Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Aug 1891, p. 13

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0̂ ' ^ WEDNESDAY. AUG. 36, 1891. Tiklsg «Cn( 0* Sunday, June Hth, 191. Train* pasa thtt atatloa u follows: 001*0 IOITH. tMilk Freight Airir. . 7SSA.M. •William* Bay Freight naasoa-- 9:1C " •Lake Geneva himiar " 9:M M f*Lake Q«*«rt Puuiftr •* 10:10 «' *L»k« GtatTt lipnw 4:80 P; IK* *UkatttMT« Passenger * 641 ** ' T . QO1K0 IOTTTH. iHoIlenry Passenger Depart •bake Geneva Puuft passes •Lake Geneva Express •Williams Bar r ret | tit *• •Uke Geneva Passenger ** .749 A* 1C. .7:10 •* .8:3* " ...1:NP.IL Passenger •* S:M " •Lake Geneva Passenger - 5:M •• ffcake Geneva Passenger " .....7SS» W, : BXKJOrATIO*.* • ^ * Daily except Son lay. ,,-,0 | Sunday* only. . _ f Stops only to leave Passengers. ^ *• Agemt. «®r<& •- MeHenrv, 111 MASONIC. MCHKKBT LODOK, NO. 198 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. W. A. OaiSTT.W. M. / THE McHenry County Fair la In pro- ; I greas at Woodstock this week. . REMEMBER the Excursion to Chicago Tuesday, Sept. 8. Round trip only fl.25. ABOUT fifty from this section took in the Joliet excursion on Saturday last. READ the new advertisement of E. M. Owen & Son, to be found on the last page of this paper. REMEMBBB the excursion to Chicago Tuesday, September 8th. Bound trip only fl.25. GEO. W. OWEN is at Independence, Iowa, this week, with his trotting stallion leorge O." IT is reported that a Sea Serpent has been seen in Fox Lake. An aggravated case of "snakes," no doubt. THE Sunday School Picnic, in Howe's Grove, on Friday last, was well attended id greatly enjoyed by all. , ONLY $1.25 the round trip to the World's Fair City Tuesday, September 8. Leave McHenry, 8:22 a. m. XUEO. W. OWEN has lately purchased a /floe brood mare from some party in Lake /County. _ /GEORGE CURTIS has lately purchased a /yearling filly, sired by "George O.," that / is said to be the finest filly of her age in L this section. JtlviTE a number from this place at- /tended the Races at Richmond on I Wednesday last. The races were closely ^eotftested and interesting. IERRY-GO-ROUNDS are located on the vacant Lots, west of the Depot, and the young folks are greatly delighted as they ride round and round on the ponies. JOHN P. SMITH, the jeweler, has treated his house and store to a coat of Paint on the outside, which makes it the most at­ tractive of any on that street. "THE pupils of Miss Brill, assisted by Prof. Hutchins Clarionetist, and Miss Bose Brown, Elocutionist, will give a Concert at the City Hall, on Tuesday evening, September 1st. No one should fail to attend. SOME hunters are preparing to shoot prairie chickens September 1st. It is un­ lawful to shoot them before September 15th, and as the Game Warden is watch­ ing closely for violators ot the law, it might be quite expensive to bag any birds before the time prescribed by law. The general opinion is that the Game Law should be in force without interruption. THE old postal card which is so famil­ iar will soon be superceded by two cards of different sice and design. The smaller one of the two cards will be on white card-board 21-5 by 4% inches in sise. A vignette of General Grant as he appeared In his younger days is printed on the card in a shade of blue. The large card will be three-fourths of an incl\ wider and one inch longer than the present card. Under the Illinois statute it is illegal to kill or have in possession any prairie chickens before the 15th of September. Several persons have been fined in Chicago for violation of the law, and there seems to be a movement on foot for its general enforcement. So when you go hunting be careful you don't kill any prairie chickens for it is apt to cost you $25 apiece, which would make rather dear sport, THE lady managers of the World's Fair invite the women designers of America to compete for a prize of $50, which will be awarded for the best design suitable for an official seal. The designs must be sent in by September 20. Each should be two and one-half inches in diameter, circular in shape, and may be drawn in outline, painted in water color, or mod­ eled in plaster, and the outer edge should bear these words: Board of Lady Man­ agers of the World's Columbia Co mm in- won, Created by Act oj Uo^npHfr^.&A*, Organised in 1890, V •' iMlm • PERSONAL. • R. fit. OWEN, of Chicago, was oti$ over Sunday. . BEBT KTKBRIXM, of Cttry, Sandnyed with friend* in this village. MRS. C. B. CURTIS, of Elgin, is visiting with friends in this village. I. N. BA RHUS, Postmaster at YoK), was a caller on Tuesday morning. Miss MABEL WHEELER is visiting with frifends in Chicago. / MRS. O. W. OWEN, who we reported as •Quite sick last week, is slowly recovering. Miss LENA PALMCS has returned from a two months' visit with friends in Wis­ consin. * ' Miss BICKPORD, ot Chicago, was the guest of W. J. McLeod and wife over Sunday. GEO. RICHARDSON, of the Cook Publish­ ing House, Elgin, made us a short call on Saturday last. MRS J. G. FAY has rented her house in is village to Adam Leitner and moved to Chicago. A SEVEN pound "Shaver," arrived at the home of H L. Rounds, Woodstock, on Sunday morning last. MRS. C. V. STEVENS and daughter Grace, were visiting with friends In Rich­ mond last week. Miss DORA OSBORN and Miss Nellie Potter, of Marengo, are the guests of C. T. Eldredge and wife, in this village. F. G. MAYES and son, P. 8. Mayes, will start on Wednesday next for a visit with friends in New York and New Hampshire. MRS. C. HUTSON, of Moreliand, 111., has been visiting with friends in this village and vicinity the past two weeks. Miss CLARA B. OWEN, of Los Angeles, California, arrived at the home of her .rents, in this village, on Sunday last. JESSIE WIOHTMAN is acting as iputy at the West McHenry Post Office or a few weeks during the absence of Mrs. OCeteus. . E. BENNETT, our Photographer, has on the sick list the past week, and is et finable to attend regularly to busi- .essr-- r GEO. G. SMITH, Geo.Curtis, L. H.Owen, Frank Barbian, C. T. Eldredge and Jesse Van Slyke took in the Races at Washing­ ton Park on Saturday last. PROF. MARVIN and wife, of Lake Coun­ ty, were visiting with friends in this vil­ lage a few days last week. Prof. Marvin is Superintendent ol Schools**! Lake County. ..• -- i.i.i - in it ii siia'ii M'liVi ••••••• ' , REMEMBER the Excursion to Chicago Tuesday, September 8th. Bound trip only $ 1.25. W. J. MCLEOD has left on our table a branch of an apple tree, about one foot long, which contains twenty-six perfect and full grown apples. The tree from which it was cut stands in his garden and is loaded almost in the same proportion. EXCURSION to Chicago Tuesday, Sep­ tember 8. Round trip only fl.25. Leave Ringwood at 8:12, a. m.; McHen­ ry, 8:22; Terra Cotta, 8:34; Crystal Lake, 8:45. Reach Chicago, 10:25. Leave Wells Street B&pot at 7:00 p. m. Reach home before 9:00. Tickets for sale by station agents. , ' THE country newspapers of Illinois responded to the request of the Stat Live Stock Commission last week am almost without exception, published tl bulletin on the new cattle disease. If th< remedy is as effective as it is said to be,: it will be worth millions to the stockmen of Illinois. \ BE sure and send, Kindergarter School; on Monday next. little Oltas to the the City Hall, THE Ladies of the W. C.TP. U. will meet with Mrs A. Colby Thursday afternoon at 2:80 o'clock. Mas. L. R. BENNETT, President. MBS. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. IT is a faithfd^ksaying and worthy of all acceptation, that there is more joy in a newspaper office over one letter enclos­ ing cash than over ninety and nine con- containing circulars and tickets to county fairs. EXCURSION to Chicago Tuesday, Sep­ tember 8. Round trip only fl.25. Leave Ringwood, 8:12, a. m.; McHenry, 8:22; TerraCotta, 8:34; Crystal Lake, 8:45. Reach Chicago, 10:25. Leave Wells Street Depot at 7:00 p. m. Reach home before 9:00. Tickets for sale by station agents. . MUSICAL RECITAL at the City Hall, McHenry, III., on Tuesday evening Sep­ tember 1st, 1891, by the pupils of Miss Myrtle L Brill, assisted by prof. C. M. Hutchins, of Chicago, Clarionetist and Miss Rose Brown, Elocutionist. Admis­ sion twenty-five cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock, entertainment commences at 8. /fcn. W. OWEN is the happiest man in fourteen counties. When be came down town on Thursday morning last he meas­ ured either six feet nine inches or nine feet six inches, we disremember which. At any rate it was a girl and weighed 9% pounds. He had a perfect right to feel proud. He has been giving away agri­ cultural implements ever since. We Kindergarten School. Miss KATE HOWE will open her Kinder- rten School, at the City Hall, on Mon- ayjiext. August 31st. Her success the terra insures a full school this Fall. Miss Howe is careful and painstaking with the little ones and there is no better place for those too young to attend the public school, than under htr charge. Remember the school will open on Monday next, at the City Hall. THE Trotting Stallion, "George O." Mcllenry's pride, acquitted himself in a creditable manner at Washington Park, Chicago, last week. With but a few weeks out of the stud, pitted against some of the most noted flyers in the country, he demonstrated that with proper fitting he was capable of showing a mark down in the teens. We are in­ formed by a reliable party who held a private watch on him that in the third h»at on Saturday he made the mile in 2:23%, the winner comiugin in 2:21%. This in a field of eight horses and every one combined to fight him. He is jit. Inde­ pendence. Iowa, this week. - ONLY fl.25 the round trip to the World's Fair City Tuesday, September 8. Leave McHenry, 8:22 a. m. County Picnic P. of I. The Patrons of Industry-i# JLake County will hold a Basket Picnic at Wan conda, on Monday, September 7th, to which the public are cordially invited". State Secretary D. A. Fuller, L. B. Hibbard, S. L. Lincoln and Hon. George Waite will be present and deliver ad­ dresses suitable to the occasion. Fill your Baskets, bring your famalies and invite your friends to help you have a day of real enjoyment. Remember tbf , date, Monday, September 7th." ONLY fl.25 the round trip to the World's Fair City Tuesday, September 8. L»™McH«irjr,8:23a-« , THE Wankegan Patriot U) SATURDAY last says: "Two of our highly respected citizens, Hon. Clark W. Upton and Mrs. Ellen Smith, were quietly married at the home of the bride, on Wednesday, Atig. 17th, Rev. James E. Odlin, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, officiatiS^* The couple are visiting in the east. EXCURSION to Chicago Tuesday, Sep­ tember 8. Round trip only fl.25. Leave Ringwood at 8:12, a. m.; McHen­ ry, 8:22; Terra Cotta, 8:34; Crystal Lake, 8:45. Reach Chicago, 10:25. Leave Wells Street Depot at 7:00 p. m. Reach home before 9:00. Tickets for sale by station agents. IT is said that a certain woman read in some paper recently that the rum habit could be cured by putting a fish-worm in a glass of gin, as it would make the man believe he had the Jim Jams. So she thought she would try it on her old man, so she put an angle-worm in his tea. Did it work? Well it worked the old man so that he smashed the tea-kettle and some other furniture, discharged the hired girl and gave his wife a great lec­ ture on neatness about cooking and then started on a week's drunk. Dm you ever pause to reflect that you are a nuisance of the first water? Do you know that the neighbor from whom you borrowed this very paper you are now reading is often greatly inconven­ ienced by you? He subscribes and pays for the paper for his own individual use and benefit; it is not done for your pleasure, education or comfort. He may not tell you so to your lace, because the the class of men who subscribe and pay for a newspaper are good, kind-hearted fellows; but they do a good deal of thinking all the same when you ask for their newspaper. Stop borrowing and subscribe for the PLAINDEALER and you will stop making a nuisance of yourself. JUST now the attention of every farmer should be called to the importance of cutting the thistles and cockle burs which grow in large numbers in many places around here. Some farmers very carefully go around their fields and cut every one off, while others allow them to go to seed, thus making next to useless the work of their industrious neighbors. The seed of the thistle is carried by the wind for miles; thus one careless farmer can undo the work of a dozen careful ones. There is a law in this State mak­ ing it an offense to allow Canada thistles to spread, and we believe this law should apply to the common thistle and other noxious weeds. It won't take long to kill them if everybody tries tQ keep them down. y • OBITUARY. Miss Ida M. Annas, died of consump­ tion at her home in Charlotte, Maine, August 3d, aged 20 years, four months, after a long illness, being confined to her room four months or more. Her msny friends here kept her bountifully supplied with fruit and beautiful flowers, and she had every care, but still she faded from us. Four years ago she went to Illinois and passed nearly two years very pleas­ antly in McHenry. She received many pleasant letter? from her friends there, which cheered her in her sickness, but she was too weak to answer them. She often talked about them and hoped to meet them again, but now it will be on the other Hide. She was a member of the Good Templars lodge, and an officer, L. A. S , in the Grange, P. of H., of Char­ lotte, Me. Charlotte, Me., Aug. 17,1891. Ninety-Fifth Reunion. The local committe applied tor, and through the courtesy of the Western Passenger Association, reduced rates have been granted for the reunion of the 95th at Marengo, September 4th, on the certificate plan from points in Illinois. The passenger must pay full fare in com­ ing, and must secure a certificate or recipt, by request, from ticket agent at time of purchase. This certificate must be signed by F. E. Cox, at the reunion, and on presentation at the ticket office, a return ticket can be obtained for one- third fare, thus making One and a third fare for the round trip. If passengers have to buy tickets over more than one line, take rcceipt from each line. Tickets will be good to return, three days after the reunion. THOSE who have not had the oppor­ tunity of seeing Sinbad, David Hender­ son's latest extravaganza, which for 12 successive weeks at the Chicago Opera House, will have but two more to witness the grandest spectacle ever pre­ sented at that theatre. Last Sunday night some changes were made in the cast, owing to the expiration of the sum­ mer engagements of some members of the company. Miss Fanny Beane, a lady whose reputation as a dancer and character woman is widely known, suc­ ceeded Fanny Daboll, in the role of Marascbina, while the characters of Nichol and the count were very cleverly taken by Dan Hart and Spencer Gracey. The 100th performance will occur on the evening of Aug. 26, on which occasion new features and songs will be introduced among a spfcialty between Edwin Foy and Fanny Beane. The concluding per­ formance will be given on Saturday night, September 12, when the American Extravaganza Company, with all its gorgeous paraphernalia, will bid. fare­ well to Chicago and depart upon a special train of seven cars to fill an en­ gagement of one week at St. Louis, after which it will go direct to California. A suggestion: If you are troubled with rheumatism or a lame back allow us to suggest that you try the following simple remedy: Take a piece of flannel the size of the two hands, saturate it with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it over the seat of pain. It will produce a pleasant warmth and relieve you of all pain. Many cases have been cured in this way. The Pain Balm can be obtained, from G. W. Besky, Druggist* 47 ^Tttisls&ich. William Woodworth, living southwest of town, \ella a strange «tory regarding a cow hems on his farm. The cow in question isJji small red Durham and pro­ duces a reulvmable quantity of milk each milking. After the milk has stood for five or six\ hours the cream may be nkimuied off ^nd turned into butter with less than ted strokes df a spoon. The cream is entirely worthless for berries or oat meal, as it is so thick that it will turn into buttirr if any at tempt is made to mix the two. The mother of this cow is also a producer of the same kind of cream and is owned by Thomas Sherk, a neighbor to Mr. Woodworth. Mr. Wood- worth and family are two well known to necessitate a voucher for their honesty and besides they have no motive in view for telling such an odd story, as the animal cannot be purchased for love or money. Doubting individuals can have their curiosity satisfied by visiting Mr. Woodworth's creameryIFa/ren header. flST'Oursis a glorious country? The saying is not spread eagle but is heavy with solid truth. Edgar L. Wakeman, whose opportunities for observation abroad give him perfect knowledge whereof he speaks, of the common re­ mark of politicians that "money has twice the purchasing power in Great Britain that it has in America," he says: "There never was a crueler political or other falsehood coined. It is absolutely true that there is not a human need, I do not say luxury, which cannot be as cheaply or more cheaply purchased in America than in England, barring the one item of habitation. The burning fact is that the lowly of 4bis country are forced to live twice or thkee as meagerly as our own toilers. Here capital has, with devilish ingenuity, as it may do with us in time if immigration be not soon wholesomely restricted, ascertained to a farthing on how little human beings who labor may be made to exist: and Britons, who 'never never will be slaves,' are slaves of the most hopeless character from the cradle to to the" grave."--E/^in Advocate. 10" If there is anything particularly inspiring on the face of the earth it must be a Chinese celebration of some remark­ able event. The denizens of South Clark street, in Chicago, were treat«?d to a sample dose on Monday, when the celes­ tial population of that city united in celebrating the advent of the first Chinese baby born in Chicago. It was the off­ spring of the merchant prince Hip Lung, the wealthiest Chinaman in the world's fair city, and as per regulations in such cases made and provided the infant was five days old when the celebration occured. Its nose was robbed, against innumerable gods, there was music of a peculiarly charming nature, and all the devils were defied in the choicest Mongo­ lian language. A grand banquet ended the ceremony and every pig tail will be present four months later to assist in shaving the youngster's head. iVThe physician ot n&tfi in Germacy is a curious character. The story of his differences with rivals durinsr the illness of the Emperor Frederick made an odd chapter, and now he is duplicating the record of hfti intelligent or unintelligent belligerency. Two or three or four of him are quarreling over what should be the proper treatment of the young Era peror with a knee-cap cracked. Among him they may cripple the Kiaser. Then behold a young man chafing, irritable, and with a new bent induced by immedi­ ate surroundings. Such is the accidental potency of the person who has passed through a medical curriculum, be he American, English or German, MF"What is in a name?" has DSSB a question sufficiently unanswered to still remain a subject for discussion, but what i* in two names should have a double interest. If you don't think so take two names as well known as any in American history and look at them. They are the names Lincoln and Hamlin, Of course there is nothing peculiar about them as they stand, but set them differently and observe the result. For instance place them this wise: H A M tiir i/iir" IJOIK'N Read up and down and then across. There is something in that, isn't there? Now, again: A B RA--HAMLIN Can you find two other names ot two other men whose official lives and .names combine as these do ? jr CIDER MILl|i I am now prepared to make your Apples into Cider on short notice. Bring along your Apples and I will guarantee to give satisfaction, A « THOS. KNOX. McHenry, Ang. 26,1891.- DONT SKIP Til For it is not an advertisement but a pointer, that when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get my prices. Highest market price paid for oats. 6 W. A. CRBTY. SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE. Saturday. Aug. 29tb, Monday, Aug. 31st. We have too many Tennis Flan­ nels. Regular price 12c to 15c. We make a uniform price on these two days to reduce stock of 7c per yard. Come in and get a Sew yards. 25c buys a shirt pattern. JOHN EVANSON A Co. Who sells goods the cheapest? He who pays no rent, hires no help, and pays cash for his goods. Call in and see his 8rices. • ieloit fine pants only^^^^..^.. f4 00 Beloit heavy mixed 2 50 Men's business suits.............. 9 50 " Cassimere suits........... 4 80 Boys'suits 4 00 Boys' two-piece suits 1" 00 Knee pants 25e, 35c, 50c, 1 00 Men's Congress Gaiters f 1.50, 1 85 Ladies' fine shoes........ 1 75 . A nice line of Groceries. Hundreds of goods at your own price. E. LAWLUS. Opposite the Riverside House. Look over the fine summer shawls, fine lace summer corsets at Evanson's. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALER A number from here took in the excursion to Lincoln Park Chicago, on Wednesday of hist week. They rej»ort a very pleasant trip. M. M. Young moved into the rooms over John Peter's store last week. James Stewart had a fine concrete side­ walk laid in front of and around his fine new residence on Main street, on Satur­ day last. John Johnston has built a new side­ walk in front ot his furniture store, and C. Koch is building one in front of his property on the same street. Mrs. Hugh Pennie and children, of Chi­ cago, were the guests of Mrs. E. A. Ford last week. Mrs. Nellie Binnie^and children, of Chi­ cago, are the guests of Mrs. E. A. Ford. Miss Laura Miller and Miss EvaKelley, Of Elgin, spent Sunday here with friends. Several from here took in the excursion to Joliet on Saturday last. C. E. Chapell and wife are spending a few days with friends in Chicago. Mrs. John Dunn and daughter, Mrs. Vic Enanlt, departed the first of this week to vi-it rrfativ^ in Nebraska. Mrs I). T. Helm and children, who have been visiting friends here the past few weeks, returned to their homes in Chicago on Friday last. 1). W. Thomas started three horses for Woodstock on Monday of this week, where they will try their speed during the county Fair. James Stehlik and wife an entertain­ ing friends from Chicago. The Doig family and some of their friends held a picnic up the river on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Sherm Chapell has been on the sick list the past week, but is how around again. J. F. Periolat, junior member of the firm of Wolf & Periolat, of Chicago, with wife and children, have been enjoying the beautiful country air and scenery of this village for a month. They return to their home in the city this week. The couple are of French descent, and the genial social qualities of Mr. Periolat, and the bright conversational abilities of his wife, have made them many friends while spending their vacation here. • Frank Stevens and wife, summer visit­ ors at the Morton House for several weeks, returned to their home in Chicago on Saturday. Frank had a good time while here and made a great record as a hunter for blackbirds. . J. Lynch, wife and children, left on Sun­ day for their home in Chicago. The younnest child of W. Weinke has been very seriously sick with cholera in­ fantum. On Friday and Saturday the child's life was despaired of, but it is now better, and bids fair to recover. narry Morton has been confined to the house for several days with influenza and its painful accompaniments, but is now much better. J. Janock's infant child died Sunday night. Dr. Nason's father and mother started for their home in Alpena, Mich., on Sat­ urday. One of the workmen, employed at the new railroad bridge, named F. Howe was injured on Sunday by the loosening of a guy rope on the derrick. No bones were broken and he will soon return to work. John Jura is on the sick list. Twenty-five railroad bridge builders and fifteen telephone men are making this village their headquarters this week.; Busiiiess NotiMs. "Worlds f'air" at ltesley's. see it. Cafi and. "V FOR SALE. A House, Barn and four Lots, in West McHenry. House in good repair and in a desirable location. Inquire at this office. FOR RENT FOR CASH RENT. A farm of 190 acres. Ninety acres un­ der cultivation. Call on or address John A. Smith, two miles east of McHenry on the Fox Lake road. 7w4 -------- FOR SALE. Three or four good brood Sows. Also 20 to 25 Pigs, about ten days old. Ap­ ply to John A. Smith, two miles east of McHenry, ou the Fox Lake road. 7w4 Shawls large and sightly, fl.25 Ladies' capes and jackets nearly half price to close. Good working pants 85c. Boys kuee pants, four years old, 25c. Velvets, plushes and dress trimmings of nearly every description just iu. Silk laces reduced. Black Vrandyke Points 4 inches wide, only 15c. Men's Congress shoes, 1.25. Everything must move. Call in. JOHN EVANSON & Co. A Mothers Gratitude.--My son was in an almost helpless condition with flux when I commenced using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy. It gave him immediate relief and I am sure it saved his life. I take great pleasure in recommending it to all. Mils. M. L. JOHNSON, Everet, Simpson Co., Miss. 25 and 50cent bottles for sale by G. W. Bestey, Druggist 51 FOR RENT. A house on the West side, suitable for a small family. Inquire at this office,. WHIPS. We have secured a bargain in whips-- 25 to 50 cents for a good one. Higher prices if you wish. JOHN EVANSON & CO. No side jerks with the Sultan on rough roads. At Bishop's warehouse. FOR SALE. Some choice lots and cottages on Pieh- taka Bay. Inquire at Bank of McHenry. The greatest reduction ever known on parasols at J. W. Cristy & Son's, Ringwood. Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros'. Cigar Store. _____ The most simple, neat and safest tug attachment yet invented found on the Sultan Road Cart ooly. At Bishop's warehouse. Do NOT forget if you want a first- class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger, McHenry. Qr if more convenient pe ean fix dates for you at this office* FOR SALE. A second band Gasolene Stove as good as new and in good repair will be sold cheap as the owner has no use for it. For further information inquire at this office. • Julia A. Story's ^Locale Do you want to remove sunburn or tan from the face without injury? If so use Malvina Cream. All kinds of soaps and washing powders at J. A. Story's. Are you ready to try "Van Houten's Cocoa"? Julia A. Story keeps it. It makes a delicious and healthful drink. Try it. Get your fly paper at Julia A. Story's., We keep both sticky and poison. The finest assortment of tooth soaps and powders ever kept in the county at Julia A. Story's. Get a hammock and be comfortable these warm dayt ^ I^ewt J^nde at Julia A. Stoiy's* %> . NICE line of Pipes, just received, at Barbian Brothers. FINE assortment of Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, at Barbian Bros. All kinds of implements, buggies and carts at Bishops. Call and learn prices. Pillsbury's Best seldom equalled never excelled. Try it only f 1.50. J. C. Fitesimmons sells Pillsbury's Best on the West Side. Call at first door north of Pmy A Owen's store for Millinery and Dress­ making. New Milinery goods at Mrs. E. W. Howe's. ^ WANTED-GOOD MILLING WHEAT. Good Milling Wheat wanted at the Fox River Valley Mills. R.' BISHOP. Ladies, Mrs. E. W. Howe wants you to call and see her new line of summer goods. First door north of Perry & Owen's store. Summer hats, ornaments and every­ thing usually found at a first class mil­ linery store can be found at Mrs. E. W. Howe's. FOR SALE. Seven .hundred and fifty fine Wool Sheep for sale, if called for soon. 50 • A. J. RAYMOND, Volo, 111. We have some extra values which we are offering, among them are our 14c, 15c and 20c Satines, which we are now selling lor 7c per yard. J. W. CRISTY & SON., Ringwood. . HOWARD STEVENS is selling *Electric Bells, Door Connections, Window Connec­ tions, etc., which he is prepared to ddiver and put on your doors and windows and guarantee satisfaction. Do not fail to examine what he has when he comes. JUST ARRIVED. Another supply of the celebrated Abbott buggies in any style you want. End Timkin, Chicago Coil and Side Spring buggies. Call in at Bishop's warehouse and make your selection before the 4th. Prices and quality guaranteed. Value received or money refunded is a rule we are always happy to stand by. J. W. CRISITY & SON, Ringwood. DON'T WHIP A SICK HORSE, M. P. Nor take Cathartic Pills when your bowels or liver are sluggish. They are whips. But try--once at least--Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. They act through the nerves. Samples free at Besley's drug store. FOR SALE Oil RENT. A good house, situated in the village of Ringwood, containing seven rooms, well, cistern, and a small garden. Also a building, 12x32, containing two rooms. Can be used for dwelling or shop. Pos­ session given at once. Apply to WESLEY LADD. Ringwood, April 20,1891 ^ sw T pl£fCT HAY PRESSING. ,*:""t *-i,r: - YOIT GA2PF 8IOP 0Sfc Mir We are going to sell the i»hnec this weck.-^IT We baye had an ID* mense trade in men's and women'* ffos wear, and this wee* received u v* ral cases new goods for the wsr n weather trade. In ladle*1 fine go< d4 we will sell all our S4.50 for $3 90; all our #4 a d $4 25 for #3 35: all our S3 50 for •2 90; all our fi.'Ji, $3 for £2 35. We have a full stock in all aizes ti.d of the best make in the world. No lady should misc thli cl aoce to buy the bdt . goods at the prite of common ones. We have several big bargains is ~ men's and hot's shoes. >" ,; Fro a our past experiei ce we know our goods cannot be braien, aid our prices sre below the aveiage. l>Of?t fail to rait sod get prices, i ]£ PERBY * OWEN* Bow about that new suit ? Am y* a ready to bu} * We are *how!tg the finest line of new and elegant tuei>*s and bo*6* Clothing to be found in this section. Styles and fits are correct. Our stock Is so large we are ture to sMlMy you in qual'v and price. Call snd wee lift. , PER&X.AOW. w^" * ' , T 1 J *• fl­ it is no trouble to find what you wast In Gents' Ties, fine Inundried whirls. Collars and Cufls, and fine Balbrlggan Underwear in our stock, we have a reputation tor keeping the besteelec*. tion and most of them. Remember the plane. 1EBRYAOWKN. Have you seen the latest^ In Gee>ts* One Hats? We can show vou the great- eet variety of shapes you hav« • ver seen In these parts. All the young men will direct yon to n« for tne la est awl bevt. FERRY * OWEN. We are displaying a choice nev -• stock of floe black Cashmere Shawls,' . ^ bought very eheap, and we can iai»-U;!'; you money on a black shew I. JEBiX-VOWSS. hen you want to paint your house our advlae Is to use the best mixed paints. We handle the best brtnCs known. Gone and flgor** Huh us o* what you want. IFe have a full line of mTx« <1 faints* white if ad, oil. turpentine, putty, glaw, pal it hruthes, Ao. Get our rani learn prices. * - PERRY <fc OWEN. V *. v - '• ¥ * • Out new 8iirtng Parasols are we are showing some real bargains in new goods We have the best Parasol ^ at 50c. sndJI.tojbg found snjwhere, fERRY * OWEN 'fil The undersigned is prepared to press hay for all who wish from now until July 1st. First come first served. Call on or nddress A. L. Hows. McHenry, June 1st, 1891. INSURE YOUR HARD-EARNED PROP­ ERTY At low rates consistent with absolute safe indemnity, with Simon Stoffel, who is agent for three sterling good compa­ nies, and has upwards of 700 risks on his books all the time. NOTICE TO HORSEMEN. If you are looking for a firstclass Road Cart, the best finished and softest spring that can be fouud, look at the Sultan cart, for sale at Bishop's Warehouse. ELCIN ACADEMY. The Academic Department gives boys and girla thorough and systemat­ ic training in the Ancient Classics, Cerman, English, the Natural Sciences, Mathematical Etc. . > And prepares students for*oy oourse in any oollege. The Manual Training Department Has everv faollltv for giving the best Instruction In all the Mechanical Arts Students are taught to draw, to pat­ tern and to construct. Pupils taking a regular course In the Academy re­ ceive the benefits of this department without exra cost. The Intermediate Department Gives personal attention and special instruction to children not sufficiently advanced for the Academic course. Tlie Normal Course Comprises all the studies necessary to obtain a First Grsd<» Certificate and several advanced studlea, at the option of the student. A Business Course Including Book-keeping, Shorthand etc. For Catalogue and Information, sd- dress A. 6. WELCH, Principal. Elglu, 111. Fa>l term opens Aug. 31,1891. Blosti d. 351 N. Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL. The Great Blood Purifier. Our« all Blood Diseases tktt *rtas (MM the tffbet of Bad Blood, A Sure ears for Cancer, Oatarrah, Piles, StAk Qeadaeha, OT*. pepsin. Whooping i ough, I&houmatlam, ON, st t pa tion, etc. BLOSSOMS, per pooad - f:<Me FLUID EXTRACT, per bottle , • I.T» SOLID EXTRACT, per poaad| ^ 8 SO Boti the Solid and Flu Id Extracts are made from the same stock of Blosaoma, Sad an» equally as good and cficaaious as Ilia Blot- towi* ,. , mB BJl* MT PBV9QM& headquarters In Flee Shoes. Our 92 ladles fine kid Is a wonder for fit snd wearing qualities. In gents* wear our stock Is complete, snd we are •ailing great quantities of then. PERRY A OWEN; W •' fete Watt ftiper we h«v* m> de some big .reductions In prices. We are selling some grades at less than half price. AH trimmed free chsrge. Now Is the time to buy. PEJtBry & OWJ3N^ .* • •- • ' -. ; • *..• •'t'- v. -Wk m'-mim fret* !mfcef? good® consisting of oakef, vanilla waf­ er*. lemon snaps, honey cskes, vaatlla fquares*. frosted cresms, ginger snaps sods, butter, oyster and the celebrate# Kenosha cracker. Our goods are sl~ •M.sslw Otun. ' RBRT * OWEK * . * T V < • ' t W« carry Chick's. Honest Abe. BISIK op's Plllsbury s Best Superlatlvo Ptoift at the lowest market prioe. *• want to Impress on tbe osisdS of all that we pay cash lor all onr goodk, which places u« In a position to buy at the lowest cash figures, tske advantage of spot cash discounts, etc. Hence can sell you the best goods st the lout* est cssh prloes and will do II. Wo always oarry a fall stoek of Drt» ed Fruits, Canned Goods and Freut Groceries of all kinds, also the finest candies In town as ar<y schoolboy will tell yon. <£§*• m a nH, f McHenry, III. | .V - : si ';'0 " j.' PERRY.* OWIN, Bankars, --' McHVNRYt " • ILLINOIS. This Bank receives deposUs. 6MM mnd setts JFbreign ana] Domestic A* change, <md does a General Banking We endeavor to do all ̂ business trusted to our ears »» a manner and upon te:ms entirety satisfactory to | Air customers mid respectfidQt softest pub&c patronage MONEY TO LOAN; Om Jleal JBntate ami otht r first ciat% security atkn*mii*ntoeaf* lections, , INbUltAKOlB in M Clast Cbwpcisies mt v.. V -v : . « - s Fostri ifiiiij)sr9ilf|> X: p|RRY a« VOTARY PURLIQ.

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