»1 i under the a l*»*e h(»<t jdUes of the W. C T. U* M ptrt or oMriil tot taflnano* i* Needed. RV. M. E. Cross appeals to th« and asks them to give their to the temperance cause. He MjNthe potent influence of woman ha* been acknowledged in all ages. Early i* tiie history of the race we observe a Sarah, a Rebecca, and a Rachel, whose iaflamoe was acknowledged. Who hail •ot known, either by observation or ex perience, the influence of the youthful sa&iden over the young man, her lover t Wottt iti's influence reigns in the domestic ejt*d@, makes home attractive and happj -f©r wretched, if the influence is wrong. We solicit your influence in the temper^ Moe cause. You have been the greatest •uHerere from alcohol. Some of you have jipen •your homes made desolate and Wretched by the intemperance of those you loved. There are wives in agony from the degradation of their husbands^ 1*e«e are sisters who have followed be loved brothers to the drunkard's grave! You will need no urging to enlist under "the pure banner of temperasoe. Female Wends!, as you value your it^ppiuesa, as you regard the welfare of yfrur children, as you love your country, 4o not unite yourselves to the ineberiate; 4o not give the tempting beverage to your children. You mould the minds of tljp rising generation; let the imprest ,fdo stamp on them be pure and bright^; Tfaimk not, female friends, that you are Atepping beyond your proper sphere by p fiertions in the temperance cause. # ,5 t' "Say not that woman's band ? j Kor tempetanoe hath no power; That she most meek speetator k ID reformation's hoar. Behold in garments made, 4 That woman now hath wroughtfl;* How is the inebriate's hon)» art^yeA vv iiiL® t" la comforts ahe hath brought!" >£i* ' • ' ~ -- - • t4'v %' - s , ^ ih- THE ARNOLD" AUTOMATIC : is. tesK hf- i)"' The XVA . Swallow fend ';$* Raven contended was the finer bird.) iScven ended by savingil "f#W beauty is but for the! .MMUHer, but mine wlllj itiutd many wlnters,"i Durability is bet- /y., sjerthan show.xv.^# imn/eijofrnw,, ai?y Soaps w/kL a.i?ypery>isou$wH ?y .Soaps are Djaoe fir; But)}oi?earell?ene,lfctsta Isite Santa £iVus> if is THE BEST. Ifyoawayfyour vAshing, Scrubbing, -SCOURING ajni , •; cleaning - v0k eajy, uje SaMta ClausSoar AND PONT YOU FORGET IT V MADE ONLY BY ̂ _ ]£k.FXirbank & Go.* Chicago. WEBSTER r THE BEST INVESTMENT Par the Family, School, or Professional Library. White oY ohi* lino t nro v(*>isnmiblv ctimplete| we fthall Itwj ^ .feC if ' fs titi broke if tit firiy•»* .ind Weijs, , '71 ny younir ninn Wanting H good find neat suit of Clothing for the Fourth of July £tt«S£»|fa *'"*^ * * - ?* H * mm-. ,'"V I v j . ^ 1 \'rlvi* • v. 1. S;." (• « 1 . « * , A Ana you can't afford to do otherwise when you know the in- ; dncements otFored by tlie Kuoda, Woodstock aud Dun dee (at-b Stores of C. F. Hall, A^ent. The stores are filled wit% a chfiicev and well-selected ntock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots and 8hoet», % Groceries, etc. ^ |#ett which are worthy of your attention, they wiiI IWd fer Cash Daly and Ob* Ptfe* te AB. m A llBRAItr m ITSELF DKTIONi im.-i * ^ i" atefrv, ^ A Novel invention of Great Merit. XBchisehoId N«ceseity. Constructed on Scien-«lb principles. 1 ap, Durable, Staple, Effective. ffo prove to you that it is all we claim for j H.we give below a few of tlie many trsti-«niBial« whien have been given ns by thote itto hare used them and know whereof thev WKST McUENET, 111,. May 24. 1®0. 1C|tt HKNttT BURDICK. ^Uaving thoroughly tested four AraoM I •Vteaw Cooker in our family, we find It all yon ft to be. Further, I regard it aa %*9 beat way of cooking nearly all food »s re ttfdsita wtiolesomeness, ami, consequeDtly, ljilJtl>ful,i>e»*. Ymrf leapeettuily, A. ii. CHU.D8, U. D. ;'JkY" ifCHEHET, May 23d, 1890. Bcumntr. I have used the Steam Cooker |iur-of you for four weeks and am Well I I with the way it bakes bread, as well I *11 other articles of diet. Too much cannot ] .aaid In its favor. Respecttulty, MRS. T. B. TUBKCB. EICHMOSW, March 27,1890. "This is to certify thar< I have purebred • Hssrf Burdick one of the Arnold Antomat. Cookers, and have used it sufficient. If to know that it is a labor-saving article, < Md believe it to be what it is represented, v- M E8. ti EO. MaOONB BLL. This is an article that should be in every use hold and no one Wilt be without one j i they have uueu iu Sold only by author-. Agents. HENKV BfjaDICK. AGEKT. Biehvond, llllaois. :v-D' L COliPTOfl, ir Airentforthe mssm fOM2» OF NEW YORK*! Capital, #8,981,1 4»a. A ED TBI I OF HABTFd&B» Vy* Capital, 010,071,550, fiie tested, time tried Cotananies. Insures - J|«ainH Kire, Lighiinogand Wind-storins, at , I*.,' wr W« uwat reasonable rates. Kor Insuren««e .V-:. : ' -Md turther V*-,. air lt| • , ) - * pirticulars apply to J. Compto*. no lias been 35 mf> in the outi. ways K»VJ entire satisfaction to $***, IU.« May 20th, 18BU. ^.MDHLWAYSGAV FLY N ETS :S#" CHEAP AND STRONG. ees to salt ali deato?*LMnA* F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. ' ' ^ Estate, iStock, Farming I > ' Household Furniture, and Goods AIL KUTOB fetteaded to on the moatreas-' iu'" ' «MtWeterms. •M-i-X . 9 ~M QSANOBB V Wefct MeHenr? II kM permanently cured THOUSANDS pronounced by doctors hope- j. H yon h*V6 premonitory gvmn- Cough, Difficalty of Ae., don t delay, but ue nSIJ von CONSUMPTION y. ByPrnggtota. 2Saenta. BLATCHFORD & CO., of Chi tod Bonelett h Btoffel Mew, wnieu all farmers fair triaL, V«y «low HUVC or lwse loto W"' <w- ••mtAt Has been for years Standard Authority in the Government Printing Office and U» S. Su preme Court. It is highly recommended oy 38 State Sup'ts of Schools and the leading1 College Presidents. Nearly all the School Books published in this country are based upon "Webster, as attest ed toy the leading School Book Publishers, 3000 mora Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary ̂ SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Tfce Hew York World says: Webster is al most universally eoneededto be the belt. Tht BOBtOH Globe Says: Webster is the ac knowledged standard in lexicography. Yka Atlanta Constitution says: Webster has Tong^>ee!?RJesUindardauthority in our office. ^ Tie Chicago Inter Ocean says: Webster's HCnaSndgecnias always been the Btandard. The Wew Orleans Times Democrat says , i êbsterT t̂eiuIar̂ Iuniorit̂ ^^urSftce. He Hew York Tribune say s: It is recognized as the most useful existing "word-book" of the English language all over the world. „ ' Bold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. C.*C. •ERRIAMJtCO., Pub'ra, Springfield, Maa* ThefSSl VIBRATOR Every Ehterprising Thresherman knows that : ^ije threshing macl that will %ork the most clean perfectly, i save all the graijr will bring him the best jobs and best prices, and so he will . /* ; Write now to k > once investigate our claim that beats anything heretofore made in ese and other points. The wide-awake Farmer will also get our circulars and satisfy himself ether he can to have his grain wasted by other threshers when he can make money by having his grain threshed with the* New Vibrator Our pamphlet giving full information about Threshing Machinery Traction Engines^ ^ sent on application. m AV, ~ -*x: <- »u gOOdiij Am THIS ADVERTISEMENT Says thai anything in the tine of Ccak btf bought * GH€AP|R F08 ^ASI .;>v are semlinof out th% "ad" io reach the far-off trade not" ; naturally coniiiij» to us. The home tiade knows a ^ood thiuj; **' when it sees it, and asituraliy come to us, but we want more trade,^^'\ and so say to you come and we will give you a rousing benefit >*'" Onr cash bought merchandise is worth the attention of every/ 1 cash buyer, and we guarantee a saving on every item offered. , .s . r '> : v r 1 U e occupy a large doubfo store at Nnnda, and with good Hi'loct tmm,such as #iirrtt6d h% color s land good light to fehow, you should uall and get the rates. ii- .yard ^ . . • | Parlies coming by rail and buying ten dollar*' worth ot Merchandise-^ we would way we will allow you two railroad fares within 4'distance/ of twenty-five miles, and guarantee sati-taction in all cases. DfjsV'5 von buy for cash, or do long pi-fees and long credit suit you bestn * Do you live a month behind or a month ahead all you. live*? Our.V K* plan will please you, and our prices, too, for our's is not to see how f >;! much we < an get for an. article but at how small a price we can sell; it. WV ith three large stores under our management we carry thflr. *' mcst complete line of Dry Goods to be found,in any section, and ou^f, * rio'hiug block for men and hoys is complete. We sell a boy'i; suit, age 4 to 12 years, at 98 cents, which is solid and 8uhBt»nlMlj"".%:' and if you want something more uoboy our suits at $1.29, $148, . $1 69, $1.^8 will be just one-halt the rates charged by credit dealers, We are making our prices in all lines tell on high credit ratee, am||^ \ou should share in the benefits. Our Grocery ^tock is a!ways' " fresh and inviting, aud our rates are much below our credit at 7 tents p«r yard Celebrated Broadhead Goods v14% It'i' • "f'MitM-,-.... .1 ' " i i.iie silk and wool mixed. These goods you can buy at even leas than 'wholetoilu pricen. Also some Tricot Flannel/and imported j'i i -. ' . • BROADCLOTHS^ ' vyD«iri«j[g our closing1 out sale we shall kct •toekor--£. fresll; «le»n rt petitors in all cases. We have in years past gaiued the reputation ot a bargain st< aud that name will be fully sustained. v7 • No » Tlokinfr.w. ^On hand at wholeBale piices. W. A.| CRISTY'S, Than any o^ier place in town. Car Lots a specialty^ Warehouse |it th« PickVs Factory, in West McHenm. ^^vvm' KVJB# Angara, way aoivn No, 1 Ooffno. best.... No, 2 Oofftje Be«t Uu-e ' .... [.JLiood Tea-,-- 6" cent Tea No 1 Balciog Powder Good Plus Tolmct'o... . Oood Smoking1 ToUacco, Iteet Prints . Blue Prfu(i..M,^<..«»i Ko. 1 Ticking.......... 4, % *i «» * aloainir. No I Meat .• an«^^U"Waf&« Knliinndried Slurt^ UnlHumlried Sliirta, tx»at"^-. . "Urees Goods..... ' He»t Gni>rliaiii8 Het<t Slii'ctinii, 14,... No. 2 sheeting..., »i . Mens shoes, solid..... .. Men's shoes line.. Oliildren'4 bhoe* ....... Misses Shoes ... g 0- -m. K ». ». U '.y. w rS t»« 9» i, 39, tl. #1 29, 85, 89, 48, fV " 91m If- BEMEMBl THE PLACE. St evens & Miller. West McHenry, III. i,:'; We show tte A^^on^ptotee^tock in all linegiti M^Heury Coun«|^' Do not pass this by as an ordinary advertisement, tor if you act ion the suggestion you will visit and get a benefit at the Hand*, Woodstock and Soadn Cuh Stenft 1 CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY U Salnrv and Kxiienees °r Oommia. IT si'»n if preferred. Sale»men wanted JlJLevorywhere. Ifo experience needed. addre«, atatin#|lrtjs . » •„ ^ H. w. FOSTm & CO., Nvrserytnen, Geneva. N. r. W:K j? A"\ Ci f i HALL, i%|pent. =s Farmers^ At tent ion OPPOSITE BISHOP*8 Mll|i • v> i & n i l r v o i N . • t "< » MAI.KK fNiII»ii•> , [HorsfisTCattle, Sheep ft Hog#.^ w Exctl* any remedy for the rapid cure of Hard Colds,Cough*, Hldo Boiifd, Yollow W«tor, Fever, Distemper, Sort and Weak Eyes, Luno Fever, OtttivoMSS, Blotches, and aiidHicuitissaris- lug from Impurities of tlie Blood. Will relieva Heaves at once. Manufactured by the • » -md 110PPA MANUFACTIHtlNB CO., LYONS, N. Y.l m f \ t o f a n v n a o f » r t h e 8 * l e All CLW I O of [ our ilome Urown NHTSCrr WANTED M«rfTTBiaAf tJHEQUALED FACH.T'I IKS. Oni! i)t lln' Uu'KeKt, otdesi-established, and oesi known Nut»eti«« in HIP couttiry A<I<!res«, W. it T. SMITH, Gfkneva Nursery, Established,in 1S4G, ^ Geneva, N. Y. JJHNS NICHOLS & SHEPARD BATTLE CRLEK, MICHIGAN. jjtfORE YOU Buy STEAM ENCINE OR BOILER •EN O FOR OUR CATALOGUE AND PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ILSI01M! We not to be under sold by any firm in the county on any of the forming too we handle. We have always on hand such farn\, machiuery and •'.xtTas as are needed. Our Stock i« : Complete Tn Sprin» tools, sncn as Plows of Kurchq.se* f.idf CasKttll «• which will be mM as TtV# *» Mw marel I ^veral .raak®*> c-elebrated , * ^ I others which are fully warranted. A fUlIi I.IHI2 OF 81«©TMS. Buckeye ' ^ ^ 'iPEIUS TOOTH E&BB0W3 Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. *» I. , tJan never be lieatpn. Olans ot All SissuM Conntaully on Uaad. 8Ure » ante a8 they cut the grroqnd up fine and Kill all the fine w§ec|s, which vives the corn * start In the Market, at Bottom PrJoojs JOBBING A1TD Guaranteed A BON8LBTT will be done on short notice and Satisfaction share of (itiblie patronage respectfully solicited. JACOB WK Our prices on regular stock will make dome of these For sale by <2eo. W. Besley. Stores scratch to meet them even at their Special Bargain Salettp l&~ Agents Wanted I Ciact'LARS FREB. l ,iHh» lirewster's Baftty Kein ITIIMIH Kfven away to introduce them. lwf hone owner bov» frfita t to 0. T*-- never under borees' feet. " mil TP n«Mtl in atampa to pav - -fMrSlatel Plated cu. ' ?7 , ' * P t tv i'1 For eale at the Harness Shop of Wm. ^ajsh, West Mc Henry4 Illinois.' licited. SHERMAN , ,1 ,T imt sgZJt.- . «55k..«3K4i . - vS' i RING WOOD. ILL. m.': WMM " ' ihi ',W j.r' ' We have alt kinds The Key? atone two lever is the leader, as a per. on can do a fiaer job tba® with one. Also has ball bearin boxes which outwear two of an otner. make e We also ke« p th|| Daley, Eureka aud Cutaway Hai% rows We handle the B^rtrand <& Sanies, standard. ElV wood, Case, Thompson, Norwegian, Geneva Lake Clipper, and others, RemHiuber the sprint? beq,ts them all for corp. We carry a fine liqeof : BUGGIES, Ot al). classes, combination wagons, carls in ajl styles. The Weber lunger was;ou is as as anybody's wagon, autj a'. pricc|F to sqit tfye tildes an4 people. (Jail and see us before yoqi agree to try anythjug in the farm machinery Jine. • ^ At the Old |.M. 0WEN4S01fe:- ; Mw S3 A Hi KRS ST0V1S, QRASIT2-IS0H AND TIHWAH1. Barbed Wire, Screen Doors, Window Screen ̂ And Wire Cloth Willi Widths? Sporting Goods and Cutlery. The Uniyersal and New Process" Stoves that bv far outrank an4 other Vapor Stoves iu the Market. See them ' Caass of All Sizes. & iiikf* S^Bw, Ud JobWBg |a Tinl "flppor Md 8h«et-Iroo. Jwtrona^# is respecttull^ njfi STOttY « M'OMPEJI, m $ < , . V itp1 ifh i lv . V. Js , ,T Y ̂% -a"' W '1 a * •' &*'• v dki V" '* > ri*. .» '-'J4/ < • ' i f y' ' J., 1.