• i5Sw>;; WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1891. PERSONAL. DR. C. H. FKCERH and wife returned froin Iowa on Thursday last-. BERT STEBBINS, of Gary, spent Sunday with his mother in this village. Miss JESSIE WIOHTMAN spent Saturday id Sunday with friends in Chicago. ENULRX has been on the sick list the .past week. I HOWARD CLAHEK hga^been suffering from n: Train* pus this station as follow*: ooiiro BOOTH.* 'I ; JMoHenry Passenger Depart 7-25 A. M. •Lake Geneva Passenger ....7:30 *' •Lake tieneva Kxpress.... ........8:22 * •Lake Geneva Freight I:S0JP. H. *Lake Geneva; Passenger.. 3:26 •" ;aoiMO hosts.' :Milkr«iiKht Arrive 7J*CA. M. •Lake Ueneva Freight 9:10J " •Lake Geneva Passenger.,...,... 9:B6 *I.ake (ienevH Express ... 4:50 P. 1 •Lake Geneva Passenger.. . . . . . . . 6:51| " JBXPLAWATIOW. * Daily except 8ani»Y. t Sundays only. B. Buss, Agent. McHenry, 111 MASONIC. MCHKWHY ( ODGK, No. 158 A. r. and A. M.-- Regular CommnnicatimB the second and fourth Mondays in each month. W. A. CBIHTT, W. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. » , Meet at the Plain>tealer Office every Sac- / nn<l Tnesrtay evening of each month. Neigh- Jbora cor tially inviteii- E. LAWLUS has been treating the inside his store to a co<«t of paint. W. A. CRISTY was elected Township tustee, at the election on Saturday last. IF the roads do not get better soon lerewill be a wood famine in this village. SCHOOL opened for the Spring Term on Monday, with a fair attendance in every Apartment. MR. SLAUBS subject next Sunday morn ;jng will be "Doing the will of God, and knowing of the Doctrine." REMEMBER the Grand Opening of Mil liuery Goods, at Mrs. Geo. W. Besley's ^Millinery Rooms, on the West Side, to day, Wednesday. HAY is selling from $ 12 to #10 per ton In this market. We do not believe there is any good reason for this only, the bad >ads. DncK hunting closes to-day and hunt- •ers must lay aside their guns for the present, or the game Warden will be on leir track. / 'MAT ENGELN and six of his children have been on the sick list this week, but under the care of Dr: Howard are all now apidly convalescing. MARRIED--At Woodstock attbeparlore of Todd Seminary, April 14th, 1891, Mr. Elwin P. Flanders, of Chicago and liss Cora A. Colby, of McHenry, III. DEMOREST Gold Medal Contest at lingwood May 1, 1891. Admission, idults, 25 cents, children, 15 cents. Pro- imme announcement later. THE election for one school director Will be held at the City Hall on Saturday next, the 18th. The polls will be open at 1 o'clock and close at 4 o'clock, p. in. THE Annual Corporation Election will t>e held at the City Hall on Tuesday next, the 21st, at which time will be elected a resident, Three Trustees, one Village Clerk and one Police Magistrate. WE publish in another column, this week, the Financial statement of the Treasurer of the Commissioners of High ways, of the town of Nunda. Also the Financial Report, of the School Treasurer of the Jbow^ of Algonquin. | THE "Harmony Literary Club" will meet with Mrs. W. A. Crist,v, Thursday evening, April 16th, at 8 o'clock. All interested are cordially invited to be pres ent. J. H. BURGER, Pres. Miss JULIA A. STORY, Sec AN exchange sayt>: "Should any reader have the misfortune to knock a lamp over while it is burniug, he should remem ber that flour thrown upon the flame will extinguish it in short order." Well, sup pose there was no flour handy, then what? SOMEONE remarked "muddy." We re plied "yes." We said "muddy" someone replied "yes." We kept account of this conversation during two or three days the first, of the week. When it had been repeated just 387 times we stopped counting. The conversation kept on. JOHN J. LUMM tends us a copy of the Michigan, Indiana, News, in which we • find an account of a train of thirty-six cars, all loaded with Refrigerators, man ufactured by the Alaska Refrigerator Company, of that city. This was the third annual Eastern shipment by this company. Mr. Lumm is in the employ of the company. ON Sunday evening next at 7 o'clock, the Epworth League will hold a social meeting in their class room, in which they invite the older members of the ehurch to participate. At 7:30 the reg ular exercises of the evening will be held in the audience room of the church, when they will discuss the question, "What Shall I Render? " To this, all are invited. WE have just finished a fine lot of print ing for R. A. Howard, ol the West Side Market. And, by the way, Howard keeps one of the best Markets *in the county. Always neat and clean, a good assort ment of meats, all kinds of vegetables in their season, and canned goods of all kinds can be found at his market, and some one there to wait on you at all times. The West Side have just cause to feel proud of their market THERE is a new game on the social board in the East; it does not require a massive intellect to comprehend its intri cate details as "progressive eucher" and la grippe the pafet week. MUS. M. NEWELL, of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting with friends in this village and vicinity. F. E. HOLMBS, of thERich mon ̂Gazette made our sanctum a pleasant call on Saturday last. MRS. E. W. HOWE and daughter Elsie spent Sunday with friends at Lake G »neva. JOHN WENT W ORTH, of Austin, BI., was ca'ling on friends here on Saturday and Sunday. ' LAMO.VT HUBBARD, of LaCrosse, Wis., was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Hubbard, in this village, last THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society connected with the Universalist Church, will meet with Mrs. H. T. Brown, on Thursday afternoon of this week. MRS. J. I. STOIVY, President MRS. E. W. OWEX, Secretary. Notice. The public is cordially invited to attend a debate in the English language at the McHenry House Hall next Sunday even ingat 7:30 p. m. Everybody welcome to spend a pleasant and instructive hour free of charge. THE new Board of Trustees of the Woodland Cemetery Association have organized and are now ready for busi ness. There is a large amount of work ^necessary in and around the cemetery, ami it will take money to do it. The Board have regular meetings the third Monday evenings of each month, at the Riverside House, and those interested in seeing the Cemetery grounds put in shape that will be an honor to our village are requested to meet with the board and make such suggestions as may to them seem for the best interest for the object in view. All are more or less interested and we hope to se an interest taken that will enable the Board to promptly do the necessary work. Remember the regular meetings of the Board arerthe third Mon day evenings of each month. THE following poem was written by Henry I). Muir, and contains such beauti ful sentiments that we cannot refrain from publishing it in full: When grief ttvit wears t!ie hrart a war. And clonks the worM <n nimiltf gray, Does seize upon thy soul. Yield not thyseif y- "ash despair: Bat rather strive thy cross to bear And sorrows to control. Altho' the hollow world m*y seem •a vain and empty as a dream At drowsy midnight sent. Let not ita coldness turn away The good that cheeks this little day, Or I eartor reason rent. Bat rather bring thy native will To bravely bear thy share of 111, To stand life's dreary test; And aeek with all thy strength an! might To cultivate the good and bright Within the troubled breast. Why make this world a living tomb. Or rob the flowers of their perfume And cloud the way with doubt? God knows there is too much of gloom. Too many hearts that give it room And shut the sunlight out. Tbo' grief at times assails ns all, And sorrows thick upon us fall. Still let ns trust and hope That when the clouds are cleared and gone We'll view the purer, brighter dawn Upon the further slope. * To McHenry County Teachers. The Northern Illinois Teachers' Asso- ciotion will be held at Elgin, April 24 and 25. The committee has done every thing in its power to make the meeting a success. Dr. B. A. Hinsdale, of Michigan Univer sity, Ann Afbor, Michigan, has a national reputation and will deliver the address, "State Education," Friday evening. Every teacher in the county, and all who intend to teach are earnestly urged 1 o be present during the entire session. Teach ers, you cannot afford to miss this op portunity under any circumstances. This duty you owe to yourselves and to your schools. The usual reduced fare will be made. W. E. WIRE, County Superintendent of Schools. * A Three-Horned Cow. The Watertown (N. Y.) Times of March 28th publishes the following correspond ence from Carthage, N. Y., in reference to a three-horned cow, which Mr. H. M. Myers, of Morrison, 111., who is now visit ing in New York, has purchased: Carthage did not get the Cantral rail road in just, the manner in which it ex pected, but there is something in our midst that will make our village better known than though we toad ceeured that great corporation. There is iu C. H. Wing's barn a three-horned cow, and the third horn does not come from the head as in all well-regulated cows, but from the right shoulder blade^ 'The ordinary horn on the right side of the head is a little short, as though broken off. The extra horn which comes from her shoul der and hangs down like a great hook, is not a puny little thing scarcely discern ible, but is nearly two feet long, measur ing around the curve. It is fifteen inches from the shoulder to the bottom of the curve. The hook is six inches long and easily holds a heavy pail. At the base the horn is nearly three inches in diame ter, which shows it was intended for a* horn, and nothing else. This addition to her ornaments seems to give the cow no trouble whatever It is not fastened as solidly as the ordinary horns, but can be shoved around a little. The cow is of ordinary stock and was raised by a man namec. Rice, of Deer Rivr. She fs five > ears old and has had the extra horn since birth. It has been gradually grow- 'tiddledy winks" or "oir-<vt5> ***" *Ck*^-^^has reached the size stated above. but it requires stu^ cheapest. ..called - buy none but-the best*and 3©11 at Seasonable Prices. Gall and see me and I will use you well. ANTONY BNQLEN. McHenry, HI., 1£88* k looks and tastes the same as cow. This freak of beaf A-rfooxth.' 1 yesterday by H. MI 'SptRhiteside Co., III., 44B6S immediately. • tt^ to exhibit We have a very large ff^ago. very handaome patterns.. CALI.AND claW8 vkanger, •-j! can ; MoBeary, Kovmbwistfc. )*. • ISP"" The Democratic New York Sun in a folding editorial last Friday, speaks as follows regarding Secretary of State Blaine's communication to the Italian government in reference to the murder of Italians at New Orleans and the depar ture of Minister Fava: The truth about Mr. Blaine's reply of April 1 to Baron Fara's announcement of his departure from Washington is that it exhibits the Secretary as master of the situation and of himself. A strong er, more temperate, better-natured, and in all respects more suitable document has not. gone forth from the State De partment for many a day. To a sudden and somewhat silly explosion of jingoism at Rome, the person who has for years been painted as the great American jingo, ready on the slighest pretext to set the eagle screaming, and waiting only an occasion to run amuck among the great powers of Europe, has replied with a quiet dignity and gracious tolerance which actually represent the attitude of the American people toward Italy at this time. In Mr Blaine'^ placid senten- tencee there appear few surface indica tions of the politely restrained amuse ment with which he regards the performanceof the Italian Premier. There is no howling of defiance. Nothing whatever that is not sane and salutory is hurled at the crumbling monarchy which gave Hon. James G. Blaine so good a chance to show his real character. "We extend our commiseration," The Champaign Gazette unfeelingly re marks, "to the Bland Old Man, Gen. John M. Palmer His own city, usually from 500 to 700 Democratic, has gone for the Republicans by 350. Palmer will not like this; but then the result did not depend this time on a gamr of Poker at the St. Nicholas Hotel. It is tough an Palmer." I®* "Uncle Billy" Jackson is a unique citizen of Indianapolis. He is well-known to Western railroad men. He is an ex cellent official, but his real claim to dis tinction lies in the fact that he once in sisted on having his salary of #3,000. which he received as treasurer of the old Union Railway Company, reduced to $ 1,000. The directors of the road gave a reluctant consent and his salary was reduced as he requested. DECENT Italians must be heartily ashamed of thoge among their country men, who. after howling for vengeance and calling on thnr home government to bring Uncle Sam to his kuees, make a mad rush to the United States courts for naturalization papers, in order to avoid being called upon to go home and do mil itary service for Italy. I&~ Judge Charles Kellum carried all the primaries in DeKalb county last week for his re-election as circuit judge. This will probably insure his nomination in the judicial convention. His endorse ment is a deserved tribute to this able and popular jurist. As DeKalb county will claim one of the judges, the other counties in his circuit will probably en dorse his selection. I®" An Iowa newspaper, the Ledger, pub lished at Fairfield, asks farmers this question : "If you can bay sugar and tin cheaper now than a year ago, end your live stock and grain are bringing better prices than for several years past, how much did the 'infamous McKinley bill"hurt you?" I®" The butter market on the Klflcin Board of Trade Monday, was steady, with the price the same as last week, 25c. Sales amounted to 18,000 lbs. for $4,500. There is good demand. HOWARD STEVENS is selling Electric Bells, Door Connections, Window Connec tions, etc., which he is prepared to deliver and • put on your doors and windows and guarantee satisfaction. Do not fail to examine what he has. when he comes. PILLSBURY'S Best XXXX Minneapolis, Minn., bakes more bread, bakes whiter bread, bakes better? bread than any other flour manufactured. If you are not us ing Pillsbury's Best, ask for it. Buy no other. For sale )it the Fox River Valley Mills, McHenry. 111. FOR SALE. The house ami six lots on the East Side of Fox River, lately occupied by Mrs. Noonan. For terms call at thi» office. 38m3 MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples at Geo. W. Besley's. DON'T WHIP A SICK HORSE, M. P. Nor take Cathartic Pills when your bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. But try--once at least--Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. They act through the nerves. Samples free at Besley's drug store. BUCKLfcN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Uhnpped Hands,Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or J»O pay required. It is guaranteed to giv$|perfect satisfaction or money refuuded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by (Jeo. W. liesley, West McHenry. 19-ly Fresh roasted peanuts 5 cents per quart at C. -R. Huber's. Flour only #1.15 per sack, at C. R. Huber's. - Potpori Powder 35 cents an ouitce at Besley's. ALL kinds of fresh, clean Groceries, Canned Vegetables, California fruits^ and the best brands of Flour at the Bak ery, at the lowest living prices. All goods delivered free. One wonid think this to be a dull time of year for merchants and more especially so when we are enjoying such a nice winter, bnt Crist.v's, store at Ringwood, seems to be well supplied with customers. Their methods are sure to win. Pillsbury's Best is the best. Piano Tuning1. L. E. LEIPE, of Lake Geneva, is now prepared to tune Pianos in this vicinity. Orders left at the store of O. W. Owen, will receive prompt attention, and satis faction guaranteed. A L G O N Q U I N . EIHTOU PLAIN DEALER:--Our town meet ing was a tame affair on Tuesday of last week, there beimf only one ticket in the field. At the school trustee election on Satur day last there were only 15 votes cast in the Algonquin precinct. They were all for James Nish of Cary. We have not heard from the Crystal Lake precinct yet. Miss Mabel Philp, of Nunda, was the guest of Miss Annie Philp here over Sun day. 'Gene Andrews has been quite sick with la grippe for the past few days. Well, we are getting some spring weath er at last which is high time as it will now make the farmers quite late in get ting their seeding done. There will be a school election held at the school house on Saturday evening of this week. The polls will be open at sev en o'clock and close at eight, for the pur pose of electing one director in place of C. E. Chapel!, whose time expires. There will be a caucus held at Morton's Hall on Friday, April 17th, at 7:30 p.m., to place in nomination the following candidates to be voted for at the annual corporation election April 21st: 1 president, 1 clerk, 1 police mag istrate, and (> trustees--3 f6r one year and 3 for two years. H. B. Throop, of Nnnda, sold a car load of milch cows here on Monday of this week for A. W. Vaughn. Mrs. A. Brink, of Nunda, sprat Sunday here. Abe Lade, of Wayne, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Ida Morton has been Bick with la grippe for the past few days but is now on the gain. Miss Goodson is teaching in her place while she is sick. Miss Annie Kee visited with friends in Chicago last week. Mrs. C. C. Chunn Is in Elgin with her daughter, Mrs. Anderson, who is sick. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Congre gational church will be held at the home of Mrs. Win. Morton on Wednesday of next week. There will also be a ten cent tea held iu connection with the society. Tea from 5 to 6, p. m. Mrs. Henry Henk, Jr., living eapt of town, is reported very sick. Tal e note of the "Danger Signal" but don't be alarmed, the only rftl danger to you is that your anxiety to see and hear it will keep you awake nights. We refer to a startling drama, soon to be put on the boards by our best home tal ent, and which will be well worth your time and money should you attend its presentation, the latter part of this month. A number of our enteprising young men will give a May party on Friday evenintr, May 1st, 1890. They have se cured theNationsi 1 Rink at Nunda for the purpose. Slocum's Harp Orchestra will furnish the music, and the Richmond House the supper. The "AH For Fun Pleasure Club," is what the hoys call themselves, and if they don't, prove worthy of the name, it won't be because they will spare any pains to fully enter tain all who may have the pleasure to attend. Dr. Nason reports the following cases of la grippe, as under treatment during the past week: Christ. Ocister, Jo. Houghtai'ing, Geo. Helm, Miss Ida Mor ton, Henry Albright, Geo. Low and wife, and Wm. Lade Christ Frank's boy has been very sick lately, but is now much better. The infant child of John Janoek has been very sick, as has also the young daughter of J. Voytech. Chas. Berkley's daughter, an infant, has been sick lately.^ Rev. W. Von Schenck, the pastor of the German Lutheran church, has been con fined to the house for several days, but is now able to be out again. Tennis Shoes. Report unusually heavy sales in this line, and 1891 will, und ubtedly, be the banner year for these si>eeialties, all the manufacturers having all the orders they can attend to. While on this subject we cannot resist the temptation to print here a neat bit of doggerel, which came into our possession a few days ago, on the Candee Tennis Shoes. UNCLE REMUS IN TRADE. By de Candee Tennis 3hoe I swear, Buy low, sell high; Day arc de bestest HB>>C for wear, Buy low , sel' higli, Dat ever dis darkey saw, An L (roily, when you see dat line. Buy low, se l l HIGH; It makes your vety eyeball shine. Buy low. sell high, With colors dat d a y make. Dar's black and brown n-d p.ald and white Buy low . sell high; And i f you don't feel sure I'se r fht, ' Buy low , sell higa. You just go to Cargo's store. Fargo's stors, away out Weft, Buy low, s e l l high; I tdat big city ILAY cal l "The Best," • Buy low, scil high, Chicago is her name. And thera you'l l find dem teas is shoes, Buy tow, sell high* la all the styles your heart caa choose. Buy low. sell high, And a huadred thousand mo'. --Prom the hoot and Shoe Recorder March 25. • $500 For a Needle. . Our Homes, a thirty-two pagemonthly magazine, devoted to house building, home furnishing, house decoration, fash ions general literature, etc., is the best publication of it* clans in America. The publishers, in order to increase the circu lation of their magazine, offer large cash rewards to those of their subscribers, or intended subscribers, who correctly an swer the following'{uestion ; Where in the New Testament, are the words ' a needle" first found? Cash daily and weekly rewards given while the competi tion lasts. The publishers will give away thousands of dollars among those cor rectly answering the question--the lead ing reward being #500 in gold. Send ten cents in stamps or silver for a sample copy of Our Homes and complete rules governing the competition. Address OUR HOMKS PUBLISHING Co., Brockville, Canada. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. Having purchased our spring stock of millinery, we would invite the ladies of McHenry and vicinity to call and exam ine our goods and learn prices before purchasing, as we feel that we can please you both in style and price. We always carry a full line of ribbons, silks, velvets, plushes, and anything in hats or bonnets from an infant's hood or an old lady's bonnet. Mourning goods a specialty. We also do dressmaking on *hort notice and guarantee good satisfaction. . Will take orders for any goods one may wish in our line at all times, as we visit the city nearly every week and feel confident that we caUpplcase you. When wishing anything in our line do not forget the place--in ISchnorr's block, on the west side, one door east of the meat market. Respectfully, . 40 MRS. J. H.SPAULDING & DAUGHTER. FOR SALE. Nice potatoes for eatini Rose, Beauty of Hebron, Sno' Peerless, price #1.25 to #1.35 measure jor a few days. Fi» Address 0. C. G 40-w2 Nunda, fiiMl •- »•'> . • . Millinery, M»; #R©. W. BESLEY having moved her shop to the store one door east of the Furniture store, on the West Side, has just returned from Chicago with a full line of spring and summer millinery. All the latest styles in hats, bonnets, rib bons, flowers, etc., all the latest novelties in trimmings; a nice line of veilings. We invite all the ladies of McHenry and vicinity to call and see the new goods, feeling sure that to see the styles will be to make a selection, as the styles are so strikingly pretty that one can but think and exclaim how stylish and neat and how reasonable in price. Dressmaking done in the best manner and with the least possible delay. Re member our new location and call and see us. No trouble to showjroods. MRS. GEO. W. BESLEY. RINGWOOD NURSERY. Have on my grounds for sale the most hardy varieties of apples, cherries, pears, plums, grape vines, currants, goose berries, black berries, raspberries and strawberries, also a good line of shade trees, evergreens, hardy shrubs etc. Also a quantity of seed swqet corn all at honest prices. Come and see me, or send your order and I will ship stock to your address. Always try to please both in stock and price. Yours respectfully, " J. V. BUCKLANn, Prop., Ringwood, 111. STRANGE BUT TRUE. • Is the fact that we have the best and most carefully selected stock, of seasona ble merchandise in town. Clothing for all ages from knee pants to fat men's sizes. We have good, heavy, dark two- piece suits at #1.65,1.90, 2.50, to 5.50 to fit your boys. Our suits for boys from 12 to 18 range f om #3.50, 4.00, 5.00 to 12.00 and all very cheap and durable. We can fit almost any man, whether he wants a Priuce Albert, Chesterfield, Square cut sack, or one or four button cutaway suits from medium quality to extra good. See our big drives in men's fancy odd pants equal to any #8.00 or #10.00 goodB at a much lesB price. Re member, SIMON STOFFEL. DO NOT READ THIS OUT IN MEET ING. See our elegant line of new spring style dress goods of the most approved shades to be found, in Henriettas, Serges, Sebae- topols, Cashmeres, etc. We carry a good assortment, of p'ushes, velvets, surahs, ribbons, beaded and silk trimmings, to match. Viflit SIMON STOFFKL. SEED CORN. I have a quantity of Stowell's Ever green Sweet Corn which I will sell by the quart or bushel, samples of which can be seen at the West McIIeury {K>st offitSe, or at Johu Miller's store. 39 MARIA F. STEVENS. There is no danger of pneumonia fol lowing an attack of la grippe when Chamlwrlain's Cough Remedy is taken as directed for a severe cold and care is used to avoid exposure. Fifty cent bottles for sale by G. W. Besley, druggist. Don't look up our advertisement un less yon want to buy some wall paper for we can tell you right here that, our stock is complete and prices right. We can please you if you give us a chance. J, W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. FOR RENT. A piece of choice land, containing 50 or 60 acres, situated one-half mile from Bishop's Mill. Inquire of MICHAEL CLARY. Alao two 2-year-old Bulls for sale. SEED CORN. Of theory finest quality. Been tried, and every kernel grew. Can be found at the storeof Simon Stoffel, WestMcHenry, or at the farm of Ed Say lor, southwest of this village. 811*4 DONT SKIP THIS For it is not an advertisement but a pointer, that, when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get my prices. Highest market price paid for oats. , 6 W. A. CRISTY. GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. Choice, clean and new seeds always kept in stock by us. Timothy, clovers, of the Mammoth, June, Altalfa, Swedish and White varieties. The best of seed corn and oats in the country, ensilage and amber corn seed. All kinds of gar den seeds in packages or in bulk. The very lowest prices guaranteed. Oil Meal of the very best and most wholesome kind for stock by the sack or ton, is much cheaper than bran or middlings. Give us an early call. SIMON STOFFEL. 8UDDEN DEATHS. Heart disease is by far the most fre quent cause of sudden death, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally under stood. These art: a habit of lying on the right side, short breath, pain or dis tress in side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book on heart disease free at Geo. W. Besley's, who sells and guarantees Dr. Miles' un- equaled New Heart Cure, and his Restor ative Nervine, which cures nervousness, headache, sleeplessness, effects of drink' ing, etc. It contains no opiates. HARDWARE of all kinds, cheaper than the cheapest, at J. Bonslett's Hardware store. See before you buy. HOW TO CURE LA GRIPPE. From the Des Moines Mail and Time?. Mr. George Tennant, of this city, in conversation with a representative of the Mail and Times, one evening this week said: "Yes, I took-vjhis prevailing influ enza. I gave up work and went to bed I had a dreadful cough and was very sick but am all right now." We ventured to ask what remedy had proven successful in his case. "O, I took Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I used a whole bottle, it brought me out all right. I feel first rate now. We are never without Cham berlain's medicines in our family." This testimony is only one of many that might be given to show the value of these preparations. Those who are af flicted with this malady would do well to use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If used as directed it will be found effectual. Fifty cent bottles for sale by G. W. Bes ley, druggist. CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS, First class in every respect, have sent E. Lawlus, Tailor, three hundred more samples of their cloths, to take orders and measure men for suits. Good fits and low prices on the very best goods in the market is what you want and no humbug. . E. LAWLCB. Opposite Riverside Hotel. FOR SALE. The undersigned, Executor of the Will of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, offers for sale his entire effects^, consisting of his House and two lots, in the village of Mc Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etc. For full particulars inquire of the under signed. MARTIN WELSH, Executor. Business Notice*. ".AV: Surgeons sponges etc., at J. A. Story's. We have a nice line of fish for lent. J. W. CRISTY & SON. Good syrups 35 cents per gallon, at C. R. Huber's. "World's Fair" at Besley's. Call and see it. . NICE line of Pipes, just received, at Barbian Brothers. v, FINE assortment of. Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. Finest Syrups, 38c. per gallon at M. Englen's. Snow White Kerosene, lie. per gal. at M. Englen's. They sell for cash, at M. Kngletf*pi « Rubbers for 25c., at M. Englen's. Sugar always at market prices, at M. Englen's. . All grades Rubber Boots, #3.25 to #2.40, at M. Englen's. Ladies' fine Dongola Shoes #1.90, at M. Englen's. • Lantern Globes, 7c., at M. Englen's. Smoking Tobacco, 18c. per lb., at M. Englen's. / Go and see M. Ehglen. Good smoking tobacco 15 cents per pound, at C. R. Huber's. All kinds of implements, buggies and carte at Bishops. Call and learn prices. Pillsbury's Best seldom equalled never excelled. Try it only #1,50. Choice Potatoes, Cabbage, Parsnips, and onions, at the Bakery. Best Snow White Oil, 10 cents per gal- on at C. R. Huber's. . J. C. Fitzsimmons sells Pillsbury's Best on the West Side. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. Don't buy your wall paper until you have seen our line. J. W. CRISTY & SON. We never take a back seat when it comes to the boot and shoe trade, and we come nearer'the front this spring than ever. In fact, we doubt if there is any store in the county that can step ahead of us only in price. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. PRESSING HA*. The undersigned having purchased a first class Hay Press, is now prepared to press hay at the following price: #1.50 per ton, parties to furnish their own wire, and furnish feed for three men and three teams. v Or will furnish wire.for those who wish it, at cost price. A. L. HOWE. • McHenry, Jan. 24th, 1891. 26in2 Who sells goods the cheapest? He who pays no rent, hires no help, and pays cash for his goods. Call in and see his prices. Beloit fine pants only #4 00 Beloit heavy mixed 2 50 Men's business suits 9 50 " Cassiinere suits 4 80 Boys'suits 4 00 Boys' two-piece suits 1 00 Knee pants 25c, 85c, 50c, 1 00 Men's Congress Gaiters #1.50, 1 85 Ladies' fine shoes 1 75 Men's Chinchilla overcoat, silk facing, silk sleeve lining 13 75 Hundreds of goods at your own price. __________ E. LAWLUS. SPECIAL GOOD BARGAINS IN FINE DRESS GOODS. We desire to increase our sales in fine dress goods, and are showing some extra' bargains in brilliantines (new and staple shades), black and colored Henrietta all wool and silk warp. Also a line of cheap er goods ranging in price from 25 to 40c. We guarantee any of them to be better value than such goods are generally sold for, either here or elsewhere. Come and look us over. JOHN EVANSON & Co. MERIT WINS. We deeire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never bandied remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great pop ularity purely on their merits. G. W. BESLEY, Druggist. Julia A. Story's Locals. Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! A full line of Vegetable, Garden and Flower Beeds. Call early and get what you want. Just, received, grown iu northern climate and of the most prolific varieties. Buy your paints and oils at J. A. Story's. The finest quality of mixed house and floor paints on the market. Also pure white lead, guaranteed; strictly pure boiled oil and first quality French dry colors. Don't fail to call when in need as we sell the cheapest and the best at J. A. Story's. Get your machine oil at J. A. Story's. Have you examined our complete stock of Reward cards. It is full and com plete. Call and see for yourself, at J. A. Story's. Just received the beet one cent pencil with rubbers on. Also a new line of tab lets and school-boxes with key. Get your horses in shape for spring's work by using Our Own Condition Powders. Sold only by J. A. Story. Use Eureka Harness oil and you will find it Boftens the leather better than any other sold, also preserves your har ness. 25 and 50 cents a can at J. A. Story's. Get your spring medicines at J. A. Story's and avoid a Beige of the La Grippe. ' Don't forget to buy your seeds at J. A. Story's Three Links. Travelers on businese^or bent on pleas ure, invariably visit one of the great cities of the West, if their journey is at all prolonged. Nowhere else can be seen such centres of enterprise and American vim as in Chicago or Kansas City, and few invite lovers of elegance and beauty like St. Louis. In going further into the "Great West" there are various routes the tourist may select, but supposing the start is made from Chicago the great starting point of western travel, no Hue can be found more desirable than the Chicago & Alton, the great "Three Link" route, and its unsurpassed connections. Elegant cars, courteous train men, a first class track, and every convenience that modern railroading employs is here found for safety and comfort. The coun try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of scenery--the vertible garden of the conti nent. Be sure and secure tickets of the Chicago & Alton if you would have a pleasant journey. PERRY ft. OWEN, Bankers, MoHENRYy - - ILLINOIS. This Bank receive* deposits. . and sells Foreign and - jDometiie Ex change, and does a General Banking Business, We endeavor to do all business 'en trusted to our care in a manner and'-y upon te:ms entirety satisfactory to \our customers, and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; 3 On Real Mutate and other first class mcurity. Special attention given to cot*ki foetiont, INbVBANOB In First Class Companies at the Lowest Rate*. Yours Respectfully %- PERRY ft. OWEN; \ NOTARY PUBLIC. : * •• • i i i ii ' L NEW CTBRMMO. We have just received a new and ele gant stock of spring clothing for men. boys and child ep. bought for cash, and can undersell them all. We have the correct styles, and Dilce& v^ la*?- come In and examine them* . - 1 An elegant Curtain, mounted on; spring roller at 35c each or 3 for $1.00. Others marked to sell at #1 per win dow we give now at a dlscouut of 25 per cent. fPe havi a large variety In * stock wlillb will not last long at these: prices. If in need of any this spring buy now. Our stock of Carpets cannot be beat* en In price, styles or quality. We can sell much cheaper by buying in full pieces, and you have a cbanc» to see' and kDow just wha; you are getting," and you don't have to wait a month for it to come. Give Hi call her ore buying a carpet. . MT Our immense stock of WALL PAPER is In. We are making ex- t emely low prices on brown, white and gilts, with bordero to match. All pap#? trimmed free of chars* > Ladles1 and misses* rubbers, all slstz. 22c. per pair, "p, Anv one will tell you we carry the largest and best selected line of gent's^ collarf. ties and scarfs to be found In \ the county and our new spring novel 'v.y| ties are ahead of all others, •• 'iSi? ju-M •A; M u We are known far and wide as bav- Ing the greatest variety of fine and heavy Shirtings anywhere to be fouDd Now is a good time to hoy . When In Quest of Table Linens, Nap kins and i'owels call and see our great variety, we have fust received some most deBirable patterns all well bought which means half sold and selected In view of their good wearing quiUtiM,? we defy competition In prices. We have a full line of mixed paints, white lead, oil, turpentine, putt>, glass, paint brushes, Ac. Get our card ' of color* and learn price*; We carry a large .assertmeat of at) klrds or Fish, consisting of California" Salmon, White FtslV Mackerel, salt- smoked and spiced Herring, Codfi li. etc. Call and examine. We reoel ve every week fresh bakery goods consisting of cakef, vanilla waf ers, lemon snaps, honey cakes, vanilla squares, frosted creams, ginger snaps. soda, butler, oyster and the celebrated Kenosha cracker. Our goods ase j ways fresh as we buy often. A new car of best dne salt wttb ntee clean barrels ree'd this week. Try the celebrated Retsof lump salt for your stock. It goes a great deal farther than the other salt, does not waste, is harder and is much cheaper. If yon try it once you will use uo other. We carry (Thick'?. Honest Ate, BMI* - op's and Pillabury's best Flour at the - lowest market price. , Ws'are sole agents for iStout's Bnag Proof Bobber Boots, the only boot ?f that will stand the cold weather ard cot' kick out." Icemen and dairymen •hould Investigate, as tbey will rut- , >|s wear two pair of common Bobber Boots. -7'1 When you want a good pair ef Shoes for yourielf or the children, cheap, call : and look over our new and well select- td stock. Nobody can undersell as. We want to Impress on the mlnda of all that we pay cash lor all onr goods, which plaees u« in a position to buy at the lowest cash figures, take advantage of tpot cash discounts, etc. Henoe we can sell you the best goods at est cash prloes and will do II. We always carry a full stock of Dri- . ed Fruits, Canned Goods and Fresh Groceries of all kinds, also the finest candies In town as auy aohoolboy Will tell you. Give us a call. Perry &Ow«nu McHenry, III. • m,' U