Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Aug 1891, p. 8

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k bent on pleas )V«N 0$ or <tu- wmm. ©Htr- m MMWM&m. *»w> i. a d w ~T I | % 1 ptorVCMAN THAT HAS ANY 5EN5E. /®\ , And many there be we nope, ; Wil SPEND HER CENT6 FOR A USEFUL CARE Of FAIRBANK'S-SANTA-CLAUS'SOAP' W. BESLEY. 1 ««i) M Clt#, ftnd ̂- 1® f«^ nkst* are various routes ^touristmay eetost, bat supposing the ismade from Chicago th» great of western tnml, no line be foond more desirable than the > & Alton, the great "Three Link" and its unsarpaened connections. w it caw, courteous train men, a first ,-=• ' track, and every convenience that modern railroading employs i« here » »» -» *®«®d for safety and comfort. The eoun- ;;:f ¥; ; try traveraed is ttnearoeUed tar beauty of aceaerjr--the vertible garden df the conti- j. ' 1 nent. Be sure and eecon tickets of the II5"'V Chica«o ft Alton if yon wtraM hare a pleasant journey. SUDDEN DEATHS. Heart disease is by far the most fre­ quent cause of sudden death, which in ;*three out of four cases is unsr,8|>et'ted. , The symptoms are not generally under- These are: a habit of lying on theyn^ht side, short breath, pain or die- in side, back or shoulder, irregular fwfc*4. asthma, weak and hungry spell*, 4fvV wind in stomach. RwelHng of «.i»lrW or 5fr / ' dropsy, oppression, dry cough and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book ^ on heart disease free at Geo. W. Besley's, • ffV, who Bells and guarantees Dr. Miles' un- p,s ! *1*^ ^equaled New Heart Cure, and his Restor- Yl-\ afcive Nervine, which cures nervousness, .-headache, sleeplessness, effects of drink- ; iug. efcc. It contains no opiates. | , I . MILES' NERVE 4 LIVEB PILL8. '$1?-" jR>"* important discovery. They act on % ' fe > the liver, stomach and bowels through &<??•'. . the nerves. A new principle. They speed- , ijy eure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, ,7. / M' surest, 30 doses for 35 cents. Samples 1%,,' ||» at Geo. W. Besley's. L- V ^T* John Oaraghar, a merchant at •&. ^ Caraghar, Fulton County, Ohio, says |L • that St. Patrick's Pills are the best sell- fx ' ' ing pills he handles. The reason is that S|s ,1 they produce a pleasant cathartic effect m-S IT • ' and are certain and thorough in their |g| |k*, _ action. Try them when yon want a re- f|p !K' ' liable cathartic. For sale by Geo. W. i;V'. • Besley, Druggist. 47 )y " , In almost every neighborhood there is M. '• vd1 \ some one or more persons whose lives ft', have been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Wi *?••' ' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who " have been cured of chronic diarrhcea by pi( |*$' it. Such persons take special pleasure in jtfy * s0 t recommending the remedy to others. f v*;vV -||: u The praise that follows the introduction Si.S:*; Wf and use makes it very ipopular. 25 and ^ ?V 50 cents bottles for rate by Q. W. Besley, 47, / ̂ Xlso Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use * Mx, For a troublesome cough there is p<- **" * J 43 1-5 J " T,ing better than Cliamberlain'sXioth- " Remedy. It strengthens the pp*?0ough ^ •« organs, allays any irritatioa^Gimonary j^V bV- ually curus the cough. Dv and dfoct- >S iw valuable for the cough ^ ^ Is especially SNv'.^ ^%^follow8anatta(Aof which so often . > by G. W. Besley, Drt^e grip. For sale PrV- &A --%:&&&> r. k.,0' i 1 ^ ; .:yy p ai t'." ••' MoHENBY, ILL, W%1-: --DEALER :M DRUGS & PAINTS, OILS, wav., fw .yt-i Th« P#epte ftvm Praising McCOEMIGK MOWERS, And to know them Is to buy them. ^ells the story. Steamboats are no good on . land, neither are Binders of much use as buggies, but in the grain field the machine ot steel is a corker. Come and dance on the Bessemer steel platform found oniy on the McCormick. You cannot faze it by leading a X200 pound horse upon it. This cannot be done with any other Harvester made, and we all know that the platform is subject to great many had knocks in the field. JTh« new No. 4 McCormick Stepl Mower, with ita foot lift al­ ways leads the pocession. Buy one and fall in line. If yon don't you re not in it as they are out of sight. WINES -1Mb LIQVSm • ^ FOR medical use* if/?- «<*. f.'* / i,.r, . , / JL JMJ-Vt 1X1 TWINS, Aiwa; A fine line o The best brancte ot Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. ^Sener/^B*MO,,^ " il Auctioneer. Sales of ^Toolf} O^Beal Estate, Stock, Farming •̂ oi aft fcifrouseltold Furniture, and Goods attended to on the mostreas- mail will receive prranpt at- ^Physician's Pre^t^tî : Garefully Compounded. West HcH«nry,in»Aee, Give me a caller, •••Wfcsrsiesa '" " G. W. A ... ̂ Wv9 MEM Mr * We "Want Yorf: siifkcv; > ' "'"'i tf ^ ^ 4 h * V . AND GRAIN, \ $ ^ * * " T f f c t t p m W . This means of .Ma$k • ^v W ' k TH®--• -s/y. | •. Rm- Pickle Fa^tttrjr, " WMt MoHenry, III. Hf: Grain of all kinds bought and sold. It will pay you to call and .. 6 f' , 'US': raMi:. U f"'*t '/ >.k*m vfe" " W. A. CRISTY. :<x$: STILL AT BIMOOD. 4'*>' Come in ̂ And You Will Not Go Away Sorry for having called on us. Tours for Business. 'r jfr --V • -<• _ Bingwood, Illinois. sV/ti The Champion Stock Horse of Northern Illinois may be found fit the Stable of E. Lawson >> during the senson of 1891. ^ stock raised by many of th« I priooipal farmers of McBenry, Nunda, Greenirood and other towns, during the past four years Is his reoommend- stlon. He needs no better, norooold any kone bave a better. Farmers, yoa are kindly Invited to lavestieate his merits by examining his stoek. their size asd style, their abillttes at roadstera and general ftrm purposes, aod espeelally their dlsposi- (Ions. Soob an investigation will sorely result la profit to yon. -If yon iotend to raise bones you will no longer be In doubt as to tha kind of a borse yon can j:alse by employing the setvloes of Ifo borM of equal morlt jor reputa- tton attalt have terms nor# reasonable Shaft ^e on the road avery day and Will aotiltinee my route later. Enquire of M*l 9701. Will be for service at the barns of Georce W. Owen, McHenry, Illinois. TERMS* $50. One half payable in Cash, baiaac® by Note da* six montha^from service without interest, Interest after due at 8 per cent MQsoraeO." was sired by Lakeland Abdallah HI bjr tba founder of our trotting Bonders, B, LAWSO i ^ old Bjrsdjrkes llambletoman, 10. by Autocrat, a son of Geoife M. Patcben, 90, record 2:23X. She paeea at six years oil a halt mile in 1:06X. and at 17 years a full mile in 2.27, "George O." bas bad very limited advan­ tages In the stud, never having bred a stan­ dard bied mare, but his colts are all very speedy and swll for long uricee. He sired a two-year-old with a record of 3:18. trial H mile in 1:22 to Hoad Oart. „ „ eaoiei w. own. MaSenrv. llUnoU. SIMON STOFFEL, -AGBNT FOB Phosnix, cf Biooklyn, f. Y. Capital, 5,008,315. Rockford, of Rockfordt III Capital* 802f44B; National, ef Hailiord, Coi. Capital, $2,620,21 a Insurance carefully and safely placed oa all olasses of property against Are, lightning, and tornado, either tor cash or on long time, without interest. Fire policies on live stock cover same In building or on farm against loss or damage by fire or lightning and against lightning anywhere. Hay, straw, stalks and fodder are covered by on® policy, in building or stacks on form. Grain, seeds and mill feet are covered under one sum in bnllding or on /arm. Insurance transferred to other locali­ ties freeofcarge. Gasoline or oil stove and sions ail covered under one item. Complete records kept of all policies, conditions, as» igo. ments and transfers made. Call for list of over TOO policy holders in above companies. Simon Stoffol. WestJftBUeurT; Illinois. 5/A ev v ? HOWARD STEVENS, D£4JL£B2£i Electrio Sells, Makes a specialty of Door Bells, Window and Door Connections and ait kindsof Burglar icnrins. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or war MA BO WARD STEVENS. ^ ' • « SJ « , r >' ',*"4^^' j fe -i »Z>4 _ a "•< *. •' d /• ^4' ! ̂ , l ARE THE BEST.. >:]A 100 styles, prices to suit TTK. AT es» A HONB, FHILAD Sold by sui doalers. « BBS | nf* m to suit ale i PBnABBWHU. daaiers. ) Song little fortimMltt|mtttMinid«*t wotk for us, by AmnS hct. ABMia, .Tames, «nd Jno. Bonn, Iwio. Ohio. ~ee cur. OihrnandolagaswM. %Vhr kH yoaf 8unMM» ov«r eSSe.00 e •ontli. You c*n 4o tin work aaS lire • home, wherever yoa an. Inn l»- Abbott Buggies Just Received ; H f ' g i r - ' < r '*i! '̂ » * . ,lS ' , } If you want a cart don't place your order until you have ook at the celebrated i . v - - - , • -• 4 - SULTAN n Comeiwd take a rideaiia b0 convinced. BESPECTFTLL1& To the Buying Public! Having refitted the store in Riverside Block in first class style I lave opened It with a o you want a Machine ? (MMI •• > ^ -T- IF so we want to talk with you. We handle such celebrate makes as the Nichols & $hepard Vibrator, Minnesota Chief Thresh- i er, (^d Birdseil Cliover Haiiep* Remember, there are none Do You Want a Binder ? The Walter A. Wood single apron ltttows no ec wonders in the field. The Piano and Minneapolis machine. are also grand i fj- ' ^ 4#, ':Vf v! *, ' 't>:\ < -A .... .*. ."r/v.. • .W e your order for Binding Twine aod of First Class Iwine, and if w*y down prices are what yon want we are going to SOU ^Olle • v «" ^ iM If so we can more than please you, and we Want to say right j here that we carry in stock a larger assortment, and the best line ol 5^ Mowers in McHenry or Lake counties and we mean it when * you that we can save you money on Mowers. v <*- | DO Remember, we are selling that celebrated Rock Island Loader that takes the hay from the sward. Wei also have the Keystone Loader. It so we have got what you want. a 'v Road Wkgon, itditft^or Harness!* a In foot we buy the best goods that money can buy, and can save ? y o u m o n e y o n a n y t h i n g i n o u r l i r t « . , v / * ; - i Mail and wire orders receive ou Thanking you tor past favors we remain Yours Very Truly*,* • E. M. OWEN <to SON <W>i J- '•# j I Clean, Fresh Stsck sf DRY GOODS, N0TJ0N8, i | HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES. Etc. | To which 1 invite the attention of my old friends and the public generally, confident that with good goods, reasonable prices and square dealing, I can make it an object for the buying public to call and see me. *8 My stock is complete in every department and comprises Everything Usually Kept i& a General Store. X Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or not. -- }>S: ,^R*«P«ETFULLY, it5y McHenry, July 1,1891. i i m--mmrn--immmimmm--immm--mm**** JOHN I, STORY. To the Fatroxxs of MeBexury and £>ake OoxintLes. *.'.f We wish to say that for the spring and summer of 1891 we have " ^ in our store a very complete stock of % ^ • • . . GENERAL MERCHANDIS, " " * Bootft and I CoDBifltlog In park of a very complete line of Boots and QY*® II,,M J Shoes. We ara ebowioft yoo this season eight lines of Plow anoes. I Shoes, starting in with the cheapest aod up to the very best made. In children's we always have Selz, Schwab ft Company's A B C School Sbo4>s which are acknowledged by shoe dealers and wearers 10 be the best made for the money. Ladles wear In good common sens© every dav shoes, up to tha vepy beet hand-turned shoe la New York or city lasts. We never showed a more complete line meu's floe shoes than this season, In Congress, button or laee. Call and see them. CLOTHINQ--ln this we want to say but little to yoa and I Clnthlno1 that to the point. We have the newest snd dleanaat stoek -of I clothing In town, and sell cheaper than our competitors, as I Clothing* our expenses are lower. When In need of a MA IP 8 OR BOY'S SUITt odd pants or vests, call In and we will convince you that what we say la irtw. Of the Roclcfoxrdi Overalls. Jackets and Shirts, we never had a larger stock to select from, to call and see them means to buy. Soft or Stiff I Men's or Boys' soft or stiff hats, In black or colon, alto a (dean HATS. I saw stock of STBA <¥ HATSot all kinds. Laundried or unlaundded ohirts and Collars in every style, and a good stock ot Neukties to select irom. Sugar by the pound or by the barrel, at prices guaranteed right. Jl^inember our Flour cannot be equalled at the price it is aolg. |tespectfttlly soliciting yout patronage wa remain yonm as ever. .v. .-v-'Mi iariers ere oily Miralnc ftom S& to i. W« (Mw ran how rttinw work- All efee. start you. Ceo work la ere. Pallure unknown tawaf them. NEW and wonderfbt. Partlc*Ian free. *HT ••iimari iiffTwaar«rii«w<,W(|jpp. WOfll mCtfonlfi"I« JOHN J. MILLER. S T O R Y & M c O M B E R , Sealers in General Hardware, Stoves, -i i';. Cranite-lron, Tinware, Sporting Goods, Cutlery BARBED WIRE, ETC. VfS ABB MOW OFFBRING tO THjR PUBLIC THB % WONDBBFU t'j *1„ 1 "New Process, The Original Evaporating The only Genuine "New JProcess" on the Market All others are Frauds A stove that lights like gas! i ' A stove that makes no smoka | or smell! j A safe stove! An economic* alstove! S A stove that never gets out ' oford»r! A stove thatrequlres no skill to operate It! A stove that pleases the user, satisfies the dealer and alwavs stays sold. 1%# stove that has revolutionized the vapor stove business. t^Call at our store and see It before baying, GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. | We make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfully so­ licited, STORY h M'OMBER* . West McHenry, III., April 38,1891. L xy?'W- , • (On© Door West of Riverside Houeo,) MCoHEIVItY, • p; 'j1 tPEALEB ) TLUJiOIS. . ^ ^ P' ' V" .V «**«-}, ^--A FULL LINB'OF^-- %••••. Sra .̂Cba^sb,QysStab,Mats, OBitndODlen. i Constantly on hand. Also a large line ot "Patent IMedicinO ̂toilet ArtiClea, AND COMPLETE STOCK OP- STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, Fhysioiaii0 Prescriptions •., i OtrefuHy and aocuratey compounded by a Begistered Phprma- ois|* Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. v.vri 4uuaitaTORy. -'T

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