Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Nov 1890, p. 12

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W, Ck T tMaMM.] * m sfif? ft a?: £fi- r?':f and Notices under the above head; «d by the Lad tee of the W. C T. U, itor claims no part or credit for True Labor Party. f' 'There is no party so friendly to the- working man the year round as the Pro-," hibition party. This statement also true at campaigns, though at these* times both the older parties are in com­ petition for the labor vote and abound In promises, which they never expect to fulfill, as they are utterly incapable of doing so. The greatest enemy of the working man is the saloon. The next greatest is the system of legislation which builds up monopolies and permits t lists and soulless corporations. Work­ ingmen by their votes have been consent­ ing to these very things by supporting parties which are owned and controlled by these enemies of the people. It will take a new party to overthrow these j enemies, and the Prohibition party, whose purpose it is to do this, is waiting patiently for their help.--Michigan Mes­ senger. Workin*men and Drink. 'rl In the city of New York alone, say* a writer in the Medical Summary, it is esti- mated that not less than $250,000 a day are spent, for drink; $1,500,000 in one week: $75,000,000 in one year. Who will dispute it when I say that one-half of I the policemen of New York City are em- j ployed to watch the beings who squan­ der f75,000 a year? Who will dispute j it when I say that the money spent in paying the salaries and expenses of one- half the police of New York could be saved to the tax-payers if $75,000,000 were not devoted to making drunkards, thieves, prostitutes, and other subjects for the policemen's nets to gather in? Iff I $250,000 go over the counters of the j romseller in one day in New York City alone, who will dare to assert that work- ingmen do not pay one-fifth, or $50,000 of that sum ? If workingmen in New York City spend $50,000 a day for drink they spend $300,000 a week, leaving Sunday out. In four weeks they spend $1,200,000, over twice as much money as was paid into the General Assembly of the Knights of Labor in nine years. In six weeks they spend $1,800,000, nearly three times as much monoy as that army of organized workers, the Knights of Labor, have spent from the day the General Assembly was first called to order up to the present day; and in one year the workingmen of New York City alone will have spent for beer and rum $15,600,000, or enough to pur­ chase and equip a first-class telegraph line of their own; $15,600,000--enough to invest in such co-operative enterprises as would forever end the strike and lock­ out as a means of settling disputes in labor circles. *IRBANK&C0 Ml M MANUFACTURED OY TMB CRAND DETOUR PLOW DIXON, ILLINOIS. Hi v'lf; Not only in social and political rights, hut also against the cold, long-and cheerless winter before us, by providing yourtelt with good, substantial Fall and Winter Goods from the largest stock in the county, sold on the closest margin possible consistent with hon­ orable payment for goods. Long experience enables us to offer bargains in Dress Coods and Suitable Trimmings, Choice Heariettag in the newest shades, all double widths, 16c, 17, 25c, 50c, to $1.10, including elegant shades ior wedding outfits. New Dress Flannels in fine shades at 27c, 50c, to $1.10. The best English Broadcloths in a variety of colors only #0c. 54 inch Fancj Plaids and Stripes in abundance. Carefully inspect our Cloaksy Wrapsi Sacques, Newmarkets, Jackets, Of which we carry by all odds the largest and most carefully selected stock in the countv. Long and successful experience in this very important brauch of our business enable us to purchase only such garments as will suit the demands of our trade, and also to make very close prices on only standard goods. We can fit one and all, trom age 3 children to size 40 aud 45 tor ladies, and furnish the very best styles manufactured by the leading cloak manufacturers of the country, Jos, Beifield & Co. We offer Children's Cloaks from $1.15 ,25 to $8. Misses' Cloabs (large variety) $3.50 to$12.50; Ladies' Cloaks and Newmarkets from $3 to $25. Elegant Plush Jackets, half < 'loaks, Sacquea and Newmarkets irom $7,50 to $45; all cut with high shoulder and fancy lining. Look our stock of over 250 garments through. We also carry a large assortment of Overcoats, Clothing, Furnishings, To fit all comers trom age 4 to 100 years. Our new Fall and Winter Overcoats are rare purchases, with a large stock to select from. Whether you want to buy a fine wtdding outfit or a dark suit to be hun? in, give us a trial, as we carry the size and style to please you Children's suits $1.65 to $8. Boys' suits 3.50 to $12. Youths' 4 to $15. Men's 4.40 to $25, Odd pants and vests in stock. Remember, GOOD UNDERWEAR i.s better than a poor doctor, and as our stock of good, warm and well made Underwear is very large, we do not hesitate to ask you to carefully look us over and see if we claim what we do not have. Children's Underwear from 9c to 60c. Ladies' from 25c. to $1.50. Men's from 20c. to $2.25. We carry white, gray mixed, scarlet and natural gra^s in all sizes aud on close profits. Buy the Mentha and Clear Lake Flannels, which we carry in the choicest colors and sell for^Sc, with a warranty. See our rare drives in Bed Flannels at 25, 30, 3d, 42 and 55c. Good cotton Flannels 3, H, 7 to 18c. Heavy Shirting 5, 6 to 17c. All wool 10-4 heavy Bed Blankets at 2.50, 2 75, 3.0J to $6. per pair. Fleecod bed Blankets 90c to $2 per pair. NEW SHAWLS just received in large variety of styles and priced. Heavy Beaver Snawls 3»00, 4.00 t« $10. * Supply your wants from stock of new Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mit­ tens, Mufflers, etc. Just received, a large stock of the famous S. B. WUkins Co. Hosiery, which is the Kockford make and the best in the land. We carry all sizes m cotton and wool and warrant every pair, at prices consistent with the be$t goods. SEE OUR CARPETS, WALL PAPER, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, LACE CURTAINS, POLES, FIXTURES, ETC. Don't forget pur stock of Fargo and Camden Footwear. All sizes, low prices, only the Veiy best goods. ONLY CHOICE GROCERIES are ever allowed in our store, which we sell on small margin to one and all. . REMEMBER, we visit the city every Thursday, rain or shine, to fill AG ENTS ̂ |nnr Homl or" " I special orders, and can please any one on goods ndt to be found in Nursery Stock. *• "**• - " WANTED kWl'LlflmiTgm -#KEQUALED FACILITIES. One of the largest, •Miest-established, and best known Nurseriec m the country. Address, W. & T. SMITH, Genera Nursery. fkt&bliahed in 1846. Geneva, N. Y. FOR SALE CHEAP. A Steam Launch Catamaran, on Fox River, at Mcllenry, 23 feet long fitted with a one hone power Shipman Engine. Will carry six persona. Address, A. S. TYLEB. $>h •• 151 Michigan Ave., Chicago, IB. AN IMPORTANT MATTER. Druggists everywhere report that the sales of the Restorative Nervine a nervine food and medicine-are astonishing; ex­ ceeding anything they ever had, while it gives universal satisfaction in headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, sexual debility, backache, poormemory, fits, dizziness, etc. Taylor Bros., of Bryan, O.; Amber ft Murphy, of Battle Creek, Mich.; C. B. Woodworth & Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., and hundreds of others state that they never handled any medicine which sold so rapidly, or gave such satisfaction. Trial bottles of this great medicine and book on Nervous Diseases free at Q. W. Besley's who guarantees and recommends it. Vfcaa Baby wm tick, we fav* her OMtorte, Wises atise waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, v Wheis she became Mim, aha clung to Castoria, , ^ _ p ) .'mrnmUaAOiUraa,*»ga«*ttM»Ca**ia. town. Yours truly, Bonslett & Stoffel. BUY YOUR Coal, Feed, AND GRAIN, £•' Where TOQ tw do the best, r *hU means ; r ~ A. Cristy, --AT THE-- fickle Factory, 4 „ West McHenry, III. 'j: Grain of *11 kinds bought and £*• sold, 6 It will pay you to call and m-\f flan ma ;• "V?'-*oopootltolij>" mi.;. rl * p. km CRI8TY, JULIA A. STOUT, (One Door West of Riverside House,) McHENItY, . . TLIjIJiOIS. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES A FULL LINE OF Drugs, Chmicals, By» Stn&, Prints, Oilf and Colon. Constantly on band. Also a large line ot Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, -AND. COMPLETE STOCK OP-- STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Physicians Prescriptions , _ Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. I OWEN & SON. • " " " 1 1 1 1 1 ' flBMlffirmSWBffiLBJf FAHMBBSi If you wish the best Plows made come and see us and exam­ ine the reriouned extra hardened ftorwegian Plows, al*o the Star. Bradley, Grand Detour, Rock Inland, Thompson, J. I. Case --^-$nd others. Also the latent pat­ terns of fchiM Wheel Sulky Plewi. Above you oan see the Little Yankee, considered < qu'tl to any on earth. Also have tho Big Injun, New Wonder tongueless, and several others, ; WAGONS! We keep the Bain wagon, of Kenosha, Wis., also the Weber, of Chicago, at lowest possible pri es. Also a newthing entirely in a wagon is the Champion, with no front bolster, the front axle being stationary, which insures hay or ptraw trom ever tipping over and are warranted for five >ears. Will give the right party a trial of thirty days on these wagons. Carriages, Buggies, etc. We keep constantly on hand the only Cortland wagons and buo-^ies, that have stood the hardest tests here for years. Also the Kiee'Coil Spring Buggy, the easiest rider made, and other styles Pumps, wood and iron, put in from 10 to 100 feet deep at way do wn prices and all guaranteed. Give us a call before you buy mything in our line as it will surely pay you E. M. OWEN A SON. Draft It direct from the beam Ilk* a walking plow, feroU the bottom »o timt It will run ite.idy when worn. Has no lamUide, will turn a souaro corner either way perfectly, without raiting the plow oat of t£e groand. Plow Ulu front of th» driver ami its work tn full view. Front and roar wheelc are eet et an anvie which equallm all tldt j>r#Mur* and preserves a furrow <»f miiform width. Th« entire weight of the plow it carried on the wheels, there to M <i.le draft- no landside praesnre--no bottom friction. lt« draft to the lightest po8»ibl«. . Can be used with 14 or 16 inch bottom*, sod either two or tfcfM Tim front lerer rcsnlafes the depth, raliM and lower* the plow and -coulter. The sio« lever I eve I c the plow and the rear lever control* .the roar wheel which will tarn to right or left, or make* it rigid m 'that it can be backed by team. Tho "Iiittlo Yaulceo" is a TTew Bepnrluro in Riding ,Plows. It ie Built on tho Most Approved PrincvplML It combines all the Quaxitio«. IthasBtMI Beam, WheelB and Axle. It id I.iRht, Simple AM Gompkot. It Not ft "Korea ItiUc*/* WHAT I NEVER? Well, Hardly Ever! lave the people of Mc Henry and adjoining counties had »o favor­ able an opportunity to purchase l I AS is NOW FOUND AT McrtENRY, ILL. With Two Stores, One on tha West and one on the East side, they present to the buying public a Larger Stock of all kinds of Furniture this Tall than ever before, which we are offering at greatly REDUCED PRICES. * NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. We have taken great pains^in selecting our Undertaking Supplies. COFFINS, CASKETS & TBIMMINGS, Cf the latest designs. Every­ thing New and Elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see us when in want of anything in our line. , , , \ 4» ^ . ( i" «i ifXiiil;!! njilijliiiiTnil i i)n i(|f|| ould rf a Man's Future is in His Own Hand Wrappers for Housework, Bresses for Tea Time. WE HAVE THE MATESIAt, AND TKrMMljfGS FOR BOTH; • ' t • • Pialn arid Checks. Prices 20 to 55 cti. For Cold Weather. Softest Lambs Wool, Heavy and weights. Prices correct. •t begins at $1.50. 'V * ? * A N D FROM THESE TflKEE. WOMEN'S KID SHOES, 81.50. WOMEN'S DONCOLA, 2.00. WOMEN'S FINE KID, |i.50: j s correspondingly Low in Prices and begin at $1.25 for Congress. I *<•' i - ' Horses, CaltSa, Sheep & Hep. • Excels any remedy far the raplrl curj cf K.ird CoIds,Coughs, Kiiiorou:idr Yi*!;c-,,vViv.icr,ra>^r, Distemper, Sore &nd V-.oak Cyoj, Lung Fever, Cosfiveness, P.!»jichc8, ; nd ali (Jigici'.liie# arl#» ir«g frifti impurities ot the Blood. Will rellcva Heaves at onco. Manufacturedl<y ihe JOPPA MANi.'FACTURlNG CO., LY0KS, N. Y. Sura Cure for Hog Cholera. FULLER & FULLER, General Western Agents, Chicago, III. IMPORTANT That the manjwho sells his best goods for the LEAST MONEY, Is the man that pays cash for his goods, (^all and see him and his prices, •22 00 finest Suit, only 20 0Q " •• «« 13 00 «« Boys Suit Boys Knee Panta La<ties' Fine Shoes '• Common Sense Shoe Wells ft Fargo Plow Shoes Congress Shoes Hundreds of other goods at the same prices. YOURS, E. LAWLUS. MoHonry,|llllnola. tfTIS1 S°rt8 •" Co,tto" or wonl- Things to knock the tho cool morning breezes, Prices opmu on the 83 cent men. •QUITE A SPEIî GllEEN APPLES, 25 CentT BANANAS, 2C Cents pi ORANGES TRESH FRUITS,- its peFMptX 5. 30 Oelrts poKDozen. EMONS, 30 Cents pcr-Xkjzen, LEMONtt, 30 Cents pcr-Xk^; ^-TUE CHAOKESS AND CAKES ABE FRESH At' RESPECTFULLY*, John Evanson St GEO. W. BESLEY'S. •land ClO 75 *lhact» 5A . BLANKET* w •lsiw.sawiBJe'g'SSJ A Splendid New Hearse In connection, which will be fur­ nished at Ueusonable Bates. JUSTEN BROS. McHenry, III,, Oct. ]4,1890. % C0NS°umpT|oH' It has permanently cured THTOITSAK®9 of oases pronounced by doctors hope- lew. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac., don't delay, but use PISO S CUKE FOR CONSUMPTION Unmediatel̂ . I>ru||lBta. SSoent*. Ask for See for yourself how i/k Blan­ kets wear and other makes tear. FREE--Get from your dealer firee, the 5/i Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a J/i Horn Blanket will make your horse •orth utON and eat less to keep warm. 5fA Five Mils 5/A Boss Stabls 5/A Electric , 5M Extra Test 80 other styles at prices to suit efttyt body, If you can't get them from you* dealer, write m. 5/A' BLANKETS ARE TJ!?i 3T3S51SEST. HON It OCNUIHr WtTHOUl -rwt SW ue-r; MaituT<l by V, a. AVAI A £. W»« oitike the Cr.tuor- UQRW tomrt i$,:rr ^ ' - ' - k*'J£.u WIST --DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles, PURE--- WIN IS " AND MQUOKS. FOR MEDICAl< USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco alwasonhand. * PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenrv, December 28th« 1887. C. W» BESLEY. STORY & McOMBER, DEALERS Iff, GENERAL HARDWARE, STOVES, 6BMITS-II0B AHD IIBWAfil. Barbed Wire, Screen Doors, Window Screens, And Wire Cloth of all Widths. Sporting Goods and Cutlery. Gl i&SROXalSSriS STOVES The Universal and New Process Stoves that by far outrank any other Vapor Stoves in the Market. See them. Qlasa of All Sizes. * e make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Hi* Copper and ^Sheet-Iron* Tour patronage Ss respectfully BO licited. J STOAT ft M*OMBl̂ Mi

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