Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Feb 1891, p. 8

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r,'w . . ; vK.v V. ;;;:vvS-j! • vpJ^fr- • > • "•si £f. u. flMMMtffTMStlT *.lt**a«a«.l I Mctl6M Hinder the above head* l4Utl«« oif the W C T U. «t»ta« no part or cwlH for v£ V>-v hft'-' [JK?* .JUMtlMr Method of fie«triction. ProWbltioniptFi favor any kind of re-j wirietkm that does not have the licence j feature. Until we can get what we want -v© will take what we can get, and take it thankfully and gracefullly. But what /we accept must be tending toward what •we want. There is a method of restric­ tion which has been advocated by some and which we would like to see carried out, and that is to punish drunkenness *is a crime. No drunken man should be permitted to run at large five minutes. 3fo more than any other irresponsible person. Just as well empty the insane asylums upon this country as to let loose the army of drunkards. It is impossible to tell at what moment aif intoxicated man may commit robery, arson, murder or any other crime of which he is phyei- eelly capable. The law should treat him as a criminal Under our present lawB drunkenness is only a misdemeanor, and a very trifling one at that. The offender is "pulled in,' taken before a magistrate, and fined in any sum from one dollar up, as the oourt may think proper. If the drunken brute has a family, as is usually the case, his wife dnd children are left with just so inuch less money for their necessaries as the amount of the line imposed on the head of t$e family; and on payment thereof, the whisky bloat is turned loose to repeat the spree, and so on down, DBtil in a fit of drunken "insanity," he shocks the community by the commission oi some more heinous crime. There should be a law and an institu­ tion for just such a criminal. For the first offense, on conviction before any competent court, the man guilty of the crime of drunkenness, shonld be disfran­ chised and sent to a workhouse for, say, one year. For the second offense, two years, and so on, doubling the time for each repetition of the crime. While in the workhouse he should be l&pt at hard )abor and paid wages therefore, his earn­ ings mostly going to his family if he have •>ne; otherwise, \hey should be used to help him support the institution. We do not argue this as a finality bnt ns a means to the end we seek. Let this tie done and it will close more saloons in one month than high license will close in one year. Somehow Murphy movements, i<nd Sons of Temperance movements, and Washingtonian movements, and high lionise movements, etc., don't check the liquor traffic much. Perhaps this will. We are willing to try it, all the time working for the only sure remedy, ^Prohibition. "l ( - ,<o CLAUS 1 - J* 'B BONSIiETT OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MULL# ; ^ > m mm St.- f'v< •A FULL LINE OF---** . V i - . WHEN TOTJ WANT New Cooking Stove, Hi anything in that (line call on STORY &! MeOMBER, • DEALERS IN •• Stoves, Me-ta, Tinware, liPOETlNG : GOODS, Cutlery#.Barb Wire, Etc. of All Suggs, *Ve make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfully so icit eiyv STORY & M'OMBER. CATALOGUE »N•- PR!TE3 ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND r§; t-Qga 5 West McHenry, Dec, 23d, 1890. Of the Seat Makes, on hand at aU times. Anything noi in stock ordered and delivered imldetoj '24 hour*. The € el eba at e<i ACORN COOK STOVES, The Best in the Market and every one war ranted. PRICES A8 LOW AS THE LOWEST. - Please call and examine our Stove? before purchasing. All Sizes Glass Constantly on Hand. THE BEST BARB WIRE. In the Market, At Bottom PHflM. JOBBING &HD REPMEma Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed*. J share of public patroua^e reap^ctfully solicited, :! - J'-rp JACOB BONSLETT. McHenry, 111., NOT. 12,1890.V * . . , WHAT! NEVER? : i Well,Hardly Ever! Have the people of Mc Henry and adjoining counties had so favor­ able an opportunity to purchase AS is NOW FOUND AT cHENRY, ILL. r.a>-i A N D TRADE. McHENRY, U.L, .-p.DEALEH DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, oilet Articles, WINES LIQUORS, With Two Stores, One ;on the West and ono on the East side, they preheat to the buying public a ; ^ , Larger Stock of all kinds of Furniture this Fall than ever before, which we are offering at greatly REDUCED PRICES. BOW I.-S THE TIME TO &UY. w-f FOR MEDICAL USE. A Iso Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. --Physician's Prescriptions: Carefully Compounded. Give oxe a call. C. w. BE8LEY. A? West McHenry, Ut.1800. BUY YOUR AND k. GRAIN, \ Whei^ you CM the best. This means of KIRK'S WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT for tilt Family, School, or Professional Library. We have taken great puns in selecting our Undertaking Supplies. COFFINS, CASKETS & TRIMMINGS, Cf the latest designs. Every­ thing New and Elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see us when in want of anything in our line. " . --FOR-- Horses, Cattia, Sheep i Excels any remedy tar the rapid cure of fiard Colds, Coughs, H!de Bound, Yellow Water, Fever, Distemper, Sore and Week Eyos, Lung Fever, * Costlveness, Batches, and all difficulties aria* Ing from Impurities of the Blood. Will rellflvt Heaves at once. Manufactured by the JOPPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y. fur* Cure for Hog Cholera. FULLER & FULLER, General Western Agents, Chicago, 111. OWN Has been for years Standard Authority in the Government Printing Office and U. S. Su­ preme Court. * , , „ It is highly recommended by 38 State Sup*ts of Schools and the leading College Presidents. Nearly all the School Books Cristy, --AT THK--« ^Pickle Factory, , \ WMt Moltonry, III. of all kinds bought and! D. NEEDHAM'8 SONS 118-11 > De*rt)orn Street, OHiOA«M> Eel Qmr Rheumatism, OrspepBla. Sick Headache, CoD«up«t>on,PUe». Whouplnir Couirh, aad all BUM DISEASES. Send cular. ̂ Mention paper. tt Will UFA FRANK D. THOmtkBOH, n A TCIITO Attorney at Law, r A a til i a M to eftll and Wtm A. CRISTY. **53 TO^inHDH ggr Agent* Wanted 1 Ciacouuui Faam. i oOO Rrewrter'i Safety Bdit HoWew •HVEN away TO introduce UMN. IT«I hVrie owner buye from I umSer horoes' feet. F ' '•u vtauipft to pay i»08taa* i • -» ft ' . '- ' •'aropleltott 4V*. AWiiiU*' Ma»eam published in this country are based upon Webster, »s attest­ ed by the leading School Book Publishers. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary* SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. The Hew York WarM-y; Wet*teri»»i. "™^osTuniver8a^yconce(l©dto be the btst. The Bostott CHob< eaya: Webster is the ao> knowiedged standard in lexicography. The AtttntaCoastitlltton aay«: Webster I ""Ton^^eentEesSSSSfnuthority in our office. The Chicago Inter OceaE -y- Webster»« UnabHcige^ialialways^^tt the standard. The Hew Orleans Tiaes Dwsocnrt aay»* ""^WEESTERTB^TSOSARTSUSEORL^T^OUROFFLEA. The new Turk TriI*fiio»«v°- Itisrcccgaissd jr' ^TwTT^nostneSRjSrttng u word-book" tt the English language all over the wor!4 ̂ Sold by all Bookseller*. Pamphlet free. MUUUAM4CO.| PuVra, Springfield, Ma^ ' E. W. BLATCHFORD & CO., of Chi- eafco, have appointed Bonelett & Stoffel of West Mclfenry, agente for their famooH Oil Meal aiid Calf Meal, which all fanners should accord a fair trir.l. ^ry cloee <trioe8 we offered on small or large low . c • ' - - %V:V~~ New Hearse In connection, which will be fur­ nished at Reasonable Bates. JUSTBN BROS. McHenry, III., Oct. 14, Noi 9701* Record 2:26. Will be for service at the barnaiof George W. Owen, McHenry, Illinois. TERHA3, $50. One ball payable in cash, balance by Wote dno six months from service without interest, Interest after due at 8 per cent. "GeorgeO." was sirea by Lakeland Abdallah 361. by the founder of our trotting Monders, old Kyadykes Hambletonian, 10. Dam of George O. 19 fby Autocrat, a son of George M. Patchen, 30, record 2:'23>tf. She paced at six years oil a half mile in 1:06X, and at 17 years a full mile in 2:27. "George O." has had very limited advan­ tages in the stud, never having bred a stan­ dard bied mare, but his colts are all very speedy and sell tor long prices. He sired a two-year-old with a record of 2:49. trial X mile in 1:22 to Road Oart. _ OKOBGB W. OWEN. MrtHenry. Illinois. "Boss wouldn't blanket him In tile stable. Said it wasn't no use." FREE--(Jet from your dealer free, the 94 Book. It has handsome pictures and Valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a S/A Horse Blanket will make your horse worth,mart and eat less to keep wanu. 5/A Five Mile .. 5/A Boss Stable Mtf*{ 5/A Electric 5/A Extra Test 80 other styles at prices to suit every. body. If you can't get them from 70m dealer, write u£ Vi F0^ c0nsump ̂ Tt has peraaaaently cared THOXTSAKOS ' of cases pronounced by doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp- Difficulty of but use TION BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHC M UKI MannPd BY FT'M. AYU,*S & SOKS, Phllada., wb* ant**# ^ toutuus Uur&e Brand Baker Blanket* CLOSING OUT SALE Monday, Deo. K< tt i And to continue until March 101,1891, I will sol] my entirt at^ck, consisting " / 1 ' >> ~}"K , J. •*'.* • ••'/• •v.i'.v » Rubber Coods. Robes, Wahket^, HTal^rfl. .. -V S * ' tN W hips, Family G-roeeiiee, Chiqr Ware, Glassware, Notions, jCigarp, Tobacco, Pipes, etc. ^ F- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *. A ^ * J" ^ ^ #• V >* - -• •-7 Complete in all departments, consisting in part of Shovel?, ; -i % Forks, Hoes, Spades, Axes, ivfallets, Picks, Mattocks, Bolts, Tin- , ;• r * ware, Carpenter's Tools, Pumps, both iron and wood, Bfeelt Hard* Wfi ^ j ware, etc. Alsomyentiro , ' , S > j • * • • .... 3 .»'v ? ,'V*> *m-< FIXTURES, Two Store Buildings, 5 acres of land near town, one Dwelling v - House, and one-half interest in 3 Stearaboatst and steamboat, line * between McHenry and Fox Lake. AND AJJD This is no humbug, but a genuine bona fide sale, as I am to close my business. IS m m All persons knowing themselves indebted to me are requesl to call and settle at their earliest convenience. Thanking my customers for past fay ore, I remain l •' IS Yours Respectfully* THE At the above place we mean to give you more and better good? for the dollar than you can get elsewhere. The season for Felt Boots and Rubbers is at hand and we are selling the best Rubber Goods there is made to-day. All we ask when in need of a pair ot Felts and Overs is for you to call in and get our prices, and we know the goods will please you for the price we ask. We start them at $1.50 for the outfit- Also everything else in the Boot and dhoe line correspondingly cheap. Remember, that we are not taking second place in the Clothing Trade here. W« are offering to the trade this fall a well selectec line ol Men's and Bays' Overcoats that are got up right in style and made ot good material at prices guaranteed to bo correct. We ask ) £ you when in need of a suit of clothes for yourself or boys to call in and look our btock over; we can fit you from a four year old boy'# .. V suit up to large men's wear, in cheap or fine all wool clothing. , ; ---< • Underwear, Gloves and Mittens, Scelch and Plush Caps. A good assortment always on hand, l : ' . ? : ' A - 'M; We are headquarters for Fresh Groceries. Best iSried bruits al­ ways to be found here. Always ready to figure with you on price of Sugar and-will give you the most for the dollar of pure sugary Choice brands of Flour, Graham, Buckwheat ways on hand. . Yours respsctftilly, West McHenry, HI. JOHN J. MILLER. r»w (One Door West of Riverside House*) McHENiiY, - - ILLOOiE DEALER ^ r -\i y/s' -s ^ DRUGS, MEDICIMES^ .£* ---R A JPULL LIN B O: Dniga, CheB^e&ls, S71 Stab, Paiati, 03« aad Celi^ Constantly on band. A'so a lar^e line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, IND 'COMPLETE STOCK OP- STAPONERY & DRUGGISTS S Physicians Prescriptions . Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Ueijriatered MST. Tour T atrona^e is respectfully solicited. WUAA0TOPY Sifk

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