:*w -'i _ , " / • 1 •y. ; • - . 2 H A R D B I S H O P , Notleas nader the »lx>T# head by theLadiee at the W.C T, If, elains m part or orwiit ftr DEALER N ALL KINDS OF-----. That will at. nnf*o mln Gf fw e our sninmer *11 *wttlU u*# **nw>ly *»H. STOCK To the Farmers of McHenry an& Vicinity: JgPost master John Wanamaker made thi8 good temperance speech to his Phil* ctlptua Bible class not long ago: "The drunkard who votes for Prohibition is a Ireer man than the total abstainer who «furies water on both shoulders and then votes for liquor, or to put it in the 'Jkutmws of high license. Just as the aa- lG>on-keeper must answer for every glass he sella. so we must answer for voting .ftr liquor. It is simply a question of § :̂. whether or not we are in iavor of the saloon. It isn't a quest ion of high license. * $he quibble that Prohibition does not prohibit has nothing to do with it. The law against stealing does not prevent. ^ : Stealing. The same power that puts the '* amendment on our Constitution wil* •f Attend to the enforcement of the law. ft is our dnty to make it as difficult to • |pt liquor as it is to get poison." What does Prohibition Xeamt •. $1 ' - y i • It means bread to hungry children, it v *' ttieans happiness to sad and overworked JJ' •omen, it means the help of the com- ' Viunity for men who are struggling with rV * fearful appetite. f . It means the practical application of ' <jur prayer, "Lead us not into tempta tion." for our sons and our friends when they step across the threshold of their * iome. ', It means that the government of the State or of the city will not, tor dollars 4tad cents, allow men to destroy the hap piness of your daughter (or some other .' Aian's daughter), whose husband, when " . aot tempted to the uttermost, will prove faithful to his family and useful to the ' Community. t ^ Prohibition means that when drunken A tten kill their wives and daughters there ; . -Will be no blood-guiltiness on your hands * ' frho voted to remove the opportunity of * Intoxication from the inebriate. YOUR GROCER SANTA CLAUS SOAP, Setts »i MAKES WASHING VERY EASY %ge liiUe Maidens ^ cryiag ̂ loud W fey orfVfeim. NJUVURBANK * CO.--CHICA& YOU WILL SATE H0N6I Is tha best'in town and prices the 1 >west„ Out. down price* on Chsllies, Sateens. Batiste, Lawns. Ginghams* t'»licoet>, Summer i Goods of nil kindn, such as Underwear, Fans, Parasols, Laces, Glovs and Mitts. Hood < tolico, Lawn, i}in?hHiii or biocaded Oott »n Dre>n (irtnd*, fro® 4e fc<t> cento per yard tyeavy brown Sheeting 5 to 10 cents. ; * {" Inspect our Clothing! before we wiA be out oi tie mnatdeairahle styles and hizes. Our clothing hits always given the best ot satisfaction, and we will name cost price on all medium and light weights. See our fine Prince Alberts, four batton and on* button cutaway Dress Suits, Elegant odd pants at low prices, quality considered. Boys' Knee Pants, 25c, 45c to $1 75; Child's two-piece Suit-1, $1.25 to $8; Mens Suits, $4.40 to $28. We still handle the famous C. H, Fargo & Co. custom made I am now orepared to show a new and clean assortment of Agiicuttnivil Implements secoii'l to none in £tie county and at piice^l that 1 am courideut it if'tll pay you to :inveitjgate tefore making ^our purchases. : r.;, XT' %• BAU&X- Q& A& M BOOTS AND SHOES. | rawaoy waoon | GROSS GRUELTY. Parents too frequently permit their ejhfldrtm to suffer from headache, fits, St. Titus Dance, nervousness, etc., when they Can be cured. Mrs. P. was cured of sick keadtu'he, dizziness, dyspepsia, nervous prostration of eighteen years' standing, Otter failure of sixteen physicians: Mrs. Jf». of sick headache for thirty-five years; "Urs. P., of twenty to fifty fits a night; Others from this vicinity could be men- Ifoned who have been cured by that won derful nerve food and medicine--Dr. Miles' "Jfervine, which contains no morphine, Opium or dangerous drugs. Free sample Bottles may be had at Besley's drag 4tore. f*[ CARPET WEAVING. 'k IR Mas. Jos. Lawrence, at her residence, aortli of the Driving Park, West Mc Henry, Is prepared to Weave Carpets in the best 4% manner, on short notice and gTiaran- lee satisfaction. From a long experi ence she is confident she can please all who entrust their weaving to her. Pri- l • «&• reasonable. ft"'. Mas. Jos. Lawbbhcb. i -r West McHenry, April 22d, 1890. FOB SALE OR RENT. Bj^^Hfthonse known as the Mrs. L. A. ||3|̂ HHjhouae, situated in the village of ^^^^^Kry, is offered for sale or rent on ik ^mm&ble terms. The house is in good jgepair, good well, cistern and other con- veniences. Large garden and plenty of amall fruit. For torma and other partic- ^ars inquire of H. C. MKAD. Ulitod January 1st, 1890 5 W*' H.B. THROOP, AUCTIONEER, Algonquin, HI. particular attention paid to the sale of $tock, Fanning Tools, Merchandise, Real Jistate, etc. All orders promptly filled 1 make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele graph me at Algonquin, 111. DON'T WHIP A SICK HORSE, M. p. Nor take Cathartic Pills when your bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. But try--once at least--Miles' Kerve and Liver Pills. They act through the nerves. Samples free at Besley's <irug store. O. WCDHAM1 90NI lie-llf DgtrtonHML CUCiM ^ WANTED 111 Qmr to «anvaBe fur tbe a&l« of |onr Home-Gr*wxi Nqraerv Stork. R By looking over our stock of I N B 0 B B O I R Also the old and well known L. Candee Rubber Goods, in alii sizes and styles. The Fareo warranted calf $2.50 shoe tor men, iu various lasts beats them all on real merit. If you ipant to own the best, behold it here, finely finished* well proportioned, light ruuning, durable, superior quality, unex- 4. cel'ed. Do you want a wagon? If so examine the Bishop befotii you buy. Always on hand Farm Trucks with broad tires. ; Vv ood and iron pumps, platform spring wagons, combination wagons, line carriages, all kinds that will bear close inspection. f Oil Cloths, Carpets, MOWERS ! MOWERS ! N 1 to The McCormick, lied White and Blue, and the Crown, all firtf^ class goods and pi ices way down. s Before buying elsewhere. J. W. Cristy & Son Always in Stock and Cheap. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Stylish Hats and Caps, For all sizes of heads, at reduced prices all round. RINGWOOD. ILL. TACOB BONSLETT, OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. -DBAtiKB IN. Purchased for Cash, all ol which will be sold as low as the maret will admit and furnish first class goods. A FUlilj LIlfE OT STOTB8, Gall GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. and see our Gasolene Stoves. Glass of All Sizes Constantly 011 Hand. Prio TJhkqi alkd Facilitiks. One ot the Urxeat. I '!? aBd '°t*t kMVB NururiM the country. Address, 'V' ' TK. if; T. SMITH, Geneva Nursery. y t, 7 Established ia 1846. Geneva, N. F. A' CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY I Salary and Expenees paiil, or CommU- •ion ff preferred. Salesmen wanted I everywhere. Ko experienee needed. I Address, stating age, H. W. FOSTER & CO., Nurserymen, Geneva, N. T. F. IC. ORAHCli^ Ceneral Auctioneer. Snfes of Real Estate, Stock, Farming 1 : Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the mostreas-1 enable terma. Ordeni by mail vili receive prompt atrl twtioB. AddraM. r. K. QBAHOn. * W«t 1UOMT7 In the Haricet, at AND will be done on short notice and Satisfaction share of. public patronage respectfu.ly solicited. Ji Guaranteed 1 •ONILin. JULIA A. STORY, (On* Baor Waat «f MvwaM* HotiM,) MCHENIIY, . ,TUJ>OIS. -DBALKB IX- DRUGS, MEDICINES, -A FULL LINK OF- Are always to be found at our stand and as tresh as possible. Choice tea dust, 10c*, whole leaf, 25c; good roasted coffee, 24c; very best roasted Mexican, 30c; 7 bars soap, 25c; good fine cut tobacco, 25c; good plug, 30c. Give us a call as ot'.old, * Bonslett <te Stoffel. The Hollingsfworth, Gazelle self dump, and the Ell wood self dump. Can furnish pole or shatisas desired, with any ot the above named rakes. . The McCormick Simple Knottdr ̂ . Is the ->est knotter or earth. It ties more grain with less twine--and does it better--than any other midline. The invinci ble McOormick offers you twine when twine is cheap, wire when twine is dear, For particulars call at agricultural warehouse of Richard Bishop. Having just received a carload ot standard grades, [ would respectfully ask ttiose in need of twine to give me a call. Call at my warehouse, examine goods and learn prices, on all goods in the implement liqe. Very Trulj Yours RICHARD BISHOP. E. OWEN & SON. "UIILSIMEE" 1BBSE WHEEL PLOW wsrm BS GEO. W. BESLEY'S. Druist MANUFACTURED 8V THC GRAND DETOUR PLOW DIXON, ILLINOIS. DrtfllnlW^fromtlK h»*am llk« a walking plow, HltA CO. from tl»« h»rim IIV* a walking plow, to that it «l.i roil uladv when worn. ill lutu a w]t:kie corner either way ptrwcUjf, in. p« •:t of tijt ground. Plow it iu front of 1 •mi th* ,H*» no Umi * lliu<ut r»Ui:t. iriv«rai.-i it. wrrk in lull v..... r wkvli are »et at an anjfle whIch aqnalilM All iftit rf^ervt-% % furrow «»f uniform width. ' ..Mil of the pinw is carried on the wheel!, thm it »• -V draft - tit' lm..i»iae jd>».are--no hoclom friction. \trft J- * ,.l pr •r»e». 'I'liif t I ^ niter. I t.e > % If you wish the best Plowp made come and see us and exam ine the renouned extra hardened Norwegian Plows, also the Star. Bradley, Grand Detour, Rock Idund, Thompson, J. 1. |Case| and'Others. Also the latent pat terns of Thru Whe»l Sulky Flovi. Above yoti <*an see the Little Yankee, considered equtl to any on earth. Aho have the Big Injun. New Wonder tonguejess, and several others, WAGONS! We keep the Bain wagon, ot Kenosha, Wis., also the Weber, of Chicago, at lowest possible prices. Also a new thing entirely in a wagon is the Champion, with no front bolster, the front axle being stationary, which insures hay or straw trom ever tipping over and are warranted for five years. Will give the right party a trial ot thirty days on these wagons. Carriages, Buggies, etc. We keep constantly on hand the only Cortland wagons and] buggies, that have stood tbe hardest tests here for years. Also the | Kice Coil Spring Buggy, the easiest rider made, and other styles Pumps, wood and iron, put in trom 10 to 100 ieet deep at way down prices and all guaranteed, viive us a call betore you buy anything in our line as it will surely pay you. E. *M. OWEN & 8QN. WiSf M HIKBYt DEALER IN- Erugs and Medicines, MINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles, ---PURE-- WIN MSI AMI LIQUORS) FOB MEDICAL TOE, IU draft kth. 1 be c«u with U or 1G Inch bottomi, and tithw two or thn. r r^niUtu thi iVprti. rml«« and loweri tilt plow mad ;.!• i. vi-r lev.tc tiiu )"<>"• and the tnr lever control* »hi> h will turn to ri|;lit or left, or nialut It rigid n . is Not a "Hone Killer.1 "Sht- Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars and Smofcing and, Chewiui alwas on hand. * PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Tobacco Carefully Compounded, Give me a call* McHenry, Decemlter 28th, 1887. C. w. BESLEY. STORY & McOMBER, DEALERS IN- CONSUMPf1 . - jiitly of oases pronounced kx. tonu by doctors hope- If you have premonitory svmp- •uch aa Cough. Difficulty of dnn°t #" " Breathing, &c.t don't delay, WHO'S CURE FOB CONSU kn mediately but use FOB CONSUMPTION By Drag^ste. 26 Ogata. Unp.Ckmlotli.Dy.Btafti, Wato, QUsuIMsm. Constantly on hand. Also a large line ot Patent Medicines, Toilet - -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Fhyaioiang Freaortptlnn^ PW~" 4UUAA.tTOIIY. KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAK vVf"' MARK TRADE FOR Horsis, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. Excels any remedy for the rapid cure of Kanl Sold*,Cough*, Hide Bound, Yellow Wtter, Ftiver, Distemper, 8ore end Weak £y«t, Lung Fever, pMtlvenese, Blotches, an4 all difficulties arlt- llif fram Impurities oi the Blood. Wilt reilm Heeves at one*. Manufactured By the J0PPA MANUFACTURINO CO., LYONS, N. Y. JNre^ire^^Ug^^elyi^UtlKR & FU GENERAL HARDWARE, STOVIS, QBAK1TI-IE0N ASS TIHWABS. Barhed Wire, Screen Doers, Windbw Screen#, And Wire Cloth of all Widths. Sporting Goods and Cutlery. r>: Q A S O L E H B S T O V E S , The Universal and New Process Stoves that by far outrank any othef Vapor Stoves in the Market. See them Glass of All Sizes. Copper licited. * e make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin. and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfully so Vt' •' isfefi * v.£: 01; ' STOHY