Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1891, p. 8

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e&SmWv-! .1-* J, - # t & •* >"% * % " •* J fti ^tpjj^wW^e^r ' X ^ "Jf t * *» v , "» s ,, »•* % v v * ^ ^ *•* * **» if ^ , ;^w ^^.| lU^cv-^ -Y- ,( {.'*'.' • '* /"* V - H'-'s «' rf-V.-^i. t'.-trtlk ,Ts V- V- *- , *" * \ V 1 'f.^ * ?'<* 4*, r ̂ > - ** / ' * 4 V* ' ~- t * < i •• c »' * ' if - v> V < > ,»• >" t '% vJ»«A *i« ' . •tiiiii^ IIIIIII ili:iVfi*^- •••'•"""i I II j!L Thr«« Links. fjpsi ->. Travelers on business or bent on pleas ?':'5 A"1 im, invariably visit one of the great cities of the West, if their journey is at all prolonged. Nowhere else can be seen Much <*mtrw of enterprise and American S^,: » vim as in Chicago or Kansas City, and £'i •",•{ ' few invite lovers of elegance and beauty ?/ like St. Louis. In going further into the ®:>; ' "Great W<*t" there are various routes „ the tourist, may select, but supposing the ^ nt»irt is made from Chicago the great |fe>_ ' starting point of western travel, no line %i" can be found more desirable than the fl-.,' Chicago &,Alton, the great "Three Link" ft'" - f^route, and its unsurpassed connections, jfcv- - Elegant care, courteous train men, a first * * « lass track, and every convenience that fe ' modern railroading employs is here |;lrt - found for safety and comfort. The coun- ^ " try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of ^, Hcenery--the vertible garden of the conti- if& neiit. Be sure and secure tickets of the ; , Chicfi^o & Alton if you would have a **•_ -pleasant journey, "w fj* INTELLIGENT people, who are familiar I i$x with the respective advantages which are j offered by the several competing railroad lines between Chicago, St. Louis and , Kansas City, and who desire to travel with the utmost speed, safety and com-1 fort, always take the popular and relia-1 5. ble Chicago & Alton Railroad between f: • these points, and passengers going to or I •.coming from the South, via St. Louis, or j 1$, when going to or coming from the West, •>'s ' via Kansas City, should insist upon hav-1 ,J'in»r tickets that read over the Chicago & W.Alton. It is the only road with three] - complete and elegantly equipped trains /l; between Chicago and each point name" < and no railroad managers in Amerii ' ?* have a more intelligent appreciation of] »-'?• the wants of the traveling public than do | W\ «, * those of the famous Chicago &. Alton. l9tf • GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. ; Choice, clean and new seeds always J kept in stock by us. Timothy, clovers, ? of the Mammoth, June, Alfalfa, Swedish ; ' and White varieties. The best of seed u'Jfa: corn and oats in the country, ensilage I *\ and amber corn seed. All kinds of gar- den seeds in packages or in bulk. The I very lowest prices guaranteed. Oil Meal • , , of the very best and most wholesome kind ' a..,for stock by the sack or ton, is much > fpcheaper than bran or middlings. Give us j M AN early call. SIMON STOFFEL. Santa ClausSqap. You ME wfcf 'TO CLOUS'. THE F^EASOH'S pijy N 1 -HopE, , As GOOD NICKS 1«E r^OiVTE So IT'S JtfE fj\Vb^TE \SO/IE SOLID » , rvir.nw"; COMFORT VERY MGDE3T, BUT &TlLL IN THR RING. &3 i Weaesert tbat we have in stock the very largest, most carefully selected, aud hest taking layout ot worthy spring merchandh-e ever j shown in this iown, which will all be sold on honorable and above- board business principles to all our old and new patrons, without the least Jpar of losing one of the Farmers' Alliance friends b too m$ch profit, .. j#:# NEW CL.OTHING STYLISH OUTFITS! SATISFACTORY PBICES! - NKfAlRBANK&Cd CHICAGO. LOOK OUT OB NOBODY ELSE WILL. Fjr Easter, and before and after Easter as well. Carefully* and by daylight look over our bargains iii dea-nntlv fitting, we'I made, and most satisfactory wearing Clothmir, of w h'ch we just revived $1200 worth, and no blufl*. "-Ve can tit a d buit all ages or sizes in a satis factor nar.ner ara crurt inspection on a suit of clothflj whetheiioa escpsct tj be bur it d or manit'd in it. v" New, Stylish Dress Goods, •flf Reliable Quality and Large Variety. Block and Olored Serges, Henriettas, Brilliantines. Cashmeres. Jamestowns, yelvets, Plushes, Surabs, &c., ranging in.price from 25c. to $i.50. Those intending to ccmmit matrimony are specially nvited. / New ̂ tateens, Mew Sateeiw, New Prints, in our Ex* traordinary stock of Make your dollar reach as far as possible. Look around before you buy and you can save money. Money is your friend and ii your friend goes see that you have something to show for it. f M M M M BUY .YOUR Goal, Feed, ANp GRAIN, Why do you pay $3 for a Ladies' Kid Shoe it you can get the | same thing for from $1.50 to $1.75. Why do you pay $3,25 for Men's liubber Boots when you can get them for $1 less. Why pay $4 for Men's fine Shoes when you can get them for $1,25 A •* * 1 ! Where yon can Thia means of do the best. Oristy ,--AT THK--• PIbMe Factory, West McHenry, III. Grain of all kinds bought and sold. 'W-'-' ' • : n pay you to^eallj[$nd see me. ReapeetfUllXt W.A. CRI8TY. Why don't you try to save money by coming and seeing me will guarantee you will save money on Footwear, and everything else kept in stock by me. All Footwear guaranteed solid leather. 0-1 will save you money in GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, OH IN AWARE. > Hardware and Tinware, - - Every description " Here i Am!*' says She." " Uli Yes, I See You Are. My Darling," J Ard I am would-be im ready to stay by and with you and any of my howling competitors, in an^ kind of plowing they'may sel ect, WET OR DRY, HARD OR SOFT, UP OR DO^.V, CJA R PFT9 W^U P,ape,r; borders,\Î * C/ 1 Trunks, VsllSGS, will go SAFELY THROUGH, wi and ditches, grub and rooty land not or Satisfaction, guaranteeing You without breaking your tongue olf. Great Bargain^ in many of the above Goods from larj^e Assortment. v ^ x Just received, the largest and best stock of reliable, stylish and cheap BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS, ever handled by us, from the famous factory ot C.'H. Fargo & Co., and Doggett, Basset, & Hills Co. Footwear for everybody for everybody at lowest prices. Come in and prove us liars it you can. We received this week a $500 invoice of the famous Beloit Pants. Overalls, Shirts, Jackets <fcc., in all needed variety and positively all sizes desired. Our stock is by tar the largest ana best in town, and our prices the lowest. In our New Style Spring Hats, For boys, dudes, middle age or old men, in correct styles and prices er-Do not fail to call «n us for Crockery, as our stock is large, well selected, and of the best quality, in plain and gold band; also, decorated and china ware. Drop in. We visit the city every Thursday, rain or shine, and offer experi­ enced services in tilling special orders. Buy our h«Rlthv, pura and wholesome GROCERIES only as our stock Is 6om plete at a 11 times. Choice Tt a Dust only 12|cts. Good Ground Coflee 25 cents Honest Abe Flour ouly 91.15. Chick's New Process only 91.25. |®*we are a'so agents for th«» Phoenix of Brooklyn. Bock ford of Rook ford and National oi Hartford Insurance companies, and solielt your business In this line. Simon Stoffel. West McHer ry, Illinois. Knowing you cannot speak for yourself, (being tonguetaM.) I wish toe&yto my leg-weary and foot-sore brother farmers to profit by adopting yo\i as an assistant on their farms, as I am quite sure yen will be ot jjreat help and oom- fort, and won't talk btck wh«n set at work, "like soma other assistants on tbelr farms. You are too well known to need any special mention, being sold In greal numbers, and in GANGS, rha» c*n be set to turn any desired width of furrows with the same plows using any number of horses, one In furrow, Ibe rest on land, all abreast, and operated by one boy. > AL80. WILL 3AY, that I am prepared to take all kinds of fartt itodc horses, cows, sbeep. 4c, and trade new tools for eld that aie practical, and almost even up In some oases. . > \ DISK AND SPADING HARROWS Can be bought at Wauconda cheaper'tban any place West of Chicago. Walking Plows and Harrows Almost Given Away. Together with those needed articles^ such as Binding Twin© and IS. Wire, away down where It will make yoaamile to bear the figure. ^Wliy Wot ? Write or call and see before buying, as we are bound to sell you good goods, save you money, and guarantee you satisfaction. A large stock always on band, and anything not kept in stock will be ordered at about cost. Yours Truly, VEDDER SLOCTJM. WAUCONDA, ILL. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Sellin§ Honest Goods. •AT IBE BARGAINS IN- 3&£*1 Brown Stallion, 16 Hands High, Weighs 1210 Pounds, Bred by J* I- Case. Sire NARRAGANSKTT, he by Rhode Island S:88Ji. who &Uo sireJ Governor Sprogae with 26 trotters and 2 pacers in the 2:30 list. let dam by Swigert, who has 27 with records S'lBft |°r ' amon8 thom being Moody, •«£tad2^«b? GoUamitb's AbdaUah, with I in the 2:30 list. , Sd dam Big Ellen, record %-M, You will ask how I can do this. Why, I have no rent to pay. I have no clerks to pay, I discount all my bills. ^ I smoke 18c. | smoking tobacco in place of Havana Cigars* and I give the buying public the benefitvof all this, ' In all cases we wish to sell at Farmers' Alliance Prices. ISf" Come and sse'for yourself. Prices in plain figuteiV Yours Respectfully* M. KtaOLBlT. Near the Iron Bridge. TYI'HOOS" possesses all the requisites cfa nrst.cla&s stock and race horse, having size finish, gre&S substance and speed. He obtain- «1 hia record of 2:31^ at JanesvilSe. Wis.Sent. 12,1890. in a blinding wind and ram storm.'in a field of t! starters, and would have gone mjieh feafcer but tor an accident. He will be driven for a record at the close ef the stud ameon. and w* predict will BBieiy enter the st&aiiit. •TypHooK" wiu make the season of 1801 at the Richmond (I1L) Driving Park, commen­ cing April 16th and ending August 15th. Terms, |25 ' address GEO. W. BESLEY. to insure. For particulars SAM EARING, Manager. V-** Richmond* III. WEST JlcHENBY, IL1| " " --DEALER Bfty Colt; 15 3-4 hands high; 'oaledMay u, lggs. WEIGHT, 1150 POUNDS. HIRE, ALROY 5715, The eire of Al?aid 238X. Atlas [3 years tjmx; Allspice, 2:29>tf; Alzippa, 2:40; Alziaa, t'AlX, and other good ones, To the Farmers of MoHenrylCounty and Vicinity. I am now prepared to {show a new and clean assortment oi Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at prices that 1 am confident it nill pay you to investigate before making your purchases. And Giving You Fair Treatment is our Mott%f? We have a better selected line of BOOTd and SHOES, ot Selz Schwab & Co.'s own make, than ever before. We invite you in to see them. KubberB in men's, boys', ladies', misses' and ^children's [ sizes. Remember, we make B oots and Shoes a specialty and can give you a bet'er assortment to select from at less money than you can find elsewhere. In this department our stock is very complete and well filled with fresh and ifew clothing to fit all sizes and ages as well as all prices. We start out by showing you a man's all wool suit for $6.50; odd pants, odd vesU, or fine all wool suits correspondingly cheap Just received a good assortment of men's and young men's soft and stiff hats at prices gvaranteed to be right. New Trunks and Valises, Overalls. We still have the Rockford Overalls and always carry I a full line, they give the best wear for the least money. Lap Robes, Horse Blanketf, Underwear, Gloves and Mittens. Overcoats# Duck | Coats, Plush Caps, Felt Boots, all at warm weather prices! We carry a good assortment ot Fish of all kinds through Lenten season. FLOUB AND GROCERIF8 Always on hand, the best for the least money, quality considered. Wo respectfully solicit your patronwge. Yours as ever, If you want to own the best, behold it here, finely finished, well proportioned, light running, durable, superior qualiry. unex­ celled. Do you want a wagon? If PO examine the Bishop before' you buy. Always on hand Farm Trucks with broad tires. Wood and iron pumps, platform spring wagons, combination wagons, fine carriages, all Kinds that will bear close inspection. JOHN J. MILLER. West McHenry, III. PLOWS PiOWB ifflgGS & MEDICINES FAINTS, OILS, oilet ArdelMt l m • " WINES AND I1QTJORS, let dam, ANTHEM, the d»m of Choral, one «f Waters* finest brood mares. Anthem, by Oayler 100, sire of Klviaa 2:18tf, Chanter, 1:*)V. Edwin C.. 2:21^, Day Dream. 2:21%, al*o eire of dams ot Patron, 2:143^ and others. tad dam, AUGUSTA, dam of Chanter 2:20% Rballcross, trial, 2.23 [half in 1:10]; Augusta, Ajuhem and others. Augusta by Bysiiyke 's BellfoBnder, sire of the dam of Kingsley, f 38X, son of Uambleloolan 10 [sire of Dexter t:173i, Nettle 2:]8, OraBge airl. 2:20, and 88 others in the 8:80 list, aad grandsire of 8% performers]. ________ ACCIDENTAL will make the seasrn at •By stables in the village of Richmond, at (15 to Insure. Seaeou begins Feb. 1st. Call And i him before breeding your mares. C,H, HECK, FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Aleand P orter for Melical juse. The best brands ot Cig; trs and Smoking and Che wing Tobacco always on hand. ^Physioii in's Prescriptions Carefully Compovndedi Give me a call* C. W, BESLEY' *•»* U', Mo^ In plowss both walking and riding can be fouud the Brad'ey, Geelej and others manufactured by the Fuller & Johnson Manufac­ turing Co., of Madison, and at prices as low as can be found in the! county of McHenry. HARRi>W8! HARROWS! The LaCrosse lever, 80 tooth, complete, that I must sell and will' make the price very low. Call and examine and learn prices before placing your orders. Prairie - City - Seeders, It ts a cohceeded fact that the Piairie City is a first class ma­ chine. It is well made and warranted to be second to none. Look at it complete with grass seed attachment. DISK HARROWS. The Bndlong patent, manufactured by the Janesville Machine; Co., fully equipped with three horse eveners and neck-yoke, mak­ ing it a convenient and well made outfit. I also handle the Brad­ ley Disk Harrow, with three horse equipments, warranted to be No 1 Hiive a full line of Buggies and Carts which will be sold at a I very low figure. Call and look my s|ock over. I shall carry a full line of Implement tools ot all descri ptions, and will be gJad to meet all my old customers and as many new ones as may call. Thanking you for past favors and hoping for at least a share ot your patron­ age, I remain Respectfully Yours, JUXilA A. stobt, (One Door West of Riverside Housed McHEN I tY, - - TLOrVOIS. 7 C? it DEALER ---- DRUGS, MEDICINES, " * --:--A FULL 1IHS ORfS- Saga, ChmiMla, By» Staffir, P&inU, Dili aad Colon. Constantly on hand. A'so a large lineot Patent Medicines, Toilet .Articles, ---AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, i'hysicianB Prescriptions V Carefully and accuratey .compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JUg.'* A. •rftki"'

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