Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Feb 1891, p. 8

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% , v , * . j . ' W v < , ; • > * % <**(,*#?• J » v-^- *-*v ** „¥#?> 7<i>* . .. , ' . .. •. . ..• .„," .'v. .- . •• , . , , - . V f . U. DKPARTMKNT @S M- f;C ArtiolM Mid Notices under the above head *f<e fatnlabM by the Ladies of the W C T U. "Hit the Editor claims no part or credit fox •fc» Mine.] Th. fieifttion of Temper*no« to tht Son* day School. A Paper mad by Mr. Guy Hall before the • 7ownship Sunday School Convention McHenry, hi, February 1st, JS!)1. - A man traveling through Indiana •topped at a house by the wayside and .Asked if he could stop there for the night. tJpon an affirmative reply, he dismount­ ed, and went into the house. He found the woman preparing the evening repast by making mush. He distinctly saw her salt it, and then the man of the house came in and salted it, too. The traveler, thinking it to be the custom to salt the ^n«iph, threw in a handful, also. IJ»'v. Mr. Clark has asked me to write something on The Relation of Temper­ ance to the Sunday School. Realizing that the feeble efforts of your humble twrvant would be like adding "more salt to the mush," I have taken the liberty of greatly digressing from my subject. Temperance in the Sunday School 1 Kot only in the Sunday School, but, everywhere, do we want temperance. And is there a means of securing this moHt lmppy state of affairs? Most de­ cidedly, ves. And what is that means ft The only means of securing temperance In by absolute Prohibition of the sale, manufacture and importation of alco­ holic beverages. Fellow Sunday School Scholars! Has •ay ODe of you a boy or a girl, a father •r a mother, a brother or a sister, that yon can spare, that yon want to go and join that vast army that the saloons we every year carrying down to hell ? The •aloons must have some one to destroy or it could not go on in its nefarious work, and if you have no one to sacrifice this car of Jaaggernaat, wiH you sit tamely by and see this wolf of evil lick up another's blood? No; a thousand times No! is the voice of every one in this con­ vention. But what are we doing in the Sunday School to stay this vice? Per­ haps we are praying to God to pat down bin hand and wipe it from the laud. This He will not do because He will nofT destroy a thing he has not made. Man made the saloon by voting it in, and they will have to destroy it by voting it Ottt. Perhaps we are waiting to let iMMtliing turn op and turn out the sa­ loon?. believing that one, with God, is a Majority, but if yon don't do something you will find that the other majority will gain the day, and the saloons will be giv- hig us more of their manufactures in the Mhape of crazy, reeling men with thick £eade and bloodshot eyes. What grander work is there than teaching against this deadly work! The Sunday School is the time and place to 4o this. The Sunday School scholars *re generally boys and girls. Teach * them that they are natural enemies of n the saloon, because the saloons are seek­ ing to destroy their interests. But how? ' Every one of these Sunday School lessons have something to say about it. We Should not only try to kill other evils, p>ut this greatest should receive our full attention and carefal foresight. As it was in the rebellion, at the surrender of l^ee's army there was literally nothing to ntend against, so it la now; kill King lcohol and we will have nothing more grapple with. t (To be Continued) BUY YOUR C!oal, Feed, AND GRAIN, Where yon Can do the best. This means of W. A. Cristy, --JIT THE-- ^Pickle Factory, West Mo Henry, III. Grain of all kinds bought and sold. It will pay you to call and ace me. RaapactfUlly, W. A. CRISTY. Ntyl Grandftt, h&ajoldfcr amdjrour my priyner here But In not tfoii# so you Ijave no Pear. ?: f Jujt jtl dtiia kke itea$y,/ouare tfot jeered I ̂ ope§ Oi\\y you niuft surrender, to Ceferad Santa Claus Soap* J .VITA ri A S f'// SANTA CLAUS 5GAP,, J i! p* & LS>N.KJAIRBANK<£CO. MADE GNLY BY HOUSEHOLD WHEN TdXT WAlfTT Jk ' New Cooking Stove, HEATING STOVE, Or anything In that <Une call on STORY & McOMBER, DEALERS IN Stores, Graoite-Iron, Tinvare, SPORTING : GOODS, Cutleryj.Barb Wire, Etc. Glass of All Sizes, <Ve make a specialty of Diiry Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. Yo-ir patronage is respectfully so licited RTOKY & M'OMBER. West McHenry, Dec, 23d, 1890. GEO. W. BESLEY. JACOB BOIfSLHTT, •y OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, i MoHE^RY|'"?i . IU-INOIS. • ••$3$ - ' fr V - . »: A < A FULL LINE OF*«*- ; ing Stot^s Of the ,B*st'Makes, on hand at a liUne*. Anything nut in btock ordered and delivered iiHhle oj <.4 huurn. • 1 The CelebnuKMl - ACORN COOiC STOVES, The lie^t in the Market aid every one war rnuied. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Fleasn rail aitd examine ©tit Stoves before l>u'chasing « All Sizes Glass Constantly on Hand. THE BEST BARB WIRE. In the Market, at Bottom Prioets. JOBBING ' HEPAXRIisTQ Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A share of public patronage .respectfully solicited, JACO? BON8LETT. McHenry, til., Nov. 12, 1890.: « WHAT! NEVER? Well,Hardly Ever! Have the people of McHenry and adjoining1 counties had «<» t'avor- able an opportunity to purchase AS 18 NO W FOUND AT n Dmoist McHENRY, ILL. -DEALER DRUGS & MEDICINES, i PAINTS. OILS, Toilet Articles, -PURE- WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL USE. A Iso Bottled Ale aad Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physician's Prescriptions-1---•: Carefully Compounded. Give me a call. ' C. w. BESLEY. West McHenry, IH,, Dee, lat, WMi 1- -k- i- rS C ^ i sliili *kti # KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAR rfi > Mchenry, ill. iM With Two Stores, Oae on the West and one on the East side, they present to the buying public a Larger Stock of all kinds of Furnipire this Fall than ever t»*»t'ore, which we are offering at greatly REDUCED PRICES. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. NIIDHAMraSONS 116-111 Dearborn BtNOt^ OHIOACIO 11 Clover Blossoms, Hbeumatlsm, Oy•pep.lai. 84ck Hendache, ConitlpatloD Wboopinir Conjrb, and aB ~ Send for oti>-PM>«r. Wboopinir con MHa bmitw«nSon frank d. thomason, Attorney at Law, 14It r'turlioriyu, PATENTS cHic-*ca», H. B. THR00P, AUCTIONEER, Algonq^;^. Particular attention paid to the Bale of Stock, Farming Tools, Merchandino, Real Estate, etc. All orderw promptly filledl is my exeluMive businem and satisfaction. Addivati or tele- at Algonquin, 11L WEBS th^ ccct tor the Ftmily, School, tr ?ro'*st.- >» y ViAEtWCfyj "' A" ® nkiF Has liceu tor yciirs K.h*:;«i>vnl Authority in tlio <i<?v«rnu». ut Printiugr Office ami U. >S. ou« preuie Court. It is Mg*ltly rccommeutlctl t»y 38 State Siip'ts of hciiools ttiitl tho leading Collcgro Prcsiiloijts. Nearly ail tlie 8cliool Jtooks Kublishcd in this country tiro ased upon Webster, as aff">t- <h\ by the leading School )W>ls Publishers. "• 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Eiifrravliips than any other American dictionary. ^ SPECIMlFrj TESTIMONIALS. Tfra Hev York T« orld •• Webster it «i- " uuivor.-<aliy conceded to l>o the bent. The Boston 6!oba fays: WebBter U the mo- k»i'j\vi.-..g.'«l Ht:i:««ar<l in lexicography. The AtlantaCoustitntlra »yi: Web»terhM ""^ong bepn tiiu t-tunaiti '-l authority in our olIW J Tho Chicago Inter Ocean says: v>.b»ti-r" Unabridged has always bet-ri the ctat t.urd. The Nev Orleana Times Democ.r»t > »y« W a u t l ' I o n t y i n o u 7 - « M - A The Hew York Tribnnesay*: iti» r«« :nir as tho moat useful existing "won!-1 the English language all over the w<>- . 8old by allBookaellera. Parnphlft IV • *• * C. MKR1UAM ft CO., Pub'r*. Sprlngfie)-. We have taken ^reat p%ins io selecting our Undertaking Supplies. COFFINS, CASKETS & TRIMMINGS, Cf the latest designs. Every­ thing New and Elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to cull and Bee us when iu want of anything in our line. A Splendid New Hearse In connection, which will be fi­ nished at Reasonable Rates. JUSTEN BROS. McHenry, III,, Oct. 14, 1890. X E. W. BLATCHFORD & CO., of Chi- eago, have appointed Bonnlett & Stolid of West McHenry, agents for their famouH Oil Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmers ( should accord a fair trial. Very close po^ CONsUMPf' -^7' It has permanently cured THotTSANDS of cases pronounced by doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Diifiruity of Breathing, d*<\, don't delay, but use PIBO'8 CURB FOB CONSUMPTION temwdiateiy. Jjy Jftrii|Htiiti S& oaato. MAH: 3- --FOR-- Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hsgs! Excols any remedy for the rapid cure of «ar,' Colds.Coughs, Hide Bound, YellowW&ier, Fever, Distemper, Sore and Weak Eye.;. Lung Fever, Costlveness, Blotches, and all dlfflci'liles arts* lug from impurities of the Biood. Will relieve HttveS as oner. Manufactured by the JOPPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYOHE, H. Y. Sure Cure tor Hog Cholera. ri'Lt.E8 A GeiiarsS Western Agents, Chtcs^o, tC, « CLOSING OUT SALE • _ »' » - ,> *<*»; * T' V; Commencing Monday, Dec. 15th. S 1 to continue until March 1st, st^ck, cou»ii»ting oi sellj'my enUrf ^ ::V/ A. " i* . ftobes, Blankets, flailters. M U l . i j r t . K » n , i ! y ( } r o " f » i c s , C h i u a W a r e , ( j l a H > w a i t > , M o t i o n * , Ci^aiTttbju rt>, Fipes, etc. • i 4 >' 1 v,1* ^ y~ *>'«»' 'f t\ , •••»! -|r^ ^ *• ( H'ARDWikEE • - BTOoi: Complete in sill .fopurtnients, consisting in part of Shovels, Forks, Hoe*, 8pH«Mt Axes, vlu]iei^v Pj,.k*, Mattocks, Bolts, Tin- ware, Carpenter's Tools, Pump* both iron and wood. Shell Hard^ ; ware, etc. . Also my en tiro y STORE FIXTURES, • : -rS Two Store Buildings, 5 acres of land n^ar town, one Dwelling House, and one-half interest in 3 Steamboats, aud steamhofit " between McTtenry and Fox Lake7 qeorqe o. Not 070I. Record 2:20. ••Will be for service at the bamsj.of George W. Owen, McUecry, Illinois. TERMS, $50. One halt payable In Cash, balance by Not> due sis months from service without interest Interest after due at 8 per cent. "George O." was sired by Lakeland AMallah 351. by the founder of our trotting wonders, old Rysdytces Mambletoman, 10. Datii of Georgo O ia:by Autocrit, a son ol George M. Patcheu, 30, rer.ord 2:23^. Sh« paced at six years ol I a halt mile in 1:06^, md at 17 years a full mile in 2:27. "George O." has had very limited advan­ tages in the stud, never having bred a Stan- lard bied mure, but his colts are all verj >peedy anil sell for Inng nrires. He sired a two-year-old with a record o« J:4a. trial X mile in 1:22 to Road Cart. McHenry lllirvtU GEOUGK W OWEJT "That $£ Blanket is a dandy." FREE-- Get from your dealer free, the $4 Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for » 3/A Horse Blanket will make your hone worth more and eat less to keep warm. i5/A Five Mile 5/A Boss Stable 5/A Electric 5/A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit every* body. If you can't get them from you* dealer, write us. 5/A^ *ors£ BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. MONK GENUINE WITHOUT THE e/A LA*Ki HanoTd by W*. AVKKS ft SONS. Phllada., whs wto tbe tamoas Horse Brand For AH© AT- C:OBT:. , This is no humbug, but a genuine bona fide sale, as I am bound to close my busiuess. V N 0 T X All persons knowing themselves indebted to me are request^ to call and settle at their earliest convenieuci Thanking my customers lor past favors, I icifiain, \ Yours Respectfully* ' M. SDQL&2T. Selling Honest Goods! And Giving You Fair Treatment is our , We have a better selected line of BOO To and SHOES, ot Sethis Schwab & Co.'s own make, than ever before. We invite you in to *ee them Rubbers in men's, boys', ladies', misses' and children's sizes. Remember, we make Boots and Shoes a specialty and can give AOU a bet er assortment to select from at less money than you Cin find elsewhere. In this department our stock is very complete and well filled with fresh and new clothing to fit all sizes and ages as well as all prices. We start out by showing you a man's all wool suit for $6 50; odd pants, odd vest , or fine all wool suits correspondingly cheap Just" received a good assortment of men's and young men's soft and stiff hats at prices gvaranteed to be right. New Trunks and Valises. Ovpralls We still have the Rock lord Overalls and always carry a full line, th,.y give the best wear for the least money Lap Robes, Horse blanket*, Uuderwear, Gloves and Mittens. Overcoats, DiHSjk Coats, Plush Caps, Felt Boots, all at warm weather prices. We carry a good assortment of Fish of all kinds through Lenten season. FLOUR AND GROCERIF8 v Always on h<*nd, the best for the lea?t money, quality consldefi^l. Wc respectfully solicit your patronage. Yours as ever, West McHenry* III. JOHN J. MILLER. JULIA A. STOIiY, (One Door West of Riverside House,) J SfoHENilY, - • IL,IX>OIS. DEALER IN---- DRUGS , ME D I C I N E ^ A PULL I INE OF----- Drags, Cbtmicals, By* Stall?, Faints, Oils &&d Colors. J Constantly on band. A'so a large l*neot Patent Medicines, Toilet Article% % AND POM PL K Tit STOPK OF STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDtrfS# Phv»iolans Pre«i<*riprtoiiH - -x .A •>^1 •: • \k •* Darehilly and accuwt^y compounded bv a Kegi^tereif cist. Your pBtronae* Is respectfidiy soiicited. , tiidly soii ii JULIA *.

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