Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1891, p. 8

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Artiel«i Ami Noiic«» under tti« Ire luiniAhe<l Uy the lilies of theW O iimi Ui6 tfiditor claims DO part or crtdu ftr IUq same.] ^IRBANK&cQ: Drinkers Can Bring About Prohibition, ** R. B. BEHKKliPr, Men will (% into the bo*«»m of earth u for k«M; will risk limb ami lif« in mid-uir lor^olj; willlenve home, and wile, and children, and kindr&l, and friend*, and country for gold; will sweat aud toil, rack brain aud l>o<ly, forfeit health and #tivn>rtli for gold: and nothing but tliifl dear and Miiu;h-t(»-l»e-dre«detl love of Hold would induce them to deal out pov­ erty, wretchedness, temporal and eternal death, to their fellow-men, al1 during the day, and far int > the silejit watches of the night. Let the liquor-selling business, then, ©ease to be a paying bu^neiw--i hat if, draw from its support the in >i.e.v of Christian drinkers, of mod 'rate drinker* whether Christ iau or not--and word lor it, men will not be found who are will-, |ng to sell it: and when there are none to 4bell, none to buy, aud the »esult is that •tone will be foolish enough to make it. V What's the profit on a pint of whisky, a glass of gin, a bottle ot beer, a toddy, a ^'schooner," a "short?" The dividends liave never been published to the world; |>ut that they are as wonderful as they jfcre wicked, we do all know. Keep the wine from your months, ye Jlnoderatedrinkers; banish it from your Christian homes; erase it from the bills 1|)f fare on State occasions; let it not en- %r into inaugural or centennial cer»- inonies, and the whisky-seller, waiting ©nlr on the drunken arid the dissolute, •ill soon hear his* own children crying biead, and you will see him running ni the bottle business aB rats do from burning buildings and sailors from a sinking ship. You, my friend, who take any wine any­ where, at anv time, under any conditions (save where health and life are involved) It In any place, can contribute to such a |L reformation, this most desirable of all V;:- revolutions. And will you not? Can Von quit? Did you ever try to quit? viV ,jBelieve me, if you do try and find it hard k -to quit, that it costs a struggle to quit, p4 you are in danger,---the chains are forg- \ , !ng about you, and let me beg that here (and now you will call upon Omnipotent Strength to come to your rescue ere de- ' etrui'tion claims you as its sons. If it were to cost you a struggle to quit, f*;' , do you knowsome one man in your circle •"* of acquaintances--it may be of friends, it may be of dearly loved ones--to save whom yon would quit? And does not your neighbor know another, and his S- neighbor still another? Let each single r, f* out his imperiled one, and what's the re- ^ nult? A community of reseued ones! A / ^commonwealth of saved ones! A coun- ; ^ try of rescued ones! The world saved y > - from the untold evils of strong drink! k, * -Moderate drinkers, yon can do itu God \ igive you grace to. Farniville. Va. vmmrn ;«C5 dec iron* oftfiakiftjg' a running dividend on their will pee. that it requires but M.YtfTEL) BUAINS j/ comprehend that rive per <*int nu o'e'e. speudings is better than a DUUJ^'S idea ot living on the interest of his money, H^eaua t e principal was long ago squandered, w e guarantee a t-aving of at leaat five per cent on all purchases made at our st <re. If you make four per cent on your sayings and five per cvnt on yourspend- ii gB you will soon get rich. ^ - jSIPOur stock of Seasonable MercbatidiH* i» ita most complete to be found anywhere outside the large dtiesr # i OF PARASOLS •:*w K~ P. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. ; Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming *Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods ibf all kinds attended to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mafl will receive prompt at- Addrew. T K Gurnn W«it Ksn«nry Bit. MEAD, General Auctineer. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attendeded to on the itnost reasonable terms. A share of pat­ ronage solicited. P. O. Address, West I, , McHenry, 111. GRAIN. Where you era do the best. This means of i see me. YOUR F eed, LOOK OUT FOR I0MSBIF OB NOBODY ELSE WILL. Look around before your friend and ii Make your dollar reach ss far as possible. you buy and you ran save money. Money is your friend goes see that you have something to show for it. M M M f M Why do you pay $3 for a Ladies' Kid same thing for from $1.50 to $1.75. Shoe it you can get the Why do you pay $3.25 lor Men's liubber Boole when yon can get them for i 1 less. Why pay $4 for Men's fino Shoes when you can get them for $1.25 Why don't you try to save money by coming and* seeing me _ will guarantee you will save money ou Footwear, and everything else kept in stock by me. All Footwear guaranteed solid leather. ISTI will save you money in GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, CHINAWARE. < > Gristy THE--• ' ••Pickle Factory, •>v West McHenry, III. Grain of all kinds bought and sold# yon to' call and Respectfully, W. A, CRI8TY. IMBL HI 16 High Weighs 1215 Pounds, Bred by J- !• Case. Sire NARBAGANSKTT, he by Rhode 8:W*. who also sirej Governor Sprmgue with 88 trotters and 2 paoers in the 2:30 u»t. 1st dam by Swigert, -who has 27 with records better, among thom being Moody, Hardware and Tinware, - - Every description You will ask how I can do this. Why, I have no rent to pay. 1 have no clerks to pay. I discount all my bills. I smoke 18c. smoking tobacco in place of Havana Cigars, and I give the buying public the benefit of all this. In all cases we wish to sell at v Farmers' Alliance Prices. Come and sse for yourself. Prices in plain figure}. Yours Respectfully* Near the Iron Bridge. st. bholsxt. GEO. W. BESLEY. Dmiiist ami Aptkcm WEST MeHENRY, ILL, ot 2:90 or uetter, among | 2d dam by Goldsmith's Abdallah, with 4 in IMsURiilAw M dam Big Sllen, record 2:82. 1 possesses all tbe reauieiteo cfa b, hi "TTPHOOH flrat-clase eutck mad race horse, having aize finish, great substance and speed, Heouta n. ed his record of at Janesvilie, Wis.Seot l'> IdOn In O IJini.ino wittil . -- » I;, issw, ••• " n "« .u..u oLuuii,in a field of 8 starters, and would have gone much faster but for an accident. He will be driven for a record at the close of the stud season, and we predict will surely enter the 2:80 list. ••TTPHOOII" will m«ke the season of 1881 at -DEALBB DRUGS & MKDIONSS, l'AINTS. 011,8, Toilet Articles, -PURE- WINES AND LIQUORS, the Richmond (111.) Driving Park, common- and endiBg August ring April Hth Terme, #26 to address insure. For lfith. particulars SAM EARING, Manager. ^ |Klohmendt III* FOR MEDICAL U8p. A Iso Bottled Aleand Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and always on habd. Chewing Tobacco ^Physician's Prescriptions===F Carefully Com; Give me a call. o w. W--t McHearj, IU„ dm, Jst.pi, Saturday, May 9, & Monday, May 11, We mahe one price for these two days only* $t 65 FOR PARASOLS WORTH FROM $2 to $3. Fail not to improve the chance. Many 'other things we wish to dispose of qwick tfcat will be of advantage f^ryou to examine. Ladies- Fine Walking Shoes .just in ERSON EBRATEO RED^HOOL Plenty of good Red School House m O B 9 . H espeetlully, John Evanson & Co. West IVIcHenry. TORY & Mc % Daalers in Qeneral' Hardware Stoves, Granite-Iron Tinware, <• porting Co ̂Cî lert, K \UBI<:U WIHK, ETC. ,' ,N ew Process,'^> he Original^ ARK Now OFFKRI1G to 111 K iXCULlC TI1R .L^^ITDKIrtWEr.1,.. • a Evaporating f The onfy Genuine' New Proven*' on the Mhrkefc ^ All others are Fraud*, that liftlits like g%i! 91 move that oaiikvBDO SDiolttt • «r sm"1l! Ptov**! Ao *conomlc- ']|S- ^«!(ivp that never 2«U (Mil • t»f onl'»! A. stove that r« quire# DO ekll) \ operate It! , A stove that ple&cee the user, satisflea tbi Metier etid alwftvs ctayt stove that haa revolutionized tbe vapor stove builneaa. 5 ' Call at our Ptore and see St before buying, ^ ; GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. We make a specialty of Diiry Supplies,' and Jobbing in Till, Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfully so­ licited. I STORY & M'OMBERJ* West MeHenry, l)1.t Aptll 28f )8dl. /: SOLID H O E trades, Prices, Shapes, Sizes, Marked Low, Sold as Marked, Rinerwood. Illinois. ALL li At J. W. To iiaa Feilroias of SuCeSenr ̂aud Lake Counties. W« wish say that for the ®prin^ and stmraier of i89l we have placed in our store a very complete stock of . . . . G E N E R A L M E R C H A N D I S E , < - - . BOOtS aildlCoi18isting ,n !,art of a vt,'> complete line of Boor* and s I Shoes. We are showing you this season eight lines of Plow wVlOGSa I Shoes, starting in with the cheapest and up to the very beat made In cbl.dren's we alwav* hav« 8elz Schwab & Company's ABO t-chool Shoes wnich are ack- owledgul by shoe dealers and wearers to be the b^at made for tbe money. Ladies wear io geod common sense rvery dav shoes, up to 'he ve»-y best hand-turned ahne in NtW York or city lasts. W# never showed a more complete line men's fine^ shots than tills sessop, In Congress, button or laoe. Call anil tee them. CLOTHING--In this we want to say but little to you and «• tliat to the point. We have the newest aud cleanest stock of clothing in town, and sell cheaper iban our competitors, as Clothing, our expenses sre lower. When in need of a MAN'S OR BOY'S SUIT, odd psots or vests, call In and we will convince you that what we say is true. Of tbe Rockiord Overalls Jackets and Shirts, we never had a larger stock to select from, to call and see tbem means to buy. Soft or Stiff HATS. Men's or Bore' soft or stiff bsts. In black* or colors, also a oleaa new stock of STRA AT HATSot all kinds. Laundried or unlaundried dhirts and Collars in every style, and a good, stock ot Neckties to select troin- • -- Sugar by the pound or by the barret, at prices guaranteed right. Remember onr' Flour cannot be equalled at the price it ib sold. Bespcctfi|l|lr soliciting yout patronage we remain yours as ever. , ^ : JOHN J- MH rTfF/Ru West McHenry, 111. "Here I Aml" She." "Qh Yes, I See Tou Are, My Darling," And I am ready to stay by and with yon and any of my bowling would-be competitors, in any kind of plowing they may select, WET OR DRY, HARD OR SOFT, UP OR DO NH. along stony side hills and ditches, grub aud rooty land not excepted. For Fuip, Money or Satisfaction, guaranteeing You will go Safely Thbough, without breaking yjur tongue off. Knowing you cannot speak for yourself, (being tongu*>less.) I wish to say to my leg-weary and foot-sore brother fanners to profit by adopting you as an assistant on their farms as I am quite sure you will be ot great help and com­ fort, and won't talk btick when set at work, like some other nssistants on tbelr farms. You are too well known to need any special mention, being sold In greal nuiubers. and In GANGS, that c*n be set to turn any desired width of furrows with the same plows using any number of horses, one. In furrow, the rest on land, all abreast, arid operated bjr one boy. - ALSO. WILL SAY, that I am prepared to take all kinds of farm stock, horses, cows, sheep, Ac, ao<l trade t*ew tools for old that are practical, and almost even up in some cases. CORN AND HUNGARIAN SEED. A lot of nice clean Hungarian Seed for sale. Walking Plows and Harrows Almost Given Away. Together with those needed artlcle»(such as Biudlng Twine audi B. Wire, away down where It will make you sutile to bear the figure, Why Wot ? Write or call and see as before buying, as we are bound to sell rou good goods, save you money, and guarantee you satisfaction. A large stock always oo hand, and anything not kepi In stock will be ordered at about imt. Yours Truly, * ' VEDDER SLOCUM. WAUCONDA, ILL, JULIA A. STORY, (One Door West of Riverside Housed MoHENltY, - - IL ÎTiOIS. ---DEALER IN gi. nmnimp DRUGS, ME D I C I N E S , -• FULL LINE OF- Brags, Chimlctli, Zjt Staii, Flints, (Mia and Colon. Constantly on hand. A'eo a large line ot Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, Fhysioians Prescription ̂ Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, -f.;V wi: " "-•£ "V*- JUMA A. STORYf r- , -: \ J'

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