i<* tottriMM or bent on pleas wre, Invariably visit one of the great i West, If their journey is at ̂ * Nowhere else can be aeen t QCBtns of enterprise and American E*e in Chicago or Kansas City, and invite lovers o! elegance and beauty St. Louis. In going further into the "Great West" there are various routes the tourist may select, but supposing the start is made from Chicago the great starting point of western travel, no line can be found more desirable than the Chicago & Alton, the great "Three Link" route, and its unsurpassed connections. Elegant cars, courteous train men, a first class track, and every convenience that modern railroading employs is here found for safety and comfort. The coun try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of I scenery--the vertible garden of the conti nent. Be sure and secure tickets of the Chicago & Alton if you would have a pleasant journey. MERIT WINS. We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis- faction. We do not hesitate to guaran- -r /, tee them every time, and we stand ready WfcV to refund the purchase price, if satisfae- r | ; tory results do not follow their use. . (> These remedies have won their great pop- ll' <•" nl&rity purely on their merits. / G. W. BESLEY, Druggist. ' 1 • ' ' ~S '• Unveiling1 of Grant's Status. ' 1 The statue of the late General U. S. - Grant will be unveiled at Galena, 111., on ' lit -, June 3d, with imposing ceremonies. The •; interest of the event will be added to by , the presence of the Hon. Chaunoey M. ; Depew, of New York, as orator of the oc- jfT casion, and Mrs. Grant is also expected -- to attend. To accommodate those who desire to participate in the ceremonies, the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co. ? "* * will, on June 2d and 3d, sell excursion f?t u'kcta, good to raturn until June 4th in- yj\ elusive, at one-half regular rates--one ' fare for the round trip. For further in- r f formation regarding rates, else., apply to < agents C. & N. W. iTy. 46w2 : * I. SO DOES Just the same, '* -A v- mmm 1 / MADE ONLY BY NMAIRBANK&CO. CHICAtn% ; Mr. John Caraghar, a merchant at : , Caraghar, Fulton County, Ohio, says , that St. Patrick's Pills are the best sell- ' > • ing pills he handles. The reason is that t hey produce a pleasant cathartic effect and are certain and thorough in their paction. Try them when yon want a re- |«* ' liable cathartic. For sale by Geo. W. : ' j ̂ JJesley, Druggist. 47 • i|; In almost every neighborhood there is if-'"• Bome one or more persons whose lives 4u / have been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, ' - "Cholera and Diarrhopa Remedy, or who t rfcave been cured of chronic diarrhoea by 1.fit. Such persons take special pleasure in \ recommending the remedy to others. The praise that follows the introduction ,and use makes it very Ipopular. 25 and w RO cents bottles for sale by G. W. Beeley, |r- Druggist. 47 For a troublesome cough there is noth- |'f" ing better than Chamberlain's Co Remedy. It strengthens the pulmon & . organs, allays any irritation and effi cures the cough. It is especially . "|r "valuable for the cough which so often V ~ follows an attack of the grip. For sale ' tjy G. W. Besley, Dru t̂. '47 Do you want ft Threshing Machine ? If so we want to talk with you. We handle such celebrated makes as the Nichols & Shepard Vibrator, Minnesota Chief Thresh er, ond Birdsell Clover Huller. Remember, there are none better, Do You Want a Binder ? The Walter A. Wood single apron knows no eqnal. Ji works wonders in the field. The Piano and Minneapolis wglilso grand machine. CAN'T^STOP * The People from Praising the World Famed McCORMICK And to know them is to buy them. XHE FIKMI TRIAI Tells the stoijr. Steamboats are no good on land* neither are Binders of mucn use as buggies, but in the gram field the machine of steel is a corker. Come and dance on the Bessemer steel platform found oniy on the McCormick. You cannot faze it by leading a 1200 pound horse upon it. This cannot be done with any other Harvester made, and we all knowth&t the platform is subject to a great many had knocks in the field. w < The new No. 4 McCormick Steel Mower, with its foot lift al ways leads the pocession. Buy one and fall in line. If you don't you're not in itas they are out of sight. J . . •o," V'V I NDS OF TWINE 3> Bindin We waj Twine, sell yo Aiway8 on hand and we will not be undersold on a good quality. A fine line of |U)bott Buggies Just Received If you want a cart don't place your order itntil you have bad a for Binding Twine and of First Class | celebrated n prices are what you want we are going to n want a Mower ? Stock, Farming Furniture, and Goods i attended to on the mostreas- »terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at tention. Address, F. K. OBUren. J --'J - WMt MeBenry •fpi BUY YOUR AND GRAIN. Where yon can do the best. This means of Cristy --AT TH1--« Pickle Factory, West MoHenry, III. Grain of all kinds bought and sold.. ItTOl' see me. US- pay you to call and itipcotftilly, W. A. CRISTY. m^r- 't. 7 H 3u ; SULTAN ROAD CART. Come and take a ride and be convinced. RE8PEOTFTLLY, If so we can more than please you, and we want to say right lere that we carry in stock a larger assortment, and the best line ol Mowers in McHenry or Lake countia*, and we mean it when we tell ) yon that we can save you money on Mowers. Do you want a Hay Loader? Remember, we are selling that celebrated Rock Island Loader |To the Buying Public: that takes the hay from the sward. We also have the Keystone Loader. Do you want a Hay Rake ? It so we have got what you want. Do you want a Carriage, a| Road Wagon, a Cart or Harness? *e b«}'the best goods that money can buy, and can cave yon money on anything in our line- Mail and wire orders receive ou prompt attention. Thanking you lor past favors we remain Yours Very Truly, E. M. OWEN & SON. Having refitted the store in Riverside Block in first class style I have opened it with a " I Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 1 3 § i HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES. Etc. I To which 1 invite the attention of my old friends and the public generally, confident that with good goods, reasonable prices and square dealing, I can make it an object for the buying public to V 1 call and see me. | My stock is complete in every department and comprise* Everything Usually Kept in aONneral Store. Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or not. " Here I Ami" says She." " Oli Yes, I See You Are, M| Darling," jy*d I am ready to stay by and with you and any of my howling would-be competitors, in any kind of plowing they may 8eleet» t WET OR DRY, HARD OR SOFT, UP OR DOWN,^ , -.m And along stony side hills and ditches, grub and rooty excepted. For Fun, Money or Satis taction, guaranteeing You will go SAFELY THROUGH, without breaking your tongue off. Knowing yon cannot speak for yourself, (being tongueleas,) I wish to say lo my leg-weary aod foot-sore brother farmers to profit, by adopting yon as an assistant on their farms, as I am quite sure you will be of great help and com fort, and won't talk baok when set at work, like some other assistants on their farms. You are too well known to need any special mention, being «old In great numbers, and in GANGS, that cm be set to turn any desired width of furrows with the same plows, using any number of borses, one In furrow, the rest on land, all abreast, and operated by one boy. ALSO. WILL SAT, that I am prepared to take all kinds of farm stock, . borses, oows, sheep, &c , and trade new tools for old tbat ai« pr*olleal,«<ftd almost even up In some cases. CORN Al4b HUNGARIAN SEED. A lot of nice clean Hungarian Seed for sale. Given Away. Together with those needed articles, such as Binding? Twine and IS* Wire, away dottj^where It will make you smile to bear the figure. Why Wot ? Write or call and see us before buying, as we are bound to sell you good goods, save you money,'and guarantee you satisfaction. A large stock always ©o hand, and anything not kept in stock will be ordered at about cost. Yours Truly, :w SEOOT WAUCONDA, ILL. mtmi STORY McOMBER Sealers in General Hardware, Stoves, Crdnite-lronf Tinware, Sporting Goods, Cutlery BARBED WIREj ETC. (ft ABE NOW OFFERING tO THE PbBLIG THE WONDERFUL Respectfully, |'K^v . STILL AT BINGFOQD. MIIM The Champion Stock Horse of Northern Illinois maybe found »t the btable of R. Lawson during the senson ot 1891. 9STHis stock raised by many of the prloolpal farmers of McHenry, Nun da Greenwood and other towns, during' the past four years is bis recommend ation. Be needs no better, nor could any horse have a better. Farmers, you are kindly Invited to Investigate his merits by examining bis stock, their size and style, their abilities as roadsters and general farm purposes, and especially their disposi tions, Such an Investigation will surely XMUlt In profit to you. If you intend to ~flSa borses you will no longer be in cloul* as to tbe kind of a horse you can raise 'If employing the seivloes of TanfttiN. No hone of equal morlt or reputa tion shall hare terms more reasonable. Shall bo on the road every day aod will announce my route later* Enquire of R,L.A.WS6JV. GEO. W, BESLEY. Drunist and Apton WEST MoHENBT, ILL, JOHN 1. STORY. McHenry, July 1,1891. [To tb.9 Patrons of McHenry auxd Lake Counties. We wish to say that for the spring and summer of 1891 we have placed in our store a very complete stock of -BEALM* I GENERAL merchants, - - - • SRUQS & MEDIGlNElSi I Boots onH I consisting in part of a very complete Mire of Boots and 11 ouVT I Bhoefl- We are showing you this season eight lines of Plow dll06lS« I Shorn, starting in with the cheapest and up to the very best made. In cbiidren'4 wo always have 8elz, Schwab & Company's ABC School Shoes wbidi are acknowledged by shoe dealer® aod wearers to be tbe best made for the money. Ladies wear iu good common sense every da? shoes, up to tbe ve<*y best hand-turned shoe In New York or oity lasts^ We never showed a more complete line men's fine shoes than this season, In Congress, button or laee. Call and see them. PAINTS, OILS, oils* Articl oSf PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL U8B. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use ^ The best brands ot Cigars and Smoking and. Chewing Tobacco always on hand. " Clothing. Cloth ins. CLOTHING--lo this we want to sav but little to you and that to the point. We have the newest and cleanest stock of clothing in town, and sell cheaper than our competitors, as _ eur expenses are lower. When lti need of a MAN'S OR BOY'S SUIT\ odd pants or vests, call In and we will convince you that what we say is true. Of tbe Rocklord Overalls Jackets a.n«l Shirts, we never bad larger stock to select from, to call and see t^em means to buy. loft or Stiff I HATS. ! Men's or Bovs' soft or stiff bats, in black or oolors, also a clean new stock of STB A <V HATSot all kinds. ^Physician's Prescriptions: Carefully Compounded. Give me a call. West McHenrjr, ill,, DM, 1st, 1*00. Laundried or unlaundried dhirts and Collars in svery style, and a good stock ot Neukties to select from. Sugar by the pound or by the barrel, at prices guaranteed right. Remember our Flour cannot be equalled at the price it is sold. Bespeettapjr soliciting yout patronage we remaIn yonrs as ever, ' \ JOHN J. JHLLER West McHenry, III. "New Process," The Original Evaporating The only Genuine "New JFYocess" on the Market All others are IYaud» A stove that lights like gas! A stove that makes no smoke or smell! A safe stove! An economic al stove! A stove that never gets out of ord*r! A stove that requires no skill re operate It! A stove that pleases the user, satisfies tbe dealer and alwavs stays sold. The stove tbat has revolutionized the vapor stove business. Call at our store and see It before buying, GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. We make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfully so licited, STOKY & M*OMBER, West McHenry, 111,, April 18,1891. JULIA A. STOUT, (One Door.West of Riverside House,) MoHENitY, . . TLI-.IAOIS. DEALER IN-- DRUGS, MEDICINES, A FULL LINK OF---- Stags, Chnaieals, Bj» Stuiiii, Paints, Oils and Colon, Constantly on hand. Also a large line ot Patent: Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, Physicians Prescriptions / Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. * # ""' V ~. \ { : JULIA A. STORY* • < . * a t 1J