Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1890, p. 8

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gt3w Mi M, W Haeon's wi mt*o mmm- »t Wblyeburg. Iteae* was kfileg, luid A in- f tiding Mli}e<i|f wountfpdin Devil*® ft*** the m**t in the roek*. The leattthjg'Mro. Mason was liv- went to Qettysburf?, found tie packet nad gave it. to Mrs. Mason. itOOtttafiicxi were rotted, but to 9300 in gold Is good money any day. fe v|" ' "The following story is told of Gen. ' Jubal A* SSeriy, who wan known to many j/t ©f oar iwSiiers, while in the Valley of V , Virginia, was told to a Pittsburg report- , '-•f by a railway paecenger recentlyNot > Iapc*fOtke ex-Confederate commander $r' } 'fe^l^ieawion to make a trip through a •j- ; portion of the South, and boards ,rt- 1 . ^ sleeping-car without a berth ticket. . , When the conductor called for his tore J;:;;:.|j^.;;j!arly tendered him a $10 note. T"-V. ; AttWg the return change was a fSnoto «fxm which was engraved a portrait of ;tf^W.^i"«®as. Grant. The Southern General Si k * • V* v* j ' \ s t " ' f a n n e d t h e n o t e , a n d w i t h c o n s i d e r a b l e &1f &C passion said: "Take this note back, sir; ;>f! will accept no money bearing the face J&f that man." The conductor hastened ' %> make the exchange demanded and the ; It-rate warrior's temper was mollified." "i, kKil •M K, i v. t. " - PAIR BANK'S SANTA CLAUS SOAP. re$^dmijy for a.11 Household «ji<i L.s.vnd# pvrfaojej. lUMUrACTVMO W GRAND DETOUR Dixon, iLuirotS. IU *Wk in full vi .«r. WtatMil !*•» »)>«.•:> ure «ft »t mi BllWiW Mill pm»rvi<i n funou- of uu: Tk*«MHra WfMlrf «"* I'^* '» «MrtBl.«»|a»lri " 1-a» MmlUe pMnuju--no Uamm Mutton. r«wl«llb 14 or 1« Inch botto*>, kl>4 dtbo two or An* ^ ;>j If you wish Che beat Plows |made come «nd see us and exam­ ine the miouned extra hatt|§t>ed Plows, also tl»e^jSar, Hradjey, Grand Detour, , fctiek ldwnd, Thompson, J 1. C*te and others. Also the latent pat­ terns of ,, co. Hum What! Sulky Plowi. nick «•> Above you ran gee (he Little pwfceoy, Yankee, considered • qu*U to anv M,,uuC^,,u"w,' °n ««urU». Alao have the Hi# An*l«wllfet Kjonllt* «il Mt 1 . .. " . iUU l»Jun.Ne«r Condortoneless, - iu drank Dm una several ot hers. lW*ont l«»er regulrten th« drptfe, tqIm* u4 lowtn Am phrw and toalMTk The skin Uvcr levolt ln« plow rod ih» iw law «onlroto Dm MV wheel which will turn to right cr left, wr ni«fcw tl rigid n Dal tt qui be baokxt by ttKiii. I Tankee" !• » JTwrrOo Built on tho X<Mtj&pr DMlrid i mtitm ?* 1 / j t I'-A-i. iMJ f;;: t.r rf«V.*i,w»l llhmry -) <rs&'s r'** y^ars Stmt<larW-: f7ii? ,• ia tli> <lovori(ia»*ni, J . > I'.-nth'.^OfSco R»d V. 8. fcii- iv Witkiy reconmiemled l>y I?## •* Htiito Bu|#'*h < t' bciuwh »u«l f . 'l-itf lmiiinsr J*re«ti*l«'k>»t». c' j 5*«?s\riy ukl tl»« ltookM ia tills country are l'.asctl upon Wobster, us utte**t- , «'<t ^».v thts leadittj; School Book ^vvm Haters, 3er)OsioreW«rd9 and nearly L't f.OOO iiiow Engravings than ? *|,ny olUor Ari:erir:iu Dictionary* '^ * 9?CC!*K<*M TESTIMONIALS. ^ £Se !f«.w_T0i i coys: W'otwtw fa *» '".••j • W"> iu iVl' • -id :y~ct >ijet,<3'J J to bo i'm bat. t , ^ f.ogtya t»ys: Webster; i* iho oc <t * luif^in ; v .1 rJ t .'lanl i:» lexicography. V',<r» Aiiaaiat/Cusiitutioa says: WelMor btt> i Lif, r t..uaui'd authority in oor offlce. %«•) Clblc&go Luior Oceza s»ys: WebrterV **' i:lUiL>ricig<;(I lias ijways bt t n tlia »t«Ddanl. tte Rev Orteaag Times Democrat *a> *' i.i ouroilk'o. The tinY York fWbaue sslvf: It is rocogniwM. 1} V " f # ^ v ^ - V ' lj$ f *" the fri'ict useful oxisHns; "word-^'k"* frf U,>t E'/Jtlibh !;i;ifna"fl a! I ov r tti«s world. •* liVr 'Op • l v nil UiKiksfcUers. rampbW t fr*e. *-*C. UihhUUR&CO., Pub'r».tiprmicft<>t - >T to eanviiM fur the ul« of |per Home-Orown Manerr Stork. AGENTS rAHTED L _ lOAI.n>rA0lt.mBS. One of tbe Urgeat t-tMWtokMl, sad best know a Nuraeriei i aonntrr. Artdr«M, ** W. A T. SMITH, ChmerA Nursery, fttaibfiskf in 1846. timwva> N. T. HOLIDAY GOODS SOW 0H T3E WAY ienee this reduction sale at this time. * « 4, ^ ^ . Our Entire Stock of IClothfrgTof every description . , will be sold nearly at Cost. i» • %>1 Mr- kr 4$ fis.v <y '•'&£&•:•- -•'i .#, 1, |9 4 i> 3 2»w- =|i t'i-lmk " «)';• i 'M?. BUY YOULF O. ,} AND GRAIN, $ > W^ere ybu^ cjwi rj* the beet This means of v: a t h It Servas tie Interest tf the Cash, Pajing Jrada. y his Price Axe. again. SEE THE RESUI.T. 'f i $ V * ' - 4,»*sV' Too many winter goods, with prospective oontinued mild weather, makes it necessary to convert^the stuff iuto oaeb* quick* Some lines will lie offered And some witft jii Small Advance above cost. Tt GREAT » REDUCTION On prices thr<iagbd1it,'W,iiil£ that it will-pay you to trade here. We also need room for our fine display of ' %1' •»>:' i ICtux ••<•,,- MtaUlWM MADE IN OUR FACTORY* OINON^tll^. SOOtT! y/. a m. kMOETOON a. "• CHICAGO. Only a Rubber1 OaM with • aqman is U. of all classes. Comef and InTe«tig:ate| <" M ( / •K OUR PECK'S HUSKING & SHELLING ATTACHMENT Ctoed in or>nn»ction with oor Fodder Ontt«T»_tl»r OREATEHT LABOIUSAVING MAVH1NB 9MMl» fortiwiMntir. By tboniwof thie»ttaobm«mtyoti eaoliiiak *&d Hliell the Vara white OBttlaf year Fodder. It takM bat Utti» addiMonai power sot) ?»• Extra I^Hbor. Writ* for iltostratod Oatalnciw, tMac B POWER* 8HEULER* CD MILL HUSK AMD SHELL TOOK CORN AT ONE _ OPERA oumiiTtEO APpletom MPQ^mj^S^lSouth Canal sC^AQMtek On ficcount of tbe gvisax rtoroand for our Pock' •• TlnwUni: and C-'l.r'Mn.-: olherw .ndv try t<i ». IflnKC on our 4 - id we t:ik«j this m«fhud o turoriuhiK tlio imblje I Int wm Iihvo tt vory till >iuf naU it on the mcthofi of cutfJrm ih«- coi n hiu!K, um<1 hi tl % liiric husking un<l H.Htlliiti; t'lswm. Tim pi U it we wlil riKiOi) vroufct, aixl iinyonn tonn<l u»lii(i * i<?b machine*. uhIcnh, by thf A tip it id tiii maxkud, und (ttami>ed ' i'tttes.l. Goodaru l'ri»ct!»s, l)w;. ISO, will be )>roe«t it Ml Wo i fu;!! ;-t i'.'I tlmo« korn b. lartro »f'K;k of Ibf e macbrnftr, and wlii (LI] all onUtrn |iroirir»tly.clTlnH irlcb flgch mui'lilno u ln*n»o to u-e, thu« ri'llevinK evt- / ono <i«»rri u uosslbillty of UtiKiUon W« kcII tbi st Di»-eni,:'"\;;; '•'> low ti I'rtw tiiut no one can afford to ru»i wny risk by buvin« any other ma<bln<; "Tliifih nr r be' mnut!. v« c are a lur^f and re pounlble llrni ami «> d oui ntaclilrMfi* out on u !<troiiKt:uartmice. iumI mi k ilta an important ' h4ai (J' a,*d cau lurnlah any needed repair;, at a luoa>ei)t'« riotico, w'.'.ich 1» oft«D VV(- ['iv'J « ii<iU«» b»^au«<> wc <J't rot de«lr« 'ifcvraiion, nor <!o wo de«lre to botbor any fmtn^r ulitis t",'^!i1W|t|»out "ur I.CU'»->C. and th.i! ovoryono will *avo tberaufctvuis nn/ troilblii la ttei matter by pummshij alrecitu us o <>f » Hutl.urlieU djimh i. WAGONS! We keep the Bain wa^on, of Ken04ha, Wis., also the Weber, of Chicago, at lowest possible prices. Also a newthir.g entirely in a wagon is the Champion, with no front bolster, the front axle being stationary, which insures hay or straw from ever tipping over and are wariauted for five vears. Will give the right party a trial o i t h i r t y d a y s o n t h e s e w a g o n f , , h V - ^ ' ? T - 1 etc.i' *¥ e'feep constantly on hand the only Cortland wagons and buggies, that have stood the hardest tebta here for years, ^.tso the Kice Coil bpring Bu^rgy, the easiest rider made, and other styles Pumps, wood and iron, put in from 10 to 100 feet deep at way down prices and all guaranteed. Give us a ca^ fojrffljrft ypil buy anything in our line as it will surely pay yotj. r * * ' ' ^ ' J - v . < * ' : \ E. M. OWEN & SON. •in WpAT! NEVERt >: Well, Hardlj Ever! ave the people of Mc Henry and adjoining counties had ho t'avor- an opportunity to purchuse AS 18 KOW FOUND AT MoilENBY, ILL, ,Cattlo, Sheei ' Exeela an* remedy for tbe rapid cure of Coldt.Cought, Hide Bound, Yaliow Wetar, Fever, Dlatemper, Sore and Wesk Eyea, Luna Fever, Costheneea, Blctohea, and all dlttct-l'.iea aria* ln| from Impurltlea cf the Blood. Will relleva Heavaa at once, Manu/acturtd by tkt JOPPA MANUFACTURES CO., LYONS, N. Y. •ara Care for Hog Cholera. FULLER a FULLER, woiff. in. w;:; IMPORTANT With Two Stores, One on the West and ono on tbe East side, they present the buying public a Larger Stock of all kiodi< of furniture this Fall than ever before, which we are offering at greatly REDUCED PRICES. NOW li THE TIME TO We have tak selecting ouCj Underta Coffinb, Casket 18. Tb^imings, Cf the latest designs. Every­ thing New and Elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see us when in want of anything in our line. A Splendid New Hearse In connection, which will be fur­ nished at Reasonable Bates. JTJSTEN BROS. McHenry, III,, Oct. 14,1890. % •m ;p ft ' : w: 'i/%;" % . ^Facloiy, West MoHsnry, III* Jdrain of all kinds bought and % '• . •' . i- AVI& It will psy yon to osil and Bee me. . , IS iiiih t;uly, Al'l'l.ETOK MANHKACTUHINC <X)Ml'AXT. m vnimwu et ptortn. mkklZ SavsS33^0 Culi^rRiG J.C. J;j i)W)N it Co.'S!',/ <.<><«% da'i. jjri'ia. K*car»ioii»!n brt-Ad i'uifaiati '^Kiarilt S l e e n i n i . ' C h t k , v i a l i e n o r i t , I t i o < ; r u l i l f i r t %, AllOfi Ji, l^.yO i.iHii Hiitsievrv v;.*-u •neb oxcufRion in Ptwrire of an afntia' •inuly uycursion mi>najr«r. <'.?!!r.irfti'n .ii t «!.•» faro tbr.'/iiKh from lloao,, aiMjChtca••o't&.VnJi ILSIOJLM! VtWrtWlMI CnotuasVInt iBinWl'i trtMf Bite WMm <%WenRwayu>tMfo4M»tbML T ':;T,rras«a.,aa>, ^ * / " . • . Wr " h * uhMvermaaea you have ch m •iVi That the man m ho sells his best goxls for the LEAST M Is the m»n t his good*. his prices Woo » It 00 8»j» eShoet^ on Senae siftSl' rg» Plow Sboea aa Shoos - hundreds of other goods at the mme^rices. TO UBS, E. LAWLUS, MoHnnry, llllnol*. ,j)iW'ji:o||r^|qti»T gJ'ffiiii r * 'f* $tH\ u more ere, Thi ng Jelt« a»d<W9«lhi->Wtoc«ll in md know the goods will please you for th** price we them at tl .50 tor the outfit Also everytftiofe else ohoe line eomsrondingly cheap. ̂"-MV $ * ^ ^ %•» 11 ' #>. 1 ve place we mean w for the ooHar than you can p Boots and 14libbers it s*, hand and Wf Goods there is ra«$a to-day. All w§ Jbeltft and < H^ra ia fiwr K »* ckete t|» Remem >er, that we are not taking second plaee in tbe Ck Jrade here% are offering to the trade this fall a well a lmeot Men s and Boys' Overcoats that are got up right in st made ot good material at prices guaranteed to be correct. I you w heu m ueed of * anit of clothei for yourself or boys to « and took our bttxsk over; we can fit you from a tour year oi l , suit up to large men's wear, in cheap or fine all wool clothing. Underwear, Gloves aa* Mtttoae, Seeleb aad PiMh Ca»f| ? A good a^sortaMBt Always on hand, We are headquarters for Fresh Groceries. Best Dried fruits «l ways to be found here. Always ready to figure with you on prii of Sugar and will gwe you the most for the dollar of pure sugar. Bw •**& co» wa^s on band. Yours respsc^lbri West McHenry.m. JOHN J. MILLER. '*y> 1 f ^^"T, r"1"' >*** I' vS =C=I WE ? v Jbf;1;.; -if ? 4-t^ " t ' DEAL FAIR, & / *- \V ' / ?*, < e • , ' *'•< si RIGHT fa/. Ct a "*• ,,W *- I^TJ'5 * \ • "-VSi *'i4* ' ' « . . , . a . VM 4^ , TRADE IS BOOMIN<i, nil ^yt \ Ugfit YOURP _w; PATRONAGE. 11 i Wi r», J. w : ' h for him anc flam] OOP. ILLe! i $ ' "This is the blanket the dealer told me was as good as •$£." ffffMht from your dealer free, fits H Book, It has haodaome pictures and valuable information about hones. Two or three dollar* for a «/A Hone Blanket will make joar horae worth more sad eat kH to keep warm. SfA Five Mile SA Boas 5A Electric 5a Extra Te^ . 80 other etylea at pricea to auit erety^ My. If jou can't get them from your me rw* pmrnQzui |«»nri «ru« • I'hji"t* wl. 1 .j.,* ' M W aaSH^ mE3P4.( •»? 0 ,, .'.'i Is' «w»--DEA,LER HI i«M>if><i>ii"' -.'M DRUGS, MED i c i NES , 1^"- " K ^ Kngj, Chemical#, 9je NaU, 00a aailWfiai v. Constantly on ban#'^ . A!ao a large line of Patept Medicinee, Toilet Articles, 1 ^Ap)NERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES^ * ^hv.lolam Preaoriptlon* Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharm*. eifl. Tour patro we is respectfully solicited. r ' . "* ©j: W. GENERAL HARDWARE 8T0VX8, OBABITI-IEOK ASS TIIWA8X.. 1 w!f?f wl"<low Screen*, ^ ;:.v. L-- • /T'• :-;A- Wha Cletfc ef HMtbai Sporting Goods and Cutlery. . -K ther Vapor Stoves in the Market. See them. OXauaa of All Size a. "J fTOttY |c M-QM3ER, icited.

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