written.--Republic, St. Louis, Mo., July 20, 1889. They who wish to know Lincoln as he really was, must read the biography written by his friend and law partner, VV. H. Herndon. * • --.V. Y. .!>*•. Mr. Herndon's personal recollections of Lfncol- will doubtless remain the most authentic and irusi worthy sorce of information. • • --N. Y. Natir AGENTS WANTED. For Term* snd Territory address, ^ ^JELFORO-CLARKE C0yJ|| j| f1 , ; z * * .• * "J- " essrsr teriv Miu^LTyRAL wnnkC S i O O P E B m ESTACL!SHi;|> AT CHICAGO, IN 1841. $181 PER YEIB. , . J R I THE FARM , 0RCHAW^^Firesioe . DEVOTED TO PRACTICAL AND CORRECT INFORMATION ON AGRICULTURE, LIVE STOCK, VETERINARY, DAIRY, HORTICULTURE, ENTOMOLOGY, POULTRY, BEES, ; > GARDEN AND LAWN, SCIENCE, MARKETS. A PSWifty .Toornal for two generations, the acknowledged favtrite,.at the fireside ot western home-., The Houarhold Department, carefully prepared and illustrated delifcbtathe ladies. *f%iui!i"yCllan>' 411(1 Vonn« Folk* endear It to the young member^ of tlSr Filled with Practical Illustrations and Concise, Timely Trplc«of General Interest. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Do fanto rerid THE Amir. Farmer during 1890- its 50th year. Send for a free sample conr or mi at««ijcct ttuWiv^Mi g, ^ r w TM6 ' HAIRiE FARMER PUB. CO., ISO Monroe St., CHICAGO, ILL. OO, PARRY MFO. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Price, 918.00 at Faotory, • Oub with 0r<i«((v Strictly First-Class. Wnrrjintcil. AU Second Growth Hickory. Steel Axles and Tiros. lx>w Bent Seat Arms. Perfectly Balanced. Long, Easy Riding. Oil Tempered Spring. Best Wiieels and Best All Over. W TO* WIT FIND THBM FOR SALE BT YOUR MERCHANTS, WRITE VI. K I R K ' S AMERICAN F A M I L Y S O A K OUSTERS ORSALC HERE i Ask^ttr dealer for Ed. L 38T ClothinK- 1RELESS TOILER FOB TRADE Toura, anxious to please, . ED. L. HUNTLEY. Huntley & Oo.'s If our goods are not In tbo fcaafig of some STORE- KEEPEtt in jour sootion, j ou can PRO­ CURE THEM from the beet KNOWN and largest Mail- OnnER Whole­ sale CLOTHING Ho use in the world, fit pri­ ces tbat will MAKE YOUK eyec snap and KEEP YOU guessing- how we can afford TO DO IT. If your DEALER does not keep our goods send to us and we WILL furnish ** This is one of tlie »/* Dastm. It Is Closely woven and nanasomely emonxaered." Don't get stuck with Dusters which will let the dust through and spoil your clothes. 5/A Lap Dustere 5/A Ironsides Sheet SKRrSriJS! la BUM*. 5A Clipper Fly Nets ' Tiuutm. Sqeal tolMtfew at Half tte OMt 100 o^her styles of s/a Horse Sheets and Fly Nets, at prices to suit everybody. .For •ale by all dealers. If yon can't get t&em, write us. 5/A *ors£ BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONC GENUINE WITHOUTTHC 0M LABCt XanuPd by Wm. Ayre« & Sons. Phllada., who make the ramouB Horse Brand Baker rou a Suit or Overcoat, oxpress or mail paid, on receipt of price. Wo will vin and hold four patronage if you try us with est order I We have built up this immense business by our painstaking methode, und by doing by others as we would bo done by. ED. L. HUNTLEY & Co.. Style Originators. ordering Suits or Overcoats observe strictly following rules for measure­ ments Breast, mer.sure, over vest, close up undor arms. Waist measure, overpants. In* aide leg meaeure, from crotch to heel. i PRICE-LIST. 1 „ ngAVY-WEIOHT CLOTHING--SUITS. I Men's Brown All-Wool Double and Twist . Caasimere Sack or Frfick Suit SO OO Mon's Fancy Black or Biuo English Worst­ ed Ad-Woo! Pack or Frock Suits 14 CO 8,Brown or Gray Yoivet Finish, All- wool, 1'rioot Wcavo, Fine 0;i«sinero Pack or Frook Suit 17 qq Hen's Elack or Blue English. AII-Wool | Corkscrew, fine worsted. Sack or Frock Bults qq Men's Black, Blue, Plum, Lavender or Blate-color English Wide Wnle Dir.gonal Worsted Sack or Frock Suits 24 OO References--First national Brink, of Chicago, oapitar*3,1 WO,000; Continental Na­ tional Bank, of Chicago, capital 83,CXI,000. 1 ED. L. HuNTr.F.v & Co., Manufactuv-ersand Whok-salq Bealers in Clothing for Mf n, Boys and Children, 1;.:.' and 134 Market St., Chicago, 111. Post Office Box, 667. * CONSUMP^0^ It has permanently cured THOUSANDS of cases pronounced by doctors hope- less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac., don't delay, but use PISO'S CURE FOB CONSUMPTION iixtm : •t , ' it'« v' '•* "" . ' %t. • , •< We No necessity for you to travel miles out of your way to buv your bpring outlit t^r cash Mo need we repeat to take the cash out ot your neighborhood, expecting to exchange It for- more or better merchandise for the dollar than we offer vou. Ot course you under »tand that we are just now iryiDg to convert our' priug s ock into cash, and while this is go ng on we are the looser^. while you are saving pn every purchase. ^ot much need of news-. papt,r blowing about it, bjut to prove yo j can do beU«x under the. circumstances _ Thau even at for your companson, - puces aiuo Stand trd Gran. Sugar Extra*' 44 Good Green Coffee %t Ground " •* Roasted M Fine Teas 0 Good Plug Tubdcco " JSmoking . Prints, good quality Gi oghams Mens Shoes (4 Ladies tine coarse 6 3-4 6 1-4 30 . 20 25 23 28 J4 l ^ t t o 5 61-2 , 91 15 2 00 f 15 ! 25 • •. f \fH 2 0 pounds Peaches p ! < > $ t 30 •* Rice* . 4 2C ** Prunes '• ^ ** Blacklierrieijt I 12 * Raisins ? 4 11 cans Pie Peaches k : % 5 " Cut Table Peach ® Cherries 1 11 1 ^mato^i: 1 12 44 Corn > v 1 32 bars Soap l Men's Pants * 1 Boy's Knee Pants 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 m 't town In black and colored Ciishmeres and Henrietta Cloths. Jarae^ 1 Plaids and plain goods. Lace Curtains, Oil Shades, etc. Wall Paper! Wall iPaper! in8f Muart RESPECTFULLY, John Evanson & Cq, ••tst DO YOU PLAN TO MAKE YOUR Amm t And you can't afford to do otherwise when you ktiow the in­ ducements offered by the Nunda, Woodstock aud Dundee Cash Stores of C. F. Hall, Agent. The stores are filled with a choice and well-selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, etc. Sold fcr Cuh Only tad Om Met to All. We are sending out this "ad" to reach the far-off trade not naturally coming to us. The home tiade knows a good thing when it sees it, and naturally come to us, but we want more trade, and so say to you come and we will give you a rousing benefit. Our cash bought merchandise is worth the attention of eveCT cash buyer, and we guarantee a saying on every item offered. We occupy a large double store at Nunda, and with good goods and good light to show, you should call and get the rates. Parties coming by rail and buying ten dollars' worth ot Merchandise we would say we will allow you two railroad fares within a distance of twenty-five miles, and guarantee satisfaction in alt cases. Do you buy for cash, or do fong prices and long credit suit you best? Do you live a month behind or a month ahead all you live*? Out plan will please you, and our price*, too, for our's is not to see how much we can get for an article but at how small a price we can sell i t . With three l i rge s tores under our management we car ry t he most complete line of Dry Goods lo be found in any section , at d our Clothing Stock for men and boys is complete. We sell a boy^ suit, age 4 to 12 years, at 98 cents, which is solid and substantial, and if you want something more nobby our suits at $1.29, $14% . $1.69, $l.H8jvill be just one-halt the rates charged by credit dealers* We are making our piices in all lines tell on high credit rates, and vou should share in the benefits. Our Grocery ttock is ahvays - fresh and inviting, and our rates are much below quyr credit com­ petitors in all cases. ' * We have in years past gained the repatation ot a irargain store and that name will be fully sustained. Sugars, way down No, 1 Oofl'ee. beat 25 No, 2 Coffee 23 Best Rioe " ig Good Tea .. 25 5» cent Tea 44 No 1 linking Powder . . is Good Plug Tobacco... .. so Good Smoking Tobtcco 15 Best Prints 4, fl. e Blue Prints 10 Mo. 1 Ticking ]6 j No 2 Ticking I No. 1 Best rUcy Enlanndrted Shirts.. Unluunrtried Shirts, belt.... Dress Goods Best Ginghams Best Sheeting, 4 4 ..." No. 2 Sheeting Mens shoes, solid. Men's Shoes iljiQ, Children'* Shoe* Misses Shoes '* CI, •! &, «'i We show the most complete stock in all lines in McHenry Count#' Do not pass this by as an ordinary advertisement, lor if you act on the suggestion you will visit and get a benefit at the Bond*, Wooditock tad Sssdn Cuh Star--. , . C. F. HALL, Agê t; *>< *•*!.> "rvArSJ!'i

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