Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Dec 1890, p. 1

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i?f Hi $ "'3*1 * i ' "• ' * • *•'. }n- ' 1 <« Pledged but to Trutti, to Liberty and No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." u:<® '*&/• V . 16. M'ttENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDIRSDAY, DECEMBER 24, t890. Kgi'M s?$<S 'Mi' "\>l % PtrBLitHifto Irnr irunmMir bt *?(*& •< • AN 8 LYK By Z^J " EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. S"V J fi «vV, gP^' **.f\ , --Orroaira Panax * Owiirt TSKtfn or sCTBdoairwoir v <' mmSSm^i jw--IW-- i in III Tea* (In A«m»ec) .|UM» within ThreeMonths...... .. *.00 it rcoclvcd for three or tlx •MM proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. KNIGHT A* BROWN, A TTOHK8FS VT L A W. IT. r. KxprctstOd'a n. Building, 87 An<t 89 Washington SL CHICAGO, ILL. JOSLTN * OAJSEf. A TtOKWISTS AT LAW, WoodstOCk^Ill. xA. All business will receive prompt atten­ tion. A»T*V A. Ooi a P. BARNES, RNRY, Solicitor, ud; Ooaaselor. Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, IlATOOtt. :i" V Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising a the Pt.Aiw0BA.0B8, and endeavor to state t'C - hem «o plainly that they will be readily un. !> er stood. They are M follows: ; \-ji ' I Inch one year - * , 5 5? y 2 Inches one year . - lojw * 9 Inches one year - * ' ' '* * 15 00 & - , Column one year • ••.,: »' • « 55*5? H Columnone year-t • . - » *- WW Y JOolnmn one year • - » - - ..v100 00 H'*. » One Inch means the one s• Inchdown thecolumn,single colamn width. < ̂ . Tearly advertisers, at the above rates, have ^ VJS^T te°tr»e5tai^eB ** 7 Regular advertisers (meaning those having •tending cards) will be entitled to insertion ef local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line SaeA week. AH other* will be charged 10 e«at« *e*?Ihe the first week, and 6 cents per rttH foreach sdbaeqaent week. Transient advertisements will be charged ' it the mte of 10 oente pc line, (nonpareil W-'; type, same as this Is set In) the first issue, and S oents per line for subsequent issues. This, an inch advertisement will cost 9L00 for one week, $1.90 for two weeks, 9S.00 for three as*?*; ."-. wealts, end so on. lit.- The will be liberal in giving Sv . editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it S* ~ \ will require a suitable fee from everybody »s V.' ' seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary if-- »L.I H-l » . »• • • |v,h. VV, SN'-':- If/ wfyf-;-4 %$A . v?;**. ' . - f4 :v' A&, BUSINESS CARDS. O, J. HOWABO, Mt. D. O0tr«I0IAN and 3UBOEON. McHenry. I 111. Office at residence, one block east of SftbUe School Building. aft rSQBBS, M. D. ' OHTSIOiAN AND SUliaEOK, MeHenry, L Ills. Olllce at Residence. . WX. OSBORNE, M. D. PHYAIOIiN AND SURQKOirf.- OHee et Re»idence, West Mottenry, 111. tells attended to day and night* Uverv Stable. Proprietor. First With or without drivers Teaming of V 51 I rruf bv INKY AT LAW, and 8eHei«er ta Chauoerv, WOODSTOOK, I Ll>. Office in Park Bouse, flrst floor. A. M. CHURCH^ • : , 'V. r. • Watohmakor and JeWeler NO. One Handr«*'tTwenty-Five State Rt Chi­cago, 111. Special attention given tore, pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. 4VA Pull Assortment of Goods la his line Uoitei States far Claim Agency --1.0P- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstook • • Illinois. Prosocntesaii elneswi «w< ktnde of claims against the United states tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps ere enolosed for reply. WM, H. COWLAX Oflloe at Resldenoe, Madison St., Woodatoec. Illinois. Attention Horsemen! ICOHbhrT, lLI«.,JApril 1st, 188a» I would respectfully invite the Publlo to call end examine ni j stock of Horses before making arrangements elsewhere. No bust. BessdeeeoaSunday. V ' „/H. & OOLBY • . H*HMntT IU jgrMiij ,".| 1 ." "'. I j. COMPTON, Asent for the OF NEW Oaplta.1, (819.031,1 OO. AM) IHJE JETNA. OF HARTF0&B, Capital, #10,071,550, Fire tested, time tried Companies. Insures against F<re, Lightning and w the most reasonable rates. as reasonable rates, dene on short notlee. and further > Volo. 111., wf nes* and always, ease or loss. Volo, ill., May *>th, 19M). ind-Mtorme, at For insurance NEAR THE DEPOT, VTBST MoHENRY, ILL, Keeps open for the aooommodation of the J. .Public, a First-Class - ̂ Saloon aad Restaurant, ^l . : (There he will at all times keep the best 7 A r >4v^wls of Wines, Liquors and fliswr* * ,t.,»he found in the market:' ,lt \ ' Also Agent For FRANZ PALE'S KQwankM Lagw- 8Nr. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- trays en hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. gifry'-* ' Orders by mall promptly attended tod . QOOD aTABumt pom iroAaa&]; . MTOall and^ee as. ' RobertlSohlessle. WeStMoHenry.IlL 8|00K m RESTAURANT. ^pMoHENRY# iLUMllS. V/ j.y v.'i, & '7>' -f "<-k % bu Kentucky Uquon, French Bitten, UcHenry Lager Beer, -AND- J. StUtmifaitee Bottle Beer, f; ta tay quantity from * Suits Q-laas to ICO barrels. w AT WHOLESALE OK RETAIL MEN WANTED. nt oar well-known nursely ra thls oouM^'foftown »u:l country trade. Good pay fieekly. A steady position with a nur- aeg! of ever thirty years' etanUing. and a knowvi reepoESibility. We \va.ui good, lively workers, and will nuy well, tiuoa reterenoes reuuired. Apply quick, atatmg age. CHASE BtiOTdElU COMPANY, 87-mA Chicago, 11L The Police Gazette, Is the -nly lllustrate-l paper in the world coniaiumg all the satest (,enaHtional ana sporting news. No Saio .n Keeper, Barber, orOluo ttouiu ran Hll'jrit to'm wiinout it. It always makes friends wherever it goes. Mall led to uiiy a<i<lresH in the United 9Catee wrujipeti, 13 weeks for fi, TeUentS for sample copy. BICHA&D X. FOX, pkakklih Squasi^ Hew York ^ ATTENTION I Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those loo king, for -:j CHOICE COWS Freeh milkers or springers, to call at IT premises before purchasing, t eaa furnish laoh by the car- load or single cow. FOBTKB H. WOLFRUM, Chbmuko. llfcrnahont four miles northwest of aartard, Illinois. JOHN P. SMITH, VTatohmaker Sc Jeweler, MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. PIKE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew- fas. elry always on hand. Special attention to .repairing fine watohes. tilve m- JOBX P- SMITH. Agents Wanted 1 liberal" UTK&MS will be given to introduce our new book Bible Brilliants: STORIES, MOTHER'S Dm,? HOME The greatest success of the year, and some­ thing entirely new In the boot line. Boyal Quarto; size, 9X*113£; finest of paper; large type; 320 illustrations. 68 full page, two ot them printed in nine coi>rs; retail price only MJO Thousands will be sold tor Holiday Presents. Those first in the Held will reap & harvest. Act qnick or yon will miss It. FOBSHEE A MACMAKIN, • fSaeinnnti, O. " r.J.Barttan. I J-BarbiM BAR3IAN BROS. Wholesale sad Retail DBALEKS K FINE CIGARS, , MeHBNBT ILLINOIS, Baving leased the brick building one door (Phasi* of Broeldyn. jgockford Intor'caCo fir^. Ligkt4t>i<r ait t »mvio ieenraaec placed »*felv and with des^Mitr h in cither of above companies. Policies coriected, Changes atuji transfers made. Oall on or ad areas Simou 8t<ifefol Went McHenry, Illinois. ORCHESTRA, WeMt MoHenry - IIIIdqIm, Will furnish flrst-class nraeic for the dans, lag public at icasonable rates. Address all orter# to ttni ED. NOON AN, West MoHenry, III. >i^iiii>i«|i(i'i. Quintette Orchestra^ MeHBNBT, ILL. Are prepared| to furnish |F irst Class Mofle to the Dancing Public at| Reasonable Bates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. Robt, Madden. Clarionet, C, Onrtte, Cornet. L, Osren, Trombone, K, Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry Smith. MeHenry. NEW YORK HOUSE. 339 tc 243 E. Randolph St, Between Franklin and Market Streets, CHICAGO. Be$t Accommodation to ZVawfer* cmd Boardert. E.G. KOEPPE, Prop. fl.M^PKR DAY, GOOD SAMPLE BOOM. A lirilNM ftmm. fM^Boyi Alt Mop Tk*r*. T51 Culver House. RICHMOND, ILL. Good Livery, Good Sample Eoom. FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TUAINS FOR PA TROA& OF THE HOUSE, I run A line of carriages to Twin Lakes from uichmond, three-fourths of a mile nearer than any other road, and more level and pleasant Uy far. If yen intend going to Twin Likes, stop at Richmond and inquire for OULVKR'd BUS. It i» always there, ram or ehlne. Mound trip prices as nsuai. G SHORT BORH BULLS V POLAND CHINA AND EBERKSHIRE BOA**, ' AND Plymouth Rock Cockerels, by 1 Call on or address FRANK COLE, SPRING 8BOV& ILL. Spring Grove, III, Ho v. 12.189U, Special Announcement. Send 2ft cents for a eopr of mv WSW ILL' TBATEO CATALOGVE oC iShBportinff, Athletio QymnaHium Gkrad*,' The Finest Ever Issued, RICH&ioT. FOX. Franklin 8quate. Haw Y< p- •. C* H, ALtWibir'Ajiiij ations] Crown ft«< And the r specialty, Ops and ex>raetkai. AH wo* Office ever KvaM* West MeHenry, K| tAKOHT. riD Dental . kble P i«u. lg« Worfc.1 lit** natural eeth s " liven for um». mst . • i'jwjn;i.iiiiiiii»» F U iA. Bead address, ouMtlli^^r any inform atiea win ted ahonil!': XiAJnS. HO tBL> SOOVM, etc., «tr, Ait8^|nd prompt^--'*•: L Y " ID, FLO*?!**. Trade-marks, Caveats, l aliel. and Copyrights promptly piocured. A tXiHTY-PAOiSB j<>Ji FRBK. Send sketch promptly piocured. A PXJHTY-PAG " nd sketch efpmdei for free on as to patentabllity..|AU bnstness tr <ate<i *8 sacredly coBfldenttair Sixteen years' ex rienee. Highest li«K«nc»a. Send periei book. COB Highest Address, W. r. FITZGERALD, 800 F Street, Washington, D.Oi for ^^SWpFBfc,./ •~4w* f"-- - LIGHTNING, Aai Aee^dsnUl losoranee. Alee Iowa. Minnesota, Nftbrae^a, Alahvna, and California Lands. Call on or address WM. STOFFEL, MeHenry, 111: s Local orTnrrellng, To cell our Nursery 9took Hilary, Expense i and Steady Employment guaranteed.. OHASX BSOTHXSS COMPANY. Rochester, N. Y. I PERRY A Owen, Bankers, MoHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. This Bank receive* dipoirits. biiut and tells Fbreiyn and Domestic Ex~ change* <***<£ doe* a General Banking Business, We endeavor to do all fmtfmw *««- trusted to our care in a mamtar and upon team entirety sqtiafSsufary to our MMtamora. and revpemimm eoUdt the pmbfy patronage., MONEY TO LOAN; On Real EHate and other ftr# elite Special attention givenio col- Kdl««e toyiWM. H. COWLIN, WOODSTOCK, au-- IHbURANCS/- Oompcmbua* In First Clam Lowest Ratm. ^Jbur« Respectful^. , PERRY A OWEN. the THE CHICAGO AND 1H-WESTERH RAILWAY ttnriraled facilities for transit be most important cities end .towns Iowa, Witic turtln. Northovu Ml;h- Mlnnesota, North and South Dakota ska and Wyoming. train service Is carefully adjusted to meet the requirements of through and looal I travel, andjlnoludes FAST VESTIBULEO TRAINS *«H)F -- Piainf Cars, fjeepiag Sara A Pay Csashes RunnipgSolId between Chicago and ST. PA UL. MINNEAPOLIS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, AND WANTED. S M i E TraYelthg and local, to sell oor Itioiee Nur- aery Stock. Fast-selling specialties in hsrdy rrults, etc. splendid Outfit Free. Steady employment guaranteed. Your pay weekly. Wrttefse tsrtas. - ' Otrminla •umry Oo, '. Bechettsr, H.T. J.R. Saylor&Sois -B&KXDKBS Of- MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn, § lid Polltd Ab£u. And Jersey Cattk Billside 7«Lrm, West MoHenryf III. Our Morgan Stock la all pure bred, fad sted from the best Morgansto&kln the nlted States. Old Oifford Morgan. \ s, is one of Beer in bottles, k Cheap as the retail store, wnere, at an hum ftne cigars of oar own manafoc with smoking and chewing best hraniis. W-« bay none b«1t the |^>xi4 who stands at the head of oar Stock, is one of the best bred Morgan dorses In the country, and can show more and better all purpose colts than aay other horse tat the West. We invite the inspectta® ef on* stock by torsesaenandall lovers ot flne animals, iftll Mood Morgan Oolts and young Alee one matched team, full blood Short Horn the led PoUed DENVER PORTLAND, ORE. •ULLMAN A WAGNER SLEEPERS Ohieajgo to San Franoiaoo "Without chakob. COLOMIST^SLEEPEESI CKioaig'ts to Portland, Ore. Aim BAN XRAXCUOQ, : Free Reclining Chair Gars ONICACO TO DENVER AND PORTLAND, ORE, Via CeueU Haft and Oau&a. For the time of tra'ns, tickets and all Inf r- mation, apply to Station Agents of Chicago * North-western Bail way, or to the General passenger Agent, at Chicago. V. H. NKWMAN, f 3d VicePnml.- 37 M WHITMAN J* Otn'l Manag e . W A. THRALL. % B. BUSS am.Bom AVkXAgL Agtml, MoHmvry, HI CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Salary and Expenses paid, or Commis­ sion if preferred. Salesmen wanted experience needed. I £ Ac very where. No address, stating age. EL. W* FQ&TfiR 4t CO., Nurserymen, fi Geneva,, N. T. wanted! A good pushing Salesman here. First* I class pay guaranteed weekly. Coramis-I slon or salary. Quick selling new Fruits and Specialties. -I FARMERS can get a good paying lob for the winter. Write for full parttc- [ nlars. FRED B. i OCING. Nurseryman, 8tn2 ' Rochester, N. T. saww«off_the *t awl wttfc.. Vwnme Mailt li on new FOR BALE OB RENT. In the Yfflage of Ringwood, a good ,.-!A ' *. " .. r..«»... MYb core for him who ha*bwn«the bottle, «8ul for Mt Widow and Or* pAant." --LinooLw. FHmdtMp, Charity. Loyaitth-Worttq/ mm* ot » • in nil na n • i^Srwl FWPTA C A. ft, directory. • vhemut post m. w, ^M»ets the First Thursday evening of each L. K. Biirnn, Ooa. ^ jMmnwook IOST. MO m. Meets Brst aad third Monday evenings of eaeb month. A. & Wk'oht, Oom. nmu rosT, no w. Meets the second and fourth Taeeday CT«alngsof each month. O-F. Bi*a,Oom. lUTUDfORi SO 256. Meeta the eeoona ana rourtn Monday'evea laga of each month. •. H. AuSTiv, Oom. Mam«oPon,XaM, Meeta every Second and Fourth Friday evealnga of edMh month. K. B. Moaais, Com. WATTOOKDA POST, HO, 888. Feet meets every second and fourHt Satur­ day evening In e a. B. Hall, Main St. A. L. Paroa, Oom. v - t w V . Along the Skirmish Line. Thanksgiving Day will be long remem­ bered by over 400 boys and girls who are cared for by the State of Illinois at the Soldiers and Sailors' Orphan Home in Normal. Turkey and many other good things were had in plenty* and in the evening they were royally entertained by the Bioomington Banjo Club in the home chai>el. The Woman's Relief Corps, Centralis, gave a dance and supper Thanksgiving Bay and evening. It was largely pat­ ronised by citiseiiM, enabling the corps to make a handsome addition to its relief fund. The corps at Ceatra)ia has an en­ viable reputation for ^flicioncy in its charitable work. In planning for the work of the ooming Democratic Congress the Birmingham bility pension law paesed in June last. But what about the United States' Sen­ ate and the President? Won't that "Democratic majority" "promptly" wait awhile? But it is all right to let t>he pe jplo kno# just what the Democrats propose to do. Dr. L. C. Waters has succeeded Dr. D. C. Green, as member of the U. S. examin­ ing board for Pensions. While we are «orry th'at Dr. Gieen's health is poor which necessitates his removal to a warmer ciraate, which was the cause for his resignation, we are pleased to learn that so worthy a gentleman is to take his place on the Board. Dr. Walters is a first class physician and will deal justly and impartially with applicants ordered before the Woodstock Board. -r Bqaaiisation ef Bouti** ̂ ^ Truman B.Dennis, 956 Herkimer street, Brooklyu, N. Y., is circulating a well- drawn petition for a law to equalize the bounties. The law proposed gives every man who served in the army for two years or more and who was honorably discharged, and the heirs of him who so served and was killed or died, or have since died, the sum of $400 bounty, less the amount of bounty which the. Govern- man* at any time paid him. v^ .l Pension Doolsloaa. Assistant Secretary Bussey has over ruled the decision of the Pension Office which rejected the claim of Lafayette F. Heck, Co. Q, 1st Tennessee Cavalry, on the ground that the loss of theclaimant's foot, occasioned by frost bite, did not oc­ cur while in the line of duty. The appli­ cant, while a prisoner of war in 1864, was frostbitten in the right foot, which was subsequently amputated. He is now re­ ceiving a pension of f6 per month for hernia, but claims a pension for the loss of his foot. The question in the case was whether the soldier's disability occurred while on a sick furlough and in the line of duty. There is no record of a furlough, and there is no record of hernia for which the soldier is pensioned. The Assistant Secretary holds that the evidence established that Heck had a sick-furlough, and at the time he incurred the disability he was in the line of duty, and as it finally became necessary to ampn tate the soldier's foot in consequence of the injury, he directs the Pension Office to adjudicate the claim on the basis of the law prescribing for the loss oi one foot. r-/ , "James Perry, a veteran of the 7th N. Y., who left a leg at Gettysburg, while riding in a street car recently in New York City, was insulted by a big, pompus individual. The car was crowded, and the big man got up out of the corner seat to let a lady set down, and comrade Perry moved up and took the vacated seat, so that the lady could sit next to her friend who wwMfMNiir seated. The big man at on comrade hog." Pen^n^^^^K^S. and good featured, aqd to explata though the old veteran told him he was minus a leg, which he left on the battle­ field of Gettysburg.. To this the big mqp retorted that he would bet f 100 that I# never saw a battle, and that he had Wil" the leg in a threshing mlbhing. Both men then exchange cards with the under­ standing that comrade Perry should caH at the big man's office the next day and put up the money, Perry to bring proof of bis service. The big man then offered to bot another $ 100 that Perry would not show ap. The next morning comrade Perry and several friends who were sol­ diers invaded the broker's office, for he proved to be a broker, but were told that the big man had left the city for a week. The comrades propose to make the fellow put up for his bets, and Perry says if lie gets the money he will preaeatit to same charitable institution." "The absurd exaggerations in regard to pension disbursements with which the soldier-hating prees, following the lead of the mendacious New York Herald, have been striving to klarm the public, ha received a decisive quietus. :*V,s ,• , There is to be absolutely-- 1, ~ No "bankrupt Treasury.'* No "probable expenditure Of $300,- 000." No "disappearance of the surplus." No "need for the imposition of special taxes." No "fresh burdens to be laid Upon the tax-ridden people." In short, none of the things which these papers have striven so hard to make the people believe as likely to hap­ pen. The President of the United States says that there will be $135,000,000expended for pensions in 1892. The Secretary of the Treasury says there will be $123,777,654 expended for pensions in the fiscal year of 1891, and $183 ,203,085 next year. He places the total disbursements of all kinds this year at $354,000,000, and the total revenue at $406,000,000, leaving a surplus of $52,000,000. He estimates the total revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892, at *.'178,000,000, and the total expenditures at$357,852,209.42, leaving a surplus of $15,147,709.58, which, with the surplus ot the previous year, will make an aggregate surplus of $67,147,- 790.58 on June 30, 1892." If you meet ex-Go v. Ladd, Island ask him how he turned the laugh on a group of distinguished people amid whom he sat in the presidental grand gtmd at theGrand Army display. Every­ body who iB on speaking terms with him knows that he is as proud of his little State as though it was as big as Texas and the chaffing to which he was sub­ jected while the thousands of men in the Departments front the great States were marching past was not calculated to to make him particularly comfortable. "Don't forget your spyglasses when Little Rhody's Department is due," can tioned Gov. Burleigh. "Isay, Ladd, don't you want to borrow a man to carry a fiag for your boys?" shouted Gov. Buckley over the heads of rows of people. is it possible that Rhode Island has a Department by itself?" provokinglj queried Mrs. Alger. And so it went for ft couple of hours. Finally, Little Rhody's Department flag was descried turning into Huntington avenue. Then came the Department Commander proudly riding ahead of a staff as numerous as the largest. Then came the Reeves's splendid band, and then platoon after platoon and Post after Post of splendidly-equipped veterans Mr. Ladd was surprised himself at the display made by his State, and when after the division had passed he turned to scan the faces of his persecutors they were looking abstractly at nothing in particular. They saw his smile out of the corners ^ eyes, however*.its,, w^, sp broad. , ' A tornado of Has. Never in all the days of pension legisla­ tion has the lying about pension been more audacious and reckless than it is at the present time. The result of the re­ cent elections seemed to feet all the soldier bating papers wild with a desire to over­ throw the pension system. No statement is too extravagant for them to make. They wilfully exaggerate expenditures to unheard of amounts, and distort facts beyond all recognition. To add tens of millions of dollars to the real figures is nothing to them. To double or treble the actual disbursements is a common feat. It is simply impossible to meet and con tro vert all of this tirade. It hardly seems worth while to try, lor it makes no differ­ ence how often a paper's falsehoods are exposed by a presentation of the exact facte. It pays no attention whatever to the refutation, but goes right on repeat­ ing the lie, and if possible in a more aggravated form. There is one hope: The very absurdity of these lies will shortly make themselves apparent to all who care to think, and who will take the trouble to read and reports. They will then papers as the New lea aim! hundreds ol s thwe tount, «mK ; sift the 01 see that York millions aHt^ .some way, koowthjH get a pension claim thr inadequate is the amount 1 Wllitfc i( true in their individual veterans as a class. NowhW better off; nowhere is |§1 enliW'iB get a claim allowed or aI16*W|be any more generons. tothecoMWaqr only deceive those wl «H»nt to 1^ £g$eived, and who want believe*# nMMi&er of villainy thegqpfasl mm who saved the --Nmtkm&l Tribune. • Work efths Dttrfttff the ^ «diagNov. 29, 13.156 claims of 187 were origin^ fcvadU; 342 wil 2 war of 1812; 7 bounty land ; 17 j 0 old war; 32 on account of serviee, 89for«oean»d t Plications for iaoeoss. jectedclaimsrwpo«)&3p{&;i 4, 1890, --. Act of June 27, 8,500 original, 2,000 widows, navy. The names and draeses of 2,136 officers a»#| were furnished for the use < Total claims received under act Jnat 26,1890, 520.878. There were 68,509 pieces erf mall terreceived; 64,701 letters and sent out. Hie number of casee detailed to special, examiners was '423; 647 rtpdrt* and cases from special examiartr*; «*••» o* hand for special examiaaaitai,*^ Report of certificates issued daring week ending Nov. 26, 1890; Original, 1,130; of which -- were under aet of June27,1890; increase, 2,104; reissue, 101; restoration, 10; dupiiea*^ 7; accrued, 49; act % March 4, 1890, 8; act of June 7,1888,1; act of My&t 3* 1883,1; total, 3,43.0. Total number of claims pending, 1,047,130. 1H>tfntihwiTtim ' ' 'J"" Soon alter the battle of Chtdnuiift^a, while the Army of the "lmfrfijijiifr was within it» fortifications at ChaStenooga, Tsan., two soldiers, one belonging to the 36th and the other a ""Hfry ftfttil.- Ulinois Volunteer InfMtiiy of Sheridan's Division, weit\aftftit to for desertion. The fog rested ;iinih the valley on the morning when were to be executed, atdsgng to * aaduapnsstveiMss of"j In comparative silence. Threei hollow square were foswww?, two lines, each double fife; the nient of a railroad constituted the and south side. All things being for the execution, the convicts were ducted from General Sheridan's IniltF quarters to the spot, aboat forty rods distant. First came live or ax rnmm single file, marching by the front fixed bayonets. Next in order w»i brass band of the 24th Wisconsin Vol teer Infantry, playing a dirge. Then came the sentenced soldiers, nnnomfiaiijiyl by their Chaphgns, the Caj|t|j$|: ' *""* mauding, and a guard. the coffins were borne upon the shoulders of their comrades. Last came a line aoldiers, about as many marching with reversed c they reached the lines Where the square met the emban side line remained as it toward the center, while the which was about three rodt Jrippi the former, "about faced," bringi|||llp||i tiro facing each other. The escorti-:%iij|i^t^ted the doomed men, passing hgtijA the lines around to the east;lid^|kext to the road. As they passed alo«g one kept step with his funeral diige ftrfid swlttted officers as he met them. He step with as much elasticity a as though returning from the war a&d marching to the tune of "Home Again.** The other, pale and dejected, aanp«#>;.. ready to faint at every step, and ^gifta assisted by his chaplain. Thqr^Mlib! brought within the square, midway be­ tween the east and west sides, near the embankment^ where they were seated on their coffins; nt the same time the insidt line "about Insed." By this time soldiers from all parts of the army had gathered along the their anxious countenances the interest and sympathy beholder could not help but feel. The fog now began to disappear, the rebels discovering the hurled a few shells from Looko Mission Ridge toward the spot, the prisoners had been directed 1 in whom alone they could find had kneeled by their the soldiers forming the with them, they seated their coffins and were of twelve soldiers was rods in front of them, signal "ready" waa given the officer's handfcarchfaf, the hammer of his gun, click," waa heard, horror through who had manifw on hearing tin eHel bared his bosom and | on his heart, saying. Other supported coffin,. 4'

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