Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jun 1891, p. 8

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im, 1*5 Xhree Liaks. Travelers on business or bent on picas to«, invariably visit one of the great eitieM of the West, if their journey is at ftli prolonged. Nowhere else can be sefsn «uch cmitnw of enterprise and American vim as in Chicago or Kansas City, and few invite lovers of elefjaw-e and beauty like St. Louin. In going further into the "lireut West" there are various routes j the tourist may select, but supposing the start is made from Chicago the great starting point, of western travel, no line can be fount}, more desirable than the Chicago & Alton, the great "Three Link" route, and its unsurpassed connections. Elegant cajre, courteous train men, a first class track, and every convenience that modern railroading employs is here found for safety and comfort. The coun­ try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of scenery--the vertiblo garden of the conti­ nent. J it* sure and secure tickets of the Chicago & Alton if you would ham a pleasant journey. MERIT WINS. We desire to say to o'ir citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis­ faction. We do not hesitate to guaran­ tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great pop­ ularity purely <m thetr merits. V W. BESLEY, Druggist, TTnveilinjj of Grant's Statue, The statue of the late General U. S. Grant will be unveiled at Galena, 111., on June .'kl, with imposing ceremonies. The interest of the event will be added to by the presence of the Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, of New York, as orator of the oc- ? casion, and Mrs. Grant is also expected to attend. To accommodate those who desire to participate in the ceremonies, the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co. will, on June 2d and 3d, sell excursion tickets, good to raturn until June 4th in­ clusive, at one-half regular rates--one fare for the round trip. For further in­ formation regarding rates, etc., apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. 46w2 & in S1.25 ;0 I) tye b&l̂ W^«rc tye tfHdfyqt futaootljer fVUR-BANK,: r: ii? favor aj)d r^nk Be&tettye peaH f̂diid %i botlf io5fetl?er ,̂ UO-(U6sdap ̂ L.X- MADE ONLY BY • Mr. John Caraghar, a merchant at Caraghar, Fulton County, Ohio, says . that St. Patrick's PillB are the best sell- ing pills he handles. The reason is that they produce a pleasant cathartic effect i and are certain and thorough in their • action. Try them when you want a re­ liable cathartic. For sale by Geo. W. , Besley, Druggist. 47 In almost every neighborhood there is some one or more persons whose lives < have been saved by Chamberlain's .Colic, ; Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who I have been cured of chronic diarrhoea by it. Such persons take special pleasure in recommending the remedy to others. The praise that follows the introduction and use makes it very Ipopular. 25 and 50 cents bottles for sale by G. W. Beeley, Druggist. 47 For a troublesome cough there is noth­ ing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It strengthens the pulmonary j organs, allays any irritation and effect­ ually cures the cough. It is especially valuable for the cough which so often follows an attack of the grip. For sale by G. W. Besley, Druggist. 47 mv '-v. Wf •: B*vv. F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the moat reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at­ tention. Address. Wm K GBAvem W«t MoBenry RKfAlRBANK&CG. CHICAGO. I GIVE lit A MOMENT OF YOUR ̂ TME. Think Over This and Come and See our Goods. To the Farmers of McHenry County !and Vicinity. ̂ I am now prepared to show a new and clean assorrttttent of Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at prices that 1 am confident it will pay you to investigate before making, your purchases. We have for sale the celebrthed ABBOTT BUGGIES, And will say that we can please you in style, finish and quality in anything you might want in the Buggy line. Call in and learn prices. If you are looking lor a full leather-top Buggy we are sure to please you in quality and price. (Jail early and avoid the rush for the \ They are the best finished, the lightest and easiest running Cart in the world and prices right. YOUR IS' P. GRAIN. Where you can do the best. "This means of Oristy --AT THE--- m•> Pickle Factory, West McHenry, |||. Grain of all kinds bought and sold. ^ It will pay you to call and see me. RMpMtfU«|9 W. A. CRI8TY. imot ai Case! Bred by A 5£2? 26 trott«M and a pacer* in the 2 3^u?u* Wlth JiSgiSL WUk, 8d dam Big Ellen, record 2:82. BONANZA - CtJMIVATOB, WITH ITS Patent Reversible Shovels, .For surface cultivation^ its high axle, its long drag-bars and an adjustable axle for potatoes. We also carry in stock the Geslev. Ellwood and Kraus Cultivators. Y' We carry a complete line o^Abbott Buggies and B. Jl.'"Carts pay you to look over our stock or Impleuents before buying. Our time is yours. ^ ' RESPECTFTLLY, **Trtbooik" poueiaes all the requisites ofa fxat-daa* atook and race horse, bavin? alze finish, great aubatanoe and speed. He outa.n ed his record of 2:81X at Janesvilie, Wis.,Sent 12,1890, in a blinding wind and rain storm "in & field of 8 a tarter ft, and would have gone much faster but for an accident. He win be driven for & record at the close of the stud season, and we predict will surely enter the 2:30 list. »Ttfh<k>n» will make the season of 1891 at Richmond (111.) Driving Park. o.i.*ilimA?i5 W Uxsure providing he enters the .Jrils. not enter the list the service fee will be only tl& -Address SAM EARING, Manager. Richmond. . &V*.ira;# A-*, *. ... t. a^A:A' , * GEO. w. BESLEY: ist and Aptkcary WEST MoHENBT, 1T.T., DEA ZrJSfi *mm DRUGS. & MEDICINES, FAINTS, OILS, [Toilet Artidas, ----PURE R WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and The best brands o.f always on hand. Porter for^Medical use tip g and Chewing Tobacco ^Physician's Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give me a ca|U III,, Dec. 1st, 189fy - - 4 ' ^ Ci W. BE8LEY. Only ft little while longer and the most elegant line, best bargains in Parasols, «ver seen in this section on Special Dress Parasols 'WILL BE GONE. Beduced v-, from $ $1.25. . Mm TENNIS FLANNELS, - The busy spinners, dyers and weavers have done their prettiest. Delicate checks, plaids and strjpes. Nothing glaring. »Quality, weight and width just as you wish. Ten to fifteen of the most popular styles. 111-2 cents per yard. For men's wear, for chil­ dren's wear, for any use where yon want a soft.* neat# long-lived unshrinking Flannel. * ' Day by Fashion's tfrtich is* OH tSVtSfy foff? • • fcffttcsful Glflg4* hams. 9 to 14c; modest Henriettas and Brilianteens, 30 to 50c; silky Sateens^»12 1-2 to 40c; cute cotton Challies, 5 to 10c, and ,a host more with sunshine in every thread. u 3". •'). MEN'S AND BOYS' stock prices right. A racket in Jackets. Neat hand­ some styles of just the sorts every economical buyer is always want ing, and a quarter dropped from the prices. The $8 kind are $5. Odd Pairs and Fleees of LACE - CURTAINS. Are in the way. Some have been sold around the $i.$0 mark. Your choice now for 75 cents each. The Shoe Stock is Complete. ... -Vjf Grocery Stock jofJEghest Order. ^tespeotfullj, JOHN EVANSON & Co. West McHenry. Sealers in Qeneral Hardware, Stoves, Crpnitfislron Tlnware, Sporting Good*, Barhed wire, etc. New Process,^ j TheOriginal Evaporatin' 9TE ABE NOW OPF8BI WO tOTH« PLBLIO THE WONDERFUL only Genuine' New roc€#a" on the Market • ; \ AU others are Frauds A stove that light! ]lke ga*t A Rtove that makesoo stncke or smell! 4^.safe stove! An economic- Hi Pt OTP! A stove that never sets out v of ord >r! I stove that requires no skill uooperate It! • A stove that pleases the user, satisfies the 'dealer and aftvavs stays sold. stove that haa revolut ionized the vapor stove business. Call at our store and see it before buying, , " GLAgS OF ALL 8IZE9 CONSTANTLY ON HAND. We make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfnlly so- licited. ,v. ^ . 8TOliY * M-OMBEB. ̂ - SOLID J'. "t r > , >•/ O O T S ' - A N D S B OB 8 ALL Grades, Prices, Shapes, Sizes, Marked Low, Sold as Marked, Rinerwood, Illinois. U AtJ.W. To th© ^ t̂ro33.B of McHearry A33.d LakeQoMaties. ̂ «iZw,ei^i8h to ^ that for the spring and summer of 1891 we have placed in our store a very complete stock of - - - - G MML MERCHANDISE, Boots andl£>n*U'll,K ,n ,>art or a very complete Hod of Boots and fihnpe ^ ! .Uw1Hr*'i,,,0,y,DK Tou this season eight lines of Plow ma^T in T « in with the cheapest and up to the very best 8hopn wni.V "Z wt' nl«,'ar', bav « 8clz, Schwab & Company's A B C School for th« m n\arc i j fwledgi d by t-hoe dealers and wearers to be the best made ve*v h' nTT' V i i" w*Kr ,u common sense every dav shoes, up to the more com nl^n,,rnr "T , York or olly la8ts- We never showed a E2^ £™lU,;,Uee%K.8 fln^ eh0t' tb&a tbU ,e<uou' lo Congress, button or w" WMt "J b0' "Ml* »o T^uand I OU»k:Mn, that to the point. We b*ve the newibt and cleanest stock of I *^'Oinillfi[» clothing in town, and sdl cheaper iLan our competitors, as I Cloth ins. our exp«n»r« ore lower, ffhon Jn of a MAN'S OH BOY'S SUItToM P*nl* or enll In and w ill ivinvf-<oe you thnt what wo say Is true. Of the Hockford Ovi'rallw Jaeketo and Shirts, we never bad a larger stock iu select from, iu c.tll and sow tbern means to buy. 80ft or Stiff | Men's ^ . *'* or e' or stiff hats, to black or colors, also a oleaa HAT8. | ne# stock ol STKA V HATS at all kinds. Laundried or uutaundricd .shirts and Collars in every style, and a good stock ct Ne ktics to felect Irotn. Stifrar by the round or by iLe barrel, at prices guaranteed right. Kememb r oar Fluar c.vnu jt be equalled at the price it is sold. Ra»p ciluily s> 1 (citing y«>ui patronage we retoaln yours as aver. West McHenry, IJOHN J. MILLER, mM "Here •.* -jyif81 Bwff '^diiTes,! t Darling," And I am ready to stay by and with you and any of my howling would-be competitors, in any kind of plowing they may select, ? ^ WET OR DRY, HARD OR SOFT, UP OR DOWN. Arid along stony side hills and ditches, grub and rooty land aot excepted. For Fun, Money or Satisfaction, guaranteeing You will go SAFELY THROUGH, without breaking your tongue off. ^Knowing you caunot speak for yourself, (being tongueleis,) I wish to say to nay leg-Weary aod foot-sore brother farmers to profit by adopting yon as an assistant on their farms, as 1 am quite sure you will be ol great help and com - < fort, and won't talk back when set at work, like some other assistants on tbelr 4- farms. You are too well known to need any special mention, being sold in y ? great numbers, and in GANGS, that can be set to turn any desired wldtb of furrows with the same plows, using any number of taorsts, one In furrow, the H# rest on land, all abreast, and operated by one boy. ;; 'M ALSO. WILL SAT, that I am prepared to take all kinds of farm stock, 2ZS ̂'«<*»««*« ?•* . CORN AND HONCAftlAiVlSEED. A lot of nice clean Hungarian Seed for sale. Walking Plows and Harrows Almost Given Away. y Together with those needed articles^ suob as Binding; Twine aud B. Wire, away down where It will make you amile to bear the figure. ^ Why Not •» rite or call us before baying, as we are bo#Bd to gooids. save you money, and guarantee you satisfaction. A large stock always on band, and anything not kept in stock will be ordered at about cost. ^ < Yours Truly, VEDDER SLOCUM. WAUCONDA, ILL. JULIA A. ST«ltS»i ̂ COne Door. West of Riverside House,) McHEN lt,Y, -i">; >4, -DEALBB I*---# tur^iTVois. " »7PTf" a '• :? I DRUGS, MED I ^ * A FULL LINE OF-r# Arags, Chemiesli, Sy* Stufib, Faints, (His tad Colon. Constantly on ha&d. Also a large line ot Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, •AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Fhysioicuis Prescriptions Carefully and aecuratey compounded by a Beiriatered ffmifci cist. Tour patronage is respectfully solicited, ' , SrM', JULIA A. STORY, !-v^

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