Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Dec 1890, p. 8

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Mine and beauty ; further into tho . various root#® ^^•fcfp^'iut supposing the go the groat at erf western travel, no line |ttd more desirable than the Idton, «ft(f||feftt "Three Link" It* unimv|l|MiiKH! connections. rwis train men, a first j'track^Mpievery convenience that irn I'^HMnlog employe is here ^fnr aaf«ty and comfort. The coon- iverMed is unexcelled for beauty of garden of the cooti- He R^ftpr-atid secure tickets of the .&:ii§tiott. if you pleasant jonmev. f£V' \ A SAFE INVESTMENT. If one whfeiii iaj?uarant«eri tobnonryou .• ... JMntfactory ttonita, or in euw of failure ;<r#, TmlStBlnftof purchase price On this wife can buy from oar advertised •v<- a battle of Dr. King's New Bis- flcr Consumption. Itweua ran teed ;n4ief in every cam, w^en used for )tkn of Throat, Lung* or Chest, .«• Ooteumption, Inflamation of , - Bronchitis, Astbnia, Whooping Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant ail BgrtWiMe to taafce, perfectly safe and be depended upon. Trial liollluifrceat Geo. W. Beeiey'B Drugatoi e. 19-lm Jr' iy I "'••A BISHOP'S MIM* &M& k f t /- A jFULti LINE OF f. \AADe ONtYBY > k JUUXIIURANK £ CQ. cuitA&a. tOMBVWHftnr ttM sale of oar Borne-Grown 8toA jBtilnitTO fiOUTm. One of the largest, wmMltbliilwd, ud b(MI koown Nurseritt ;l»MNwaj|w Addraea, f f l j t* ' W. dk T . SSI ITH. ChoevA Nursery , < S&abBsbed in 184%. Geneva. N. T. v £ THE BEST INVESTMENT tha Family, School, or ProHsstanl Library, Bm heea for yean Standard J® the Government Office and 17. 8. Su- Mart. rhly recommended liy " ̂ *ts of Schools and i Presidents. aool Books In tikis country are t wpoto Webster, as attest- flu leading School Book _> more Words and nearly w more EBgravingg than f other American Dictionary. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. ' T«k ¥«rU «y>: Webster is al- concededto be the btsL iMji: Webster is thoao SShrd in lexicogrsphy. jgjBSSSff#ays: Web#<ter ,,m --^«E5SS£r!R^hority in onr office. ChtoiBS Mt tWOI gays: W.'WrV deed b«8 always been the et.ruiai i'.. Oris--*-- Pwaocrat ^aSKBSwRSSEwrSy^TBTCuI^. Tac-.-, ItterewKjoizc. HMflllCuMUi; "wortt-'mr.k"' o. i.C4h# tto»21siklaagafig« ait over the mvti-i. „ „ jiSoid >o" all Boofcwlters. Pamphlet f>*«. *»C, MERRSAMACO., Pub'>ri.,"« '*«• mm* ' S3?i5 8g _ Co » § 6 a«a •< j'if' BUY YOUR $tk AND GRAIN, US' ^lh«reyoa caa'^o the] best means of AT TUB Factory, sh * i*- 'fly ' w you and and l"' /»;; 'f <• rci ji\ for the BOZJSATS •> ^ V," V-"r - ^ . * . a*- ' - WEGRTMoHENRT, "<Pr ' t ^ ' , •«* - & f " t" " "ffe mate our animal bow to the Buying; Public and wonld inform them that we are better than ever 'prepared this season to meet their wapUja I'.tf'H '•'* i.'.J S.AInrrsi&jM i'ss&is A PENNY WHI8TLEJ.UP, See Our Piano and Banquet Lampt. BOOKS FOR YOUNG, BOOKS FOR OLD, IBLOCK8, ETC. In short if you want a present for your wife, daughter, son or mr fl «iri, you cannot fail ot finding what you want by calling ;-a^0®e uo1r and take the first pick. All got to be sold C. W. BE8LEY. your best girl at our store. before January 1st. Weat XeBaarjr, Uifc, Dee. lat, 1m. gjgp HUSjane l SHEUIM ITTtCHIEXT '"VrilK TOPE CORN At ONE OPERATiON appleton r guaranteed i.s^nci^i^rcHfoA^oTTC w v«« m«Miuu ui tuuifw me wrn »iaiK, ana at tne name time nusKing ana sbelltng the com Thia n^t^nt GAJBBA^GJXGSMAAQGAG^^ 2®8ttr low a price that no one can afford to run any risk by buying any other machine which mnv hp "JJfWeaw a large «nrt wsoonrtble flrmssul send oar Machine Jat 5« an lmportant ponZ0^ ' CHU furniat' a°y needed repairs at a moment's notice, which is often because we do not desire ligation, nor do we desire to bother any farmer rnina fliese marftlne* without our license, and we truot that everyone will gave themselves an/ trouble infha matter by purchasing direct ot us, or of our authorized a#ent». ttuy OTOUDIB U IM Yours truly, APPLETON MANUFACTURING COMPANY. valerpotf CoaL lib* tannin, without Ik* "H A. J.Toww, BoMqa, KM Of the Beet Makes, on hand at <ttl limes. Anything not,in ordered and de~ ••• • pvered inside oj 24 Aours. f •••: Ceiebauted " •" ACOBH COOS STOVa, The Best in the Market and every one warranted Prices as Low as the Lowest Please call and examine our Stoves before purchasing. Glass of All Sizes Con- stantly on Hand. THE BEST BARB Kill In tlie Market, ait Bottom Prices. JOBBING! A1TD KSFAIRXXTQ Will be done on short nonce and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 1 share of public patronage respectfully solicited McIIenry, 111., Nov. 12, 1890, JACOB BONSLKTT. m WHAT I NEVER? Well, Hardly Every Have the people of McBenry and adjoining counties had so favor­ able an opportunity to purchase •:** IS NOW FOUND AT. HcrtENRY, With Two Siores, One on the West and one on the East side, they present to the buying public * ; , .7- 1 s, Z* 's ^ rt Larger Stock of all kinds of Furniture this Fall than ever before, which we are offering at greatly ^4 REDUCED PRICES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUr. in KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP " k " '< -V"' C A N D E E la a name thit sliould be fasiiliu to ®ve^y m&ns woaaa and child In'the land. Why t IIgji& is the brand the soles of th9 beat BXJBBBB BOOT8 AND DEOSa made. Ask your dealer for them and, if he does not keep them aend to ns for a Descriptive Il­ lustrated Price Liafc and we will aend you a pair through a dealer In your towiu »"®1 SURE TO All FOB 6AIDEE. C. H. FARCO & CO., fMroift? Wholmle Agcata, » CHICAfiO), VLL. RUBBERS Bonslett &]StoflFel KAgents for Mo Henry, III* ». NKKDHAM'6 SOUS 116-11^ Dearborn Street, OKiOAd# StobpaMTa FRA_NK D. THOMASON, Attoraeyatliw, l*a ItMrboA., CHICAGO, flJU FRANK D. THI PATENTS TO tin > Ml [£r-ABai»taW«»UdI CiaooLAaarao. ' im BuiW; flalMy W'VUUm SENO row OUH CATAM»OUC aWQ rmum ATLAS ENGINE WOBKS, INOIANAPOU8, INp. - B.W. BLATCHPOf ISi * CO, of CKI-wktt & ,Bto^el We have tak selecting our Undertaking Supplied. Coffins, Caskets & Tbimminos, Cf the latest designs. Every­ thing New and Elegant. We keep nothing but the best. * Do not fail to call and see us ^rhen in want of anything in our line. A Splendid New Hearse In connection, which will he fur­ nished at Reasonable Bates. <?•' • JUSTEN BROa McHenry, 111,, Oct. 14,1890. % MARK --FOR-- Horrn, Cattla, Sheep & Hop. Excals any remedy for lhe rapid care of Hani Colds, Cough*, Hidefound, YeSicwWafer, Fever, Distemper, Sore and Week Eyes, Lung Fever, Costlvensss, Bletefces, and all difftcrltles srl*. Ins from Impurities of the Blood. Will rellwt Hams at enea. Manufactured by the JOPPA MANUFACTURINQ CO., LYONS, III. Y. Snra Cure for Hog Cholera. FULLER & FULUV,- General Western Agents, Chicago, III. IMPORTANT That the man^t ho sells his best goods for the LEAST MONEY, > Is the man that pays cash for his goods. Call and see him and his prices, *aoOflne»t'sult,o»ly so 00 «• •• * 13 00 Boys Sol Boys Knee Paafe§| CMfl tea'Fine Shoes J |o ; v .(u Common Sense Shoe ' ' 1 «0 Wells APargo Plow Shots *' 210 Ooagress Shoes ' ifo Hundreds of other goods at the same prices,. YOUR8, E. LAWLUS. •10 75 1760 8 7# , , tiand 1M 3 i-j MoHenry, llllnelt. MF "How fat I'd get if I had one,** <3* from ymr dmler fre^ tlM 94 Book. It has handsome piotoNs and valoahle information aboat honea. Two or three dollars for a ^4 Hon* Blanket^wUl make yoar horse wartkWH* ana oat leas to keep warm. »A Five Mile AmL JU. / ***** ww fr*} 5IA Electric ! ( 5A Extra Test SO Mher styles at prices to mil itwy* odv. If yon can't get tlmt ftoa yoor Mers write as. Commencin y, .t ^°L^e?.atia'se until M,rch I wtlt Mil n st^ck, consisting ot I A* * 1 ' ?{'•< OoMs. Rdbes, Bliimicets, Italters. "4 1 . ; ' . ' 3 _ Whips, Family Groceries; Ofeiu Ware, Gksaware, Hot! Cigars, Tol^acco, Pipes, etc. . * 1 >•' -W ' * !MY ENTIRE: t'-v ^ 1..' < "•« •" *t JZ mm Si Complete in «dl id p*?t 8hovcl% --tents, coneia--^ ,WB m 1, Hoes, Spades, Axes, Mallets, Picks, Mattocks, Botte. Tin- ware, ( arpentei's Tools, Pumps, both iron and wood, Shelf Ha&» «friiyet^|ig?P Also my entire " *0% *iVj ' r" FIZTTJRES, . -y". -.r . . Wl ' . r " ^ ^ 1 ' - ̂ " ~ % * "Jk * rr j , , „ . r* -' - -- -- »" "Uj Milt) ilWOluilir House, and one-half interest in 3 Steamboats^ and steamboat line between McHenry and Fox Lake, , v • • r" , M v < £ \ 'V® " </• A'k>r * This is no humbug, to close my business, • »i ' ,v * v\ , ^ >vqv- >^:ry& : t • 4$J "* r % % - '#i** . 2k S si' m m / All persons knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call and settle at their earliest convenience. ^•1 Sa°?ins g? «»stomera tor past favors, I remain, " • i ' J1"* ' * I A ' , £ ':-P Youra Reaoeotfuklv. .4- "J % I r^ * Yours Respectfully. ' BJSaifcEPt« -MM M l - - V ' ' t, THE WEST SIDE! " 1 :'*>* y, r. At the above place we mean to give you more and better good«* for the dollar than you can get else where. The season for Felt Boots and Rubbers is at hand and we are selling the best Rtibber Goods there is made to-day. All we ask when in need of a pair of Felts and Overs is for you to call in and get our prices, ajB& we know the goods will please you for the price we ask W«rS^t>au them at $1.50 tor the outfit. Also everything else in tfee Bo6t ahd/ dhoe line correspondingly cheap. ' . , $ Remem'ier, that we are not taking second place in the Clothing Trade here. We are offering to the trade this fall a weil selected line ot Men's and Boys* Overcoats that are got up right in style and , made ot good material at prices guaranteed to be correct. We ask you when in need of a suit of clothes for yourself or boys t© call ill and look our stock over; we can fit you from a four year old boy's suit up to large men's wear, in cheap or fine all wool clothing. |»| >- • - - • r"5! JW*8E..6,#VM ** *•«* «•» ?m* , A good assortment always on hand, x 1 We are headquarters lor Fresh Groceries. ri«#t Dried Fralts aK^ ways to be found here. Always ready to figure with you on price of Sugar and will give you the most for the dollar of pure sugar. ^ Choice brands of Flour, Graham, Buckwheat and Cora Meal a!»; ways on hand. Yours respsctfully. ~ ;.w "• ,< f, vs •> <* " V 'vft; m** J0HN j MTT^Pnt West McHenry, III. % JTUIilA A. STOl (One Door West of Riverside House*) r'0' ]yP ' J • •f-tegqj $Tr -* * •\ . f e - • 'i^toeaXBNtVSr, i' ' '•' •* m--7 • .5 V, : i#. 1 •.-i "i -A PITLL LIKK OF 1 1 C0NSUMPfl It btt permanentlv octred TKomuJtM of oaaea pronouneea by doctors " " m* If you have premonitory tona, sneh aa "--*• T.-i ' Bv SlniMk' •Tv. ^ ., , Faints, Constantly on hand| ? |i!so a large line ot Medicines, Toilet Article#, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNipp| Fliysioiaiis FreacriptiomsP ,nd accuratey compounded by a Registered itronageit reepectfullysolioited, ^ 1 r K , ^ . r > W M A ~y„_ • -A % •' ' •, • > » • 'Vfl. V rma-

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