Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1890, p. 8

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N*P "»! mmssmmmrn i'-v Owing to the death Stevens; \lC« *r t .*tii -J * Z ' ' . » * : 4. S 'i ft, t*1 . j 'I1!,: v 4 • " * • s a < <: * >s V >A? "I ' 'rJ The stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Oil Cloths. Underwear, Groceries, or anything else pertaining to a general store. .All of the above lines are full and com­ plete in every department. "^Te ̂ sk you one sax# all to ̂calL^hiXtt t&el Stock is complete an4 shar ̂ m tJi ese ^^ .-.Bssr:' i SSJ: v . , - These goods are all fresh and new, and will be sold at absolute first cost price. Hoping to to come that distance, we remain, as ever. 'mm* c'*V5^ Xy * ' 4 * ILLINOIS. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. OUR {;-V;K I?;' SBfjjiSh; jiclea And Notices under the above head bed by the Ladies of the W. C T. U. •iitor claim} bo part or credit for 1 ^LadieeoftheW. C. T. U. will meet Mrs. E. Hubbard, Thursday af- teruuou, at 2:30 o'clock. Mar- Mkb. L. e. Bennett, President. Walsh, secretary. "Dp, and be doing!" is the word that comes from God to each us. Leave tome good work behind you that shall not be wholly lost when you have passed Away. Do something worth living for, worth dying lor; do something to show that you have a mind and a heart and a soul within you. Is there no want, no suffering, no sorrow that you can relieve? Is there no act ol tardy justice, no deed of cheerful kindness, no long-forgotten doty that you can perform ? Is there no reconciliation of some ancient quarrel, wo payment of some long outstanding debt, no courtesy or love or honor to be rendered to those to whom it has long been due ? If there be any such, I beseech you, in God's name, in Christ's name, go and do it Eft?'" T / ' Suooemora to W P Steven*, West _McHenry, tr- naVing purchased the Hardware stock of W. P. Stevens we replenished the stock and are now" prepared to show otir friends ind be puji tc ^easeilly as complete a stockol HARDWARE, F5ve years ago, one hot July day, two | tired workers visited a little town in ? Southern Illinois and organized a Band of Hope. A faithful lady took charge of it, and through long years of discourage­ ment carried on the work. Now the seed «he sowed, often in tears, is bearing abundant harvest as shown by the fol­ lowing letter: "At Watson, where we organized that little Band of Hope," writes one of those ladies to the other, "there has been a great revival, and the Band of Hope has received public credit for the same. Three leading men--one thirty-seven, another forty-five and the third sixty---have followed their children first into the Band of Hope, and thence ^ into the church. The elder one said in open meeting that it was the work of the Jtand that brought him toChrist." Here­ in is encouragement to sow beside all waters. Stoves Tin Copper] ard Sheet-Iron Ware. Ascan be found in McHenry County, r -- I - . POTTOM . " •; '/*' . •. ' . • •• «. VX..'.:.. • JOBBING INB BlFAtBING will be done on short Notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A pecialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage espectfully solicited. « . • '*• We earnestly ̂ solicit an inspection of" our new stock of Wall Paper which is K>: complete and worthy of vour inspection. Farmers Attention! PRICES f •' " • ARE STOHY & M'OMBER, west McHenry, Dec. 10, 1889. J W. Cristy & Son, RINGWOOD. ILL. MILES' SERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed­ ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, wrest, SO doses tor 25 cents. • Samples at Geo. W. Besley'e. , BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever; •ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. i pi R. K. CRANCVIt, ' 'General. Auctioneer. ;r Bales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming $ools, Household Furniture, and Goods Of all kinds attended to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at- P4K" JWdap**,.- . , -:f Jf GBAxen. w«k M«in WIST H MNBT* . ' • S -DEALER IN-^f V and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS| ;J^PURI5-^ BO NS LETT. OPPOSITE BISHOP'S KI1L, \ . * : " ; ILLiNO^ --~P8alsr-ih* . IiHtUOBB* AND FOR MEDIO A 1 , v ' • Ale and Porter for Medical tise. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewiug" Tobacco son hand. PHYSICIAN'S Carefully compounded, Oive me a call. lAcdenfy^ December 28th, 1887^ ^ ̂ ^ Purchased f r Cas^. all o' whic h will be fiold as low as the maret will admit and furnish first clas* <ro(Vlfl. A FUXfl^ Ix'INE OF STOT£8S« GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS; Call and see our Gasolene Stovea OF AIL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HANft TKS BEST WIRB In the Market, at Bottom Prices. JOBBIHO AISD RBPAIRUTQ i' it- ' f Y . J will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed^ : A share of public p 1 trn»»agf re-p ctfully solicited, * 4,' 'IriS'~irrS ? } U * • ;,A 1.1jaco». w t m k u n r . » v . y ' • « V We are not sroin^r to be' «ri <l«r- sold by any firm in the county on any of the farming too <? we handle. ^ We have always on hand such farm machinery and dxtias as are neected. Our Stock is In Spring tools, such as Plows of several makes, the celebrated Norwegian, Skandia, Star, Case. Rock Island, Grand Detour, and othefs which are full)' warranted. The Albion, Whipple and Buckeye SFBIH& TOOTH HABBQWS Can never be beaten. Thev in­ sure a sure crop every year as I hey cut the ground up fine and kill all the fine weeds, which gives the corn a start ^ Pulverized We have all kinds The Key* stone two lever is the leader, as a per-on mn do « finer job than with one. Also has ball bearing f boxes which outwear two of any ? otiier- make. We also ke« p the - Daley, Eureka aud (Cutaway Har- ^ r«.w»_ , f','; We handle the Bertrand & r,^ dames, Standard, Ell wood, Case, . Thompson, Norwegian, Geneva v Lake Clipper, and others, ^ Remember the spring tool}! beats them all for corn. We carry a fine line of " » | BUGGIES, '•] Of all classes, combination |lf w4gons, carts in all styles. The . VVreber lumber wagon is as good ' as anybody's wagon, aud av prices | to suit the times and people. | Call aud see *us before you | agree to try anything in the farm machinery line. */ - At the Old Stand. , >. E. It OVfEN 1S0N. J'UJ^IA A. il ..Jt- k \: K h ̂ "j • ' ".'.v.* * --j' - >i. .. • DEALER IK-- •*,"V* * n" "f ih * , V A yiJLL LINE OF---- . . Drugsk C'tissiicah, Dj% Stu&i Paiats, Kit aad Colorii Constantly on, hand Alao a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, 1_ AND COMPLETIfi, STOCK OF^--^ H STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SuisfDRIES . ; " Fliysiolana ' Pi'esoriptlona .. r:"! JaC"*'"r"" ^ Cwetully and accuratey compfrlJtided by a cist. Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. P$: •4 "• -k v;" iUUA A. STORY

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