Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1891, p. 1

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god but to Truth, to Liberty • ILLINOIS, BUSINESS MOT SfOfllL, * PCBMSHBO BVHBT WBDUKSDAT *T - y , 4 M T - V A N 9 L T K E , SUITOR AND PROPRIETOR fnt*. /- It WIGHT BROWN, A TTORNBYS AT LAW, IT. 8. Kxpre»s)Oo.'t " £% Building, *7 and (» Washington 8b CHICAGO, ILL.. JWLrs; * CASEY, A TTORWRT8 AT LAW* W«edstoek*-Il! £V AH business will rocoivc prompt site* (trau . % , • -o**o«*n Piut * ow»rs ?SS.W or SGTBSUEIPTIim. C. P. BARNB», ATTORVKV, Solicitor, and| Oounselor. Collections a specialty. iroooarfxjK, ILLIKOIB„ I Year (in Aitvaaoe).. Uitin Three Mon rocsived tor throe or >U within fimlCoBtbt... _ , ,. . OCOived fheaaae proportion. V. S. LUMLEY. 4TTORH8Y AT LAW, u4 Solicitor 1* rV Chanoerv, ' fV WOOIWTOOK, ILL. ^ 1 Office in park Hons®, first floor, s\fe - of Advertising. liberal MWXHtor *4 vertiain? „j'iRAiwoe4Me,<:*wim»teAvor to state I so plainly that they will be readily an- They ere *s follows: »year <-» * :a, . „ « ijfe**- V* . * . { . . SoV - - iwa means Dm msa*ure«e.ent of one KB tbe column.slngle column width. Ivertiscrs, at the above rates, have " of tkutfii as often as they ; extra enarge, rttse?C#ee»ing: thosebating will b« entitled talasertioi >•1 the rate of 5 cents per tint Lit others Wilt be charged If jfee ftrstweek, and Scents per i subsequent week. «jdTerttse<n*nts will be charged '"T 10 cents m line, (nonpareil this Is. set ln)ihe first Issue, and J for etttaatfeat issues. Thus, isement willoost f M)0 for one mt two weeks, #2.00 for three Pffron. will be liberal ingoing as, but, as a business rule, il a suitable fee from everybody : tbe use, of its columns for pecuniary A. M. CHURCH, Watehmaker and Jew O. J. HOWARD, M. D. nams, M. D W, AND 8URGBOH, •isket Residence* H, OSBORNE, M. D. VTO. Hundre-ITwenty-Ftve State Mt Ohl» ̂ cago, 111. Special attention given to re' oairing Fine watcbes and Uhronome tera. 4HTA f all Assortment of Goods in bis Iter M States War Ckin km) OF WM- H. COWLIN, Woodstook • - lllinoiflb Prosecutes all class»s and kinds of claims igainst tbe United states tor ex-Soldiers^ chair Widows, Dependent Relatives or Htira i specialty is made in prosecuting old and fsJwM claims, Alt communication* promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLIK )ffice at Resldeaee, Madison St., Woodstocc, Illinois. I%ITSIWESS CARDS. jftlOlAN AND StJRGBOK. McHonfy, t Office at residence, one block east of iSchoot Building. MeHenry, AND 8URGEGX. OlBos at . West Mcllenry, III. Oalls nded to day and nighty Attention Horsemen! MOHBNRT, I I I , 'April 1st, 18%, I would respectfully invite the Public to Mil aad examine m7 stock of Horses before askingarrangements elsewhere. No busi< aoss ' ' *«"•. COLBY ** a'astrar iu. 1. C0MPT0N, ;S§| Affent for the HOME, OF NEW YORK, Capital* 9S,031,1OO. AWB THE «THA 'OF HAHTFOBD, Oapital, <p 10,071,550, Fire tested, time tried Companies. Insures Wl again'it t^re, Lightning and " " * reasonable rates Ind-storms, at For iasurai out driver* Teamln# oi 111 kindp er p trtttmlars app'y to <1, , who has been •» years' in the nesi, and always gav« eatire oa-teofloea. Volo, II!., May Wtb, 1890. MEN WANTED. NEAR TME DEPOT, WB8T HoHBNRY, ILL, for the aeeomcaodation of tbe To represent our well-known nursery in this oounty, for town and country tradu. Oood pay weekly. A steady position with a nur. *ery of over thirty years' standing, and a anow.i respocsiOility. We want good, lively workers, and will nay well. Uuod referenoM rcuuired. Apply quick, stating age. OllA:SK BttOTHEKS OOMPANY, 87-m2 Chicago, 111. • -.Keepe open for tb< ^vblte ft nrat-Olaaa and Restaurant, Sw The Police Gazette, Is the "niy illustrate'l paper In the world IrtMre be will at all times keep tbe beat ^ bcftttdsof Wines, Llauora a^Qtoxs. ' :£ ' tM fount in »e aftrlhrt^V^» Also Agent For • FKANZ VAUni Ufir Bwr. _• in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al. Ways en tend, oheaper than any otlier, quail- 4jr oonekdered. Orders by omit promptly attended m QOOD STABLFTM JOB MOJUM «VOall and^see us. Robert lohitaiiie.t, WmI afeOenry, IiL AND RISTAURiNT. MeHKNRY, ILLINOIS. containing all the iates't 'sensational and "Sporting news No Salo .n Keeper, Barber, or Oiuo Boom can afford to be witnout it. It re makes friends wherever it goes. led to any address in tiie United States1 ely wrapped, IS weeks for #1, i Fire Cents for stmpte topy. EI0HABD X. VOX, ,5 riAaun Squakb, Hew York ATTENTION 1 Farmers and Dairymen. It Wilt pay those looking ;or CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to eall at Ml premises before purchasing. I can furalab •u ̂bĵ he car load or single eow. PORTX& H. WOLFRUM, Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. ! JOHN P. SMITH, Ifatehmaker Ac Jeweler, MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. ^ A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches ana Jew-slryjiiwayson hand. Speoial attention given to repairing ftae watehes. Qlve me JOHA' P. MMJTJBL Agent* Wanted! l?SSSS.™*S!S •Will be given to uuroduoe our new book Bible Brilliants^ BIBLE STORIES, fiaa Zestucky Liquors, French Bi(ter$ ^ --AND-- J. SskBtzliliaibai Bottle Beer,' In any quantity from a Suits to ICO barrels. >:.AJ WHOLESALE ob RETAIL ;• Bear in bottles, kqgs or ewe «t «heap as the cheapest. Wtbvkj nobe but the best and ' at Seasonable Prices. Call and see me and I win toe «4"^ -ton well. ANTOMI BMO^p V *-at«ry, m„ vm. :d^r^rS MO CHER'S HOME The greatest success of the year, and some­ thing entirely new in the booa line. Royal Qttarto;siae,ljf; finest of paper; large tyae; Ho uiustratlona. t>8 full page, two of nam printed in nine eoors; retail price only •fuO Thousands will be sold for Holiday Present*. Those first in the field will reaps Act quick or you will miss it. A MACMAKIHr : s dacinoAtl, O. ' 1 ' i ' . i ' J : j i I I ^ W I I I i , • r . J / » s r t U t t . ^ J . I * B a r b i M BARSIAN BROS. '•'S'W* DBAUCKS » BHpS CIGARS, MeHENBY ILLINOIS, Saving leased the brick building one door •ontliof tne post oflloe, wo have opened a retail store, where, at all timet can tStfoand ' of onr own manufacture, togekber aad ebewing tobaieo «ftke a CALm ANnslBD-8. ?bCMJxBreeMyn. (Rsdrford Insur-cs wl Tornado Iaeara~-- . ̂̂ . • simou mtnk&L We«t MeHenry, Iliiaeis. West MeHenry * Illinois*, Will fnrnish firet.claso masie'for tbe )taaf< ing public at reasonable rates.' Addremi all or ers to * ED. NOON AW, West MeHenry, Id. SMKXfXlfiL'*K: Quintette Orchestra, MeBENET, ILL. "•Axe preparedito furuish (firstOtass Xasir to the Maelng Public at] Reasonable Bates. Smith, 1st Violin, Robt, Maddea. Clarionet. Oarlfa Goinet. L. Owen, Tromboae. B. MlMb Basso and Prompter, JU4reas all communications to Jerry Smith, KoBeary. MEW Y0HIC 838 ic 243 E. Randolph St4 Between Franklin and H£v Market Streeto, CHICAGO. BettAveommodationto Trawler* emd Boarder* E.G. KOEPPE, Prop. •1.S0 PER DAY, GOOD SAMPLE BOOM. A tirtl-^latunduM. TAe|Bsyt iffdhp 7%*r*. fl£ Culver House. RICHMOND, ILL. Qood livery, Good FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS FOR PA TRO&& OF TBE HOUSE, I run a Has of carriages to Twin Lakes from uichusood, three.fourtbs of a mile nearer than any other >0041, aad more level aad pleasant (<y £»r. If you la tend eslag to Twla [•ekes, stop at BiebmoM aao mq LVKR" 9. inquire for there, ram or C. H. CULVER, Ptop. SHORT HORN BULLS « POLAND CHINA AND BERKSHIRE BOAIIS, AND--- Plymouth Rock Cockerels, For Sale at. Living Prices by the tinder- i^ned. Call on or address ; FRANK COLlj|t J^ SPBINO «KOTB. I«4 ̂ Sprtaf Orovo, W, Nov. 13. ltWtt, Special Announcement. Send 25 cents'for a enpv of m v NKW ILLTJS- uimAt£0 CATALOGUE of; Iff-Sportinff, Atfiletin.apd Ormnaaium Qooda.Hn The Finest Kver Issued* RICHAROlc. FOX, Fraaklla Square. Msw Toil. 0 A L E S M E W WANTED. Il Traveling and local, to sell our cholee Nur­ sery Stock. Fast-eelling epecialttos in bsrdy fruits, etc. splendid Outfit Free. Steady emp^o^ment guaranteed. Your pay weefc,̂ 0«rmanl«.llureery Olt;,' 4 Beehoit*r, N^Y. '"" % iffii j!ii4<rfjiiiii.»i*' . MORGAN HORSKfe, Short Horn, p: • : &t>:-!•. \ Bad foM Aae« Aa& Jersey Cattl& ' i West* JRoHenry, III. Onr Meesaa Stock is all purs brsAlM wlgtnated froiii. the eest Morgaa stosk la tke IiAted States. OMCMewd Morgaa, who stands at the bead jfottltMfc taeneof the best bred Morgan iws«iHi.S5«6B4.,, ct®c tacrc tai netMr ̂ mgMO colts than any other horse We invite the inspection of onr stoek by horsemen aad all lovers of tne animals. A few fall Used Morgan Oolts aad youna Miwetesale, Aleo one matched team, fan te Qa«ti»we have tbe full blood Short Hora fWlMn etosstag with the Bed Poiljrt •*--- t therefore Instead of sawxngoffthe ace teoedlng tkem o* aad wttfe T.LISW AN CrowlK ez<raoliMk Ipl No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Ai ESDAY. JANUARY 7, 1891. 8QLDBBS' D2PASTXI1T •? '*t* • NO 26 ,BREqHT. ItlST. »PRov rd Beaui Oper. I at Kessonabie Prises. [Bridge Work,| of th^ natural teeth a ttber fivea for palaiein ;IoS>6^re. mt. Sead address, i atKm wutted a« SOVfM, et<v, et «0.8» kl card, for any inform LANDS. HOTELS, kswcrr.d promptly. F JEW W ESS, SAK FORD, FLORIDA. iNTS, Tn^e^iaarkH, c«vti OdHWI 4 »kot VSSST'&R' on as toj u sarad . *ealaaaa rat, nnviovk nit book. Address, w. r. MF&IT , t.abels and Copyriglti VURTY. PAGE BOOK wodet for free opln Ail business treated Sixteen vears' ex­ ile rences. Send for VZUERALD, Taehington, D. C. Edited by iWUB. H. COWLIN, --WOODSTOCK, ru»---- "JbeafforMm who ha* borne the battU, and for hi* Widow and Or- pkmuk" --LniOOU*' Friendthip, Charity. bayoUy-- Worth# mm* of MrttMtan," rim, FFEL. for-- AlCHTNING, Ani Aeetdeft&l Inraraaee. Also Iowa. Min»' Oatifbrnia Lan Nebraska, Alabama,, II on or address FRL, MeHenry, ill: UNDS, I0I80BIU -:- ABTISI, M'IISNMY, ILL. S rartnrsta Nlebois' Cutting, SIMMs With a neat and' lit* ©ck. Shsiiaib Hair. , In short uotiee, shon and a strlcf) atten'lon to baslneae, Ctiops to merit a share of public patronage, f Tbe Cutttcg of LHitle#" and CMIdren's Hair aSpseifAty. «lve roe aeall. H. L. ROUNDS. N Q- A. R, Directoryii MTBSNRT POST NO. 61S. Meeia the First Thursday eveniaf Ofbaoi) SMMlth L. B. BBKKBTT, Ota. ireoDstocni ro«T. HO MS. Moats first aad third Monday evealags of seen month. A. a Wrtqht, Com. •UHDA rosT, no at. Moots the second and fourth Tntsdar evenings of each month. 1 O. F. Dikb, Osa. •AmVAMD POST, no K , tbe second ana rourtn Monday-eves lags of eaoh month. B. N. adstts, Oom. MAKSWOO POST, NO. no. Meets every Second and Fourth Frldat evenings of each month. B. R MOKKIS, Oom. WAVOOMDA YOST, MO. 868. Post meets every second and fourth Satur­ day evening In G. A. B. Hall, Main St. A. L. Puoa, Oom, I^ooal or l^rayeling. To sell our ltarsery Stoek Hilary, Expenses and Steady Employment guarantaed. • •** *v" ' "V " ""t'i!"* PERRY A OWEN, Bankers, MoHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. This Bank reeetveg dtpoaUa. buy* and sells Fbreig* andlB^metHe &•> change, and doe* a General Banking Busineee, We endeavor to do (til business "en- trwtied to our care in a manner and upon teem* entirety satisfactory to our customers, and respectfully solicit the pubUe patronage. IWONCY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first claas ttcurity. Special attention given to col­ lection** In Mnt CfaM Oompanl6* at the Lowett Rate*. Yours Re*pectful^f, • - P E R R Y A O W E N . HIiTJul.I.I, I iifa)(w ----. CEDAR L4VN STOCK FARM. HBBBONV ILL. : ; Phillips & Richardson#; BBBBDBBS OF High GtradeJecsey Cattle, REGISTERED POLAND CHINA HOQS, AND PURE BRED POULTRY. Silver Laced Wyaadottea, Llgbt Bramas, Ply mouth Rocks, S. 0. W bite and O. Brown oras, Patrl'ige Coehlns, and Legboras, Patrl'ige Coehlns, ̂ varieties.̂ Mammotli B^onee and 'atri'ige < Ktmm , _ White Holland T« Ae?e. Pekln Ducks aad Whito Guineas. We have a few high Grade Jersey Cattle for ale. from choice selected stoek. Our Polaad Ohiaa Hon era of the best ana choicest strains. We have some very choice spring Pigs for sale at vary reasonable pries. An inspection of them is invited, or write us your wants and wo will qaote you prices. Ail pigs eligible to any register. Poultry for s»te at reasonable prices. Eggs daring season. We have some very choice Poultry of all kinds at Fall prices. Ail orders for Pigs, Birds prompt at.entlAi. s or Eggs receive Oar stock has been carefully soleeted and la atrletly pure, and we Guarantee it -e such. Onr customers may rest issnred th*t we snail ship Obly such stock as will reflect credit upon ourselves ant them also. Correspond-, ence cbeerfuUy aad promptly attended to aad respectfully solicited. Visit >rs welcome any day bet Sunday, and we extend an invi­ tation to all to call and see our stock. Hoping to receive a share of > our patronage, and assuring our friends that we will labor to please you, we await your favo'i, You*e Respectfully. PR*LLIPB i RICHARDSON. September, U|C. 1 CHANCE TO M Salary ami Ekpen iloa if preferred. I sloa ff preferred, verywhere. No Address, stating age, B. W. FOSTER •WA mis- nted eeded A good pushing Salesman hero. First- guaranteed weekly. Coratnls- " ' selling new Fruits a gw--M» onying ~ f u l l p a r t i e ery man. N. Y. Balls, both purs brsd the oross above menttonea and *'• a, v Wv^' task. J. R. layter * Sea* We«MaB*»ry. nu Ve^ttth, m W sim'zJIk iiffi-Tf "skTsi^" rini'i"rr'iigaArS'-tif Aleng the flkiraitk Ltas Cteneral Oliver O. Howard is 6t year* of BgP. Bht few pensionn have been granted under act of Jnne 27,1890. The old soldiers who go before (he ex- aminioK board at Woodstock all speak of the gentlemanly treatment extended by the doctors constituting the board. Ex-Confederatee are raising funds for a monument at Helena, Ark., to General Patrick Cleburne. Stonewall -TackBon'B grave, in the Lex- iugbon (Va.) cemetery, is found every day covered with flowers placed there by unknown hands. > The Btate Roldiere' Home of Kanra*, ie located at Did je City, and the Soldiers' Orphan Hq^vofvVtto^e Jtelie at itcliinon. Captain Jack Crawford, the "Poet Scout," was in a railroad accident, near ^a!em, Oregon, a short time since. Sev­ ern! were killed but Jack received only a slight bruise. Democrats don't Hke the pension office or any man in it; and the President could All the place of Commissioner with no man who would please them, provided he did hie duty as the law direots. The muster rolls show that 21,000 Union veterans died last year. If .the Democratic growlers about pensions will only wait a few years death will relieve them of the burden that seems to sit so heavily. From this year on the ex-sol­ diers will go more rapidly, 'I^e New Hampshire Soldiers' Home at Tilton, N. H., was dedicated Dec. 8. The home was built by the State at a cost of $30,000. Tfon.C. E. Tilton gave tbe farm on which the home is located, and tbe Woman'* Relief Corpe of the State fur­ nished the rooms. The home has accom­ modations for 100 veterans. The Democrats in the House tried to have the pension appropriation increased to $150,000,000 for the purpose of mak­ ing tbe bill obnoxious to the country; but the Republicans kept it down to tbe amount actually needed--fl33,173,000 --and thus spoiled the little game of hypocrisy and demagoguery,--St. Louis Globe-Democrat. There is a prospect that A monument will be erected at Gettysburg in memory of General Meade and his corps of com­ manders, Reynolds, Hancock, Sickles, S.vkes, Sedgwick, Howard, Slocum, and Pleasanton. The only mounted figure will be that of Meade. Tbe corps oom- •mandero on foot will be grouped about tbe commander. s ; Shsridaa Old To the Editor:--In your paper you say that Generals Gordon and Early are fighting at Atlanta about which of them was to blame for their defeat at Shenan­ doah. In justice to both of them I will say that neither was to blame. I was there myself, and know that it was Sheridan that did it. PAT BYAN. -rlater Ocean? Work of the Pension Offioe. During the week ending Dec. 30,1890, 9.171 claims were received, of which 200 were original invalid; 425 widows; 4 war of 1812; 9 bounty land; 26 navy; 0 old war,; 19 on account of^Mexican service, 120 accrued pension and 3,068 applications for increase. Number of re­ jected claims reopened 231; act of March 4, 1890, --. Act of June 27, 1890, 4,500 original, 800 widows, and -- navy. The names and postoffioe ad­ dresses of 3.141 officers and comrades * were furnished for the use of claimants. Total claims received under act June 27,1890,531,543. There were, 88,072 pieces of mail mat­ ter reoeftted; 112,018 letters aad blanks sait out. . Tbe number of cases detailed to special examiners was 522; 623 reports and' cases from special examiners; hand for special examination, 5, "T*he main fight now is to keep thepen- eion legislation gained. The pension- haters are determined to reduce tbe whole pension system. They would, if they conld, repeal the Disability Bill at one© and cut down the disbursements of the Pension Bureau to what they were 10 years ago, or even less. They are confi­ dent of being able to rob the comradss of most that they have gained by pei*» sistent effort in the last few years. We must- unite in soliu ranks to thwart them in this design, as well as to gain what is yet due the veterans. Never was there flood of coi&radQa of» flrmty together» "A. O. Houston, Medical take, who claims to be one of the originators of the Grand Army of the Republic, writes to us to urge that steps be taken to have a Grand Army Week at the World's Fair in Chicago. He thinl™ that there should be fully 200,000 vet­ erans at Chicago, all in uniform and armed. He believes that the Govern mentshould afford substantial encourage­ ment and assistance to this project, and even going so for as to furnish arms, and uniforms and rations. It would iulflU the dream of his life to see the old boys once more in uniform, armed and military duty." Germany has her Gmn# It is made of the men who went through the Franco-Prussian and previous wars, and contains 850,000 members. It ha® joined in an earnest petition to the Government to increase the pensions oi private soldiers and non-commissioned officers who are now in the civil service. In order to accept these places they had to give up a part of their pension money, and the pay is so small that they can­ not live decently upon it. Probably, there are just as mean soldier-hating papers in Berlin as in New York, and they denounce the petitioners as "bounty- jumpers," *'substitutes" and "scalawags" who never were within a hundred leagues of the French frontier, or heard a Mmmk musket firs." * Hardee and a Raw Isserutt. Gen. Hardee, the famous tactici tn anH Confederate commander was a strict dis­ ciplinarian. One day, while commanding in the Southwest, he rode out on picket line, and, much to his surprise, found a sentry, a raw .reenjit, rifctfag on a rail fence munching a piece of bacon. The general appeared not to see him until he got abreast of him, and then drew his horse up, expecting to find the sentry at a present. He was nothing of the kind; but sat munching away as unconcernedly as though he was in his native moun­ tains. "Doyou know who 1 am?" de­ manded Gen. Hardea, in his severest tones. "Stranger, I 'low I don't." "I am Gen. Hardee, and " Without stopping to hear the remainder of his sentence tbe raw recruit slowly climbed down from the fence, and shambling into the road extended his hand as he said: "How air yer, gineral ? I'm mighty glad to see yer lookin' sq peart."--Boston Traveler. Tbe Soldiers Orphan's Home Committer of the G. A. R. met at Normal Tuesday and transacted considerable business. They arranged that the $100 voted by the last encampment be divided into twelve priaes, eight of ten dollars each for children from 10 to 14 years of age, and to 16 if manual training schools are established, and four of five dollars each to children from 6 to 10 years of age. The 11 ret prize being given for general scholarship and deportment and later for deportment. They also made arrange­ ments to go before the Legislature and ask that the law be changed so that children shall be kept until 16 years of age and that the last two years be spent in manual training which they also ask the Legislature to order established. They will visit the home at Xenia, Ohio, on the 13th of nest month to investigate the working of the training school, etc. The committee desire all the help of old comrades and others. The committee is as follows: F. C. Vierling, Chicago; C. C. Jones, Rockford; J. L Bennett, Chi­ cago; E. A. Nattinger, Ottawa; I. H. Pike, Bloomington; George It. Steele, Decatur: L. B. Crooker, Mendota; J. H. Cochenour, Olney; A. S. McDowel, Clay­ ton ; J. H. Brownlee, Urbaaa; John D. Chabtree, Dixon. The Prison. Daniel Havens, Lieutenant, Co. A, 85th 111., Manito III., was captured at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 19,1864; taken to Atlanta, and then sent to Macomb, where he found the stockade filled with Union officers. As soon as the squad he was with was welt inside the stockade a rush was made for them, and they were greeted with the cry of "fresh fish!" They were not prisoners long before they found that they had better not skim their peas while boiling, as the bugs had eaten the inside out. and if skimmed all the good was taken from the mess. Half of these pris­ oner? fere to Charleston and the others to Savanah. They put 600 of them under fire at Charleston for six weeks, but Sherman got after them so close that they were moved to Columbia, where they were kept until February, and then they started tor some place iu North Carolina, but they did not get them there as an order was received to parole man for man, and they «a« lote. The the of men ever seen on the earth, as It was! the first time they bad seta the Stars | and Stripes for over se^pl writer would like to hearli^j|i0ll9t.i ris, who belonged to regiment, and was confined iB1 bia jail for 21 months, tried sj§ |M sentenced to be shot. Our notified the rebels if he was fsbels would be executed for hint, them Fit* Hugh Lee, and he death .--National Trlhum. Ffcuiov D«ciaisns. Commissioner Raum, of the Bureau submitted to the Secretary of tbe Interior a case involving the question whether a Confederate soldier who ward served in thjeUnion army is ent to draw a pensiotfUnder the act of 27,1890; and if he may draw a priajtijp whether he would be required to estaltMHi! the fact that the disabilities tor which he makes his claim did not originate in con­ nection with the Confederate The case was referred to iMa^hKt SsNKtf f tary Bussey, who, in fcis reply, kolSftP that the fact that the claimant served in the Confederate army prior to his enlist­ ment and service in the awSy United States does not impair lds^i sionaUe status under the act f*imk 1890, or any other act. As to fbeate&nd question, as to origin of < Bussey holds that (h.'claimasftls* to a pension under the g«Q«*iftRgrt:;jt J can prove that ware intmred ftt service and line of duty; and he is tied to a pension under the act o( 27,1890, if he can prove less than 90 days, an honorable* and also that his duties wsre i his own vieiouababite. tn< that the prerfaxte' service in tbi l ate army does not enter into the tionof pension. He is on exactly the same tooting as all other Union sohtiem. "A Flve-t^Oa*" Struggle. I have beat making some estiog literature brought out ' late Confederate reunion at( An alleged statistical articlft with the purpose of showing 1 alive strength of the twosidto* in out struggle was between five aad ten tqi in favor of the federals. :^Ras ia; cayed chestnut. I cannot J§i%^ light Of common sense, how tljfijfr j disparity can bejW'fcii • 1- ;• FarJpstaafteî ! tion was stated, as at Spnll^li--fr' ' the Wilderness, the number of Federal forcaa wiflatsil At ' 150,000 aad the Confederates at 45,000. Now, if he is correct, this is much leas than five to one. But did GaL ftraat have 150,000 men at these At the seven days' mond tbe Federals ate given 1< men, the Confederates 75,000. figures are probably near being but the disparity is nowhere near fh one. At the second battle of force of the Federals is placed fMl J their opponents at 46,000. I this battle was fought by Gen. without the aid of McClellan's which case tbe rebels aust hav@< outnumbered our troops. According to this alleged our forces at the battie of Franfcftilk,i bered 60,000. Did Geni> even one-third of m"»\ In two battles--Stone Bit amangar-a preponderance la for actually giveivto the Coafstferates. how does tills carry <nt tb® fiv*$o<wa text? One thing more in elucidation of his* tory. In a eulogy oi tbe rebel General Forrest by his chief of staff, Major J>. C. Kelly, it is stated that be followed CoL Streight with greatly inferior foroa, harassed him witkarrawfint attacks day and night, until the Federal troopsfinally demanded to be allowed to samttder, which, when done, 1,700 men laid down their arms to 300. CoaaradeSj who have been writing your little pieces about Col. Straight's raid aad capture, is this BO?--J. M. Kurt*. Color and Cowardies. Colonet Mosby has a peppery tewpw, and it was my misfortune to excite it on the occasion of our first meeting, says a writer in the Los Angeles Axpniss. Oiur talk after a time turned on the anb|sct of courage, and I repeated tbe old story of General Custer and the recruit. Custer Is said to have been one of those rare who are born without the asnse of and never lost color at any mot peril. His troops were standing fire, not permitted to return it. "Say," asked the quaking recruit of the veteran next to bira, "when are w» going to get tbe order to retreat? ** 'Well," the old soldier stud, '*tteWa| ter on his horse just before your eye on him, and 1$ai see hira turn pale you nail Fudge," snapped Colon man who turns pale baa no ing into battle. "Why not?" " Because he's a cowatd, aj Then I treated him to ibsi nut about the Duke of posnteu u> agb**Uy «*• maw&iirepaigtwith * a brave man. goastom««*it." that I bedasa ' into bat «

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