Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1890, p. 4

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Out Improved Postal report of th putted to I * was itTlflffge Supply "anfl' nd on the Elgiu Board of I'MuailWl H*U»W , -g,*40 ptwmti* ^ .. ftt 29 cajtt; be of this fldcument by every , (i»oV*>«tter what his political afflttettoBR may be. q •«! agaiD.t?fa****• ®! |t not halt through with them, but fritt i", l|(fcn5l»d of other duties has prevented us ri&tn igjKtfg^tbem that attention we desired. do not get impatient, we will be there to your entire satisfaction before we get >tpqj ^through. "Not one cent for Tribute^' is lour motto. • '/ ' (ifhtended to pay ©or Sir Indian effairs in theNorth'weSfcftre not yet at all satisfactory. The various tribes are stall engaged in their religious dances, anil the infection has spread to the tribes of the Indian Territory. If it was not for the cold weather it is feared tlmt a general uprising would soon take plane, and if the strong arm of the Gov­ ernment cannot bring the tribes under control this winter, early spring will r - probably witness an Indian war of great- .;|£||Si|>:er magnitude than for years. Troops ' U ore rapidly being concentrated at the j. • scene of the expected troubles, is hoped they will soon quiet our red brethren. ' & > ' J®"Secretary Blaine in not of M f * t h e w r e c k a g e o f t h e l a s t e l e c t i o n . H e i s f p- I unhurt. He is neither flatsam or jetsam, ft' , He is not in the disaster,although he will ^ obliged to repair the Republican ship ?'5s before he intrusts his fortunes to her. He represents all there is in the Republican ; party that was not beaten. The party 'f 'ipfe which he had so often led swept madly •£ i •. i by him in a freniy of radicalism. It ran kYu1*w,after Mr. Reed, and has been properly j [' dashed to pieces. Mr. Blaine is the only \ « V leader who tried to check the wild career / , v of his former followers. He will probably ? 4 v, *** the man to whom the broken forces . will look lor reorganization and for " *; v leadership two years hence.--AW York stamps hqs" be&T issued! New contracts for stamped envelopes h»7e been ma^^whfeh^^wring of $400,. 000 has been effected. Washington city is to hara fli ne^r post office building. Steps have been taken toward the estab­ lishment of post offices at sea. The free ^ellverysystem has been established in many small towns and country places. Lottery business has been excluded from 'the mails. The efficiency of the^ railway postal service has been greatly improved. New postal facilities have been provided in many places, more than 16,500,000 miles having been added to the service in the establishment of new routes find the expediting of old ones. More new post- offices have been established than in any former year, The most wonderful thing of all is that all these great improvements have been made without a cent of additional cost. The gross revenue for the past year ex­ ceeded that of the preceding year by $5,000,000, and the additional expendi­ tures did not keep up with the additional receipts. This Ib a report of which the Pout- master General has a right to be proud. The postal service has never been so thorough, so extensive and efficient as it is now. We congratulate Gen. Wana- tnaker on his success. But our enterprising Postmaster General in not satisfied with past success noT present efficiency. He looks forward to still greater improvements. A large part of his report is taken up with his scheme for a limited postal telegraph. His idea is to establish a post and telegraph service as a part of the Postoffice Depart­ ment or as a separate bureau^ postal telegrams to be received at, postoffices, transmitted by wire, and delivered by carriers. Mr. Wanamaker does not con­ template the purchase or errection ol telegraph lines by the Government, but asks authority to make suitable con­ tracts with existing companies for the handling of postal telegrams. In con­ nection with the service, he would have established a telegraphic money order system for amounts not to exceed $100. oultural Board. gof the McIIenry Board, held at k on iHpjjay, Dec. 1st., the nmd<9Mi following report, which will show to th* people just how much the society reteeifred and expended at the last Fair: , - i TRASL BER'K JtEPOIt*. ~ V / To the Prmi(tent% Officers ami ifetwheihsi of the McHenry County Agricultural Boani--Gentlemen: Your TreHBorfr would Wtf l«*ave to sub­ mit the following report, showing the receipts and expenditures of }>in office for the pa*t year, and f hope you will give it a. caw fni examination, and approve, if found correct- • . , bkceipts: '• > i>eos,iam. Bal on hand M per last report sce«8 Aug, S, IPSO, Cash from Am. Trotting Ass'n to* fH»t itement of Oliver B. Ang 88, CMh from Entries in speed class Privileges OfS.J on scrip t> Oct l, I8H9 ip to Oct. 1, *89 &rd Oct I w 1 Field, insurance . WorM, (Dem.). si§y |®~ Last week's McHenry Plaixdealeb I contained quite a lengthy expose of the doings of the "gang" in therecentelection who it seems were in the saddle and on t >p of the heap. It is no credit to the ^Republiea»S of McHenry County that Pleach a condition of things was made } possible, and if they permit the continu­ ance or repetition of the disgraceful pro­ ceedings two years hence, it will be good ' cause for the rank and file of the party to bolt the "gang" and conduct the affairs of the party in an honorable, ! ; imputable manner. "The^ime when men I; carry high band and crack the whip t <' over the heads of voters lias gone by," is an axiom of itself, with a lesson that all wellwishers of the party will do well to heed and remember, if party success is ?7 - A; dHsirrd, or can be desired. --Marengo Republican . |9* The vigorous enunciation of Repub- \M, lican principles in every paragraph of the St" President's message does honor to him and strengthens the good cause. It was I;. ̂ apprehended that the "tidal wave" might vty" modify the tenor of his recommendations to Congress. Its ringing tone and con­ tinued stoutness of adhesion to the pro- gressive, aggressive policy of the 51st *L > ' Congress and the Republican party show j K . him undisturbed by November's accident and yet confident in the intelligence of the American people. The maintenance p V of principle by their chief representative 'tl?!". In office must inspire Republicans every Where with renewed confidence and *JPT " courage. Refusal to lower the Republi- can standard or retreat an inch for ex- M>,[ /; pediency's sake will add greatly to our % ! party's merit and strength in the coming ^0%^- eonteets. The rank and file of our party •; demand courage in their leaders. ' x?" ft ;;V Mi:. » • 'fi fST The president in his message shows la a clear, plain light the position of the opponents of the Force bill, and there is no getting around it either. He says "It is said that this legislation will revive race animosities, and some have even suggested that when the peaceful meth­ ods of fraud are made impossible they -may be supplemented by intimidation and violence. If the proposed law gives to any qualified elector, by a hair's weight, more than bis equal influence, or detracts •by bo much from any other qualified elec­ tor, it is fatally impeached. But it the law is equal and the animosities it iB to evoke grow out of the fact that tome electors have been accustomed to exercise the franchise for others as well as for jbhemselves, then these animosities ought Hot to be confessed without shame and cannot be given any weight in the dis­ cussion without dishonor." > 18TEL.LIGE.NT people, who are' familiar irith the respective advantages which are offered by the several competing railroad lines between Chicago, St. Louis and JyansasCity, and who desire to travel with the utmost speed, safety apd com fort, always take the popular and relia­ ble Chicago & Alton Railroad between these point*, and passengers going to or coining from the South, via St. Louis, or whoa going to or coming from the West, via Kansas City, should insist upon hav­ ing tickets that read over the Chicago & iJaTax. If the Democratic theory that the "tar­ iff is a tax" is correct, why is not thepricf of goods upon which duties are levied in­ creased in value to the full extent of the tariff. If the tariff is a tax, why is it that plate glass, with a duty of about 58 per cent, can be bought for nearly one-third less now than in 1860? If the tariff is a tax, why is it that salt is selling at 75 cents a barrel at the works, with a duty of 21 cents per hun­ dred, when in 1860 it cost $2 per battel and no duty? If the Tariff is a tax, why are steel rails selling at from $28.50 to $32 per ton, with a tariff duty of $17 per ton, when they cost from $140 to $160 per ton be­ fore the duty was levied ? If the tariff to a tax, why is it that more pottery can be bought now for $2.50 with a duty of 55 per cent than could formerly be bought with $4? If the tariff is a tax, why is it that nails and pig-iron are nearly one-half cheaper now than before a tariff was levied upon them? If the tariff is a tax, why Is it that saws, which were not made m this coon- try before a duty was imposed, are now chea)»er than they are in Europe? A million dollars' worth are exported to Europe annually.! If the tariff is a tax, why has spool cotton thread been reduced in price from 85 cents a dozen before the doty was- added to 55 6ents under a duty of 15 cents? If the tariff is a tax, why are cotton prints of American manufacture selling at 5 cents a yard, when the tariff on those of English, is 5 cents? If the tariff is a tax, should not ten cents a yard be charged for American calicoes instead of five? Prior to the war, in the good old Democratic days--and in the period of low tariff or no tariff--this same calico retailed at ten and 12 cents. \ ...... The Columbia Cycle Calendar. By far the most valuable business cal­ endar for 181)1, and entirely unique in denign, is the Columbia Cycle Calendar and Stand, issued b.v the Pope Mfg. Co., of Boston, Muss. The Calendar in in the form of a pad containing J}(iG leaves, each x 2%, each leaf contniniug blank for memoranda, and as the leavee are only fastened at t><e upper end, any leaf can be exposed, tio stub bfing left when the leaven are torn off. The pad rests upon a stand, containing pen rack and pencil holder, and made of stained wood, mounted with raised letters in brass,thus forming an ornampntal paper weight. The day of the week and the day of the year, together with the number of the days to come are given, and each slip bears a short, paragraph pertaining to eyeliner and kindred subjects. Thwe par­ agraphs have been carefnlly collated from leading publications and prominent writers, the larger number having be»u specially written for this purpose. Al­ though this is the sixth issue of the Cal­ endar, all the matter is fresh and new, comprising notable events in cycling, opinions of physicians and clergymen, liinta about road making, and upweeoua other topics. Rentorscalls ....... Advertisement? In Premlomllst * Rent of Pining Rail ... . sa»e of o'rt lumber ... Ncarriage Team f rfei* ........ vO H Kin*, rentof ground*.......» Preminma nncaUed for 18 8........... T'CKRT SALKH-- 627 Membership tickets »t »l 3J Youth's " " stS'te.... 867 Horse an4 carriage 1 ritjrat. 25e.... 147 season at 80c . . 411 Ohild's alntrle admission at ino.... 4777 single »rtmt»#lon at8M.... 1773 Grand stand at too.... Total cash received EXFENDITtTRKS, Principal on scrip t > O^t l, 18C9 Int on stIj - - - - Feb 1. A H* . . _ Apr lfi. Qnlnlan ^.MoMannn, ins . May in, win Plerson, w'k b'UI'g fence June 23, E E Thomas, judgment and costs. Qninn case •nff 7, Am Trot'ff Ass'n, annual dues.. Excb on draft on above o F Hall, ribbons, etn. v * F K Hanaford, grading WI) Hall, lumber Wbltson B*o», nails and hardware... Wm Hall, evergreens Barnes & McLaughlin, ateaells and pair ting.., .......... I, Klrehman, <irayage.... Wm^himow " .. HI- Watson " Bunker Rros, nails, etc N Biafepslee, hay and straw J Carpenter. h*v, st*awaod lalMMr ... AS Wright, 'lass ..... Fr«nk Flow', tnjnrv to horse... •fame* Dermont, rep pump , 8 Mr.Nett, pool ciert .. »f I) Donovan windmill and t«nk ,T O Choate, mer^haixllse Methodist church, meal ticket*. K A Murphy & Co,p»per .... ..... *, B F Ellsworth, ca'penter work. ..... Wm Mayo, equine paradox.....;....; Sd McDonald, tsand.. .. . Cole Bros, Balloon Ascension*...... . O S South worth, advertising W F Allen, entry books Dunton's Spirit of Timet, advertising. OS Eastman . j ,! R B* S^ck ' >*;• -r J Van Slyke Holmes A WrigW Chas Renich * " 0 D Judd, labor It ^ , # 1 M Mallory *» , r M F Walsh ' *V . Band A McNaliy, John A Dulleld, advertising and prtg premium lists 'Knsijeil ft Morgan Co, prtg pouters... A F J'ieid, sal asSsereiary... " stamps, stationery and of- p*n»es J D Short, Assistant Secretary.. L T Hoy, Treasurer's sal i " b^ks. pencils, etc, fur ofoe Tickt seller8, office and grand Hand- Police for ground*. A W Anderson, sal asSupt O J Stock and It Bush.mrsh'i and ust Gate tenders A l,aceUe, serv at gate and in ball.... Labor ongrounde sheda and stalls... Murray King, exp to Aurora Pal t for speed Paid for premiums... . SS 15 A49 8Q SSf! 40 7* 60 *5U0 129 00 190 100 8900 SOD 627 00 1150 i:<9 W. 73 50 41 10 1071 95 . 2BP.25 .UriO US 102 74 48 26 40 00 1000 33 00 31 26 14 OC 10 987 16 00 J46SA 3S64 . 1 95 50 50 55 K144 74 94 185 ao OQ son 4 50 14 75 4 88 70 100 50 1501*. ineot-s 200 0(, 32 00 750 600 3 75 300 6 10 490 500 15 or 510 4 00 26 16 10176 45 0C 60 0<' 3730 2000 50 OP 295 MOO 39 01 6000 1100 3000 9 00 96 00 1 00 1210 00 1279 00 Total expenditure*. Bal oash on band.... 94406 98 .... 133# »• BEOAPtTUI^ATIOVU Total receipts for vear, Inelnduig t*»l on band as per last report... ...,.#4420 % Total expenditures for year ............ 440699 Bal oash on habd .V f 13 30 The expenses of the year I have divided Hunong the different departments as fol­ lows: Amusement*.... Printing and advertising.......... 4««retary'soflce.... ... ... .. ... Treasurer'* office Saperlatendent'*department ... VSSviiv::;::;:;::::::::::.-;..:-: Mlscellaneons . Pnneipai and inteiest on scrip.., .• 45800 The coming Holitkys with an appropriate present selected from the large stock ot the under»igti6dt who n»»t only have the beafc aJwort- raeDt, hut also the very lowest prices possible in Leather and Metal it thowing tbe Holiday rejoicing spirit. 'b Great Christmn Carnivi Jewelry nnd Glove Boxes, Collir and Cuff Itoxe*, Shavio<rr and Smoking 5etg elegrant Albums, Muaic Hoi's, Bonks, Pictur^, Mirrorb, splendid assortment-of new Jewelry, Sijk Handkerchiefs. Mufflers, Pulse Warmers. Mittens. Scarfs, ^NecKties, etc. See onr faocy initial Haodkerchieis in black, white and colored all ktters. ^ The largest ftnd fctst stock of new C>ock#»ry, n»ina ware of verv newest deni«?n& ever Hhown here. Kancy «iid O'ass- fl«M>r, table PI tin no d and hanging Lump* ^vith ^le^nt nh?de?, iii^ht 1 Pli decorated' ^ Ot newest patlerne. China ware, Fruit Plates, Tea Plates, Cups and Saucer*, Bone Dishes, laricy Cuspidores, choice engraved Glasswa^n in tea sets, water nets, cane stands, decanters, oil sets, fruit plates, etc. Look through the above caiefully. For the little folks we al o hsve a lavpe assortment of Toys, Dolls, Hanks, large and serviceable Chairs, Tablesf Cradles, Sawing Sets. W^ptuug teU, c|c., great yiii iety# We Have Just A choice line of the famous Kei.nedy Bakery Goods, specially foe the Holidav Trade, which we cannot recommend too highly. Also now ou the 10a 1 a biff stack of Candies Nuts. Kaisins, Fruits, both dried and green, to which call you** special nttention for pur­ ity and price. . Inventory will soon te her** and as our st^wk of w«rm fgot ds is too larg« w«, Vill roako great reductions on the entire liue of mi W&Hi ©lUO^KS, WB1FS, JACKETS 07UC9&U, Clothhg, Ilannili, El&nktti Shiwb, UadwfSM, Stow, Uittons, : : ' I B o o t s a n d S h o e r f C a p s , e t c . , t o B e d u c e S t o c k y Remember we visit t he Hty every Thursdav. and with |ptlfs ol special orders.. "'*J ; •. . y- * • 1 I i l|ii iii "«'n. ft YOURS iBonslett & Stoffel. fflil .944M95 J necessary for this meeting to ' action relative to the payment Total expenses It will be take some of the interest ($155.75) on the mortgage held by Mrs. Glass, also to the payment of the premium on insurance of buildings on grounds (|50). All of which is respectfully submitted. L. T. Hoy, Treasnrer. C. P. BARNES, Attorney. OTATE OP ILLINOIS, CountT of McHenry. O In Circuit Court ot MnHenrv Couniy, January term, A. D. 188!. Mary Bourne va AliH>n K. Bourne. In Chancery. > Affidavit of tne noa-resi<ience of Albert E Bourne, the defondant. alwve named having been filed in th« office of the Clerk of said Oironli Court of llc.Uenry fjountv, notice is hereby given to the er>i<l non-re»iiient (Icfemi- ut. thai the con plainttnt Ai d her bill of com- plaint in said Court on the Chancery aide tb*reoron the )2ih «l-»y of September, A D 1890. Hnd that a snmmonl ih«r«ui>on issued ont of oaid Court against said defendant, re­ turnable on the S8d day of Septeatber, A O, 1»0, a® is by law required. And an order baying l«en entered of reconl ib said Court at the September term, 1&90, thereof, that said e:itise stand continued, with onler of publication. Mow, therefore, unle&s you the said Al >ert R. Bourne, shall p"ison»;ly he «n<i Appear bo. tore tbe said Circuit Court ot McHenry Conn, t^ on the fire t day of the next terra thereof. be ItoldPn at tbe Oourt House In the City or Woodstock, in s»ld county, on the Wlh day of January, A. I> ittl, and plead, answer or de­ mur to the eaid complaimtn t's biilofcotnplaint the same, and the matteis and things thereto charged and stated, wui be taken us ron t*Med, end a decree entered against you ac. cording to the prayer of naid bill. In testimony whereof, | nave hereunto sot my hand and affixed the sea! of said oourt. at my office In Woorlstoek, thia II' h day ot No- vember, A. D., 18H). W P. Mokhk, Cierk. <). P. Baknfs, Coinpl»in«utsi ooiicitor Hot. lith. 18S«. »w4 iyiiiwrew 107 36 106 95 2«8 9C n 110 1279 00 545 26 140 01 the time to go to** FLORIDA. Seed address, on postal eardt for any iafnra ation wiated about LAHBS- HOTELS. BOVTXB* etc., etc. Answered promptly. L. Y.J EN M ESS, Samfobd, Florida. Alton. It is the (X>m)Aete and betwiNt Chicago and eo railroad h&v«a nore theMUitoat tho»eof the road with tliiee equipped trains h point nara^d, agerg in America (ftpprfciation of - jpoblic than do Alton. A FORTUNATE WOMAN. Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich., has reason to be vwy thankful. She wa* a great wifleror fr< m heart diwane for yearn. Wax short of breath, had hungry upells, pain in Hidw, fluttering, faintwrnt, etc. After taking two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, she says, 4'I am better than for twenty years. My mind and eyesiffht have improved wonderfully. I advise all persons thus afflicted to use this great remedy." G. W. Henley, drug­ gist, recommends and guarantees it. Or, Miles' work on heart disease, containing marvelous testimonials, free. STRAW WANTED. Fifty tons of good, bright. Htraw if" oted, deH veimd to me in the village of McHrnry, for which a reasonable price will be l aid. P. K. Obanokb; , > J' AT'" 4 t>\ \ W^^Ueury. Oct. PATENTS, Tnu1e»asarks, Caveats, T.abeU and Copyiietita ! romntly piocurert A i » i l l T V - C . ' S l T V f f K FRKM. Send rteioh or niodet for free opin ton as to | atentability. Ail bumnees treated as sanredly confidential. 8ixteen years' ex. perience. Htghost references. "gtHut bir book. Address, W. r. FITZGERALD, 800 F btrmt, Washington ,D.C. CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY V 11 Sainiy and Expenses paid, or Oommis- f ft aion if preferred. Salesmen jLlevirywhere. Mo experience address, stating age, fl, W. FOSTER «£ CO., Nurserymen, Geneva, N. F. wanted needed. FOR BALE OR RENT* In the Village of Blagvood, a good house and drop. Term msonable. In. . ..Wfgrwv l.inn •i <*. t - ".'ft-../,• .. i IS HER1 HOtSltF He i-"*•i\ h g wan, JuRt, now he is a bi^ef mail than Czair Keen or ^njor M'Kinley Bill, and recosfnizln£f the n'iu<>ual demand th^re will be for his service* we have retained them and he will b» found "on«tHntly at our store from now until Dec. 24. at midnight Fie has our stock in chargn and will be glad to see you allt IvtHSi«iN.TV1VA. OI^XTS .ft--.i » Is here also and presentt. ber crmplimentfi to the ment women and childrer of McHenry and vicinity, and bees to inform them that in anticipation ol the Holidays she has opened an unusually large stock of ^ • 'V;,-. m"* t ^ rf At the c:»mmodio«s and well appointed store of John Evan^oit & Co., wnere she will be pleased to have yon call and meet her every week day in Decern tier 8he also begs to ^all >our attention to the tact that through tbe intimate connection existing between her husband, the Hon. 8*nta < :Ihus and the manufacturers ot Rolr^ day Gifts, she wi*l be able to offer you exce{)tional Opportunitiesj purchase NEW, NOVEL AND NOTABLE Christmas Gitts, at very reasonable prices indeed A child made very happy by a -email gift at Christmas Com#! prepared to serve you well. Our Entire Stock of Clothing of every descrip^ will be sold nearly at Cost. ^ v 'e v V. *" ^ s!t * x J ^ - *• A , ... si/.# Reapeet fully, M I ' > « - t a t * * t e . ' « M i % " < s s m 4* Commencing Monday, Dec. 15tn. And select your goods stock isfull. You can buy yd now and have them saved are ready fo: m i •>/ to continue until March ist,1891, l )AI»Uting ot ,•>%' OIMS! PRICES! /V j- i We never had sucn a nne stocK as now, nor could we ever sell at such low prices. No one need stay away for fear you cannot be suited in prices or goods# 7- I Next week for full particulars, and in the meantime ca ll at our store and examine our large stock of General e, •2v%S;-;siA:fa.'v fe/,.' '1/*'- •ewiAito* •• *•••• A'.:^ m . <» „ . j ' ^ ^ Weat McHenry, a Rubber Goodtftobes, Blankets,HalterA VI hips. Fau lty Growfe»» China W»r«, Gtawwre. Kotloiii, ' Cigdi>, Tobacco, Pipes, etc * „ MY ;' - Complete in all departments, consisting in part of Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Axes, Mallets, Picks, Mattocks, Bolts, Tic- ware, Carpenter's Tools, Pumps, both iron and wood, Shelt Hard- $§re* ctc. Also my epti^ STORE 4 Two Store Rbildings, 5 acres of land near towzi, one Dwelling " ^ House, and one-lmlf interest in 3 Steamboats, and steamboat between McHenry and Fox Lake. mm ^ e f « * > p. is u no humbug, but a genuine bona fii'e to close my business. mWr I ak boukkd fvit" All persons knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to Mil and settle at their earliest convenience. *"W <•- ' . . ; • . . ; Thanking my customers tor past favow, I rema:ii, V / v ' Respeotfullv a mm* mm

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