Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1890, p. 8

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i T. «. 0«#AmiHnrr.. T" * 3 fl* FmtS# ^IWw* ->' V1^-. "V«", * * ; * » * ^ )--;-JV* Mid Mottoes nader tteelwja head, e«t tar ftte t*4ies of theW.C T. U.| Kditor olaimi no part or credit fori " - !•-.•'">• ••*• - • 1, --»' THE Ladies of the W. C. T, U. will meet wroh Mrs. T. B. Turner, Thursday af- ternoon, at 2:H0 o'clock. ? • Mftfk L. B. 6RHNKTT, VjfefM. t. J. WALfH, Secretary.'- v": . V . Thnrw in a whole t<?mf>eranoe sermon in the reply of & butcher who was asked for * dollar toward paying a temperance lecturer ; "Then* is yoyr dollar," said be, '•I've sold more meat iu one day since this fcQwn went no license than t used to In a week when we had saloons. f ; "Isn't a bay worth more to a State * tb&n a horse? If so, the SUte. w horse mad to make horse stealing a crime and boy stealing a lawful trade. Wouldn't you rather a fellow'd steal your horse t'fjanyouf boy? If so, why shoot the horse-thief and license the child stealer? Prove the State right in authorizing me to sell you the cause of drunkenness, and I'll prove yon right in getting drunk, right in committing ail the crimes of drunken men, and the State no right to punish you therefor, for to license the and punish the effect is the logic of not of statesmen." M The following is from Senator Blair*# valuable book, "The Temperanoe Move- meat:" There is nothing of his own manufacture which has such power over the body and of man as that mysterious fpbstanceto which has been given the alcohol. Indeed, so subtile and are iter methods of asserting its ice, so commanding is its control well as the physical do its relations pjar to tie "tnt* tne eternal essence as Well as with tire material parts of human nature, that from time immemorial this strange drug has maintained a personified existence in the immagina- fiojis of men." cc 'ARNOLD'* •AXrtK»MATrC S/' M A Novel invention of Great Merit. A HoaMhoM Heetasity. Constructed on Scien , Uflc principles. Ciesp, Draft, Simple, Effective. To prove to you that it is all we claim for It. we give below a few of the many trsti- m>ni.-iU which haye been given ns by thote wbo bare u»ed them and know whereof thfcy •peak. V WK8T MOHEHKT, III,, May SI,1890. X|. HEHEY BtTBDTCK. Hating thoroughly tested ArooM Steam Cooker la our family, we find it all you represent It to be. Further, I resaM it as the best -way of cooking nearly all food as re jwnls Us wfeoleaomeness, ami, conbeijueotly, JplttifulBMi, Very respectfully, A. S. CHILDS, M. D. MCBBMKT, May 23d, 1800. the Steam Cooker pur- four weeks and am well Way it bakes bread, as well les of diet. Too much cannot l« its favor. Respectfully, MBS. I. B. Tuswift. ME Be ^RICHMOND, March 27, 1990. 40 to certll^tat I have purchased ' BurUIck one«f the Arnold Automat- »kers, and have used it sufficient [that it is a labor-saving article, . to be what it is represented. MRS. GKO. MCCONNBLL. I is an article that should be in every Ehold and no one will be without one after ttsy have used iu J***" by author* , UKH&Y B9KD1GK. AOBMX. - VWebmmd, Illinois. ' 7'.^ , * ' V'/ k MTK CIMS^O \AAD£ CtUYBY rtK.FAinBANK2cCo.-t- CHICAGO. WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT f«Klhe Family, School, or Professional Library. , ^WEBSTEffc fmONA LIBRARY Has been for years Standard Authority in the Government Printing Office and U. S. Su­ preme Court. It is highly recommended by 38 State Sup'ts of Schools and the leading College Presidents. Nearly all the School Books, published in this country are Dasect upon Webster, as attest­ ed by the leading School Book Publishers. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. ^>6 Hew York World says: Webster Is al­ most universally conceded to be the best The Boston Glofce says: Webster is the ao """ITnowTedge^standard in lexicography. The Atlanta Coratitption says: Webster has *""""lan^beenth^tand»rdauthority in our office. The Inter Ocean says: Webster's """Tjnabridge^bas a!w.".y™ been the standard. fhe Wow Orleans Times Democrat says: Webster is standard authority in our office. flie Wow York Tribune says: It. is recognised us the most useful existing "word-book'* of | the English language all over the world. ^ ' Sold by ail Booksellers. Pamphlet free. €. It C. MEBRIAM A CO., Pub'n, Springfield, Mas* VIBRATOR ^ J. GO MP TOM, - Aeent fir thl" T0BK. H0X£» 0] V / ;iC®pital, #8>,1 'i •' '• AND Tl JKTNA, 07 HABTF0KD, Capital, f 1 o.or 1 ,SOO. FUe tested, time tried Companies. Insures •*ainjt F're. l.iittitniog antl Wind-Storms, at "the most reasonable rates. For insurance »n«i further p irtlCHlsrs apply to J. Compion. Tokt. 111., who lias been 35 vears in the »usi- a«S', and always gavs entire satisfaction in c a « « O ( l o s s . . » . „ • Jfirto, III., May 2Mb, 189#, ,, * r<* • KW FLY N ETS CMKAP AND STRONC. to suit all g"ATm"M •Lrau. r:' F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Real Estate, Stock, Farming "Khold Furniture, and Goods attended to on the moetreas- (Mm by mail will reodve prompt at- lantkn. AddnMM* _ F0«\ ^NSUMPT' It has permanently cured THOUSANDS jOf OHM pronounced by doctors hope- XT you have premonitory symp- CouKh, Difficulty of (flnn'f. -a « t aeiav, but use CONSUMPTION |HE Grain-Saving, Time-Sav­ ing, Money-Saving Thresher of this day and age. |AS More Points of Exclusive Superiority than all others combined. IV B R Y Thresherman and Fanner is delighted with lt« marvelous work. . ' •..•••.••ITS |OT only Superior for all kinds of Grain, but the only suc­ cessful handler of all Seeds. [ NTIRE Threshing Expenses (often 3 to 5 times that amount) made by extra Grain Saved* |ORKMANSHIP, Material, and Finish beyond t^Lcom- p«rison. Jp' j IB R A T O R owners get the best jdbs and' make the most Money. | NCOMPARABLfe f Sim­ plicity, Efficiency, anil Dura­ bility. [EYOND all rivalry for Rapid Work, Perfect Cleaning, and for Saving Grain. EQU1RES no attachments or rebuilding to change from Grain to Seeds. BROAD and ample Warranty given on all our machinery. | RACTION Engines Unrivaled in Material, Safety, Power and Durability. jUR Pamphlet giving full in­ formation, sent Free. It tells about this great f EVOLUTION in Threshing Machinery. Send for pam­ phlet. Address V wwit »tf rfnf fompleto, ,W on vtiiy U»# pru** <»n •tiyilitng ** ton* f« H.I'iHOAt mihrokfti" i ifunliii^'n siM-'l snit M patterns •f> eiin A n y y o u n s r m a n thrt Ftmrth of Ju !yi IV# IIIho imve wmb r, fy#' . 4,'.( J- ,' FLOOR OXJL. CLOTH which tti'H worthjf (if .lid ol", l>« 8o'd 30̂ w THIi AB7ERTISEMENT ! Mm th(U anything in the Hue of ' i>A.;IU:>Sc FKED Cfflti bf. bought CHEAPER FOR CASH 'AT. A" CRI&TY'S, * Than any other place i» to*tfy> Car jjntn a speetalty. Warehnwe at the Pickle Jwstory, in West Me Henryy ' BE&EMBER THE PLAGE. CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY A Salary and Kxpcns^s pal l. «r Commis­sion if pief«rre<». Salemnon wanted everywhere. No experieijoe needed. Address, siatlnira*e, ••.•J*- H. W. FOSTER & CO., Nursery men, r ; Smŷ 7- [HorsesTGattle, Sheep & Hogs.^ r Excels any remedy lor the rapid cure of Htri eoidt,Coughs, Hide Bound, YollowWater, Fever, Distemper, Sore and Weak Eyes, Lung Fever, 1 Costlvsness, Blotches, and sll dHBcullles erls> Ingfrom impurities of the Blood. Will telltve Heaves at once. Manufactured by the 1 I0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y.^ tin Care for Hog ueoisnu FULU1 * f-yUbli, Qenersl Western Agents, Chleeflo, III. -- M mm •* a to canvass Mt the salo A u r - f i l l a f n „ r Horn WANTED , xkitaa UfEQUALED FACJL1TIK8. Out >)i- llni largest, oldest.-established, ami best known Nurseriei In the'country Address, W. & T. SMITH, Geneva, Nursery, Established in i#40. Geneva, N. Y. OCRES BEFORE YOU Buy1 STEAM ENGINE PILES, TRAOE 25CT& For sale by Ceo. W. Bealey BOILER •END FOR OUR C*TALOGUC*NO PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. , don't dela ™OM3 CURE FOB Immediately. By Druggists. 25 centa, i,fW. BLATCHFOED & CO., of Chi- ated Bonslett & Btoffel McHemy, agents for their famous I ud Calf Meal, which all farmers & fair trial. Very dose on email or large lot* TO u n t i l jSpur Wire. J3T Agents Wantedl j For sale at tb« Harness Shop .'.HCU^FK^ of Wm. Wateli, West McHeury, 1,(KX) Brewster's Safety Rein uutuera i Tu, , given away to introduce them. Every [ IniQOlS. horse owner buys from I to 0. Line* never under horses' feet. Send 2$ cents in stamps to i>av postagd! and packing fur Hiekel Plated temple ttist Mis for H cts. Brewster •£.Ce„ BeUi,Klch. S. SHERMAN. Wwt McHeory, May 2d, 1890. Lelt to select from,Worster! jfdad.'i, in •iifferent colors, a 7 cents per yard. v i Qe^brated ,rBroadhead Goods, A n d t j i p s i l ' r : t n « l w o o l m i x e d . even less tbuu mpoi tal wholeAalo Thof«e g-oodft yoii ran buy at Aino some Tr'cat Flannel, anc ;; 9took of pur -'i^Nsi shall keep a fretjfa and i-lean Mn haftd at Wholcsulo priccs, •'" f LIRCWUUGL Am EVB3A;; Stevens <fe Miller. West McHenry. III. iim FPOSITB BISHOP'S M1LI/, I-LIVOIS *--r»|£ AI.ER";, rnrx willed *, i *!r' of which-.fill bs lipid as low as the maret atfij liirnish fir«t class troodsi. FUXili XiXNia OF STOTES. Call OAttL-VNIJ AND OTI1E11 KINU8. and see our Gasolene Stoves Glass of All Sizes Constantly on Hand. BEST WIRE I» tlu» Market, lit Uottona Prices. JOBBING A^TD, B.BPAIRIITG will be done on >lk>ri notice ancT Htttisfuction Guaranteed A share of public patronage respectfully soli'1'tod. JACOB BONS^KTT. PLA.N • • D " •* MAKE: VOUB • r >v :t , " • ? j. * « ISV^J ^^ ^ 'V; And you can't afford to do otherwise when yon k'iow the in* dnrenmntn offered by the Nunda, Woodstock and Dundee iSiafe Stores of C. P. Hall, A^rent. The stores are filled with a choice nid well-suite ted stock of Dry Qooils, (Nothing, Boots and Sho#* liaU and tJaps, Groceries, cfiei for Cuh ^ , ,y \ - ^ . • * ., J, . *** ~ -," '* I " ' * , lit t raw to an We are sending out this <4ad" to The home WE YOU: SELL. BUY* Our prices pn regular stack will make some of these * i f f Stores scratch to meet them even at their Special Bargain Sales. TRT vsjfc % . i: y.: EINGWOODe ILL, . „ f fni , roa«h the far-off trade not naturally coming to us. The home .tiade knows a good tbiDir when it sees it, and naturally come to us, but we want more trade * A ind t*«> say to you come and we will give you a rousing benefit! ' " Our ratih bought merchandise is worth the attention of every ^ cash buyer, and we guarantee a saving on every item offered. NVe occupy a,large double btore at Kunda,- and with good goods 1 aud good ligbt to show, you should call and get the rates. . »• Parties coming,by rail and buying ten dollars' worth ot Merchandise we would say wp will allow you two railroad tares within a distance * of twenty-five miles, and guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Do i you buy for cash, or do long prices and long credit suit you best? Do you live a month behind or a month ahead all you live*? Our plan will please you, and our price.-, too, for our's is not to see how much we <au get for an article but at how small a price we cansell it. ^ *Vith three large stores under our management we carry the V modt complete line of Dry Goods to be found in any section, aud our Clothing dtock for men and boys is complete. We sell a boy's - " suit, age 4 to 12 years, at y« cents, which is solid and substantial, and it you want something more noboy our suits at $1.29, $1.48, $1 G9, $1.H8 will be just one-half the rates charged by credit'dealers! We are making our prices in all lines tell on high ci*dh rates, and vou should share in the benefits. Our Grocery ftoek is always fresh and inviting, and ot»r rates are much below dur efsdit oom- 1 petitors in all cases. W e have in years past gained the reputation oi a bargain store and that name will be fully sustained. Hngars, way down No, 1 Ooft'es. best......' No, l CoU'ee . B«hI Hif.e .. Good Tea *.i.. S» cent Tea No 1 Baking Powder Oood PI u g To baoco Gootl Smoking Tobacco...., Best Prints «. .... Blue Prints No. 1 Ticking.. ' j * - : ie 13 4S No 2 Ticking No. I Best r'ancy Knlaun-tried sliirtrt Unluumlrieil Shirts, bestU.w w ... ..i Ureas Goods » ^"Chams m Best bheetins, 4-4....'ii,. ... 07 No. 2 Sheeting • I"..., oi Mens shoe6. solid $1 29 Mien's shoes flue....... .|U8 $2 Ot OhildrenN shoes .19. 49, Qti Misses Shoes .. fi, $1 23, 9184 We show the most complete stock in all lines in McHenry County Do not pass this by its an ordinary advertisement, ior if you act on the suggestion you will visit and get a benefit at tin ^ \ Fondt, Woodstock and Bundst Cuh Stona, -idL H A v A Fanners Attention We art m<t golilf t<fhe (lnjer- sold by any firm in the county on any of the farming too s we handle. We have always on hand such farm machinery and extta* as 1^*6 needled. Mm Our Stock is ete In Spring tools, such as Plows of several makes, the celebrated Norwegian, Skandia, Star, Case. Rock Island, Grand Detour, and others which are fully warranted. The Albion, Whipple and Buckeye SFBIBB TOOTH HABBOWS Clan iiever be beaten. Thev in­ sure a sure crop every year as they cut the ground up tine and kill all the tine weeds, which wives the corn a start. Pulverizers We have alt kinds The Key­ stone two lever is the leader, jas a person can do a finer job than with one. Also has ball bearing boxes which outwear two of any otner make. We also ke*:p the Eureka aud Cutaway liar- CULTIVATORS, We handle the. Bertrand & Barnes, (Standard, Ell wood. Case, Thompson, Norwegian, Geneva Lake Clipper, and others, Kemember the spring tooth beats them all for corn. We carry a tine line of BUGGIES, . Ot all classes, combination wagons, carts in all styles. The Weber lumber wagon is as good as anybody's wagon, aud ar. prices to suit the times and'people. Call aud see us before yon agree to try anything in the tkrm machinery line. At the Old Stand. E. 11 OWEH &S0N. STORY & McOMBER, DEALERS II* GENERAL HARDWARE, • $ ' STOVIS, BRM1TZ-1E0I ABO HlWMlr - Barbed Wire, Screen Doors, Window Screens, And Wire Cloth of all Widths. 3 Sporting Goods and Cutlery; | OASOLHETS The Universal and New Process Stoves that by fir outrank any other Vapor Stoves,iu the Market. See them. OIam of All Sizes. . * e make a specialty of. Dairy Supplies, and Jobbfag- <1# fFfii. Copper and Sheet-Iron* Your patronage is respecttully so­ licited. STOUY & M'QMBEK, i #> \ ••

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