Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1890, p. 5

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'tmM psra® *V»" - "..*>••• -rv t££\ *v,^rfi 'v^fy 4^4^ Ap&*Z ^ ̂ ygf ic,"'.' ;•! ~ , -n^»v>- v -t r;"""-?' •-.* *• ._ - ' 'ns*"<:s , " .. '„: .t. .:._... Jl̂ eirj ptiiiealw, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1890. If any are owing ue on the old score we would b e wry much pleased, and wt know you would be just as much so, to ; have the account pquared up at once. J. «. t.Biai v ft Son, Bingwwod. Shiloli's Vitolizer is what you need for p*-- Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizeiness, 'v . and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. A.Story. , Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh Vitolizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by J. A. Calf Meal ! Oil Meat I: - \ , Always in stock,,at BoneU tt &Stoffpl's, VT* in small or large lots, at close prices. ,Vf 11 | > Tlie quality, styles and priccs of our r new line of dress goods pleases all who ' " see then1. v ".f, " STEVENS & MILLER, WM McHenry. A • OENlSk : ** ' tf you want your Cloths altered to fit V ^ you, and your Cloths Cleaned as good as new, E. Lawlus cau do you a neat job. Catarrh Cured, made miserable by that terrible cough, Shiloh'g Cure is the for you. Sold by J. A. Story. ClA°) fiU UUMM Ifin \w FAIRBANK'S Santa Claus Tlje L<adii)S lAuqdry Soap of world. N.K. FAiRBANK & CO* ------ CHICAGO.* THE LIFE OF THE GREAT EMANCIPATOR I HERNDON'S LINCOLN. TIm Tr«« Story of • GrNl Ufa. m nriMT MI nuoni. KKoixarnen n ABRAHAM LINCOLN, l * . ! . ' •vWM. H. HERNDON, Pw Twenty Years hit Friend and Law Partnw, and JESSE WILLIAM WEIK. A. M. RUT II.tCTTIllTin WITH rORTHAITS OF UICOM (takea flraa »fcetofr»Pk»). a*4 of HI' KRUmiS jl!>R0CnTS8 u4 rilUM, in RTRRTSKH or viatets «CBKBB U HIB un Firiatof $ vols. Round h» best English Cloth, gilt top, 3 vols., - $4.50 | Bound In Library Sh*«p, ... - - 6.00 BOIIXM! IN Halt Mcrsoco, Marbled Edges, 3 vols., • 1.50 Bwod in Hall CaJt, 9.00 . f, r <i«|EKVr *** ** "" O-ralr*. IrmpMtlf* «r Party, prnlila It On ..<* • r THK rKKSIOKSfr jet Wrlttea. A FW tXTRACT * SCV.CCTED FROM MtfONG THOUSANDS: <icue c to victim- ?.i?v 1 f-y 1oiKi- Mr. Herndon s Life AS the baiVy^t _ * I.I* Mm ihnw ai'.y of ihe -otiwtfs. . wk;USR.- Ltitc<i£o Turns, " iho liavt; wJWs f:'ken'tfesfive>iiy- . ier«-f ?i*c| Tbe^ork opens u(i a hitherto oaVtlown stock of fsr a* 1 Ihtve *eta ^»etn, 'Zjw*** iVncwtf lge legarding Lincoln.--Standard, N.-V. 'i ru0<6*M _ _ ^ \ Vn South, and with Souttommn public men, it Tho I X-inroln vet wfWWP..--r »«"*>!.tfwKht (i ^ mo'? -opvlar tH»n any other biography "F1 e are at evanson's , in the Procession I t..i La'l-: ' if. ;C /. J.. Tbr h»4i Amcrlcr»« biography th« Vhr^mmt l>s©n wriwsn-- i/tn-ace'U 'ftit, £d. A: 1 « <« v ^he>trv^>est Atnei ic»n Jffcttgtajfcy l have 'rriil. -- 6>*. j*«m« H WUntm: ' t^.is true st(My*of Abraham LiwcHtn'ruflht *oibe in mwv library &; the land, and w *•{)! !t»e ••Shenever ,its 'IM5fits and "^faithfulness hwonif >^r>c\vn SESD CORN FOR SALE. etoweTTs Evergi-een Sweet Corn and "Bed C«t>v' EnsilageIkmi, Prices reason abl®. Special prices made on lar^r lots JOHN KVANSOX & Co. A FORTUNATEWOMAN. left's. Mary Bailwr, of Ovid, Mich 1MS wason to be very thankful. She was ®,^teat sufferer fi'OBi heart disease for years. Wasshort'ftf breath, had hungry spells, pain in sitis, fluttering, faintnws, «tc. After taking- two bottles of Dn Miles'New HeaPtt'in-e,* she says, "I am feetter than for'twenty years. My mind a,nd eyesight heFv*3 improved wonderfully. £ advise all persons thus afflicted to usej this great rewedy." (i. W. Hesley, dj-ng-! fist, recoinmrads and guarantees it, l>r.; Jpiles' work OH heart disease, coutainiug fttarvelous tf^t inionials, free. THE P1TLP1T AND THE STAGE. Rev F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Broth- ren Churoh; Blue Mound, Kan., says.: feel it niy dnty to tell what wonders J)r. King's New Discovery has doi»e fon- «ie. My Lungs were badly diseased, a>i>d nvy Ea,rishioa«rs thought I could live <o>4y a w weeks. I took five bottles <af Dir. King's-New discovery and am SOINKI «nd ?fell.^gainiiig 26 lbs. in weight. ' Arthur Love, Manager Lov<e's Funny Folks Gombination, writes:' ^After a thorough trial and convincing ev»deoee, I am eonM*lent Dr. King's New IMseovery Jor Consumption, beats 'em «il, -and -Cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many "thousand friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at G. W_ Besiey'e ' Drag Stoie. Regular sizes 50e. -and #1.«0. Leslie's Popular Ifoatlily Uec May, 1800. ' Francesco rispi, the Italian Premier, iB undoubtedly, since the retirement! ©f .Bismarck from the haucellorship of ^|he-German Empire, the most potent aad And picturesque figure in Eui ofjean poli­ tics. A striking portrait of the Sicilian .'statesman is given in Frauk Leslie's popular Monthly for May, with a very interesting article entitled "Signor rispi 'fend the Italian hamber." by the Hon* * lieorge Makepeace Towle. Douglas Sla- •4en eloquently describe* "Vancouver British olumbia) : A Great Sea-port of the xxt*1 entury." "Elephant-catching in India, with Priuce Albert Victor of Wales." is written about by a British officer, and illustrated with great spirit 'Forest Destruction by tire," byol. R. Hinton, is truly an oMject-lesSon to Congress. There arepapefson ' 'hartree •and its athedral," "Bfass-hammering «nd Repousse-work," etc., together with the .usual amount of first-class storys <knd other literature provided in every number of thi remarkable voluminous , jM^d.ftntertaining magazine. EUPEPSY. This is what you ought ta have, in fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and tnourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the foopt- that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guar­ antee that Electric Bitters, if used ac­ cording to directions and the use persist­ ed .in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Elec trie Bitters for dispepsia aud all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle by G. W. Besley Drng&wt. Edward Silvey, hicsgo, gives testi­ mony : -"My wife had catarrh twenty-five years;-suffered severely for six years be­ fore she began to use your remedy, lln able to nbreathe except through the mouth. In a most critical condition. Tried everything without relief when Dr. Streeter advised her to buy 1 arke's Ex .tract of <Flax (Papillon) atarrh ure. 'Relief followed immediately. She contin­ ued to use it until she is now entirely cured. Her health has not been so good in many years." Price, $1. Wash the baby with Clarke's Flax Soap. 25 cents. Geo. W. Besley, druggist, now has the Flax remedies on hand. "WEBSTER .THE ZjZZT I„.;: For the Faasiiy, Schsfr:, cr rrotessioial L'.brdry. r 6?:A?n®cs-zf/ TC-CnWA^ I liBRAZ-f |rlst<; ior :?'.i'ulanl ,| Asuhojri.T in tu"> <"r*Tv< r»iii- »ti PriuUu^OffiPc {;::<! I-ti- J IXiCUtG V»U'"C. • , > ! fc- is I:i;r!;!y *i't i t'BJUJt'. iti-ti o.V SH State t.i t i'I «'Ui« *' ;.a<i tho ivM&iii;; C«..\ • I J-uts. K«srlyx;ll tJ:Hmno* p\ibl!t«!ic<l .?r\" t r i i * " ' » c a u i i ' t r ? a r e Uasr-i?. 4J,i. >:* \7fit\tvv* f <«rt ill ; _cud:i.;7 -'ook PiiKlivh*."'!:. ' lif+OO •: riOPC TTF?; r<ls n »<i ncrs rly more ai»»vrr:i* hisirt th;m ar .VU?*MV •.I l>i« tioaary. cPEc;i;.Eis njfte Sfotk Vof.i i xy-> TTc^wir i* ni- IMNST u i i i ' » i u > . u O c . t i > I-J F . 'TJ!B l?0E^e"r! Gldio t ';v: 'WtliStti- tou «c T "" i J'ift. ..U;r.; i i f-'sieocrap'iy. ffco £t?anttfC^agtiTtttiaa 'esc •. .Imn :,t-e'7?"e".ilium«i;iitl!)or:tyinoi:r«.T;cc. 'Ike Chica(8«_Iii'.ar Gcc_u Woi«ipr s l"i« alwn-- s -t'i' flamlanL 'fhe 'n'ey Crlor.TM Tiittea Democrat tay • Y.t'L;,.r is star..ianl iu!'u...i ay i:» oiu-oflSc.'. NewYurk Tribune say : It isrecognize.l " «s't) usoifi itexWing " word-'xxik " of 4!ie English Iani ua^o all over tl»« world. S<Jd bv all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. C. A C. MERR1AM & CO., Pub'rs, Springtield, M«> of Abraham Lincoln.-• AffnU. Memphis. ti will do njiorc to shape ilre jodgment of postetiry «•> Mr. Lincoln's ch«raot<rrtphiiti all that has be^n *'titten or will be heifaftflr^Titten.--Refittlic, St, S^ouis, Mo., July ao, _ . , They who wish to knew ILincoln asjhe teaTly was, fitm I1 must read the biography wTitten by his friend and <* N. V. H«« !»««»«..W- H- * * -A'. 1' Su». •+ •* * All tke«e lovin* adbewnt? wBl hail He»K- | Mr Hcrndon's perstTrotl creoUcctions of "Lincoln feed's I iiicolt" with uiuimcV wikmuided joy.-- , will doiibiless reUtain *tie most authentic and trnsv-' ! worthy sorce of inforw*(tion, * • -.V. K. AWim AGENTS WANTED. F«r T-wrartj *t»d 'Tam^lory tddreit, £0., 109 & III WaM tut.,III. AND Best Cough Curt. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, no remedy is so safe, speedy,'and certain as Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. An indispensable family medicine. "I find Ayer's Cherry Pectoral an tnralnable remedy for colds, coughs, and other ailments of the throat and lungs."--M. S. Randall, act Broadway, Albany, N. Y. " I have nsed Ayer's Cheory Pectoral Cor bronchitis and Lung Diseases, for which I believe it to be the greatest medicine in the world." -- James Miller, Caraway, N. C. "My wife had a distressing oough, with pains in the side and breast. "We tried various medicines, but none did her any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this medicine." --Robert Horton, Fore­ man Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of £ severe cold which had settled on my lnngs. My wife says the Pectoral helps her more than any other medicine she ever used."--Enos Clark, Mt. Liberty, Kansas. * Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, * FBBFABKD BT Or. 4. C. Ayer * Co, LowsH, Mass. •sMftraUDregtftfs. Prio«$l; •UbettlM.ft. _ . --FOR-- Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs/ Excels any remedy for the rapid curt of Hard Colds, Coughs, Mldefiou nd, Yellow Water, Fever, Distemper, Sore and Weak Eyes, Lung Fever, Costtvenest, Blotches, and sll difficulties aris­ ing from Impurities 41 the Blood. Will relieve Heaves at once. Manufactured by the .. I J0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, i. Y.™ Sure Cure for Heg CheHera. FULLER & FULLER, General Westeanlsents, Chicago, III. jk f \ f « to canvas* for the sale tWjk ELlw I Oof our Nome-Grown WANTED Nnraor* Stork. ot the largest, own Nnrser' UNEQITArF.n KAC!LU IK8 oldest-eaiiiiiliehP'l, jitid iii intheconntr* A'l<(reaa, IF. & T. SMITH, Geneva Nursery, Established in 1846. Geneva, N. T. MEN WANTED. To represent our well-known nursery in this county, for town *ml country trade. Good pay weekly. A xlemiy position witb a nur aery of over thirty years' slamlm*. Bnd krow.i respor sibiliiy. We wan t (food, lively worttrs, and will ,»ay well G. od references required. Apply quick, stating »jre. CHASK BKOTHEHS COitPAST, J7 m2 Chicago, til. THIS ADVERT!"^ frry* my i,i ih-c ti*e of COAL Ac F13ED Ow fee fomght CHEAPER fOR CASH AT w. A. CRISTVS, Than any of her place in town. Car Lots a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle factory, in West Ate Henry. REMEMBER THE PLACE. LADIES Interested in THE WORLirS FAIR, ATTENTION 1 THE STATUE TO QUEEN ISABELLA, To he plaeert at tlic Woriu's t»nir, in im:, will t»« modeled from this portrait. Every woin/in hi the country i» mteieswl In this Sterne to l»c erected i>y ihe women of our country, and everyiwty will want h copy of IsHbe'la's portrait. These Art Etchings. S\!' inchea. on heavy paper, can only l>e obtained from ua (Copyright sec.uied.) Uy sending •25 cents we will send one |»rtrait ami the La<lie6' Kftbhion Journal for Ihres months. Address LADIES' FASIUON JOURNAL COMPANY, AUDITORIUM BUI I.DING, CHICAGO. AGENTS WANTED. Fan Loans MASTE ON TIME and terms to rait borrowers; no com­ mission or charges tor examination of nbetracts. Money furnished at once, without red tape or delay. J. W RANSTEAD. Rooms 1 and 2 Borden Block, Elgin, 111. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING J7»th Edition Now Ready. A book of over 200 pages, giving more inf >r. ma Won of value to advertisers than any publication ever issued. It gives the name or every newspaper published, bav ing a circulation rating in the American News paper Directory of more than 25.0C0 copies eac.h issue, with the coat per line for adver tisiug in tnem. A list of the best pi|>*r« of local circulation in every city and town of more than 5.S0O population witb prices bv the inch for one month. Special lists of daily, country, v'llage. country and class papers. Bargain offers of value to small advertisers or those wishing to experiment judiciously with a small amount of money. Snows conclusive­ ly "bow to get the most service for the money," etc., etc. Sent postpaid to any ad dress for 3*1 cents. Address, GEORGE P. ROWELL A CO. Publishers and General Advertising A goats, 10 Spruce Street, New Tork City. • 25crt For sale by Ceo. W. Besley. mm wEiiiY M§yi?yim mmku Si 0§ PES WK F ̂-r̂ HL2 A ̂CHIGACO, IN 1841. $1.09 PER YEAR. J ^ h . . ^ The FARM. OrchaSo ano FIRESIOE* DEVOTI'D TO PRACTICAL AND CORRECT INFORMATION ON AGRICULTURE, LIVE STOCK, VETERINARY. DAIRY, HORTICULTURE, ENTOMOLOGY, POULTRY, BEES, GARDEN AND LAWN, SCIENCE, MARKETS. A PUBtly Jooratl for t«v? fenerations, the a> l;n. wii dged favorite, at the fireside ot western home*. The H»ii<eh«l4 Department* carefully prepared aad illustrated delights the ladiee. Ita murellaay, PIIZZICR, aad Young Folk* endear It to the young members of the family. Filled with Pnu-: ic 1 Illustrations and Concise, Timely Topic* of General Interest. OSSLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Do NNT fall to rend TNR T,F:MHIF. FARMER during 1890- its 50th year. Send for a free sample eoPF or suMcrtbrt atoucc, ml.iio^u.g, TNC f ^AIRIE FARMER PUB. CO., ISO Monroe 8t., CHICAGO, IL!~ fNo necessity fbt yrm to tmve* miles out ol $mr Way to hvp yrlSpring outfit tor cash. No need we repeat to tak% M caah out of your neighborhood, expecting to exchange it toe* n:e or better merchandise for the dollar than we o^ier }ou. : c»rse you understand that we are just now trying to convert ouf^ Sing stock into cash., and while this is on we^re the loosers. wle you are saving on every purchase, Not much need ot new*-. p*,r blowing about it, but to prove yo J can do better under tn^. ciumstances ^ '*i. > xzr ova ) V , > 4 K \ ' • • V , ̂ J ^ a'" 1 , J - 5 s Vj t even at "waj up" cash dealers, wsame a few foyour comparison, ' - . / PARRY IvIF-O. CO, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. NO. / 2 Price, $l8.o»at Faotwry, Cash witb Order. Strictly First-Class. \V:irranuil. All i^econd Growth Hickory. Steel Axles au<l Tinas. _ Low Bent t^nt Arras. IVrioctly B»ilanee»l. Long, Eisy Riding. Oil Tcni)>e:eil Spring. Best Wheels and IWst All over. IF YOU CAN 'T FIND THEJ5 FOB. BALE BY YOUR MERCHANTS, WRITE U». Slidard Gran. Sugar Etra " Gid G reen Coffee ^ (iround 44 I Roasted " F<e Teas God Plug Tobacco Smoking •' tPnts, good quality Gighams Mas Shoes " fioe Ldies " " coarse 6 3-4 6 1-4 20 20 25 23 28 14 3.1--8 to 5 6 1-2 $1 15 200 2 15 1 25 20 pounds Peachet 20 " Rice - . 2C " PruUfsi* ; 16 *4 Black l»erElfci 12 •' Raisins 11 cans J*ie Peaches Cat Table Peaches " . ** Cherries " <r Apricot Tomatocb Corn 32 bars Soap Men's Pants Boy's Knee Pants 5 5 (V 11 12 In black and colored Cashmeres and Henrietta Cloths. Jam«8f« toyi Plaids and plain goods. Lace Curtains, Oil Shad^ ̂ tc. "^Het ' "Wall Paper! Wall Paper! i -*• . ' • m w Everything M ust Gro, BK8PECTFUU.1TI John Evanson & Co. KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAB *'< J. larbian» J. .J.l'ar'biaji BARBIAN BROS. Whl<(lie and Retail DUUU IK FINE CIGARS, McHENRY ILLINOIS, Having leased the briek building one door South of the^>ost office, we have opened a retail store, Where, at ull times can be found fine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of the beet brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment aad aome rery handsome patterns. CALL AND SEE 08. * BABBlAir BBOa. McHenry, tfoTember'IStb, 1888. It will benefit you in puree and peace of • mind to boy your boots and shoes of J. W. Cristy & Son, Bingwood. To try is to prove the above. Keystone two-lever pulvei I others at E. M. Owen k Bon's. erinc* and DR. B. MINCER, -THE- EM1NENT OPTICIAN, OF DETROIT, Olaime that instruments for treating the Eye, however good in the hands of one expert in their use, in the hands of the ignorant are worse than useless a man must be skilled In the treatment ef the Eye ami the ppliea tion of instruments in onter to receive any benelit, If ho is properly skilled he can lit the most difficult eye without instruments. Glasses fitted with accuracy so as to preserve the eyesight--the delicate construction of the eye makes it necessary to use great care <n selecting spectacles. B. Mincer has made tbe ere his special study, and in his later years has paid his en­ tire attention to the adaption ot Spectacles to the same. Having a thorough experience in making nnd adapting Speciacles to the eyes, he Is ei abled to flt accurately in every case of abnormal vision known as PRESAYOPIA, HYPER MAT ROPIA MYOPIA, As well aa weak 4iglit. requiring various tinted glass. His improved sprctac tare of a perfect construction, which assist anil pre­ serve the sight, rendering frequent changes quite unnecessary. They confer a brilliant. ness and distinctnes ol ease and comfor ̂ not geiioiulty eujoyeu oy persons u*tng tpecla. cles. His lenses are ground on the most scientific principles, rendering the eye as clear as when in the full. strength of youth. B. Mincer has some highly flaitering testi­ monials of *ome of the leading oculists of the state as to his ability in flttiug Spectacles. REMEMBERs Itm DUSTERS rsntaiCHCTC "THE TIJtEI.KSK TOILER FOB TRAHK, Tours, anxious to pleaae, ED. L. Hunti.kt. fie uses no instruments; He I fits the eye the dr»t time; jHe made the eye a study for over twenty years; He uses pure crystal lenses. He guarantees satisfaction; •' He trettB weak eyes successfully; He saves eyes injured by using inferior glasses. He fits all kinds of glasses required by de- fective glasses He makes every »ariety_of glassea.. WOrders can oe left at postolflce and will receive aprompt attention. Ho charges far examinations or viaiting pattenu at (heir tomea. Read oar new advertisement. STEVENS* A MILLEB, West McHeuy. " This is one of the S/t Dusters. It ii Hosely woven and handsomely embroidered." Don't get stuck with Dusters which will let the dust through and spoil your clothes. 5/A Lap Dusters 5/A Ironsides Sheet in EUble. 5A Clipper Fly Nets F°Teiunit«rs. Sqmal to ImUmi at Hklf th« Obst. 100 other styles of 5/A Horse Sheets and Fly Nets, at prices to suit everybody. For t»i« by all dealers. If you can't get them, write as. ' * 5/A #ORSl BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE 5fA LAACt ifamufd by Wh. Atkes & Sons, Phllada., who Mte the famous Horee Brand Baker Blankets. Ask your dealer for E<1. L. Huntley & Co.'e I HONEST Clothing. If our Kooc«e are not in the 1 HiidH of some STORE­ KEEPER in your eectton, vou can PHO- Cf'HE THEM from the beet KNOWN and largest MAIL­ ORDER Whole­ sale CLOTHING JIOUSH in the; world, at pri-1 ccs that will' MAKE YOUKI evec snap and KEEP YOD guessing how we can afford TO DO IT. If your DE ALEH does not keep our goods send to ua and we WILL furnish you a Suit or Overcoat, express or mail paid, on receipt of price. Wo will vgn and hold your patronage if you try us witb an order I We have built up this immense bu6inees by our painstaking' methods, und by doing1 by other# na we would be done by. ED. L. HUNTLEY & Co., Style Originator*. jjjagf^In ordering Suita or Overooats observe W etrictiy following rules for measure­ ment? Breaft measure, over vest, close up under arme. Waist measure, over pants. In­ side Veg measure, from crotch to heol PRICE-LIST. HEATT-WEIGHT CLOTHING--SHITS. Men's Brown All-Wool Double and Twi6t Caesiinere Sack or Frock Suit $9 OO Men's Fancy Black or Bluo English Worst" ed All-Wool Sack or Frock Suits 14 CO Men's JJrown or Gray Volvot Finish, All- Wool, Tricot Weavo, Fine Caesiinere Back or Frock Suit f 7 OO Men's Black or Blue Englieh. All-Wool Corkscrew, fine worsted. Sack or Frock . Bulla 19 OO Men's Black, Blue, Plum, Lavender or Blate-eolor English Wide Wale Diagonal Worsted Sack or Frock Suits 24 OO References--First National Bank, of Chicago, capital 83,000,000; Continental Na­ tional Bank, of Chicago, capital £2,0'X),000. ED. I* HUNTLEY & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Clothing for Men, Boy* and Children, ]£2 and 124Market SU, Chicago, I 111. Post Office Box, 667. wg&p®-. r CONSUMPTIoH' It has permanently cured thousands of cases pronounced by doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathinir, Ac., don't delav, but use CURE FOB CONSUMPTION PISO'S immediately. DO YOU PLAN • 1 . 7 f?'; 'iMfi TO MAKE YOUR -if • -4 '4 du< ! Stc'e anc Hap and Caps, Groceries, etc nat casl .. > v v • . r/'-. A ? • v ' V' ilf- sments offered by the Aunda, Woodstock and Dundee Cash esof C. F. Hall,^.gent. The stores are filled with a choice well-selected stock ot Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Sold for Cuh Only and Oat Mm to AIL -'.t'S-i X';}} • I . We are sending out this ».d" to reach the fcr-off trade not 1 .rally coming to ue. The home bade knows a sood thine ? wh,. it sees it, and naturally come to us, but we want more trade, ' ""f 0me ?'«iT« y°« » rousing benefit. 5 C|ir cash bought merchandise is worth the attention of every 3 buyer, and we guarantee a earing on every item offered. I e orcnpy a large douole store at Nunda, and with goorf goods/ and rood light to show, you should call and get the rate! " Par les coming by rail and buying ten dollar? worth ot Merchandise S 7.' 0U ? mV•S0" you two railr0«d fe'« within a distance 1 ot Uenly-tive miles, and guarantee satiiiaction in all cases. Do | yonbuy for cash, or do long prices and long credit suit you best? i Do ou live a month behind or a month ahead all you live'? Our 1 pla will please you, and our prices, too, for our's is not to see how ! 1 ?r an "rt'de but at how small a price we can sell | it. With three l*rge stores under our management we carry the 1 mo« >complete line of Dry Goods to be found in any section, atd our ; (Jo hiug btock for men and hoys is complete. We sell a boy'® 1 8U!i i- f years, at 98 cents, which is solid and substantial, ^ ii Jan.t something more nobby our suits at $1.29, $1.48, 1 f l.btf, 91»8 will be just one-half the rates charged by credit dealers. ! We arfttiiaking ojir prices in all lines tell on high credit rates, and ^ TOU 8h(Ui(l SharA in tk/> ko--® . ? vou bhqu fresh a petitor W and thi Sugars, w No, 1 Coff« No, - Cofl'« . Beat Bice Good Tea Meant T« No 1 liitk _ Good Plu|t Good Smo Best Prit Bine Prii i Ho. 1 Ticl >g.. d share in the benefits. Our Grocery stock is always inviting, and our rates are much below our credit com- m all cases. have in years past gained the reputation ©i » lamia store, name will be fully sustained. w* " • •-' Xo 2 Tickinir. No. I Best rincy....... "" ' ]S Knlanndri«d Shirta . *** I'ulmimined Shins, beat..., .„ «8 It ». * w ... m ..»r« ««» *, ». m» m .. Ui «i«, im We r on the Do i By Druggists. 25 cents. rr >.-1^ y 1?% ^tr H ^ • .v at? «-»: «• it \ beat Powder obacoo XoUacco 25 23 W S3 44 15 SO 15 4, a. c 10 M l Oress Goods Beat Gingham# Best Cheating, 4-4.. , . . . . . . . N"o. 2 Sheeting ...... Mens shoe*, solid Men's Slices. In...,.,. ..... Children * Shoe* Mieaet Sboea S OW the most complete stock in all liues in McHenry County | ot pass this by as an ordinary advertisement, lor if you act. | tggestio^ you will visit and get a benefit at the , . Vuda, Wooditoek tad Bute Cuk > "j* • W. WAI.L| •*t\ . . . . . . . v. ::

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