1W®IN^DAY, JUNE 18, 1890. JT. VAN SLTKE. Editor. f~» A I > T? D Maybe found on FA I r-iJrC «>« »«• «KO. P. X, A OO.'S Newspujier Advertising H»i'iu (JO 8pru«c Street), where Advertising 'SHH'TTNEW YORK. •&AXX THE REPUBLICANS BUN THREE CANDIDATES FOB THE IiEOISLATUBEP • This is a question that is agitating the mads o! a large number of Republican voters in this, the Eighth Senatorial District, since the hopeless split in the Democratic Convention last week. We have advices from different parts of the District that the Senatorial Committee will be asked to put a third man on the ticket, and it will be a call that the Com mittee cannot afford to ignore. For six years the Republicans have been cheated Ottt of their just rights, and a Republican United States Senator put in jeopardy by rank cowardice. No one can offer c>ne legitimate reason why the third man fljbould not be put up. Then why is it imposed? . 'yjn asking that & third man be put up on the ticket, we are not opp&shig those already nominated. We are simply ask ing that the Republicans of the Eighth District be allowed to use the j>ower that they have in their hands, and send three t|ood Republicans to represent this Dis trict in the Lower House of our State Legislature. We believe the time has come when the Republican voters will de mand it and will not submit to dictation longer. We expect before our next issue that some decisive move will be made to the end of settling the question that beads this article. We believe that no man or set of men have a right to dictate to the voters in this matter. It is a vital question that may effect the entire Re publican party of the State. And right here will come the question, vhu shall be the third man on the tick «t? We say, any good, sound, able Re publican. But the Pi-.aindkai.ek would Mggest the name of Hon. Charles H. Thyox, of Hebron. He has represented this District one term in the Legislature •biy and well, and would have been re- ^ fleeted had not the Senatorship inter- |H veiled and took it from the county. He t'ti eminently a man of the people and gpl; I ^tould fill the position now, as heretofore, | #ith credit to himself and the people be |L represented. If the voice of the people is If; '• leard and three candidates are brought / before the voters, as we confidently pre- V"- diet there will be, we trust Mr. Tryon's fp I " name will receive due consideration, al- R», , Sv though these suggestions are made with- iSffihis knowledge or consent, but we are a'i • Jiure his Republicanism would not allow %> - / him to shrink from a duty thus imposed npon him. 00 ***** fgf The Democratic Senatorial Conven- /tSon for this district was held at Wood- *> stock Wednesday last and was called to by W. A. Melody, of Lake, who Was chosen chairman. Chas. Lemmers and Fred Renich were made secretaries . And nominations for representative were inadeas follows: John C. Donnelly, of McHenrv, Geo. W. Murch, of Boone, and Geo. Wait, of Lake. An informal ballot was taken with the following result: Donnelly 21, Wait 18, Murch 6. On the formal ballot Murch received 24 votes • fend Donnelly 21, and Murch was de- 1 . dared the nominee. After adjournment Another convention was called and Don- of Woodstock, put m nomination. IW* A special dispatch from Rockford to the Inter Ocenn, under date of June 14th, says: "Last night Rockford was visited by the most terrific rain storm experienced in this section since 1858, when there was not .so much property here to damage as there is now. It is estimated that the damage done by the storm was nearly f .300,000, principally due to the sudden and unprecedented rise of Kent's Creek and Keith's Creek, two small streams which empty into Rock River within theci fcy limits. Both streams flow directly through the city and their banks are covered with factories,railroad sidetracks and residences. Their rise last night was terrible sudden, both rising from ten to twenty feet withiu a single hour. Kent's Creek, which is ordinarily less than twenty f<*;t wide in the widest place, suddenly overflowed, so that in places it was over a thousand feet in breadth. The sky was overcast and gloomy all day yesterday and at about 8 o'clock it began to rain and thunder, and within an hour thestorm was terrific. The rain poured down in sheets and the lightning flashed almost continuously^ The waters in ihe creeks rope so suddenly that many people were first,' informed of their danger by feeling the water rising over their beds. All at once there was an alarm and the entire police depart ment, fire department, and company of citizens under the leadership of Mayor Sherrat, began the work of rescue. It was dark and difficult work, but it was well done that so far «« hns been learned not a life was lost. Hundreds of houses were entirely surmounted by water, and the inmates had to lie rescued by boats, Many houses were entirely submerged and in many more the water reached the second stories. Some were floated off their foundations and hundreds of people lost from twenty-five to a thousand dollars by damage to their household goods." , Clerk of the Supreme Court. Hon. H. C. Whittemore, of Sycamore, is a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Supreme Court for the Northern Grand Division of Illinois, and is receiv ing many very friendly expressions from the various parts of the district. Capt, Whittemore was deputy county clerk when he enlisted, aud has also served as deputy circuit clerk. He is eminently well qualified for the office, has a splen did soldier record, and is an honest and honorable gentleman in every rcsj>ect. If the State treasurership is given to Chicago, the clerkship should in fairness be given to the country, and tbe country will be nearly unanimous in asking that Mr. Whittemore be chosen. If they are successful it will be particularly gratify- ing, not only to the Republicans of Syca more, but to those of the 5th District as well.--Sycamore Republican. 1I!§§S1!IS! < * , ^ M ' , , 1 V.H } , , ** , i * carry an extra large stock of men's fine and medium priced Suits. Boys black and dark colored Confir mation Suits, and boys knee pant Suits at Bottom Prices. m-/* ¥m: miuiim .1 TPS* Full stock of elegant patterns at 10c, 22c, 35c, 50c, 60c and 75c, which we guarantee cannot, be equal ed for price or quality, There ate nomtlntly «nm« trelcohre'tWii(r f vt the paying- customer. New ideas in regard to dress, new stuffs and clean cut things. Family fittings ot all sorts for land or water. The flight Fox-or-Pistaqua- Hay-ward m ty suggest many things found any where perhaps, but never *o cheap as here. All the Oh allies are turned to Fieijch pitch this week. Going at 6 to 6 1»SN> : V - ' PABASWUSI ARASOr.N t week are clow to tlw hu$m «%e. styles than you look tor, ' ' -v ;v And daily laying mote the solid foundation of our busi ness, as time passes experience teaches, and a large trade enables us to successfully compete with others in the great trade secret of success, buying ii»ht and sell ing pju.the scales of ;, .„• V'i' OUR • t'fr: (lest French, a$ soft anu sweet as the loved faee thai f p t t ' l t t y o u r . d r e s | f c « y , ' f W » r 3 5 « e n t # » { . $ f • Spring Crop I* not *jotapo?ed of hatmless poetry, but of the largest and at J best variety o4 ,21 v ; 'vsii Spring and Summer " J F I N B ! S H O E S ! ; I®*The Census Office at Washington ' has sent out an important circular to all $/' the enumerators now in the field through- out the country, some 45,000 in all, also to the. supervisors, calling attention to the penalty for the misdemeanor of re- . j vealing any of the information procured i„ in taking the census. Not even a rough < ,, , exti mate of population must be given out, and persoual information would be par ticular reprehensible. This circular should . remove all intelligent objection to answer- Sv' • ing any question on the schedules. IfiVThelndiansinMontana are getting very uneasy and are spoiling for some deviltry. The Cheyenne bucks are scat tered over the country in small parties intimidating settlers by their insolent conduct and killing their cattle. Gov. Toole is supplying the settlers with anns and ammunition. The cavalry and three companies of infantry have been ordered from Fort Keogh to Sweeney Creek, where the trouble is brewing, and more will be ordered out soon. |®*The Democratic convention in ses- sion at Springfield, last week, instructed the Democratic members of the next Gen eral Assembly to support General John M. Palmer for United States Senator^ also nominated the following State tick* | et: State Treasurer, Judge E. S. Wilson, of Olney; Snj>erintendent of Public In struction, Henry Raab; Trustees of the State University, It. P. Morgan of Living ston county, J. H. Bryant, of Bureau and R. C. Kinsbrough, of Vermillion. I®" The Governor has issued calls for special elections to be held July 15 in the following Senatorial districts, to fill va cancies in the House of. Representatives of the General Assembly: Thirty-fifth, to succeed A. B. McDowell, resigned; Thirty-sixth, to succeed A. C. Matthews, resigned, and John J. Teefey, deceased; Forty-sixth, to succeed Charles M. Lyon, resigned. Now the question naturally arises why not also in the Eighth District, to succeed K. M. Haines, deceased? l8T"The call for a special session of the Illinois General Assmbly was issued by Governor Fifer Friday last. The Legisla ture is to meet July 23, and must confine itself to the one subject for which the session is called. The Governor was dis posed at first to give a chance to amend the compulsory education act, but wiser counsels prevailed. The "one thingneed- ful" should be done without being mixed up in any way with any other subject. Nobody in the county carries a finer stock of Boots and Shoes than we. Do not fail to see the extreme Low Prices we make on our medium low priced goods. We buy all our goods for Spot Cash Only, and therefore can sell you at Bottom Prices. . . . . \ Yours Respectfully, PERRY & OWEN. dURTAIJJS, NETTINGS, tiow and high grade VViiidow Shades, a-^you prefer. i L ' ' » Curtains, in pairs, about $4 pair Mt. and with ea Lace *;urtains, in pairs fHirtain Pole, with briss overstocked on ,?•: Men's pair or wood trimming*, •v ...... . . i. , •'* Job lot I each pair a FREE. We are Cuffs and Collars with each. The price has been from 85c to $1 each. We bunch them all in at 50 cents to close them out. Sizes 14 to 16. Have you seen our • r LADIES CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE'FIRE I PROOF. Cor. Washington and Clark Sts. (Coolest Theatre in City--supplied with all the Latest ' Ventilating Devices, anil with Ieed Air.) DAVID HENDERSON Manager Thursday Evening JUNE 19 th AND EVERY NIGHT THEREAFTER. Reproduced! Recostumed! iSTThe political kettle is beginnig to boil, says an exchange. Yes, and some one is going to get badly scalded, too. I®" The sales of Butter at Elgin, III., Monday, were 5,220 pounds at 14(ajl4% cents. The market was active, with an upward tendency. pi- 1ST A Co-operative eating house is in operation at Decatar, 111., which reminds us of Bellamy's "Looking Backward.' Instead of separate rooms for each family, however, there are separate tables in one large hall. The cost is $2.75 a week for adults and $1.40 for children and, besides, the servant-girl problem, it is claimed, has been largely solved in this way. Fifty two people are identified with the enterprise. Will You Suffer with l>yspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh Vitalieer it guaranteed to cure you. Sold by J. A. Story. h • H&latead on the African Explorer In writing of Stanley and his elephant gun in The Cosmopolitan, Mr. Halstead shows that he has settled down and fuljy warmed up to his new work on the east ern coast, and that he is training his own elephant gun, in first class trim, on men and things. Here is a characteristic passage: In the midst of the extraordinary hon ors heaped on Stanley Afriganus, and the universal celebration of his hardihood and his heroism, it should be remembered that he is something more than a man of the highest courage and the boldest ability--that he is of a missionary spirit and has a solemn sense of the sacred gravity of his mission. Ht* uses the ele- §hant gun on the savages who howl for is blood on the borders 6f the strange rivers of the dark land, and he order* criminals to execution withthecommand. "Take him to God;" but he has faith that he has been afforded divine protec tion in opening the most benighted laud on earth, the darkest of tbe Dark Conti MBty tO tl|i: o (No. 9701. Record 2:26. TERMS, $50. One half payable in Cash, balance by Note doe six montht, don. service wiuiout int«rp«t Interest after <lue at 8 per cent ln'erc8t, «'.'Cte01ISe^-" *'?8 siret' Lakeland AMallah •151. by the toumler ot our trotting wonder* oM ttysrfykes Hambletonian, 10 g *,ond®r8» Dam of George o n hy Autocrat, a gon of G e o r g e M . 1 a t c h e n , 3 0 , r e c o r d 2 - 2 i S h e paced at six years ol I a halt n.ile jnl-06* iinil at 17 years a full mile in 2:27. ' "George O " has had very limited ad van. tages in the stud, never having bred a atan. lard b»ed mare, but hia colts are all very ipeedy and sell tor long prices. • I ^a record of 1.49, trial it mile in 1:22 to Road Oart. GE0EGE W. 0W«iI mm. . .. . , MM, Reconstructed Rescened! SURPASSING PREVIOUS EFFORTS OF THIS THEATRE • • --ii P.RYSTAL SUPPER At $1.20 to $1.50? If not look them over. Qf course you un derstand we prefer to sell you a higher prjeed shoe 1! you 40" desire. Straw Goods for BSvarybody. % Fine Mackinaw Straw Bats. 50 cents, and they are cheap at that price. Dont forget the Silk Mitts at 25c; the Summer Corset at 50a la S5&f4ho Pamoolo amfc^jfeU tn breita^: Tin Jnn© 21st. of Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. 'Great noise on high grade Hose on that day. We have at least 100C pairs resMar 50c goods. Sale price Saturday, 25c. Look in anyway. RESPECTFULLY, Ever shown in this town l>yf any firm, Our store is ciowded in every , nook and corner with goods hose high quality praise their owners; their small mar gins draw praise from all pur chasers who daily call.?;. Oar Dress Goods With a full line of the newest matched Trimmings were mosn carefully selected from the best market*, and our Henriettas, 3 Cashmeres. Serges, Brilliantines, etc., and the choicest colorings^; tri he found, and suitable for gen eral, as well as for weddings, etc. See them, A lI Shade» 30 inoh Hen*^ riett, 852Cent«* U%,• Satteens, Ginghams, Lawn Tennis, Toile du Nords, Prints, White Goods. We without ( quest on have the largest an<} V best stork of ItibSons, Laces, ; •, Fabric Glove, Notions, etc. . We offer unusual discounts o<||5| our well selected stock ot warir ranted ' ̂ llolm Evanson & Go. Footwear ̂ YOI; BUY. Our prices cm regular make some of these will Of the famous C. H. Fargok J and Phelan & Yorkey manufao* tnre. "hilds Goat Shoes. 50cf 90c to $1.20; Misses ,75c, $1 to <2; Ladies $1,25 to $5; Meuft fully warranted haud pegged plow shoe only $1.25; mens fliDi|^ shoes, $2, $2.50, $3, etc. 1 Beloit Overalls, AND JACKETS. goods is complete all round greatly reduced prices warranted, .. Stores scratch to meet them even at their Special Bargain Salen. New Hats, Hats, <>V' 'f ^ ' 'J In great, variety of styles and prices. The newest ideas*, '* ~ • losest prices. J. W. Cristy & Son, •OE- RINGWOOD. ILL. Prince Prettiwitz and Little Cinderella. Libretto by - HARRY li. SMITH Detignedbj/ - ALFRED THOMPSON Scenery by FRED DANGERFIELD and WM. VOEGTLIK, Umic by F. H KILLER, FRED EUSTIS, FRED GAOE3L and RICHARD MADDERN Costumes by - - - DAZIEN Armor and. Jewel* by - LEON HIRCH Properties hy - BRADWELLdt EDGERLY Meclutnical Contrivances by - RICKET'I S Electrical Illuminations by - KRVGER Ballets by S1G. ROMEO STACKS AMD PRODUCES UVDEB BICHMtD BARKER'S DIRECTION. FULLY 200 PEOPLE ON THE STAGE! A GRAJND BALLET OF 80 CORYPHEES! Lad by 3TBL. QVAL1TZ, 1ILI.K. BIOBONBO and WM. MARTINI. CHORUS OF JO VOICES AND AN ARMY OF TRAINED AUXILIARIES THE SGEHERY AND A FEW OF THE INCIDENTS. VliO UK} UK. Bom 1.--In the Oatacombs. Sjroons, the Witch ot HkHwIiium. a. id tier Demon Cnlw. ACT .FIK8T. 8okmk 2.--Onnd gqcuire in th« City of Pnt- ulotadt. Scene 8--Butn ial Kitc.hen in Anthraolte Caatle 8ceke i-~ Klizatxthun t iftrderm of the Com tie. The Pumpkin, thi 1 Mice, 11 o Li zhhIk and the Hat; the State Coach » xkI Ponio ; tlm Otar.luiiBO, the Vatete, and the M ^tdcal M«<t imorphoHi*. BOENE 5.-- A <i litnpeo of F)iiryl«ii<l --Mother Goose's Merry M; tzw, tli« No r»ery lUiyirie.i Diver. tUuement: Little Bf-I*eep iuid ikt HIkm-ii ; Jack and Jill; Little ' Ury I'.hio aiic Mikk Muttot; Jack Horner and (-oi itrar>' Mary ; Four tuui Tw«uly Blackbirds Bake din a Pin ; Fr would a-Woo- tns Go, and the Xjilly-whit« I)u <ik7 A HKCONL* Soenk R.--Perittiieof tbe Palace of Polydore of PrcttiwiU. . Sckke 7 --The Court Conflprviifories in Poly- dore'H Put ace--A Thonsand Wonderti. culmina ting in <'inderfilla'n kiiccoki; the Imperial Gavotte and Grand Uauquot Hallft, preceded by a Proces- nion, embrxiyinK h Snniptuous Service of Koyal Plata in Gold and Silver; Triumphal Kntry of Knives. Forks and Spoon*; Gorgeous Display of Cct>fl, 1* Ihroijh and Epergnen ; Princely Plate and Dainty Dixliea; Menu printed on Satin : a Deli cious Dessert; Eclaira«e Kleotriqne ; Flight of Cinderells. ACT THIRD. Bobmx 8.~Rlne Pavilion at the Haron's. Hokne 9.--The Huron'** Garden (Moonliuht.) Bcbmkh 10, 11, 12. 18.--TranBC«-n<leiilJil Trans formation. The Hulls of Time; the Fairy Wish bone ; the Wedding Preaenta and Cinderella • Clock; Realm* of the Revolving Hoars. FINAL*. Costumes Never Before Equaled ! Scenery Gorgeous and Artistic! Novelties In Properties Unsurpassed! Dazzling Armor! Glittering Equipages! -MLIOB8- Evenings r 26c. to $ i 50 Matinees : 25o. to $ <. ESECURE. MATIMEE SEATS FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-^I Just received direct frond _ manutacturera, Thomas & Hay- den. The newest ideas at low figures. High Quality * , STORY & CLOTH1N® dealers in Of the best fit, cut and wear can ^ be found aCoiiritiore inbelt ? variety ever shown in the county ! selected with a view to satisfy £he wants of our patrous, as we GENERAL V T M A V U , J s t o c k ^ ̂ B t ^ a n d p r i c d % STOVIS, ORAHH1-IBOH AHD TIBWAB8. Barbed Wire, Screen Doors, Window Screens, And Wire Cloth of all Width|. Sporting Goods and Cutlery. STOVES, The Universal and New Process Stoves tbat by far outrank any other Vapor Stoves in the Market. See them Glass of All * e make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tiu. Copper Tour paUiWi^ M ^pecttully so- lieiua- -v- . .• •'v * i fW-V: f t ; - «. - i STOdY & M' ? A. UATCEED B EDESS, . We also have in stock at c1«m« a prices, * > Clean, Standard' «. Honest Abe Flour only $1 pef sack, delivered to any part ol tne town. Dontforge^ - , - • .-A. J ' _ it?. "J" '