Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jan 1891, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14, 1891 ' •, Trataapaa* this •tatkm M fotttti: I' . «M» WOTi, ; " ft |*oHeiBry A;*» a, v *Lu«QeMTa Passenger 7:30 " »<f2* * •Lake Gum Bxprm T AH " U fi # »L*ke Geneva fWtgtit I SO P. M. MattatOtMn Ptutaier. aoiss HOBTB, (Milk Frwitt Arrive. * Lake <4eaeva Freight...... Ld(tGn«n PMMager.... •Lake Omn Express m Pawai KXPLAWATION. ,.f:iS M. 9:10 '• • :58 " 4:80 P. M.ij Daily exeept San U#. ad»7i only. B. Buss,Agent. MoHenrr. IU MODISH WOODMEN OF AMERICA, eet at the Plaiadealer Office every see- Tneaday evening of each month. Nelgh- i oortlnlly Invited. MASONIC. JMoH**r*T Lotto y,, NO. M8 A. r. and A. ngnlar Oommnnto&titna the second and •iurth Mondays in eacta month* W. A. CBISTT, W. M. F MASTER DICK WALSH entertained a 1 company of his little friends on Tuesday \afternoon, it being his sixth birthday. W. V. SMITH, of Lincoln, Nebraska, frill accept oar thanke for files of Omaha papers, just received. "THE Trust Committed to Us," will be ^e subject at the meeting of theEpworth e next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. THE Party at the Riverside House, on Friday evening last was attended by venty-eight couples, and a general time is reported. A. C. GRAXOKH, of Chicago, was calling on friends here on Sunday. EOWARI» ERAPP, of Chicago WAS calling on friends here on Saturday and Sunday. F MRS. C. E. COUB has been quite sick • with Bronchitis for the past two weeks *>nt is now reported better. C. H. OSTRAKDKR Ja. has been quite sick for the past few da#* but is now tniich better. W. A. ROUNDS, of New Richmond, Wis, is visiting with his brother, H. L. Rounds, in this village. MIPS MARY WENT WORTH, Deputy P. M., as been very #ick the past week, but is w slowly improving. MKK WELSH has accepted a position in the store of Simon Stoffel on the West Side. 'CHAS. S. OWEN, who has been sick in Chicago the past? six weeks, is expected to be able to come home this week. WE inadvertently omitted to notice last week the visit of Henry Althoff and wife, of Chicago, who spent New Year's wjfch friends in this village. Jos. HEIMER, WIN. Franhaim and John Riedell, of Chicago, were orit for a few days hunting and fishing last week. Thtfr succeeded in bagging two Coons, a large number of Rabbits and caught a fine lot of fish. As hunter* and fishermen they success. THE "Harmony Literary Club" wfll meet with Mrs. Will Cristy Tuesday even­ ing, January 20th, at 8 o'clock.- All in­ terested are cordially invited to be pres­ ent. «•' MRS. O. N. OWEN, Pres. JULIA A. STORY, Sec. NOT forget if you want a first class izen, died at his home, in this village on Monday evening last, aged 74 years. Some few weeks since be was thrown from his buggy, being badly bruised and shaken up, which accident was no doubt the immediate cause of his death .J His The Willing Workers connected withTTunerHfwnTBe helfl fftilii Tim TTniversalist Auctioneer, to call on P. K. Granger, McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. Hie (Jniversalist Church will give, an entertainment and New England supper, Friday evening of next week, at City v. ^ Sail. More particulars next week. -1 -i. \ ' : . • & "*1pi '^ " 'TFHE subject of the morning discourse at the M. E. Church next Sunday will be "The Silent Hour." Quarterly meeting ,&t Ringwood at 2 o'clock, p. m. Rev. ^ Hfught, presiding elder, will preach. F THE Ice Houses in this village have all /been filled, and with the best Ice that ha' I been put up here for many years. It is j clear as a crystal and from nine to Miwelve inches thick. THE argument against advertising that it does not always pay is as sense- Ms as the argument against eating food because some fools have made themselves rick eating some kinds of it. . A SPECIAL meeting of Valley Camp, * Modern Woodmen of America, will be held at the PLAIN-DEALER office, on Fri day evening of this week. A general attendance of members is earfftSsW re­ quested. Per Order. ABRAM BRINK, an old resident of this /county, died at his home, at Nunda, on [Saturday, aged 71 years. His funeral was held on Monday, the services being i conducted by Rev. H. Slade, Pastor of ($be Universalis Church, of this village. 1 PHE Ringwood Camp, Modern Wood­ men of America, will give a social dance at their hall, on Friday evening of this week, January 16th. All are invited. Tickets, GO cents. Good stabling for Worses. . : ONE of the most commendable things 4tooe lately occurred in a neighboring town where the ladies secured so long a Ijpt of the names of the townspeople ask­ ing the dealers of that town to put cig­ arettes out oi their store that they rec­ ognised the fact 'twas for their interest to do ft. It would be a fine idea to imi­ tate such a town and sell the cigars to the boys, as they are not as poisonous the cigarettes, and it might be well also to investigate the lair and ftbide aomewhat by that. ^ / F. A. PARKER, formerly of the Parker Alouse, in this village, has bought a half f interest in a Restaurant at 273 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, and takes possession of 1 , the same this week. Mr. Parker is known j far and wide as one of the best hotel keepers in the West. Where he has h charge the public are sure of the best ot '$• accommodations and his tables will al- : ' ways be supplied with the best the mar- affords His many friends in Mc-i " ' Henry and Lake counties, and in fact air . over the country, will be sure to look him np when in the city. We wish htm success in his new undertaking. THE girls of a neighboring city have l ri l;lMmed a sort of organization and have . pledged themselves that not one of them v Will ever marry a man that is not intelli- ' gent, honest, industrious, good natured, cleanly »a person apparel, healthy, sober, Mtchureh member, and a total abstainer from liquor, tobaeeo and profanity- We tare afraid thut these maidens are certain five and die old maids. Such men as fhey are looking for are to be found hi weH, in a climate far different than tfcat in Illinois. Angels do not live In this locality. ^|j8ev. HENRY WARD BEECHER once re- •rived a letter from a young man, who fieeonimended himself very highly as be­ fog honest, and closed with the request "^*Get me an easy situation that honesty Utay be rewarded." To which Mr. Beech- «r replied: ' Don'tbe an editor, if you 'easy.' Do not try the law. livrnd school keeping. Keep out of the fpalfat. Let alone all ships, stores, shops * lad merchandise. Abhor politics. Keep : *way from lawyers. Don't practice med icine. Be not a farmer nor a mechanic, •either a soldier nor a sailor. Don't ftady. Don't think. • Don't work. None |f them are easy. Oh, nay boneet friend you are in a hard world! I know of but one real easy place in I*. That hi fee gffave." Sill ' ' ?•' "i. - V', - " S'"/ r > of ooMMm<se. hava -iBy?" •• , • i Han(r«& Xia«th advance threaten­ ingly toward her. His face is inflAmed with rage. With an oath he seizes her by the ms. One instant they struggle to­ gether. The w$ct, he loses his footing, and a piercing cry echoes from crag to crag, as he Mid the unfortunate woman go rolling down "the abyss, and strike, with a sickening thttd, on the rocks below. Hiram Ellerly--for it was lie who had concealed himself behind the boulder--• and Clarence Bertram spring forward and pause upon the edge of the crag. "They are past all earthly help," says the farmer. "Clarence," extending hist hand to his nephew, "I heard the con' fession that Manfred Lowth made to that poor creature. I never dreamed that the son of my old schoolmate and --daring his lifetime--my dearest friend, could be such a villain. Can yoa forgive me the great wrong have done you?" * "Ugcle Hiram,* says_CIarence, tak­ ing hw uncle's hand; I forgive you freely and fully. Bat how happened you to be here to-night ?r "I found the letter sent to Manfred Lowth by that poor creature, command­ ing him to meet her here. It was lying on the hali floor, where he had prob ably lost it from his pocket." And now Lena comes forward and kneeling at her father's feet, begs hie to forgive her for deceiving him. But Hiraa Ellerly raises hep to he feefc, saying: "My daughter, it is I who should asl for forgiveness.** And, placing he Death of A. H. Haolf, A. H. Hanly, one of the ol&kf se of this town, and a highly respected cit-k* Church at 11 o'clock Thursday (to-mor- row). The friends will meet, at bis late residence at 10 o'clock. An obituary will appear in theee columns next week. IT is amnsing to see how science some­ times makes a discovery which has been common projierty with pracbi^l mpu for years. Some one has just found out that all danger from thirsting in consequence of frost is overcome by putting a piece of wood loose in the barrel or vessel. A gen­ eration or more ago this was discovered in the backwoods, and ever since the country people who want to keep their water barrels from bursting, have insert­ ed a thick stick in the water at the ap­ proach of a frost. This saves the ban el as all the bulging will be around the stick or piece of wood.--Harvard HeraJd. ONE of the large stock barns on Mr. R. M. Patrick's stock farm in Riley was dis­ covered on fire by one of the hired men, between three and four o'clock Wednes­ day morning, and such progress had the flames made when discovered, that ho?h^ ing whatever could be saved, and in a short time the barn with all its contents was a smouldering mass of ruins. The barn was 78x86 feet, specially fitted for dairy purposes. It contained the entire dairy of 99 head of cattle, nearly all first class cows, a few heifers, and two or three valuable bulls, 100 tons timothy, 150 tons of ensilage, 30 tons straw, 100 bushels oats, a few tons meal, and some farming tools. Every thing was burned up--nothing whatever saved! The total loss foots up f8,000, on which there is f5,000 insurance. The cause of the fire is unknown.--Marengo Uepubtican. THE local newspaper should be. found in every home. No children should grow up in ignorance who can be taught to appreciate the home paper. It is the stepping stone of intelligence in all those matters not learned in books. Give your children a foreign paper which contains not one word about any person, place or thing which they ever saw, or perhaps heard of, and how can yon expect them to be interested ? But let them have the home paper and read of persons whom they meet and with whom they are familiar, and soon interest is awakened which increases wijth every arrival of the local paper. Thus a habit of reading is formed; and those people will read the paper all their lives and become intelli­ gent men and women, a credit to their parents, strong in their knowledge of ; mworld as it is today A LITERARY and musical entertainment will be given in the City Hall, on Thurs­ day evening, Jan. loth, 1891, for "the benefit of the MethodistEpiscopalChurch of McHenry. Admission, 15 and 25 cents. The programme, which will be furnished by "home talent," is as follows; INVOCATION. Male Quartette Messrs. Clark, Overaker, Weatworth, Jones. Reading Mrs. N. 8. Colby Solo (in Welsh) Mr. David Jones Instrumental music Messrs. Eldredgr, Besley and Stevens. Solo (Baritone) Mr. Wm. Wentworth Duet (vocal) Misses Lizsie Osborne and Mina Clark. Reading--Part 1 Mrs. F. K. Granger Duet (vocal).....Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh Instrumental duet Misses Mary and Hettic Weutvvorth. Solo (vocal) Miss Marguerite Osborne Reading--Part 2 Mrs. F. K. Granger Solo (in Welsh) Mr. David Jones Duet (vocal) ....Miss Marguerite Osborne, Mr. Howard Clark. Reading Miss Fannie Osborne Male Quartette Messrs. Walsh, y Owen, E. Owen, Cristy. Vhe liaften Coming •^ These famous Colored Jubilee Sing*** will appear here for oue night, Thursday, Jan. 22, and give a grand musical jubilee, consisting of plantation melodies, old time jubilees, songs in costume, solos, duets, trios, and specialties by the male quartet. From the testimonials of col­ lege presidents, ministers, opera house manacers, and the press, it will be seen that th~? Jingle Concert Co. is unquestion­ ably the finest combination ot Colored Jubilee Singers before the public. Priqee 15,25 and 85 ©ants. ReeervwJ seats will her, Clarence; you are And now let us go to the honse, and will send my men to the ravine to lool for the bodies of Manfred Lowth and hi victim." „ Half an hour later men with lantern are searching the ravine at the foot c the crag. They find what they seel and tenderly bear the crushed and lift less forms to Hiram Ellerly's mansioi ay*fHtmt EDITOR PLAINDSALEK :-rAt Cbapeil & Morton's auction sale of a cir-load of milch cows on Wednesday of last week cows sold tin an average of f.*4l per head. Cbapeil & Morton shipped a car-load of stock to Chicago on Wednesday of last week. D. W. Thomas shipped a car-load of stock to Chicago on Tuesday and one on Thursday of last week Mrs. Wm. Morton and Hiss Annie Kee visited with Mrs. F. A. Firry at Dundee on Wednesday of last week. C. E. Chapell and J. H. Philp have bought the H. B. Hubbard lots below the school house known as the flat. Con­ sideration, $800. Now if any one wants a lot to build on he can get it on reason­ able terms and at prices to suit. Misses Lottie and Ora Chandler of El­ gin spent Sunday Htere with their many friends. The remains of Mr. A. Brink, of Nunda, was brought down here and buried in our cemetery on Sunday last. Henry Keyes started on Monday of this week for Sprinjrfieid, III., where he goes as delegate to the State Convention of the Modern Woodmen of America, which convenes on the 13th inst. John Johnston, Wm. Morton and E. A. Ford are courting at Woodstock this week. Fred Neitzbandt moved with his fam­ ily to Carpentersville last week and Fred Rograan moved into the house vacated by Fred Neitsbandt. There are several from here intend go­ ing to Carpentersville to work on the ice (f^ the? Inte&d starting up on Tuesday. Eugene Bennett, of Dundee, wits on our streets on Monday of this week. m mm January bargain sale of finest Califo ad * canned goods. Please investigate. ' JOHN EVANSQN & Co. Extra bargains in the well known Baffalo shoes. School shoes for boys and girls must be closed out at once. Safe commences Saturday, January 10th JOHN EVANSON & Co. BLANKET SALE. Special bargain prices Saturday, Jan 10th, Monday, Jan. 12th. All horse blankets and bed blankets iiiuet go. "Come to the banquet." Respectfully, JOHN. EVANSON & Co. CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE PRICE It will pay you to investigate our staple stock of mens, boys and childs clothing which we propose to convert into cash at once. This is no advertis­ ing f&e, but means just what it reads and as a more convincing proof please call at earliest convenience and see what we offer. Respectfully, JOHN EVANSON & Co. hand in Clarence's, he continues: "Tak f F-ank Threadgold and family visited re worthy of het with frieudp in Elgin on Monday of this REPORT of Ringwood School week ending Jan. 9. \ In this report 90 means good deport­ ment and good lessons. More than 90 represents extra work, and less than 90 indicates a failure in deportment or let- sons, or in both. Millie Lawson...l00 Ruth Barnard...l00 Lucy Dodge 100 Luella Carr 95 Mabel Stevens...,.92 Myrtle Stevens....92 Ellen Rail... :/)<• Ulshel Cjjrr 92 Lena Harrison....90 0rnw.Sftnpson....95 Mamie Lawrence.90 Willie French^..100 Scott Harrison.100 Clayt.'n Harris'nlOO Sayler Smith 98 Dell Noonan 100 Eddie Harrison.100 Lonnie Bishop..100 Ora Harrison....100 Floyd Carr 90 Roy Harrison 90 Joe Lawrence 87 Lonnie Lawrence.90 Frank Lawson....90 Joe McCannon....90 Bennie French 87 Martin Hall 90 Ralph Rich'dson..92 Claude Thomson.90 Fritz Blaser 88 Raynard Stencil..90 H 'y Stephenson...95 Godfrey Blaser....8o Freddie Myers 94 Eddie French 93 Walter Brock wayOO John Huston 90 Elon Harrison 94 Edmund Dodge.v93 John May 85 SteUa^KOtlev 98 Lena Blake .*92 * Allie Richardson... 97 WM. NICKLE, Teacher. FROM a certain class of writers, we hear a great deal about "The Woman of the Future " . What do we really care about it? As Sir Boyle Roche in one of His speeches said: "What lias posterity done for us that we should do anything for posterity?" The woman of the present is the one that interests us, and in fact is more than average men can menage, to say nothing of some future female. The woman of the present has pretty clear ideas of her own about most things and one of them is that when she selects a husband she selects one who is neatly attired. E. Law) us has every­ thing in bis clothing store to make outof .you a genteel, well dressed looking gentleman. If your young lady is back­ ward about coming forward, or your wife's affections appears to-be weakening call on Lawlus and get "spruced up," and try it again in attire. Interesting' t£ Masioal People. The Song Friend for January contains the beautiful ballad, i('Tis but a Little Faded Flower;" an intensely amusing vocal medley, "Musical Mosaic; and a pretty easy instrumental piece, "Mos- queto Waits." The instructive articles are, "How to Train the Voice," by the great tenor, Siguor Campinini; "The Chorus Choir," by the celebrated organist, E. M. Bow­ man; "Correct Piano Practice makes Perfect," by the thorough instructor, P. V. Jervis, and about thirty interesting editorial paragraphs. The Song Friend is a 32-page journal of rare excellence. The subscription price is only f 1 a year, with a premium of three pieces of select music. The publishers, S. W.. Straub ft Co., 243 State Street, Chicago, offer to send one sample copy for 10 cents and tnake liberal inducements to# canvassers. THE Horticultural Society of Northern Illinois will hold its twenty-fourth annual meeting in Rockford; Jan. 21st and 22d. The programme consists of essays and discussions on different horticultural topics. Its sessions are open to all. The railroads grant one-third return fare to all members who get a certificate when they purchase their ticket. Hotels give special rates. Every one interested in planting trees or growing fruit should attend. Membership fee, $1. This in­ cludes "Transactions," a neatly bound volume of 400 pages. Programmes can My addressing the President, J . ARTHUR BRYANT. * y\4 _V Princeton, 111. Tiie Scientific American. We note with pleasure the addition of the Scientific Ameri<-a.n to our exchange list. This paper has stood for the last forty years at the head of its class of publications, it has no superior. As^a scientific and mechanical journal it can nob be excelled. The patent agency of Munn & Co,, connected with it is one of the few strictly reliable agensies in the D. S. Those of our readers who desire to obtain a patent, and wish to have their interests well attended to, can not do better than to address Munn St Co., Solicitors of Patents, No. 361 Broadway, N. Y., for their pamphlet containing full information about patents, caveats, etc. A good hand or hanging mirror fori $ and 10 ceuta J. A. <5tory*e. week Miss Bertha Dodd* attended revived services at Elgin on Friday and Saturday of last week. Little Myrtle Bartells is down with a slight attack of scarlet fever. S. S. Cha^pll is visiting jrimd|^.^.^ii- eago. . • » Three Links. Travelers on business or bent on pleas­ ure, invariably visit one of the great cities of the West, if their journey is at all prolonged. Nowhere else can be seen such centres of enterprise and American vim as in Chicago or Kansas City, and few invite lovers of elegance and beauty like St. Louis. In going further into the "Great West" there are various routes the tourist may select, but supposing the start is made from Chicago the great starting point of western travel, no line can be found more desirable than the Chicago & Alton, the great "Three Link" route, and its unsurpassed connections.' Elegant cars, courteous train men, a first class track, and every convenience that modern railroading employs is here t'ound for safety and comfort., The coun­ try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of scenery--the vertiblo garden of the conti* nent. Be sure and secure tickets of the Chicago & Alton if yon would have a pleasant journey. -m. Taxes! Taxes! The unersigned, Collector of Taxes for the Town of McHenry, will, commencing Thursday, Jan. 15th, 1891, be at the following places each week, on the days stated, for the purpose of reo^iving taxes Thursdays, at the store of Perry & Owen, in the village of McHenry. Saturdays, at the store of John^J. Miller, Weet McHenry. Mondays, at the store of Lay & Adams Johnsburg. V Tuesdays, at the store of j, W. Cristy and Son, Ringwood. All interested are requested to take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. WM. SCHRSINER, Col'r. svWi' Notice. • To whom it may concern; , This is to notify all pareons ttat to trust my h'isband. John Dermont, on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting, large or small. I do this because bills have already been presented to me, contracted by him, of which I have nothing to do. I also wish to say to all persons who wish to know anything about my business or the business of the Parker family to come to us, and not to said John Dermont, as he knows nothing Whatever about it and has nothing to do with it any way. . MRS. SARAH DERMONT, West McHenry, Jan. 13th, 1801. Jnlia A. Story's tecalsIT?;" New calling-cards just received^ Also the finest line of tablets, either Ink or pencil, writing spellers, inks, pencils, sponges, everything for school use to be found at J. A. Story's Alcohol lamps different kinds some­ thing new for heatiug and holding curl- iug irons only 25 cents. We are selling our Potpourie powder at the usual price, 15 cents an ounce. The best. Call inandexamineourstock. We have many new goods arriving every week at J. A. Story's. f Pocket books both for lady ot gent. Surgeons sponges etc., atr j. A. Story's. Eureka Harness oil 25 and 50c cans. Also Boston Coach oil for good service. Try a can It outwears them all. Don't forget when in need of a lamp we are glad to show you different styles both hanging and stand lamps and will give the best prices at J. A. Story's. We keep tha Gold Dust washing powder and all kinds of laundry soaps as well as toilet and medical soaps at J. A. Story's. We are selling the finest line of cigars in McHenry Domestic or key west goods at the usual prices. Are you using our Quinine Hair Vigor. It is the best stimulant as well as dressing. Tj\v it, and vou will say so, only 75c at J'. A. JURY'S. ____ V REMARKABLE FACTSi, ' Heart disease is usually supposea to be incurable, but when properly treated a large proportion of cases can be cured. Thus Mrs. Elmira Hatch, of Elkhart, Ind., and Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid,- Mich, were cured after suffering 20 years. S. C. Liniiurger.druggistatSau Jose, 111., says that Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, which cured the former, " worked wonders for his wife." Levi Logan, of Buchanan. Mich., who had heart disease for 30 years, says two bottles made him "feel likea new man." Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by Geo. W. Besley. Book of wonderful testimonials free. FOR SALE OR RENT. My farm, situated on Ringwood Prairie, «e mile from the Ringwood Cheese Fac­ tory, consisting of 160 acres, 120 of which is under agood state of cultivation, and 40 acres of timber and pasture. Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms, or will be rented to the right party. Call on or address 26tf C. GRIMOLBY, West McHenry. lJECKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Geo. W. Beslev, West McHenty. l»-ly A SAFE INVESTMENT. Is one which is guaranteed tobringyou satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe Elan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, InUamation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant an agreeable to taste, perfectly safe and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at Geo. W. Besley'sDrugstore. 19-lm Who sells goods the cheapest? He who pays no rent, hires no help, and pays cash for his goods. Call in and see his prices. • ? ? Beloit fine pants only.....................,|4 00 . .2 50 . 9 50 . 4 80 400 100 Beloit heavy mixed- Men's business suits....... " Cassimere suits..... Boys' suits Boys' two-piece suits Knee pants 25c, 85c, 50c, 1 00 Men's Congress Gaiters $1.50, 1 85 Ladies' fine shoes 1 75 Men's Chinchilla overcoat, silk facing, silk sleeve lining 13 75 Hundreds of goods at your own price. E. LAWLUS. A NATIONAL EVENT. The building of the World's Fair in a city scarcely fifty years old will be a re­ markable event, but whether it will really benefi t this nation as much as the discov­ ery of the Restorative Nervine by Dr. Franklin Miles is doubtful. This is just what the American people need to cure their excessive nervousness, dyspepsia, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, neural­ gia, nervous debility, dullness, confusion of mind, etc. It acts like a charm. Trial bottles and fine book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases," with nneqtialed testi­ monials, free at Geo. W. Besley's. It is warranted to contain no opium, mor­ phine or dangerous drugs. REMARKABLE RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfleld, III., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physi­ cian, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Besleys Drug Store, large bottles 50c. an4fi.M0. __ . ' HAPPY HOOSIER8. * Wm. Timmoue. Postmaster of Idavllle, lnd , writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other msdicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town says: "Electric bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life." Only 50c. a bottle, at Beeley's Drag Store. 24ml '•World's Fair" at Besley'.. eeit. Candies received Story's. this week NICE line of Pipes, just received, Barbian Brothers. Potpori Powder 35 cents an ounce at "a. FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigan and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at Beaiey'a West Side Drug Store. 'Have you seen the 5-A five mite hor&i blanket? If not, why not,? • H yon have a hone vou need it." * Call and see our Banquet Lamps, Piano Lamps, Sewing Lamps. Hanging Lamps. A fine assortment cheap at Beslev's. Go to Mrs. Besley's for Fancy Hand­ kerchiefs and Stamped Linen for table use. And while there don't forget to ex­ amine the Millinery Department. J. W. Cristy & Son are enjoying the finest run of trade ever experienced by them. Calloa them and you will not be atajosfet) know why it is. FOR RENT. A farm of 200 acres. Cash rent. Jt good chance to rent a farm at loir rent. Inquire at Bank of McHenry. "FOR SALE OR RENT. In the Village of Ringwood, a good house and shop. Terms reasonable. In­ quire tif • WESLEY LADD. 'WHEAT WANTED. • The highest cash price will be paid for Winter or Spring Wheat at the Wauconda mi6tf - Si'&KtiSu, Proprietor. WORTH ^ VARIETY These are the corner stones of our es­ tablishment. Our holiday goods are on exhibition. JOHN EVANSON & Co. TRUTH SYSTEM The McKinley bill cannot make very much of an advance on lanterns as J. W. Cristy & Son are selling Dietz's latest f mproved tubular lanterns complete for39centB. Gall and Judging from the amount of Buckwheat flour shipped in by J. W. Cristy & Son they must bt handling a very nice quality and everyone knows their prices are always the loweet. M. ENOLEN is offering some rate bar­ gains, at#his store, near the Iron Bridge. Call and see him, as he is bound to close out as soon as possible, and you can now get Goods at your own price. ' D0NT SKIP THIS . For it is not an advertisement but a pointer, that when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get uiy prices. Highest market price paid for oats. 6 W. A. CRIBTY. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm consisting oi 240 acres, situated one mile South of McHenry Village, in the town of Nunda. Is all under a good state of cultivation and one of the most desirable farms in the county. Terms reasonable. MICHAEL DOHERTY, Dated November 18th, 1890. 19-3m FARM FOR SALE. A good all-purpose farm consisting of 166 acres situated one mile south-east of Solon in the town of Richmond. Terms reasonable. For further particulars in­ quire on the premises of 20m3 * WM. MOOBK, Solon, 111. EMBRACE THE OPPORTUNITY To buy full standard goods at actual cost from the undersigned who must reduce a heavy stock, and convert^ the same into cash at once. Come one, come all, as we do as promised. A full and complete stock of choice fresh groceries always to be found at SIMON STOFKEL'S. •We wish all oar friends and ers a happy and proapenms year, and if prices win make yon thai way we will make haadMMiiof people lap- v 1 ~ We waak to Impress on ibt minds of all that we pay cash lor all our moeds, which places us la a position 10 Mf at the lowest cash figures, ta|t» advantage of spot cash discounts, etc. BeMa wa can sell you the best goods at tha low* eat cash prices and will do It. We start oat W'"glvtag yoa t dla- couotoflOto 40 per cent on Cloaks and wraps. W 6, .1 • ' -i All are geod style* and It will pay anyone In need of a winter wrap to buy now If yoa hay* to>*orf«w tha money to buy with. < in stock within tha next 30 days and to do so will give a discount of 10 to SO ***** ' V" '* -* V ' V* ; 1 f ' " $£ . - - f "Jf. * • ft* i prices. Call early and make year se> leotton. We have a good stocit cf me­ dium and low priced ones and will nit most anybody " 4 , Oar Dress Goods stotk Is la excell­ ent shape and wa rre selling lots of dresses, hat to give our caatoaoexs a chance at some big Bargains, wa 1HU <lve l0 par oeni off on aU Draw Goods am Wpafc*- ̂̂ >ja .. We hare an elegant line of Vehata Buttons, Silks, Braids, Trimmings lie. omateh. " We are sola agents for Stent's Proof Robber Boots, tha hat will stand the oold m »ot '-kick out.n Ioemen aad> dairymen hould Investigate, as they will out- V + ' AJRFTJF FWJTI V" ' 'AT COOK BOOK FREE. The Jewel Cook Book is very handsome and a necessity in eyery household, as it contains 441 pages of recipes for making every kind of bread, cakes, pastries, pre­ serves, jellies, deserts, soups, salads, gravies, pickles, sauces, and condiments; also how to cook every kind of meat, fish, fowl and vegetables together with specific directions for making ice cream, ices and confectionery. It tells what tood to pre­ pare for invalids, what to do in case of accident or emergency; gives rules for health and cures for all common diseases; recipes for compounding medicines, man­ ufacturing articles for profit and making work easy. It tells how to care for the person and home; how to prepare safe cosmetics and be beautiful. In fact it is a book of reliable, thoroughly tested, practical formulas, prepared and com­ piled by the most competent authorities in the world. There are also plain in­ structions for carving, which will enable the most ignorant to serve gracefully. The book is profusely illustrated and is a volume sought and greatly prized by all intelligent housekeepers. We present one of these to every customer trading flO worth. JOHN EVANSON & Co. DOfo'T WHIP A SICK HORSE, tfor take bowels or li whips. Bu Nerve and tin nsrvea. WfWBW when your" . They are it least--Miles' act through aft Beeley's F, K GRANGER, General Auctione Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended, to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will receive oromot at- vmtfba Address. r.K.GRAMean . West MoHtanr H. C. HEAD, Auctioneer. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Gqods «f all kinds attendeded to on the most reasonable terms. A share of pat- roneire solicited. P. 0. Address, West " McHenry, IU. CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS, First class in every respect, have sent E. Lawlus, Tailor, three hundred more sampler ui Iheir cloths, to take urtieie and measure men for suits. Good fits and low prices on the very best goods in the market is what you want and no humbug. E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel. AN INVARIABLE S»|fc Swelling of the ankles or feet when not due to rheumatism, Prof. DeCosta says, is always caused by a weak or diseased heart. So is shortness of breath, pain or uneasiness when lying on the left side, smothering spells< The only cure is Dr. Miles' New Curs. Sold at Besky's drag store. ________ FOR SALE. The undersigned, Executor of the Will of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, offers for sale his entire effects, consisting of his House and two lots, in the village of Mc­ Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etc. For full particulars inquire of the under­ signed. MAKTLV WELSH, Executor, MILES' NERVE St LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest , mildest, sumjt, 30 doses for 25 cents..̂ paptes at Geo. W. Beeley's. FOR SALE OR RENT. The house known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village oi McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in gooo repair, good well, cistern and other con veniences. Large garden and plenty ol small fruit/ For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of V H. C. MKAD. Daied January 1st, 1890 NEW MILLINERY AND DRESSMAK­ ING ROOMS. MRS. GEO. W. BESLEY, having rented the store lately occupied by Mrs. C. Hutson, West McHenry, will open the same this week with a full line of new and Fashionable Millinery Goods to which she invites the attention of the Ladies oi McHenry and the surrounding country. She has engaged Mibs Freeman, of Lake Geneva, as Trimmer, and will guarantee satisfaction both in style and price. She will also pay especial attention to Dress-making, and has engaged Miss D. Granger as Cutter and Fitter, and all orders will receive prompt attention. Miss Freeman will be here on Tuesday uf each wtek. IST Call in and inspect our goods. Mra. GEO. W. BESLEY; West McHenry, Nov. 5th, 1890. 'tTT'Sm Fresh Ortckers 6 oaata per pound. Meî i heavy gray Uoderwaar. 49c» t - *" ' v, i- | ̂ ' *. * f < #! v-- ^ . / i f ' i All grades of Uadarwear In M*m Boy's., Ladles aad Chlldrea's, ai loweat * *l'Tv/i X , Wa have some barge 1__ iShoas that will pay yea so 1 ^ v We always carry a full slock of Dri­ ed Fruits, Canned Goods and Fresh Groceries of all kinds, also the fioattk candles In town as any schoolboy wltt tell yoa. Give us a call, • i i si McHeniy, PERRY * OWII, Banker*, (ViaHENRY, - • Tm$ Bank receives dupoeiia. and teUt Jtre^n and] eAanpe. and doe* a Bankiag We endeaxot to do all trusted to our core in a upon form* mtwfmctortf cmtotmra, and reapeeifiitty public patronage. iL in first Cfa«* iMMtt Sates.

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