Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Dec 1890, p. 5

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with ...7-M A.M. t m ** sm *• 7:90! A. M. . ®:W " 9:58 " 4:90 P. M. >41) " 7k»arr?itt W A . r . nd A. M.-- Iki aeeond tad aioHwr»i E^^MtoedsfB in " HAPPY readers. to all oa r MR. SLADK'S subject next" Sunday morning, will be, "The Practicability of tT»ristia«ity." (Miy ft Hon, Ringwood, to be found Is another column. TKB«K Heimer's Hall «i» Friday evenla* of week, Jan. Music Smithes Orcf>«etf a. 2d. fc in, i« WAITER of Richmond, was calling on frf^fpere on Monday. HON.C. H. TRY on, o?Hebron,was a caller on Tw«day. Mas. WILL LINCOLN was very sick on Tuesday. C. B. CcRTiH, of Elgin, is oo oar streets to-day, Wednesday. R. HILL, of Waucomla, was on onr streets on Tuesday. HENRY POILE, of Wankegaa, haft been visiting with friends her* the past week. PROF. HART and wife. of Marengo, spent Sunday with Prof. i. M. Batger and family in this village. PKTRB RIIRNGS, ASD **!?», O? Wood­ stock, spent Christmas with their SOD, Prof. J. H. Burger, in this village. JACOB BONSLETT has been sick AND comi, fined to the house the past week! He iJ no v reported somewhat better. jf Miss PRANCES KTLI., of Lake Geneva, was the guest of C. W. Slafttr and wife, a few days last week. ELMER, oldest son of C. W. Slafter, was quite sick Sunday and Monday last, but iamow better. F BEN BUSS, JR., had the misfortune to sprain bis ankle quite badly, one day last vmlr ' stem you thii the edifcoi When "•"My or his business most stop. We have allowed onr accounts to ran to a point mm* be paid. Wa,;f*fe biBs, and bat f«* fcate the money. 1 tasty ouut to yon, but when are several hundred like a part of tNii^pry i*yoawiUsee**lt amount. Yoa eta . we th*«aiell part yon owe, ustbatmaA. Some of these have got to be collected, and we think all will prefer calling at onr office to settle them. Give as your immediate attention. "A word to the wise is so stent. thatis E \ % TWENTY men who believe as tJa^r pro­ fess, and live as they believe, are worth more than 500 hypocrites to any good muss.. . ' LET those dance now who never danced before, and those that always dance now dance the more, at the Riverside Howe New Year's night. J. C. LAI>O, of Osceola, Iowa, will accept thanks for a copy of the Osctola Weekly S»atinel, containing a write up of Osceola and Clark county, that state. Do NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger, McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. REMEMBER the little ones by calling at the bakery and getting a supply of choice confectionery, fine candies, nuts, etc. The finest stock in town. HAVK you made your arrangements to attend the New Year's Party, at the , Riverside House, on Thursday evening? 11 you have not you should do so at onoe. • - THEWS is more practical philanthrop in sprinkling a peck of ashes on icy si than in sending a bushel of trac tbvthe heathen of Central Africa. Th is only in line with the old truth that the highest duty is the one that is nearest at hand. ' y^HE lee harvest was commenced in this tillage on Tuesday, and should the weather hold cold all the private Ice Houses will be filled in the nest ten days. The McHenry Brewery will commence filling their mammoth bouses as soon as they can get ready. The Ice is now re- reported as about eight iuches thick and \glear as a crystal. \ WHY fill a store with goods and then keep dark about it? It costs money every day and every hour to carry a stock of goods. Let the public know what you have to sell. Interest the people--attract them--do not allow then to forget you or your crowded shelves. Tarn on the lights, especially the brill­ iant. steady and far-reaching light of advertising.----Ex. . AN economic exchange gives some useful hints concerning the small, paper faiga in which you receive your groceries. It pc iyt to save them carefully, they are usefulin many ways. Slip your hand in one when you black the stove, and yon will not soil it. When the flies abound, slip tbM over the clean lamp chimney during the day. After trait is canned draw them over the can and label them plainly, the action of the light causes mora frait to Bpoil than any other thing. HON. G. 8. SOUUKWOKTH, who has just sold the Woodstock Sentinel, has been at the head of that paper for the past twenty years, and white we have some­ times differed with him on minor issues we have always admired his sterling Republicanism, and fidelity to the prin­ ciples which he advocated, and regret that he has decided to retire from the editorial field in this county. What his ffcture plans are we have not learned, but whatever they may be or wherever he may sojourn he will oarry with him the best wishes of the editorial fraternity %of McHenry County. THE freaks of old Boreas this winter without precedence. In some portions «f Illinois bliuard and cold weather and otowhave blockaded the railroads; in nlfcwu. not far distant, the air has been fcafcny as the spring-time, and not a Mga of mow. It is astounding to read <gf bitter eaM weather and heavy snow. Mia in neighboring towns, when you can go out floors and be comfortably -warm without aa overcoat, and the ground shows not the slightest traces of aaow. McHenry fortunately, belongs to the Utter class. We say fortunately, but in many ways its** deaided misfortune, OoM WMfctker and now would enliven trasiaess, sad is mach desired by our hosiaew men, but the present weather is a god-wad io the poor and for physical oamfort is unsurpassed. RBAD the new advertisement ft J. W. V FRANK DEIUIOT, of Lake City, Mian., is the guest of H.E. Wightmaa and family, this week. J. D. BARTLETT, of Lafayette, Indiana, is the guest of F. G. Mayes and wife, in this village, this week. Miss MAUGIE WALSH, who has been spending the past month in Chicago, re­ turned home last week. s Miss MARY FBISBY, of the Elgin Watch Factory, spent Christmas with relatives in this vicinity. Miss MOLLIB ERW'IN, OF, Chicago, is spending the Holidays with her parents, south of this village. Miss MAGGIE FKISBY, who has spent the past year with relatives in Iowa, is visit­ ing friends and relatives in this village. Miss MAGGIE OSBOHNE, of Chicago, spent Christmas with her parents ia this village. I)«. O. J. How ABB and wife have Tbeen visiting with friends ia Elgin the past week. TENNIE CHAPMAN, of Chicago, has been the guest of Miss Lara Owen the past week. JOHS PERCY and wife, of Chicago, are the guests of Dr. Osborne and wife, in this village. FBED E. HOLMES, of the Richmond Gazette, was a pleasant caller on Mon- were not at home. ... NUS, of Elgin, was the Wentworth a few. days Pf*>. •• • If. ENOLEN is otering some rare bar* inearths Iron Bridge. kas heisboaad to doss 1#: - * MISSES PUSIE AND HANNAH BARBIAN, of Chicago, are spending the Holidays at their home in this village.1 A. H. Hanly is reported very low at this writing, Tuesday morning, and but littlehopesarecntertainedof his recovery. Miss FLORENCE SEARLKS, who is attend­ ing school in Chicago, is spending the Holiday vacation with her mother, in this village. Miss MYRTLE CHILDS, who has been spending the pant few months in Mil­ waukee, returned to her home in this village, last week. L. H. OWEN is spending tits week ia Chicago, taking care of hi* brother Charles, who is slowly recovering from a rvere fit of sickness. BEN HANLY, of Chicago, is spending a few days at bis old home, in this village. IJe was called here by the dangerous ^sickness of his father. EDITOR PLAIN REALEM:--We are glad to learn that the Harmonie Quartette, of Geneva Lake will give another of their excellent concerts in the M. E. Church, in Ringwood on the evening of Jan. 14th 1891. This troupe visited our village some two or three months ago, and it is not necessary to say to any one who was then present that their entertainment was one of the best ever enjoyed by our people. YOUR local paper tells yon where to go to church, to county, circuit and probate court, and nearly everywhere else you want to go. It tells you who is dead, married, sick, hurt, and many things you like to hear. It calls your attention to all public enterprises; advocates good schools, law and order in your town and county. It rejoices with you in prosper­ ity and sympathizes with you in distress. It records the marriage of your daughter, the success of your son and the illness of your wife, free of charge. It booms your town, builds up your business whether you patronize it or not. It sets forth the attractionc and advantages of the village and invites immigration and is always the first to welcome newcomers. This is not half it does tor its home people.--Ex. The Star of BetUshma Never shone on a Christmas season when the world rejoiced more than it will rejoice this Christmas. Barring a few discontented and badly treated Indians, the country is at peace and enjoys a prosperity that even such a strain as the late general election cannot disturb Canse for joy may be abundantly found in this condition, and it is full of joy for you we hope. At least there is oppor­ tunity for you to make others happy, and Evanson & Co., have been particu­ larly active in securing a splendid stock of "joy-givers." Come early and have yoar selections reserved at JOHN EVANSON A Co's. NEW YEAR'S PARTY, Yourself and lady are cordially invited to attend a Sew Year's Party, at Heitaer's Hall, McHenry, 111., Friday Jan. 2, 1891. Musie Smith's Tickete 50 cents. of West XoFUnrr Sofeoet Report «f West McHenry school (or meat***this lumber 19: NambjrttatrikMj .,87 ttttsndauoe. ..5l£ Per ontot attendimce .90 Th*<ofto*h>g }s the average scholar­ ship for the month of the pupils named: Charlie Pomr'ng.82 Eddie Thurlwell...89 WillieOomisky...88 Newton M'Lean....87 H*rold Qrtsty....88 Henry Pomr'ng....84 Agnes Myers 83 Willie Pomr'ng....90 TilHe Myers 8H Edith Krause 93 Minnie Felt*.. 88 Orten Gilbert 91 1>MmaUBeola...91 Emma Felts. 91 WfliieThw!w*!l..»0 Henry Nickles 88 CharMe Felt* 86 Henry Kamholtx..89 WillieGiQes .91 Amos Wolff 91 Willie Krause 91 Frank Cobb..*. 92 Clarence Parker..88 Fred Lincoln. .89 Pearl Liaooln 81 Annie Wolff .87 Rachael Krause.91 Penrt Nellie 91 Altie Kimball 88 Nettie 8chiet«le 92 Eddie Cobb 92 GeorgeSlimpio 88 Henry Block 91 TNlis Pomrng.....84 Willie Dettmar...90 Warthen Kiinball.92 LiufcieFeltis 9i The following were not absent during the month: Henry Block, Newton Mclean, Charlie Vomrening. Ltsxie Felts, Willie Dettmar, George Slimpin, Nettie Schiessle, Rachael Krause, Annie Wolff, Fred Lincoln, Clarence Parker, Willie Krause, Willie Gilles, Henry Kamholts, Willie Thurlwell, Edith Krause, Altie Kimball, Martha Wolff, Josie Buss, OUie Block, Grover Kimball, Theodore Buss. J. H. BURGER. Teacher. >1)1,^. . . ! • RMPOKT of Ringwood ^chool for the ending Dec. 24. In this report 90 mfeSns good deport­ ment and good lessons. More than 90 represents extra work, and less than 90 indicates a failure in deportment or let- sons, or in both. Millie Lawson.....97 Ruth Barnard 96 Lucy Dodge ...97 Lurila Carr. .'..93 Mabel (Stevens 91 Myrtle Htatrens....93 Ellen Hall .90 Mabel Carr. ...91 Lena Harrison....91 Grace Simpson.. .86 Mamie Lawrence.OO Willie French 87 Scott Harrison...93 Clayt'n Harrison.96 Say>er rtmitb. 94 Dell Noottan 97 BddieHar?fS0n...95 Ixinnie Bishop....94 Ora Haiirisoa 94 Floyd Carr. 90 Roy Harrison 90 .Toe Lawrence 86 Lounie Lawrence.90 Frank lAWSon....91 Joe McCannon....90 Bennie French 85 Martin Hall 91 Ralph Rich'dson..90 Claude Thomson.90 Frite Blaser 90 Raynard Stencil..94 H'y Stephenson...94 Godfrey Blaser....90 FreddM Myers.....92 Eddie French 98 Walter Bmck way98 John Huston 90 Elon Harrison 94 Edmund Dodge...94 John May.. 85 Stella Lamley 94 I^ena Blake. 93 WM. NKJKLE, Teacher. / OBITUAEY] III Ills Dakota Beacon, published at Plankinton, Dakota, we find the follow­ ing obituary, which frill be of interest to mauy of onr readers. Mrs, Sheldon was oti£0 a resident of this town: DIED--Thursday morning Den. 9th, 890, Mrs. John Sheldon, aged 72yeans* rs. Sheldon nee Roeanna Hawley, was born at Rome, Oneida county, N. Y. June 17th, 1818, joined the Baptist church in 1836, and married J oho Sheldon in 1840. They moved to McHenry county, 111., in 1854, to Marshall county, Iowa, in 1867. and to this county in 1882. She was a faithful Christian, a devoted mother and a loving wife. Her death was caused by a shock of lightning re­ ceived August loth, 1890. She gradually grew worse until Wednesday morning Dec. 10th, when she passed away, Fun eral services were conducted at her late residence in Firesteel, Thursday at 11 a. m., by Rev. C. R. Waters. The immense assemblage of friends and neighbors could not get into the house. Deceased leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss--three having already preceded her to the better land. We extend condolence to the afflicted rela­ tives and friends. Mr. John Sheldon accompanied the remains to Vina ceme­ tery, Marshall county, Iowa, leaving on yesterday morning's passenger. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will mil at Public Auc­ tion on the premises one mile northwest of Ringwood, on Tuesday, Jan. 6th, '91, commencing at 9:30 a. m., sharp, the following property: 14 choice cows, new milch and springers, 6 three-year-old HoSstein heifers, 1 two-year-old Holstein heifer, 1 pair geldings 4 years old, 1 pair good mares, 1 sucking colt, 4 choice brood sows, 5 pigs, 1 binder, 2 corn cul­ tivators, 1 diamond tooth cultivator, 1 pair drags, 1 horse rake, 1 mower, 1 set trucks, 1 set wide tire trucks, 1 double buggy, 1 carriage, 2 plowB, 1 pair bob tsk'iifhs, 1 cutter, 2 sets double harness, 1 single harness, 1 pair Fairbanks' scales, 2 hay racks, 5 milk cans, 1 feed cutter and carrier, 1 corn shelter and feed grinder, 15 tons hay, 1 stack corn fodder 50 tons of ensilage, a quantity of oats, 100 bushels of corn, and other articles too numerous to mention. Free lunch at noon. TERMS:--All sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum acredit of one year will be given on approved notes at 7 per rant interest. Two per cent off for cash. No goods to be removed until settled for JAB£2 CARR. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. Plush Albums and Bedey's, card' at where a bMjlliihg: might be made ia this direction,iMit is conceded that whan owafrd by Oi» ^Cteiby. Why not form a stock company and commence the manufacture of this at­ tachments here ? They are without ques­ tion one of the most practical and useful inventions.^!* found in fnrn> much»BS>yt and are boi»d to come into universal use. In timM predict that j£« soon as tbey get. upon the market it will be im­ possible to sell a Hay Rake without one ol titem attachuienta. Here, then, is aolpeee to start a man- fcfactorilig tninliMM. With a small capital, that will employ quite a number of men, and at the same time have a tendency to other manufacturing institutions our village. This is an opportunity hat our business men should not let. slip f HEAT WAHTP0f cash price will be paid for rWWatat the Wauconda To show what people who have used and seen thia attachment work think of it, we append the following testimonials from well-known resident* of this county MCHENRY, III., Aug, 28,1890. MR. A. H. COLBY. De»r Sir;--Enclosed find #5 to pay would report to you how 1 liked it and how it worlied. l like it so well that 1 would not do without it for modi more than it cost. It has no objectio: points whatever. It adds nothing to the workings of the rake, but on the contrary makes the rake dump modi carter, rakes cleaner, separates the hay from the win- row perfectly and fcfavc* no scattering either side of the wtarow. Those clearing rod* going down With the front rake un­ load the rake every time. I have put up 150 tons of the heaviest clover hay I ever cu+, and my lake has not riftgpwfl once, whereas before'using the attach­ ment it used to dog very often and occa­ sionally break out some of t he stationary chains. On the whole 1 think it one of the biggest improvements in fanning TO^R>{ YOUR* TRULY. I' " JULIUS CLEMENS. ND*DA, ILL , Aug. 1,1890. MR. O. W. OWEN. Dmr Sir:--Yon ask me in your letter how I like the Colby attachment. In an­ swer would say that I like it very much My gnu»s this season was very heavy cut some clover that was so heavy that I could with much dSBknlty tell wiiere the last swath was end the rake worked in raking it like a, charm. It out the win- row from the unrated hay, leaving no scattering whatever. My rake is a new Tiger & Hollingsworfcb 1 bought, new this summer aud with this attachment it can't he beat. I would not use a rake nosvpithout this attachment. T Yours Truly, HOMER CLEMENS, I* tlfWf? tttrrtted for Mr. Clemens this se won and put gp hay after his raking aud I think that attachment on his rake saves from one-fourth to one-third the tiros in putting up hay. AUGUST KRKTCRMKR. W* hai» ossd Cdrthali> Ow»s's Ihitsat Attachment to a Rake fon the past two years and can testify that it eaves more thau one quarter in time, and does the work better than it can be done in any other way. It will save more than twice its price in one year. In nor Oppioion no farmer can afford to be without one. ELM ICR WILLMINQTON. F. C. COLHY. ; "• HARRY WoomjbyW " <5 , i C. W. COLHY. This certifies that we have seen the rake attachment work and consider-it the finest thing ever put in a hay Add, as it leaves a perfect winrow which can be put into cocks in one-half the timerequir- ed by the old way, without the attach­ ment. Then a rake mast last longer as in dumping the rake does not go down, with such force. Also the cleaners are a big advantage, as it has got to clean all out the rake in dumping. It is in our n^^bigb^efltmr^ing^v. ik\#wjr <* Austin, gaests of Of Chicago, fe, Mr. and sprat Christmas M y^»_ Mprton House _ wtti iriSIl attended and it was a saeeeas both financially and other­ wise, aad the sapper was pronounced estra fiaet which is always the case when ljta.tetjw|is at the head of the culin- lAssss Ink aad.Clara Hubbard, of Wtt^yiwided tho dance here on Harried, Deo. 25th. 1890, at the Ger­ man Lutheran Church, by the Rev. W. Yaadoheaok, Mr. Fred Bogart to Ifiss Louisa Heik. A grand reception was girea at the bride's father's in the after, noon to theftr many frfeads. ourpabtte echoo! closed on Wednesday of last WMK until Jan. 5th. Ed Ratah and family, of Elgin, ate I^t a move b« made at once in that. |f!hristmaR dinnner herewith Mr. and' Mrs. Hon. ~*^Wm. Morton. Prof. C. W. Hart and wife aud Miss Mamie McKee, of Marengo, are spending tshslr vacation here with relatives and ' Bar tks Holidays. The Chicago & North-western Railway Company will sell excursion tickets at favorable rales. For full information re­ garding rates, dates of sale, limits of tickets, etc, apply to agents C. & N. W. Railway Company. 33w3 Holiday Goods 1 Holiday Goods! & FITZSIMMONS & HBNDKRBOH. Choice Confectionary, Fine Candies and Nuts of all kinds, at the Bakery, Howe's Block. Judging from the amount of Buck wheat flour shipped in by J. W. Cri«ty & Son they must bt handling a very nice quality ana everyone knows their prices are always the lowest. CHICAGO MERCHANT TAIL5>RS, First class in every respect, have sent E. Lawlus, Tailor, three hundred more samples of their cloths, to take orders and measure men for suits. Good fits and low prioes on the very best goods in the market is what you want and no humbug. E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel. FOR SALE FOR CA8H. ;V A few tons of good Ground Feed at $16.00 per thn. ____ R. Bisaop, Dropped firom the Clouds. THK MOON, Dec. 8th, 1890. MRSSSS. JOHN EVANSON ft Co., West McHenry, 111.--Gentlemen .---Pleasenotify the public that I shall hold High Carnival at your establishment during the month of December and if my stock holds out it will be necessary for all good boys and girls to have unusually large stockings hung up on Christmas eve. Yours as ever, SANTA CLAUS. ffandtes just received at Fitssimmons & Henderson's, Ten per cent off on ail erf onr Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc. FITZSIMMONS k HENDERSON. Don't forget to examine Mrs. Bedsy's stock of fancy decorated Glass Boxes. Don't forget to examine the Decorated China at Mrs. Besley's. FARM FOR SALE. A good all-purpose farm consisting of 166 acres situated one mile south-east of Solon in the town of Richmond. Terms reasonabls. for further particulars in- emlsesof wmmi WK, Moo**, Solon t IB. Fred Phillips, of Chicago, spent Christmas here with bis many friends. A. Brink and wife, of Nunda, ate Christmas dinner here with H. J. Brink and wife. Harrv Anderson and wife, erf Elgin, spent Christmas here with C. C. Ghunn and wife. ^ Mies Id^ and Harry Morton attended the wedding of their cousin, Miss Flora Church at Crystal Lake on Christmas eve. 1. Y. Moatanye and wife, of Elgin,- ate Christmas turkey with J. Helm ana wife. Robert McKee went to Chicago Friday of last week to see his mother who is sick there. The young folks' meeting of the. Con­ gregational church will be held on Sun­ day eVeaing instead of Thursday evening as heretofore, until a minister is secured. At the regular meeting gf Algonquin Camp, No. 490, Modern Woodmen of America, on Thursday evening of last week the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Venerable Consul, W. P. Thonipeon; Banker, John Peter; Clerk, Geo. E. Jaynee; Adviser, H. Ham ilton; Escort, C. W. Wandrack; Watch­ man, John Helm; Sentry, Anton Dworak; Manager, C. W. Wandrack; Delegate, Henry Keyes; Alternate. H. Hamilton. There a^e favorable prospects of hav­ ing a milk condensery hrre. They were surveying the site on Monday of this week, and if they can make the purchase they intend building soou. Our saloon men commenced filling their ice houses on Monday of this week. They are getting good, clear ten inch ice. Mrs John Peter left on Monday of this week for Braoeville, 111., to visit her sister, Mrs. Dr. F. D. Coultrin. There will be a social party at the Morton House New Year's night. Floor mansger, Gharies Wandrack. Music by the Elgin City Band. Tickets, including sapper, fl.50. Horses taken care of free. The grand march to commence at 9:30. Now no pains will be spared to make this on# of thefincat parties of the season so toinNftt aa#have a good time. Ernest Benson is home from Beloit col­ lege qwnding his vacation HOLIDAY G00I I am at present carrying a line of Hoi iday Goods, such as handkerchiefs in fancy lace patterns in assorted designs at a wonderfully low price, dolls, toys, toilet soaps, school supplies, mid others that are useful. A nice line of candy also. MRS. L. A. LAWLUS. We will sell all dress goods, flannels, woolen underwear for ladies gents and children at a discount of 10 peroent from now until January 1st. FITZSIMMONS ft HKNDBRSOX. The McKinley bill cannot make very much of an advance on lanterns as J. W. Cristj ft, Son are selling Dietz's latest Improved tabular lanterns complete for 89 cents. • i / Call cum see our Banquet Lamps, Piano Lamps, Sewing Lamps. Hanging Lamps. A fine assortment cheap at Besley's. Go to Mrs. Besley's tor Fancy Hand­ kerchiefs and Stamped Linen for table use. And while there don't forget to ex­ amine the Millinery Department. J. W. Cristy & Son are enjoying the finest run of trade ever experienced by them. Call on them and you will not be at a loss to know why it is. V' '-.JVv, .V*^ Christmas XJOOSIS. Grand holiday sale at J. A. S£ory's We are showing and selling the finest line of Christmas goods fit McHenry county. Largest assortment. Everything new in toys. Fresh candies of all kinds. Our Dolls have arrived, come and see them. They talk,cry, laugh, nod, answer questions, shake their heads" and go to deep, play the finest of music. Don't fail to see them. We are selling every day. Books! Books! every style will arrive this week. GAMES :- All new games, Fiddledewinks, Home Circles. Toys, toys, sleds, chairs bedroom sets, tables, stoves; a piano in perfect tune for fl.00. Everything at J. A. Story's. Lamps lamps; crockery, Christmas and New Years cards. Don,t buy until you have examined our stock. Come in. Come in and see for yourself. All the newest novelties at J. A. Story's. WORTH --' VARIETY These are the corner stones of our es­ tablishment. Our holiday goods are on exhibition. JOHN EVANSON & Co. TRUttr SYSTEM U DONT SKIP THIS For it is not an advertisement but a pointer, that when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get my prices. Highest market price paid for oats. 6 W. A. CRHTY. Christmas Cards and Souvenirs at Besley's. v BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, BruieeS, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corxiij, and all Skin Eruptions, aad posi­ tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sate by Geo. W. Beaky, West McHenry. 19-ly .25 at Evan- soap for i Kid body ' Men's Congress son's. The BaSafe.*. mueicWitheadi 25c at Besley's. New dress new shoes are now NICE line of Pipe* Barbian Brothers. "World's Fair" at Besley's. Call and see it. f "Have you seen the 5-A live mile horat blanket? I! not, why" not,? H yon have a horse vou need ft." The finest line of Whitewash aad Faint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drugstore. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 csntsper pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. _• Call Meal! Oil Meal I Always in stock, at Bonslett. ft Stoffel's, in small or large lots, at close prices. A ehoice line of Box Paper, cheap, at Besley's West Side. Mens Gloves and Mittens 10 per cent off tin Jan. 1st. FITZSIMMONS & HKNDKRSON. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm consisting of 240 acres, situated one mile South of McHenry Village, in the town of Nunda. Is all under a good State of cultivation and one of the most deidrable farms in the county. Terms reasonable. MKBAEL DOHSRTY. Dated November 18th, 1890. 19-8m FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm, consisting of 124 acres, situated 3K miles east of McHenry. Is in a good state oi cultivation and will be sold reasonable. For further particulars inquire of the un­ dersigned on the premises. GERHART SCHUKNKUANN. October 14th, 1890. U*2 AN INVARIABLE SIGN. Swelling of the ankles or feet when not due to rheumatism, Prof. DeCosta says, is always caused by a weak or dleoaseo heart, So is shortaam of breath, pain oi uneasiness when lying on the left side, smothering spells. The only cure is Dr. Miles' New Cure. Sold at Besley's drug store. FOR SALE. The undersigned. Executor of the Will of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, offers for sale his entire effects, consisting of his "" otH House and two lots, in the village at Mc­ Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etv. For full particulars inquire of the under* MARTIN WJBUUI, Execotor. MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach aad bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed­ ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid fiver, piks aad constipation. Splendid for men women andchildreo. Smallest, mildest, surest, 80 doses for 25 cents. at Geo. W. Besley's. FOR SAJUE Ott RENT The house known as the MM. L. A. Clark house, sitaaiMi in the riBage Oi McHenry. is offered for sale or rent oa reasonable tonus. The house to in good repair, good well, cistern aad other con­ veniences. Large garden aad plenty oi smatlfruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire at HL ft llttn, Dated January lftt, 1890 Potpori Powder 35 cents an owice at Besley's. rnUQTllFD ^or & moment when you OUfl will All are planning Christmas gifts that there are places where a barrel of flour will be more useful than a mani­ cure set, and a pound or two of tea will bring more comfort than a volume ol bad poetry. We recognise that a grocery stock does not contain many of those "jimcracks" now commonly known as holiday goods, but if you want to send rea! i:JmforL and gladaasb into a- poor family, please remember that there is nothing more useful or acceptable than will be found in our department of "Things to Eat." What we have for this purpose is of the best and finest. JOHN EVANSON ft Co. NEW MILLINERY AND DRESSMAK­ ING ROOMS. MRS. GEO. W. BESLEY, having rented the store lately occupied by Mrs. C. Hutson, West McHenry, will open the same this week with a full line of new and. Fashionable Millinery Goods to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and the surrounding country. She has engaged Miss Freeman, of Lake Geneva, as Trimmer, and will guarantee satisfaction both in style and price. She will also pay especial attention to Dress-makingf and has engaged Miss D. Granger as Cutter and Fitter, and all orders will receive prompt attention. Miss Freeman will be here on Tuesday of each week. iWCall in and inspect ourgoods. 9. GEO. W. BESLKY. West McHenry, Nov. 5th, 1890. FINE assortment of Pipes, Ogam aad Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. Who sells goods the cheapest? He who pays no rent, hires no help, and pays cash for his goods. Call in and see his prices. Beloit fine pants only Beloit heavy mixed Men's business suits. " Cassimere suits. Boys'suits Boys' two-piece suits...* Knee pants 25c, 35c, 50c, 100 Men'8 Congress Gaiters fl.50, 1' 85 Ladies' fine shoes 1 75 Men's Chinchilla overcoat, silk facing, silk sleeve lining. 13 75 Hundreds of goods at your own price. E. LAWLUS. ...S400 FOR APPROPRIATE GIFTS. HOLIDAY Of the largest, newest aad choicest stock of plush, leather or wood bound albums, toilet and mamcuresets, shaving cases, mirrors, fancy glove, perfumery or handkerchief and Jewelry h^aiwi. elegant new jewelry, over 200 new handker- cheifs, mufflers and scarfs, fine neckties, perfumery, fine new glass ware in new designs, new decorated tea dinner and chamber sets, fancy night, stand and hanging lamps, silverware, toys, cups and saucers. The continuous mild winter compels us to offer great redactions on all cloaks, overcoatsdothing, underwear, flannels, blankets, shawls, etc. Read oar new advertisement carefully mnl then do not fail to give m a timely e&H. Very respectfully, Bomugrt ft Candies nod' tail'* ' "& Both Usefe! and 0nkmn< Iw nWWwP iwW WEwTV&WmWw ®Uri anal !aveai0f$» J&matf ftS* we make ;.v, , ifitf Boot* sind Shoos., ̂ DoBQ»aelsa a-- slnaiilr &£h°T<5hr? Ploehaad ̂ manleora siilpMtb beautlfur fitt!*ca, eftrd - 1 •' * 'f Vx ^ / • iftei' i Men's heavy Grew Uadtmoar, marked down from lUMNogUi before (he rise. Ltdlaa* flaa Kid Shoes at f&JK, mi ed dowa &oiaJS aad ISA ; ̂ . X"-;1 . ' QhOdfeen's Wowaa's heavy 6hoes>| #1, dovafrom ^ We have the larfast hast! FtfiT and gait wW«|ixwo-tii^__ and exaariaa bafaca ̂ where. ttesMmber, wa bridle . ebrated w wmmoawama ** Kail which aaaaot be abated* _ Wa haxa all Flat Yaraaaad! Gemaa Kalttl̂ g Ts Oar large Stock of Beaver aad hac^b Winter Shawls Is now t*. Wo ̂ thamataairlow itgttraa aad BlMoi'i^aoira. J Remember we hava ofladiafwhi Hair aad aad1 foaad la lha rontTi I f 7 . S ' '"'J ' ""if ' w , A* y- ' A Gloves and llittaat of every daierip tlou and prioe. . JT . . . . ! wear, Cbllsrs aad latest styles. Wa them. ̂ ̂ Whea yoa^««î îa rowelinga, satllitarlel Nobody aaa gtfa this llaa tlaui « FLOUMI FLOUIIL FLOCBT Wa koap PUlsbory's, Bishops ail! other breads. s'i i, >p 1 \ ^ u, ?>' -.,f* We carry the LUMP SALT for stock, should be withoat It, Oar farmers are usiag It aad tieo very highly. Alio remomhar «a payOaah i ir goods «ad seU thara aa lo many timee laarer than the se ChshStorea. If yoo wish call belwe wa take'our tory, 1st of Janaary.

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