WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1890. KdltOP. VAN8LYKK, 1HIS PA PER JS'.? SEX*?! WBWSLL & VAX'S Nrv.-«|i*per Advertising tt«re*Q <10 Spruce Street), where a^ertssing f'SffW s N EW YORK. : j i tesT" The El)?in butter market was de moralized on Monday, sales being made v*fc 135i@14 cents. A year tioM averaged 17 cents. .« is l6F*At the Democratic County Conven tion, on Saturday last, onr fellow-towns man, George Eothemiel, received the nomination for the office of Sheriff, and we wish to say right here that the Con vention made no mistake in this matter. Mr. llothermel served at the front during th« rebellion, is a man of good business qualifications and should he be elected would fill the office creditably and well. ' The only thing that will work to his dis advantage is his political faith, but then 'George has friends in both parties, and Vvwe predict will make a good showing at the polls. I®* There appears to be no particular love existfng between the white and shady damsels of Alabama. At Birmingham the other evening, four young ladies hap pened to meet three colored maidens and as the walk was narrow, and all could uot meet abreast, the white girls were thrown in the gutter to make room for their aunties. That night the well-done girls were taken from their beds tied to trees and horse-whipped until they fainted. The negroes soon armed themselves and threatened extermination to the white men who whipped their black darlings, and the whites are not unprepared for an attack. The solid south must be a repre sentation of pdradise on a small scale. if t®* It had to come at last. New York ;City, the wealthiest city on this continent, confesses, through one of her Representa tives, who is himself a millionaire, her in ability to raise the money necessary to I" • «rect a monument to General Grant, and t asks Congress to pass a joint resolution F* -which has been introduced by Represen- ll'r tative Flower, appropriating $250,000 to help pay for a monument. This'is ||£generally regarded as a piece of monu- K ̂ mental cheek, and the impression is that ^ Congress will refuse to appropriate raon- 5*-; «y for the erection of a monument to c, >' Cfeneral Grant at any other place than • «t the national capital, where, if the G. A. R. can have its way, his body will find its final resting place. 9ST The waving of rebel flags, as is now being done in Richmond, is more than an insolt to the government. It is treason. It is such acts as these on the part of some of the unrepentant rebels that make as doubt the wisdom ot the clemency of the government at the close of the hostilities. The people of Rich mond, or any other city of the South, no doubt have a right to erect all the mon uments to General Lee or any one else • that they may desire, bnt they have no right to flaunt rebel flags to the breeze to the entire exclusion of the National * colors. The United States poured out blood and money like water to suppress that flag, and the waving of it now is nothing more nor less than treason. I- IOTA great many newspapers, some of them of the Republican faith, too, are advising young men from the East, to change the direction of Horace Greeley's suggestion, and instead of go ing West to go South. There is no doubt great room for development in the South, and many industries formerly un known in that section are now thriving wider the influence of Northern capital and Northern energy. But no self-respect ing young man wants to make his home in a part of the country unless he can be assured that, if he desires to express Re publican sentiments he may do so with out being socially ostracised, and that he may vote the Republican ticket and have his vote honestly counted.--Toledo Blade. W*The followimg from the Beacon will doubtless be of interest to our farmer readers: "The Farmers Mutual Benefit Association of Illinois has made arrange ments for controling the sale of binding twine in this state. They have appointed a state agent to furnish the twine for the next harvest at twelve cents per pound whereas they have heretofore been com pelled to pay seventeen cents. The Na tkraal Cordage Company which has con trolled the binding twine business of the country is one of the most grasping mo nopolies of the kind in existence and in dudes all the manufacturers of manila and sisal twine. They ran the price so high that farmers were compelled to or ganize and go into competition with them The hemp Adds down near Champaign threaten to knock the bottom out of the twine trust, as they have 1,000 acres planted and the hemp is pronounced . good as any that can be imported. • Problem. Here is a little problem in mathematics WbltSh it would be well for some of our citizens who were so unfortunate as to appear on the ddinqent list, to apply to their owncases. It may contain for them a grain of comfort. TheRockford Gazette s: Among other tax titles held by Walter lots, is one against real estate be- j to Mr. Rood of that city. The iforers a ten billionth of the tract, or TO hundred thousandth of a square • iiaugloii?, paid taxes to the amount m it is said, and wanted to tell the i to Rood for $450. Rood after a ' effort at figuring concluded to let ' have the property if he could find s aays it is the highest price he ever | for a piece of property anywhere in WOiid. It amounts to $4,000,000 square foot. Rood has put up the ton the balance of his property to ^000,000,000. Census Enumar&tart. The enumerators appointed to take the census of the United States com menced their work on Monday last, .Tune 2d, and must complete it by the close of the month. The list of enumer^ ators for MeIlonr,v county was published in these columns last week, and will be approved as possessing the local knowl edge, the general intelligence and the fidelity to enable them to do good work. And yet they cannot secure the best re sults without the ready and honest co operation of the public. To the ordinary citizen they will be required to address something^like thirty questions, while the farmer and the manufacturer will be asked even a larger number* The law re quires that the information sought be given under a penalty of the persons re fusing suffering a fine of thirty dollars. It will assist the enumerators materially if heads of families will be prompt in an swering the questions addressed to them, and it will contribute to the accuracy and the value of the statistics gathered if they will exercise their wits and make sure that mistaken replies are not given. Of the farmer the enumerators will re quire statements of the quantity of his crops, the number of his cattle and horees, the value of his products, etc. It would be well if all farmed would take the time between now and the time of the enumerator's visit to prepare a state ment covering his farm operations for the past year, and so avoid the * errors hich are almost sure to be made when undertakes to recite off-hnnd the quantities of graiu-, of hops, of potatoes, etc., that he has harvested months be fore. Concerning the statistics relating to manufactures, it should be remembered that no one is so much interested in hav ing them correct as the manufacturers themselves. The figures1 now gathered ill be quoted for the next ten years as the official announcement of the exact in dustrial condition of the country, and will largely serve as the basis for future legislation regarding economic subjects Of course, if the information asked were to be made public in detail--exposing to rivals or to those who seek to pry into others' Affairs through curiosity or with malicious motives, such an inquiry as it is proposed to make might prove intoler ably mischievous. But every answer is held strictly confidential and is not dis closed to competitors or others. Noth ing touching the individual is published but only the combined figures covering every industry in a town or State. Nor is the information given used by the gov ernment in any way for the purposes of taxation or to adversely affect any indi vidual business. It is to be hoped that the people will remember this when the enumerators call upon them, and permit no misgivings to lead them to the withholding of informa tion or to communicating anything ex- Useoutor's Notice, ncuumeiiE, ot nfflviifeDco, fertrefsrv o Stat©; and John G. Perry, of Kingstown General Treasurer. The piool^matioa.™ «r. Bud, tlw Utcmy of th. SZiZSTl _ -- ..ppointed House. Exeontor of the IN at Will and Testament of a ftiT,?. for n Knttnnal CJrAnnliAck Con ̂ °' ,n HfCM, deceased, lam of the County of A call tor ft National i*reenoacK ton M(.IJe#nr a(ld state of» IM!m),s> hereby fmes ference, to meet at Indianapolis, Aug. 27 notice that he will appear before the County v„ „„ v., n Innoa Court of MoNeitry County, tit tho Court House has been iBsued by George U. Jones tn Woodstock, «t the Auaruat wrm,on the first Chairman of the National Grsenbael Monday in August next, at which time all (VimmiitM persons having claims against said Kstate, Hn,| requested to ntt.end for the Tjjp NATIONAL CAPITAL purpose >of having the s-une adjusted. All v/wriiAt-. person* Indebted to said Estate arereqnwitcd to m ke immediate payment to the under. A WASHINGTON dispatch says: At th*#f Mrv> , cession of the convention of State Rail road Commissioners a resolution wg adopted that the public interests will bei be subserved by the adoption of a class fication which shall be uniform for tt whole country. RAILWAY GOSSIP. D 1800. JOHN HUKMANN, Executor. Executor's Notice. ECSTATIC of Lawrence Homey, deceased. !i The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, late ot the Conn, ty of McHenry ami Simeof Illinois, hereby give* notice that he will before the 0ount>- Oourtof McHenrv County, at the Court » x'.vm V^t.,- if tf,i Housein Woodstock,at the August term on jtlie A New \OBH aiBpat?h sa>B. At th< Mo„(iay in Auf['nn „ext, at which time annual meeting of the Pacific Mail Georgi all person* having claims against said Estate .. , . . .. j - it., are notified and ronuoatol to attend for the and Jay Gould retired from tD8 airec- pnr|)01ie ol' having the same adju-ted. Ail torv The chance of management brings pernors indebted to said Estate arc r«qnested into control a directory in harmony witb J® make immediate payment to the under- the Canadian Pacific and Great Northerr - Kcilroads. The new Directors are: G B. Houstoo, who wiisNjnce before Praai dent and was re-elected, Calvin S. Bric< Samuel Thomas, C. M. McGliee. Olivi H. Payne. Henry Hart, Edward Lautei bach, C. P. Huntington and I. E. Gatei ^VkcROSSTHE""OCEAN. • Dated 26th day of Mav, A. D. 1«!»0 MARTIN' »VH,.CH. Kxecutor THE "ARNOLD" AUTOMATIC ! jjimnnfrii STILX* »;• .a-: WM Correct Styies, Cut Prices, f̂ ugh Quality, Completeness. • There is not a corner in the store that is not lit up wilh some smart thing other that may be «tran?ar« to you. You are not doing yourself justice it'you let them slip away without taking a peep at them. ' The summer Footwear is about all come. The things are here in variety enouarh to draw you this way wheji time comes to buy. Mayfc»i% tim^B9w. - „ s { And daily laying more deeply £ ? le solid foundation of our busi- / ; the ness, as time passes experience teaches, and a large trade enables us to successfully compete with others in the great trade . 8ecre^fJ|§| of success,guying ii»ht an4 sel4-* , ing ou the scales of justice. < OUR Spring. Jackets , and Capes, Spnng broj* ¥HE Armenian village of Bepahie hai bean destroyed by an earthqunke. ^ THE Spanish Cabinet has decided t^ A invention of Grcnt Merit. A give an, English Fyndicate the contraej Constructed onScien for the Cuban Central railway because L t-i -i* • 'WL: • -ji ,4" •">'"v<«4",VA'.^a Plenty of comfort und 8l vie in them. One Jacket $3.75, sotiQe- thing graceful and substantial. Vest Front, at $5| has fine satin facing and mada up to produce the best ettcct tor little cost. The cloth is diagonal. It i* likely amontf the styles you will find some thing you are not expectiug. The Capes ara now going at cost. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. BONSLETT & STOFFEL Offer 200 sacks of the famous G'iscoette flour at $1 per Back delivered free in any jart of town; 14 pound« choice raisins or^sl; 20 pounds flue peaches for $L. cans good corn for $1; good roasted coffee for 24 cents; good finecuttobacco, Scents; the famouH Jewel axle grease only 5 cents a box; 18 pounds good but ter crackers for choice tea 10 cent*, and the largest stock of general mer chandise in town, equally cheap atid: de sirable. CROCK KKY. If you are in need of Crockery, China, or Glassware, call and examine the flue assortment at J. A. Story's drug Htore. Note a few of the following prices: Wash bowl and pitcher, English wan;..... #1 00 Chamber set, 6 pieces, Eng. ware..;. 1 75 Chamber set, 6 pieces, decorated, brown or pink 2 50 Chamber set, 1.0 pieces, decorated... 3 50 Tea set, 56 pieces, only t» 00 Also fine China sets, a full line of glass ware, lamps, yellow «nd Rockingham ware, &c., &c. Plea^ cnll and examine, _____ j/ i- FOR SALE OK RENT. The house known as the Mrs. fe ll i Clark house, situated in the village « f McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con veniences. Large garden »wd plenty of small fruit. Fof UtriW aJBui- other partic ulars inquire of , ; ̂ II. C. MEAD. cept the exact truth. "Private Joe'a 0<d Captain. When Governor Fifer enlisted as a bare footed boy during the rebellion, we be lieve his old captain's name was Lewis For a good many years after the war Captain Lewis was editor of the Bloom- ington Pantagraph. The ravages of time and the constants toil required of an eiji torial writer have long since told upon Mr. Lewis, and of course he gave way for younger blood A short time ago the Governor felt that it was bis dnty to pro vide for his old Captain, which be did by appointing him to a place ia Springfield The salary, which is like eight hundred or one thousand dollars a year, tfhile not a princely one, was ample for the amount of labor required as well as for Mr. Lewis' wants. But the old veteran could not content himself in the place and requested that the Governor accept his resignation. We question if there is another case on record where a private soldier has been elected Governor of State and in the goodness of his heart hunted up his old Captain and put him in a place where he could feel indei>endent as it were. There is probably one of the biggest streaks of old-fashioned human ity in Private Joe's composition that any man in this day and generation possessee Nearly all men possess more or less of it but in Joe it crops out bigger than a mountain. One of these days the people of the State of Illinois will realize that he is a big man in more ways than one. 'smf satine-flnished Ticks only 30 |tn per yard at Evanson's. THE Forreston Herald says that there is no better medium through which pros perity can be secured to any city than by the village paper, and here is what it says "The newspaper office in a small town is not wholly a private enterprise. It is more a public charge than any other business in the town. It is the means by which the existence of a town is made known to the outside world. It is a tire less, ceaseless worker for the upbuilding of the town and the upholding of the vitues and hopes of the people. There is probably no factor that enters more prominently into the developement and upbuilding of a town, county or com munity than a newspaper. 16 is untiring in its work of advancing the interests the community in which it is published and is a constantreminder to the outside world of the existance, resources and advantages of such a community. Other agencies, it is true, frequently bring city, town or county into prominence and materially assist its growth, but there are none that for steady^persistenteffect ual work can compare with a live, pro gressive newspaper, a newspaper in the true sense of the word. Its work is steady continual and far reaching; its influence for the good is potent, and day and night makes that influence felt wherever it circulated. By it people of other sections judge the town or city in which it is pub lished; through its columns they glean pretty aourate idea of the religious, edu cational social and business advantages possessed by such localities. The news paper is a standing advertisement of the city or town in which it is published, and it should be the bounden duty of every man who has the good of the place at heart to see that such advertisement ' as widely circulated as possible. MILES' NERVE & LIVER PII^LS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid li ver, piles aud constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples at Geo. W. Besley's. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA G.\TVBL The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, nlcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bunds, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively ourfs piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Resh y. H.B. THR00P, Auctioneer, Algonquin, in Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Farming Tools, Merchandise, Rea Estate, etc. All orders promptly filled I make this rav exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele graph me at Algonquin, 111. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Too many Shoes, hence the extreme low prices. They are new and stylish Prices are ranging from $2.50 to $3.25 Some are Boloit goods, others are Racine and Chicago. Every pair fully warranted and we lower the price to $2 in order to close them out at once. Will be ready for you Thursday morning. Corsets must receive your attention soon. Some of them we wish to close out are offered at 25 cents. Cheap enough at 50 to 75 cents. We will have several thousand yards Silk Ribbons for you the last day of May. The price for that day only, to close them, 10 cents. It will pay you to look over the fair assortment India Lin en and Victoria Lawn at 6, 8, 10 and 11 cents. Remember the $2 Shoes ready Thursday. JOHN EVAKHON & Co. Cheap, Durable, Simple, Effective. To prove to you that It i« all we claim for it, we give below a few of the many testi monials which have been given us l>y ihoee who have uaed them and know whereof they speak. WKST MCHBNKT, III,, May 24, 1S90. MR. Hsmir RUKDICK. Ilarinir thoroughly tested your ArnoM Steam Cooker in our faniilv, we find it all you represent It to be. Further, I regard It ite the best way of cooking nearly all fond -is re urds its wholesomenesR, and, confeeijuently, ieaUhfula«Mt V'iry respectfully, A. S. OIULDR, M. D. 1 MCHENRT, May 23d, 1890. MR BURDTCK. Air.--I have nam! the Steam Cooker pur chased of you for four weeks and am well pleaded with the way it bakes bread, as well as all other articles uf diet. T»o much cannot be said In its favor. Respectiuliv, MRS T. li. TURNER. RTOHMOND, March 27, 1890. This IB to certify tlw. I have purchased of Henry Bursiick one of the Arnold Automat ic Steam Oookors, and have used it sufficient ly to know that it is a laixir-saving article, and believe it to be what it Is represented. MRS. GKO. MCCONI>ELI. This is an artlolo that should be in every household and no one will be without one after they have used it. Sold only by author ized Agents. HENRY BURDICK. AGBHX. Richmond, Illinois. AGENTS WANTED! „ FOR IMS ]JARKP0NTINSNI By J. W. BUE The mott saccesiful American Author POSITIVELY THE ONLy COMPLETE NEW STANLEY BOOK AND PICTURESQUE AFRICA. FROM TBE WRITINGS OF HENR1T1I STANLEY. Two hundred thousand o,opi»B sold In weeks, and the demand rapidly increasing. Nothing like it has been known in the liUtory of book publishing. Ttiis is the only book containing a complete lite of the world s hero, Henrv M. Stanley, with a full history of all his great explorations, and potsrlvely the only complete account of hi* laat ami grand est expudition for the relief of Kmin Pasoa t'roiri his own thrilling reports. All other pre tended Stanley books ars imperfect and in complete. Send for proofs and satisfy your self. This great work aiso contains ihe his tory of Africa and its people for more than one thousand years, illustrated with live hundred engravings, colored plates and numerous maps, the only complete plctur- esque history of Africa ever published. It is wonderful, thrilling, magnificent! Don't be deceived by false representations, but send for proofs and facts. "Heroes ot the Dark Continent" is published in one splendid quarto volume of 570 pages, equal to 1,200 octavo pages, with live hundred magnilicen illustrations, colored plates, and numerous maps; price, only f3. Agents wanted, Ter ritorv unrestricted. Sales enormous. Send for pictorial circulars, or. to save time, send 81 for Complete Canvassing Out til with guar antee ot $100 clear the lirst month, or your money for outfit refunded. If you have been deceived into canvassing for any of the bogu« Staniey books, we will exchango Outd ts with you FUKK. We mean business. See our standing in Dun's and Bradstreet'a Com' mercial Reports. Address, HI&TOKIOAL PUBLISHING CO,, JSY. jbouis, Mo., or I'hilddelphki, Pa. Look over the newest style* in Satines at Evanson's. Special good bargains in sheetings at Evanson's. Extra Bargains in Parasols. Silk Um brellas, Silk Mitts, (all colors), Sateens, in fact anothing needed for immediate or future use is here. Would be pleased to meet you. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Gorham, "Buckeye, Van Brunt, New Triumph and Badger seeders and drills at E. M. Owen & Sou's. Cucumbers. Contract your cucumbers where they will be taken the, entire season and no kicking. VV. A. Criwty makes contracts that way and takes both sizes. Call be fore contracting A special extra quality cucumber seeds for sale. w, A. ClUSTY. West McHenry, 111. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. Edward Silvey, hicago, gives testi mony: "My wiie had catarrh twenty-five years; suffered severely for six years be fore she began to use your remedy. Un able to breathe except through the mouth. In a most, critical condition. Tried everything without, relief when Dr. Streeter advised her to buy 1 arke's Ex tract of Flax (Papillon) atarrh ure. Relief followed immediately. She contin ued to use it until she is now entirely cured. Her health has not been so good in many years." Price, $ 1. Wash the baby with Clarke's Flax Soap. 25 cents. Geo. W. Besley, druggist, now has the Flax remedies on hand. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite,Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. A. Story. Tennis Flannels, fair assortment, prices fire lowered to close out at Evanson's. XMFHQITISD Wire. Spur lor sale at the Harness Shop of Wm. Walsh, West McHenry Illinois. S. SHERMAN. West McHenry, May 2d, 1890 Two kinds to show our ideas of< selling; - 3 pair good 15 Hose, 25 cents; Ladies' Ribheil tinderwe^f*' fetch women here quick and lots of them. ^gjeiits^ cent to Is not composed of harmless, poetry, but of the largest an£ . "• best variety ift " , Spring and % Merchandise. ^ Unbleached This week, at 5 cents. « Yard ook for this two weeks from now Shirting, 15lo:»ched,8ceiit3. Tennis Flannel Ever shown in this town tig any firm. Our store is ciowdea in every nook and corner with goods ft hose high quality praii^e their owners; their small mat-, gins draw praise from all pu|k chasers who daily call. Our -V • • r. Dress Goods 1*2 should n->t «t,ioape yfl>ur; notice. '"i That are inteye&ting to look at. Step in and look them over. Cotton and wool stripes 3l> inches wide. The little price, 20 cents, is humming aloud some pleasant trade music. Sateens, yard wide, at 10c, the better grades 12 1-2 to "35. The Summer Corsets are here, 50 to 85. The completeness of the whale Corset stock may interest you nlso. See them. . Whatever new the Shoe manufacturers are turning out comes here as quickly as anywhere and is sure to be attractively priced. No need to waste words if you are trying to whittle down house* hild expenses. The store's sympathy is with you. Of course you understand we are Cash Dealers, . ' » If TrOTi«nrVr.»r^ i j| f| ---- John Evanson & Co. Ribbon Bargains Saturday Next. With a full line of the new< matched Trimmings were moftt carefully selected from the beat markets, and our Henrietta*, Cashmeres. Serges, Brilliantines, etc., and the choicest coloring? to be found, and suitable for geo* emil, as well as tor weddings, etc. See them, 4i#hadei 36 inch ' j riett, SJ5 Cents, Satteens, Ginghams, Tennis, Toile du Words, Print®, White Goods. We without quest on have the largest and =best stock ot Ki b bons, Lac^ Fabric Glove, Notions, etc. We offer unusual discounts on j i>ur well selected stock ot waifr* Ijranted IFootwean • • f * fx/-* !MUST S f p ; on regular stock Mil make some of these t. Of the famous C* U*. Farg^ iand Phelan & Yorkey manufac ture. Ohilds Goat Shoes. 50o, &0cto$1.20; Misses 75c, $1 to $2; Ladies $1.25 to $5; Mens fullv warranted haud pegged plow shoe only $1.25; mens flue shoes, $2, $2^50, $3, etc, Beloit Overalls, ANt> JACKETS. O ur _ stock of these sterling' I goods is complete all round at | greatly . reduced prices. Fully warranted, ••j; Stores scratch to meet them even at New Hats, Stylish Hat*, TRY US. In great variety of styies and prices. The newest ideas, the ' losest prices. ELEGANT J. W. Cristy & Son Just teceived direct from "the r»T\Tnnrrvrv^ TV T . manufacturers, Thomas & Hay- KLNljr W U(JD, ILL, I den. The newest ideas at low figures; High Quality c»: iNo. 9701. Qm&m. o Record 2:20. Will be for service the barns of George* W. Owen, McHenry, Illinois. .TERMS, $50. payable In Cash, balance •tiiE NIX inonthM from service without interest. Interest after due at 8 per cent. •'G«ior(reO." was sivcil by Lakeland AlHlallah 36). by the founder of our trotting vtonders. oM Rysdytes Hambletonian, 10. . Dam ot George O u by Autocrat, a son of* G<or;{e M. Patclieu, 30, record Kbet ptH-.ed at six years oil a halt mile in l:06^r and at 17 years a full mile in 2:27. "Georgp O " has had very limited ad van-, tagee in the stud, never having tired a stan di! rd bted uiare, but hie colts are ali very •j cedy and sell tor long prices. He sired a two-year-old with a r««ord of S.4d. trial H mite in 1:22 to Bo»d Oart. •xosei W.0WXV. :: JKe.7«niv» Winait. STORY & McOMBER, dealers w- GENERAL HARDWARE, t; " • ^ STOVIS, BRAHITi-lBQH AND TI8WABE. Barlwd Wire, Screen Doors, Window Screens, ; , And Wire ClotR of aU Widths. ? Sporting Goods and Cutlery. If B STOVES, The Universal and New Process Stoves that by far outrank any other Vapor btoves in the Market. See them Glaas of All make a specialty of D*iry Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin. Copper mud Sheet-IroiK 3jfour patronage is ' respecttully'so- liciteJ. . ..... JS • - CLOTHING. Of the best wear can be found at our store in the best variety ever shown in the county selected with a view to satisfy the wants of our patrons, as we have done in the past. »We can fit and please all from our large $tock, in style, qu%l:ty and price* MAT BID SOBSEBS, We also have in stock at cloee prices, CleftK, Standard Honest Abe Flour only $1 p«r lack, delivered to any p»rt tne town. Dont forget •J. M.:vH STOliY & M'OMBER, r- >*,