ff f f,- ' ' > • , *hree Links. business or bent on pleas : WW, Invariably visit one of the grea%; cities of the West, if their journey is a® nil prolonged. Nowhere else can be seen? Much centres of enterprise and American viin aa in Chicago or Kansas City, and tew invite lovors of elegance and beauty like St. Louis In going further into tho "Great West" there are various routes tint tourist may select, but supposing tho •tart is made from Chicago the great starting point of western travel, no liua can be found more desirable than the Chicago & Alton, the-great "Three Link" route, and its unsurpassed connections. Elegant cars, courteous train men, a first; class track, and every convenience that modern railroading employs is here found for safety and comfort. The coun« try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of ncerier.v--the vertible garden of the conti nent. lie sure and secure tickets of the Chicago & Alton if yon would have a pleasant journey. INTELLIGENT people, who are familiar with the respective advantage which are offered by the several competing railroad lines between Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City, and who desire to travel with the utmost speed, safety and com fort, always take the popular and relia ble Chicago & Alton Railroad between these points, and passengers going to or coming from the South, via St. Louis, or ' when going to or coming from the West, via Kansas City, should insist upon hav ing tickets that read over the Chicago & Alton. It is the only road with three complete and elegantly equipped trains between Chicago and each point named, and no railroad managers in America have a more intelligent appreciation of the wants of the traveling public than do those of the famous Chicago & Alton, 19tf RING WOOD NURSERY. Have on my grounds for sale the most Inii'dy varieties of apples, cherries, pears, Slums, grape vines, currants, goose-erries, black berries, raspberries and strawberries, also a good line of shade trees, evergreens, hardy shrubs etc. Also M quantity of seed sweet corn all at honest prices. Come and see me, or send your order and I will ship stock to your address. Always try to please both in , stock and price. Yours respectfully, - . J. V. BucKLJkNi>, Prop., W; Ringwood, 111. ^AirbanK&c2: •"Mini mp» "o the Patrons of MoHenry and i|ok>-Qottnti--•• STORT <fc McOMBER, BUY YOUR Coal, Feed. AND GRAIN. Where you can do the best. " This means of Criaty -AT TH1-- LOOK OUT Fll I0VBFI OR NOBODY ELSE WILL. We wish to say that for the spring and summer of 190! we have laced in Onr s'ore a very complete stock of v; - - - - GENERAL MERCHANDISE, - - * - \ «|M«i I Consisting In part of a very conip'e'e line of Boot* and OL •»•»** HhOfS. We are showlnir you this season ••Iglit lines of Plow Q§HOG8a I Shoes. starling lu with the cheapest and up 10 ihe very I est Ijmade In ehi.dren'x we always hav KHz Schwab & Co npanf's ABO School ljbhot»s whlclr are. ack"Owledg< d by shoe dealer* and wearer* >o be the b^st mads wor the money. Ladl*-s wear In good common sense every riav shoes, up to 'ha Iv^y besr, hand-turned shoe In New "York or c. tv lasts. W* never showed » pnore complete IIti» men's flue 8hot8 than this season, la CJt.r greet, button or lace. Call and see t hem. . t CLOTHING-- In Mil* ive wan* to sa? but little to youand I fijufrhlwig jimt to the pi.lnt We h»ve ilie newest and cleanest *teck of I 8* }'*:lothing In town ami s» II olieaper than our cmpe»itors, as I Clotnlng. Ifmr expenses are lower. When In nepd of a MAN'S OH BOY,i SUIT, odd bpant* or vesta, O*l! IN and WE will V«JU that WHAT we say Is true. Of |!in( Hoekford Ov<>rallH Jackets and Shirta, we never had a [larger stock to s leet from, to call and sue them meaos to buy. PSoft Or Stiff I Men'" or Bors' unfr or stiff hats In black or eolort. alio a Wl» MATS" -'I uew stock of STBA V HATSot all kinds. ^ I aundiied <>r unfauodried ohirts and Collars ill every style, and a [good stocfe 11 kties to select from Sugar by the pound or by the bar re', at prices guaranteed right. Hf member our Flour cannot be equalled at the price it is sold. " ; Respectfully soliciting yout patronage we remain yours as ever. Granite-Iron tinware, S porting Goods, Cutlerrp Wt ARK NOW OPFKRItO 'OTtlll PLBLIO THB ; WOMDKRFVL West McHenry, III. JOHN J. MILLER. Make your dollar reach ss far as possible. Look around before! you buy and you can save money. Money is your friend and il your friend goes see that you have something to show for it. M f M M M Why do you pay $3 for a Ladies'Kid Shoe it you can get tke same thing for from $1.50 to $1.75. , Why do you pay $3.25 for Men's liubber Boots when yon can get | them for $1 less. S B O h ? ? H t M Why pay $4 for Men's fino Shoes when you can get them for $1.25 less. M M M M * Why don't you try to save money by coming and seeing me I will guarantee you will save money on Footwear, and everything else kept in stock by me. All Footwear guaranteed solid leather. - Pickle Factory, f, * - West McHenry, III. C Grain of all kinds bought and It will pay you to^cair'andj •jl® me. ItespeetfUlly, W. A. CRI8TY. iraoi, HI > ' _ "tlrown Stallion, 16 Hands High. is j Weighs 1210 Pounds, Bred by U J- I Case. aire »AHRAOA*8*TT, ha by Rhode Island ^ who also sirea Governor SprutM with f H trottera and 2 pacerl in the 2:30 list. ;: ' let dam by Swigart, who has 27 with records , •j\ • 2:30 or better, among thom being Moody, ] . S: 18^. i by Goldsmith's Abdallah, with 4 in #ie 2:30 list. *3 J dam Big Ellen, record 2:32. ^ I will save you money in GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, CHIN AWARE. > 'Grades, Prices, Shapes, Sizes, Marked Low, Sold as Marked, Ringwood. Illinois. I! At J. W. Hardware and Tinware, - - Every description! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! •AT IHE BARGAINS 1N- You will ask how I can do this. Wby, I have no rent to pay. I have no clerks to pay. I discount all my bills. I smoke 18c. smoking tobacco in place of Havana Cigars, and I give the buying public the benefit of all this. Iu all cases we wish to sell at Farmers' Alliance Prices. Come and sse for yourself. Prices in plain figure3. Yours Respectfully* M. Near the Iron Bridge. To the Farmers of McHenrylCounty and Vicinity. I am now prepared to [show a new and cleau assortment ol Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at prices that 1 am confident it will pay you to investigate before making your purchases. Pf'-'- „ "TTFHOOH" possesses all the requisites of a ' jrst-class 8look and race horse, naving size . Snish, great substance and speed, Heootan- 3 his record of 2:31^ at Janesville. Wis. Sect f; 12, 1890, in a b'.inuing wind and ram storin.'ia . ; ,, '# field of B starters, and would have gone , Siuch faster but for au accident. Ua will be # riven for a record at the eloae Of the stud Season, and we predict will surely enter the :30 list. ..V'.. ••TTPHOOB" will make the season of 1891 at - «» #h® Bichtnond (111.) Driving Park, conimen- • April 16th and ending August 15th. Terms, |-5 to insure. For particulars aadreaa BAKER-CO GEO. W. BESLEY, | TmmBISHOPWAQOH. SAM EARING, Manager. 57Jhn Richmond, III, Dnmist anil Aptbeciir! WEST McHENBY, Bay Colt; 15 3-4 hands high Foaled May 11,1888. WEIGHT, 1150 POUNDS. SIRE, ALROY 5715, Vhe aire of Alratd 2:28^. Atlas T3 Tears t.W, Allspice, 2:29Jf; Alzippa. 2:40; Alzlaa, 2:41K, and other good ones, -DEALER'- -- DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, oilet Articles, PURE latdam, ANTHEM, the dam of Ohoral, one ! of Waters'finest brood mares. Anthem, by Ouyler 100, sire of Elviaa 2:18^, Chanter, 2:29%, Edwin O , 2:2lf<, Day Dream, 2:21X, also sire of dams ot Patron, 2:14X and others. 2nd dam, AUGUSTA, dam of Chan'er 2-20% Siia'iirross, tFiil, 2 2S [• >n 1 i 10]J &ngusta, Anthem and others, Augusta by Bvsdyke's BetlfoBnder, sire of the dam of Kingsley, 2:26>4, son of Hambletonian 10 [Bire of Dexter 2:173^, Nettle 2:18, Orange 3irl 2:20, and 38 others In the 2:80 list, aad grandsire of 825 performers]. ACCIDENTAL will mat* the season st my stables tu the village of Richmond, at $36 to Injure. Season begins Feb. 1st. Oall an-o ee^Him before breeding your mares. C, H, HECK, WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL U8E. A lso Bottled Aleand Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. " fc Physician's Prescriptiona====== Carefully Compounded. Give me a call. Q. W. BE8UY. If you want to own the best, bthold it here, finely finished well proportioned, light running, durable, superior qualiry. unex (celled. Do you want a wagon? If PO examine the Bishop before j you buy. Always on hand Farm Trucks with broad tires. Wood and iron pumps, platform spring wagons, combination wagons, fine c*rriages, ail kinds that will bear cloae inspection. 1*I<0WS ! FXiOWS I In plows, both walking and riding can be fouud the Brad'ey Geflej and others manufactured by the Fuller & Johnson Manufac turing Co., of Madison, and at prices as low as cau be found in the county of McHenry. HARROWS! HARROWS ! The LaCrosse lever, 80 tooth, complete, that I must sell and will make the price very low. Call and examine and learn prices ̂ before placing your orders. Prairie - City - Seeders, It is a conceeded fact that the Piairie City is a first class ma- < chine. It is well made and warranted to be second to none. Look at it complete with grass seed attachment. DISK HARROWS. The Bndlong patent, manufactured by the Janesville Machine Co., fully equipped with three horse eveners and neck-yoke, mak ing it a convenieii t and well made outfit. I also handle the Brad ley Disk Harrow, with three horse equipments, warranted to be No 1 Have a full line of Buggies and Carts which will be sold at a very low figure. Call and look my stock over. I shall carry a full line of Implement tools of all descriptions, and will be glad to meet all my old customers and as many new ones as may call. Thanking you for past favors and hoping for at least a share ot your patron age, I remain , Respectfully Youra, Sealers in General Hardware Stoves, BAUBED WIBBK KTO ew .The Original} - Evaporating 4,f A •sljithe only Genuine* New , Process* on the Market* All others are Fraud** . ]M.-MM:'°ve-that iighta like gaaj • ' ̂ A Move that makes no suokft smoke; An eoonomie- oif A Mf»' ttove! •I StOT«' ! A t>tove chat never £«ti out • if ord r! A $tovc that rpquirt-a nosktB \o operate It I A Btov© that pleacep the sjser, eatfefifS the dealer and alwavs ittjt told., THIJ atove thai has revolutionized the vipor stove bualneas^i Call at our store ar.d see it before buying, i • GLASS OF ALL 81ZES CONSTANTLt ONHANm We make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Till# Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfully go icited, STORY & M'OMBER. West McHenry. Ill, April 2S, 1891. SOLID ^COMFORT. "Here I Ami" says She." "Oh Yes, I See You Are, Mf; Darling," And I am ready to stay,by and with yon and any of my bowling would-be competitors, in any k'ind< of plowing they may select, WET OR DRY, HARD OR SOFT, UP OR DOWN. And along stony side hills and ditches, grub and rooty land OQ$, excepted. For Fun, Money or Satisfaction, guaranteeing You will go SAFELY THEOUCTH, without breaking yjur tongue off. Knowing you cannot speak for yourself.'Cbelng tonguelens.) I wish to f«y my leg weary and foot-sore brother farmers to prolU by attoptlriir you as in assistant on their farms, as I am quite sure you will be o! great help and com fort, aud won't talk back wh«n set at work, like some other assistants on their farms. You are too well known to need any special mention, being sold to great numbers, and in GANGS, that can be set to turn any desired width of furrows with the same plows. u»lng any number of horses,, one In furrow, the rest on land, ail abreast, and operated by one boy. ALSO. WILL SAT, that I am prepared to take all kinds of farm stock, horses, cows, sheep, &c. and tradeuetf tools lor old that are practical, and almost even up in some cases. DISK AND SPADING HARROWS Cau be bought at Wauconda cbeaper^tban any place West of Chicago. Walking Plows and Harrows Almost Given Away. Together with those needed articles^ auoh as Binding Twine aud B« Wire, away down where It will make you smile to hear the figure. Why Not ? Write or call and see us before buying, as we are bound to sell rou good goods, save you money, and guarantee you satisfaction. A large stock always on hand, and anything not kept in ntock will be ordered at about c?st. Yours Truly, VEDDER SLOCUM. WAUCONDA, ILL. •Test McBenrr, IU„ Urn, 1st, lmo. flJLU A. 8TOBT, (One Door West of'Riverside House,) McHEN 11Y, - . TL,M?iOISt 'S --DEALER IN---- DRUGS. MEDICINES. • • ----A FULL LINE OF----- Dregs, Chinicali, Ey* Stufis, Paints, Oil* aad Colon. Constantly on hand. A'ao a large line ot Patent Medicine^ Toilet Articles, --AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES# Physicians Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharms-* cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, v JULIA A. «TORY. un. fit* * * m. » x \ * ' : Wits