Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Oct 1890, p. 8

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fiffifti*-- c. T. ------ Article# and Notice# under the above head »re fmnlflhou by th« Ladies of the W.C T. U. •s: iliii-i the Editor claims no part or credit tor th* »nwp,i g _ ^ ,'^y.W ' VIJ4J. ll'MJ tl I h 1 »• V - 1ST mf fct',; |3' ?v<' "It Kelpe Business." . "Do dramshops make business better f,'% or livelier? " is a question that indicates §P ifl!5a superlative degree of stupidity. It is Sl^a layered in the one instance of a sober, ,%ooest, industrious, healthy family. • That means a family prospering and liappy in the highest possible degree. >; If that family begins to sell liquor, it slaughters them like sheep and the fam- ^|ly runs out of existence generally in ^ about two generation#. If the family • ' <jbuys liquor they become intemperate, dishonest, idle and diseased in some members of the household. If not one of them uses a drop of liquor, the dramshop injures their busi­ ness, raises their taxes and insurance, ;/ "flnakes them buy expensive locks and bolts and arms to protect themselves, - ' * %md their property and lives are always ' Unsafe and uncertain anywhere within < '>'t,wenty miles at least of a dramshop or ' ' liquor ston^:-' Whatever may be one's relations to Itha dramshop, it is a robber and a pirate upon every honest business, a tax upon , every citizen, a peril of life and limb to ' i'^very individual and a general wholesale .;%auperiier of the community. Some one says "when high licenced it •; jbuilds sidewalks and paved streets." So v||t does, but it makes the people pay More taxes for jails, police, criminal and v lbivil courts, asylums, tramps, robbers, etc., than it puts into the treasury. And probably for every $500 it puts into the treasury it ruins a boy or de­ stroys a home and curses a whole family. And suppose it did pay for sidewalks and lire engines, etc., and did no harm; what a miserable folly it would be to get revenue it that way--to put a tax of *^jnbout $ 17 on the poor laborer for every •%1 paid of revenue to the treasury. Why not put a direct tax on the labor­ er to save the rich man, and only take 11 a month or so from them and let them -jipend the other f 1(> at the grocer's, baker's, shoe stores and cloth- •••'••ifmg stores, in place of buying drinks to pen*. them to jail and to perdition in the /^next world. The high license teacher or preacher advocates selling the boy and girl out to ihell here and hereafter to raise a revenue. vilenesB which savages and heathens have never dreamed of. But the real secret of their urging the sale of indulgences is probably a desire to be able to gratify their oWli private -love for a little drop in time of sickness :d"and debility and irritating corns and 4 dyspepsia and in cholera time and in cold weather ^d vecy warm days.-California Voice. FAILURES IN LIFE People fail in many ways. In business, in morality, in religion, in happiness, < and in health. A weak heart is often an I unsuspected cause of failure in life. If | the blood does not circulate properly in the lungs there is shortness of breath, asthma, etc.; in the brain, dizziness, headache, etc.; in the stomach, wind, Eain, indirection, faint spells, etc.; in the j ver, torpidity, congestion, etc. Pain in the left side, shoulder and stomach is caused by heart strain. For all these j maladies Mr. Milles' New Cure for the] heart and lungs is the best remedy. Sold, guaranteed and recommended by G.W, Besley. Treatise free. GROSS GRUELTY. ratferts too frequently permit their! children to suffer from headache, fits, St. Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc., when they can be cured. Mrs. P. was cured of sick I headache, dizziness, dyspepsia, nervous prostration of eighteen years' standing, after failure of sixteen physicians; Mrs. K., of sick headache for thirty-five years; Mrs. P., of twenty to fifty fits a night; others from this vicinity could be men-1 tioned who have been cured by that won-1 derful nerve food and medicine--Dr. Miles' . Nervine, which contains no morphine, *»«.» opium or dangerous drugs. Free Bample I * J \"--Y bottleo may be had at Besley's drug ; #toraw 1 SDAR * Wisl?ed'tw^Sifl?dy see ilp c ddQt. Looked too bi£for SANTA CUllS* But her matter, CJpJjged to Happies of'" ClfAUS SOAP » 'I sr* Noge aeriy, it SOAP ever tyiM" POPULAR. MADE BY Combination.. N.K. FAIR BANK <&.C0."rtJirir*CHiCAG0 Having purchased Mrs. C. V. Steven's interest in the stock for- raeily owned by Stevens & filler, and having reduced- our expenses, we are now better than ever prepared to sell you good yroods on a htn ilt profit. Now is the time ot year for you to buy your _ Fa 11 Dress Goods, 51 BUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS, Corsets, Slur tins: F annels, •53 Cotton Flannels, lit white and colors. ^11 of thepe goods must heboid in the Hh(»Ho«t f*o88iblo time, and will bo soid at absolute cost price and Irs* to cJomo ouu and make room for our stofcfc of TOD SILL R By looking over pur stock oft I N B 0 B B O I R N Before buying qlsewhere. J. W. Cristy •& Son, ENGWOOD. ILL. (Vwmn<7 Fall unil ^'inter, in Vfoii'H, V'-mrn'H '»r.^<*h»ld»"u' Khrt l riim i<» Cii'i y n Hii« <»t Bo'hIb find tliiti q»in i » y a n d pri«*e win nf»r. ••xcolle l in the county VW wi! I nlso otter you a well Beipcted l?ne of Rock ford Overall*, bhirts, Jackels,; J)uck Coats, etc. A choice line of Brought in fresh every two Weeks and sold at the clo est prices The beat brand* of Flour always kept on hand at prices way down, quality considered. Thanking you for past favora we respectfully solicit a continuance of your valued patronage JOHN JT* MtLLlR. West McHenry, III. E.I M. OWEN & SON. DEALEB M ALL KINDS OF To the Farmers of ffiaHenry 00tt#1uiil Vicinity: I atn now prepared to show a new and clean assoitoaeDt Agiiuuiini'rfl tiapleuiants second to none in the county and at pric that 1-aiu confi4^lf it ifill pay jppft|i|r^iuve8tigau» (nfoit makio your purchases. | ^AGON livincr "LITTLE am' mn wsl m MANUFACTURED BY TKt GRAND DETOUR PLOW CO. DIXON, ILLINOIS. Draft Is Afreet irnn •'.» beim Uk-» ^ wn!Vl#»sr plow. Hitch Hk.» ^ wn!Vl#»e plow in t'.cAdv when worn. cj.rner either vn+ perf<Mtlv9 the ground. U tu from at ui c.t ft; unirk wli^h ftll ild« TACOB BONSLETT. OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILI, MeHEimY, ILLINOIS. -DEALER IN-- FOB SALE OE RENT. The house known as the Mrs. L. A, I Clark house, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of H. C. Mead. Dated January 1st, 1890 D. NEEDHAM'S SONS I 110-11 > t>earborn Street. CHICAGO lei Clever Bless Purchased f>r Cash, all of which will tie sold as low as the maret will admit and furnish first class good*. A FUL.L I<INB OF STOVES* GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. f ' Gall and see our Gasolene Stoves. Glass of All Sizes Constantly on Hand. In the Market, a.t Bottom Price*. AND HBFAIHXXTa I "r' will be done on short notice and Satisfaction share of public patronage solicited, JACOB Guaranteed J BONSLETT. Cancer, , D Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, C^nstipatlo&Ipil Whoopintu Coufifh. BIKASII, Ser . etitioa paper* 'Ml W'V\ r; A#* St R1TG t0 •anvasa for the sale! r%W EpIw I Oof |iur Home-Grown ^nrijmstnpk w ANTED 55£0!Ii3SS^2!HSS • trwBQUALED Faciutikb. One ot the largest, OvuGSt-cstsa And ocst known Nurserict III tbe country. Address, IF. & T. SMITH, Geneva Nursery, Established in 1846. Oeneva, N. Y. ACHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Salary and Expenses paid, or eion if preferred. Salesmen everywhere. Mo experienoe Address, stating age, H. W. FOSTER A CO., Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y. JULIA A. BTOBT, (One Door West of Riverside House)) MoHENIlY, TLM^'OIS. -DEALEB IN- wanted needed. J Me d i c i n e s , X A FULLfcLIMB OF- Iroit th« botuim u Hai no liiiuikMe, without r*'*lns thu driver and its work Front an ! rtuz >r j>r»»iurraiu. pr. e. r Tli# tthti'v kj. ii »* pi -- U v>rrit»«! on tno whf?'«t thrtlt It ao »!«U «^o I«uiU«iu« ^ivuurj--bv frkitou. lib draft U th« pos« »hl#, "ku be i.«.d villi 11 ^r 16 I !i bottoms, and <itl tr two or thns ti it i *;.>xs'rx It eoji Corcr- • bar •" M (1 : 'tpty., ra!«p' * ievt-.- i--t plow h. i tnr;. <»r nnd lcw«> th« plow and 1 lh«i rf i»" control} M it ri|firt 19 iilt nr i'u t^c WWca*.-. -t. \tir--S -*41 ilcjr. A- &Te*.\ ^u-t . i. >•. .ov \tw »rn Ufdla^ ^ Ihi^iCiplfcw-. 'Vlh^yiStcvjl '•H '-'niiilo &114 We keep the Bain wagon, of Kenoiha, Wis., also the Weber, of Chica<ro, sit lowest possible prices. Also a newthing entirely in wagon is the Chiimpion, with no front bolster, the frojit axle being stationary, which insures hay or straw from ever tipping over and are warranted for five jears. of thirty days on these wagons. Will give the right party a trial Carriages, Buggies, etc. , We keep constantly 'on hand the only Cortland wagons .and buggies, that have stood the hardest tests here for years. Also the Rice Coil Opring Buggy, the easiest rider made, and other styles Pumps, wood and iron, put in from-14) to 100 ieet deep at way down prices and all guaranteed. <iive us a call before you buy anything in our line as it will surely pay you E. M. OWEN & SON. KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAR MAR TfiAU Horses, Cattb, Sheep & Hogs. Excels any remedy 1r,r ihe ripid euro of Hard 6o!ds, Coughs, liicia Co-.mi, Yellow V..' ..*r, l:cv«r, Distemper, Sore ard V«'c:.k Ey?s,'Lung Fever, Cottlveness, Blotches, and alt ittfficr.'Ues aris­ ing from Impurities of the Blood. Wi:i railcvt Heaves at once. MaKufncturedby tht J0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y. Surf* Cur# for Hog Cholera. FULi.£K & ttJlLZR, Gtnaral Western Agents, Chicago, lit. reAL „ Jie-- IV if' for\ c0NSUMP^' "Tf t has permanent ly cured thousands Of cases pronounced by doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such m Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, &c., don't delay, but use PISO'S CURE FOB CONSUMPTION Immediately. By Druggiate. 25 ceate, r tl f W ' i ^ ~ , 1 •' , > 4 V - ^ Engi, Owndctb, 2j« Stoffii, Paints, Oils and Colon. Constantly on band. Atso a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, it • % e t r , AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Physicians JProaoriptioiuB OacefuUy and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma^ cUt* Your patronage iaj^^g<ectfy 1 ly soliHted. f/^JL ZMFKOVKD Spur Wire. For sale at the Harness Shop of Wm. Walsh, West McHenry, Uiinois. S. SHERMAN. W^Kt McHenry, M*y 2d, 189Q ILSI01M JJP Agents Wanted] Circdlab* Fsur*. 1 000 Brwrrter" hr.sss!si>ass. S5»«s IMPORTANT |22 0C finest Suit, only 20 00 " •• •• 13 " never und«r tn (Umps for tilflkat cu. Brewster Ilk tE. W. BLATCHFORI) & CO., o! Chi­ cago, have appointed lionelett & Stonel of West McHenry, agentw for their fauious Oil Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmors •liould accord a fair trial. Very cioae price* are offered ou amali or large ioti sm.w That the man who eel's his best goods for the LEAST MONEY, Is the man that pays cash for his £rnods. Call and see him and his prices, tin 75 •• " 17 80 " 8 70 B>y8;Su1t tland 12S IJoye Knee Panto ' 35 Lvliee' Kins Shoes 1 70 " Common Senae Sboe I 75 "Wella A Fargo Plow iihoen 1 IO ^ f ongrog^ Shoos 1 60 Hundred* of other goods at the same prices. YOUR8, E. LAWLUS. lllinola. ABl l l i ; If you wish the best Plows made come and see us and exam­ ine the renouned ex tra hardened Norwegian Plows, al«o the Star Bradley, Grand Detour, Ro< I*lf<nd, Thompson, J. I. Case and others. Also the latent pat­ terns of t Thtee Wiiail Sulky Plows. Above you can see the Little Yankee, considered equal to any on earth. Also have the Big Injun, New Wonder tongueless, and several others, WAGONS If you want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished well proportioned, light ruuning, durable, superior quality, unex ctl'ed, Do you wanl a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you buy. Always on hand Farm Trucks with broad tires. Vv ood and iron putnps, platform spring wagons, combiaatioi wagons, fine carriages, all kinds that will bear close inspection, MOWERS! MOWERS ! Tbe McCormick, Ked White and Blue, and the Crown, all first class goods and prices way down. HAKES I HAKES I RAZES. The Holhngs^worth, Gazelle self dump, and the Ell wood self dump. C an furnish pole or shahs as desired, withany of the above named rakes. The McCormick Simple Knotter, Is the Sest knotter or earth. It ties more grain with less twine--and does it better--than any other machine. The invinci­ ble Mc'yormick offers you twine when twine is cheap, wire when twine is dear, For particulars call at agricultural warehouse of Richard Bishop. Having just received a carload ot standard grades, I would respectfully ask those in need of twine to give me a call. Call at my warehouse, examine goods and learn prices, on all gojds in the implement line. Very Truly Tour* RICHARD BISHOP; GEO. W. BESLEY'S. IS WEST -DEALER IN and lie PAINTS, OILS. Toilet PURE WI1IS 1KB E<X<£ UO KSf FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars and Smoking and Chewing TobacoP alwaa on hand. , PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. C. w. BESLEY. STORY & McOMBER, DEALERS IN- GENERAL HARDWABE, ' . ' . ' ' ' \ STOVES, GBAHITB-IEQN ABO TIBWABI. Barbed Wire, Screen Door*, Window Screens, And Wire Cloth of all Widths. Sporting Goods and Cutlery, fll GASOLENE STOVES, The Universal and New Process Stoves that by far outrauk wij other Vapor Stoves in the Market. See them. Glass of All SizM. • • ^ e mak® a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbl»£ "in- Copper and Sheet-iron. Your patronage is * respecttully so (icited. STOKY k ^ :• • vu-. :-m

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