Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1890, p. 8

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, the Entirp jptock ^ I m I, T" ™ •* - • iv- • • t1\? .»•*,; •» -'•'WH- # to tlie - - >"?# "%EST MeHENRY. ILLINOIS. *$v §& ,r* ŝu"r -;Ti J» ^«ifV -* **r, ~ fc \ *"J( ***• ** *• , 'f> • /- v£|- ' '•§ '». \ /, y > '. - --. ' ; ;. ' :- V.-\ ^ >•;,;.>( ,,X &•;• Miiier will be v ^ ^1 % The stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hatif Gaps, Oil Cloths. Underwear, Groceries, or anything else pertaining to a general store. All of the above lines are fall and com­ plete in every department. Weask*you one and all to. call while the ..Stock is complete' and shard ( ~ These goods are all treshand new, and will be sold at absolute first cost price. Hoping to see ill for 20 miles around, as it will su£&hr pay you to come that distance, we remain, as ever* •' A' ' v T . 1 I DEPARTMENT. (Articles and Notices under the above bead *r» iimimheU by the l-adiea of MusW-C T. U. •ikI ttie bailor claim* so part or credit for ttie 8*me. 1 f l>*" • A physician, satisfied that there was death in that form of tobacco, had a Cigare t te ana lyzed . The resu l t was a startling one. The tobacco was found to be strongly impregnated with opium, while the wrapper, which was warranted to be rice paper, was proven to be the ; most ordinary paper, whitened with ar­ senic, the two poisons combined being present in sufficient quantities to create In the smoker a habit of using opium Without his being aware of it, and which Craving can only be satisfied by an in­ cessant consumption of cigarettes. •--Franklyi! Repository. !%• S&*' k' How Drinking Causes AppopLSacy It is the essential nature of all wines and spirits to send an increased amount Of blood to the brain. The first eSect of taking a glass of wine or stronger form of alcohol, is to send the blood there faster than common; hence the circulation that gives the red face. It increases the jfcctivity of the brain, and it works faster, and so does the tongue. But as the blood goes to the brain faster than com t-lnon, it returns faster' and no special Ijh&rm results. But suppose a man keeps - ou drinking, the blood is sent to the brain «o fast in such large quantities that, in • iorder to make room for it, the arteries ." have to enlarge themselves: they increase in size, and, in doing so, they press against * the more yeilding, flacid veins which carry the blood out of the brain, and J* thus diminish their size, their poses' the result being that blood is not only car- S ried to the arteries of the brain faster 'i than is natural or healthful, but is pre vented fromleavitig it as fast as nsual hence a double set of causes of death* are ij. in operation. Hence, a man may drink v enough of brandy or other spirits in a , few hours or even minutes, to bring on a . • fatal attrch of appoplexy. This is literal* > LY, being dead drunk. Dn. HALL. T?- FOR SALE Oil RENT] The house known as the Mrs. L. . ; Clark house, situated in the village of •• Mclleury, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good /*V repair, good well, cistern and other con venience*. Large garden and plenty of ' small fruit. For terms and other partic U ularo inquire of H. C. MEAD Dated January 1st, 1890 MILES' SERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed' ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest surest, 30 doses for 25 cento. Samoles at Geo. W. Besley's. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It I is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money .refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. Every Enterprising Thresherman knows that the threshing machine that will work the most rapidly, clean perfectly, and save all the grain will bring him the best jobs and best prices, and so he will Write now to at once investigate « our claim that beats anything heretofore made in all these and other points. The wide-awake Farmer will also get our circulars and satisfy himself whether he can afford to have his grain wasted by other threshers when he can make money by having his grain threshed with the New Vibrator Our pamphlet giving full information about Threshing Machinery and Traction Engines sent on application. NICHOLS & CHANCE TO ft!AKE MONEY A Salary ami Expenses paM, or Commis­sion if prcferied. Salenmen wiintwf •very*here. No experience needful. Addrceft, *t»linc age, H. W. FOSTER & CO., Nurserymen* flPTtOVft jV. T FRANK BARKER. Carriage. Sip and OrnMt.1 PAINTER, Can be fontiM in the rooms over fiaupertftrh'a Stop, Mchenry, III., where he U i-eH'ly to palm vonr bi.'giries in Aril class style, at Reason ilile ftatea, and Cuarantoe Satisfaction From long experience incite Ihimu^hh I iim continent. I can pieaue all. UaI: ami ate me. inspect work him! l«aru prices. • - Frank Barker. McHenry, April 1ft, 1090. carman Pai-Killer and Eijjire Mi Is f'ne vety Jient me<li«*lne ever intro<la'«M| Into the country. Tb«' following are the names of a few of the many w!io iutvw l>»»n cured )>y this great meMi :n»e: M. P. Mader, Genox, Wis., cured of a«lhmn of ten years'standing C. <J. Ueigan, of the same placn, cured of m chronic sore li .h. Mrs, J. J. Huff, Ritthmond, III., mred of lung trouble of «ix mouths' stun-ling. Mrs. Hulburt, Nuuiia III . cured of anthma tnd catnrrh of long standing. Mrs. Wettstein, Hurvuril.-curi'd of internal trouole oi ten years' standing. Mr, Handeshall. of tlsrvanl, cured of ca­ tarrh, scrofula, and varicose vems of ilvo yearn' stondiug. Theodore Borrhold, of Harvard, cured of paralysis of two yeais' standing. This new medicine tins cured bronchitis, Msrolul'i. abscenec8, holla, burns,catarrh, eti., tn-l relieved asthmt and consumption for nil who have used it. It Is a sure and suleinedi- une for all troubles arid never faii» t<> give utufclii.-tion. Try i'. under a full MHrrani^e Price o« Kmpire ^alve halt ounce box, 26 cen I s; two ounce If-x, 75 ceritK, or thrne iH»*e» foi (1 AO. Painkiller, onc-ouiu'e l»ntlc, 2ft cent)*; two-ounce bottle, SO <vnts Hall on join Iruggist for it, or send to N. LENNAROS, Harvard. III. for snle by lr*o. . Jinatey, WKSI ui Msiift, (IllllOlB &OWEN. IRC I \n\ We carry an extra large stock of men's fine and medium priced Suits. Boys black and dark colored Confir­ mation Suits, and boys knee pant Suits at Bottom Prices. armers We are tintto he urnler- 3^'d t>y any tinn in the county on any of the tanning too «t w<> hnndie. He h>ive a 1 ways on hand siwh farm machinery and extras Hfi are needed 1; Our Stock is Complete In Sprinjar tools, such as Plo ws of several make^, the celebrated Norwegian, 8l/andja, Star, Cusp, Agents Wanted! KIBKKAL T|B«t will be tsiven to introduce our new boob Bible Brilliants : "°HOHME' BIBLE STORIES, The grr>;ttflst ciicccs- of the yenr, «nd nome- Mnng entirely new in Ihc ix-o* line. Iloval Q iarto; size,"9^x11^; (IIIMI of puper; lurgt iv,ie; H'jo iiluKiiatUniA. is lull pape. two ci Hu m printed in nine cm <rr>; re«ti! price onlj 51) Th«.urtnn(i» will be sold lot'iinddav Presents. Those flrxt in the iicld will reaps harvest, Act quick or >ou will lnins it FORSHEE & MACMAKIN, Cincinnati, O. €J J&. m ̂ 3S TP aaT Full stock of elegant patterns at 16c, 22c, 35c, 50c, 60c and 75c, which we guarantee cannot be equal­ ed for price or quality. f l ' M 8 H O K S t m M̂ mm %y " _ SEND FOR OUR CATALOQUCAND PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND E. W. JiLATCUFOKl) & (X)T, of Chi­ cago, have apj»oiiit<»(l I'oiiHiett Ac Stoffel of We«t MclTenrv, i incuts for tLieirfamous Oil Mciil and Calf Meal, which all farmers nhould accord a fair trial. Very close prices are offered on Hinall or large lotas. TliC TOCS: IMP roves the llomesteid. I nc. I ntc ll?ir Improve yours by planting the lilis'-k •'ills Sprue**/ a lr«*e first discovered ifur H«ar 1tutt<*ai.d the lr <n Hill region of onih Dakota Hiounlit to North Iowa ten • e/«rs u < <-e by (inla Hunt W&ns:, A fcreat Success! With fine fo|i«.g»*. comi-nci lotm, go< d c«l<>r»'. ease ot irfin*p':iniing perfect tm...ine»H, it li' pi onou need h> pmci ic»l men itu-VKlt" ItKd'C KVKKliUKKN' lor l'raii'io oconoi.s. i r.nopp anted tree*. H to 12 iix'he*. stocky, with ^too'l, ti. per 6, *4 per 2, oy mall. Frenh trees from the Hills, 6 to M ioches|: for W, (6 for 11)0. Weil packed a net: prepaid, i.ow rati-s by the luoo Orderan-t«r^ OatHlogue fre«. Also grower of all kiml ot fruit atid oroamental trees. Evergreens anip ••iuiall Fruits a specially. Address M,B. HINKLER, ' General Nurseryman MarouSi Iowa. Nobody in the county carries a finer stock of Boots and Shoes than we. Do not fail to see the extreme Low Prices we make on our caedium low priced goods. We buy all our goods for Spot Cash Only, and therefore can sell ym Bottom Prices. Yours Respectfully, Kock Island, Oraucj Detour, and others which are fully warranted. The Albion, Whipple and Buckeye 8PEIMS TOOTB E&BB0W3 l'an never he beaten. The*, in- nire a sure crop every year as thfv cut the j?round up fiue an<l kill all the tine weeds, which <fives the corn a start , Pulverizers We have alt kinds The Key­ stone two lever is the leader, as a ' • per on can do a finer with one. Also has bull bearing boxes which outwear two of any ® otner mike. H e also ke* p thie ;i D iley, Eureka aud Cutaway Haiy" 5^ * We handle tjie Bertrand Sautes, Standard, Ell wood, C3ase# Thompson, Norwegian, (ienevp Luke Clipper, and others, Henifimber the spriag beats theni all for corn. We carrv a fine line of BUGGIES, Of all classes, combination wasrons, carts in all styles. The Weber lumber waufon is as ^oo4 as anybody's wagon, aud a'» price* to suit the times and people. ^ Call and see us bo tore yop agree to try anything in the faroi machinery line i » At the Old Stand. E. M. OtVEN&SOti JUlilA A. STOBY, (On© Door West of Riveraide Houae,) -DEALER '*7r'- PERRY ;&• OWEN. DRUGS, MEDICI ----A PULL LINE OF----* Crags, Chemicals, Djs Stafis, P&iatcr, Oils and Colon. • rv > • 'i•••• Coustant V on hand v a large^ Patent* l!Meiicines9 Toilet Articesi COMPLBTK STOCK Ol^ STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Phyisicians JE*resci*IptI<wn|^- CaretuI ly and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharmt cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY

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