Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Sep 1891, p. 8

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i^ipjrrn'ipjprg gUjfk££Lg2j[k'-^EPHMP>"P4PP>^V» ' Tm**$up 1M iiimmiM w beat on plww ^lire, iQVatiftbly visit OHO of tJho &re&t fcitiw* <>f Ibft Weflt, if their journey is At #ti i#rok)a®»d. Nowhere else can be seen centres of enterprise and American aSK « & o IS si M ia C^eago or RanKii* ptj, and Si5:3 j*r^ *: -f>-r OF ALL KIND?, •tawipM^I o n vite lovers of ejpfratwe and beauty Louis. In going fart her into the it West" there are various routes tihe'tourist may select, but supposing the "/"'r w#t«rt. is made from Chicago the groat Starting point of western travel, no line pan be found more desirable than the ,pz • "' > "".i'hirago & Alton, the great "Three Link" v > Ifonte, and its unsurpassed connections. (:"ri.^iegant cars, courteous train men, a first * , X<tlas8 track, and every convenience that <> modern railroading employs is here ; »- jound for safety and comfort. The coun- . 1 try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of m J1 ^vbcenery--the vertible garden of the conti- s'jf - iient. Be sure and secure tickets of the ',-'•>%;;H;k-Chicago & Alton if you would have a ' Jileasant journey. |^,s ' SUDM3* DEATHS. . 'd Heart disease is by far the most fra* * ' ^uent cause of sudden death, which In j.|i' * # .illroe out of four caftes is unsuspected. %S'K >• ,, The symptoms are not generally under- Itood. These art: a habit of lying on «" ^Ihe right side, short breath, pain or dis- f%£ r •> fress in side, back or shoulder, irregular •i-Jt • ' ' ijpulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, £m4 -."i^wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough and vkjimothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book $0 ' A*°«n heart disease free at Geo. W. Besley's, *?ho sells and guarantees Dr. Miles' un- , #|tinled New Heart Cure, and his Restoiv fctivp Nervine, which cures nervousness, p . ieadiwhe, sleeplessness, effect* of drink- S It contains no opiates. MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. &' * - An important discovery. They act on #'• « »e liver, stomach and bowels through ;! ^he nerves. A new principle. They speed- g? , fiv cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, Sp/'J piles and constipation. Splendid for men !|v-v v -. Women and children. Smallest, mildest, •if - •< purest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples W. s mt Geo. W. Besley's. ELGIN ACADEMY. Ksrr :V.L: "" fhn At&itemlc DepartrtiiHii glveB ' JjoyR and girls thorough and systemst- v 1c training in the fsJ t/ r * ; S? L i ' - Ancient Classics, Cerman, «; English, the Natural Sciences, Mathematlos» Btc. * ^nd prepares slndentt for aoj coarM ^jn any college. * v vfTas every facility tor giving the best ff'u " f, ! •instruction in all the Mechanical Arts. , C Students are taught to draw, to pat- ^ ' jtern and to construct. Pupils taking S , 7 regular course in the Academy re- , , -jcelve the benefits of this department £*V, • f, ' Twithout exra cost. I; The Intermediate Department ^Gtvee personal attention and special /instruction to children not sufficiently #> ̂ advanced for the Academic course. x The Normal Course ^ ^ Comprises all the studies necessary to p;! , ?, -obtain a First Grade Certificate and ' 5 ^ Several advanced studies, at the option t;'1 ;; of the student. • • • ; A Business Course Including Book-keeping, Shorthand, . etc. For Catalogue and Information, ad f' A.C. WELCH, Frindpal. Elgin, IU , -.-k' '4!*. A woman may scW.and a v/omasi mavapri And av/omot] may vicrK all day, ButJ-whefJ S4"TA<LWf comes iiifff her hou«| Then Yanish aB troubles aviay. Do You Want H. •if CARRIAGE ? . . w ' f ,( , ~ • * *> • d .•.•••••-i-<••.:•:• Lt.r^. v" ;i-/').iir ipi" »I»I '^•"fij'i t 'J 1 i -few •V f ' . , r ^ Do You Want# j? ^ #»«• •>' '• v ROAD CART? GEO. W, BESLEY, 4'."j K# - «fy- - V y ; ; 5 ' i ' l. * ? ' ! » * , . . • iv i *,*• i' • . . *-4; >? Do Tou Want i ROAD WAGON ? k< WEST McHENRY, ILL, & POINTS. OILS, 'oilet Articles, >-"i h i ?' FXJRE » ' / r , _ _ ' WINES AND LIQUORS, n" n.i^uV, !-V'><: II;; J4i&\ ou fei^s ~ih^ •'.;:< 2$# ' 9' ig'ii*iV>, ~s-> c">r' *" • * ; S-f •i%x vr '•* k&> • \ * 4T-- ' » *11 liihiifii'tfi^WA Ill i l li •- % 0) » n -I ?! 3i YOU C A N 'T STO ,^V:TAy<:\-irr. . The People from Praising Ik* World Earned ~ . • M McCORMICK MOWERS, to know them is to hay tb«BK ^ ( ^ '*>• t i-'f -*« ui'T 4 \h . \ ' ,!.» ;•••:. ,J i i • ' M : " • ' ' v . ,V.J ^ Jr -* r -<f% ^ 'i Fmo TBiAi - - - t *' • i '.W" •; - • • V / Tells the story._ Steamboats are no good o& land, neither are Binders of much Use as bti»<ries, but in the grain field the machine of eteel is a corker. Come and dance on the Bessemer steel platform found oniy on the McCormick . You cannot faze it by leading a 1200 pound horse upon it. This cannot be done with any other Harvester made, and we al l know that the platform is suhiect tf l a . ' great many had knocks in the f ie ld. . * * r ^ ° -yJ< v. *Xt>, The new No. 4 MoCormick Steel Mower, with it« foot lift a!* ways leads the pocession. Buy one and fell in litpe. : If you d<Ht*t you're not in it as they are out of sight. A '*f * ' "N'*1 i* t FOR MEDICAL USE. can Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical user j; •f The bestbrandi ol Cigars and Smoking anil CheMlig Tobacco j always on hand. , ^ v 5 Physician's Prescriptions: Carefully Compounded. Give me a West MeHsary, nUtAte, 1st, ISM, W-BESLEV- . . f r* • . Wt. • ' t, >*• „ '• . .A-sfh • W-°" ',*• • SAVE YOU MONEY On anything in ou ̂Jpe* Thanking you tor past favors we remain , • -ferare Very Tiuljr, _ zmmi We Want You. *\ E. M. OWEN <fc SON. Come in ® m*•••' Fall term opens Aag. 31,18M. S . - ' W i ' m K JAO* n (IP * **€ - 1 -i. - r» .v'^- =»>- i %».• <-e ' Will Not Go Away Sorry for having caUed on us. AND GRAIN. | tefflm-ffis wiii J. W. CB1STY & 30N1 Bingwood, Illinois. re you {on wm mt. meaorof «2<ik roifO ftanwi aaylo B FfEEDtff IC E. J^lORGAN,HORSC.Sl* ^•n^HmiiY-nWfMKCO-ILLINQD--• s McHENRY e Factory, West MoHenry, Hi. Grain of all kinds bought and Mad. It will pay you to call and Respectfully, , f9*} W. IL CR1STY. ' 4- - • Rooord 2:20. 97 mi 3/<^mxed Will be Cor service at tH« M»a* of 'Q*orf W. Owen, McHenry, llltnoU. ABSOLUTELY Embracing tK* seefrb^ ed General Gifiord. Green Mountain & Morrill blood. Stock for Sale. Stallions and Fillies, eteod for pedigrees. Xesex and Registered ft^and China SWINE, Otfteloe Merino Sheep* MAMMOTH . iBronze Turkeys, BIOS GRADE JEK8EY CATTLE. For sale. Come sod ln- spec stock, or address J. B. Baylor & Sons, Jftst I-! vf ^ THE BEST BRANDS O f . • • • • . " 1 • " . - BINMIN® TWINE, rl ' Always,on hand and we will not b) undersold on a good quality. 7 ' i! 1 • --Piff, Abbott Buggies Just Received < If you fiiuii i ©art do^'t look at the celebrated SULTAN" ROAI> CART; Come and take a ride and be convinced. *?' ftg yk BESPECTFTLL ̂ STORY & McOMBER, Dealers in General Hardware, Stoves, Crfuiite-lrpn, Tinware, Sporting Coods, Cutl BARBED WIRE, ETC. IfK ABB MOW OFFBBIWO tO T! PUBLIC THB WONDEEFDt - "New Proeess, The Original, Evaporatifi|[ The only Genuine "New ., >Froeee$'y on the Market i ; All others are fraud*} To the Buying Public: in if • *»'. m LS, ay i *•, K y^^-gaOLUTELY PURE. *< ' Hiiw> of ten of the brands ot -Paint on tbe gmrkjit are adulterated, although aUaaim to tM» Pure. There is nothing that is a greater awtodie than adulteration in Paint. The jpajoriry will claim tlsat "a gallon is a gallon," OOnsequeiitly one brand ia as good as another! Not so.""however. If a Paint is adulterated at TERMS, $50. If payable in Cash, lialanes tontfcH from «ervicewHhout it after due at 8 per cent. rgeO." was sired by Lakeland Abdallah the fouinter of our trotting * ondiri, i.jarfykes Hambletonjan, 10. Dam of George O. »» by Autocrat, a son of George M. Pate lieu, 30, record 2:23M« 8he paoed at six yeareoll a halt mile in lKKUtf, and at 17 years a full mile In 2:27. "George O." has had very limited ad van tages in the stud, never having bred a ataa dard bied mare, but his colts aro all very speedy and sell tor long prices. . He sired a two-year-old with a raeord of 2:48. trial Ji mile in 1:22 to Boad Oart. „ „ eiosex w. owwr MtMmrv, lUhtoia. aOrue a i n le it is not less than 33 per cent., an^i COUStif-iTeuisy will do just that much less work than an AbSiiSsiuiiy Pure Paint; or, in othei WSi-ds, two ifullons of Pure Paint will cover aa much surface as tbi-ee gallons of an adulter ated Paint. THE MONARCH MIXED PAINT is ABSO- i0TKLY PUKB. We invite chemical aaalysHi Fr Sale by PERRY & OWEN «Stn F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer; Sales ol Real Estate, Stock, Farming t0!8' Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reas­ onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at» teatao®, Add V;C1 WwtMoHeaxr H. Miller & Son, -DEALEBS IN- KARBU! I GRANITE, Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Etc. Cemetery Work of every de­ scription neat]j executed at the Lowest Prices. Btfoftctitm Buuisisid. Shops at McHenry and Johns- burgh, 111, where at all times can be lound a good assortment of finished work. Respectfully, Henry Miller & Bon, Having refitted the store in Riverside Block in first class style I have opened it with a ^ mttuunuuiiumtmutiuiiansiunmiiutiiiuuiiiimtmiiiiiiHtmiiHnnmituiittfiutiutnmtmiuHiiimiim ; = Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, g HATS. CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES. Etc. § | To which 1 invite the attention of lny old friends and the public generally, confident that with good goods, reasonable prices and square dealing, call and see me. > *.*•/' A stove that light* like g*«! A stove that makes DO smoke | or PmcM! 1 A ftfc£e8toveI An economic- | -, - tove! ^ ve that'never gels oat, i .ufi^rdor!- - ( i m vc iliatrcqolrft no skill •<• . . . . rooperate I t ! A stove that pleaeee the user, satisfies tbe desfer^ ilwavs stays sold* stove that has revolutionized the vnporstove business. Call st our store ard see it before bu?ing, Tt-j QLA98 OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. | We make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin, • Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfully so- lieited. J 8TOHY & M'OMBER. ^ Vul, Atril», isnt : ' : • .• JUIIFII.: STOHX, * • *v> 4£v,u • "(One Door West of Riverside Hous%)> l •/f 1 'Vv ff . D E A L E R I N J; Hm / . *. .-j,- .. -A • r- j My stock is complete in every department and comprises oii^' » EverTtliing Usually Kept in a General Store. Call and look us over, whether you wish to buy or notil . Respectfully, J : -A '• ••' v c m*. iftS* ' •>#:, , , Sf' "/• ! 1 op » »vu. McHrnry, July I, 1891. JOHN I. STORY: Vwr-v •' <•; :"•• •-.*>- i- " • ->• -T * MEDICINES ' -f; FULL LIH B OF Sn ̂Chmiesls, Byi Stufî PaiaU, Mia tad ̂ ni. Constantly on hand. Also a large line ot Jftfppt Medicines, Toilet Articles, / / , AND COMPLETE STOCK OF----- STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, Fhysioians JPresoriptlonei Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Begietered Pbarma- otot. ToW plww to re^ctfulty solicited. ,i&:i. . '••< f v/ t 5,^-' •. , <• / fi'7 . -- ?r^> v.? . TjK.Tv 1 t&.. • /ikt' i.

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