Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1891, p. 8

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mmm «*; '•w-lfy I s\}ji V*m r .^Y ^7 »,V ; *w»; U. DEPARTMENT Article* and Ncliccs nnit«r the Rlmvc heajl •iMfo tuinisbed by tbe lilies of the W. 0 T. 0« **<1 tlie Editor claims no part or cre<tu for toe earne.] f v THE Ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet * s With Mrs Earl Mead Thursday afternoon ** «fc 2:80 o'clock. MRS. L. E. BEKi»ETT^Pf«tfde*l. ^ ( Mks. T. J. WiUH, Secretary. Over the triple doorway of an Italian *' iJ* Cathedral there are three inscriptions Spanning the splendid arches. Over on© • ̂ * is carved a beautiful wreath of roses, and A: underneath the legend, "All that pleases Is but for a moment." Over the other is ^ sculptured a cross and there are the words, "All that troubles is but for a ^ i tto iicnt." But underneath the main «rch is the inscription, "That only is in- port ant which ift eternal." irvV . The great cause of social crime is drink* v - *Bhe great cause of poverty is drink. When I hear of a family^broken up and ask the cause--drink. If 1 go to the gal­ lows and ask its victim the cause, the an- : swer--drink. Then I ask myself in per­ fect wonderment, why do not men put a • ip'- wtop to this thing? Our legislators will come together and pass every measure • necessary to the welfare of the people, and yet pass laws sanctioning the sale of ... liquor through saloons.--Archbishop • . /iv/rtn</. Intelligent people, who are familiar the respective advantages which are Tlipered by the several competing railroad Hues between Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City, and who desire to travel With the utmost speed, safety and com­ fort, always take the popular and relia­ ble Chicago & Alton Railroad between these points, and passengers going to or doming from the South, via St. Louis, or ; When going to or coming from the West, ^fia Kansas City, should insist upon hav­ ing tickets that read over the Chicago & Alton. It is the only road with three * complete and elegantly equipped trains between Chicago and each point named, and no railroad managers in America have a more intelligent appreciation of #ie wants of the traveling public than do ttiose of the famous Chicago & Alton. 19tf BUY YOUR Coal, Feed, AND GRAIN. Tlim little people jujt^onje fromALU. Learnii# to work ajjd to vl&$ by rulci. & R 1 "Hwkfcriej oje e-J sfce coj^es ?ejj; « SELL . "Miijd fyij ride' $Ve ^cclaj^s/gydean" CL WJr "if v/i> dirt(ourfw) younl cope, AlWayj uje THE rf-A MADE ô Y £>Y cj JXTRBANK K U). CHICAGO. LOOK ODT FOB TIU! OR NOBODY ELSE WILL. -V.; LOOK! LOOK! AT 1HE BARGAINS IN- LfQBAL IIHK To the Farmers of IWcHenryf&eunty and Vicinity. l am now prepared to [show a new and clean assortment of Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at prices that 1 am confident it will pav you to investigate before making l^vfpehaseH.. . :WHEN YOU WANT A ; New Cooking Stove, HEATING STOVE, THE: BISHOP* WAdOH, Make your dollar reach as far as possible. Look around before you buy and you can save money. Money .is your friend and il your friend goes see that you have something to show for it. Where you can This means of do the best. W. A. Cristy -AT THE--« Pickle Factory, West McHenry, III. Grain of all kinds bought" and sold. hi- • I* will fee me. pay you to [call^and Respectfully, W. A. CRISTY. ^GROCERIES! GROCERIES! AT SSO BOCK PBIC&S I Having put in a full stock of Choice Family Groceries, I am nor prepared to offer the buying public RARE INDUCEMENTS, -- FOR--/ FIRST CLASS GOODS. Tn my stock will be found Tea, Cbffee. Su- gar. Canned Goods, all kinds Table Sauce, Flour, Cheese. Crackers, and in short every, thing usually kept in a First Class Grocery Also keep on hand ALL KINDS OF FRUIT in their season. Confectionery and Cigars, Call and see me as I am sure I can-save you money. We keep none but first class goods and sell at Bottom Prices. Butter and Eggs taken in exehange for goods, . CHAS. R. HUBER. McHenry, Feb. 24tb, 1891. " f e > " 1 Bay Colt; 15 3-4 handB high Foaled Hay 11,1888. WEIGHT, 1150 POUNDS. SIRE, ALROY 5715 The sire of Aliaid 2:2s*. Atlas [3 years] 8.28*; Allspice, 2:29W; Alzippa, 2:10; Alziaa, (:4iy, and other good ones, Why do you pay $3 for a Ladies' Kid same thing for irom $1.50 to $1.75. Shoe it you can get the Why do you pay $3.25 for Men'iS liubber Boots when you can get them for $1 less. " ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . Why pay $4 for Men's fino Shoes when you can get them for $1,25 as. Why don't you try to save money by coming and seeing me. will guarantee you will save money ou Footwear, and everything else kept in stock by me. All Footwear guaranteed solid leather. will save you money in GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, CHINAWARE. If you want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished, well proportioned, light running, durable.* superior qualiry. unex­ celled. Do you want a wagon? If po examine the Bishop before you buy. Always on hand Farm Trucks with broad tires. Wood and iron pumps, platform spring wagons, combination wagons, fine carriages, all kinds that will bear close inspection. PLOWS ! PlOWS S <*» In plows; both walking and riding can be found the Brad'ey, Geslej. and others manufactured by the Fuller & Johnson Manufac­ turing Co., of Madison, and at prices as low ah can be found in the county of McHenry. HARROWS! HARROWS ! The LaOosse lever, 80 tooth, complete, that I must sell and will make the price very low. Call and examine and learn prices before placing your orders. Prairie - City - Seeders, It is a conceeded fact that the Piairie City is a first class ma­ chine. It is well made and warranted to be second^o none. Look at it complete with grass seed attachment, f DISK HARROWS. The Bndlong patent, manufactured by the Janesville Machine Co., fully equipped with three horse eveners and neck-yoke, mak ing it a convenient and well made outfit. I also handle the Brad­ ley Disk Harrow, with three horse equipments, warranted to be No Have a full line of Buggies and Carts which will be sold at very low figure. Call and look my stock over. I shall carry a full line of-Implement tools ot all descriptions, and will be glad to meet all my old customers and as many new ones as may call. Thanking you for past favors and hoping for at least a share ot your patron age, I remain - Respectfully Yours,- XUOBARB BISHOP, V... Hardware and Tinware, - - Every description You will ask how I can do this. Why, I have no rent to pay. I have^ no clerks to pay. I discount all my bills. I smoke 18c. smoking tobacco in place of Havana Cigars, and I give the buying public the benefit of all this. In all cases we wish to sell at Farmers' Alliance Frioes. BP- Come and sse^for yourself. Prices in plain figures. Yours Respectfully. Near the Iron Bridge. M. THIS - ADVEBTiSEMENT WILL DO YOU NO GOOD Unless you want to buy some WALL R A E E R JACOB BONSIjBTT, OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MI McHEimY, s s ttljUL, ILLINOIS. -DEALER -A FULL LINE OF-A 1st dam, ANTHEM, the dam of Choral, one ot Waters' finest broo<i mares. Anthem, by Ouyler 100, sire of Elviaa 2:18^, Chanter, 2:20%, Edwin C., 2:21X, t>ay Dream, 2:21%, also aire ot dame ot Patron, 2:14% and others. 2nd dam, AUGUSTA, dam of Chanter 2-20% fihallcroae, trial, 2.28 [half In 1:10]; Augusta, An»hem and others. Augusta by Ryedyke's BellfoBnder, sire of the dam of Kingsley, 2:26}^, son of Hambletonian 10 [sire of Dexter 2:1 "JC, Nettle 2:18, Orange 9irl. 2:20, »nd 38 others in the 2:30 list, aad grandsire of 825 performers]. . ACCIDENTAL will make the season at my atables in the villa&e of Richmond, at t25 to injure. Season begins Feb. 1st. Call and •eft him before breeding your mares. l" C, U, HECK, Heating Stoves Of the Best Makes, on hand at all times. Anything not in stock ordered and delivered inside oj 24 hours, Tli© Celebaated ACORN COOK STOVES, 0^ (J The Best in the Market and every one war f&A ranted. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Please call and examine our Stoves before t purchasing. 4Se- if «r: AH Sizes Glass Constantly on Hand TEE BEST BARB WIRE* In the Market, a.t Bottom Prices. JTOBBIN& AID BBFAIBHia Will be done on si tort notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. j share of public patroi iage l-espectfully solicited, JACOB BON8LKTT. HoHcnry, 111., Nov. 12, 1890,^ Or anything: tn tl»at line oall STORY &" MoJOMBER, DEALERS IN u Steyss, Granite-Iros, Tiaware, i SPORTING : GOODS, Cutleryt.Barb W Ire, Etc. Glass of All Sizes, e made a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbin Copper and Sheet-Lroa, Tour patroua^e " licittd. 13 in Tin# respecttully so West McHenry, Dec, 23d", 1890. STOtiY & M'OMBKR. GEO. W. BESLEY. Dfinist aid Ajoltam - • •sis m WEST McHENItY, ILL, -DEALEH. :L.-- DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles, PURE- WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Aleand Porter for Medical, use. The best brands ot Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. * w' Physician's Prescriptions: Carefully Compouuded. Give .me a call. G. W. BESLKr. West McHenry, 111,, Dec, 1st, 1890. Selling Honest Goods. And Giving You Fair Treatment is our Motto. We have a better selected line of BOOTS and SHOES, ot Sew Schwab & Co.'s own make, than ever before. We invite you in to 3ee them. Rubbers ki nken's, boys', ladies', missed and children^ sizes. Remember, we^Tmake Boots and Shoes a specialty and ci|(n give you a better assortment to select from at less money than you can find elsewhere. For it is simply to state that our stock of the same is complete and we cordially invite your inspection for we are positive we can please you. J. W. Cristy & Son. Ringrwood, Illinois. -Tf^r CLEARING SALE. Having decided to remove lroiji Yolo, you are invited to attend the Grand Clearin^Sale ot DRY 'NOTIONS* . C^OTHCIXffGr. TIHWABE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HARNESS, And other lines of goods. Sale to commence March 5th, and continue to June 1st. Sale will be For Gash. Come one and all and secure some of the great Bargains that will be oflered. We wish to sell all of our stock and shall make prices that will sell it. We shall keep our Grocery stock full and sell as low as the lowest. Do not tail to come and see how much good we can do you. YOURS VERY RESPECTFULLY. HENRY ROGERS. , Volo, Iilinoi0v February 24, 1890. ? In this department our stock is very complete and well filled with fresh and new clothing to fit all Bizes and ages as well as all prices. We start out by showing you a man's all wool suit for $6.50; odd pants, odd vests-, or fine all wool suits correspondingly cheap Just received a good assortment of men's and young men's soft and stiff hats at prices gvaranteed to be right. New Trunks and Valises. Overalls. We still have the Rocktord Overalls and always carry a full line, they give the best wear for the least money. Lap liobes. Horse Blankets, Uuderwear, Gloves and Mittens. Overcoats, Duck Coats, Plush Caps, Felt Boots, all at warm weather prices. We carry a good assortment ot Fish of all kinds through Lenten season. FLOUR AND GROCERIF 8 Always on hand, the best for the least money, quality considertd. Wo respectfully solicit your patronage.. Yours as ever, JOHN J. MILLER. West McHenry, III. JUJLIA A. ST0KT, (One Door West of Riverside House,) McHENUY, - - ILMSOIS. DEALER IN---- DRUGS, M E D I C I N E S , --A FULL ClPNE OF Drags, Cbemte&ls, Byo Stulis, Faifits, Oils and Colors. • Constantly on band. ^Algo a large line ot Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLK'ite STOCK OF * STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, Physicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Register*d Pharma­ cist. your patronage is respectfully solicited. JUL1 A JL STORY.

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