r' m pi'v * " f&i' " f-A- $m - - m:: i?&- ffi', Bklt T* lltd, '? "The Riddle of the Sphinx," bf K. «. Ash by, lecturer of the National banners* Alliance? The greatest book ever written lor the farmer's cause. Illustrated with fiae photo-engravings of the leading officers of the different farm organisations. Head what is said of it: <; l*DtT8TRUIi PCBL.I8HING Co.: 3- j I have received and carefully WlVl Sfri Ashby s book, "The Riddle of the Sphinx." To say that I am well pleased with it «loes not fully express my sentiments. I regard it a work of the greatest possible value, and earnestly hope that a copy will find its way into the home of Wfr$- farmer in the land. y• tz'i* : * Very truly your®, ' ->?#»« W. A. KkKTJBraS'ji^ Sec. Indiana Farmers' Alliance. IUiditstbial Publishing Co. : I unhesitatingly recommend "The Riddle of the Sphinx" to every F. M. B. A. member. It is a glorious book for the farmer's cause and Mr. Ashby has ren dered a great service to the people by writing it. W. T. Stilweix, Pres. General Assembly, F. M. B. A. No middleman's profit. Sold to the farmer direct from the publishers at wholesale prices. Have the Secretary of your local Alliance, Grange. F. M. B. A., or other organization write us for partic ulars, or if you do not belong to any farm organization, write us yourself for descriptive circular, etc. Industrial, Publishing Co., ? ? 201 Monon Block, Chicago. Secretaries of all farm organizations Should write for price and full particulars. 31w6 Intelligent people, who are familiar with the respective advantages which are offered by the several competing railroad lines between Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City, and who desire to travel with the utmost speed, safety and com fort, always take the popular and relia ble Chicago & Alton Railroad between these points, and passengers going to or coining from the South, via St. Louis, or when going to or coming from the West, Tia Kansas City, should insist upon hav ing tickets that read over the Chicago & Alton. It is the only road with three complete and elegantly equipped trains "between Chicago and each point named, and no railroad managers in America have a more intelligent appreciation of the wants of the traveling public than do those of the famous Chicago & Alton. 19tf BUY YOUR Coal, Feed, AND GRAIN, lajyr^rjofrjprynMd ldJ?y Soaps °f rw/ki '" atfywpWou#*? jjy 5oaps are njade fcr bike SANTA ft Is THE BEST. IfjraiLwajtyour WASHING, SCRUBBING. SCOURING a.pl Cleaning f(\ie eajy, uje SAI^TA GLAUS SqaRjj AND 00NT YOU FORGET IT MADE ONLY BY N.K.Rvirbank & Co.* CHICAGO : J ' ' * ' ' ' flM OUT FOR Mill ' LOOK! LOOK! 2 HE MA&OATSfS To the Farmers of MoHenryiCounty arid Vicinity. I am now pre\Jared to [show a new «nd <iean assoi Agricultural Implements second tojnore in the county and at prices] that 1 am conlideut it will pav you to investigate before making SfroiHr purchases. Where yon can This means of do the haet. W. A. Cristy --AT TH*-- • Pickle Factory, West McHenry, III. Grain of all kinds bought and 1 Swallow and vZ. the Raven contended which was the finer bird. The Raven ended by saylngi Your beauty is but for the summer, but mine will stand many winters Durability is bet- T^Vter than show. it m BAKER-CO THE BISHOP WACiOSf WHEN YOU WANT A Ne%V'Rooking Stove; -HEATING STOVE, ; ̂ Ot» Attjthidtf to lHat Kite ' STORY «fc, McOMBER,, 'V-. '• • - • DEALERS m r§5 ;af^tcyes, Granite-Iron, Tiairare. #QRT»NG «? GOODS, - Cutlery*.Barb Wire, • ass of All Sizes,. Olt NdlODY ELSE WILL. Make your dollar reach as fa.r as possible. Look around before yon buy and you can save money. Money is your friend and if your friend goes see that you have something to show for it. . p m p m h V Why do you pay $3 for a Ladies' Kid Shoe it you can get the same thing for from $1.50 to $1.75. Why do you pay $3,25 for Men's liubber Boots when you can get then* for $1 less. Why pay $4 for Men's fino Shoes when you can get them for $1.25 tees. i P M M H M Why don't yon try to save money by coming and seeing me I will guarantee you will save money on Footwear, and everything else kept in stock by me. All Footwear guaranteed solid leather. ° t will me. pay you to [call£and Respectfully, W. A. CRI8TY. GROCERIES! GROCERIES 1 --AT-- 810 BOCK FBIC1S I *• Having Pa* i» » fall stock of Choice Family • groceries, I am nov prepared to offer the Spying public RARE INDUCEMENTS, --roii-- FIRST CLASS GOODS. "In my stock will be found Tea, Cbffee. Su- *£• - «uned G?°d8* a" kinds Table Sauce, «lour, Cheese. Crackers, and in short every! thing usually kept In a Clan* Grocery ta^heir teason haBd ALL KIKD9 or MHJIT will save you money in GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, CHINAWARE. I> Hardware and Tinware, - - Every description! If you want to own the hest.| bthold it here, finely finishfd. well proportioned, light running, durable, superior qualiry. unex celled. Do you wanta wagon? If po examine the Bishop before you buy. Always on hand Farm Trucks with Sroad tires. Wood and iron pumps, plattorm spring wagons, combination wagons, fine carriages, all kinds that will bear clone inspection. plows ! PLOWS ! In plows, both walking and riding can be fcrinud the Brad'ey, Geplej and others manufactured by the Fuller «3t Johnson Manufac turing Co., of Madison, and at prices as low as can be found in the county of McHenry. HARROW8! HARROWS! The LaOosse lever, 80 tooth, complete, that I must sell and will make the price very low. Call arid examine and learn prices before placing your orders. Prairie - City - Seeders, It is a conceeded fact that the Ptairie City is a first class Jiia-! chine. It is well made and warranted to be second to-none. Look at it complete with grass seed attachment. DISK HARROWS. The Endlong patent, manufactured by the Janesville Machine Co., fully equipped with three horse eveners and neck-yoke, mak-j ing it a convenient and well made outfit. I also handle the Brad ley Disk Harrow, with three horse equipments, warranted to be No 1 Have a full line of Buggies and Carts which will be sold at a very low figure. Call and look my stock over. I shall carry a full line of Implement tools ot all descriptions, and will be glad to meet all my oid customers and as many new ones as may call. Thanking you for past favors and hoping for at least a share ot your patron age, I remain Respectfully Yours, RXCH&.RQ BISHOP,' H I S - I M B M I S E H E l i T WILL DO YOU NO GOOD Unless you want to buy some WALL •» e make a. specialty^ of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin, Copper and (£heet-lfon. four pitrona^e m respectfully so liciU'd • * STOKY & .WOMRER. West McHenry, Dec, 23d, 1890. GEO. W. BESLEY. Drmtisf ni Apltaan WEST McHENBT, ILL, & PAINTS. OILS, oilet Articles r -PURE- WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL. USE. A Iso Buttled Aleaud Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Uigurs ilways on hand and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco ^Physician's Prescriptions^ ̂ Carefully Compounded., Give me a call. C. W. tfE8LKr. West McHenry, l'.l„ Dec, 1st, 1880, Tou will ask how I can do this. Why, I have no rent to pay. I have no clerks to pay. I discount all my bills. I smoke 18c. smoking tobacco in place of Havana Cigars, and I give the buying public the benefit of all this. In all cases we wish to sell at Farmers' Alliaaoe Prices. 1ST Come and sse'for yourself. Prices in plain figures. Yours Respectfully. R I A E E Selling Honest Goods, And giving You Fair Treatment is our Motto. We have a better selected line of BOO To and SHOES, ot Selz Schwab & Co.'s own make, than ever before. We iuvite you in to *ee them. Rubbersjn men's, boys', ladies', missets' and children's sizes. Remember, we make Boots and Shoes a specialty and can give you a bet»er assortment to select from at less money than you can find elsewhere. R N« Jar the Iron Bridge. M. EJSGLEK. '£i Confectionery and Cigan, Call and see me as I am sure I can save; von oney. We keep none but first alass mda it """ *»®as •Bfi sell at Bottom Prices ^Butter ana Eggs taken in exeha: for CNA8. R. HIIBCR. McHenry, Feb. 24 th, 1801. JfACOB BONStliBTT, OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, I* CcHEiVRY, ILLINOIS. -DEALER IN . Colt s 15 34 hands high Foaled JSaj 11,1888. f WEI6HT, 1150 POUNDS. SIRE, ALROY 5715, v£ *he Blr® of Al^airt 2:28 V, Atlaa r J.283^; Allspice, 2:29#; AlziptNU t'tt' I:*lS, and other good ones, ^ « year# Alslaa, let dam, ANTHEM, the <Htn of Choral on# #f Waters' finest brood mares. Anthem bv Cuyler 100, eire of Elviaa 2:18j£, Chanter Edwin G., 2:21^, Day Dream, •Iso aire of dams ot Patron, 2:143* and others'. - 2nd dam, AUGUSTA, dam of Chanter 2-20fc Hhallcross, trial, 2.23 [half in 1:101; Augusta • . Am.hcn: and othere. Augueta by Rvs'iyfee's j..'JteilfoBncier, sire of Ihe clam of Kingsley ; V m-.'mi, son of Hambletonian 10 [elite of Dexter . 1:11%, Nettle 2:18, Orange airl. 2:20, and 88 f performers].0 %'M *r*nd,U"e ot 828 v . - ^ACCIDENTAL will make the season at |ny stables in the village of Richmond, at t26 i° n1flurl* ,8eaf>n begins Feb. 1st. 0*11 and y." . f®® Mw before breeding your mares. ; c. H, HKCK, • if;., -A FULL LINE OF- Heating Stoves Of the Beet Makes, on hand at all timet. Anything fiot in stock ordered and delivered inside oj 24 hours. Ihe Celebaated ACORN COOK STOVES, The Best in the Market and every one war ranted. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Please call and examine our Stoves before purchasing. AN Sizes Glass Constantly on Hand. THE BEST BARB WIRE. In the Market, at Bottom Prices. JOBBIKK AlfU EIP1I1IK6 Guarantee^. Will-be done on short "notice and Satisfaction share of public patronage respectfully solicited, JACOB For it is simply to state that our stock of the same is complete and we cordially invite your inspection for we are positive we can please you. J. W. Cristy & Son. Rin&rwood. Illinois. GRAND C L E A R I N G H A L E . Having decided to remove lrom Yolo, you are invited to attend the Grand Clearing S«le ot DB¥ 600D§» TISWABI, HAEDWARI CBOCSSBY, BARH1S8, And other lines of goods, continue to June 1st. bale to commence .Harch 5th, and Sale will be For Gash. Come one and all and secure some of the great Bargains that will be offered. We wish to sell all of our stock and shall make prices that will sell it. We shall keep our Grocery stock full and sell as low as the lowest. Do not fail to come and see how much good we can do you, YCURS VERY RESPECTFULLY. MoHcb ijh tlU, x«r. 12,1880,1 BONSLETT* HENRY ROGERS. ioflllinoiffy febrtiaiy 24f 1800. In this department our stock is very complete and well filled with fresh and new clothing to fit all sizes and ages as well as all prices. We start out by showing you a man's all wool suit for $6 50; odd pants, odd vest?, or fine all wool suits correspondingly cheap received a good assortment of men's and young men'f soft and stiff hats at prices gvaranteed to he right. New Trunks and Valises. Overalls. We still have the Rocktord Overalls and aiwavs carry a full line, they give the best wear for the least money. Lap Kobes, Horse Blanket*, Underwear, Gloves and Mittens. Overcoats, Coats, Plush Caps, Felt Boots, all at warm weather prices. We carry a good assortment oi Fish of all kinds season. Duck through Lenten FLOU« AND 6BOCEBII 8 Always on h<ind, the best for the least money, quality considered. Wc respectfully solicit your patronage. Yours as ever, JOHN J. MILLER. West McHenry, 111. Jl'LilA A. 8T9BY) (One Door West of Riverside House,) McHENitY, - . i DEALER IN V • ' DRUGS, MEDICINES, -A FULL LINE OF- Brags, CbiBlcftb, Byi Stufb, Paints, Oil* and Colors. Constantly i n hand. A'fo a large line ot ° Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, I / AND>f ^•the STATIONp"^'> .* all enthusiastic / ,ner years played » ^markably well. He musical evenings at ' Dr. Joa him la a frequent ng other .famous artists. UJW Marshal lies on the sofa k visitors play, and alternately And takes snuff from a favorite rope (heal heir wit What "OWconlcs your sleep is b^]"ipti011& Getting mep' r reach a rlp^ ' Tbevaed by a Registered i8 ^HMy solicited, "J JUL'A A. STORY. Pbarm#* tSsMm