Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Dec 1890, p. 5

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Hi1,far >AY, DEO. 24, 1890. road Time Table. acuta W>0TH. •tilt#&eaevaBxsraM " ioaw WORTH ilSSfe:;™ Vwumntor ILtk* Genav* Bxjnreat ... *M1 f£ik«ti*Mn H«fBg«r (4q EmmtttHb ;r "S&SE'fa. PBBSCWAX. MISS BELLE WBITTO visited in Chicago the latter part of last week. *f W. D. WENTWORTB and L. H.- Ow®, spent t*o days in the city last week. * Miss JESSIE WKSBTMAN returned from her visit to Chicugo last wek. • Miss BRAIN A UD, of Chipawa, Wis., was the gnest of Miss Belle Whiting last week. BSRT STBBBINS, of Highland Park, is visiting with bis uiother, in this villuge this week. • ftSJow#?*W6' """Miss DORA BESLEY, who is attending I school at Waukegan, if spending Holiday week with her parents, in this village. C. F. JOHNSON was on the sick list a few days last week bnt is now better and able to attend to business. MRS. PERCY, of Chicago, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Osborne,, in this village. • HOWARD CLARK, of Evanston, is spcnd- inj? Christmas with his parents, to this 1:» p. M. tm u 7m:*, m. 9:10 «• 9:58 *« *0P.M. t MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Me«it at the Plamdealer Offlce every Sec. <md Taaaday eveatas of each month, Heigh­ ten* wrttir Invited- * MASOWIC. MOHSSNV LODOH, wo. IM A. R. AND A. M.- IlKnlsr Oocamnaleatltns the aeeoad aad •iarth Mondays la each month. W.A. CBISTT, W. M, WE wish our readers, one and all, MERRY CHRISTMAS." A fine line of pipes just Beeley's. "1 Choice Confectionary, Fine Candies and Hits of all kinds, at the Bakery, Howe's ^llleck. • . DON'T forget that there wiH be plenty^ of room for your horses at the Eiversi House on New Year's. E. LAWLUS, tailor, has taken orders for four suits and three pairs of pants in four days. MR. PERCY, of Chicago, with Mabel, tiie little wonder, is coming, and we may expect something fine in the way of music and elocution. BRAD the new advertisement of Story & TioOmber dealers in General Hardware, to be fond in another column in this paper- . „ .. - THERE will be a social dance at Heimer's Hall in this village, on Friday evening, January 2d, 1891. Music, Smith's Or­ chestra. Tickets, 50 cents. JAMES R. PERRY, and daughter, B»Wnioe of Woodstock, were calling on friends here on Friday last. SHERIFF UDELL, of Woodstock, was attending to official business in this village, one day last week. - v ^WALTER EVANSON who is attending school at Beloit, Wis., is spending his vacation, with his parents in this village. f^Xliss AMY OWEN, who is attending school at Lake Forrest, is spending a short vacation with berjparents in this MIM. FAHNY BECKWITH Maria this Wednesday morning for Minneapolis, Minn., where she intends spending the inter. 188 CLARA W IGHTMAN, who is teaching in the Public Schools of Chicago, is spend­ ing the Holidays «t ier home in this village. PROF. F. M. OVERACKER and family are spending the vacation with relatives in McLean County. Prof. Overacker will attend the State Teachers Institute, at Springfield, next week. Do NOT forget if you want a first Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger, Mcllenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. • REMEMBER the little ones by calling at the bakery and getting a supply of choice confectionery, fine candies, nuts, etc. The finest stock in town. ; "Hell, what is it?" was the theme dis- v t̂ cossed at the Baptist Church last Sunday night. That is the same question asked by Pkt when he saw the dude.--Ex. V THE preparations for the Christmrs f Tree, at the M. E. Church, are progrfSB- t ing favorably and the programme bang \ prepared is a fine one. Exercises to com- \ mence at quarter before eight. / OCB Public School closed on Friday Flast for a two week's vacation, and there­ fore the teachers and pupils will have a much needed rest. School will open again on Monday, January 5th. L. ROUNDS has opened a barber Chopin the Nichols Block, and is now prepared to do all work in his line in a [workmanlike manner. Read his adver­ tisement in another column. -THE following definition of the word "bachelor" was handed in by a fifth grade boy: "A bachelor is a man who has no wife, nor wants no wife, nor can't get no wife." ?v^nTHK best test of a newspaper's popu i v verity and circulation is its advertising \ yx hlumns. " The PLAINDEALER publishes V.,more "ads" than any other paper in HeHenry County. M. ENQLEN is offering some rare bar­ gains, at his store, near the Iron Bridge. 4taH and see him, as he is bound to close out as soon as possible, and yon can now get Goods at your own price, WE learn that Miss Sarah DeLang will lecture in the M. E. Church, in this village, Oil New Year's eve, on the subject, or in behalf of Foreign Missions. We would advise her to confine her efforts to the relief of the needy nearer home. ""THE Christmas Tree, at the Univarsalist f Church, this Wednesday evening, will be one of the most beautiful ever arranged by that society. An excellent programme has been prepared and alt are cordially invited. The exercises will commence at i o'clock. WR present our readers with Annual Holiday Supplement this week, And we think we do not exagerate when we say it is one of the handsomest ever presented to the readers of any paper in McHenry county. Read it, examine it And judge tor yourselves » ^A* the Northern Illinois Poultry and Jtet Stock Show, which]was held at Rock- ford Dee. 9th to 16th, George W. Pratt, of Waueonda, took the following Prem­ iums on his Fancy Poultry- On Wyan- dott Cockerell, 3d Premium, On Ducks, tat Premium. On Games, 1st and 2d JPlremiums. On Breeding Pen, 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Premiums, and Sweepstakes on Highest Seoring Pen. Mr. Pratt has the finest bred Fancy Poultry to be found in the Northwest. It would pay lovers of fine Poultry to call and see his stock when toww»4». . , A.. • -w- •&-. ATTENTION COMRADES McHenryJTost No. 643, Department Illinois, G. A. R. will meet on Thursday evening Jan. 8th, 1861. The regular meeting falling on New Year's night necessitates this change. L. E. BENNETT, Post Commander. CONSIDER for a moment when you are planning Christmas gifts that there are places where a barrel of flour will be more useful than a manicure set and if you want to send real comfort and gladness into a poor family, just remember that there is nothing more useful or acceptable than a barrel of flour. THE Dramatic Club played to * big house on Thursday night last and it was the universal expression they done well. Each took their part fo a manner credit­ able to themselves, and when we consider that they have gotten up this drama without any outside help it. is creditable in the extreme. It is hoped theyjnay bring out another play in the neaor future. "REMEMBER that next week Thursday night occurs the Annual New Year's Party, af the Riverside House, in this Tillage; The best of music and a good time may be expected. MRS. E. W. HOWE has removed hek \Chicago, lillinery Goods to the rooms one door second Demorest Medal Con North of Perry & Owen's store, where she |̂ ,ae heid at. Ringwood on Friday evening [can hereafter he " L oil customers. INFORMATION is wanted of the where­ abouts of the widow of John Henry Elliott, who is supposed to have lived in this county about the year 1858. She is supposed to have married again, and her present name is not known. Should this happen to meet her eye, or anyone who knows of her whereabouts, she will learn something to her advantage by calling at or addressing this offlce. /JACK RoNEy of Wauconda,had the^ prtune to drown a valuable horse in the Lake, at that place, on Wednesday last, lie was driving him for exercise,. and driving down upon the' Lake, where scores of teams had been that day, broke through and barely escaped with his own life, the horse being drowned before assist­ ance arrived. He was a valuable bloodi stallion, and was owned by parties in MR. EDITOR:--I notice yon say that you were unable to attend the entertain­ ment by the Harmonia Quartette on Tuesday evening of last week, but that you learn from those that were present. { that it was a rich musical treat. It was indeed all of that- I am sure that every one who attended will say as much. They amply filled the bill, doing every­ thing they promised. Their solos, vocal and instrumental, were especially fine, and their voices when combined in trios and quartettes were beautifully harmon­ ised, and gave great satisfaction to every one in attendance. 1 doubt if there has ever anything of the kind come to our town which has excelled this for the real pleasure or cnlt'ure it afforded our people and they should not miss these oppor­ tunities. Should they ever consent to come again I am sure they would fill any audience room which our town could furnish. H. SLABS. found, ready to wait^ jast. The church was filled with an at­ tentive audience. The contest was a very close one and some excellent speaking was done, the contestants one and all displaying much talent in that direction. The medal was awarded to Miss Ruth Barnard. A book of poems was given Mi Kg Lizzie Lumley as second best. Mrs. J. H. Burger, of McHenry, Prof. H. B. Coe, of Oak Lawn Academy, and Prof. Eskew, Principal of Greenwood public school, acted as judges. It is planned to ^bave a gold medal contest here in March. AN exchange says that livery men in some localities are uniting for mutual protection, after the following plan. The horses, buggies, etc., are branded with a certain number, by which the livery send­ ing them out will be known.- Each pro­ prietor is supplied with cards bearing remarks and when a livery team is put at bis barn he can tell by the brand where it belongs, and can slip a card in a box in the buggy, which tells where the team was kept, whether watered, fed, driven hard or what not. It also Mis whether a rig was driven to a town beyond that f >r which it was hired. THE spirit of patriotism, the love of country, loyalty to free institutions, and the greatness of America have never re­ ceived such marked support and apprec i- ation as we found in a book published by F. T. Neely, and entitled, "A Tale of the World's Fair." It stands alone and un- • approached in the field of imaginative endeavor. With the limitless possibili ties of the World's Fair before him, the writer has risen to its height and extent, and has left to die literature of this country a masterpiece of description. While the work is fiction, its finished lit­ erary style, its strength of imagery, and its vivid presentations impose upon the reader all the emotions and pleasures of reality. As evidence of its popularity we notice that Mr. T. R. Burch, general agent of the Phenix Insurance Co., ] chased 50,000 copies of the first edi of 100,000 for free distribution aga^ng policy holders, agents 4and perineal friends--a mark of app: boo^everteceiv^ School Report. The following i* the leport of the Me* Henry Public School for ltK&th; fading l>ec. 10,1890: • 1IIGH BCHOOf^.,>y-,;.. Total number enrolled „4r> Average daily attendanc...»..n^,^^«l40 Neither absent nor tardy: Harry ITanly, Came Colby, Harry Eldredge, Lonnie Howard, Herbert Bennett, Mary Sutton, Harry Wightman, Lettie Stevens, Amos Turner. F. OVERAKER, Principal. ^ INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMBXT. TofnTjiinnber enrolled Average daily »ttend&joce.....--.^.........35 Per cent of attfndaueo .83 The following were neither absent nor tardy during the month: Willie Block, Ernie Psrfcer, Ethel Smith, Lizzie Simoa, Herman Felt* and Dell Parker. ^ ^ " MRS. MARY COBB, Itacfeer. > LLV ^ PHIHARY DEPARTMENT. Number of pupils enrolled...«^«..^»««..ii>9 4ir®rn(Tfl daily ntt"rf4nd«.n'»^ Per cent of attendance...............«w,.^».90 Pupils that wwro neither absent, nor tardy, during the month were, as fol­ lows: Allen Cleary, Ralph Colby, Elsie Howe, Bessie Rosengarten, Jennie Smith, Harry Kennedy, Charlie Block, Mattie Lelckem, Waiter Simon, Nickie Winkle, Etta Simes, Ceiia Frisby. Majfgie Ay 1 ward. Miss BARBARA MILLS, Teacher. . Gawd Aa-ainat ffiria. The Village Board moot respectfully afHtenl to every citizen in this village to use alt practicable means to prevent fires, and recommend, among other precau­ tions*: the keeping of ashes-in secure re­ ceptacles with cover on a safe distance from any building or litter: also to keep matches in tin boxes and^But of reach of children; to take great care of stoves and stove pipes and to keep zincs or oil cloth under all stoves; not to light fires with kerosene, and to keep a few paiJs of water at all times handy in case of fire breaking out. Said water can be kept from freezing by simply putting in a handful of common salt. These are easy methods, and might be the means of preventing the destruction of a vast amount of property. Therefore, we hope our citizens will see the reason a- •ess of the request of the Board, and thereby not only protect their own prop­ erty, but put themselves in shape to be ready to help their neighbors, should the dread demon break out in our midst. A wise man locks hi* barn before the hone is stolen. REPORT of Ringwood School for week ending Dec. 19. In this report 90 means good deport­ ment and good lessons. More than 90 represents extra work, and less than 90 indicates a failure in deportment or sons, or in both. MiUie Lawson 9ft TCnth Barnard 96 Lucy Dodge 96 Lnella Carr ...89 Minsie WaJsh......90 Allie Richardson.90 Mabel Stevens 88 Myrtle Stevens... JW Elba Hal! 90 Fl r'nee Baldwin-OS1 Lena Harrison....90 Mabel Carr ..ftfl Mamie Lawrence.90 Grace Simpson. Scott Harrison...95 Willie French .9f Snyler Smith 91 Clayt'n Harrison.9ft Eddie Harrison...94 Dell Noon an 9ft Ora Harrison 94 Lonnie Bishop....96 Roy Harrison 90 Floyd Csrr. 87 Lonnie Lawrence.85 .Toe Lawrence 80 Joe McCannon....85 Frank Lawson....94 Martin Hall 87 Bennie French 87 Claude Thomson.90 Ralph Rich'dson..90 Rayimrd Stencil..90 FritsBlaser 85 Godfrey Blaser....85 H'y Stephenson...94 Mike Winkles 70 Tommy Frisby....72 Eddie French 85 Freddie Myers 90 John Huston; 90 Walter Brockway92 ilodge...85 John May 85 • Elon Harrison 94 WM. NIOKLE, Teacher. a regular Communication of MC- enry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. and A. M ild on Monday evening last, the follow- officers were elected and appointed T the ensuiug year: W. A. Oisty, W. MW John Evanson. S. Wi, Jabe*t|pg|cJ. W. H. C. |AK:TreaBarer,' # 0. r f̂r; P.-L.'lp^er.s.a" ' >-„i» Geo. Hanly, J. D. E. W. Howe, )g, J. Van Slyke,/Steward8* OHBXSTXA* BTOCKIWO; *.v " "Dear Santa ClauSi" wrote little Will, in letters truly . • shocking, "i'se been a good : woy, so please till aheapin' Ut> this stocking. I want a drum to make pa ride sad drive my mama cra- iy; I want adoggie I caa , ?, kick, so he will not get ^ lazy. I want a powder . gun to shoot right a%< •* .'t»; my sister Annie and trumpet I can todl?. ;;;s».^»st awlulloudatgr^B^'" ay. Iwanta druffie Wg -. rf|alsefaceto scare iu fits v-;.vrN our baby. I want a pooy -* I can race round the par­ lor, may be. I want a little hatchet, too, so I can do . ,. some choppin' upon our ̂ 1' /grand-piano new when ^•'^'Anaraa goes, a-shoppin'. "want a nic« hard rub- / l>er ball to smash all flinders thegret$,........ * / , big mirror in th#. , hall, and lots and i.. S t lots of winders. And candy that'll make me sick, ^ ma all nigh# will hold me, and make pa | .get. the if/f-'i-s. jloctor quick ^ and never try - J to scold me. And SAU- 'WZ 'Mk Clau«, if pa says f*nl naughty it's a story. Just say if he whips me, I'll die and go to kingdom glory." ... s •.£**.«.. v -. l* .A y i £ .&.{ -u. j m WE find the following in the Belvidege Northwestern of Saturday last: The good people at the Lovejoy House vers treated to a surprise perpetrated upon them by the genial clerk, F. H. Fiehbeck, and Mrs. Nettie Taylor, also an employ* of the hotel, who were quietly wedded at Genoa Junction, Wis., on Sun­ day afternoon last. Mrs. Taylor's home is at Mc Henry, and she had been over there on a visit for a few days. On Sat­ urday Mr. Fiahbeck joined her and on Sunday went to Genoa Junction and had the nuptial knot tied. Their friends here were ignorant of their intentions, conse­ quently their surprise when they returned Monday evening as man and wife. Mr. Fiehbeck c>vme from Macomb, St. Law­ rence Co , N. Y., about a year ago. Thf young couple are thought highly of by their associates here and hearty congrat­ ulations and best wishes were extended. Mrs. Taylor is a daughter ol Mrs. L. Stoddard, of this village. will sell all dress goods, flannels, underwear for ladies gents and t; a discount of 10 per cent from [January 1st. FITZSIMMONS & HRNBERSON. off on all our clothing. laproui* nmrosir***. ^propped from the Olonia. THE MOON, Dec. 8th, 1890. MESSRS. JOBN EVANSON St Co., West McHenry, l\l.--Gentlemen:--Please notify the public that I shall hold High Carnival at your establishment during the month of December and if my stock holds out It will be necessary for all good boys and -{iris to have unusually large stockings hung up on Christmas eve. Yours as ever, SANTA CLAW. Christmas Candies just received Fitcsimmons 4 Henderson's. at Ten per cent off on all of our Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. FITZSIMMONS & HENDERSON. Don't forget to examine Mrs. BeBlsy's 4tock of fancy decorated Glass Boxes. Don't forget to examine the Decorated China at Mrs. Besley's. Feople are learninir to trade where they ;an be well treated and wh^re good goods -;an be bought cheap. J. W. CRISTY A SON, Ringwood. FARM FOR SALE. A good all-pnrpose farm consisting of 166 acres situated one mile south-east of Solon in the town of Richmond. Terms reasonable. For further particulars in­ quire on the premises of 20m3 WM. MQOBK, Solos, ID. Santa Clans is with us and will gladden the hearts of a'l ye people that will court hiafriemfeh Department £££: UMTTE DIRECTORY*. HBBWJI. Looaa No 604, A. F. aad A. M.. mwt at MaaaM* MaU the lit and Sd Wednes­ days of each month. JD. A. CLART, W, M. I. «>. O. F.--Hebroa Lodiio, No. 76<, maataat Maeontc Hall every Tueatiav night. w. E. Villi K. G. HanaowO. B.9. meet at Masoato Hall, the 9d aad 4th Wednaadays of each month. MKS. E. B. SXHATTOW. W. M, M. W. A.--Meet at MMonio Hall the M and Sd Baturdays of each month. F. K. GBATTOK. V. O. Emory Carr, Marshal, 'i * Wm. Tilton, Tyler. District Deputy Hewins, of Elgin, being present, on request installed the newly elected officers, after which all adjourned to the Riverside House and partook of a bountiful repast, gotten up by mine host Brewer. McHenry Lodge starts out«itlv bright prospects for the coming year. / Be Kind to Tour Neighbor, f We cannot refrain from giving place to the following neat little satire'from an unidentified exchange, and which will hit nearly every community where a local paper is published: "Be kind to your neighbor and lend him your paper to read if he does not take it, and don't humiliate him by compelling him to ask for it, but lay it out where ho can find it when he om°s in next morning after publication day. Don't be eo uncharitable as to hide it because he is as well able to pay for it as you are. Undoubtedly he has private reasons for not taking it. IPerhaps he has conscientious scruples against pay­ ing f 1.50 for a paper he can get the read­ ing of for nothing. Perhaps he is mad at the editor for saying too little or two much about him, or the mean thing may have shown hie ingratitude for long un­ paid subscriptions; in which case the paper "don't amount to anything" and "won't have the dirty thing in the hou8e."_Bu^he^ftn^i |o pad it all the more on that account,* just "to see what the fool has to Bay." He has a right to think it good enough to taleandcnticise although not good enough to take and pay for. So humor the fellow and give him your paper to read. You may get your "back up" at the editor sometime aad want the compliment returned* .; ^ FOB. SALE FOR CASH. ' ,1 „ A few tons of good Clrouni Feed at $16.00 per ton. . R. BISHOP. Ghriatm Olgrara. Barbian Bros, are putting up, in boxes of twenty-five each, a choice brand of Cigars suitable for Christmas presents, and if yon have a friend who enjoys a good smoke, what would be more suita­ ble than a box of these cigars. Call in and see them. *' l.v HOLIDAY OOOM I am at present carrying a line of Hol­ iday Goods, such as handkerchiefs in fancy lace patterns in assorted designs at a wonderfully low price, dolls, toys, toilet soaps, school supplies, and others that are usefal. A nice line of candy alto. MRS. L. A. LAWLUS. ii * i I Mens Gloves and Mittens 10 per eiat off till Jan. 1st. FITZSIMMONS & HENDERSON. ' Vor the Holidays. The Chicago & North-western Railway Company will sell excursion tickets at favorable rates. For full information re­ garding rates, dates of sale, limits of tickets, etc, apply to agents C. & N. W. Railway Company. 33w8 Holiday Goods 1 Holiday Goods I . : FITZSIMMONS & HENDEMKHI. Pleasant weather still continues. Chas. Albrect't has erected a very fine barn on his lot in the east part of town. Sheriff Udell has appointed one of our townsmen as one of his deputies. Hebron people will have to curry themselves pretty straight now. County Superintendent Wire has com­ menced hie duties and is now visiting the different schools in the county. He has completed the townships ol Hebron, Richmond, Burton and Alden. Hebron Lodge No. 604. A. F. & A. M., elected their officers for the ensuing year: W. M.. D. A. OI«r»: S: W., P. Robertson; J»" W., W. M. Miller; Treas., E. B. Strat- faqw; Sec., Frank Rowe; S. D., C. E. Ward- low; J. D.. E. O. Rowe; >towards, Glass and Manore: Chaplain, W. H. Groesbeck; Tyler, C. A. Stone; Organist, Dr. E. L. Herrick. On Dec. 31 there will be a pub­ lic installation of the officers of the Lodge and the Eastern Star, when all masons and their wives, mothers, sisters, or daughters, are earnestly invited to at­ tend. The boss insurance man, B*. A. Rust of Rockford has been in our midst again; he represents the Northwestern Mutual Life Iusurauce Co., of Milwaukee: he has in­ sured in Hebron and vicinity between $40,000 and $50,000. Rev. John Curver of Girard, Kansas, formerly of the Presbyterian Church of this place, preached a very interesting sermon at the M. E. Church last Sundoy evening. Rev. Curver is a young man of rare ability and very much thought erf by his Hebron friends. Mrs. Henry Earl returned from her visit to Dr. J. M. Mansfield of Chiilicothe, Mo., last Saturday evening. Considerable excitement prevailed in town last Saturday evening. Some of our musical young men, as well as some of the older ones, were out serenading, but not being in practice their voices were not in the sweetest harmony, and pome of the neighbors were out looking for a Sre or a fight. BOVH, do get together and practice up a little. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR :--Thecondensery question was all talk, which has died out as usual. S. S. Chapell was rather under the weather a few days last week, but is out around again. G. E. Chapell and wife, of Chicago, were the guests of C. E. Chapell and wife on Wednesday of last week. Joseph Adainek, of Chicago, and Mies Amelia Adamek, of Elgin, were visiting here with relatives and friends the past week. We have had considerate excitement in town the past week caused by the town board opening a couple of streets. The parties having the streets enclosed hav- i ig due notice failing to open them on Thursday of last week the Street Com­ mittee and Street Commissioner went and opened them up which caused con­ siderable excitement among the parties occupying the streets. Ou Friday of last week the Street Com­ missioner built a sidewalk in front of Joseph Mattas' projierfcy on Main strfet, he failing to obey due notice to build the same. D. W. Thomas' horse barn is a regular hospital, as his horses are all having the distemper and they are having a serious time with them. He has about thirty horses and colts in his barn. That is a bad place for the distemper to get started. Chapell ft Morton shipped a car-load of stock to Chicago on Monday of this week. Prof. Sheldon, of Huntley, was in town on Saturday of last week. Our Street Commissioner has built a railing on theturnpike at the river bridge on Monday of this week, which is a de­ cided improvement in the looks as well as very necessary for protection against accidents. Born, Dec. 21st, 1890, to the wife of Joseph Johnson, a daughter. The Sewing Society of the Congrega­ tional Church will meet with Mrs. W. H. Jencks on Wednesday of next week. We have a few choice Robe* on band that we offer very cheap. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Call Mid see our Banquet Lamps, Piano Lamps, Sewing Lamps, Hanging Lamps. A fine assortment cheap at Besley's. Go to Mrs. Besley's for Fancy Hand­ kerchiefs and Stamped L>uen for table use. And while there don't forget to ex­ amine the Millinery Department. Ghrlatmaa liooala. Grand holiday sale at J. A. Story's We are showing and'selling? the finest line of Christmas goods in McHenry county. Largest assortment. Everything new in toys. Fresh candies of all kinds. Our Dolls have arrived, come and see them. They talk,cry, laugh, nod, answer questions, shake their beads and jjo to «leep, play the finest of music, won't fail to see them. We are selling every day. Books! Books! every style will arrive this week. GAMES All new games, Fiddledewiuks, Home Circles. Toys, toys, sleds, chairs bedroom sets, tables, stoves; a piano in perfect tune for $1.00. Everything at J. A. Story's. Lamps lamps; crockery, Christmas and New Years cards. Don,t buy until vou have examined our stock. Come in. Come in and see for yourself. All the newest novelties at J. A. Story's. WORTH . VARIETY These are the corner stones of our es­ tablishment. Our holiday goods are on exhibition. JOHN EVANSON & Co. TRUTH SYSTEM DONT SKIP THIS For ft is not an advertisement but 8 pointer, that when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at thi- Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get my prices. Highest market price paid for oats. 6 W. A. CRISTY. Christmas Curds and Souvenirs at Besley's. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for (hits. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rbeutn, Fevei Sores, Tetter, Chapf>ed Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect, satisfaetioi or money refunded. Price 25 cents pei box.* For sale by Geo W. Bedej, West McHenry. 19-ly Bswti»e#a Musis with shoea'lt Branson's.. il Besle^V' Kid body Dolls $ Men's Congress shoes $1-25 at Evan- son's. , ' 'r • The Buffalo Boots and dhoss, and music with each pair at Evaaaon's. Chair pillow with one cake Ol soap for 25c at Besley's. New dress goods, new clothing, and new shoes are now arriving at Evaason's. NICE line of Pipes, Just received, at Barbian Brothers. 2 V "World's Fair" at Besley's. Call and see it. 'Have you seen the 5-A five mile horst blanket? If not, why not,? If you have a horse vou need The fineet line of Whitewash aad Paint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drag Store. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. Fall Jackets, new, reasonable iu price, and stylish. Also, sheet music with each jacket at Evanson's. Call Meal! Oil Meal! Always in stock, at Bonslett & Stoffel's, in small or large lots, at close prices. A choice line of Box Paper, nhniMi at Bestoy's West Side. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm consisting of«fcJ40 acres, situated one mile South of McHenry Village, in the town of Xunda. Is all under a good state of cultivation and one of the most desirable farms in the county. Terms reasonable. MICHAEL DOHERTY, Paled November 18th, 1890. 19-3m FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for salehisfarm, consisting of 1.24 acres, situated 3% miles east of McHenry. Is iu a good state ol cultivation and will be sold reasonable. For further particulars inquire of the un­ dersigned on the premises. GERHART SCHOENKMANN. October 14th, 1890. 14m2 AN INVARIABLE SIGH. fishing of the ankles or feet wiieft not due to rheumatism, Prof. DeCosta says, is always caused by a weak or diseased heart. So is shortness of breath, pain oi uneasiness when lying on the left side, smothering spells. The only cure is Dr. Miles' tsun». Sold at Itenfatf:* drug store. -.=4^i,jsoE * mm v m .. 's • • * v ; • % • -v . / jEit "IMA 'J " A< w abundance, The undersigned, Executor of the Wi of Lawrence Doniey, deceased, offers for sale his entire effects, consisting of his House and two lots, in the village of Mc­ Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etc. For full particulars inquire of the under* signed. MARTIN WELSH, Executor. MILES'" NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed­ ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest, 30 doses for 25 cents. at Geo. W. Besley's. FOR SALE OH RENT. , The house known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village o! Mcllenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty of amall fruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire oi Dated January 1st, 1890 Potpori Powder 35 cents an ounce at Besley's. ffllMITllPD For a moment when you uUli Oilsxlli are planning Christmas gifts that there are places where a barrel of flour will be more useful than a mani­ cure set, and a pound or two of tea will bring more comfort than a volume o! bad poetry. We recognize that a grocery stock does not contain many of those •jimcracks" now commonly known as holiday goods, but if you want to send real comfort and gladness into a poor family, please remember that there is nothing more useful or acceptable than will be found in our department of "Things to Eat." What we have for this-purpose is of the best and finest. JOHN EVANSON & Co. NEW MILLINERY AND DRESSMAK­ ING ROOMS. MRS. GEO. W. BESLEY, having rented the store lately occupied by Mrs. C. Hutson, West McHenry, will open the same this week with a full line of new and Fashionable Millinery Goods to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and the surrounding country. She has engaged Miss Freeman, of Lake Geneva, as Trimmer, and will guarantee satisfaction both in style and price. She will also pay especial attention to DrefS-making, and has engaged Miss D. Granger as Cutter and Fitter, and all orders will receive prompt attention. Miss Freeman will be here on Tuesday of each week. |&»Call in and inspect ourgoods. MRS. GEO. W. BULKY. West McHenry, Nov. 5th, 1890. FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. Who sells goods the cheapest? "He who pays no rent, hires no hup, and pays cash for his goods. Call in and see his trices. Beloit fine pants only. $400 Beloit heavy mixed 2 50 Men's business suits 9 50 " Cassimere suits. 4 80 Boys' suits...*. 400 Boys' two-piece suits 100 Suaee pants....". 25c, 35c, 50c, 1 00 Men's Congress Gaiters $1.50, 1 85 Ladies' line shoes 1 75 Men's Chinchilla overcoat, silk facing, silk sleeve lining 13 75 Hundreds of goods at your own price. E. LAWLUS. rat APPROPRIATE GIFTS. HOLIDAY Of the largest, newest and choicest ^toek of plush, leather or wood bound ilbums, toilet and manicure sets, shaving •ases, mirrors, faaey glove, perfumery or landkerchief and jewelry boxes, elegant ,iew jewelry, over 2U0 new silk handker- ;heifs, mufflers and soarfe, fine neckties, perfumery, fine new glass ware in new leskns, new decorated tea dinner and hainber sets, fancy sight, stand and ranging lamps, silverware, toys, cups md saucers. TheeoatiBttous mild winter ompels us to offer great reductions ou 11 cloaks, overeoatsetothiag, underwear, lanneis, blankets, shawls, etc. Readonr iew advertisement tarelttUy aad thea do ot fail to give us A tfaswty catt. Very espectfi^y, BONSLBTT 4 Srctry»U CwwHes rw ived VU* w«ft* at J. A. Botb Uaefdl and Ornament Jr To radooa slock prertoai to Mr L. n a s i I n v a a t o r y , J a n u a r y 1 s t , m v l maka j KXTRBfliSLY I.OW 'ol • ftoota antf ' Boast miss. saatw mriHilii Hi" Plash and Leathar eaiiac aa« Plush aaaloan aaSTlftth ; » ' • * ? " Bed Blankets la gray and whlla 99c per pair--eheap at $1.35. <h **>:»-,,•• '*^1 i%*fl laa&iifc " * $*»®9--bought befora tha rise. * 1 * i .}, ? I...:. ii i_/: • i"' •' • i ai Ladtas' flaa Kid Shoes at $ajB, 1 domfrnnas •«<! SMas,|Miod|te ai *$« Women's heavy <Sboaa M $1, maxkai down from $l,S5. 3S »V ifa.. . ijC'} /; » il 1 K \ ^ | 4,4i y rt ^ ' S.L Knlk ta thla aaskNft and examlae before purtihaeln* whafa. Baittambar, we handle the ral ' «br*led «MUHAWAXA» Knit fiooi which caaaet be equaled. . \ k Wa haxa ail colon aadl j jPlua Yaros aad Zadhyrs. A German HnlMlBg Vawt - «• * i f . * * ' jPur l»rf« Stook of Baavar andhaavy Winter Shawls ti sow I a. Wa r tham at aary low %m aad oaalS than wajr dowB. (mm mmaB G berwahava tha of ladlas' white, aataral , Hair and red Wool UndermiiP' found I11 «°M ̂ . /-.•"•f: N 'ifV' i V ? B 4 , /• ?• . ' J ! %' Gloves and Mitlaas a£ ar«rj|daaorlp tlon and piioa. wa oar wear. Cbllers mud Oa&L latest styles. We mra'" s a. *r.. .v A /*' v* * you waul Tabte Lloaaa Towalingataaa tha varlaiy wa Nobody «aa gtva bauar IM« tWDil VLOOmt VltOCTBt Wa kaap Pllkbury ,̂ Blshop*s other brands. fihTng-hniija We carry th@ Ccsebratad LUMP SALT for stoak. ' should ba wltaout it* Oarl farmers sre nslag It aad: very highly. 4 %>*. i . •{ >,4,- .... ;.:j " oar goods aad sell many times lower ttea tha C^ssh Stores. If you wish to boy gaalgo l̂a call belore wa take our torr.lstaf Jaaaary. hlghaai prioafor

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