Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Sep 1890, p. 5

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" >\ v 4 * JfVr MP Hebron Department Business Notices. Jl̂ earf pbhiedef. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10. 1890. Railroad Time Table. Takinr effiam Kunriar, June 13th. 1890, train* r IL put this station HI follows* -IS!4-"- OOIKO BODTH.", *UU6tn«n Ptiungtri... •Lake Unen EXDNH -- *L>k« Osneva Freight ^1:*9 P. M. *1.ak« Uansvs Pas*6n*er 3:» " •Lake Geneva rumor - #:2S' !. ShaksOwMva Passenger . .......7.»» tObloago k«wtoy^P»M»i|«r.:.,...T!# A. M. OOIKO NOBTB . ' *Lake OsttsvA rniikt . liW A. M. •Lake Genera Passsngfer 9:5« •• H*l4ik«Geneva Passenger ....:...10:10 •• •Lake GenevaKxpresa ... 4:80 P, M. \ •LAtetteneva Passenger.....g^.4£itjjk EXFLANATKM. -'V. * • • Daily except Sun lay. > -vl'Vs <• Sundays only- -.a i only to leave passenger'. B. Buss, Agent. McHenry, 111 MASONIC. McdaintT LODOK, NO. 158 A. p. an<1 A. M.-- Rerular Oommnnieatltns the seoond and fourth Mondays in each month. C. C, COLBY, W. M. I: K MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA. Meet at the new Oity Hall, every Seoond and Last Tuesday evening of iwh month. Neighbors eorllally tnvite<l- ^AmrotwcEMENre. FOB SHERIFF. By the earnest request of many of my old time friends, I hereby announce my- •Hf an independent candidate for the office of Sheriff of McHenry County, sub- Jnet to the will of the voters of the county, at the November election. D. A. STEDMAN. 1*HE Board of Supervisors are in session^ fct, Woodstock this week. V Yk i.AitoK number from this vicinity wil^ i on the Excursion to Joliet to-morrow J Thursday. j THE chicken has two feathered wings, anddwelleth in a coop; the oyster has no wings at all, but you'll find it in the fp. > 'THIS Lake County Fair will be held at iberty ville, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thurs- lav and Friday, September 16, 17, 18 id 19. A SPECIAL meeting of Valley Camp, Modern Woodmen of America, will be held on Saturday evening of next week, September 20th. Every member is ear­ nestly requested to be present BI'SSKY.S Photograph Tent remove! toJohnsburgh on Saturday last. Th»- citizens of that burgh should avail them­ selves of this opportunity if they wish to get good pictures cheap. THE Raffle tor a Stallion, "Colby's , Swigert," has been postponed from Sep- t*mberT3T.h to October 4th, at which time it will positively take ptace. _See. advertisement, \ the on fHR game of Base Bail between /McHenry and Wauconda Nines, f Thursday last, for a purse of #200, wan won by the Wauconda Nine by a score ol L32 to 21. Our boys are eager tor another [shance at the victors. NOTICB.--The officers and raembenT oi Mw McHenry Horse Sale Association are requested to meet at the Riverside House on Friday evening next, Septem­ ber 12th, at 7:80 o'clock. Business of importance. Let all turn ont. THE l'icnkj at Pistaqua Bay on Satur­ day last, by the Universalis Sabbath Sehool, drew out an attendance of a lout sixty, and the result was a very enjoya­ ble time. The day was fine and there is no pleasanter place than Pistaqua Bay a picnic. JI WORTHY drouth-stricken Kansas . alitor published the following item in hii paper: "The largest greenback in exis­ tence is of $10,000 value, And is the only one of its kind. At present it is not in our possession." If this editor will look through our safe he will discover that is--not there. , FFTBP EJCKHTABT has seat to this office tfyrg# Cfjpunjljefi thftt bf»at tfie world, They measure ltj%, ao^ 1$% inches in length, and weigh three pounds one oonce, two pounds eight ounces, and two ^ pounds five ounces. Total for the three. '.••• seven pounds and fourteen ounces. Who beat them? % PBBSONAI* JOHN I^^STORY and wife visited Wends in the City the first of the week. GLEN WAITE, of Elgin, is visiting friends in this village this week. • Miss AMY OWEN started on Tuesday for Lake Forrest, III., where she will attend school the coming year. Miss LI RA OWEN has been quite sick the past week, but is now reported as im­ proving. HON. F. K. GRANGER was on the sick list last week, but is now able to be around again. \ \ /"MRS. F. K. GRANGER met with a severe^ "BLUEBEARD JR., or Fatima MID the Fairy," was reproduced at the Chicago Opera House Sunday night in a manner which reflects the greatest credit upon the management of that theater. Allthe costumes were new and the scenery had been refurbished. It is needless to say that the entire presentation was a com­ plete success. The cast is an exception­ ally strong one, and "hits" may be at­ tributed to Miss Laura Clements, Miss Jessie Villiers, Douglas A. Flint, Ed Peeper, and John D. Gilbert. The latter is well known to Chicago audiences. He has a strong individuality and hosts of friends. His performance of Benzinia is fill one day last week, but fortunately I quaint and most amusing, and by his no bones were broken. J clever singing and dancing and his comic Sd >II. W. A. NASON, of Algonquin, made a professional visit to this village on Saturday last. MRS. T. J. WALSH and sou Dick, re­ turned on Saturday, from Green Bay, Wis., where they have been tor several weeks for their health. C. B. JORDAN and wife, of St Paul, Nebraska, are the guests oi C. A. Knight and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Dr. BrowD, at Î staqua Bay. - V went business he kept the audience in a roar all the evening. Miss Laura Clements is the possessor of a supert) soprano voice and a handsome : personality. She is an actress who has/tnade her principal suc­ cesses in cojni*/ opera, and her American success in the original production of Rider Haggard's "She." Of Miss JeSfeie Villers, who enacted the part of Ayeesha in a manner which surpassed that of her predecessors in the same role, it need only be said that she is an actress who has TONY BARMAN went to Chicago on1 .played every role in the Shakespearean Mouday to make a match for a Foot jd-ama. No actiess can play burhspie Racewith sonip of the noted sprinters of ^mless they have run the gamut of melo- thatcity. 1 . 1 A J- * ' THE attention o! the buying public is called to the new advertisement of John J. Miller, successor to Stevens & Miller, whicly:an be found in another plaee in this paper. THE Belvidere Northwestern, after being issued for a short lime as a semi- weekly has returned to the more slow- going weekly form. It.costs money and requires lots of hard hustling to issue a good sQiui-weekly newspaper. STANLEY LCMLEY, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lumley, died at the residence of his parents, in thisr city, Sabbath afternoon. Deceased was taken sick Wednesday afternoon, and although the best medical skill wps caPed to his aid, and everything done that loving hands could do it was of no avail. The disease could not be subdued and he had to succumb to the inevitable.--Seutiael. MR. JAMES CROW, of-Crystal Lake, in­ forms the editor of the Woodstock Sen­ tinel that he took particular pains, dur­ ing ths Fair, to enquire of farmers from different parts of McHenry county, as to the condition of the corn crop, and from what information he could gather he is satisfied that if the frost holde^aif for two weeks there will be nu average crop in the county. Mr Crow is good author­ ity as he has been the correspondent for the State Agricultural Board for several years. REPORT of ltiugwood school for the week ending Sept. C. In the marking 90 stan Is tor first class deportn ent ai.d goo 1 wo 'k. Anything above 90 means extra work: Whole N'o. enrolled 30 No. preeea^aver^^E,. ....29 Millie Lawsoa...,, 91 Ruth Barnard 91 Lucy Dodge.....W.91 Mabel Stevens 90 Katie Blake 90 Minnie Walsh 90 Stella Lumley 90 LuellaCarr 85 llii? Richardson..85 Myrtle Stevens....90 >ena Blake 80 Lena Harrison....87 lara Kelley 80 Mabel Carr 90 lamie Lawreuce.80 Scott Harrison....85 Willie French .85 Sayler Smith 87 Claude Thomson.85 Bennie Freuch 80 Frank Lawson..,.90 Ralph Rich'rdson87 Floyd Carr..........85 Roy Harrison 85 Joe McCannon....80 Joe Lawrence 75 Eva Lawrence....90 Geo Kobbins 85 Walter Robbiiis.,75 WM. NICKLE, Teacher. THIS Ladies Aid Society, connected with the M. E. Church, will give an entertain­ ment Friday evening, Sept. 12th, at the City Hall. Admission, 10 and 15 cents. Let no one miss this entertainment. Ex­ ercises begin at 8 o'clock, sharp. PROGRAMME. Voluntary ...Mary Wentworth' Quartette Recitation^ ..MI ..... M able G ranger Recitation...... Edgar Osborne f Lizzie Osborne^ drama, tragedy and comic opera. Ed Peeper is a new-comer in Chicago. He gave a most original impersonation of the part of Mufti, Bluebeard's valet, and won the audience from the start. The Bluebeard of Douglas Flint was seen last season. He has improved in his imper­ sonation of the bigamous celebrity. A lot of new music has been added. "Steady, Boys, Steady!" the great success of the "Red Hussar" in New York was intro­ duced, and Bco»ed four or five encores. The ballet is superb, and the dancing of the premiere, Mile. Paris, has never been surpassed on the stage of the Chicago Opera House. The piece will run another week, and will give place on Monday evening, to Rice's "The World's Fair." JOLIET.--Excursion to the prison city, Thursday September 11. For this grand excursion over two roads--the Chicago & North-Western and the Joliet, Elgin & Eastern--without change of cars, round trip tickets will be sold at the extremely low rate of $ 1 50. At Joliet, arrange­ ment's have been made to have the excur­ sionists shown through the Mlinois State Penitentiary, one of the largest and best managed penal institutions in the world. For this each person is charged a fee of 25 cents. This money goes to the prison library fund. Time Table.--Leave Lake Geneva on sf>ecial train at 7:30 a. m.; Genoa Junction 7:42 a. m.; Richmond, 7:47; Ringwood, 8:57; McHenry, 8:05; Terra Cotta, 8:12; Crystal Lake, 8:45; R^ach Turner, 10; Joliet, 11:15. Leave Joliet (Penitentiary), 5 p. m.; reach Lake Geneva before 9 p. m. Tickets for sale by Station Agents. , Coming A grain to McHenry! ' Pro*. Leo. Galitzki, the well knowp Graduate Optician and late professor of Optics at the Chichago Ophthalmic Col­ lege, is coming to visit us again. He came hire a couple of years ago and made periodical visits. He will be in McHenry, Wednesday, from 10:30 A. M, to 5 p. M., Sept. 10th. At Richmond, at the Culver House, Thursday, from 10:30 A, M. to4:30 p M., Sept, 11. At Harvard, at the Depot Hotel, Friday and Saturday, from 11:30 A. M. to 4 p. M., Sept. 12 and 13. All those in need of well adapted glasses should not fail to call on him. He has glasses to suit all visual defects. Our readers will be glad to hear of his return. Many no doubt havQbeen wait­ ing for him. Don't forget the date and hour. Duett Recitation. Medley [Mamie Besley ..Lloyd Overaker iArchie Eldredge Walter Besley Reaflifjig ..;..:^....Mra. N. S. Colby Song.:':;; By the Little Girls Recitation Carl Overaker Reading....,, ..Mrs. F. K. Granger Vocal Sploju, .Prof. F. M. Overaker Recitation.**""-- Lucy McLean Nolo Readiug.. Song.,. Recitation......... Grand Temparanoe Bally. Jack Warburton, of Milwaukee, will sing and talk temperance at Ringwood M. E. Church, on Saturday evening, Sept. Vl3, 1890. Everywhere the liquor traffic /is organising to extend its deadly power. Shall we continue luke-warm or fight ugainst it with all our might. Let the answer come in a rousing meeting. PER ORDER COMMITTEE. THE officers and members of Calvary Commandery No. 25 K. T. will meet in regular Conclave at their Asylum in Woodstock Thursday evening Sept. 11, inst. at 8 p. H. A fall attendance is desired. fC. C. HASKINS has purchased of Cap-11 bin French the line of Steamers running etween McHenry and Fox Lake, and will hereafter run the same. Hfe proposes to fit them up in first class style for the accommodation of the public, and wilP •pare no pains to please all who visit the famous hunting and fishing grounds of fox and Pistaqua Lakes. Pfij/RH Wjuifi, of Jobqsbqnrh, met rith an avoidant last week which came /near proving fatal, While shingling a building he fell from the roof striking in •ueh a manner as to break his shoulder, one arin and two or three ribs. We are jri&d to report, however that he is slowly iproving, with a good chance of com-/ Icte recovery. THS brute in human form, who com- ; Knitted the outrage in the Stewart Dis- : trict, in the town of Hebron, is now in HTpffdgtock Jail, but from themutterings on a# handf) it is doubtful ff he fpeapee lynching, which he certainly de- &TVM, There is no law severe enqugh fop such fiends, &n4 we believe &n out; gaged community could better deal out ' Ijo him what be so richly deserves, A MBW swindling sohame has been work' ""'ild upon a number of farmers in this vi *'pnlty. A Mlow comes around selling Dustings very cheap, representing to the purchaser that they are smuggled goods, & few days later a man representing ^imseU to be the agent of a large tailor- log house comes around and offers to np the doth into suits, very cheap. The farmer gives np the cloth to the ^ hwrt oC Vocal Duct.. iR ..Maggie Osborne F. M. Overaker By the Little Folks .....i Fannie Osborne {Mary Wentworth Hetty Wentworth ecitatton.' ...Ony Turser Vocal Solo : Lizzie Osborne Quartette IArchie Eldredge Walter Besley / IN regard to the reported violation of the game law, Attorney-General Hunt says that the law distinctly says that fitye tirae allowing the shooting of prairie chickens, eta, does pot begin until Sep teinljer 15th, Thjs is the law as pub­ lished, and no one baa a right to con­ clude the law means anything but what rlt expresses in the publication. Any statement iu regard to errors or irregu­ larities in the publication made by the Secretary of of State or any metaber of the legislature or any other State officer is nothing more or less than idle gossip and amounts to no more than if it were made by any one else. It is for the officers of the law, whose duty it is to (s iforce the law, to see that tlip lawqs ppb- lished is enforced. |f ^ny ope chooses to violate the law as polished he takes the responsibility of puch violatiop, and if prosecuted, the burden wi}l refit ur>on him to jij ove in a proper goqrt that t^ue law is invalid, < Joliet Thursday, Sept. 11. Round trip only $1.50. Leave Ringwood, 7:57 a. m., McHenry, 8:05 a. m., Terra Cotta, 8:12 a. m. Reach Joliet 11:15 a. m. Return­ ing reach McHenry about 8 p. m. Tick­ et® for sale by station agent. ' • & j*',J- ' > ~ 1 V: WELL DIGGING TOOLS FOR SALE. The undersigned being about to go West, will sell his Well Digging Tools cheap, if called tor soon. These Tools comprise two sets Cement Tubs, and all Tools necessary for the business. Will be sold reasonable. Inquire of LEONARD BANTBS. Johnsburgh Sept. 9th, 1890. Jollst. Excursion to the Prison City, Thurs­ day, September 11. For this grand ex­ cursion over two roads--the Chicago & North-Western, and the Joliet, Elgin & Eastern--without change of pars. Round trip tickets will be sold at the extremely low rate of $1.50. At Joliet arrangements have been made to have the excursionists shown through the Illinois State Penitentiary, one of the largest and best managed penal institutions in the world. For this each person is charged a fee of 25c. This money goes to the prison library fund. TIME TABLE.--Leave Lake Geneva on special train at 7:30, a. m.; Genoa Junc­ tion, 7:42; Richmond, 7:47; Ringwood, 7:57; McHenry, 8;05; Tprra Cptta, 8:12; Crystal Lake, 8:45. $pach iVfler lo a. m.; Joliet, a. m. Leaye Joliet (Penitentiary), 5 P< ni. Reach Lake Ge­ neva before 9 p. m. Ticket* for sale by Station Agents. TP Manufacturers, A fine location, with sufficient land to erect buildings, will be given to any manufacturing institution that will locate here. Good Power handy that can be procured cheap. For farther particulars address this office., DON'T F0RGET~ Thfet ths Crown, Red White and Bine Mid MeQoipjfBk. .MTrrr am wld |K6 • , - >" * ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PUAINDEALKR :---At Chapel! & Morton's Auction Sale of a carload erf milch cows, on Thursday of last week, cows sold on an average of $35.25 per head. Capt. Try on, the County Surveyor, was down again on Thursday last and finish­ ed defining the streets and highways in the incorporation of the village of Algon­ quin. J. Van Slyke, of the McHenry PLAIN- DEALER, was a welcoinecaller on his many friends here on Thursday of last week. D. W. Thomas got third money in the :50 pacing race, with his pacer Jim Green, and third money in the free-for-all, with his trotter, Red Cross, Jr., at the Belvidere Fair, last week. Mrp. H. B. Throop and mother visited with Mrs. G. S. Frary, at Cary, on Friday "1 last week. Some of our young folks attended a dance at Barrington on Friday evening last. Mr. aud Mrs.Chapin and three children, of Prospect Park, are spending a week's vacation at W. Philips', on the hill. V. N. Ford attended the reunion of the 95th Illinois Volunteers, at Harvard, 06 Thursday of last week, and he reports the largest gathering of the regiment of any reunion they have held. He also stopj»ed over Friday to the reunion of Soldiei-8 and Sailors of the Northwest, which he reports having a very large at­ tendance. Chapell & Morton sold a carload of springers to parties at Elgin, to be ship­ ped to Mexico. They loaded them here ou Saturday flternoon last for their long journey. D. F. Babbitt, of Pietagpa Bay, called on friends here on ThMiMK^ of last tffek. Miss Clyaaenia Benson, o! May wood, was the guest of her brother, W. P. Ben­ son, last week. Geo. E. Smith and wife Sondayed with father Tomisky. on Sunday. Miss Ora Chandler, of Elgin, Sundayed with friends here. Geo. Helm spent Sunday last with fiiends in Elgin. Dr. iNason's brother, from Chicago, apent Sunday last here with him. Esq. Philp, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss Aunie, spent Satur­ day and Sunday last with friends in Chi­ cago. ' v Mr. and Mrs. Bucklin, of Dundee, called on James Philp, Esq., on Saturday last. A surprise party was given Henry Big- elow on Saturdav evening last, by his many friends. H. Benthuysen has sold his matched span of grays to an Elgin party. Con­ sideration, $225. The Railroad •'ompany have a gang of men here repairing the Fox River bridge. It was exited that we were to have a new irou bridge here this setmon, but we will have to wait a while longer. I). W. Thomas started with his horse* for the Elgin Races on Monday of this week. H. B. Throop will start the Races at Elgin this week. He is a good one. Oue of Fred Rogman's little girls was quite sick with summer complaint last week. Dr. Nason was called -to McHenry last Saturday ou professional business. While there he paid a visit to Pistaqua Bay Camp and enjoyed a visit with Rev. Slade and D. Babbitt, of Elgin, the latter having a Summer cottage at that place, lie found it a delightful summer resort, truly rural in character, and entirely free from artificialities of city life. Just the place for rest and recuperation. H. B. Hubbard, who has been sick for the paet two-weeks^is gaining slowly. Lou Wenholz, accompanied by his father, of Dundee, started on Tuesday of this week for Orlens.Neb., where they will make a weeks visit with a brother of Lou's, Frank Tomiski, of Cary, oame down on Monday of this week to build hiasidewalk on Main street. Little Walter Johnston Is reported quite sick. Dr. Nason is attending him. Miss Lillie Laurhead. of Dundee, is vis­ iting her many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Goodrich started on Monday of this week for Dunkerton, Iowa, where they intend making a months visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. John Peter spent a part ot last week with friends in Chicago. Chapell and Morton shipped a carload of stock to Chicago on Monday of this week. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auc­ tion, on the premises at Tryon's Grove, 3 miles north of Greenwood and 5 miles southwest of Richmond, on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1890,commencing at 10o'clock a. m., SHARP, the following property: 23 good cows, nearly all coming in soon, 5 two-year-old heifers coming in this fall, 7 yearling heifers, 3 heifer calves, 1 full- blood Short. Horn bull o*e year old. 1 Short Horn bull calf, 1 work team, 1 Gelding 8 years old, 1 fyrood mare 8 yrs old, 3 half-blood Clyde mares 3 years old, I Gelding 1 year old, 1 half blood Per- cheron mare 1 year old, 2 Shire sucking colts, 12 brood sows, 30 shoats, 1 McCormick self-binder, 1 mower, 1 horse rake, 1 Ross feed cutter nearly new, 2 corn plows, 1 Graham seeder, 1 set drags, 1 sixteen inch plow, 1 hay carrier, fork and rope, 1 Acme harrow, 1 roller, 1 corn Clanter, 5 milk cans, 1 barrel churn and utter worker, 1 combination spring wagon, 2 truck wagons, 1 wagon box, 1 pair bobs, 3 sets double harness, 1 grind­ stone, 1000 bushels oats, 30 acres corn in shock, 60 tons tame bay in barn, 2 stacks straw, about 20 cords of stove wood, and other articles not mentioned. Also my farm consisting of 210 acres, nearly all under cultivation. TERMS.--All sums of $10, qqd under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per oent in­ terest. Two per cent off for cash. Terms on farm made known on day of sale. ALWON LUMLEY. F. K. GRANOER, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auc­ tion, on his farm, 5 miles south of He­ bron and one-half mile west of Tryon's Corners, on Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1890, commencing at 10 o'clock, the following property: 9 young cow$ new milch and springers, 7 two-year-old toilers, 5 yearl­ ing heifers, 1 two-year-okHbull, 1 yearl­ ing Holstein bul|, } grey l}rqdd' mare 12 years old, } bay roa(} mare four years old, 1 gr^y >('orrqap mafe^hrpe ytiara old, 1 bay Clyde mart: three years old, 1 bay road mare with colt by tjer side, 3 suck­ ing colts, 1 yearling colt, 2 sows, 14 pigs, 2 brood sowa, 1 full blood Poland China boar, 4 swarm# of Bees, 1 sot of heavy double harness, 1 set light driving har- ness, 1 single harness, 1 lumber wagon, 1 single carriage, 1 six shovel corn plow, 1 stubble plow, 1 set drags, 8 tons tame hay, 9 acres standing corn, 5 acres fod­ der corn, 40 bushels potatoes, and all my household furniture. TERMS.--Sums of $10 and under, cash Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash. GEO. A. LOMUEIT. F. K. GUANOES, Auctioneer. LODGE DIHKCTOar. HBBBOK LODOK NO. 604, A. r. and A. ML, meet at Masonic Hall the l*t and 3d Wednes- dsys of each month. D. A. CLABT, W, M. I. O. O. F.--Hebron Lodge, No. 76/, meet at Masonic llall every Tuesday night. W. E. WIRE, H. G. HEBRON O.K. 8. meet at Masonic Hall the M and 4th Wednesdays of each month. Mas. E. B. STRATTOK. W. M, M- W. A.--Meet at Musonlo Hall the 3d and 3d Saturdays of each month F. K. GRATTOW. V. O. A Mefodlst, a Mefodist till I die. I've bean baptised In the Mefodist faith. Bat idon't want any Mefodist chicken pie. Henry D. Baldwin called on his numer­ ous friends over Sunday. Our Hebron correspondent failed to materialize last week. G. B. Stone has gone west to attend to his western property. Where is the contemplated City Hall to be located? Chris Christianson will wort C. F. Prouty's farm. Threshing will soon be completed in this section. Ira Ellis shipped several coops of chick­ ens to Chicago last week. * Mrs. Ross Sill from Lawrence spent a part of last week with her parents. Mrs. James Mason has been with her daughter at Harvard for some time. Who will hold the horges? Ten dollars for the bravest man in Hebron. Ira B. Phillips is taking an extended trip through the West. He will visit Denver, Col., and other places. Aaron Rowe lost a valuable cow last week. Also had a colt seriously cutr with barb wire. Henry Street, wife and child, returned home on Thursday from a four week's visit in York State, the former home of Mrs. Street. Charles Chapman moved with his fam­ ily to Chicago the first of the week, where he expects to secure a situation as con­ ductor on a street car. A large number of the Hebron people who attended the McHenry county Fair and ate chicken pie at the dining hall were quite sick. The new press for the weekly Herald is in place and next week Hebron will boast of Vol. 1, No. 1, her first newspaper. We wish it success and long may it live. Frank Rowe has changed the Hall above the store to a Society Hall. The Mason's and Odd Fellows have rented it and when completed it will beoneof the finest halls in the county. The unpronounceable name Flossie speaks of in the Richmond (SiizHt« of last week is G. Z. D. by spelling the first and last letters and pronouncing the middle letter, Gee Z. Dee and you have it, named from Geo. Z. Deam. X. B. Mauor was at the Racine races last week and took third money, and con­ sidering that there was a 2:26 horse put in to fill the race and it was paced in 2:27 with Gee Z. Dee a close thira, it speaks well for Newel as a trainer of horses. Considerable excitement in town over the outrage that was committed in the Stewart district, accounts of which have been published before. The villian is a fit subject for the gallows or state prison for life, and it is the prayer of this community that nothing less will answer. Farmers have commenced corn cutting with a vengeance and those fortunate ones who possess silos are busy filling them. It is said that no fears are now entertained from the ravages of Jack Prost but the prospect is that the corn crop will yield a fair average. J. F. Brown and family are visiting at La Crosse where Mr. Brown is making arrangements to handle the La Crosse, Wallis & Co.*s buggies more extensively. John is a hustler, and any one in want of goods of this kind will do well to call on him, as he will not be undersold, quality considered. The foundation is laid and carpenters are busy on the Erection of Mrs. Hyde's new residence. Also D. A. Clary's and Fred Perry's, and we learn that Bead Finch intends to build in the south part of town. Hebron will persist in growing in size, although the sidewalk on Main street is sadly in need of repairs. Our public school commenced Septem­ ber 1st with one hundred and ten schol­ ars, Prof. W. E. Wire at the helm, who needs no mention as his name has been before the public for some time. Miss Dillingham has charge of the Intermedi­ ate department. She is a very successful teacher, this being her Becond term in Hebron. Mips Minnie Stone oversees the primary, and as a teacher of the little ones she has proven herself an expert. One of our townsmen visited the show at Harvard and was victimized to the amount of nearly one hundred and twen- ty-flve dollars. It seems strange that there are old men foolish enough to bet on another mail's game that have been beaten in nearly tne same way before. And I presume that if the same person were asked to contribute a dollar for some charitable purpose, he could not spare the money. The game of ball played at Richmond on Saturday last between the Hebron and Richmond juvenile nines resulted in a second victory for the former club, the score standing 21 to 19. The game was a close and interesting one throughout, and it was understood it was to be played for a prize of a bat and ball. Our boys came home with the honors and a new ball but no bat. Marie with alms at -•• AT R. A. HOWARD'S West Side Market can be foyund at all times Beef, Pork, J^utton, Veal, Salt Pork, Corn Bee/, I.^rdj Hams, Bacon, Dried Be^f aqq ajl kinds of Sausages. A choice line oi Canned Goods, Vegetables, etc., on hand. Oysters and Celery every Saturday. Fresh Fish on Fridays. Also Bakery Supplies. Our aim is to keep none but the best. Thanking my many customers for past favors, and hoping for a continuance of the same, I am RESPECTFULLY YOURS, • R. A. HOWARD. West McHenry, Sept. 1,1890. 8w2 J. •. Story'* Iiooala. If you want to see some of the newest designs in glasware incJuding salad, celery, berry, cake a.n.d, fritft dishes. The latest at Jul^q A- &tary a. A fine assortment of dolla including rubher dolls, fat babiea. rattlea eta,, at Julia A- Story's, The beat line of tablets, pencils and school boxes at J. A. Story's. Paints and Oils, the best and the cheap­ est at J. A. Story's. Why be troubled with Catarrh or Hay Fever when a box of Ely's Cream Balm will relieve you at once. Toothpicks 5 cents and Toilet paper 10 cents at Julia A. Story's. "Quinine Hair Vigor." The best tonic stimulant for the growth and preserva­ tion of the hair at J. A. Story's. The best worm mixture for children at Julia A. Story's. Snow white oil, the beat, try it, at Julia A. Story's. The beat bindiijr twia» Owmftfkm'a. f The Horses draw from the tight place on the McCormick. E. M. Owen & Son are selling lots of Mowers and rakes. They always carry the best machines made. "Have you seen the 5--A five mile horst blanket? If not, wliy not,? H you have a horse vou need it." The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drug Store. E. M. Owen & Son are knocking them all out this year with that celebrated Walter A. Wood single apron binder. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. No firm in the county handles a larger or better assortment of Binders and Mowers than E. M. Owen & Son. To save your Horses, to save your Crops, to save your Money, buy the McCormick. For Sale at Bishop's. NICE line of Pipes, just received, at Barbian Brothers. A good article will bring a good price. The blind, spavined, and spring-halted horse is dear at any price. Look them all over, but don.t forget the McCormick. For sale at Bishop's Warehouse. _ Evanson's 5-cent per yard layout chal- lies, seersuckers, sheetings, prints, lawns. The 10c, 12^c, and 15c goods all on one table at 5 cents per yard to close out, ready now. JOHN EVANSON & Co. SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE IN CLOTH­ ING. Too many suits makes it necessary for us to reduce stock. We lower the price of our clothing stock in consequence. The bargain sale with big discounts be­ gins Thursday morning, August 21st. Perhaps you better drop in for a suit Old Settlers' Day; 20 per cent discount. JOHN EVANSON & Co. FOR SALE. The undersigned, Executor of the Will of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, offers for sale his entire effects, consisting of his House and two lots, in the village of Mc­ Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etc. For full particulars inquire of the under­ signed. MARTIN WELSH, Executor BUFFALO BOOTS AND SHOES. We are pleased to inform you that we have secured the agency for the celebrat­ ed Buffalo Boots and shoes, and when shoe leather of any description is needed, plenwe call and look our stock over. In addition to this line we have the cele­ brated Henderson's School House Shoes; also the Rockfords and Racines, making our shoe stock the most complete and reliable to be found anywhere. We are also offering special bargains in clothing for men and boys. Please call. Respectfully, JOHN EVANSON ft Co. • RIGHT THIS WAY! All sizes boys' knee pants at 25c, 40c, 50c, 55c, 60c to 1.75 each; 5 doz. elegant blouse or shist waists at 28c, 40c, 75c, to 80c. New cream-white ecru oriental lace 4 inches wide, 4c, 5% inch, 5c, etc. 1000 yards good calico at 3&j, 4c, 5c and 8c; good lawn, 4c, 5c, tic, to 14c; 2 good fancy handkerchiefs lor 5c; white or black India linen at 9c to 35c; fine white laces 3c yd. The best and largest lot of all silk ribbon in plain or fancy ever shown in this town. See our job lot of children's shoes from 10c to $1. All rare bargains; great drives in good substan­ tial fans in great variety; fire-works of ail kinds a specialty. Call on us at one*. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. BUY OF BONSLETT & STOFFEL Choice, fully-warranted flour for 1.10 to 1.60; wholesome tea dust, 10c lb.; choice whole leaf Japan tea 25c, 45c, and 55c; 14tbs standard granulated sugar for|1.00; 7 bars good soap for 25c; 7 lbs. good smoking tobacco for 1.00; 6 boxes full weight best axle grease for 25c; choice broken rice, 4c ff>.; standard plug to­ bacco, 30c; good fine cut, 25c; standard brown sheetiug, 5c, 6c, 7, to 10c; good gingham, calico or cotton dress goods, 4c and 5c yd.; good cotton flannel 5c yd, men's good boots 2.20, 2.50, to 5.00; men's shoes, 1.25,1.35, to 5.50. Please ook us over. PASTURE TO RENT. 1 have three separate Pastures oi forty acres each to rent on the L. A. Parker farm, located between McHenry and Burton's Bridge. TUe^ ax^e newly fenced and each well supplied with water. For further particulars inquire at this office or write. 4w4 T. J. DACY, Woodstock, 111. WANTED. A good man tor a large farm, 640 acres. Most all in hay and pasture. Would pre­ fer to rent for cash for a term of years but would rent on shares if I can't rent for cash. I will give the right man a big chance. It will pay you to investigate. Located in Hancock Co., Iowa. Address, 2 W. H. FORD, Vinton, Iowa. New dress goods, new clothing, and new shoes are now arriving at Evanson's. DONT SKIP THIS For it is not an advertisement but a pointer, that when, you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get my prices. Highest market price paid for oats. 8 W. A. CRISTY. FOR SALE. One brown mare about 12 years old with a colt by her side. Will be sold reasonable. For further particulars inquire at this office, 6w3 NEAT ROOMS TO RENT Over E. Lawlus' store. Also fco> sale, 2 heating stoves, 1 cook 2 bed­ steads, 2 sewing machine Will be sold at half price. NOTICE. Tha stockholders of the National Building an,d Protective Union will please pay their monthly dues at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store where the books will be open at all times. 2-tf WM. STOFFKL. AN INVARIABLE SIGN. Swelling of the ankles or feet when not due to rheumatism, Prof. DeCosta says, is always caused by a weak or diseased heart. So is shortness of breath, pain or uneasiness *hen lying on the left side, smothering spells. The only cure is Dr. Miles' New Cora. Sold at Beeley'% drug stare. FOE SAL£ A Steam Lmra^b Catamaran, on Fox River, at %Keiwy, 2a feet long fitted with a one horse power ShipmanEngine. Will cawy six persons. Address, A.S. TYLER. 151 Michigan Ave., Chicago, HI. Sliiloh's Titaluer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizsiness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price fcy J. ATTENTION We have an extra large stock of fioft and medium priced Clothing. Re­ member the place--Periy & Oi Wl can fit almost anybody fa a nil M any style oolor or prloe. BemsmiMar the place--Perry St Owen's. In Young Mens Black Suits we beat hem all. Remember the plaoe--Perry & Owen's, You may need a fttt soon. DMA forget that we carry the largest stock andean sell you at the lowest Cash nrice. Remember the place--Perry A Owen's, Be sme end see enr blMfe and 4«itf colored Confirmation Suit* for the hoys. We are selling lots of them Rememqer the place--rerry & Owm*(k We havt a deseo odd «8tt§ that wa vlll sell at very low prices to anyone they will fit. They are all good style and good goods. Any of them an bargains. Remember tM plaoe"" Perry ft Owen's.I |We have several hundred yards Car­ peting, In all grades, styHs, and prloas ranging at 16c, 22c, 35c, 60o. 60c and 75c per yard. You are pretty sure to get suited. Remember the plaoe--Perry & Owen's, Yon ©an ff©» SOrtfcftea *ve*y pair of ladle# or gents Fine Shoes you >uy of as, and 25c I© 50a per pair oh Chtldrens Shoes, We carry the beet makes the country can produoe and are selling them cheap. Remember the place--Perry & Owen's. In Men's Hats an'S lSeokwear we lead hem all, W© always keep a large tock and the latest styles. Bemem- qer the plaoe--Ferry A Owen's. > We have Men's and Boys Fancy Flaa* el aud Tennis <Shlrts in great variety ot styles and prices. Remember ||MK plaoe--Perry & Owen's. * W» oarry a large line oi 8omm^ Dress Gooas !u Sateens, Tennis Flan­ nel, Lawns, Challles, Mohairs. Fine Olnghama, Prints, etc. Our stock el - Black Ooods cannot be equaled la this section: Remember the plaoe--Perry & Owen's. r ' • 7 Be sure and see oar las Fuenefr Sat­ eens In fast black. Buy non) but UM genuine, it giver satisfaction. Re­ member the plaoe--ferry it 7 We have a big bargain In black Dress Silk--all silk--at 75c, worth $1, Don't miss the opportunity. Remem~ ber the plaoe--Perry A Owen's, la Dress Trimmings, Butleee, Rib­ bons, Spool Silks, Twists, etc. we cea motch almost anything, Remeabef the plaoe--Perry & OweaPs. We we prepared for the warm weather with a great lot of Fans, Par­ asols and Umbrellss at low prices. Bs» member the plaoe--Perry ft Owen'i. When you want Table Lfueas „ Towellngs, see the variety we kee) Nobody can gfve better bargain iiilg line than we. Remember the place--Perry & Owen.'a. FLOURI FLOUR! FLOUR! We ks*p Plllsbury's. Bishop's, Hof» est Abe and other brands. Br --^ ' the place--Perry ft Owen's ' -4 Also remembei we pay Cash tor aft our goods |and sell tbesa as lew and many times lower tfeaa the so called < Chsh Stores. McHenry, IIL id.

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