Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Oct 1890, p. 4

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Jl^vj piUiik ... , •• = *K '* WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 1690. |r.,VAN8LYKE, Editor. rilTC OA P1?P M»y bf founrt on I ill5 till FJEL Me at tt BO. P er«> advertising YORK. HOWBLL A OO.'S Newspaper Advertising ilomn (10 Spruce Street), wn on tract* may be •wde for it In fcgTlf our readers notice a lack of news and variety in qur columns this week ^ ̂ tbey will know the reason without any "j*" explanation from us. We hope to be I able next week to do better. IGF* Butter was firm on the Elgin Board -of Trade Monday. Sales were 17,940 pounds, at 24% cents, and 2,100 pounds at 24% cents; total sales, $4,912.- - 1ST Jacob Haish, the DeKalb barbed wire manufacturer, was nominated for Congress by the Fifth District Congres­ sional convention at Elgin last Saturday There is a place for everything, fellow citizens, but there isn't a place for t\, it1 every man. Remember that when you i . - . b e g i n t o d a b b l e i n p o l i t i c s . ifcfc I^TWe have just learned that at the meeting of the Senatorial Committee which was held in Chicago on Saturday last, George Reed, of Boone County, was put in nomination as the third Republi can candidate for the Legislature in this, the 8th District. We shall have some­ thing to say about this next week. I®"The Alanta Constitution appears to believe the yarn that Speaker Reed paid $5 apiece for voters at the recent Maine election. The subscribers of the Constitution in view of the prosperity which Speaker Beed and his associates have conferred upon them, could afford to pay all his election expenses rather than allow the Democracy to come into power at Washington. I®* The McKinley tariff bill went*into effect Monday, October 6th, and there is a general wailing and knashing of teeth among the Calamity Jane Democrats. But there is no occasion for it dear Bourbon brethren. You will have an opportunity to retaliate in 1892 by electing a Democratic President and restoring the country to prosperity again after it has been ruined by the "in­ famous McKinley bill,"--providing you have votes enough. t fe: .If Silver wa« worth 91 cents under the Cleveland administration; to-day it is worth $ 1.19 an ounce. These are the sort of things which have given the Republican party the confidence of the business men of the country. The value of the wheat, corn and oats of the country has, by enhanced prices, had $691,000,- 000 added to it since December, 1889. What has wrought this modern miracle? The intelligent business legislation of a Congress Republican in both branches. "iS^The Republican Congressional Campaign Committee is sending out sev­ eral thousand photographs of scenes in the House during the last two weeks They show up the empty seats and the scramble of the Democrats to escape be­ ing counted. The photos show the seats of the Republican side filled with repre­ sentative while those on the Democratic side are empty. Each picture is under­ lined with: "The Democratic idea of do­ ing business;" "Rule or ruin;" "The Second Great Democratic Secession." They are good campaign documents. The Necessity for a Full Vote. It is apparent to close observers of po­ litical events that the Democratic Nar tionalCommittee has picked upon Illinois as the one State in the Union in which to make an active, aggressive fight this year. Almost every other State has at some liuiw or other within the past decade elected a Democratic St*te ticket. Illinois, however, true to the memory of Grant, of Lincoln and of Logan, has steadily maintained its place in the Re­ publican column. But this year the De­ mocracy have iwolved to make a des­ perate effort to carry this State. They are sending strong shakers into many districts; they are flooding the rural districts wiih misleading literature; they ore nominating nien with "bairels" for many of the offices, and they are fo­ menting dit-cord in the Republican ranks whenever possible. Third party tickets are being encouraged by them in many sections, and the prejudices of Lutherans in one neighborhood, and of Catholics in another, are toeing appealed to in order to win votes for their ticket. For these and other reasons it is especially impor­ tant.that the vote, in such Republican strongholds as Lake County, the Eighth Senatorial, and the Fifth Congressional Districts should be got to the (tolls. It is not enough that a Republican major­ ity for the county or District is secured; the full vote is needed to overcome a Democratic majority in the Central or Southern part of the State. In Lake, McIIenry and Boone Counties does any Republican suppose that a doaen Demo­ cratic voters will be left at home on elec­ tion day? Why, the district is to-day, more than three weeks before election, being raked as with a fine toothed comb by the two rival Democratic candidates for the legislature. Every" Democrat will be out to vote, and he will be earnest­ ly at work for bis favorite candidate. Will it do, then, for twenty five, or thirty, or forty per cent of the Republicans of this district to stand all day behind their counters, or sit in their fields husk­ ing corn, or give the day to other occu­ pations, saying meanwhile, "it's all right, this county is Republican any­ how?" By no means. Apathy like thin may result in serious consequences. This contest is but the preliminary contest for the great Presidential campaign of 1892, and Republicans should be awake and in earnest. The men who have the good of their party and of the Nation at heart should canvass the neighborhood and make sure that they understand the is­ sues of the campaign and are informed as to the candidates of their choice. And pn election day they should not fail to give the required half hour, or half day, if necessary, in order to go to the polls and cast their ballots.-- Waukegan Gazette. The Battle of Gettysburg:. We beg leava to advise our our readers to be sure and not forget to see the Panorama of the battle of Gettysburg, while in Chicago during the Exposition. Take advantage of the low rates and see Gettysburg. There is no picture in the world like this of Gettysburg; no other picture presents such a scope of country or gives such a thrilling representation of a battle. It is no wonder it is called "Chicago's Pride, and Greatest Artistic Attraction." 9 L CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Salary and Expenses paM •ion if preferred - • or Commie- Aaletmen wanted experienoe needed. everywhere. Mo Address, stating age, FL. W. FOSTER & CO., Nurserymen, Goneva,, N. F. -- -- -- -- . " 1 ^ H. B. THROOP, AUCTIONEER, Algonquin, 111. Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Farming-Tools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. AH orders promptly filled [ make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele­ graph me at Algonquin, 111. FOR SALE CHEAP. A Steam Launch Catamaran, On Fox River, at McHenry, 23 feet long fitted with a one horse power Shipman Engine. Will carry six persons. Address, A. S. TYLER. .151 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. • - ft Attorney. Master's Sale of Real Estate. STATE O.' ILLINOIS, McHenry Comnty, R8. Mctlenrv <5ounty Circuit Towrt, Sept. term, A. I>„ 185HI. In Chancery. Bill to foreclose. NinaG. Orlsty, va. James Quinn and M iry Qulnn. BY* vlrtuv «n<I in pursuance of a decretal order made in saia at said term, to me directed and delivered, I shall, on Thursday the 16th day of «Octol»*r, A. !>., 1890, at one o'clock, p. m., at the ea«t- door of the Curt House, in the city ot Woodftoek, McHenry County. State of Illinois, ofl'or for na'e at pub­ lic vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, the foIlowltiK described premises uientionod in *ntd de« ree, and situated in the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit- The North twe«.ty.|]ve (25) acres of the South-west Quarter (H) of the south-east Quarter (K) of Section N umber One (1) in Township forty- i"iir (44), Kauge Eight (8), East of the Third (3d) Principal Meridian. M. L. JOSLYN, Master in Chancery, McIIenry Uo , 111. Woodstock, III., Oct. 1st, 1890 C. P. BARSF.P, solicitor for Complainant. - C. P. BARNES, Attorney. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. „ In Circuit Court of McHenrv County,; * " \ BUY YOUR • . V '< AND GRAlJ Where you Thiaweaiiaof <|o the best Orlaty, January term, A. D. 1891 Albert E. Bourne. Thl» Trad® Mark Is on Tbe Best Watenroof Coat In theworM. OVEfl.V COME TO THE Second Anneal Sale ° Sbort Hons THURSDAY, ODT. 30, '90, AT T34HS COLE'S FABM, Spring Grove, McHenry Co- 40 - 40 HEAD 40 - 40 Tweuty-five Grand Cows and Heifers, Springers or Calves by their side; Good Milkers. 15 young Bulls ready for service. • NONE BETTER. Terms of̂ ale, Notes payable six month" after date, with­ out interest if pa<d when due; if not paid when due to draw interest at 7 per cent per cent p r annum from date until paid. The usual 2 per cent discount for cash. Foi cata- ogues apply to , FRANK COLE, I Spring Grove, FRED BA TCH.} McHenry Co , 11L O. BECKING TON. Auc. Governor Gordon, of Georgia, the originator of the ridiculous scheme to boycott the North, appears to be in tf bad way, politically. He recently madeI WTtTA'P f WrVFH? a savage attack on Colonel Macune of | " ••• " " ««<•» • the Farmers' Alliance, and this haB so exasperated the farmers that his election to the Senate is extremely doubtful. His friends are doing their best by running independent nominees in legislative dis-1 Have the people of Mc Henry and Well, Hardly Ever! Mary Bonrne In Chancery. Bill for di­ vorce. Affidavit of the non-residence of Albert E. Bourne, the above pnmed defendant, having been tiled in the oflice of the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice is hereby Riven to the non-resident defend-- ant, that the o^itplainant fillet her bill of com.? plaint in said Court on the Chancery sides thereof on the 12th <i*y of September, A- 1) <890. nnd that a summons thereupon issnec out of said Court a^ilnat said defendant, re­ turnable on the 22(1 day of January, A. D,j 1850, as is by law re<i Hired. And an order haying been entered of record in said Court at the September term, 1&90, thereof, that said cause stand continued, with order of publication. Now, therefore, unless you the said Albert K. Bourne, shall pfiisonaUy lie nml appear be­ fore the said Circuit Court of McHenry Coun­ ty on the flret d:iy of the nest term thereof,! to be holden at the Court, House in the City ofrl Woodstock, in avid county, on the 12th day off Ja.nuarv, A. D. 1891. and plead, answer or de­ mur to the said com pluiuant's bill Ofeomplaint thfl same, and the matteis and things therein charged and stated, wnl be taken as con­ fessed, and a decrce entered against you ac. cording to the pr«yer of said bill. In 'esttmony whereof, I h&ve hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, at! iny office In Woodstock, this 27'h day of Sep- tember, A. D., 18*0. W P. MORSE, Clerk. O, P. BABNES, Complainant's Solicitor. Administrator's Notice. - INSTATE Of Julius A. Thomas deceased I j The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Julius A. Thomas, deceased, late of the county of Mc­ Henry, and State of Illinois, hereby give# ] notice that uhe will appear before the County Court of McHen>y County at the Court House ! in Woodstock, at the November term, on the first Monday in November next, at which time all persons having cla ms against t>aii estate are not tied and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to slid estate are re- quetued to make immediate payment to the undersigned Dated this 22d day of September, A. D 139rt. 11 LucrH THOMAS Administratrix. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of C. v. Stevens, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the Kstate of C, V. Stevens, deceased, late of the County of McHenry ana State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before ihe county court of Mc­ Henry county, at the Court Hou-e, in Wood­ stock. at the December term, on the first Monday In Dec-mber next, «t which time ail persons having claims aeainst said estate are notified and request! to attend for the pur- pose of havintr the -ame adjusted. All per. sons indented to sail estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 8th day of October, A. O , ]89i> MARIA F. PTEVBNS, Administratrix. When Baby «H rick, we gave her Caitorla, When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, sne gave them Caatorla •W'+ • L I - -AT THE- Pickle Factory, g-; Grain of all kiniJs bought, and sold. _ " j_'"\ . ^ It will pay you to and see me. , » Respectfully, W. A. CRI8TY. I®*"Gen. Butler does not appear to be posted on all the law extant. The other day in Boston he offered himself as bail lor his client, charged with attempting a pension fraud. When the. United States commissioner declined to accept he got angry and wanted to know the reason. The commipsioner called the General's at­ tention to the fourth paragraph of the law rules of the United States circuit and supreme court, adopted over fifty yearn ago, which reads: "No attorney or counselor of this court shall, on pain of being struck from the roll, be bail in any cause defending before the court." It did not take General Butler long to per­ ceive that, had his offer of bail been ex­ cepted, he would have been liable to ex­ pulsion from the United States bar. He subsided as gracefully as possible, but he is evidently not too old a lawyer to read lip a little. tricts where the candidates are opposed to him, but so far the nominations show a majority of ten against him. Governor Gordon recently alluded to the Hon. Thomas N. Norwood, who is running against him for the Senate, as "a stay-at- home during the war, who fortified him­ self behind a pair of sore eyes." The governor's mouth appears to be his worst enemy; and that organ will have performed a national service if it succeeds in beating him. adjoining counties had so favor­ able an opportunity to purchase I i i i l I l I AS IS NOW FOUND AT GROSS GRUELTY. Parents too frequently permit their | children to suffer from headache, tits, St. Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc., when they can be cured. Mrs. P. was cured of sick headache, dizziness, dyspepsia, uervous prostration of eighteeu years' standing, after failure of sixteen physicians; Mrs K., of sick headache for thirty-five years; Mrs. P., of twenty to fifty fits a night; others from this vicinity could be men­ tioned who have been cured by that won­ derful nerve food and medicine--Dr. Miles' Nervine, which contains no morphine, opium or dangerous drugs. Free sample I bottles may be had at Besley's drug | store. . MCHENRY, ILL. With Two Stores, J®* Our regular Washington corres­ pondent says: "Secretary Blaine having declined to visit different sections of the country on the plea of pressing public business, the know-it-alls, of whom there is always a plentiful supply in Washing- toil, even when Congress is not in session, will have it that we are on tbe eve of im­ portant international complications with tliis, that, or the other nation. One will tell you that several foreign ministers have entered protests from their govern­ ments against the enforcement of the anti-lottery law, which excludes publica­ tions ot their respective countries from our mails, another will assure you with a solemn countenance that tbe United States is going to war with poor little Guatemala, while still another will whis­ per mysteriously that the State Depart­ ment is hourly expecting news of a con­ flict between our vessels and British men- of-war in Behring Sea. All of which is what the late Horace Greely used to call "rot" of the worst kind. It is not strange that Mr. Blaine should find himself busy Jfist after returning from a long vacation, nor that he should be anxious to clear lip the work which accumulHted during kis absence. Busy as he is, however, he expects to find time to make a speech or two in llepreseutative McKiiiley's district before the campaign closes, as he, like j every other good Republican, is deeply Interested in seeing Mr. McKinley re- „ turned to Congress." HE.W. BLATCHFORD & CO., of Chi-1 cago, have appointed Bouslett & Stoffel [ of West McHenry, agents for their famous Oil Meal and Calf Meal, which nil farmers •bould accord a fair trial. Very close J»rioen an* offered on smnii or large l"i a A FORTUNATE WOMAN. Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich., has reason to be very thankful. She was a great sufferer from heart disease for years. Was short of breath, had hungry spells, pain in side, fiutterii^;, faintness, etc. After taking two boxtles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, she says, "I am better than for twenty years. My mind and eyesight have improved wonderfully. I advise all persons thus afflicted to use this great remedy." G. W. Besley, drug- S'st, recommends and guarantees it. Dr.. iles' work on heart disease, containing I are offering' at greatly marvelous testimonials, free. I REDUCED PRICES. One on the West and ono oi the East side, they present to the buying public a Larger Stock . of all kinds of Furniture this Fall than ever before, which we . FOR SALE OR RENT. The house known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark bouse, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of H. C. MEAD. Dated January 1st, 1890 DON'T WHIP A SICK HORSE, M.P. Nor take Cathartic Pills when your bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. But try--once at least--Miles' Nerve and Liver Piljs. They act through the nerves. Samples free at Besley's drug store. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. We bave taken great pains in selecting our Undertaking Supplies. COFFINS, CASKETS & TRIMMINGS, Cf the latest designs. Every­ thing New and Elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see us when in want of anything in our line. AVa* - F. K. GRANGER, Ceneraf Auctioneer. Sales of Ileal Estate, Stock, Farming I Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the mostreas-1 onable terms. Orders bv mail will receive prompt at-1 tentkm. Address. F. K OliROIB West McHenry H. C. MEAD, General Auctioneer. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds atteudoded to on the most reasonable terms. A share of pat­ ronage solicited. P. O. Address. West McHenry, 111. & A Splendid New Hearse In connection, which will be fur­ nished at Keasonable Bates. j JUSTEN BROS. i McHenry, III., Oct. 14,1890. REASONS Why Ayer's Satsaparilla It preferable to any other for the cure of Blood Diseases. Because no poisonous or deleterious ingredients enter into the composition of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains only the purest and most effective remedial properties. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prepared with extreme care, skill, and cleanliness. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is prescribed by leading physicians. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is for sale everywhere, and recommended by all first-class druggists. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine, and not a beverage in disguise. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla never fails to effect a cure, when persistently used, according to directions. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a highly con­ centrated extract, and therefore the most economical Blood MeSicine in the market. --Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had a suc­ cessful career of nearly half a century, and was never so popular as at present. --Thousands of testimonials are on file from those benefited by tho use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. , PREPAKKD BY Dr. <1. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. MM |l;al* bottles, ft, Wortk » bettta. ) Every Enterprising Thresherman knows that the threshing machine that will work the most rapidly, clean perfectly, and save all the grain will bring him the best jobs and best prices, and so he will Write now to at once investigate our claim that X: • h tl PRESENT iiW-Vi NOTHING."' "Alg Oi JL CLOAKS AND WRAPS, >4 Wc will offir theffi tiHtH discount of 'I > C2; FIFTEEN PER CENT • . . . • - . * . . * . From our For instance already Low Prte§& •v r*f\- v.-y- VIBRATOR IN II Paid 100 Ceits on the Dollar | TO 1890, Yet (loin<r bisitiefs at the old stiii'l, near the Depot* at West McHenry, III., . WHERE At all times can i>e f ound a stock ot Foraip ant Doiassiic Green aod Uriel Froils,. GROCERIES AND FH.O YIS IO.NS. Of a quality not to be surpassed in any market. To PIIOW that good goods can be Bold at ren so liable rates an exarnina-1 tion by those in want of them is cordially invited. No special days of cheap rates j but reasonable prices every day. AIL BY THE EXCLUSIVE AND ONLY UNCLE BEN GILBERT. beats anything heretofore made in >. all these and other points. The wide-awake Farmer will also get our circulars and satisfy himself whether he can afford to have his grain wasted by qther threshers when he can make money by having his grain threshed with' the New Vibrator. Our pamphlet giving - full information about Threshing Machinery and Traction Engines sent on application. WE WILL SSLL YOU FOB $8.60. All others subject to same discount. We also have four Cloaks that we sold at $10 to $12.50, we will sell for $4 each. RESPECTFULLY, HENRY ROGERS. Yolo, Illinois, October Tfcli, 1890. LJJUU \ The owner of this horse use9 the 5^ Ironsides Sheet for the stable. It keeps the horse clean and ready for driving and saves an hour's work each day. 5/A Lap Dusters UdhutLi nSimi. 5/A Ironsides Sheet faSrioES ̂ in BUM*. 5(A Clipper Fly Nets yo^rterrsaBi Equal to leather at Half tbe Co it. 100 other styles of S/M, Horse Sheets and Ply Nets, at prices to suit everybody. For nle by all dealer^ If you can't get them, write ea, w i JOHN EVANSON & CO. New chances for economy coming up in spots when you least expect it. It goes the same way. You have to be quick or miss it. oo it happens that the BOY'S OVERCOAT! Are the best for the least. There is always something* about the store Saturdays that you rarely see anywhere else, Such a com­ pany ot halt priced things we manage to get together just when they are most wanted. It you come Saturdays and keep you e^es wide open you are sure to light on something on which the price has swept down to the half worth mark. Every Saturday for some time to come* WATCH THE TIDE. The Fall Goods art in, the best for the least, and be all we ask of you. There is a '*8ag" in the prices ot profits will The hint is a warning to people who are in want of tfce goods. 23 cents each tor lowest quality, $1 75 for highest. Plenty of prices between, Tho , * • . 5/A ^ORSt BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITH OUT THE CM LABEt Hanufrt by WM. AYKES & SONS, I'liilada., who liaise the famous Horse Brand Baker Blankets. FOB BALE. Short Horn Bulls, Poland China Boarp and Plymouth Hock Fowls for Bale, at I the lowest livmg prices, t 1 ' r* FIUNK COLE. Spring Grove^ Jan. 6, 189QL 2G-3m. UAf Is popular itist now. The stock is new and elegant 8 low prices lor an introduction on Saturday, Oct. 11th. Use t! ial Unless you know of a better grade. RESPECTFULLY John Evanson & Co.

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