Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1890, p. 8

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r -- wmm W. O* T. U. D1 PA HTM! NT* V •'*"4 V->0.- :?{ •r1. it: •' ' «•: i ;:VK' , Articles and Notice* under th« al»ov« head •re f«iinl«hfld by the Ladies of theW. C T. U. •ihI tn« fiditor claim* no |*H oi orwlit for tkt itrae.] Doing:* of Drink. The warden of the Massachusetts and other State prisons says: "During my eleven years' connection with the State prison, twenty-one persons were impris­ oned for killing their wives, two for kill­ ing fathers, and one for killing his moth­ er; and all but one were habitual drunk ards, and were drunk when the crime was coriamitted. These men,1' he adds, "were not bad men, except when under the in­ fluence of liquor/^ . The Evils of Beer Drinkers. :^ihe Pacific Medical Journal says: whiskey-drinker will commit murder only under the direct excitement of liquor; a beer-drinker is capabl of doing it in cold blood. Long observation has assured us that a large proportion of murders, deliberately planned and executed with­ out passion or malice, with no other mo­ tive than the acquisition, of property or money, often of trifling value are perpe­ trated by beer-drinkers. , - "We believe, further, that the hereditary evils of beer-drinking exceed those pro­ ceeding from ardent spirits: first because the habit is constant and without parox­ ysmal interruptions, which admit of some recuperation; secondly, because beer- drinking is practiced by both sexes more generally than the spirit-drinking: and thirdly, because theanimalizing tendency of the habit is more uniformly developed, thus authorizing the presumption that the vicious results, are more generally transmitted." GROSS GRUELTY. Parents too frequently permit their children to suffer from headache, fits, St. Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc., when they can be cured Mrs. P. was cured of sick headache, dizziness, dyspepsia, nervous prostration of eighteen years' standing, alter failure of sixteen physicians: Mrs. K., of sick headarhe for thirty-five years; Mrs. P., of twenty to fifty tits a night; others from this vicinity could be men­ tioned who have been cured by that won­ derful nerve food and medicine--l)r. Miles' Nervine, which contains no morphine, opium or dangerous drugs. Free sample bottles may be had at Beeley's drug store. CARPET WEAVING. Mas. Jos. Lawrence, at her residence, north of the Driving Park, West McHenry, is prepared to Weave Carpets in the best of manner, on shoft notice and guaran­ tee satisfaction. From a long experi­ ence she is confident she can please all who entrust their weaving to her. Pri­ ces reasonable. Mrs. Jos. Lawrence. West McHenry, April 22d, 1890. FOR SALE OR RENT. bouse known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty o! small fruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of H. C. Mead. Dated January 1st, 1890 *. B. THROOP, AUCTIONEER, Algonqnin, 111. Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Farming fools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. All orders promptly filled I make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele-, graph me at Algonquin, 111. ^=4»N^ WH1P A SI€R flORSE, Nor take Cathartic Pills when your bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. But try--once at least--Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. They act through the nerves. Samples free at Beeley's drug store. D. NEEDHAM'8 SONS 116-11' Dearborn Stmt, CHICAGO lid Clever disss And nun All , Cures uaneer. Catarrh,» 't Rheum, Rheumatism. Dygpepaia. Sick Headache. C'onRtipatlonJPiJes. Whnr.Mnt? Coujrh, and ail SiiKiD mSEAWS, Bend for cir­cular, Mention paper. 5/A CllPP& FLY N ETS CHEAP AND STRONG. ier styles 6-A Nets, prices to suit all " AYKEH&-SON'S, Bold by all 1A* „ F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended^ on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders b^meul will receive prompt atr V E OsiNQii Wo»t MnHcurr tentioa. consumpT • It has permanently cured thousands ®f cases pronounced by doctors hope* less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of nfAathinr» Am 1 A Breathing, 6LC., don't delay, but^ use >'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION PIBO I! Girls &r?d Boys . all ^ave ffjeir choice. FAIRBANr Santa claus ASK YOU*. will I J^ve * * J W^idfis FairbaMk's SaiJta Claus Soar he bestinthe^i 11 FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD AND LAUNDRY PURPOSES/ MADE ONLY BY N. K. FAIR BAN K & CO.--CHI CAGO. VI bile most. of our linflU are reasonably complete, we shall wry l..w pfo*th* rh £< " T WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT For the Family, School, or Professional Library. ONAMIDCtyMtW*"7 - fO/CT/ONAJhW ITSELF. Has l>eon for years Standard Authority in the Government Pri nting1 Office and U. S. Su­ preme Court. It is highly recommended by 38 State Sup'ts of Schools smd the leading- College Presidents. Nearly all the School Books published in this country are hased upon Webster, as attest­ ed by the leading School Boole Publishers. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. The lew York World pays: Webster is al­ most univer-aHy conceded to be the best. The Boston Globe pays: Webster is the ao kuowloiijifil standard in lexicography. The AtlantaCongtitntion says: Webster has Ions been t he standard authority in our office. The Chicago Inter Ocean says; Webster's Unabridged lias always bean the standard. The New Orleans Times Democrat says; Webster is standard authority in our office. The Hew York Tribnne says: It is recognized as the most useful existing "word-book" of ; the English language all oyer the world. ̂ Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. t.&C. MERRUM k CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mas* HARD TIMES FOR GRAIN RAISERS, THIS ADVERTISEMENT Says that anything in the line of COAL Ac FJilOI) Can be bought CHEAPER FOR CASH AT W- A. CRISTY'S, Than any other place in town. Car Lots a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory, in West McHenry. REMEMBER THE PLACE. ost unbroken in Roys' and V^eos. Any young mm wanting a pood and noat sirit of Clothing for" the Fourth <»? July will do jyell iiiul save mouty by calling on us. VVe also have some pattern* of FLOOR QXX. OX.OTB ver\ Left which arc.worthy of your attention, they will v cheap,. Wo still have a splendid stock ol > be sold Lett to select from, such sis worsted go'ods, in liflferout color1', at 7 cents per yard. • Celebrated Broadhead Goods, And the hilk and wool mixed. Those broods you can buy at even less than wholesal e prices. Also some Tricot Flannel, and imported CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Can they make money at present prices? YES! i » rj HOW? ' « ' ' By keeping the soil rich, By cultivating it well, -- By using the best seed, THEN Have their Grain and Seeds Threshed, Saved and Cleaned BY THE NICHOLS & SHEPARD TT ^VlAvaj run Wl^ouxrirnuw taunediately. By Druggists. 25 cents. E.W. BLATCHFOHD & CO., of Chi ea*o, have appointed Bonelett & Stoffe Mcn otiry, agents for their famou ™ Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmer" •n©iiM accord a fair t ial. Very cloeri '&•.&. .. ^XBRAXOR It will handle Grain and Seeds FASTER, BETTER and CLEANER, than any other Thresher. It will save enough extra grain (which other machines will waste) to pay all thresh­ ing expenses, and often three to five times that amount. It will Clean the Grain and Seed so much better that you can get an extra price for it. It will do your work so much QUICKER, so much CLEANER, and so free from W ASTE, that you will save money. Such Threshing Machinery is made only by i^alnrv an<l Expenaes paM, or Commis­sion if preferred. 8a lea in en wanted everywhere. No experieuoe needed address, statins: age, H. W. FOSTER if' CO., Nurserymen, fienev/i, N. Y. v PEOPLE : S J r P O W D E R S 1 _ _ .>--FOR--- iHorsesTCattle, Sheep & p Excels any rtmedy for the rapid cure of Hard 6olds,Coughs, Hide Bound, Yellow Water, Fever, I Dlttamptr, Sort ani Weak Eyes, Lung Fever, | Cssthsnsss, dim uii tiiiiicuiii«»*ri«* Ing from Impurities of the Blood. Will relieve Hstves at once. Manufactured ly the f JOPPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y.^ Sure Care for Hog Cholera. FULLER & FULLER* L- General Western Agents, Chioago, III. AGENTS to eanvaas for the sale of jour lioine-Growj; N HIVUVV Si WANTED fftyffTT BE a a '. i"ttAo Ukequaled Facimtius. One of ihe lftrgc-jt oidetn-estiililisiieil, and best known Nureerio: tn the eountrjr. Address, W. & V. SMITH, Geneva, Nursery, Established in 1840. Genera, N. Y. BtfO" STEA Farsato by Ceo. W. Besley. Durinor our ( hninpf out yule we .shall keep si fresh stinl clean utock of On haiul nt wholesale pi ices, ; TOURS AS EVER Stevens & Miller. West McHenry, Htr -- JACOB BONSLETT. OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILI v IVfcIIE.VIlY, : : UXUVOfK D^ALRR IV - PiirrhiiscJ f r Chs'i. nil of which wil! ho soH .is low <ia the m<iret will admit anc! furnish first chis«« <*•<>() Is A FULL EilNM OP BTO-TES. GARLAND AND OTJIKU KlNDj^i. Call and see »our Gasolene Stoves. Ohtss <>i All Sizt's Constantly on Hand, XSX2S BABB' WIRE In the Mnrltet, nt Bottom Prices. JOBBING AMD HBFAIHIIifa will he done on short notice nnd Satisfaction Guaranteed A share of public patronage eojicitod. AJACOP BONSLETT. ILiSLJSk jcm.m (One Door West of RiversfdeZHouse,) McIIENItY, - . ILTjIA'OIS. f -DEALER IN W«* are not ijoing to be under-1 sn!d by any tinn in ihe county on any of the tinning too w« h»udle. U'e have si 1 ways on h:ind 8ucix farm ^^jjiery extiaa as aire needed. ^ 1 Our Stock is Complsts In iSpring tools, such as Plows of several mtke*f the celebrated Norwegian, Skandia, Star, Case, Rock Island, Grand Detour, and others which are fully warranted. The Albion, Whipple and Buckeye SPI3GT00T2 HABB0W3 Can never be beaten. Thev in­ sure a snre crop every year "as they cut the ground up fine and Kill all the tine weeds, which gives the corn a start. Pulverizers e have all kinds Tfye Key­ stone two lever is the leader, as a • 1 DRUGS , ME D I C I N E S , -AtFULL LINK 0F- SEND FOR OUR CATAL OGUEand PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WOUKS, IND1ANAPOI.I8, IND,. JiSIOUil ,Gr Agents WantsdJ Circulars Fbeb. }.'">« B «w «er'9 Safety Rein Hold «t *?iven 3 Hh y to introduce them. Iti ry lior&e r>» n^r • boyo from I to 6* life Cfl ln vertij der horkKf feet. ti J1 ^.at® ^ ' io p&v postage and iufVii c f<>r Niol el fisted 8&mpl8thsieJEB$i?4 » CUL IMPROVED Spur Wire. | For sale at the Harness Shop of Wm. Walsh, West McHenry, Illinois. S. SHERMAN. West McHenry, May 2d, 1890 per on can do a finer job than with one. Also has bnll bearing boxes which outwear two of any otner m*ko. V\ e also ke< p the Da 1 ey^ Eurokii Cutaway Tt'WS' - CDLTIWOHS. We handle the Bertrand & Sames, Standard, EH wood, Case, Thompson, Norwegian, Geneva Lake Clipper, and others, Remember the spring tooth beats them all for corn. We carry a fine line of. BUGGIES, ,Ot all classes, combination waofons, carts in all styles. The Weber lumber wa<*on is as good as anybody's wagon, aud a', prices to suit the times and people. , Call and see us before yoli agree to try anything in the faipii machinery line. At the Old Stand. E. M. OWEN & SON. mil WILL sin E By looking over our stock of I N B 0 B B 0 I T. R N Bsfore buying elsewhere. J. W. Cristy & Son, RINGWOOD. ILL. GEO. W. BESLEY'S . WEST J HM1¥. DEALER IN- Siags, Chemicals, Bye Stufb, P&iats, Oils and Colors. ("cnstonlly «in bnn«f. A'so a large l'ne of Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Physicians Proscriptions Carefully aai gccuratey corapiunled by a Registered Pharraa- Tour patronage Is respectfully solicited, ' JULIA A. STORY. Drugs and Medicines, * PAINTS, OIL8, Toilet ---PURE-- WINES AIB MQVOBS, FOIt MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars an 1 Smoking and Chewing Tobacco alwas on hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Jompounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 2«t,h. G. W BESLEY. STORY & McOMBER -pgalur^ IJV- GENERAL HARDWARE, STOVES, GBASITJ.ISOU All IiaWiEl Barbed Wire, Screen Doors, Window Screens, And Wire Cloth of ail Widths. Sporting Goods and Cutlery. 6ASOLER STOVES, \ The Universal and New Process Stoves that by far outrank any otln r Vapor Stoves in the Market. See them Glass of All Sizes. * e make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin. Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfully so-4 licited. STORY & M'OMBER, \ •/<?$ .... V... Isfc .

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